Nona’s Homemade – Marketing Project – C Block Marketing …

Marketing Plan for Hingham Downtown Business (2013)

Grade Breakdown:

|Individual Effort/Contribution |Team Report |Team Presentation |

|20% |50% |30% |

Individual Effort/Contribution:

| |Unacceptable-0 |Needs Improvement-7 |Proficient-8.5 |Exemplary-10 |

|Demonstrate|Poor behavior. Disruptive to other|Classroom behavior needs to be |Classroom behavior was acceptable.|Classroom behavior was superior, |

|s Respect |students. Lack of respect is |improved. Needs to act in a more |Acts respectful in the classroom |professional, and a model of how the |

|for Others |demonstrated in the classroom. |respectful way in the classroom. |on most occasions. |teacher would like students to |

| |Comments show a lack of respect |Needs to continually be spoken to | |behave. Demonstrates self-respect and|

| |and courtesy |regarding behavior or attitude. | |respect for others at all times. |

| | |Demonstrates inability to pay | | |

| | |attention when others are speaking. | | |

|Works Indep|Unable or unwillingly to work |Needs improvement in the area of |Works independently or |Works independently or cooperatively |

|and Coop |independently or cooperatively |working independently or |cooperatively with others most of |with others all of the time. Able to |

| |with others. Unable to stay on |cooperatively with others. Able to |the time. Able to accomplish most |accomplish all assigned tasks. Stays|

| |task. . Inattentive and not |accomplish few assigned tasks. Has a |assigned tasks. Stays on task |on task all of the time. Engaged and |

| |involved during a majority of the |difficult time staying on task. Often|most of the time. Attentive on |a productive member of class. Always |

| |project. |inattentive and not involved with |most occasions. |involved and attentive with team. |

| | |team. | | |

| | | | | |

Team Report:

| |Unacceptable-0 |Needs Improvement-17.5 |Proficient-21.25 |Exemplary-25 |

|Write |Writing is disorganized. Grammar, |Writing could be more clear and |Clear and organized writing. |Clear and organized writing. No |

|effectively|spelling, punctuation or |organized. Many grammar, spelling, |Few grammar, spelling, |grammar, spelling, punctuation or |

| |capitalization errors are |punctuation or capitalization errors.|punctuation or capitalization |capitalization errors. Demonstrates |

| |unacceptable. Did not proofread. |Needs to improve editing skills. Word|errors. Demonstrates acceptable|extremely careful editing. Demonstrates|

| | |selection, word choice and sentence |editing. Demonstrates good word|excellent word selection, varied word |

| | |structure could be improved. |selection, varied word choice |choice and varied sentence structure. |

| | | |and varied sentence structure. |*Professional look |

|Content/ |Student did not communicate |The communication of ideas and |The communication of ideas and |The communication of ideas and |

|Communicate|effectively in writing or orally |information within the project are |information within the project |information within the project are |

|effectively|throughout the duration of this |not very clear and misunderstood by |are somewhat clear and |clear and easily understood by the |

| |project. Final product |the audience. Communicates an unclear|understood by the audience. |audience. Communicates a clear message |

| |demonstrates an unacceptable |message to a specific audience. |Communicates a somewhat clear |to a specific audience. (through report|

| |ability to communicate | |message to a specific audience.|) |

| |effectively. |Few details (owner not likely to | | |

| | |implement ideas) | |Excellent details (owner more likely to|

| | | |Some details. Could have |implement) |

| | | |explained in more depth. | |

| | | | |Use of marketing terminology |

| | | | |demonstrates the ability to apply |

| | | | |marketing concepts to real business. |

Team Presentation:

| |Unacceptable-0 |Needs Improvement-21 |Proficient-25.5 |Exemplary-30 |

|Communicate|Final product |Team was not prepared to present & it was |Presentation was acceptable. Some |Excellent presentation. Members knew |

|effectively|demonstrates an |obvious that it hadn’t practiced. Many |parts of presentation could have |what they were talking about. |

| |unacceptable ability to|parts of presentation could have been |been improved in areas of |Persuasive with excellent voice volume,|

| |communicate |improved in areas of presenting information|presenting information (i.e. |clarity. Presentation was organized, |

| |effectively. |(i.e. reading) or through use of |reading) or through use of |rehearsed & used technology |

| | |technology. Duration between 5-10+ min. |technology. Duration between 5-10+ |effectively. Duration between 5-10+ |

| | | |min |min. |


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