A. Key Personas

Marketing Plan[INSERT YEAR / PERIOD COVERED IN PLAN]Rev. [INSERT DATE]INSERT ORGANIZATION NAMEINSERT STREET ADDRESSINSERT URL[Insert Organization] [Insert Year] Marketing PlanRev. [insert date]ContentsSTRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY & MARKETING GOALSACTIVITY DETAILKeyword ResearchOn-Page SEOBloggingContent Creation & Conversion PathsSocial Media Growth & PromotionEmail PromotionOff-Page SEOProgress Assessment / Analysis / ReportingACTIVITY CALENDARAPPENDICESKey PersonasAdd more as neededI. STRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY & MARKETING GOALSMission Statement: Insert from strategic plan for this year.Vision: Insert from strategic plan for this year.3971925695325SMART stands for:SmartMeasurableAttainableRelevantTime-boundSMART stands for:SmartMeasurableAttainableRelevantTime-boundOrganizational SMART Goals: List your organization’s SMART goals, copied from the strategic plan for the marketing plan period. Paste them in without activity detail - just the goals. Your organization may not yet have SMART goals, so use any goals that have been agreed upon. The important thing is that these goals (1) were issued or at least approved by the organization’s leadership, (2) represent the priorities for the organization this year, (3) include all organizational targets that require marketing in order for them to be achieved. Marketing Goals Crosswalk: On the left, copy your organizational SMART goals. On the right, insert all of the marketing SMART goals that need to be achieved in order to attain the organizational goal. In order to create your SMART goals, read your organization’s Key Personas. For each organizational SMART goal, which personas need to be attracted in order to meet that goal? How are they most likely to get information from you? Email? Facebook? LinkedIn? Set your SMART goals with those answers in mind.Marketing Goals CrosswalkOrganizational SMART GoalMarketing Smart GoalsIncrease training attendance by 10% by September 30, [YEAR].1A. Increase training email list contacts by 50% by July [YEAR].1B. Increase training email open rate by 5 percentage points by July [YEAR].1C. Increase training email click rate by 2 percentage points by July [YEAR].1D. Increase Facebook likes by 50% by July [YEAR].1E. Increase LinkedIn group membership by 50% by July [YEAR].2. 3. Insert more rows as neededII. ACTIVITY DETAILUse the space below to plan all of the marketing activities your organization will need to undertake to meet the above marketing SMART goals. This template is designed to help you plan phases of a sustainable marketing strategy, so it suggests front-loading certain things in the first quarter because they form the foundation of your digital marketing, strengthening those areas in which many nonprofits are weak. But every organization is different, so place activities in the order that makes sense for you.★ = Item(s) Below Start in Q1★★ = Item(s) Below Start in Q2★★★ = Item(s) Below Start in Q3A. Online Marketing★1. Keyword ResearchGoals: Increase Traffic, Increase Contacts, Increase Social FollowingTools: e.g., Google Keyword Tool, Hubspot Keyword ToolTo increase traffic from key personas via organic (browser) search, research and select keywords that are low in ranking difficulty, have a moderate monthly search volume, and will attract the key personas.a. One-Time Activity:i. Create On Page Search Optimization Worksheet of target keywords to use in On-Page SEOb. Monthly Activity:i. Update Keyword Research: Add to worksheet to provide updated research which will be used in ongoing blog/news item SEO and content for conversion paths. Search engine performance of potential keywords changes constantly and requires routine updating.2. On-Page SEOSee relevant section under B. Web Content Maintenance below.3. BloggingGoals: Increase TrafficTools: e.g., Organizational Blog Editorial Calendar, Hubspot SEO View, Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Content Marketing★★a. One-Time Activities:i. Add blog page templates to website (single page and list page) and execute all technical setup (create author bios / accounts, categories, etc.)ii. Plan topics on Blog Editorial Calendar to attract key personas and support organizational events, days of importance, and other anticipated developments.★★b. Ongoing Activities:i. Write and publish 2-4 blog posts per month (can include news items, covered below)ii. Use a strategic keyword in each blog entryiii. Use blogging worksheet to ensure following of all blogging best practices4. Content Creation and Conversion PathsCreating content and conversion paths is the most important activity in increasing contacts from your key personas.A premium content offer is content of value to the key persona that is gated — it is accessed by the contact completing a form, and has a conversion path. A conversion path includes a call to action, form, landing page, and thank you page. A pillar page is a long, feature-rich, authoritative page with inbound links to it from related blogs / pages.Goals: Increase ContactsTools: Offer Planning Worksheet, Hubspot Landing / Thank You Pages and CTAs★a. Blog and Email Subscription Conversion Paths:ii. Create conversion paths for blog subscription and email subscriptioniii. Place CTAs for blog subscription and email subscriptions on related pages throughout website (web pages and blogs)b. Premium Content Offer Planning:i. Plan 2 premium content offers for the year, using the Offer Planning Worksheet (most likely PDF downloads but could be webinars, videos, or other forms of content)c. Pillar Page Planning:i. Plan 1 pillar page for the year, using the Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Content Marketing★a. Premium Content Offer 1: Insert Titlei. Write / adapt content ii. Design / produceiii. Develop conversion path: landing page, thank you page, calls to actioniv. Place CTAs on related pages throughout website (web pages and blogs)★★b. Premium Content Offer 2: Insert Titlei. Write / adapt content ii. Design / produceiii. Develop conversion path: landing page, thank you page, calls to actioniv. Place CTAs on related pages throughout website (web pages and blogs)★★★c. Pillar Page: Insert Titlei. Write / adapt content ii. Design / developiii. Download of pillar page content: PDF, landing page, thank you pageiv. Place links to pillar page on related pages throughout website (web pages and blogs)5. Social Media Growth & PromotionGoals: Increase Social Media FollowingTools: Organizational Staff Social Media Guidelines, Organizational Social Media Calendar, Hubspot Social Monitoring & Publishing, Hootsuite, etc.Platforms: select based on where key personas spend timeFacebook LinkedInTwitterInstagramLogin Credentials:HubSpot / Hootsuite Login: LinkedIn Login: Must use individual account and be made an administratorFacebook Login: Must use individual account and be made an administratorTwitter Login: a. One-Time Activity:★i. Create / update Organizational Staff Social Media Guidelinesii. Create social media accounts★★iii. Optimize / update social media platforms if needediv. Influencer research: compile list of social accounts of key personas to target for follows / engagementv. Hashtag research: identify list of engagement opportunities for year★★b. Ongoing Activities:i. Fill out Organizational Social Media Calendar, seeding with strategic hashtags and @mentions to secure following of desired influencersii. Plan advertising campaigns if useful to achieving specific social following goalsiii. Promote each new piece of website content (blog posts, premium content offers, and more) via social media posts. 20-40% of all social posts should promote organization’s content.iv. Comment on and link to content outside of the organization’s website. 60-80% of all social posts should link to content that doesn’t come from your organization.v. Monitor responses to posts and mentions of your organization; respond to retweets, comments to posts, and mentions as appropriatevi. Post using the Organizational Social Media Calendarvii. Post using the Organizational Staff Social Media Guidelines★★6. Email PromotionGoals: Increase ContactsTools: Hubspot Email, MailChimp, etc.Requires segmenting all contacts by persona, geography, other meaningful characteristics in terms of customizing content for them. Enables us to provide different key personas with customized email content that is more useful to them.a. One-Time Activity:i. Develop Organizational Enewsletter Editorial Calendar for each key persona indicating content for each issue in coming year, adapting blog content and offer contentii. Clean up list: Develop criteria for removal of contacts from current listiii. If switching from an antiquated email system, send “breakup email” offering chance to subscribe to new systemiv. Remove contacts per criteriav. Move remaining contacts to new systemvi. Manually segment existing contacts according to key persona and any other meaningful criteriavii. Import any additional contacts that represent key personasviii. Develop e-newsletter template for each key personaix. Develop signup forms in new email system to gather key characteristics for all new contacts (first name, last name, email address, company / organization, key persona identifier question, possibly others)b. Ongoing Activities:i. Write and send monthly enewsletter to each key persona★★7. Off-Page SEOa. One-time activityi. Write email & create email list to facilitate links to organizational website from other websites. Possible sources of inbound links below.ii. Send email to:All member organizations All project partner organizationsAll organizations listed as partners / sponsors on webpageAdditional possibilities include sites that reach target personas, including the following examples (fill in below based on your field):★★b. Ongoing Activities:i. Each posting to news release sites results in an inbound link to your page. Submit a Monthly or Weekly News Release to Distribution Services including:PRWireFill in services specific to your sector / fieldPlan Content Likely to Attract Links (Link Bait), such as original data and research and infographics.Social Media: Follow and @mention influencers to increase chances of inbound links. For all social accounts, include a link to website.ii. Submit to Relevant Website Directoriesiii. Offer to Guest Blog on related sites / blogs★★8. Progress Assessment / Analysis / ReportingGoal: AllTools: Monthly Marketing Reporta. One-Time Activity:i. Enter goals into Hubspot dashboardb. Ongoing Activities:ii. Prepare and present reporting session to review:Conversion Path Analysis:Dissect performance of each conversion path, analyzing performance of call to action and landing page analyticsPromotion Analysis:Analyze performance of blog posts, email blasts, and social interactionsContacts Goal Progress Analysis:Compare “increase contact” goals to progress and make adjustments to activitiesB. Web Content MaintenanceWebsite CMS Login Credentials: Insert hereYoutube Login Credentials: Insert here1. One-Time Activities★a. Mobile site optimizationGoogle requires mobile optimization in order for your site to be favored in search results, so make the organizational website responsive. There are multiple ways to accomplish this — you will need a web developer to do it.b. Sitewide SEOi. To generate traffic to the organizational website from its key personas (achieving goals: Increase Traffic, Increase Contacts, Increase Social Following), optimize existing web pages with target longtail keywords: Develop an On Page Search Optimization Worksheet. For each web page, select a target longtail keyword from the worksheet and place it in searched locations in the page (URL, page title, page contents, meta description, image alt tag). Add select internal links to select site pages to increase linking domains and improve SEO. For any target keywords from the worksheet that do not have web content to be placed on, recommend a list of web pages to be developed.ii. Inventory the different categories of pages on your site: Do a spreadsheet tallying up the number of Site Pages, Blog Posts, News Posts, Resources, etc. Place these into 3 groups, each requiring about the same amount of resources to do SEO. If there are more than you can individually customize, economize by determining priority keywords for global application to one set of pages that deal with a single topic, while doing custom keyword selection for blog entries and other types of pages with customized content. ★i. Do SEO on group 1 pages.★★i. Do SEO on group 2 pages.★★★i. Do SEO on group 3 pages.★Carry out home page updates as needed.★2. Daily Activitiesa. SEO All New Web ContentUse SEO best practices to place focus longtail keyword(s) in all required metadata locations: page title, page description, body copy, image alt tags, and URL.★★3. Weekly ActivitiesList areas of the site to update weekly4. Monthly ActivitiesList areas of the site to update monthly5. Quarterly ActivitiesList areas of the site to update quarterly6. Annual ActivitiesList areas of the site to update annuallyII. ACTIVITY CALENDARIn this section of the plan, copy in brief summaries of activity descriptions from section III, and link them to the respective activity in section III. Leave the month number and dates generic - it will make it easier to move items around as needed, and then, when the marketing plan is approved, copy and paste items into your organizational calendar or project management system to assign actual dates.★ Month 1 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday1 2Insert activity summary with bookmark to full description in marketing plan 3 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 45 678910 HYPERLINK \l "664usnp099le" 111213 HYPERLINK \l "41qbqyvw6xxo" 141516 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 17 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 18 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 19 20 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 212223 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 24 2526 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 27 HYPERLINK \l "cijkc89dhdjg" 28★ Month 2Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 3Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 4 Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 5Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 6Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 7 Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 8Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 9 Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 10 Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 11Copy calendar template from Month 1.★ Month 12Copy calendar template from Month 1.IV. KEY PERSONAS SUMMARYFill in the information below using your key personas document as a starting point. If you haven’t created that yet, here’s a template to work from.A. Key PersonasNameGoals1-sentence summaryChallenges3-5 bullet pointsConversion goals: They have goals and challenges, we offer programs - based on the intersection of those two, what actions do we expect this person to take that will directly feed into to our strategic plan goals - e.g., “Attend spring training on K-5 education”. 3-5 bullet points, or more as needed.How they get information: Email, Facebook, specific nonprofit or other websites and blogs, etc.Copy #1 and paste as needed. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Get Help With Your Organization’s Marketing PlanBook a Quick-Win Marketing Assessment ................

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