8 Ways to Get New Leads Right Now

8 Ways to Get New Leads Right Now

By Deborah Ball Kearns, RE/MAX Times Online Editor

Finding new buyers and sellers doesn't have to be a chore.

As the market continues to change, you have to be a step ahead of it. And to do so, you have to be on the constant lookout for new sources of business, says Beth Nordaune.

"We've all seen a lot of changes in our local markets, and we have to adapt to them," says Nordaune, a Platinum Club member with RE/MAX of Rochester in Rochester, Minn. "You simply can't get stagnant and assume that something that worked a few years ago or even something that works now will work in five or 10 years. You have to build client relationships."


Here are Nordaune's ideas for cultivating new leads: Get personal "Meet with people face-to-face and show that you care about more than your commission check and a quick closing. Technology is a great tool for finding new business, but on its own it doesn't retain those leads so it shouldn't be your only touch point. Set appointments for coffee dates, lunches and other meetings. If you don't make a personal connection early on, you'll miss the chance to build a lasting relationship."

Give clients value "We provide our clients with ready-made program books for buyers and sellers. The booklets cover everything from move-in inspections to financing and closing details. We also offer staging consultations. The key is to make things effortless and easy for clients. Some prospective clients may not work with you until a year out, but it's important to make those connections now and show your value."

Prospect with social media "Try to touch base on your social media sites at least once a day. I try to find three status updates that I comment on or 'like' to show my interest. Avoid posting solely about your listings; share a mix of personal, humorous, business, community information. People are researching agents before they sign a contract, and they're definitely looking on Facebook. Visit other agents' sites and even other companies to see how they prospect with social media."

Use RE/MAX tools "Marketing is essential to generating new business, and the RE/MAX Design Center has all sorts of free templates and options; take advantage of them! I love reading the Message Boards on Mainstreet and the news stories; you pick up so many lead-generation ideas. LeadStreet is a great resource (and it's free), so don't discount those leads."

Network with other agents "I'm involved in the Young Professionals Network, which is a great way to meet other business professionals and gain referrals. Be the person who other agents want to work with and send business to. RE/MAX R4 is one of the best places to meet other RE/MAX agents and look for new business, so attend the convention. In addition to gaining new business, networking builds rapport and helps transactions run more smoothly."

Stay in touch and ask directly "I send out a basic postcard each month and every third month, we send one out that directly asks for referrals. Stay in touch with past clients through e-mail, your website, a blog and Facebook. Host client appreciation events at least once a year and, most importantly, don't be afraid to ask for referrals!"

Investigate around town "Reach out to large companies in your area to see if they can send you referrals. Hospitals, major industries, universities and other large employers typically have a lot of people moving in and out of the area ? you just need to do some research. We have a Mayo Clinic in Rochester, and I've established rapport with someone in the Human Resources department. I get a lot of referrals I wouldn't have received without that connection."

Be yourself "No matter what approach you take to market and work your business, find something that makes you happy. Above all, have fun with it. Look at what other successful agents are doing, but make their ideas your own. Conforming isn't the answer, and people can tell if you're not genuine. Be who you are, get creative and have confidence."

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