Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Program Marketing Planning Guide

Event Name: XXXXX

ISUE Program Coordinator: XXXXX

Committee Members: XXXXX



Location: XXXXX

Registration Fee: XXXXX

Partnering Organizations: XXXXX

1. Primary Purpose and Description:

How does this program support Healthy People. Healthy Environments. Healthy Economies. What is the need? What are the desired outcomes; specific behavior changes that are desired? Give a brief description of the proposed event. What condition of concern does this program address? What research findings support this program/event?

2. Target Audience:

Who is the program for? Identify specific groups of people that you want to reach, in priority order. Consider age, occupation, interests, geographic location, etc.

3. Key Messages:

What does the audience need to know? What are the benefits of attending? Selling points? What will attendees gain from participating? Craft two or three messages in a way that will be compelling and resonate with the identified target audience(s).

4. Marketing Goals:

List specific and measurable marketing goal(s) to be accomplished by this project - what you hope to accomplish and measurable outcomes?

Goal 1:

Goal 2:

Goal 3:

5. Marketing Tactics:

Based on the goals you have set; identify those tactics that will appropriately and effectively promote your program. Select from the following matrix and/or add your own. Base your selection on 1) the potential to effectively reach your target audience, 2) the resources (time and budget) available, and 3) the scope or size of your program.


|INITIAL PREPARATION |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Prepare written copy for news | | | | | | |

|release(s), web postings, email | | | | | | |

|correspondence, newsletters, and other | | | | | | |

|direct communications. | | | | | | |

|Design brochure, flyers, PowerPoint | | | | | | |

|slides, etc. | | | | | | |

|Design program logo (if applicable) | | | | | | |

|Obtain copy and logo approval from | | | | | | |

|partner organizations | | | | | | |

|Identify and update appropriate mailing| | | | | | |

|lists | | | | | | |

|PRINT MATERIALS |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Flyers (8 ½ x 11, ¼ pg, |  | | | |  |  |

|1/3 pg, etc.) | | | | | | |

|Posters (11 x 17 or larger) |  | | | |  |  |

|Postcards |  | | | |  |  |

|Business cards |  |  |  | |  |  |

|Registration forms |  | | | |  |  |

|Bookmarks | | | | | | |

|CROSS-PROMOTION |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Provide materials to program partners |  | | | |  |  |

|Identify businesses/service providers |  | |  | |  |  |

|whose clients would benefit from the | | | | | | |

|program, share promotional materials | | | | | | |

|Identify community events, other | | | | | | |

|programs that are targeting a similar | | | | | | |

|audience | | | | | | |

|EMAIL |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Send information via email or | | | | | | |

|eNewsletter with link to registration | | | | | | |

|or more details | | | | | | |

|Send copy for REEDs, CPC’s, partner |  | | | |  |  |

|organizations, agencies to share with | | | | | | |

|lists reaching target audience | | | | | | |

|Maintain regular communication with |  | | | |  |  |

|conference sponsors, share information | | | | | | |

|that is going out to potential | | | | | | |

|attendees | | | | | | |

|PRINT MEDIA |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Pitch feature articles in local, |  | | | |  |  |

|regional, statewide | | | | | | |

|newspapers/magazines – don’t forget | | | | | | |

|about niche publications serving the | | | | | | |

|area | | | | | | |

|Consider Free-Standing Inserts or | | | | | | |

|working with the newspaper to create a | | | | | | |

|special tab insert | | | | | | |

|Paid print advertising schedule |  | | | |  |  |

|(explore newspaper’s online presence, | | | | | | |

|as well) | | | | | | |

|CALENDARS |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Post information on media event |  | | | |  |  |

|calendars (, etc.) | | | | | | |

|ONLINE |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Send news release and web link to |  | | | |  |  |

|REEDs/CPCs/OAs to add to their county | | | | | | |

|websites | | | | | | |

|Share info with partner organizations, |  | | | |  |  |

|media and other websites reaching the | | | | | | |

|same audience | | | | | | |

|Determine appropriate social media |  | | | |  |  |

|presence: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, | | | | | | |

|Video, Blogs, etc. | | | | | | |

|Explore online advertising |  |  |  | |  |  |

|opportunities to reach target audience | | | | | | |

|RADIO |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Send out PSA's, talking points, media |  | | | |  |  |

|drops (with food)! | | | | | | |

|Request on-air interviews with AM radio|  | | | |  |  |

|Paid advertising schedule (explore |  | | | |  |  |

|opportunities with the station’s online| | | | | | |

|presence, as well) | | | | | | |

|TELEVISION |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Update media event calendars with |  | | | |  |  |

|program information | | | | | | |

|Work with specialists who are featured | | | | | | |

|guests of the media, or inquire about | | | | | | |

|becoming one | | | | | | |

|Tap into public access television – |  | | | |  |  |

|share related video clips or slides of | | | | | | |

|the program particulars | | | | | | |

|NEWSLETTERS |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Send newsletter article to Extension |  | | | |  |  |

|offices for 4-H newsletter and other | | | | | | |

|county-based newsletters | | | | | | |

|Send newsletter article to other |  | | | |  |  |

|agencies, organizations | | | | | | |

|OTHER |( |Target Date |Person Responsible |Budget |Completion Date |( |

|Presence at other conferences/events? |  | |  | |  |  |

|Fairs, annual meetings, etc. | | | | | | |

|Explore movie theatre advertising | | | | | | |

|opportunities | | | | | | |

|Send personal letters of invitation, | | | | | | |

|follow up | | | | | | |

|Make presentations to local community | | | | | | |

|clubs about the upcoming program | | | | | | |

6. Evaluation:

What changes or recommendations do you have for a future program of this nature? Would you recommend hosting this event again? Why?

7. Outcomes:

Give specific measurable results for each goal established.

Goal 1:


Goal 2:


Goal 3:


8. Impact:

Event close-out checklist: gather news articles, thank-you letters, client testimonial statements.

Telling the story /Gather information for success story and impact story – Was your primary objective met? Describe the impact of this project. What are some changes participants made? What are some outcomes that result from those changes? How do the outcomes benefit participants? Benefit others in the community (public value)?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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