Chapter 10 – The Marketing Plan

Entrepreneurship Mr. Driscoll

Chapter 10 – The Marketing Plan

1. marketing objectives

2. marketing plan

a. what are the parts of the marketing plan/mix? (4 Ps)

b. what do you think is meant by each one?

3. marketing mix

4. brand

5. package

6. label

7. product positioning

8. product mix

9. channel of distribution

10. intermediaries

11. intensive distribution

12. selective distribution

13. exclusive distribution

14. marketing tactics

Entrepreneurship Mr. Driscoll

Marketing Your Product/Service

What are you going to do to let people know about your product or service?

The process today is going to be in three parts:

a. Think individually for about 5 minutes about what you would do to market your product or service. Be realistic!!!! Please give this some thought as marketing is a very important component of your business plan.

b. After you’re done with the individual portion of the assignment. You will be placed into groups of 4 where you will discuss your marketing plan. Each member of the group will then offer their assessment of each person’s plan and their ideas to improve it. (25 minutes)

c. Each member of the group will hand in their evaluation of the other group members (with the marketing plan of the individual stapled to the front. Each member’s name needs to be on the front page).


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