A. Crawford Mosley High School

Marine Corps

Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps

Parent/Cadet Syllabus

SY 2020-2021

Parent Information Letter

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Welcome to the A. Crawford Mosley High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (MCJROTC) program. The objectives of the MCJROTC program are to develop in the individual cadet Leadership Skills, Character Building, promote Citizenship and Responsibility, develop a sense of patriotism, and enhance Self-Discipline through the study and practical application of Marine Corps leadership traits and principles. The MCJROTC program is not a recruiting program, and we do not attempt to make Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines out of the cadets. Participation in the program incurs no obligation of future military service. Likewise, the program is not a disciplinary program for troubled or disruptive students. Each child enrolled in MCJROTC should have a sincere desire to participate in the program.

The MCJROTC program at A. Crawford Mosley High School is a four-year, four-level, elective academic course which provides one credit for each year satisfactorily completed. The instructors are considered “Highly Qualified” per the Florida Department of Education and the US Marine Corps. For enrollment in the program; a student must be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at A. Crawford Mosley High School, be in a grade above the 8th grade, be of good moral character as determined by the principal of the school and the MCJROTC staff, be physically qualified to participate fully in the school's physical education program, and come into the program with a desire to learn.

The MCJROTC program offers several advantages to students, regardless of their plans after graduation. College and University ROTC scholarships valued in excess of $60,000, and service academy scholarships valued in excess of $400,000.00 are available to deserving graduating cadets who meet qualifying standards. Cadets who plan to enter the armed forces after high school can earn the first or second rank promotion, immediately following recruit training by successfully completing two years in the JROTC program. This first promotion is valued at approximately $250.00 more per month. For these young men and women who plan to pursue other avenues, the Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence, and Leadership Skills learned in this program will put them at an advantage with peers and help them successfully meet the challenges of adulthood.

Cadets will have the opportunity to, but not obligated to; participate in many extracurricular activities, to include the unit Drill and Color Guard Teams, Marksmanship Team, Physical Fitness Training/Orienteering Training as well as community service projects, unit fundraisers, and orientation trips. The educational experience of each MCJROTC cadet will be significantly enhanced by participation in these important unit activities.

Two very important events take place within JROTC that all cadets are expected to attend. The first event is the annual inspection conducted by our Headquarters in Quantico, Virginia. All aspects of the JROTC program are inspected to include an inspection of the cadets and instructors. The second event is the annual awards ceremony held in mid May. Parents are encouraged to attend.

Cadets are also required to attend a Company formation the first Thursday of every month. Cadets will form up around the school flagpole from 7:55am-8:15am. During this time, qualified cadets will receive promotions and awards. Cadets being promoted or receiving awards are required to inform their parents. Parents may “pin” their cadets.

In order for the academic year to get off to a smooth start, we need your help. Along with your cadet, please read and sign all pertinent parts of the CADET PROCESSING FORMS, which will be given to your child during the first week of school. Uniforms will not be issued until the return of all forms.

We are looking forward to teaming up with you to make each cadet’s experience in MCJROTC a rewarding one. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the MCJROTC instructional staff.



Please follow us on our Facebook Page: “Mosley HS MCJROTC” & Instagram “mosleymcjrotc” for program/school information/events, pictures and much more! Updates will be posted on a regular basis.


Leadership Education Levels, Academic Criteria/Credit, Disenrollment

Introduction - MCJROTC curriculum is built on a “building block” system. Leadership Education is the name of the MCJROTC curriculum because we use the tenants of Marine Corps leadership to teach and develop a sense of responsibility, loyalty, discipline and character in cadets. Throughout the four years of the program, the Leadership Education curriculum is presented by way of five different categories of instruction. Those categories are: Leadership, Citizenship, Personal Growth and Responsibility, Public Service and Career Exploration, and General Military Subjects.

A cadet is required to start and satisfactorily complete the Leadership Education I level before advancing to the next level, and so on, until completion of the Leadership Education IV level if desired.

Leadership Education I (LE I) - The first year of the program provides cadets with an introduction to both leadership and citizenship. The first year also gives the new cadets exposure to personal growth and responsibility and establishes a foundation of military structure and tradition.

Leadership Education II (LE II) - The second year continues the leadership and citizenship classes of LE-I. During LE-II the students receive instruction in General Military Subjects with more structure and tradition than in LE-I. This year also provides additional learning experiences in personal growth and responsibility, as well as citizenship.

Leadership Education III (LE III) - In LE-III, cadets will begin to use their leadership training as they assume positions of increased authority and responsibility within the program. In this year also, detailed instruction on personal finances is presented, as well as other preparation for life beyond high school.

Leadership Education IV (LE IV) - LE-4 is a year when cadets really bring together all their previous learning experiences in the MCJROTC program. Senior cadets will conduct formations and inspections, as well as supervise certain training events with younger cadets. LE-4 cadets continued to be challenged academically with requirements for research projects and independent studies and progress reports.

School Academics/Academic Credit - All Marine Corps JROTC cadets are required to maintain a 2.0 GPA and cadet officers a 2.5. Failure to maintain the minimum GPA, will put the cadet on immediate probation during the next semester. Credit on the basis of one credit per year is awarded for the satisfactory completion of each Leadership Education level of instruction.

Disenrollment – The Senior Marine Instructor may disenroll a cadet from the MCJROTC unit, for any of the following reasons:

• Academic Failure - You must pass MCJROTC in order to remain a part of it. However, disenrollment is not automatic. Each case is reviewed and handled separately.

• Ineptitude - Lack of aptitude, indifference to training, disciplinary infractions, or undesirable traits of character, to include repeated failure to wear the prescribed uniform.

• Legally Exempt - Found guilty of a misdemeanor or felony.

• Poor Attitude - Misuse/deceptive use of excuses to avoid training. Malingerers will be dealt with accordingly.

Basic Weekly Routine

LEADERSHIP ED LEVELS 1-4 Normal Weekly Routine:

Monday: Academic Class

Tuesday: Academic Class

Wednesday: Academic Review and Assessment

Thursday: Uniform Day-Inspection and All Hands Close Order Drill

Friday: Physical Training (PT) Day

Close Order Drill - Drill is an integral part of the Marine Corps Junior ROTC program. All students can master the drill movements taught in JROTC. Becoming proficient at drill teaches Self-Discipline, enhances concentration and builds Esprit de Corps in a unit. In addition to being a part of the MCJROTC cadet curriculum, being a member of the drill team is a very worthwhile cadet activity. Drill competition may be conducted from the local to the very competitive national level.

Students should come to all JROTC classes with comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing. They must be prepared to drill on any class day. High heel shoes and flimsy sandals will only inhibit the students’ ability to properly execute drill movements.

Physical Training (PT) - Official Physical Training will be conducted every Friday. The training will be progressive, challenging, and varied. The session may consist of calisthenics, running, pull-ups, obstacle negotiation, swimming, organized and team sports. If the student has a physical limitation such as asthma, “trick” knee, non-swimmer, etc, this must be indicated in the cadet processing forms.

A physical fitness test will be administered twice per year and is one of the requirements for promotion. A non-passing score will not prevent promotion in rank, however the cadet must complete each event to the best of his/her ability, and show improvement. While it is the cadets’ primary responsibility to be able to pass the Marine Corps JROTC Physical Fitness Test, every effort will be made to properly prepare cadets to obtain a minimum passing score before the official test is conducted but are expected to workout at home as well. Classification: The following classification of total scores will be utilized to establish standards for first class, second class and third class participants.

MCJROTC PFT Events: Pull-ups, Crunches and a 1 Mile Run.

Marksmanship – Weapons Safety is an integral part of the MCJROTC curriculum. A properly administered marksmanship program fosters safe weapons handling, good sportsmanship, while instilling a sense of pride and dedication as cadets becomes more proficient with the fundamentals of marksmanship.

All instructors are JROTC Marksmanship Instructor Course (JMIC) and National Rifle Association (NRA) certified to enhance the quality and safety of the marksmanship program. Safety of personnel and equipment is paramount throughout the conducting of marksmanship training.

The students will be taught safe and proper weapons handling procedures. Students must pass a written safety test before they will be allowed to shoot the air rifle. Those students, however, who do not display maturity and responsibility in their daily actions, will not be allowed to handle the air rifle. Cadets are not required to shoot, and can decline before or during training with no penalties or consequences, however every cadet must attend the classes. Signed parental permission form is required to shoot! (See Form)

Eligible cadets can earn marksmanship qualification badges. The badges designate three qualification levels, Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert, with Expert being the highest level. The badges signify that the cadets who earn them have demonstrated the knowledge and skill to handle rifles safely and have mastered basic rifle marksmanship skills to achieve required scores in qualification firing tests. Cadets are authorized to wear marksmanship qualification badges on all uniforms except the camouflaged utility uniform. Expert qualifiers are also allowed to try out for the Marksmanship Team.

Uniform Day - The Marine Corps uniform has a proud and distinctive history of identifying its wearer as a member of the finest military organization in the world. The same should be said for MCJROTC cadets. The proper wearing of the uniform should be a matter of personal pride as well as teaching attention to detail. Knowing that one’s uniform is clean, neat, and conforming to regulations gives confidence and improves self-esteem. Achieving this, however, does require careful cleaning and storing.

By following the guidelines in the handbook, cadets will be rewarded by a uniform that projects the pride they will experience as a member of MCJROTC. It is the responsibility of the cadet to clean and maintain their uniforms.

Rules, Expectations & Conduct

PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION-Cadets will not display any gestures of affection in school on school grounds, or official events either on or off campus. . This holds especially true when in uniform and pertains to kissing, embracing, holding hands, or other forms of intimate behavior. Affection between a man and a woman should be a private matter, and as such any displays of affection should be done in private. Cadets who think they are showing off their maturity by kissing and hugging in public are only displaying a lack of maturity. Points will be deducted from the uniform grade.


• Your appearance and conduct should be impeccable while in and out of uniform.

• Cadets arrive on time for class; greet the class leaders on the way into class.

• Cadets are in school dress code, and wear their uniforms proudly and with distinction.

• Cadets strive to improve themselves continuously.

• Cadets honor their word.

• Cadets demonstrate initiative by doing things without being told.

• Cadets remain loyal to their families, fellow cadets and students, their school and their community.

• Cadets treat others with dignity and respect regardless of race, religion or gender.

• Cadets take care of each other.

• Cadets maintain appropriate military haircuts and hair styles (females).

• Cadets do not lie, cheat or steal.

• Cadets use appropriate language and do not curse or swear.

• Cadets do not use drugs.

• Cadets offer suggestions to improve the system vs griping and gossiping.

• Cadets maintain a can-do attitude.

• Cadets respect public and private property.

• Cadets do not chew gum in uniform. Do not smoke.

• Cadets in uniform do not walk or stand around with your hands in your pockets.

• Cadets wear your cover outdoors at all times and remove it indoors.

• Cadets salute all officers. Greet all cadets and treat everyone with respect.

• Cadets do not use foul language, tease others, or horse play in or out of uniform.

• Cadets do not bully others (including cyber-bullying), and report bullying of others to faculty/instructors immediately.

• Cadets with excessive absenteeism will be removed from the program.

Grading Policy

Each cadet will be graded in four major areas. The academic portion of the program will be graded very much like other traditional high school classes. However, the other three areas more subjective and will be graded based on attitude, effort, participation, preparation and performance. Cadets will be observed, evaluated and graded on what they do and how well they do it. Their effort and enthusiasm will be key indicators during this process. *BayLink cadets will follow the same curriculum, pacing and schedule as cadets receiving face-to-face instruction at school. BayLink cadets will receive course materials, assignments, announcements, and communication with their assigned Marine Instructor via Canvas & Focus. Both Instructors will be utilizing “Google Meets” and have the link clearly posted in Canvas.* The following grading breakdown is provided:

Academic (40%) - An Academic period of instruction (see page 4) will be conducted every Monday and Tuesday. The material will be thoroughly discussed in class/Canvas and students will be given an assessment to ensure that they understand the key points that have been covered. Quarterly/Semester exams will also be given as directed as well as an End of Course (EOC) exam.

• If the cadet is absent (excused or unexcused), it is the cadets responsibility to see the Instructor or cadet leaders to acquire necessary information needed to successfully complete that week’s academic period of instruction/quiz/test.

• Cadets in the In-School Suspension Program (ISS), Outside School Suspension Program (OSS) or had an excused or unexcused absence on Academic days will have five school days after completing suspension to submit all required academic work. The instructor will insure that the required study materials are provided to the cadet during their assigned suspension. Repeat offenders risk disenrollment.

Uniform Inspection/Drill (30%) - Cadets earn 100 possible points for wearing the uniform to school ALL DAY on the prescribed uniform day and showing effort during drill. *BayLink cadets will be given the option to attend Uniform Day during their assigned period only. A Marine Instructor will contact you to schedule a uniform issue time.* Points are deducted for the following:

• Individual inspection discrepancies. Un-Satisfactory Hair Cut are an automatic -20 Points!

• If the cadet is absent (excused), the cadet has until the next present day at school to wear the uniform and may earn the total 100 points possible less any inspection discrepancies. They also have the option to wear the uniform the day prior. Should a cadet be absent for the remaining days of the week, his/her grade will be exempt, and they will wear the uniform the next uniform day as required. The cadet does not have to wear the uniform on that following Monday, as this constitutes a new week, and program requires cadet to wear the uniforms once per week.

• If the cadet is absent (unexcused) the cadet automatically receives a 0. The cadet then has until the next present day back at school to earn back 70 points maximum by wearing the uniform to school and being inspected individually. Individual inspection discrepancies/deductions will apply when inspected. If the cadet is present and fails to wear the uniform or fails to wear the uniform ALL DAY without prior approval, the cadet will receive an automatic 0 without the opportunity to make it up.

• Cadets in the In-School Suspension Program (ISS), will not wear their uniform while in the ISS Classroom. Cadets in the Outside School Suspension Program (OSS) will have the next present day after completing suspension to make-up the missed uniform day and subjectively graded due to bad behavior. Close Order Drill will be graded on attitude and effort.

Physical Training (30%) - Cadets earn 100 points possible for wearing the designated PT uniform and actively participating in the PT session. Points are deducted for the following:

• If the cadet does not dress out in issued gear for PT, the cadet earns 0 points.

• Cadets will be given 25 points for each item of PT gear for a total of 100 points.

a. Green issued PT Shorts or Green issued PT Sweatpants - 25 points

b. Green issued PT T-Shirt (or any unit purchased shirt) or Green issued Sweat Top – 25 points

c. Athletic sneakers/running shoes – 25 points

d. Effort/Attitude – 25 points

e. A water bottle is highly recommended for PT sessions.

• Dressing out in the prescribed PT uniform but failing to put forth effort will result in a subjective assessment by the instructors.

• Valid, written doctor or parent excuses will be accepted for non-participation but cadets are still expected to dress-out for full 100 points credit. Cadets will be given limited duty tasks to earn that 100 points.

• Excused absences will be marked exempt.

• Repeated failure to dress out and participate in PT could result in disenrollment.

Leadership/Citizenship (Points Deducted) - The leadership/citizenship grade is based on a cadet’s attitude, motivation, self-discipline, participation inside and outside the confines of MCJROTC. Adherence to established rules and guidelines to include the school dress code are mandatory. Instructors may deduct points from any of the above areas (Academic, Uniform Day & Physical Training) if a cadet violates any of the listed infractions. One of the tenants of the MCJROTC program is to instill responsibility and respect for authority in the cadets. Therefore, all aspects of a cadet’s behavior and performance at School and outside of school are subject to evaluation. The following are considered:

• Dress code violations.

• Public displays of affection.

• Cadets receiving ISS/OSS.

• Disrespect directed at cadet leaders, instructors, administrators, teachers, parents...

• Malingering or a general negative attitude during training evolutions.

• Inability to follow orders and direction.

• Generally speaking, cadets that live up to the ideals of the MCJROTC program and regulations inside and outside of school will earn maximum points.

• *BayLink cadets will be held to the same standards. Parent input on behavior at home will be encouraged.*

Final Grades - Final grades are determined in accordance with A. Crawford Mosley High School grading policies. Cadets are responsible for ANY MISSING GRADES!! PARENTS & CADETS! CHECK FOCUS REGUALARILY!


Uniform Issue - Cadets will be issued uniforms at no cost subject to the provisions below. The uniform will be worn ALL DAY on uniform inspection days and such other times designated by the Marine Instructors. Cadets will be required to sign for each item that is issued to them. They will also be required to read and sign the following statement:

“I hereby acknowledge receipt of Marine Corps JROTC uniform items for which I hold myself responsible, from the time of issue until directed to return them to inventory, storage or other reasons. I understand I will be responsible for the replacement of articles, at my own expense, if lost, or if damaged or worn beyond a reasonable degree indicating there has been carelessness or negligence; otherwise the U.S. Marine Corps will replace the articles in-kind. I agree to wear the uniform or any article thereof, only during school hours or proceedings to and/or from school and on occasions of ceremony as authorized by the Marine Instructor. I hereby acknowledge that I will launder uniform items as needed or have my service and dress uniforms dry cleaned. I understand that my uniforms are worn by actual Marines and I will conduct myself accordingly!”


Rules/Conduct for Wearing: Cadets will receive instruction on the proper wear of all uniforms. It is the responsibility of each cadet to ensure his or her uniform is cared for and worn when required. The wear of the MCJROTC uniform other than the occasions designated is strictly prohibited. On uniform inspection days, cadets are expected to adhere to the following:

• Wear the complete uniform in the proper manner from the time you depart your home until the end of the school day. MARPAT (camouflage) jacket must be worn in between classes in hallways and to and from home.

• If you participate in an extracurricular activity after school such as band, baseball, football, etc., that requires activities that may soil the uniform, you may elect to bring other clothes to change into AFTER SCHOOL.

• At no time will a partial uniform be worn or uniform parts worn with non-uniform clothing.

• Zero tolerance for public displays of affection, gum chewing, horseplay, vulgar language, disrespectful behavior, hands in pockets, or being uncovered.

• At no time will the MARPAT (camouflage) uniform be worn into any store or business establishment unless approved by an instructor.

• The uniform policy of the A. Crawford Mosley High School MCJROTC is strict and is not subject to compromise. Repeated failure to wear the uniform properly and/or when required removal from the MCJROTC program. Cadets are responsible for preparing their uniforms for inspections.

• Parents should contact the instructors if a cadet has a legitimate issue as to why they were unable to wear their uniform on the designated uniform inspection day.

Uniform Types and Care:

• Blue Dress “Bravo” Blue trousers or skirt with blue coat, ribbons only. DRY CLEAN ONLY

• Blue Dress “Charlie” Blue trousers or skirt with khaki long sleeve shirt and tie. DRY CLEAN ONLY

• Blue Dress “Delta” Blue trousers or skirt with khaki short sleeve shirt. DRY CLEAN ONLY

• Service “Alpha” Green trousers or skirt with green coat and L/S shirt. DRY CLEAN ONLY

• Service “Bravo” Green trousers or skirt with khaki long sleeve shirt and tie. DRY CLEAN ONLY

• Service “Charlie” Green trousers or skirt with khaki short sleeve shirt. DRY CLEAN ONLY

• MARPAT (Utility) blouse and trousers. Cold water, dryer and place on hanger.

• Unserviceable uniforms can be exchanged for serviceable uniforms.

• Notify your platoon sergeant/commander and request an appointment to exchange the item during class.

• Cadets are responsible for their uniforms. Cadets are responsible for dry cleaning their service uniform with the exception of Drill and Color Guard Team members.

• Replacement of lost, stolen or damaged uniforms is the financial responsibility of the cadet. Keep your uniforms in a safe place.


Belt Lengths:

• MARPAT web belt measured between 2 and 4 inches past the edge of the buckle.

• Alpha cloth belt between measured 2 ¾ and 3 ¾ inches past the edge of the buckle.

Military Alignment (Gig Line):

• Shirt edge, belt buckle and fly of trousers are all in a straight vertical line.

Tie Clasp:

• Centered between the 3rd and 4th button. Tie worn on the long sleeve shirt.

Trouser Length:

• Bottom of the trousers is even with the welt where the heel and sole of the shoe join.

Skirt Length:

• Approximates the knee, not to exceed 1 inch above or below the center of the knee.

Covers, Military or Civilian:

• Never worn indoors! School policy prohibits the wearing of any type of hat in the school. JROTC cadets will abide by this policy.

Marine Corps Emblem:

• On the cover, the wings of the emblem are placed parallel to the deck (floor) and the anchor is pointed forward.

• On the service alpha and blues, the left and right collar emblems are worn parallel to the deck with anchors pointed inboard.

Rank Insignia, Medals, Ribbons and Badges

Rank insignia, medals, ribbons and badges are an integral part of the MCJROTC cadet’s uniform. Therefore, these items must be worn with great care. Insure they are removed from your uniform and placed in a bag before washing or dry cleaning.

Rank Insignia - Only the rank insignia designated for Cadets by the MCJROTC program will be worn.

• Cadet Officers Insignia - Will wear their rank insignia centered on the shoulder strap of their blue coat and green coats. On khaki and utility shirts, the small rank insignia will be worn centered between the top and bottom edges of the collar, one inch from the front edge.

• Enlisted Rank Insignia - Will be worn on khaki shirts, raincoats and utility shirt collars with the point of the chevron up, bisecting the angle of the collar, bottom edge ½” from the collar edge.

• Medals - Authorized medals will be worn on the dress blue coat when prescribed in the training schedule. They will be worn over the left breast pocket, midway between the first and second buttons. When wearing medals, ribbons for which there are no medals will be worn 1/8” above and centered over the right breast pocket. (Marksmanship badges will not be worn when medals are worn.)

• Ribbons - When worn, ribbons will be worn 1/8” above and centered over the left breast pocket of the khaki shirt or blue coat. When worn with the marksmanship badge, ribbons will be 1/8” above the badge.

• Badges - Cadets wearing authorized badges will wear them 1/8” above and centered over the left breast pocket of the khaki shirt and blue coat.

• Marksmanship Badge - Cadets are authorized to wear one JROTC marksmanship badge; representing the classification earned during their most recent range qualification. The marksmanship badge will be worn 1/8” above and centered on the left breast pocket. Marksmanship badges will not be worn with medals on the blue coat.


Grooming Standards

Introduction - Grooming standards are established so that a neat, professional appearance is made while in the Marine Corps uniform. Pride in one’s appearance and hygiene is a sign of maturity and self-discipline. School uniform standards will be enforced every day, while the following standards are for cadets.

Male Standards - Male cadets will be well groomed at all times and abides by the following:


• A conservative haircut is appropriate; although a squared-off haircut in the back is inappropriate. The hair should be tapered/faded in the back.

• A regulation Marine Corps haircut is required. Hair will be neat and closely trimmed. The hair may be clipped at the edges of the side and back; will be evenly graduated from zero length at the hairline in the lower portion of the head to the upper portion of the head; and will not be over 3 inches in length fully extended on the upper portion of the head; the back and sides of the head below the hairline may be shaved to remove body hair. Sideburns will not extend below the middle of the ear hole. Sideburns will not be styled to taper or flare. The length of an individual hair of the sideburn will not exceed 1/8 inch when fully extended.

• Head hair will be styled so as not to interfere with the proper wear of the cover. Hair which protrudes from beneath properly worn headgear in an unsightly manner is considered excessive, regardless of length.

• Mohawk or other eccentric hairstyles and/or colors are strictly forbidden during uniform inspection days.

• With a signed note from a parent, an Instructor can cut the cadets hair at no cost.

Facial Hair- Male cadets will be clean-shaven during all school and extracurricular activities. A cadet may sport a moustache within Marine Corps regulations. Individual instruction will be provided should a cadet desire to grow a moustache.


• Nail length will be no longer than ¼” from the tip of the finger.

• Male cadets will NOT wear polish.


• Inconspicuous rings are authorized for wear in uniform. When worn, only one ring is authorized per hand. Rings will not be worn on the thumbs.

• Inconspicuous watches are authorized for wear in uniform.

• Necklaces: ONLY necklaces with a religious medallion may be worn in uniform and will not be visible, including the chain around the neck.

• Earring: Male cadets are NOT authorized to wear earrings (in or out of uniform) while in JROTC facilities (range, classrooms, supply areas…) or during extracurricular JROTC activities.

Eyeglasses: When worn in uniform they will be conservative in appearance. Chains, bands, or ribbons will not be attached to the eyeglasses. Sunglasses will not be worn in formation.

Female Standards - Female cadets will be well groomed at all times and abides by the following:

Hair - Female cadets will be given instruction on the proper manner in which to wear their hair for uniform inspection days.

• Hair of female cadets, when in uniform, will be pinned and arranged so that it may touch the collar but does not fall below the bottom edge of the collar.

• The hair will be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned. Fasteners, pins, scrunchies, rubber bands, etc., should not show when the hair is pinned.

• Hair will be styled so as not to interfere with the proper wear of the uniform headgear. All headgear will fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hairstyles which do not allow the headgear to be worn in this manner are prohibited.


• Nail length will be no longer than ¼” from the tip of the finger.

• When the service or dress uniform is worn, nail polish must be in shades of red (to include pinks and burgundies) and must complement the skin tone.

• Fingernails with multiple colors and decorative ornamentation are prohibited.

• Natural/French manicure is the ONLY authorized for wear with the utility uniform.

• Manicures that imitate the natural nail are authorized for wear with all uniforms (i.e. French manicures), to include utilities. Press-on and acrylic nails are authorized for wear as long as they are maintained within the length and style regulations as described above.

Makeup- When worn, makeup must be conservative in nature and complement the natural skin tone.

• Lipstick, lip-gloss and lip balm, when worn, must be in shades off red (to include pinks and burgundies) or clear and must complement the skin tone. When worn, lip liner must be in the same shade as the lipstick, gloss or balm.

• Mascara, when worn, must be in tones of black or brown. Cosmetics with a sparkle/glitter or similar finish are not authorized for wear (to include in the hair). False eyelashes should be natural in appearance.


• Inconspicuous rings are authorized for wear in uniform. When worn, only one ring is authorized per hand. Rings will not be worn on the thumbs.

• Inconspicuous watches are authorized for wear in uniform.

• Necklaces. Necklaces will not be visible in uniform, including the chain around the neck.

• Earrings. Female cadets may wear earrings with the service and dress uniforms at the individual’s option according to the following:

o Small, polished, yellow gold color, ball, or round stud earrings (post, screw-on, or clip), not to exceed ¼” in diameter may be worn with the service or dress blue uniform. Earrings will NOT be worn during inspections or during competitive events.

o When worn, earrings will fit tightly against, and will not extend below, the earlobe. Only one earring will be worn on or in each earlobe.

o Earrings will NOT be worn with the utility (camouflaged) uniform, or while participating in a parade, ceremony, or other similar function.

Eyeglasses: When worn in uniform they will be conservative in appearance. Chains, bands, or ribbons will not be attached to the eyeglasses. Sunglasses will not be worn in formation.

Promotion Policy

Background - Historically, promotions (advancements in rank) have been used to reward the hard work of members of a unit or organization. Promotions recognize the dedication to the ideals of a unit and the contributions of individual members to the success of that unit. Promotions within the MCJROTC are designed to accomplish the same objectives.

Promotion Criteria - The following criteria will be used to determine eligibility for promotion within the MCJROTC.

• General attitude of the cadet under consideration

• Involvement in MCJROTC activities and documented community service

• All class grades/GPA

• Conduct of the cadet in and out of the JROTC classroom environment

• Pass the required promotion/drill test

Promotion Requirements:

• Promotions are based on demonstrated leadership ability, academic, and disciplinary excellence. The minimum standards for any promotion is to have a current grade point average (GPA) of “2.0”, and to have taken the MCJROTC Physical Fitness Test.

• Cadets being considered for promotion to Cadet Corporal or Cadet Sergeant must possess a current GPA of “2.0” or higher. For promotion to Cadet Staff Sergeant or higher, the cadet must have a current GPA of “2.5” or higher. All cadet officers and staff noncommissioned officers are required to maintain a minimum GPA of “2.5” to retain their rank.

• Cadet Officers and staff noncommissioned officers that do not meet the minimum GPA of “2.5” will be placed in a probationary status for the following grading term.

• The cadet will have one grading period to meet the standard for rank retention or be considered for reduction. Cadets failing to maintain a GPA of “2.0” may not hold a rank higher than Cadet Private.

• Cadets failing to perform their duties in an efficient manner will be considered for reduction.

Awards Program

The MCJROTC awards program is designed to recognize outstanding individuals and units in the fields of performance, academics, and other commendable achievements. Cadets who qualify for any individual awards should make it known to their Platoon Commanders and completes the awards request form on the website under “Cadet Admin” tab. Only the awards earned as a member of the MCJROTC may be worn on the military uniform. Authorized awards include those listed in the MCJROTC program order and those authorized to be presented by external civic and military organizations. Cadets who have earned individual awards while a member of other JROTC programs may wear those awards.

Other Awards- In addition to the above awards/medals sponsored by the MCJROTC Program, there are several awards that are sponsored by various civic organizations. The American Legion, The Sons of the American Revolution, The Daughters of the American Revolution, The Military Order of the World Wars, The National Sojourners, The Veterans of Foreign Wars, The Retired Officers’ Association, The Reserve Officers’ Association, and The Marine Corps League.


Varsity Letter Program

Background - The Varsity Letter Program is intended to provide formal recognition of achievement within the A. Crawford Mosley High School awards system. The MCJROTC Program is unique in that, unlike any athletic club program, it has many competitive teams within the basic organizational membership. Therefore, letters must be awarded on the basis of not only membership in the MCJROTC, but also on a degree of expertise achieved on at least one of the MCJROTC teams. Additionally, while performance on a particular team is of significant value in determining the earning of a MCJROTC letter, a solid academic performance is of equal importance.

Awards Program - The Varsity Awards Program is not intended to replace any other recognition program within the MCJROTC. A cadet’s dedication and superior performance may result in a number of forms of recognition. Promotions, ribbons, and medals are other ways of recognizing cadets for their involvement, participation, and performance. The Varsity Letter Program must stand-alone and should not be used in conjunction with any of the foregoing forms of recognition.

Specifically, the awarding of a ribbon for a particular activity does not automatically result in earning a Letter in that same activity. As in any interscholastic program, the earning of the Letter identifies the individual as having shown a certain level of proficiency in that activity.

General Regulations - The following general regulations are intended to provide guidance in the administration of the MCJROTC Varsity Letter Program.

• Activities are determined to be Letter-earning if authorized by the Senior Marine Instructor and meet the following criteria:

o The activity is competitive and team-oriented.

o Team membership is open to all currently enrolled MCJROTC cadets. Team selection is based on demonstrated individual expertise, as determined by the MCJROTC Instructors and the Team Commander.

• The following MCJROTC activities are currently considered “Letter” earning, subject to the criteria set forth in this instruction.

o Color Guard Team

o Drill Team

o Physical Training Team

o Marksmanship Team

• All cadets to include Baylink cadets, are encouraged to participate in the extracurricular teams. With the exception of the Marksmanship Team, formal team try-outs do not exist; however, cadets will be considered members of the team once they demonstrate the required skills and can successfully perform in competitions.

• Each Team Commander will maintain attendance records to show each team member’s participation in the following:

o Routine required practices.

o General (non-competitive) performances.

o Award (competitive) performances.

o If a cadet possesses a Letter Jacket from another A. Crawford Mosley High School activity, such as Band, Choir, Football, etc., that cadet may still earn and wear the MCJROTC Letter.

Individual Requirements - The following policies address those areas that affect each cadet’s individual eligibility for earning a Letter.

• A cadet may participate and qualify on more than one team in a school year with the exception of the Marksmanship Team. If selected/ and the cadet accepts the position for the Marksmanship Team, the cadet will be unable to participate in other teams.

• A cadet must be a member of a given team for at least one year to qualify for a Varsity Letter in that activity.

• A cadet must be enrolled in the MCJROTC for the entire school year in which the Letter is earned.

• A cadet must maintain a grade of “B” or higher in MCJROTC to qualify for any team Letter.

• A cadet must attend all required team practices. Excused absences are permitted only if requested ahead of time and approved by the team commander and instructor staff. Three unexcused absences from scheduled team practices shall be grounds for removal from the team and/or loss of eligibility to qualify for the Team Letter.

• A cadet must be a member of the team for the entire school year and participate in all competitive performances, events, meets, and matches, as designated by the coach/instructor.

• A cadet who fails to report for a scheduled event without sufficient cause is subject to dismissal from the team and loss of Letter eligibility, regardless of all other eligibility requirements. Sufficient cause would include death in the family, serious illness, or other emergency determined by the instructor staff.

• Cadets are subject to the school’s “No pass – No play” policy, and will lose eligibility to participate and/or earn the Team Letter if academic standards are not met. Grades of all team members will be checked at the end of each semester to determine eligibility.

• *BayLink cadets will be given the option to participate on teams.*

Senior Awards/Recognition - Seniors must have completed a minimum of 2 years in JROTC and stayed actively involved in the program to qualify for any awards/recognition to include the following: Homecoming Semper Fi Club representative, program specific scholarships, the MCJROTC Completion Medal and any Awards Night medals. Seniors must attain a 3.5 GPA, be an active member in the Company upon graduation in order to receive the scarlet and gold cord.


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