South Carolina Bar Convention

Friday, January 20, 2017

2:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.

Torts & Insurance Practices Section/Young Lawyers Division

3.0 MCLE Credit Hours, including up to 1.5 LEPR Credit Hours

Supreme Court Commission on CLE Course #: 170452

Teal Ballroom

Persuasion, Advocacy and Ethical Considerations in the Millennial Age

We are thrilled to once again offer another exciting collaboration between the Torts & Insurance Practice Section and the Young Lawyers Division! In the first segment, we are honored to have Dom Gianna, one of America’s most dynamic speakers and experienced trial lawyers, for an educational and thoroughly entertaining express trip through the worlds of modern persuasion science and advocacy. With the use of videos, movie clips and haiku slides, Mr. Gianna’s program, Mastering the Art, Science & Craft of Advocacy in the Millennial Age, will bring you up-to-date in 90 insightful, and enjoyable, minutes as he makes advocacy for the Millennial age come alive.

After the break, Barbara Seymour, Deputy Disciplinary Counsel, will discuss the ethical considerations young and old lawyers should be aware of when conducting business development and marketing activities. Also, Ms. Seymour will discuss attorney mentoring, the art of delegating work to junior attorneys, and the new and increased responsibilities when attorneys transition from the role of young attorney to supervising attorney under the Rules of Professional Conduct.


2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. Mastering the Art, Science and Craft of Advocacy in the Millennial Age

Dominic J. Gianna, Esq.

Aaron & Gianna, PLC

New Orleans, LA

4 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Break

4:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Ethical Considerations in Business Development, Marketing and Supervising Partner/Senior Lawyer Responsibilities Under the Rules of Professional Conduct

Barbara Seymour, Esq.

Office of Disciplinary Counsel


Course Planners: Adam B. Landy, Columbia

Amity Edmonds, Greenville

Bradley “Brad” Lanford, Columbia

Emily Bridges, Greenville

Tommy D. Preston, Columbia


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