Business Law


Article Summary Assignment

1. Use the Internet to find two news articles that relate to ETHICS (note that these should be current events, not an advertisement or simple website)

2. Print both articles

3. Type a summary

➢ Be sure to summarize each article (in enough detail that I will understand the article without having to read the entire thing)

➢ Relate “The Greater Good for the Greater Number Rule” to one of the articles

➢ Relate “The Golden Rule” to the other article (tell me how it was applied, or how the outcome would have been different if it had been applied)

4. Save the summary onto your drive as “Ethics in the News”

5. Print the summary

6. Staple the article printouts to your summary

7. Turn it in (with your name on it) for a grade


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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