Singidunum University

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ECONOMICS |

|Teacher: Goranka Knežević, Sanja Filipović |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The goal is to familiarise students with the basics of microeconomics and macroeconomics. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Upon completing the course, students will have developed analytical and practical way of thinking by understanding economic terms, categories, |

|quantities, and their mutual relations. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Economics as a science; Basic economic principles and models; Offer and demand; Notion and application of elasticity; Market Imperfection; Income, |

|expenses, profit; Company behaviour on the market; Financial system and crises; Business cycles – economic growth, inflation, unemployment; |

|Macroeconomic models; Monetary and fiscal system; Economics of open economy - balance of payments and exchange rate; Challenges of global economic |

|development |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|A retrospective look at economic schools and trends; Application of economic principles and models. Offer and demand analysis; Elasticity coefficient |

|calculation; Problem of public goods and externalities; Analysis of expenses; Analysis of profit depending on the market type – perfect competition, |

|monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition; Banks and financial markets; Analysis of basic macroeconomic indicators; Monetary and fiscal policy; |

|Balance of payments analysis; Types of exchange rates; Analysis of contemporary economic problems. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Gregory, N. M., Taylor, M. P. Ekonomija, Datastatus, 2008. |

|Samuelson, P. A., Nordhaus, W. D.A. Ekonomija, Mate Zagreb, 2011. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|lectures, practical classes, project assignment, case study |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Psychology |

|Teacher: Gordana Nikić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of the course is to introduce students to basic concepts in psychology and to acquire knowledge about basic laws governing human |

|behavior. This course is designed to provide students with basic psychology knowledge in order to understand its application in specific areas of human|

|activity, especially in the work environment. The course aims at mastering basic skills through interactive teaching in order to prepare students for |

|working in the conditions of modern business. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|The student will be able to understand and apply basic knowledge of psychology in understanding and explaining human behavior, as well as basic skills,|

|the legality of individuals' behavior in the work environment, and the individual aspect of the role of an individual as an employee in the |

|organization. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

| |

|Historical roots of psychology; Psychology as a science: laic concepts and scientific psychology; Areas of Contemporary Psychology; Basic cognitive |

|processes - sensation and perception; Learning and basic forms of learning; Thinking, remembering and forgetting; Intelligence and types of |

|intelligence; Emotions and the development of emotions; Motivation and Motivational Processes, Theories of Personality and Personality Trades; |

|Conflicts in the business environment and their resolution; Basic questions of leadership in modern business, The importance of emotional intelligence |

|in team work; Aggressive behavior; Attitudes and prejudices. |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Creating project tasks through team work. Presentation, discussion, development of critical and creative thinking, practicing academic writing with the|

|skill of presenting academic papers, acquiring interpersonal skills, assertiveness, business communication and team work. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|B. Kordić, L.Babić (2014). Uvod u psihologiju. Centar za primenjenu psihologiju, Beograd. |

|Trebješanin, Dragojević, Hanak, (2015). Uvod u opštu psihologiju. Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Univerzitet Beograd. |

|Fajgelj, S. (2012). Uvod u psihologiju. Beograd: Centar za primenjenu psihologiju. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory:3 |Practice: 1 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|lectures, practice, seminar and project paper, case analysis, simulation, interactive discussion, midterms, written exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Slobodan Čerović |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Students are supposed to acquire knowledge of economics in tourism in the world and at regional locations, the importance of tourism and its |

|contribution to economic development. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Through theoretical knowledge and practical assignments, students are supposed to take the final exam by analysing tourist movements in the world and |

|in Serbia, the contribution of tourism development to GDP, employment, investment, export. They should also analyse and organise the work of tourism |

|organisations, lead promotion and propaganda on their own. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

| |

|Defining tourism and the notion of tourist, social, economic, and political importance of tourism, regional distribution of tourist movements, |

|perspectives of tourism development, organisational forms in tourism, processes of integration in tourism, tourist market research, marketing mix in |

|tourism, politics of propaganda and promotion in tourism, institutional forms of tourism organisation in some countries, measures for improving tourism|

|policy and tourism development, tourism in Serbia |

| |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Analysis of tourist movements in the world, tourism multiplier calculation, analysis of regional distribution of tourism, examples of supporting |

|measures for tourism development, examples of tourism development strategies, examples of promotional and propagandist activities. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Charles R., Goeldner J.R., Ritchie B., Tourism – Principles, Practices, Philosophies, John Wiley and Sons inc., New Jersey 2012. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 1 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|lectures, practical classes, practical assignment, term paper |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |5 |Written part | |

|Practice |5 |Oral part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1 |

|Teacher: Ivana Đerić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|English Language 1 is a general English language course that systematically covers all basic language structures and skills through a wide range of |

|relevant and thematic material. The goal of the course is to improve speaking skills and achieve accuracy of expression in various situations and in |

|the context of different topics (equalising the abilities at the B2 level of |

|The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to easily and independently understand and use the spoken and written language – by utilising correct grammatical structures at the |

|B2 level. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammatical units |

|Present Simple and Continuous, Stative verbs, Articles, Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Progressive, Countable and uncountable nouns; |

|Quantifiers, Past Simple and Past Progressive, Used to, Would, Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Progressive, Would, was/were going to, Future |

|forms, Time clauses, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Word building: adjective suffixes, noun suffixes; Colour idioms, verbs starting with re-, Sports idioms, Phrasal verbs related to travel, Compound |

|adjectives describing character traits, Idioms with parts of the body, Compound adjectives describing character traits, idioms with parts of the body, |

|phrases and collocations related to education and learning; Listening for specific information; Writing a story, a report, a semi-formal letter |

|expressing an opinion and an article; Speaking: Speculating and making a decision, Comparing photographs and expressing preference and opinion, |

|Creating and narrating a story; ESP: Types of holiday, Types of tourism, Holiday mishaps and disasters, Airline terminology, At the airport, On the |

|road, On the water. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Pioneer B2, Student’s Book, Mitchell, H. Q. & Malkogianni, M. MM Publications, 2015. |

|Pioneer B2, Workbook, Mitchell, H. Q. & Malkogianni, M. MM Publications, 2015. |

|Pioneer B2, Class Audio CD and Video DVD |

|Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use (Book with answers and Interactive ebook), CUP, 2015. |

|Wyatt, R. Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and Tourism, A & C Black, London, 2007. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral |

|parts of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Quantitative Methods |

|Teacher: Biljana Radičić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Acquiring basic terms and definitions in mathematical analysis for functions of one and two independent variables, acquiring matrix, differential and |

|integral calculations, basic concepts of probability and statistics in order to understand economic activities more easily, as well as in order to |

|follow and predict them. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students will be enabled to solve tasks regarding the implementation of mathematical models in economic theory and practice. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Matrix calculations and their implementation. The elements of financial mathematics. Main elements of differential calculations and their |

|implementation. Integral calculations and their implementation. Basics of economic function. Basic terms in statistics. Elements of theory and |

|probability. |

| |

|Practice |

|Matrix operations and setting inverse matrix. Percentage calculations and simple interest calculation. Defining first order and higher order |

|derivatives. Examining functions of monotony and concavity. Implementation of differential and integral calculations in some economic functions. |

|Statistical analysis. Defining probability of certain events. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|М. Жижовић, О. Николић, И. Ковачевић, Квантитативне методе са збирком задатака, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд 2017. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Lectures, practice, midterms, electronic test, oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Test 1 |30 | | |

|Mid-term Exams/ Test 2 |30 | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Angelina Njegus |

|Course Status: compulsory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Introducing students to the basics of information technologies, hardware and software in the latest computer systems, as well as to the networking |

|phenomenon, internet technologies, computer security. The main goal is to master the skills of use of computers, operating systems, office - word |

|processor, excel, and power point presentations, as well as basic internet services. Enabling students to successfully implement information |

|technologies in any aspect of tourism. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are enabled to use word processing software, calculation software, and to make a presentation. Also, student is to understand the basics of |

|computer, hardware and software development trends, basics of data basis and information systems, system security measures, as well as basic of |

|telecommunication, internet services, and technologies. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Computer types and development; hardware components; computer system peripherals; software; information systems; office systems; graphics; digital |

|media and multimedia; data basis; computer networks and basics of telecommunication; internet services and technologies; information systems security; |

|E-business. |

| |

|Practice |

|Introduction to operating systems; text editing; table calculations; making presentations. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Стојменовић, М., Веиновић, М., Марковић, Д. Информатика, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2018. |

|Група аутора, ECDL, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2017. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 3 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 1 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Lectures, lab practice, term and project papers, case study, simulation, interactive discussion, problem solving, mid-terms, oral exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Accounting |

|Teacher: Goranka, Knežević, Vule Mizdraković |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of the course is to introduce students with the basics of the accounting methodology, goals and tasks of accounting, as well as the basic|

|results of the accounting procedure and the compilation and content of financial statements. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|The outcome of the course is to enable students to use basic accounting instruments in business management of companies in the field of tourism, |

|hospitality and restorations. Upon the completion of the course, students will be able to record business changes and prepare financial statements, as |

|well as to understand the opportunities and problems that challenge the management of hotels, restaurants and tourist organizations in the use of |

|accounting information. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Accounting information, information quality, goals and users of accounting information; Subject of accounting, accounting principles, financial |

|reports; The principles of accounting, bookkeeping changes over successive balance; Chart frame, bookkeeping account and journal; Legal and |

|professional regulations in accounting in the Republic of Serbia, Accounting for inventories and working capital, material costs; Depreciation costs, |

|wage costs and other expenses; Conclusion of business books and Methods of determining results. |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Recording business changes in written and electronic records in the field of: Acquisition of capital and long-term liabilities; Procurement of fixed |

|and working capital; Calculation of earnings, Recording of income and expenses, Depreciation calculation and Recording of the purchase and sale of |

|goods. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Petrović, Z., Vićentijević, K. i Stanišić, N. (2018) Računovodstvo. Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory:2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|lectures, practice, seminar and project paper, analysis and resolution of case studies, interactive discussion, midterms |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 | | |

|Practice | |Oral Part /Written part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ARABIC LANGUAGE 1 |

|Teacher: Snežana Pešić |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course aims at introducing students with the basics pertaining to the culture of the Arabic world, as well as the fundamentals of the Arabic |

|language – paying specifi attention to the language alphabet. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students are capable of communicationg in the target language at the beginner level (A1), as well as to understand the socio-cultural context in which |

|the language is placed. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Alphabet, Consonants, Vowels, Vowels – Basics, Tense System, Nouns, Gender, Declension, Nomina triptota, Nomina diptotа |

|Lexical Units |

|Semitic Languages and Classification, Language varieties, Introducing yourself, Language of Everyday language scenarios |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Mitrović, A., Arapski jezik 1, Beograd, 1999. |

|Muftić, T., Gramatika arapskog jezika, Sarajevo, 1998. |

|Schulz, E. Modern Standard Arabic. CUP, 2005. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Chinese Language 1 |

|Teacher: Biljana Simić Veličković |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective is to acquaint students with the basic units of communication, grammar and lexicology, firstly by the sign system, and its |

|cultural framework with the aim of adopting all language skills at level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|This course should enable students to communicate acively in everyday situations and to express their needs both in oral and written communication at |

|level A1. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar units |

|Hanyu Pinyin (Chinese Phonetic system; Phonetic exercises), Ni xuexi shenme? (Possessive pronouns; tone changes), Zhe ge dongxi Hanyu zenme shuo? |

|(Situational dialogue in a store: numbers; classifiers; characters), Nin Gui Xing (Tone changes of negation „bu“; simple sentence structure type 1; |

|questions; advers + verb), Renshi Ni Hen Gaoxing! (Simple sentence structure type 2), Renshi Ni Hen Gaoxing! (Phonetic exercises; subject+attribute), |

|Ni Jia You Ji Kou Ren? (Tone changes of number „yi“; classifiers; verbs) |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Jintian xingqi ji? Jintian ji hao? (Days of the week, dates, characters, conversation and phonetic exercises ), Zhe ge dongxi Hanyu zenme shuo? |

|(Situational dialogue in a store), Nin Gui Xing (Introduction and conversation at a more advanced level) |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Textbook, Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Exercise Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Character Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

| |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, term papers, tests, mid-terms, |

|written and oral part of the exam. |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: FRENCH LANGUAGE 1 |

|Teacher: Neda Maenza |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: - |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the French Language 1 course is to get students acquainted with the basic communicative, grammatical and lexical units |

|in order to enable them to acquire all language skills in the use of the French language at A1 level, in accordance with the Common |

|European Reference framework for Living Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to independently and freely participate in a variety of everyday communication situations in French, to communicate |

|both through speech and writing expressing their needs in their daily environment at A1 level. |

|Course Content: |

|Parties de la grammaire |

|Introduction à la langue française. Alphabet français. Sons français. Prononciation Verbes auxiliaires avoir et être. Noms et adjectifs |

|- masculin et féminin, singulier et pluriel. Accord des noms et adjectifs. Interrogation et négation. Nombres de 0 à 1000. Présent des |

|verbes réguliers du 1er groupe. Article défini et indéfini. Mots d'interrogation. Présent des verbes irréguliers: lire, écrire, prendre,|

|connaître. Prépositions + villes /pays. Présent des verbes irréguliers pouvoir, vouloir, savoir, devoir, faire, aller, venir. |

|Prépositions à et de. Pronoms personnels après une proposition (pronoms personnels toniques). Futur proche. Article contracté. Passé |

|composé. Comparaison des adjectifs. Démonstratifs. Possessifs. Verbes mettre, boire et servir. Article partitif. De-partitif. Expression|

|de la quantité. |

|Parties du lexique/vocabulaire |

|Comment se saluer et se présenter. Présenter quelqu'un. Parler de ses intérêts et de ses goûts. Parlez des loisirs et des activités. |

|Organiser et planifier une réunion. Proposer-accepter-refuser. Écrire des cartes postales, des invitations, des e-mails courts. |

|Présenter votre pays. Jours de la semaine, mois, saisons. Exprimer l'heure et la date. Activités quotidiennes. Voyages. Moyens de |

|transports. Terminologie touristique. Présenter les avantages et les inconvénients de certaines activités. Situations diverses: à la |

|gare, à l'aéroport, à l'hôtel. Nourriture et repas. Comprendre un menu. Parler d’un repas. Parlez des habitudes alimentaires. Nourriture|

|(fruits, légumes, viande, poisson, produits laitiers, boissons). Conversation au restaurant. Présentation d'un restaurant. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: |

|1. Girardet J, Pécheur J, Echo 1, CLE International, Paris, 2008 |

|2. Нешић М, Топаловић Радман А, Граматика француског језика, Дата Статус, 2012 |

|Active Teaching hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written|

|and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Oral Exam |30 |

|Practice | | | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: German Language 1 |

|Teacher: Katarina Milosavljević Nasradin |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The course objective is to acquire skills necessary to achieve the A1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The|

|emphasis is put on equal development of all four skills: oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression. |

|Course Outcomes |

|This course should enable students to communicate on the basic level, to exchange information in everyday situations and to express their needs. Upon |

|the completed level A1 students are able to: introduce themselves and others, describe current activities, daily duties and habits, explain what type |

|of food and beverage they prefer, invite someone to an event (for example, theater, cinema, match, birthday), describe their family. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammatik: |

| |

|Verben sein und haben. Präsens- regelmäßige Verben. Personalpronomen. Wortstellung im Satz. Fragestellung. Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel im |

|Nominativ. Trennbare Verben. Negation. Präsens- unregelmäßige Verben. Zusammensetzungen. Präsens- Verben mit trennbaren Präfixen. Bestimmter und |

|unbestimmter Artikel im Nominativ und Akkusativ. Plural von deutschen Nomen. Negativartikel im Akkusativ. Modalverben. Possessivpronomen. |

|Ordinalzahlen. Präteritum von sein und haben. |

| |

|Wortschatz: |

| |

|Alphabet und Leseregeln. Begrüßung und Verabschiedung. Vorstellung. Namen aufschreiben. Personalangaben. Zahlen bis Million. Gegenstände. Anzeigen. |

|Kauf und Verkauf von Waren. Uhrzeit. Hobbys und Ferizeitaktivitäten. Wochentage. Alltag. Tagesaktivitäten. Essgewohnheiten. Lebensmittel und Getränke. |

|Im Restaurant. Meine Familie. Jahreszeiten und Monate. Geburtstag feiern. Einladungsschreiben. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Köker, C. Lemke, L. Rohrmann, T.Schering: Berliner Platz 1 neu, Langenscheidt, Berlin, 2010. (student book and workbook) |

|Dreyer/Schmitt: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, tests, mid-terms, written and oral |

|part of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ITALIAN LANGUAGE 1 |

|Teacher: Darija Lunić |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: - |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the course Italian Language 1 is to develop all four language skills through interactive teaching, with emphasis on |

|communication skills, in accordance with the criteria of the Common European Framework with the aim of achieving A1 level of language |

|learning, as well as to get students acquainted with the basics of Italian culture and civilization through a communicative approach. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are enabled and prepared to understand and use basic terms and phrases in Italian, in accordance with the beginner’s level A1 of|

|language knowledge, i.e. the basic form of communicating, describing a person or an event, both orally and in a short written form. At |

|the same time, students are conversant with the basics of Italian culture and civilization, with emphasis on Italian art and literature, |

|as well as Italian cuisine, customs and lifestyle. |

|Course Content: |

|Elementi grammaticali |

|Alfabeto,verbi ESSERE e AVERE, sostantivi e aggettivi, Presente indicativo, Articoli determinativi e indeterminativi,il verbo Piacere, |

|verbi modali, verbi irregolari, preposizioni articolate, verbi riflessivi, Avverbi di frequenza |

|Elementi lessicali |

|Presenatrsi, Presentare qualcuno, La famiglia, Professioni e luoghi, Esprimere gusti e preferenze, Numeri, Chiedere il permesso, Il bar –|

|cibi e bevande, Chiedere e dare informazioni stradali, Descrivere una casa – collocare nello spazio, Prenotare una camera d’albergo, |

|Descrivere azioni abituali al presente. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: |

|Matteo La Grassa: L’italiano all’universita, A1-A2, Edilingua 2013 (Student’s Book, Workbook,CD) |

|Marcello Sensini: Grammatica italiana, Arnoldo Monadadori, 2010 |

|Active Teaching hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written |

|and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 | | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 |.......... | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Russian Language 1 |

|Teacher: Miloš Pupavac |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|Russian language 1 represents a course in Russian language and culture at the initial A1 level, according to the Common European |

|Framework for Languages, during which systematic work is done on all language skills and the constant replacement of communicative and |

|grammatical elements. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Training students to understand and use expressions in everyday social situations and relations, understanding the basic context of read |

|text or conversation, and writing compositions, notes and descriptions in a simple form |

|Course Content |

| |

|Грамматика: |

|Звуки русского языка; Русская азбука; Глаголы (Вид глагола; Переходные и непереходные глаголы); Прошедшее время; Настоящее время; |

|Основные глаголы движения; Простое и сложное будущее время; Прилагательные в именительном падеже; Сравнение прилагательных; Падежи; |

|Склонение существительных. |

|Лексика: |

|Приветствие и знакомство; Фразы и лексика по теме «В городе»; Фразы и лексика по теме «В магазине»; Имена числительные; Выражение |

|времени (часы и минуты); Даты в русском языке; Фразы и лексика по теме «Одежда и обувь»; Фразы и лексика по теме «Еда и напитки» ; Фразы |

|и лексика по теме «Бронирование номера в гостинице». |

| |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Миллер Л. В., Политова Л.В., Рыбакова И. Я., Жили-были...28 уроков русского языка для начинающих, Златоуст, Санкт Петербург, 2014. |

|Marojević R., Gramatika ruskog jezika, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2013. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory:4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|lectures, practice, tests, written and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: SPANISH LANGUAGE 1 |

|Teacher: Maja Veljković Michos |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course aims at introducing students with the basics pertaining to the culture of the Spanish-speaking world, as well as the |

|fundamentals of the Spanish language – paying specific attention to the communicative functions of the language. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students are capable of communicationg in the target language at the beginner level (A1), as well as to understand the socio-cultural |

|context in which the language is placed. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|pronombres personales, El género y número de los sustantivos; Los adjetivos; El presente regular e irregular; Los demostrativos; Los |

|posesivos; Hay-Estar; Los artículos definidos e indefinidos; El verbo gustar; Ir+a+infinitivo, pensar+infinitivo, |

|querer+infinitivoLexical Units |

|personales; Números; Profesiones; Descripción física y de carácter; La familia; Los alimentos y los platos típicos españoles; De viaje; |

|Alojamiento y transportes; En la ciudad; Actividades cotidianas; Fechas, horas, estaciones del año; Hacer planes |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Aragón, Gili, Barquero: Pasaporte Compilado , Nivel Inicial (A1+A2), Madrid, Edelsa (Уџбеник, радна свеска+CD) |

|Gramática básica del estudiante de español (Nueva edición) А1-B1, Barcelona, Editorial Difusión, 2011 |

|Gramática Elemental A1-A2 Madrid, Anaya ELE, 2016. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Management |

|Teacher: Jelena Đorđević Boljanović |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Enabling students to understand the concept of management and the evolution of the theory of management; to meet main trends in the management of the |

|21st century; to understand all points related to management (planning, organization, leadership and control); to meet the process of management by |

|working on case studies and to realize the significance of the process of management in enterprises. |

|Course Outcomes |

|This course should enable students to apply acquired knowledge of management in solving real business problems and challenges, to understand and apply |

|theoretical concepts of management and actively take part in their work environment. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Introduction to management; Management and managers; Ethics and social responsibility. Management evolution theory; Communication; Planning; Decision |

|making; Innovation and change; Organizing; Human resource management; Team management; Motivation; Leadership; Control. |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Managerial skills; SWOT and PEST analysis; Rational model of decision making; Porter's Five Forces model; Development of analytical skills by solving |

|case studies and studying different types of organizations; Applying knowledge of management (e.g. motivation, leadership, conflict resolution) in |

|improving managerial processes and practice; Delegation skills; Development of teamwork skills; Development of communication skills, including |

|presentation skills. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Williams, C., Принципи менаџмента, Дата статус, Београд, 2011. |

|Robbins S., Coulter M.., Мanagement 14th Edition, Pearson, 2017. |

| |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Lectures, practice, project assignment, case study |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Jelena Gajić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of this course is to introduce students to categorical apparatus of marketing implementation in business and tourism industry. |

|Understanding of marketing in tourism and hospitality as an activity, concept, science and skill. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Enabling students to understand specific characteristics of business in tourism industry and in tourism destinations, as well as enabling them to be |

|ready to manage different levels in a company (from operating and middle management to strategic and leadership levels) and to make rational decisions |

|with a positive outcome regarding profitability of tourism enterprises, tourism destinations, and natural and social environment. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Marketing as tourism concept of business. Implementation of marketing in service departments. Implementation of marketing in tourism and hospitality. |

|Digital marketing in tourism and hospitality. Marketing environment , maketing information systems in tourism and hospitality. Strategic approach to |

|achieving goals of business in tourism and hospitality. Defining marketing strategy and marketing mix. Creating values- tourism product and price as |

|marketing instruments. Presentation of values- promotion (marketing communication) as a marketing instrument. Delivery of value- sales channels as a |

|marketing instrument. Specific aspects of marketing usage in tourism and hospitality. |

|Practice |

|Analysis of practical examples- implementation of marketing for tourism destinations and itineraries, hotel enterprises, transport enterprises. Market |

|implementation: achieving goals of business in tourism and goals of society. Market and marketing research. Defining the key markets and segmentations.|

|Marketing plan. Defining policies and strategies: product, price, sales channels, promotion. Implementation of marketing in social networks. Creating |

|webpages on social networks- promotion in tourism. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Hudson, S., Hudson, L., Marketing for Tourism, Hospitality & Events: A Global & Digital Approach, Sage Publications, Ltd, London, 2017. |

|Kotler, Philip & Bowen, John & Makens, James & Baloglu, Seyhmus. (2017). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism., Pearson Education, Boston,|

|2017. |

|Mark Anthony Camilleri, Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product, Springer, Cham, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49849-2 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Lectures, practice, seminar papers and project paper, case study, interactive discussion, midterms, written exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Sofija Petković |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|This course gives students the opportunity to become acquainted with the concept, principles and maxims of sustainable development of cultural tourism,|

|along with usable manners and models of cooperativeness development in existing legal frameworks. |

|Course Outcomes |

|After completing this course, students will be able to define and differentiate the following terms: cultural resources, natural resources, cultural |

|goods/ monuments and cultural attraction, as well as to define legal framework of cultural resources management and factors of cultural resources |

|management. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Term and definition of culture; Dynamic concept of culture and cultural confrontation; Cultural resources and their division; Material and immaterial |

|cultural goods in tourism; Relations of natural and cultural resources in tourism, Characteristics of marketing in cultural tourism; Commercial success|

|of cultural attractions. |

| |

|Practice |

|Practical usage of principles for cultural heritage management and sustainable commercial exploitation of cultural resources for creating tourism |

|attractions; Analysis and comparison of cultural resources; Forms and manners of transformation and modification of cultural resources into tourism |

|attraction; Successful modification of cultural resources for tourists’ needs. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|James, P., L. Magee, A. Scerry, M. Steger, Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability . Routledge: London – New York |

|2015; |

|Richards, G. Cultural Tourism: A review of recent research and trends, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume 36, September 2018, 12-21.|

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Lectures, interactive discussion and practice, seminar paper, case study, discussion. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Slobodan Čerović |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|A detailed study of the Human Resources Management System and their potentials in the hospitality process. Apart from planning, recruitment, selection |

|and development of Human Resources, emphasis is placed on management activities related to rewarding, motivating, career management and protection of |

|employees' health and safety. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Ability to independently work on analyzing, organizing, setting, maintaining and improving Human Resources Management System in the hotel industry. |

|Course Content |

|Theory |

|Introductory remarks on Human Resources role, Human Resources management concepts, Importance and objectives of Human Resources Management, |

|Communication process as the basis of Human Resources Management, Human Resources elements and activities, Organizational culture and business climate,|

|Strategic Human Resources Management, Employment - content , analysis and job specification, Recruitment, selection and socialization of Human |

|Resources, Performance assessment, motivation and rewarding of employees, Motivation of employees, Motivation theories, Payroll system, Organization of|

|Human Resources function, Leadership and The role of leaders in management. |

|Practice |

|How to create a CV, creating tests and questionnaires for interviews, tasks related to the system of earnings and motivation, practical examples of |

|rewarding and punishing, initiating disciplinary proceedings. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Черовић, С., Управљање људским ресурсима у хотелијерству, Универзитет Сингидунум, 2019. |

|Torrington D.., Hall L., Taylor S.: Менаџмент људских ресурса, Data Status, Београд, 2004 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, research paper |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: GASTRONOMY |

|Teacher: Jovanka Popov-Raljić |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|This course should enable students to acquire knowledge of ingredients (nutrients) of food quality in a broader sense of the word, as |

|well as beverages; knowledge of modern trends in thermal processing, preservation and storage; preparation of new, appropriate |

|functional gourmet products. |

|Course Outcomes |

|At the end of the module, students should demonstrate knowledge of techniques of preparing and combining the most important foods (meat,|

|fish, milk, eggs, cereals, vegetables, fruit and spices) in order to obtain a quality and safe gourmet product. |

|Course Content |

|Theory |

|Gastronomy – basic concepts, place and importance in the world and in our country. Nutrients – role and importance in the preparation of|

|gourmet products. Milk and dairy products – new functional gourmet products. Different types of cheeses – a dominant gourmet product. |

|Quality of eggs, safety and gastronomic use. The most important spices and additives – role and importance in preparing gourmet |

|products. Basic principles and modern methods of thermal processing of food / meal. Changes in different types of meat and fish due to |

|thermal processing. Changes in different types of vegetables and fruit due to thermal processing. Methods of preparation and use of the |

|most common cereals and legumes. Sensory analysis of food / meal. |

|Practice |

|Practical examples of preparation (modern methods of thermal processing) and quality assessment (appearance – colour, smell, taste and |

|texture) of various gourmet products from meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruit with the addition of |

|specific spices and additives. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Drašković S., Međunarodna gastronomija, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2018. |

|Popov-Raljić, J., Blešić, I. Bezbednost hrane – primena NASSR sistema u ugostiteljstvu i hotelijerstvu, PMF, Departman za geografiju, |

|turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad, 2016 |

|Popov-Raljić, J. Senzorna analiza hrane i pića, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad, 2013 ISBN |

|978-86-7031-377-4. |

|Popov-Raljić, J. Ishrana, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad, 2016 ISBN 978-86-7031-377-4. |

|Popov-Raljić, J., Aleksić, M., Sikimić, V. Praktikum iz ishrane, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad, 2017 |

|ISBN 978-86-7031-451-1. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, interactive teaching, tutorials |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written Part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 |.......... | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2 |

|Teacher: Jelena Nikolić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The structure and content of English Language 2 course is a continuation of English Language 1 course and its goal is to raise the level of English |

|language knowledge and to develop all language skills at the upper-intermediate level (B2 level according to The Common European Framework of Reference|

|for Languages). At this level, the skills are strengthened with the aim of systematising the existing level of knowledge and then moving to an upper |

|level. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to actively, independently, and easily use the acquired knowledge at the appropriate level (B2) – these are both receptive and |

|productive skills, that is, not only skills at using the language for general purposes, but also at using it for specific purposes. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammatical units |

|Relative Clauses, Participle Clauses, Conditional Sentences Types 2,3, Unreal Past, Infinitives and ing-forms, Causative form, Reported Speech, Clauses|

|of purpose, result and consession, Comparisons, Inversion, All/both/neither/none/either, Double conjunctions |

| |

|Lexical units /Language for specific purposes |

|Word formation, phrasal verbs, collocations, idioms; |

|Basic foods, Food issues, Restaurants and bars, Cooking methods, Polishing and handling Glassware / Cutlery, Eating habits. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Pioneer , level B2, MM Publications |

|H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Grammar & Vocabulary Practice, MM Publication |

|Rawdon Wyatt, Leisure, Travel and Tourism, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc |

|Leo Jones, Welcome! English for the Travel and Tourism Industry, Cambridge University Press |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral |

|parts of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Vladimir Dzamic |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|This course should provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge about corporate culture and organisational behaviour, their history, as |

|well as their basic manifestation forms within modern business organisations. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students should be able to understand and apply the key elements of corporate culture and organisational behaviour in practice within a business |

|organisation; to understand and apply advantages of corporate culture and organisational behaviour in the function of improving efficiency and |

|effectiveness of the organisation; to acquire skills of introspection and behaviour within a group or a team. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Organisation, organisational behaviour, and corporate culture; culture, mission and vision of the organisation; national culture and corporate culture;|

|significance and functions. Social impact, power and organisational politics – types and sources of social impact; concept and source of power; the |

|origin and evolution of organisational politics. Organisational behaviour and conflict management – concept and types of organisational conflicts; |

|causes and consequences; conflict management; mediation and negotiation. Aspects of corporate culture – values and systems of values in organisations; |

|organisational norms and rules of conduct; dimensions of corporate culture. Changes in corporate culture – the impact of globalisation on corporate |

|culture; old and new corporate culture; the influence of national culture on corporate culture. Corporate culture and organisational climate – the |

|impact of corporate culture on business environment; organisational climate: concept and significance. Communication culture in the organisation – |

|concept and types of business communication; culture of speech; culture of communication; culture of business correspondence; culture of public |

|relations. |

| |

|Practice |

|Personality, emotions and motivation – basic concepts and application; introspection. Group behaviour and work teams; creating work teams, importance |

|of team work for contemporary organisations; individual and group behaviour. Corporate culture and decision making – the influence of corporate culture|

|on decision making; models of employee participation in decision making. Business ethics and organisations – corporate culture and ethics; ethical |

|codes. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Џамић, В., Организационо понашање и корпоративна култура, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2016. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Lectures, practice, mid-term exams, exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |Exam |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Tourism and Law |

|Teacher: Žaklina Spalević |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the course is to introduce students to the concept and structure of the state-legal order, the basic institutes of civil law, property|

|right, obligatory law, business law, tourist status law and specific agreements in tourism and hospitality. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Mastering the knowledge in the field of legal theory, civil and property rights, obligations, business and tourism law, in order to provide legal |

|support in the process of making business decisions in the field of status tourist law and specific contracts in tourism and hospitality. Mastering the|

|knowledge in the field of legal theory, civil and property right, obligations, business and tourism law, in order to provide legal support in the |

|process of making business decisions in the field of status tourist law and specific contracts in tourism and hospitality. |

|Course Content |

|Theory |

|Basic concepts about the state (the concept and main elements of the state, the main types of state government and its organization, forms of state |

|regulation and political regime, legal state - the rule of law, the relationship between the state and the law). The basic concepts of law (legal |

|order, legal norms, legal acts, branches of law, legal areas, legal subjects (individuals and legal entities), legal, business and delictal ability of |

|legal subjects, legal objects, legal relationship, legal fact, legal action). |

|Servitutes. A pledge right on movable items. Concept and characteristics of the contract. Means of securing contract execution. General and special |

|effects of the contract. Termination of the contract. Causing damage. Subjective and objective responsibility. Compensation for material damage. |

|Compensation of non-pecuniary damage. Other sources of obligations. Basic institutes of business law. Business Law Entities. Individualization of |

|business law subjects. Representation of business law entities. Forms of business activity - entrepreneur, partnership, limited partnership, limited |

|liability company, parts of foreign partnerships. Establishment of business law subjects. Termination of business law subjects. Securities. |

|Holders of tourist and hospitality services. The concept and types of tourist and hospitality activities. Registration and control of the business of |

|tourism and hospitality entities. Contract on organizing a trip. Mediation contract for travel. Allotment contract. Contract on hosptality services. |

|Agency agreement on hospitality services. Agreement on serving food and beverages. Timer-sharing contract. |

|Practice |

|Practical classes are carried out through interactive analysis of judicial and extrajudicial practice matters discussed in class |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Vukićević S., Kostić M., Vukićević S., Osnovi prava sa elementima privrednog prava, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2013 |

|Ilija Babić, Uvod u građansko i stvarno pravo - Priručnik za polaganje pravosudnog ispita, 8. ažurirano izdanje, Projuris Beograd, ISBN: |

|978-86-86105-79-0, str. 287, 2017. |

|Đorđe Nikolić, Obligaciono pravo - Priručnik za polaganje pravosudnog ispita, 5. dopunjeno izdanje, Projuris Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-86105-75-2, str. |

|247, 2016. |

|Velisav Marković, Privredno-finansijska regulativa, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-7912-654-2, str. 274, 2017. |

|Dragan Vujsić, Andrej Mićović, Turističko pravo, Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam u Vrnjačkoj Banji Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2. izmenjeno i |

|dopunjeno izdanje, ISBN: 978-86-89949-15-5, str. 283, 2017. |

|Dragan Mitrović, Uvod u pravo, 8. izdanje, Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, ISBN: 978-86-7630-641-1, str.|

|331, 2017. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory:3 |Practice: 3 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|lectures, practice, seminar paer, case analysis, interactive discussion, midterms, written exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Tourism and Physical Environment |

|Teacher: Verka Jovanović |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of the course is that students master the necessary knowledge as regards place, space and environment – as general assets, the – spatial |

|distribution and the quality of natural resources, as well as cultural-historical heritage, transportation, utilities infrastructure, energy, touristic|

|suprastructure, information and communication technologies, human resources and services needed for the advanced and sustainable development of tourism|

|at a local, regional, national and international level. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students are enabled to analyse complex phenomena and processes relevant for the field; to create development models; to use documents based on areal |

|planning and positioning of attractive areas; students also become ready to actively participate in interdisciplinary teams and work on integral |

|solutions related to different spheres and thus directly or indirectly influence the development of tourism. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Physical space, elements, complexity, subsystems; population, needs related to tourism, population characteristics; nature, heritage, industry, |

|infrastructure; the use of different areas – ubran-rural differentitation; protection, safety and the use of different areas; characteristics of |

|different areas – attractiveness; tourism infrastructrure, suprastructure; resources, climate, functional units, regions, resorts, destinations; |

|spatial planning, geographic information systems, support in decision-making processes. |

| |

|Practice |

|Quantitative and qualitative analysis of natural and cultural resources, locational analysis of attractive regions, resources analysis, position and |

|typology of areal units, creation of thematic, digital maps – according to the type of tourism resouces; creating development models at a national, |

|regional and local level. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Stephen W., Alan A. Lew. Tourism geography, critical understandings of place, space and experience, Routledge, Taylor/ Fracis Group, 2015 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory:2 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Lectures, interactive teaching, case studies, consultations |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ARABIC LANGUAGE 2 |

|Teacher: Snežana Pešić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the Arabic Language 2, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Arabic |

|Language 1, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive |

|and productive language skills at level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for |

|Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and |

|understand the language content in various communication situations at level A2 according to the Common |

|European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Second Declension, Phrases, Plural, Dual Names, Genitive, Compound constructions |

|Lexical Units |

|Geography, Tradition, Politics, Ecology, Tourism, Customs |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Mitrović, A., Arapski jezik 1, Beograd, 1999. |

|Muftić, T., Gramatika arapskog jezika, Sarajevo, 1998. |

|Schulz, E. Modern Standard Arabic. CUP, 2005. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Chinese Language 2 |

|Teacher: Biljana Simić Veličković |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the Chinese Language 2, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Chinese Language 1, is to prepare students for the |

|acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive and productive language skills at level A2 according to the Common European |

|Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and understand the language content in |

|various communication situations at level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar units |

|Zhe Zhang Ditu Shi Yingwen De ( Sentence construction; classifiers ), Neng Bu Neng Shi Yi Shi ? ( Lexical tones and intonation of a sentence; |

|reduplicating monosyllabic and two-syllable verbs; attributive), Мngtian Dasuan Gan Shenme? (Planning work obligations and free time; adverb + |

|verb/adjective; preposition+ verb/adjective; adverbials), Fujin You Meiyou Yinhang? ( „zai „sentences и „you“ sentences; words defining direction and|

|their position in a sentences) |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Neng Bu Neng Shi Yi Shi? (Buying clothes; situations in a restaurant; introduction to Chinese cuisine), Zhe Zhang Ditu Shi Yingwen De (Conversation |

|about states and cities), Ni Shenme Shihou Huilai? (Planning vacation and travel), Ni Shenme Shihou Huilai? |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Textbook, Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Exercise Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Character Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, term papers, tests, mid-terms, |

|written and oral part of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: FRENCH LANGUAGE 2 |

|Teacher: Neda Maenza |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: - |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the French Language 2 course, which is, both in content and structure, a continuation of the course French Language 1, |

|is to get students acquainted with communicative, grammar and lexical units so as to enable them to acquire all language sklls in the use|

|of the French Language at A2 level, in accordance with the Common European Framework for Living Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to independently and feely participate in a variety of everyday and business communication situations in French, to |

|communicate both through speech and writing expressing their needs in their daily and business environment at A2 level. |

|Course Content |

|Parties de la grammaire |

|Verbes pronominaux au présent, passé composé et futur proche. Impératif . Exprimer un besoin: il faut et avoir besoin de. Imperfait. |

|Exprimer la durée. Utilisation des temps du passé (passé composé - imperfait). Connecteurs alors, mais, donc. Pronoms compléments |

|d'objets directs et indirects. Discours indirect. Futur simple – formes régulières et irrégulières. SI-phrases – 1er type (si + présent, |

|futur simple). Subjonctif - formes régulières et irrégulières. |

|Parties du lexique/vocabulaire |

|Parlez des activités de la journée. Shopping, comment acheter et payer. Coversation au magasin. Parler d’un logement. Expression pour |

|situer et s’orienter. Écrire une carte postale ou un courrier électronique de vacances (parler du temps, les activités, exprimer les |

|attitudes). Parler des souvenirs du passé et des moments de la vie. Récit au passé. Film et cinéma. Présenter et décrire un film. Famille|

|– parler de la famille. Nouvelles technologies, Internet, réseaux sociaux. Exprimer des opinions et des attitudes. Écrire de petits |

|messages. Exprimer des problèmes et donner des conseils. Parler du corps, problèmes de santé et maladies. Conversation chez le docteur. |

|Décrire une personne – parler des qualité et des défauts,de l'apparence physique. Vêtements. Exprimer le futur. Projets pour l'avenir. |

|Enseignement et système scolaire en France. Environnement des affaires. Terminologie commerciale. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: |

|1. Girardet J, Pécheur J, Echo 1, CLE International, Paris, 2012 |

|2. Нешић М, Топаловић Радман А, Граматика француског језика, Дата Статус, 2012 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written |

|and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Oral Part |30 |

|Practice | | | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: GERMAN LANGUAGE 2 |

|Teacher: Katarina Nasradin |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the German Language 1, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the German |

|Language 1, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive |

|and productive language skills at level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for |

|Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and |

|understand the language content in various communication situations at level A2 according to the Common |

|European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel im Dativ. Präpositionen mit Dativ. Fragewort welcher, welche, welches. Präpositionen mit Dativ und Akkusativ. |

|Modalverben können, müssen, wollen, möchten, dürfen, sollen. Possessivartikel. Partizip II mit trennbaren Präfixen. Partizip II mit untrennbaren |

|Präfixen. Perfekt mit sein und haben. Bindewörter und, aber, denn. Personalpronomen im Dativ und Akkusativ. |

|Lexical Units |

|Öffentliche Einrichtungen. Orientierung in der Stadt. Verkehrsmittel. Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wohnungseinrichtung. Wohnungs- und Hausbeschreibung. Berufe. |

|Stellenanzeigen. Motivationsschreiben. Vorstellungsgespräch. Beim Arzt. Gesundheit. Reisebuchung. Wettervorhersage. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Köker, C. Lemke, L. Rohrmann, T.Schering: Berliner Platz 1 neu, Langenscheidt, Berlin, 2010. |

|Dreyer/Schmitt: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ITALIAN LANGUAGE 2 |

|Teacher: Darija Lunić |

|Course Status: Obligatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: - |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the course Italian Language 2, which is, both in content and structure, a continuation of the course Italian Language 1,|

|is to develop all four language skills through interactive teaching, with emphasis on communication skills, in accordance with the |

|criteria of the Common European Framework with the aim of achieving A2 level of language learning, as well as to get students acquainted |

|with the recognizable segments of Italian culture and civilization using the reading and comprehension skills. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are enabled and prepared to understand and use everyday terms and phrases in Italian, in accordance with the beginner’s level A2|

|of language knowledge. Communication, expression skills, both written and oral; describing events and personalities. Furthermore, |

|students are conversant with a wider picture of Italian culture and civilization, with an emphasis on Italian music and film, tourism and|

|fashion. |

|Course Content |

|Elementi grammaticali |

|Posseessivi, Indicativo imperfetto, Trapassato prossimo, Pronomi diretti, Verbi riflessivi, Forma impersonale, Imperativo diretto, |

|Condizionale semplice – verbi regolari e iregolari, condizionele composto. |

| |

|Elementi lessicali |

|La famiglia, Ordianre al ristorante, Un film-ricordi, Fare la spesa, Capi di abbigliamentо, ТV e giornali, La musica – cantanti |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: |

|Matteo La Grassa: L’italiano all’universita, A1-A2, Edilingua 2013 (Student’s Book, Workbook, CD) |

|T.Marin, S.Magnelli: Progetto italiano 1, A1-A2, Edilingua 2009 (Student’s Book, Workbook, CD) |

|Marcello Sensini: Grammatica italiana, Arnoldo Monadadori, 2010 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written |

|and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 | | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 |.......... | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Russian Language 2 |

|Teacher: Miloš Pupavac |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / Russian Language 1 |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|Reaching the level A2 in the Russian language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Preparing students for communication in various communicative situations, understanding read texts and writing short lines of descriptive and narrative|

|forms, in present, future and past tenses. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Грамматика: |

|Глаголы движения; Глаголы движения с приставками; Будущее время; Склонение местоимений; Употребление существительных с числительными; Употребления и |

|значения падежей ; Глаголы положения в пространстве. |

|Лексика: |

|Фразы и лексика по теме «Дом, квартира»; Фразы и лексика по теме « Продовольственный магазин и покупки» ; Фразы и лексика по теме « Описание человека |

|внешность и характер»; Фразы и лексика по теме «Туризм и путешествия»; Фразы и лексика по теме « Повседневные активности»; Фразы и лексика по теме |

|«Праздники и мероприятия»; Тексты из областей туризма и экономики. |

| |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Миллер Л. В., Политова Л.В., Рыбакова И. Я., Жили-были...28 уроков русского языка для начинающих, Златоуст, Санкт Петербург, 2014. |

|Marojević R., Gramatika ruskog jezika, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2013 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory:4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|lectures, practice, tests, written and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND FOOD ECONOMICS |

|Course Title: SPANISH LANGUAGE 2 |

|Teacher: Maja Veljković Michos |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the Spanish Language 2, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Spanish |

|Language 1, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive |

|and productive language skills at level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for |

|Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and |

|understand the language content in various communication situations at level A2 according to the Common |

|European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Usos de ser y estar; Las estructuras comparativas; Estar+gerundio; El Pretérito Indefinido; Los verbos de emoción y gusto; Los pronombres personales de|

|objeto directo e indirecto; El pretérito perfecto; El pretérito imperfecto; El imperativo; Las perífrasis verbales |

|Lexical Units |

|Los adjetivos de carácter y estado de ánimo; Los atractivos turísticos; Hablar por teléfono; Términos para describir la vida de una persona; La ropa y |

|los colores; Los motivos de una reclamación; Los profesionales del cine; Las características de la vivienda; El cuerpo humano; La asistencia sanitaria;|

|Los estudios universitarios. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Aragón, Gili, Barquero: Pasaporte Compilado , Nivel Inicial (A1+A2), Madrid, Edelsa (Уџбеник, радна свеска+CD) |

|Gramática básica del estudiante de español (Nueva edición) А1-B1, Barcelona, Editorial Difusión, 2011 |

|Gramática Elemental A1-A2, Madrid, Anaya ELE, 2016. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND FOOD ECONOMICS |

|Course Title: Hotel Management |

|Teacher: Miroslav Knežević |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The course objective is to introduce students to the current characteristics of hospitality management and to acquire necessary knowledge for |

|conducting proper business operations and functions within hotel and other enterprises. |

|Course Outcomes |

|This course should enable students to conduct proper business operations and functions within hotel and other enterprises. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Introduction to the course content; Specificity and development of the hotel industry; Business orientation and hotel enterprises development; Hotel |

|enterprises and the process of business globalization; The most important characteristics of the hospitality and tourism market; Organizational and |

|technological aspects of hotel enterprises management; Organizational structure management of hotel enterprises; Business operations management of |

|hotel enterprises; Strategic management in hospitality and tourism sector; Contemporary concepts in hotel enterprises management; |

| |

|Practice |

|Categorization of accommodation facilities; Basic characteristics of demand and supply; Competitiveness and positioning of hotel enterprises; Marketing|

|management in hotel industry; Modern information and communication technologies in the promotion and sale of hotel services; Digital media and social |

|networks in tourism and hotel industry; |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., & Magnini, V. P. (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of hotel chain management. Routledge, 2016. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Theory, practice, midterm exams, final exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Danijel Pavlovic |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Mastering the basic concepts, business instruments, and business operations management in travel agencies and tour operators. Enabling students to |

|comprehend the functioning and business operations of travel agencies and tour operators on the modern tourism market. Introduction to the |

|specificities of business operations of travel agencies and tour operators. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students master the basic concepts, business tools, and business operations management in travel agencies and tour operators, as well as an entity’s |

|adjusting trends to the future development of tourism. Students master the basics necessary for understanding the process of travel agencies and tour |

|operators’ business operations management as well as skills and knowledge necessary to develop tour operators’ products. |

|Course Content |

|Theory |

|Basics of history and development of travel agencies. Place and role of the agencies on tourism market. Service contents and requirements necessary for|

|travel agencies and tour operators’ business. Intermediary business operations of travel agencies and tour organization as a basis of a tour operator’s|

|business. Concept and types of holiday packages. Business operations in developing tour packages. Arranging transportation, accommodation, and other |

|aspects of tour packages. Setting the price of a tour package. Business operations in promotion and sale of tour packages. Undertaking tour packages |

|and tour operators’ responsibilities. Modern trends in travel agencies and tour operators’ development. Development of business operations of travel |

|agencies both in Serbia and worldwide. Changes on tourism market (information technologies, sustainable development) and impact on travel agencies and |

|tour operators. Processes of integration and business networking of travel agencies and tour operators. Development prospective for both travel |

|agencies and tour operators. |

| |

|Practice |

|Creating tour operators’ offers: creating a tour package. Setting the price of a tour package. Sale of tour package – cashflow. Calculation financial |

|results of tour packages. Practical training in business operations of travel agencies and tour operators and application of software business |

|automation. Event management, development and business DMC, PCO and CVB in Serbia. The internet and functioning of data aggregates (metasearch engines)|

|and e-intermediaries on the world and Serbian markets. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Holland, J., & Leslie, D. (2018). Tour operators and operations: Development, Management and Responsibility Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI |

|International ISBN: 978-1-78064-823-1. |

|A. K. Bhatia. (2017). Business of Travel Agency & Tour Operations Management. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Limited, 2017 ISBN: 812076921X, 9788120769212 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Lectures, practice, term and project papers, case study, simulations, interactive discussion, mid-term exams, written exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Finance in Tourism and Hospitality |

|Teacher: Tijana Radojević |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Course goal is to introduce students to main terms and categories in the field of financial business. The course’s objective is to introduce students |

|to the organizing process of financial business in tourism and financial institutions. Students acquire main knowledge from the field of analysis of |

|financial business in tourism and hotel industry. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students will be enabled to manage finances in the field of tourism and hotel industry, to implement certain regulations in order to achieve their |

|goals in the field of financial management in private and public sector in tourism and hotel industry. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|The terms ‘financial system’ and ‘financial institution’, Central and business banking in financial system, Stock markets, stock market business, |

|Investment funds and insurance companies, Para banking and noncredit financial products, International financial (foreign currency) business- operating|

|transactions, Payment operations with foreign countries, International business, Public finances as a part of a country’s financial system, Budget |

|system and budget deficit, Decision on financing business companies in the field of tourism and hotel industry, the structure of financing business |

|companies in the field of tourism and hotel industry, Risk and leverage in tourism and hotel industry, Financial business analysis in tourism and hotel|

|industry. |

| |

|Practice |

|Case studies in the field of financial business in tourism and hotel management. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Holloway, C., Humphreys, C. (2016) The Business of Tourism, Pearson: United Kingdom |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Lectures, practice, seminar and project papers, case studies, interactive discussion, midterms, oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Restaurant Service |

|Teacher: Jovanka Popov-Raljić |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of the course is that students master the necessary knowledge in the field of restaurant industry, conditions for performing activities -|

|minimum technical and sanitary-hygienic conditions for equipping the catering facility and basic business systems. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|The outcome of the course is to train students, through lectures, midterms and practical examples, to master the basic characteristics of restarurant |

|industry, techniques for managing business processes in the field of quality and safety of food and beverages in the restaurant. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Basic characteristics of the restaurant industry. Types of catering facilities and certain forms of catering services. Hotel business as a part of |

|catering - hotel industry. Minimum technical and sanitary-hygienic conditions for equipping a catering facility. Special conditions for catering |

|facilities for food and beverages. Importance and role of international standards in restarurant business. Law on food and beverage safety. Basic |

|examples of food and beverage preparation with the definition of individual hazards / risks. Quality food in restaurants with Halal standard. |

|Organization and techniques of service in the restaurant industry. Promotion and placement of restaurant offers. |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Practical examples - consideration of the conditions for carrying out technological production and service processes in this area (procurement of food |

|and other materials, reception and storage, production, service environment and hygienic-security aspect of the business of catering facilities). |

|Standards of food consumption in restaurants. Practical examples - organization and techniques of serving food and beverages; ceremonial meals; |

|diplomatic protocol reception. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Barjaktarović , D. Restoratersko poslovanje, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2015. |

|Popov-Raljić, J. Tehnologija i kvalitet gotove hrane,Univerzitet u Novom Sadu,Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad,1999. |

|Popov-Raljić, J. Ishrana, PMF, Departman za geografiju,turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad, 2016. ISBN 978-86-7031-377-4 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory:2 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Lectures, interactive teaching, case studies, consultations |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 3 |

|Teacher: Valentina Bošković |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The structure and content of English Language 3 course is a continuation of English Language 2 course and its goal is to raise the level of English |

|language knowledge and to develop all language skills at the upper-intermediate level towards the advanced level (B2.2 towards C1 according to The |

|Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) At this level, the skills are strengthened with the aim of systematising the existing level of |

|knowledge and then moving to an upper level. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to actively, independently, and easily use the acquired knowledge at the appropriate level (B2.2-C1) – these are both receptive and |

|productive skills, that is, not only skills at using the language for general purposes, but also at using it for specific purposes. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammatical units |

|Present Simple & Progressive, Present Perfect Simple & Progressive, Future forms, Past tenses, Passive voice, Relative clauses, Participle clauses, |

|Adjectives/Adverbs, Gradability, Comparisons, Articles, Determiners |

| |

|Lexical units /Language for specific purposes |

|Word formation, phrasal verbs, collocations, idioms, phrases, colloquial expressions, words with similar meaning, complex adjectives; Accommodation |

|types and tariffs, At the hotel, Positive or negative?, Holiday brochure, Employment, What is their job, The perfect hotel, The future of tourism |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni Malkogianni, Pioneer , level C1/C1+, MM Publications |

|Rawdon Wyatt, Leisure, Travel and Tourism, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc |

|H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Grammar & Vocabulary Practice, MM Publication |

|Renee Talalla, English for Restaurant Workers, Compass Publishing |

|Leo Jones, Welcome! English for the Travel and Tourism Industry, Cambridge University Press |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral |

|parts of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Angelina Njeguš |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 7 |

|Prerequisite: / Elementary knowledge of office applications |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Course goal is to introduce students to contemporary trends in the development of information technologies and their implementation in tourism. The |

|primary goal is to acquire skills in the field of databases for small and medium tourism enterprises, to make bookings using global distribution system|

|Amadeus and to use main functions of hotel system Protel. Enabling students to successfully implement the techniques of online marketing in tourism, to|

|understand the necessity to use intelligent systems at all management levels, to analyze business and market by using the techniques of data mining and|

|to comprehend the existing information systems used in hotel business for tourism destinations management, tourism agencies management and airline |

|industry. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students will be enabled to implement key skills: developing databases for small and medium enterprises, performing everyday operations in hotels by |

|using hotel information system and making bookings by using world global distribution systems. Furthermore, students will understand the development |

|trends of information technologies and they will be enabled to follow them on a daily basis and to implement them in tourism. Students will be enabled |

|to implement the techniques of online marketing, to analyze business by using intelligent systems and to understand the set of information systems |

|which are used or should be implemented, based on tourism activity. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Contemporary trends in information technologies and their impact on tourism; Introduction to information systems; Databases development; From digital |

|economy to economy of sharing; Models and business systems of e-business; Electronic tourism; Central, online and global distribution systems; |

|E-marketing techniques in tourism; Information systems in tourism destinations management; Information systems in hotel management; Information systems|

|in airline industry; Information systems in tourism agency management and itineraries; Intelligent systems in tourism. |

| |

|Practice |

|Databases development in Microsoft Access tool. Protel hotel system. The usage of global distribution systems. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Његуш, А., Информациони системи у туристичком пословању, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2017. |

|Група аутора, ECDL модули, Универзитет Сингидунум, 2017 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Lectures, laboratory practice, seminar and project papers, case studies, simulation, interactive discussion, problem solving, midterms and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Sofija Petković |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|This course gives students the opportunity to become acquainted with the concept, principles and maxims of sustainable development of cultural tourism,|

|along with usable manners and models of cooperativeness development in existing legal frameworks. |

|Course Outcomes |

|After completing this course, students will be able to define and differentiate the following terms: cultural resources, natural resources, cultural |

|goods/ monuments and cultural attraction, as well as to define legal framework of cultural resources management and factors of cultural resources |

|management. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Term and definition of culture; Dynamic concept of culture and cultural confrontation; Cultural resources and their division; Material and immaterial |

|cultural goods in tourism; Relations of natural and cultural resources in tourism, Characteristics of marketing in cultural tourism; Commercial success|

|of cultural attractions. |

| |

|Practice |

|Practical usage of principles for cultural heritage management and sustainable commercial exploitation of cultural resources for creating tourism |

|attractions; Analysis and comparison of cultural resources; Forms and manners of transformation and modification of cultural resources into tourism |

|attraction; Successful modification of cultural resources for tourists’ needs. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|James, P., L. Magee, A. Scerry, M. Steger, Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability . Routledge: London – New York |

|2015; |

|Richards, G. Cultural Tourism: A review of recent research and trends, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume 36, September 2018, 12-21.|

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Lectures, interactive discussion and practice, seminar paper, case study, discussion. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Selected teachers |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 3 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The aim of the practical training is that students learn about the functioning of tourism industry, other industries and the total public sector in |

|tourism. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students will be able to actively participate in all the tasks of a specific tourism company, hotel, restaurant or tourism organization. They will |

|master the technique of business communication and various public gatherings organization. Students will also be capable of using appropriate |

|information systems in tourism and hotel industry. They will also learn how to use computer technology and communicate in foreign languages. Students |

|will have the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge about staples and how to use them properly for the preparation and organization of food in the|

|food and beverage sector. |

|Course Content |

|Introduction to travel agency business operations. Monitoring the formation, promotion, sale and realization of a package tour. Organizing the sale of |

|air and other tickets, relationship with appropriate business partners and implementation of booking systems. Getting acquainted with reservation |

|system and selling (booking) of their leased capacities. Travel agency marketing. Characteristics of basic business instruments (contracts, payment |

|instruments, business documentation and records). Business assets and financial accounting operations of the travel agency. The purpose of the |

|strategic management of a travel agency (human resources management, planning, organization of overall operations, operational management, etc.). |

|Introduction to tourism organization business operations. Content and way of organizing research and promotional activities in tourism organizations at|

|different levels (national, regional, local, with emphasis on types and content of market research as well as on types and content of promotional |

|activities). Publishing (collecting, processing and distributing of tourist information) and introduction to the specific content of news and |

|publishing activities in the field of tourism. Forms, realization and monitoring of important tourism manifestations. The role of tourism organization |

|in coordinating activities at a given level (activities related to the Chamber of Commerce, various tourism industry associations, media companies |

|etc.). The importance of horizontal and vertical coordination within the tourism organization (relations with other organizations on the same or other |

|levels and relations with the state and its bodies); Sources of funding and how to use funds. |

|Introduction to the content and characteristics of a particular hotel company and other companies in the hotel industry. Organization of the |

|accommodation sector and its placement on the market. Organization and technology of the food and beverage sector and their sales (organizational |

|units-restaurants, bars, hotel kitchens, hotel storage, as well as other companies, restaurants, bars, etc.). Business operations and connections with |

|the accommodation sector, banquets and other events. Getting acquainted with all forms of the so-called direct marketing communication. Characteristics|

|of basic business instruments (contracts, payment instruments, business documentation and records). Business assets and financial accounting operations|

|of the hotel company. The purpose of the strategic management of hotel companies. Introduction and training with the basic types and characteristics of|

|staples used in hospitality as well as the ways they can be used. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Company documentation (business organization or enterprise where practical training is conducted) |

|Active Teaching Hours: 0 |Theory: 0 |Practice: 0 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: practical research |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Regular attendance, high quality of conducted business | |Written part | |

|activities and practical training log | | | |

| | 70 |Oral Part |30 |

| | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ARABIC LANGUAGE 3 |

|Teacher: Snežana Pešić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of the course, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Arabic Language 3, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new |

|grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive and productive language skills at level B1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference|

|for Languages. This includes the development of language skills which can be applied, both in everyday informal situations, and in academic and |

|business contexts. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and understand the language content in various|

|communication situations for both general and specific purposes at level B1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Pronouns, Complex verb forms, Participles, Indicative, Imperative... |

|Lexical Units |

|Dialogues, Synonyms, Antonyms, Transformation, Travelling, Transportation, Common Mistakes, Pragmatic Failure |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Mitrović, A., Arapski jezik 1, Beograd, 1999. |

|Muftić, T., Gramatika arapskog jezika, Sarajevo, 1998. |

|Schulz, E. Modern Standard Arabic. CUP, 2005. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Chinese Language 3 |

|Teacher: Biljana Simić Veličković |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the Chinese Language 3, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Chinese Language 2, is to prepare students for the |

|acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive and productive language skills at level B1.1 according to the Common European |

|Framework of Reference for Languages. This includes the development of language skills which can be applied, both in everyday informal situations, and |

|in academic and business contexts. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and understand the language content in various|

|communication situations for both general and specific purposes at level B1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar units |

|Tamen Shi Shenme Shihou Lai De- duties and time management, Wo Laojia Zai Dongbei – geographical concepts and spatial orientation, Wo Laojia Zai |

|Dongbei |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Ta Qu Yiyuan le – human body; hospital orientation, Jintian Ni Chuan de Zhen Piaoliang – birthday customs, Wo Jiaxiang de Tianqi bi Zher Hao – climate |

|characteristics of the seasons and specific areas |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Contemporary Chinese 2 (Dangdai Zhongwen 2), Textbook, Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese 2 (Dangdai Zhongwen 2), Exercise Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese 2 (Dangdai Zhongwen 2), Character Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, term papers, tests, mid-terms, |

|written and oral part of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: FRENCH LANGUAGE 3 |

|Teacher: Neda Maenza |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: - |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the French Language 3 course, which is, both in content and structure, a continuation of the course French Language 2, |

|is to enable students to acquire all language skills in the use of French at B1.1 level according to the Common European Framework for |

|Living Languages. The emphasis is on systematic and equal development of all four language skills. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to independently and freely participate in a variety of both informal and business communication situations in French,|

|to communicate both through speech and writing at B1.1 level. |

|Course Content |

|Parties de la grammaire |

|Nombres (cardinaux, ordinaux, approximatifs). Présent - verbes réguliers et irréguliers. Emploi de l’Article défini et indéfini. |

|Interrogation.. Forme négative (plus, jamais, rien, personne). Pronoms indéfinis. Passé composé. Prépositions et adverbes – expression |

|du lieu. Expression du futur (Futur proche et Futur simple). Démonstratifs. Accord des adjectifs qualificatifs - formes régulières et |

|irrégulières. Emploi de l'article contracté. |

|Parties du lexique/vocabulaire |

|Présentation d'un hôtel: informations et caractéristiques (adresse, téléphone, email, site, catégorisation, localisation, équipement, |

|clientèle). Métiers de l'hôtellerie et de la restauration. Organigramme. Réserver par téléphone. Conversation avec un client. Expression|

|du temps. Comment remplir un formulaire de réservation d'hôtel. Réservez une table au restaurant. Enregistrer une réservation. Réserver |

|par Internet. Écrire un courrier électronique. Rédiger une lettre d'affaires. Confirmer une réservation. Décrire une offre de service |

|détaillée. Refuser, modifier et annulet une réservation. Exprimer des excuses et des argumentations. Simulation des situations diverses|

|à la réception, lors de la réservation. Accueillir un client ou un groupe des clients à l'hôtel. Décrire une chambre d'hôtel, le |

|mobilier et l'équipement. Messages et produits d'accueil. Accueillir des clients au restaurant. Simulation d' un accueil du client à |

|l'hôtel et au restaurant. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: |

|1. Corbeau S, Dubois Ch, Penfornis J-L, Semichon L, Hôtellerie-, CLE International, Paris, 2012 |

|2. Grégoire M, Grammaire Progressive du Français, CLE International, Paris, 2016 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written|

|and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Oral Part |30 |

|Practice | | | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: GERMAN LANGUAGE 3 |

|Teacher: Katarina Nasradin |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The aim is to acquire skills necessary to achieve the B1.1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The emphasis is|

|put on equal development of all four skills: oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression. |

|Course Outcomes |

|This course is to enable students to understand and communicate in everyday situation, as well as to express their needs. Upon the completed level B1.1|

|student is able to: discuss topics and issues in the field of their interest, talk about their experiences, dreams, plans, things that happened in the |

|past, and deal with various situations. The emphasis is placed on developing grammar, socio-linguistic and strategic competencies. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar units |

|Personalpronomen im Dativ und Akkusativ. Adjektivkomparation. Relativsätze. Ordinalzahlen. Verben mit Dativ und Akkusativ. Modalverben im Präteritum. |

|Weil- Sätze. Wenn- Sätze. Dass- Sätze. Perfekt. Präpositionen mit Dativ und Akkusativ. Konjunktiv. Passiv. |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Kleidung. Einladung und Dankeschön schreiben. Familie und Familienfeste: Hochzeit, Weihnachten, Hauspatronenfest, Ostern, Geburtstag. Kultur und |

|Gebräuche. Konfliktsituationen. Ausbildung. Lebenslauf. Meinungäußerung. Zukunftspläne. Wohnungsbeschreibung. Postkarte und Brief schreiben. Verkehr |

|und Verkehrsmittel. Autoteile. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Köker, C. Lemke, L. Rohrmann, T.Schering: Berliner Platz 2 neu, Langenscheidt, Berlin, 2010. (student book and workbook) |

|Dreyer/Schmitt: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, tests, mid-terms, written and oral |

|part of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ITALIAN LANGUAGE 3 |

|Teacher: Darija Lunić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: - |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the course Italian Language 3, which is, both in content and structure, a continuation of the course Italian Language |

|2, and which sistematically works on all four language skills through the use of modern language and continuous alteration of |

|communication situations, is to enable students to use the language at B1.1 level. |

|Course Outcomes |

|This course, which is at intermediary B1.1 level, prepares students to master the Italian language to the extent which enables them to |

|respond in various situations, communicate smoothly and understand the interlocutor when it comes to the familiar topics and the |

|subject of their interest. |

|Course Content |

|Elementi grammaticali |

|I pronomi combinati, i pronomi combinati nei tempi composti, aggettivi, pronomi e avverbi interrogativi; pronomi relativi, chi come |

|pronome relativo, altri pronomi relativi; stare + gerundio, stare per + infinito; la comparazione, i verbi farcela e andarsene; il |

|superlativo relativo e assoluto, forme particolari di comparazione e di superlativo; passato remoto- verbi regolari, irregolari, i |

|numeri romani, trapassato remoto, avverbi di modo; congiuntivo presente e congiuntivo passato prossimo, concordanza dei tempi del |

|congiuntivo, alcuni dubbi sull’uso del congiuntivo. |

| |

|Elementi lessicali |

|Esprimere dispiacere, complimentarsi con qualcuno, scusarsi, rispondere alle scuse, esprimere incredulità e sorpresa, sistema scolastico|

|in Italia; Operazioni bancarie, formule di apertura e di chiusura delle e-mail formali e informali, scrivere un Curriculum vitae, |

|colloquio di lavoro, proverbi, l’economia italiana; Le città italiane, nomi degli abitanti delle regioni italiane, prenotare una camera |

|in albergo, servizi alberghieri, mezzi di trasporto, viaggi e vacanze; Parlare di storia, esporre avvenimenti storici, raccontare una |

|favola, epoche storiche, la storia italiana; La salute, dare dei consigli per mantenersi in forma e dare bene, abitudini in relazione al|

|viver sano, parlare dello stress e delle cause che lo provocano, discipline sportive, l’importanza di sport, lo sport in Italia. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: |

|Nuovo progetto italiano 2 – T. Marin, S. Magnelli – corso multimediale di lingua e civiltà italiana, 2012 |

|2. Una grammatica italiana per tutti 2 (edizione aggiornata) - A. Latino - M. Muscolino - |

|esercizi e chiavi per studenti stranieri., livello intermedio (B1.1) |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written|

|and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Oral Part |30 |

|Practice | | | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND FOOD ECONOMICS |

|Course Title: RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 3 |

|Teacher: Miloš Pupavac |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|Performing and adopting new communication, grammar and lexical units to reach level B1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for |

|Languages. The course upgrades the acquired basis of spoken and written Russian, both for general and specific purposes. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students are enabled to use four language skills at the target level – i.e. to read, speak, write and understand spoken language material in different |

|language contexts and for different purposes. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Склонения существительных; Склонения местоимений; Имена числительные; Падежи и употребление падежей; Глаголы положения в пространстве; Вид глагола; |

|Выражение места и направления. |

|Lexical Units |

|Фразы и лексика по теме «Одежда и обувь»; Фразы и лексика по теме «Дом/квартира»;Фразы и лексика по теме «Семья»;Фразы и лексика по теме «В городе»; |

|Составление резюме ; Тема рабочего дня и профессий; Тема составления плана и программы путешествия. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Миллер Л. В., Политова Л.В., Рыбакова И. Я., Жили-были...12 уроков русского языка.Базовый уровень, Златоуст, Санкт Петербург, 2014. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: SPANIH LANGUAGE 3 |

|Teacher: Maja Veljković Michos |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of the course, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Spanish Language 3, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new |

|grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive and productive language skills at level B1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference|

|for Languages. This includes the development of language skills which can be applied, both in everyday informal situations, and in academic and |

|business contexts. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and understand the language content in various|

|communication situations for both general and specific purposes at level B1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Perífrasis verbales; El uso de los tiempos pasados; Los indefinidos; El presente de subjuntivo- forma y usos; Los verbos de reacción y sentimiento; El |

|pluscuamperfecto. |

|Lexical Units |

|Descripción de un destino turístico; Descripción del carácter y la personalidad. Las profesiones; Las celebraciones y eventos; Las enfermedades y los |

|remedios; Las actividades en viajes; Los géneros literarios y los tipos de texto; Terminología para hablar de viajes. Hábitos vacacionales. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Aragón, Gili, Barquero: Pasaporte B1, Nivel Intermedio, Madrid, Edelsa (Уџбеник, радна свеска+CD) |

|Gramática básica del estudiante de español (Nueva edición) А1-B1, Barcelona, Editorial Difusión, 2011 |

|Gramática en contexto, Madrid, Edelsa, 2011 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Gordana Dobrijevic |

|Course Status: |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Students are introduced to different aspects of efficient business communication in a changing work environment and to understand that a well-conceived|

|message, written or spoken adequately, is a key to successfully deal with everyday business situations in tourism and hospitality. |

|Course Outcomes |

|The course enables students to apply spoken and written communication skills, to apply various aspects and methods of efficient business communication |

|in everyday work environment, to apply the acquired knowledge regarding business etiquette and at the same time understanding and respecting the |

|intercultural diversity in business communication. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Communication as a process. Types of communication. Interpersonal and organizational communication. Verbal (written and spoken) and non-verbal |

|communication. Business etiquette in communication. Barriers and overcoming barriers in business communication. Multicultural communication. Business |

|negotiation. |

| |

|Practice |

|Planning a business message. Writing an e-mail. Writing a persuasive message. Writing a negative message. Non-verbal communication. Particularities of |

|different business practices. Communicating with people from different cultures. Communication in a team. Writing a CV. Preparing a presentation. |

|Overcoming barriers in business communication. Communication with problematic guests (in a hotel and/or a restaurant). |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Thill, J. V, Bovee, C. L. Excellence in Business Communication, 12th ed. Pearson, Harlow, 2017. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|lectures, practice, term and project papers, case study, simulation, interactive discussion, mid-term papers, exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Health Aspects of Tourism |

|Teacher/s: Svetlana Stanišić, Mirko Rosić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|This course enables students to get acquainted with the impact of natural factors having effects on human health, and which are related |

|with the stay of tourist at the destination, diet, as well as efficiency of nonmedical treatments offered in wellness and spa centres and|

|spa medical centres. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Qualifying students for critical consideration of tourism and health related topics. |

|Course Content |

|Theory |

|Getting acquainted with the course content; Importance of proper diet for health; Micronutrients and macronutrients in food; Use of |

|vitamin and mineral supplements; Metabolic reactions in the body; Providing energy and tissue building and restoration; Energy imbalance:|

|undernourishment and obesity; Diet for persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, gastrointestinal tract and kidney |

|diseases; Alternative diets: vegetarian diet, gluten-free diet, high-protein diet; Importance of recreation for health; Exercising in |

|urban environment; Detox treatments; Balneotherapy; |

|Practice |

|Creating a diet plan; Diet of physiological categories of citizens: pregnant women, old people, young people and sportsmen; Sojourn at |

|the seaside; Sojourn in the mountains; Ultraviolet radiation; Specific destinations (Dead Sea); Infections in swimming pools; Swimming |

|pools and asthma; Ageing and cosmetic treatments; Cryotherapy; Thermotherapy; Sauna and health; Hyperbaric chamber; |

|Bibliography |

|Pyke, S., Hartwell, H., Blake, A. and Hemingway, A., Exploring well-being as a tourism product resource. Tourism Management, 55, |

|pp.94-105, 2016. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 4 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods |

|Theory, practice, mid-term exams, exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements | |Final Exam |Points |

| |Points | | |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written Exam | |

|Practice | |Final Exam |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 |.......... | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Ivana Brdar |

|Course Status: compulsory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Students will gain the necessary knowledge that should enable them to identify and analyse various patterns of consumer’s behaviour in tourism, |

|external and internal determinants that influence decision-making process when purchasing tourism products and services, as well as to recognize the |

|role and significance of consumer protection in tourism. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students will be able to understand the role of consumer behaviour in marketing in tourism, to identify factors that influence the decision-making |

|process when purchasing tourism products and services, as well as different social and psychological theories related to travel and tourism, thus being|

|trained to create an appropriate marketing strategy in tourism sector, that will have the needs of a consumer as a focus. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Consumers on the tourism market; Tourism market segmentation; Definition, categories and types of consumers in tourism; Models of behaviours of |

|consumers in tourism; Research of consumer behaviour in tourism; Demand management in selective forms of tourism; Determinants of consumer behaviour in|

|tourism; Psychological research of consumers in tourism; Creating value and customers’ satisfaction; Consumers’ life-stage and loyalty; Consumer |

|relation marketing; General approach to safety in tourism; Legal framework for consumer protection in tourism within the Serbian and EU legislation |

|systems; consumerism; socially responsible business in tourism. |

| |

|Practice |

|Developing STP strategy in tourism. Developing communication strategy for different consumer segments in tourism. Developing digital marketing plan for|

|tourism enterprises/products. Developing corporate social responsibility strategies. Analysis of consumer behaviour determinants in tourism. Consumer |

|research – designing the questionnaires, conducting the research, data analysis, and creating the report. Consumer relationship management. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Horner, S., Swarbrooke J. (2016) Consumer Behaviour in Tourism, Third edition. London: Routledge. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|lectures, practice, project paper, case study, simulation, interactive discussion, mid-term exams, oral exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND FOOD ECONOMICS |


|Teacher: Gordana Drazic |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Students are introduced to the concept and principles of sustainable development of tourism; understanding positive interactions and potential |

|conflicts between the interests to protect and use natural and cultural heritage within the sphere of tourism; mastering the basics of environmental |

|protection system and sustainable development of tourism products and destinations; mastering the basics of greening and shortening the value chains in|

|tourism that rely on intersectional vertical and horizontal integration between the stakeholders and with the aim to increase its sustainability. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Enabling students to apply the concept, principles and standards of sustainable development of tourism; to analyse and consider the impacts of tourism |

|development on the environment, natural and cultural heritage and quality of life of the host community; as well as to be included in the environmental|

|quality management system. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Sustainable development; Sustainable development in the EU; Sustainable development of tourism, Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism Industry; |

|Challenges sustainable tourism faces; Responses for achieving sustainability in tourism; Carrying capacity of tourism region and centre; Climate |

|changes and sustainable development of tourism; Alternative and renewable sources of energy; Energy efficiency; Sustainable use of protected natural |

|resources (national parks); Sustainable development of mountain tourism; Development guidelines and management, legal framework, strategic assessment |

|and evaluation of impacts on the environment; Efficiency of sustainable development management – multi-sector approach; ISO standards and EMS; |

|Environmental mark-up; Indicators of sustainable development of tourism |

| |

|Practice |

|Introducing students to the basic concepts in ecology by using video presentations, examples of good practice in the field of sustainable development |

|of tourism |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Дражић, Г., Одрживи туризам, скрипта, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2018. |

|Попеску, Ј., Менаџмент туристичке дестинације, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2016 |

|Ђорђевић-Милошевић С., Миловановић Ј. Одрживи туризам у функцији руралног развоја, UNJP STRD, 2013. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Lectures, practice, presentations and discussions, mid-term exams, project papers, exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Hotel Design and Planning |

|Teacher: Slobodan Čerović, Nikica Radović |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|Introducing students with a professional and theoretical knowledge of a complex aspect of hotel design, construction and maintenance of hotel |

|architecture, choice of location of the facility, content of rooms and bathrooms, design and content of restaurants, design of additional content, |

|interior design with all elements of changing, protection and redesigning depending on categorization and project task. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Preparing students for independent work on hotel constructions plans, feasibility analysis for giving directions, instructions and organization of |

|space and internal traffic in the hotel. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

| |

|Investment activities in the hotel industry, selection of accommodation and location of hotels, architectural design of the hotel, hotel construction |

|process, design of accommodation units and other hotel facilities, internal security and safety, lighting, sound isolation, fire protection, budgeting |

|of the hotel project. |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Creation of feasibility analysis, simulation of construction of different types of hotels from the aspect of consultants in hotel industry, parking |

|planning and design of number of parking places, planning the conceptual solution of the hotel. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Čerović, S., Čomić, Đ. Projektovanje i izgradnja u hotelijerstvu, treće izmenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2019. |

|Čerović S.,Čomić Đ., Projektovanje i izgradnja u hotelijerstvu, drugo izdanje, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2013. |

|Walter A.Rutes,Richard H.Penner, Lawrence Adams, Hotel Disign-Plannining and Development, Arhitectural Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 2007. |

|Đoković, F., Odlučivanje u hotelijerstvu, Univerzitet Singidunum, Valjevo, 2018. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Creating a joint project assignment, students individual projects, models, visual studies, visual and intellectual forms of checks, discussions, |

|promotions. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Natasa Kilibarda |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|Introduction to the basic types and characteristics of staple foods used and offered in hospitality, as well as learning about the basic principles of |

|technological procedures used in food production and procedures used in food preparation, processing and preservation. Quality evaluation of food |

|products. Training students to be creative in planning nutrition for both the healthy and the sick. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge about food products and their proper use in the process of food preparation. Students are enabled to|

|evaluate the quality of food products. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Defining food technology as a science. Food categorization. Basic concepts. Defining food quality and basic groups of quality factors. Food |

|preservation methods. Physical, chemical and biological procedures of food preservation. Types and categories of meat. Basic properties of meat and |

|meat products; milk and dairy products; eggs and egg-based products; fish and seafood; fats and oils; wheat and baked goods, phyllo dough and flash |

|frozen dough. Confectionery products. Vegetables and mushrooms. Fruit and fruit products. Alcoholic beverages. Wines and vineyards in Serbia and the |

|world. Rakia – fruit-based rakia and wheat brandy. Flavoured brandy. Beer, beer quality. Non-alcoholic beverages: carbonated and non-carbonated |

|beverages. Fruit-, herbal-, wheat-based and artificially flavoured beverages. Coffee and tea. Food preparation and processing. Food changes during |

|storage and preparation. Introduction to food sensory analysis, definition, development and application. Food sensory quality parameters. |

| |

|Practice |

|Examples of flow charts of technological processes in production of food and ready-made meals. Quality parameters and criteria of food, food products, |

|and ready-made meals. Organization and application of sensory analysis. Sensory analysis tests. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Lund, B. M., Baird-Parker, T. C., & Gould, G. W. (Eds.). (2000). The microbiological safety and quality of food. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers. |

|Hansen B, Thomas C. (2005). Off-premise Catering Management, second edition, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 2 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|lectures, practice, term and project papers, case study, simulation, interactive discussions, mid-term exams |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 4 |

|Teacher: Ivana Đerić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The goal of English 4 course, which is a continuation of English 3 course, is based on the acquisition, comprehension, and usage of the target language|

|at the C1-C1+ level of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to use all language skills at the appropriate level (C1-C1+ of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) – these are |

|both skills at using the language for general purposes and skills at using it for specific purposes. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammatical units |

|Conditional sentences, indirect speech, modal verbs, emphatic forms, infinitives and participles |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Contemporary trends in technology, entertainment, fashion, etc, environmental protection and sustainable development, hystorical aspects of the |

|development of science, technology, archeology, and other hystorically relevant discoveries, art and urban planning and design, understanding human |

|nature and human needs from the psychological perspective. Also, an important aspect of the course is language for specific purposes taught through |

|topics such as: tourist services, attractions and offers, documentation and documents mostly used in the field of tourism industry and hospitality, |

|travel insurance and the question of safety in tourism industry. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni Malkogianni, Pioneer , level C1/C1+, MM Publications |

|H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Pioneer, Workbook, MM Publications |

|H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Grammar & Vocabulary Practice, MM Publication |

|Robin Walker and Keith Harding, Tourism 3, Oxford University Press |

|Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral |

|parts of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Financial Analysis in Hospitality |

|Teacher: Slobodan Čerović, Nikica Radović |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The objective of this course is to enable students to acquire knowledge in the field of financial and economic analysis of hotel and restaurant |

|industry. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students should pass the test after gaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills by analyzing business of specific hotel and restaurant industry.|

|Students will be completely capable of individual analysis of economic and financial processes in hotel and restaurant industry, as well as of |

|developing business plans and programmes. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory- Theoretical basics of economic-financial analysis of hotel and restaurant industry, Economic analysis of hotel enterprises, Hotel enterprises |

|expenses, Amortization- types, Productivity, cost-effectiveness and rentability analysis, Price definition in hotel industry, Financial analysis of |

|hotel enterprises, analysis of financial reports and business indicators- ratio analysis, Budgeting in hotel industry, Evaluation of investment |

|profitability, Developing business plans in hotel enterprises. |

| |

|Practice- Setting the price of hotel rooms, margin, amortization , productivity, cost-effectiveness and rentability evaluation, balance sheet analysis |

|and ratio analysis, NPV, business plan. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Економско-финансијска анализа пословања предузећа у туризму и хотелијерству, Спасић В., Черовић С., Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2019. |

|Економика предузећа, Д. М. Покрајчић, Београд 2002. ; |

|Финансијски менаџмент и управљачко рачуноводство, Х. Хрустић, Нови Сад 2007. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Lectures, practice, seminar papers |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |5 |Written part |30 |

|Practice |5 |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |


|Teacher: Slobodan Čerović, Nikica Radović |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The goal is to educate students in finacial and economic analysis of tourist companies. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Through theoretical knowledge and completion of practical assignments, students are supposed to take the final exam by analysing business activities of|

|a tourist company on a concrete example. Students will be fully able to analyse economic and financial processes in a tourist company and to design |

|business plans and elaboration papers on their own. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Theoretical basics of economic-financial analysis of tourist companies, Economic analysis of hotel companies, Total income, average income and marginal|

|income of a company, Hotel company expenses, Amortisation calculation, Analysis of productivity, economicality and rentability, Formation of prices in |

|hospitality, Financial analysis of tourist companies, analysis of financial reports and indicators of business activities – ratio analysis, Budgeting |

|in tourism industry, Assessment of investment profitability, Designing a business plan in tourist companies |

| |

|Practice |

|Calculation of package tour prices, of a profit margin, of productivity, economicality and rentability, balance analysis and calculation of ratio |

|numbers, calculation of NPV, business plan design |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Atkinson A. , Banker R. , Kaplan R. , Joung M. , Management Accounting, Prentice Hall International, Inc, New Jersey, 2003. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 5 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|lectures, practical classes, practical assignment, term paper |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |5 |Written part | |

|Practice |5 |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND FOOD ECONOMICS |

|Course Title: Special Interest Tourism |

|Teacher: Ivana Brdar |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The aim of the course is to study the characteristics of new, thematic forms of tourism that emerged in the last decades of the twentieth century and |

|influenced the changes in the structure of the market of national economies and the world tourism industry. A special goal is the knowledge of the |

|thematic tourism main characteristics in which a modern tourist sets specific requirements that become the basis for planning, organization and |

|development of new age tourism based on the demographic, cultural, geographical, technological and economic diversity of the world. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students should gain competence for: thorough knowledge of potentials and limitations for the development of specific types of tourism in line with |

|examples of European and world practice; creating strategies and plans for the development of thematic tourism; formation of new profiled tourism |

|products; the use of business policy instruments for positioning thematic aspects of tourism on the domestic and international tourist market. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

| |

|The concept and characteristics of thematic tourism, Market specificity of thematic tourism, Potentials for the development of thematic tourism, |

|Regional development of thematic tourism, Health (wellness and medical) tourism, City tourism, Rural tourism, Cultural tourism, Nautical tourism, |

|Sports tourism and Educational tourism. |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Geographical positioning of resources for the development of thematic tourism, location analysis of tourist attractions, creation of thematic, digital |

|maps according to the type of tourist resources, formation of tourist clusters of specific thematic profile. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Sheela Agarwal. Special Interest Tourism: Concept, Contexts and Cases, CABI, 2016. |

|Norman Douglas, Ngaire Douglas, and Ros Derrett. Special Interest Tourism, John Wiley & Sons, London, 2001. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, office hours, project work, presentations, mid-term exams, exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND FOOD ECONOMICS |


|Teacher: Miroslav Knežević |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|Students should master the necessary knowledge in the field of defining, managing and standardizing quality in the hotel industry through theoretical |

|lectures and practical training. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students are to master the essence and techniques of business process management related to quality assurance in the hospitality industry. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Quality management in hotel industry; Characteristics of quality in hotel industry; Total Quality Management System in hotel industry; Requirements of |

|ISO 9001, ISO 14000, ISO 22000; The chain of management at the hotel; The role of employees in quality assurance in hotel industry; Significance and |

|role of management in achieving quality; The role of hotel service users in creating its quality; |

|Practice |

|Quality management systems; Standardization of services as a basis of quality; Structure of the hotel organization; Strategic approach to quality; |

|Strategic adaptation of hotel services to contemporary trends; Quality control; |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Kandampully, J., Zhang, T., & Jaakkola, E., Customer experience management in hospitality: A literature synthesis, new understanding and research |

|agenda. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(1), 21-56, 2018. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part |30 |

|Practice | |Oral Part | |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: FOOD SAFETY |

|Teacher: Nataša Kilibarda |

|Course Status: Elective |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The goal is to familiarise students with food safety management approach and principles, which guarantee safe food production, preparation, storage, |

|distribution, and sale/offer. Another goal is to teach students the dangers important to food safety. |

|Course Outcomes |

|The course is supposed to enable students to examine and identify dangers important to food safety and plan and apply measures for their elimination or|

|reduction to an acceptable level. The students are also expected to understand responsibility and importance of all food chain participants that can |

|influence food safety. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Defining the term Food safety. Food dangers. Defining the term Dangers in food. The most frequent biological dangers in food. Food microbiology. Ways |

|of contamination and food as a substrate for the reproduction of microorganisms. The influence of surrounding factors (inside and outside) on the |

|growth and reproduction of microorganisms. Foodborne illnesses. Chemical and physical dangers in food. Allergens. Good hygiene and production practice.|

|Introducing, applying, and developing HACCP concept in hospitality. The importance of knowing good hygiene practice and critical control points in food|

|production and storage in hospitality. Food organisation, purchase, and storage in hospitality. Cleanliness and sanitary measures in a hospitality |

|kitchen. Staff hygiene and education. International Law on food and the Law on food in Serbia. International organisations dealing with food safety. |

|ISO Organisation – Standard ISO 22000 requirements. Food declaration. Food labelling, quality label, and value-added products. Usage of additives in |

|food production. Food packaging. The main characteristics of package material. Genetically modified food. Organic food. Role of consumers in food |

|safety. |

| |

|Practice |

| |

|Case studies – the most frequent biological dangers in food. Identification of biological and chemical hazards in various types of food and prepared |

|dishes. Practical examples of the application of HACCP system principles in hospitality. Examples of business activities in accord with good hygiene |

|practice. Examples of training of staff coming into contact with food. Obligatory food declaration analysis – packed and unpacked food. Visiting |

|accredited laboratories dealing with food safety examination. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Килибарда Н. (2019). Безбедност хране. Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд |

|Попов-Раљић Ј., Блешић, И (2016). Безбедност хране – примена HACCP система у угоститељству и хотелијерству. Природно-математички факултет, Нови Сад. |

|Станишић С. (2018). Исхрана и здравље. Дата статус, Београд. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|lectures, practical classes, term papers and project papers, case analysis, simulation, interactive discussion, mid-term tests |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: ARABIC LANGUAGE 4 |

|Teacher: Snežana Pešić |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the Arabic Language 4, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Arabic |

|Language 3, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive |

|and productive language skills at level B1.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for |

|Languages. This includes the development of language skills which can be applied, both in everyday informal |

|situations, and in academic and business contexts. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and |

|understand the language content in various communication situations for both general and specific purposes at |

|level B1.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Conditionals, Verbs – complex issues, Different types of clauses |

|Lexical Units |

|Particles, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Medicine, Sports |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Mitrović, A., Arapski jezik 1, Beograd, 1999. |

|Muftić, T., Gramatika arapskog jezika, Sarajevo, 1998. |

|Schulz, E. Modern Standard Arabic. CUP, 2005. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Chinese Language 2 |

|Teacher: Biljana Simić Veličković |

|Course Status: elective |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the Chinese Language 2, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Chinese Language 1, is to prepare students for the |

|acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive and productive language skills at level A2 according to the Common European |

|Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and understand the language content in |

|various communication situations at level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar units |

|Zhe Zhang Ditu Shi Yingwen De ( Sentence construction; classifiers ), Neng Bu Neng Shi Yi Shi ? ( Lexical tones and intonation of a sentence; |

|reduplicating monosyllabic and two-syllable verbs; attributive), Мngtian Dasuan Gan Shenme? (Planning work obligations and free time; adverb + |

|verb/adjective; preposition+ verb/adjective; adverbials), Fujin You Meiyou Yinhang? ( „zai „sentences и „you“ sentences; words defining direction and|

|their position in a sentences) |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Neng Bu Neng Shi Yi Shi? (Buying clothes; situations in a restaurant; introduction to Chinese cuisine), Zhe Zhang Ditu Shi Yingwen De (Conversation |

|about states and cities), Ni Shenme Shihou Huilai? (Planning vacation and travel), Ni Shenme Shihou Huilai? |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Textbook, Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Exercise Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Contemporary Chinese (Dangdai Zhongwen), Character Book,Wu Zhongwei, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2010. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, term papers, tests, mid-terms, |

|written and oral part of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: FRENCH LANGUAGE 4 |

|Teacher: Neda Maenza |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: - |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the French Language 4 course, which is, both in content and structure, a continuation of the course French Language 3, |

|is to enable students to acquire all language skills in the use of French at B1.2 level according to the Common European Framework for |

|Living Languages. The emphasis is on systematic and equal development of all four language skills, through the use of modern language |

|and continuous alteration of communicative and grammatical elements, as well as the introduction and application of new, specific |

|terminology through examples from the original sources. |

|Course Outcomes |

|Students are able to independently and freely participate in a variety of both everyday and business communication situations in French,|

|to communicate both through speech and writing in a working environment, as well as in situations related to profession, at B1.2 level. |

|Course Content |

|Parties de la grammaire |

|Pronoms relatifs qui, que, dont,où. Article partitif et DE-partitif. Emploi de l’Impératif. Nominalisations. Emploi des propositions à |

|et de. Conditionnel Présent - formation et emploi. Pronom personnel EN. Imparfait. Emploi des temps du passé. SI-phrases – 2ième type |

|(si + imperfait, coditionnel présent). Expressions du temps (il y a, dans, au bout de, depuis, en, jusqu'à). Passif. Concordance des |

|temps. |

|Parties du lexique/vocabulaire |

|Présenter les équipements d'un hôtel et informer les clients sur les services. Prendre une commande à l’étage. Informer sur les |

|curiosités locales - les sites et attractions touristiques. Indiquer le chemin. Décrire les métiers liés à l’hôtel. Décrire un plat |

|(ingrédients et préparation). Parlez avec un client dans un restaurant. Prendre une commande au restaurant en donnant des conseils. |

|Faire des menus ou des cartes pour un restaurant. Menu des spécialités d'un pays ou d’une région. Façon de dresser la table, couverts, |

|ménages, verrerie. Simulation d'une situation dans la cuisine du restaurant. Réclamations par courrier électronique. Réclamation au |

|restaurant. Comment communiquer avec un client insatisfait. Défauts et réparations dans un hôtel. Réclamations à l’hôtel, à l’étage, |

|dans la chambre. Écrire une lettre d'excuses. Comportement des employés face à des clients insatisfaits. Départ du client. Présenter la |

|note. Créer des questionnaires et évaluer les prestations. Rédiger une brochure promotionnelle. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|1. Corbeau S, Dubois Ch, Penfornis J-L, Semichon L, Hôtellerie-, CLE International, Paris, 2012 |

|2. Grégoire M, Grammaire Progressive du Français, CLE International, Paris, 2016 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 4 |Practice: 2 |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written|

|and oral exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: GERMAN LANGUAGE 4 |

|Teacher: Katarina Nasradin |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The goal of the course is for students to acquire skills in using German language at the B1.2 level according to the Common European Framework of |

|Reference for Languages. The emphasis is on equal development of all four skills: oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression. |

|Course Outcomes |

|This course enables students to communicate in everyday situations and to express their needs. Upon having completed level B1.2 student is able to: |

|discuss topics and issues relating to the sphere of interest, talk about their experience, dreams, plans, and things that happened in the past, and |

|deal with various situations. The emphasis is placed on developing grammar, socio-linguistic and strategic competencies. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar units |

|Starke, schwache und gemischte Adjektivdeklination. Präpositionen. Pronomen eins, keins, meins, man, etwas, alles usw. Reflexivpronomen im Akkusativ. |

|Konjunktiv von Modalverben. Relativsätze. Adjektivbildung. Adjektive und ihre Antonyme. Verben mit Präpositionen. Präteritum. Temporalsätze mit bevor, |

|bis usw. |

| |

|Lexical units |

|Personen, Kleidung und Gegenstände beschreiben. Komplimente machen. Höfflichkeit. Meinungsäußerung. Karriere und Beruf. Praktikum machen. Ehrenamtliche|

|Arbeit. Lebenslauf. Alltag und Medien. Internetabhängigkeit. Deutschland. Berlin. Politisches System. Politische Debatte. Deutsche Geschichte. Kulturen|

|im Kontakt. Deutsche Kunst. Im Hotel. Serbien und Toutismus. Serbische Spezialitäten. Sehenswürdigkeiten in Serbien. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

|Köker, C. Lemke, L. Rohrmann, T.Schering: Berliner Platz 2 neu, Langenscheidt, Berlin, 2010. (student book and workbook) |

|Dreyer/Schmitt: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, tests, mid-terms, written and oral |

|part of the exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Italian Language 4 |

|Teacher: : DARIJA LUNIĆ |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the course Italian Language 4 is to train students to use the language at level B1.2. The course Italian language 4 , with its content|

|and structure, adds to the subject of the Italian Language 3, in which all four linguistic skills are systematically worked on. Using the modern |

|language and the constant replacement of communicative and grammatical elements the course is enriched with spontaneity and naturalness and grammatical|

|elements through a variety of texts that speak of the culture and society of Italy, and short news articles from Italian daily newspapers and |

|magazines, videos and numerous dialogues. |

|Course Outcomes |

|This course is at the intermediate B1.2 level and prepares students for mastering the Italian language, which will enable them to communicate in |

|various situations, and to understand the interlocutor when it comes to familiar topics and the subject of his interest. |

|Course Content |

|Elementi grammaticali |

|Imperativo diretto; l’imperativo con i pronomi; forma negativa dell’imperativo indiretto; aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti; congiuntivo imperfetto; |

|congiuntivo trapassato; periodo ipotetico di 1° e 2° tipo, periodo ipotetico di 3º tipo; uso di „ci“; uso di „ne“; forma passiva; forma passiva con |

|andare, potere, dovere; “si” passivante; discorso diretto e discorso indiretto I; discorso diretto e discorso indiretto II; gerundio semplice e |

|composto; infinito presente e composto; participio presente e composto. |

|Elementi lessicali |

|Dare consigli, istruzioni, ordini; chiedere e dare permesso; l’opera italiana, acquistare, vendere o prendere in affitto una casa, agenzia immobiliare,|

|parlare di iniziative ecologiche, vantaggi e svantaggi della vita in città e in campagna, futuro del pianeta Terra, coscienza ecologica individuale e |

|collettiva; congratularsi, approvare, disapprovare; tecnologia e nuovi mezzi di tecnologia; l’arte, proverbi italiani; problemi sociali; l’Oroscopo, |

|caratteristiche dei segni zodiacali; la letteratura italiana. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Nuovo progetto italiano 2 – T. Marin, S. Magnelli – corso multimediale di lingua e civiltà italiana, 2012. |

|2. Nuovo Progetto italiano Video 2 - T. Marin - M. Dominici - Videocorso di lingua e civiltà italiana,livello |

|intermedio (B1.2), 2015. |

|3. Una grammatica italiana per tutti 2 (edizione aggiornata) - A. Latino - M. Muscolino - |

|esercizi e chiavi per studenti stranieri., livello intermedio (B1.2). |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory:3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

| |

|Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gymmed and collaborative learning, language skills tests, tests, midterms, written and oral part of the |

|exam. |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 4 |

|Teacher: Miloš Pupavac |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|Systematization and revision of previously acquired knowledge; Performing and adopting new communication, grammar and lexical units to reach level B1.2|

|according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Russian language 4 upgrades the acquired basis of spoken and written Russian, |

|enriches vocabulary and improves grammatical and linguistic structures typical of communication in Russian. Analysis of the most interesting aspects of|

|rich Russian culture, history and contemporary Russian society. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students learn more complex sentence structures and grammatical constructions typical of Russian as well as vocabulary needed to communicate at |

|advanced level in everyday life and business environment. Advanced students master the skills of listening, reading and writing. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|Глаголы движения ; Употребление глаголов движения с приставками; Прямая и косвенная речь; Условные предложения; Деепричастие совершенного вида; |

|Деепричастие несовершенного вида, Действительное причастие настоящего времени; Действительное причастие прошедшего времени; Страдательное причастие |

|настоящего времени; Страдательное причастие прошедшего времени. |

|Lexical Units |

|Фразы и лексика по теме «Транспорт»; Фразы и лексика по теме «Ресторан (русская и сербская национальная кухня)»; Фразы и лексика по теме « Профессии и |

|образование»; Фразы и лексика по теме «Праздиники (поздравительные фразы)»;Традиции и обычаи у сербов и русских; Фразы и лексика по теме «Театр и |

|фильм». |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Миллер Л. В., Политова Л.В., Рыбакова И. Я., Жили-были...12 уроков русского языка.Базовый уровень, Златоуст, Санкт Петербург, 2014. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: SPANISH LANGUAGE 4 |

|Teacher: maja Veljković Michos |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 6 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

| |

|The course objective of the Spanish Language 4, which in its strucutre and content accompanies the Spanish |

|Language 3, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive |

|and productive language skills at level B1.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for |

|Languages. This includes the development of language skills which can be applied, both in everyday informal |

|situations, and in academic and business contexts. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|Students improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read and |

|understand the language content in various communication situations for both general and specific purposes at |

|level B1.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Grammar Units |

|El presente de subjuntivo- usos; Lаs oraciones relativas, comparatvas, concesivas, adversativas, temporales..; El futuro imperfecto; El imperativo y |

|los pronombres; El imperativo negativo; El condicional. |

|Lexical Units |

|El ordenador y las nuevas tecnologías; La prensa escrita y la prensa digital; La publicidad; La vivienda española; Los lugares de trabajo; La |

|afectividad; El clima y el tiempo atmosférico; Los platos hispanos; La dieta y los alimentos; El vocabulario del restaurante; Pedir y dar consejos y |

|recomendaciones. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Aragón, Gili, Barquero: Pasaporte B1, Nivel Intermedio, Madrid, Edelsa (Уџбеник, радна свеска+CD) |

|Gramática básica del estudiante de español (Nueva edición) А1-B1, Barcelona, Editorial Difusión, 2011 |

|Gramática en contexto, Madrid, Edelsa, 2011 |

|Active Teaching Hours: 6 |Theory: 3 |Practice: 3 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam. |

| |

| |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |

|Study Programme: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Economics |

|Course Title: Practical Research and Soft Skills |

|Teacher: Vladimir Džamić, Jelena Gajić, Lazar Dražeta |

|Course Status: Mandatory |

|ECST Value: 8 |

|Prerequisite: / |

|Course Goals and Objectives |

|The objective of the course is to introduce students with basic concepts and categories in the field of applied skills with a focus on solving specific|

|problems. The course aims at mastering skills through active teaching supplemented by the implementation of practice in a particular business society, |

|followed by writing and defense of an independent project. Training students for independent work in the economy, deepening and application of |

|knowledge in the field of professional development and business skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge in concrete case studies are the |

|focus of this course. |

|Course Outcomes |

| |

|The student will be able to understand and apply key skills, basic principles for achieving goals, the role of lifelong training in achieving success |

|and positive business results, and the individual aspect of the role of an individual as an employee in the organization. On the basis of the problem |

|that was processed, the student is trained to write and defend the project - the final work on the studies. |

|Course Content |

| |

|Theory |

|Basic concepts of applicable business skills and theory of success; Personal skills; Introspection skill; Emotional and Social Intelligence; Time |

|management skills; Social skills: negotiation skills, conflict management skills and conflict situation skills, stress management skills and stress |

|reactions; Communication skills: oral, written and non-verbal communication; formal and informal business correspondence; Public speaking skills and |

|oratory skills; Academic skills: academic writing, rules for writing academic papers, the skills of presenting academic papers; Sales skills; |

|Analytical skills. |

| |

|Practice |

|Personal SWOT analysis. Subjective and objective assessment of personal and business skills: personality tests in an organizational environment; |

|Majer-Brigs personality type indicator. Writing academic texts and practicing academic writing with the skill of presenting academic papers. |

|Primary and Secondary Sources Selection |

| |

|Boljanović-Đorđević, J., Dražeta, L., Babić, L. i Dobrijević, G. Razvoj karijere i poslovnih veština, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2016. |

|Dobrijević, G., Poslovno komuniciranje i pregovaranje, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2015. |

|Džamić, V. Organizaciono ponašanje i korporativna kultura, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2016. |

|Active Teaching Hours: 3 |Theory:3 |Practice: 0 |

| |

|Applicable Teaching Methods: |

|lectures, practice, seminar and project paper, case analysis, simulation, interactive discussion, midterms, written exam |

|Grading Scheme (max. 100 points) |

|Pre-exam Requirements |Points |Final Exam |Points |

|Attendance and in-class Activity |10 |Written part | |

|Practice | |Oral Part |30 |

|Mid-term Exams/Tests |60 | | |

|Other Assessment Items | | | |


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