Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management Curriculum

Reality Television Show Assignment – 200 Points

Individually, you are to design and develop a new reality television show. You will also sell your idea in a persuasive manner to the rest of the class. So you really have two tasks ahead of you – each having their own marketing aspects.

• Design & develop the show - (must appeal to the audience)

o Must indicate the target market for your show

o Must indicate the compelling reason(s) why your target market would watch it, get others to watch it and watch it religiously each week

• Present show to a network (Mr. George and rest of class) – in a persuasive manner to encourage a network to carry the show

This is required:

• Use PowerPoint (as visual aid) to structure your presentation

• The only text that you can have on your slides will be in the slide titles (this ensures that you can’t read directly off of your slides)

• Use the overhead projector with cordless mouse within the presentation

| | | | |Points |

|Task |0 - Beginning |60 - Developing |80 - Focused |100 - Exemplary | |

|Reality Show |Weak program details. Audience |Few program details. Many |Some program details. Some |Excellent program details. Well|100 |

|Details |is not able to visualize the |areas of show could have been|areas could have been more |thought out. Audience is able | |

| |show. Does not include a |more developed. Audience is |thought out. Audience is able |to visualize the show. Includes| |

| |specific target market or |not able to visualize the |to visualize the show. Includes|a specific target market and | |

| |compelling reasons to view the |show. Specific target market |a broad/general target market |compelling reasons to view the | |

| |show. |and compelling reasons to |and compelling reasons to view |show. | |

| | |view the show are weak. |the show could have been more | | |

| | | |developed. | | |

|Actual presentation|Poor communication of |Communicated few aspects of |Communicated some aspects of |Clearly communicated all |100 |

| |presentation. Enthusiasm and |presentation to class. Little|presentation to class. |aspects of presentation to | |

| |interest level was absent from |enthusiasm during the |Displayed some enthusiasm |class. Displayed enthusiasm | |

| |presenters. Maintained |presentation. Uunacceptable |during the presentation. |during the presentation. | |

| |unacceptable level of eye |level of eye contact and |Maintained acceptable level of |Maintained exemplary eye | |

| |contact and voice volume. |voice volume. Presentation |eye contact and voice volume. |contact and voice volume. | |

| |Presentation was not |needed to be more persuasive.|Presentation was fairly |Presentation was very | |

| |persuasive. NBC would have |NBC would probably be |persuasive. NBC maybe |persuasive. NBC would | |

| |kicked you out of their office |interested in this game. |interested in this game. |definitely want this game. | |

| |during the presentation. | | | | |

|Total | | | | |200 |


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