Marketing to the masses - Lingnan University





INSTRUCTIONS: - This paper contains TWO SECTIONS, with THREE (3) questions for Part I and THREE (3) questions for Part II.

- The exam carries 100 marks, while each question carries 25 marks.

- You must answer TWO (2) out of the THREE (3) questions from Part I, and TWO (2) out of the THREE (3) questions from Part II, thus total FOUR (4) questions. Marks allocated to parts of a question are indicated in brackets.

- You are reminded of the necessity for clear and orderly presentation in your answers.

- Because this is a two hour exam for a case study, 1) you should take more or less 20 minutes to read the case carefully, understand the case information, and highlight those pieces of information that are critical for subsequent analyses; and 2) you should spend no more than 25 minutes on each on of the FOUR questions that you need to answer.

Part I. History and Macroeconomics

Short Questions: Please read the questions carefully and answer two (2) of the following three (3) questions.

Part I. History, Reforms and Society

Question 1. Recent History and the New China

1. In its recent history, China underwent trials and errors in its struggle to transform the nation from an agricultural society to a modern industrialized economy. Please describe the 1a) the Great Leap Forward in the urban sector and 1b) the organization of farming collectives (communes) as part of the central planning under the “Big Push” model and explain why these policy initiatives failed to industrialize the Chinese economy. (Total 25 marks)

Question 2. The Reforms and Patterns of Growth

2. Please describe that two policy initiatives, 2a) return to household farming in rural areas and 2a) establishment of Specific Economic Zones and Open Cities for urban industries, that Chinese government took, after 1978, to reform the economy AND explain its difference from previous practices and how they helped to reform the economy. (Total 25 marks)

Question 3. Institutions and its Rural-Urban Divide

3. Please give TWO (2) indicators of the rural-urban divide caused by government policies to show the disadvantages of the rural sectors and to highlight their influence on the rural-urban disparity and the development of the rural economy and society. (Total 25 marks)

Part II. Industries and Market Environment

Questions: Please read the above case and the following questions carefully and answer Two (2) out of the following Three (3) questions.

Question 4. Industries and Urban Economies

4) Please name and define each of current THREE (3) major types of ownership among urban businesses, discuss the extent of access to government support and resources AND also explain how you would classify the Town and Village Enterprises (TVEs) (Total 25 marks)

Question 5. Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Finance

5) Please explain what are the “equity joint venture” and “wholly foreign owned” as a form of foreign direct investment, the advantages and disadvantage of each mode, AND the change of predominant form over time (Total 25 marks)

Question 6. Market and Environment

6 Please use Engel’s index to explain the change in the consumption patterns of Chinese

consumers and use the Gini coefficient to explain the income disparity and divergent

consumption and lifestyles. (Total 25 marks)


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