American College of Nurse-Midwives | 2019 Home Theme Edits

A List of Sources Cited inthe November 4, 2013 ACNM/HRSA Webcast on the ACA and MidwiferySlide 10 – official government site for consumersLocalHelp. – Getting personalized help to select a coverage optionSlide 11 - official government site for providers Slide 14 16Source: 2010 CBO analysis. See page 23 of document available at: and 2013 CBO analysis, available at: enrollment figures are from the 2013 Medicare Trustees Report, available at: 17Source: “Medicaid: A Primer, 2013,” Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, March 2013. Available on-line at: 18Source: Markus, et. al., “Medicaid Covered Births, 2008 to 2010, in the Context of the Implementation of Health Reform,” Women’s Health Issues, vol. 23, issue 5, e273-e280. Available at: These figures represent 2010 births. Note that Delaware data for 2010 were not available, so map represents 2009 data.Slide 19Source: “Medicaid: A Primer, 2013,” Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, March 2013. Available on-line at: 20See, “A Guide to the Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act Decision,” Kaiser Family Foundation, July 2012, available at: 21Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Website – State Fact, available at: Current as of October 22, 2013Slide 23See preamble discussion to the March 23, 2012 final rule at 77 FR 17149. Available at: 24See Section 2301 of the ACA, available at: 25Source: American Association of Birth Centers Website, at: Last accessed on September 9, 2013.Slide 27For a quick, clever video giving an overview of the Marketplaces, see: Slide 28See Section 1302 of the ACA, available at: 29See: : 78 FR 12834, February 25, 2013, (specifically 45 CFR 156.115) available at: 31-33Based on ACNM analysis of benchmark documents available at: 35Assumes all are not grandfathered. Estimates for the percent of lives in plans that maintain grandfathered status by 2018 are <5%. Sources: (1) U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Updated Estimates for the Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act. March 2012. (2) Medicare Trustees Report, 2011. Table III.A3. (3) CBO Health Insurance Baseline, March 2011. (4) Employee Benefits Research Institute, 2012.Slide 36Includes small and large group fully-insured plans, existing individual market lives, and the uninsured who may enroll in exchange-based plans or Medicaid if states chooses expansion option. Excludes pre-ACA Medicaid, Medicare, and other federal programs like VA and DoD TRICARE. Sources: (1) Employee Benefits Research Institute, 2012., (2) State Health Assistance Data Center (SHADAC), 2012. Slide 37Source: 45 CFR 155.1050 and 77 FR 18409, 18419Slide 38Source: 45 CFR 156.225, Public Health Services Act Section 2706, and 39 Slide 40 - For Consumers - For ProvidersSlide 41Number of plans across 36 states. Source: ASPE Issue Brief available at: 42Note: this is based on a preliminary analysis of 17 states and DC that announced their data prior to October 1. It is available at: 43Weighted average premiums across 48 states. Source: ASPE Issue Brief available at: 45See: 47 48Source: 78 FR 15483, available at: 52Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Website – State Fact, available at: Current as of September 3, 2013Slide 53Source: CBO May 2013 Baseline - and July 24, 2012 CBO letter to Rep. John Boehner, available at: ................

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