Marlin model 60 sb stainless price


Marlin model 60 sb stainless price

Marketing of Marlin Firearms An economically priced rifle that has earned the title of most popular 22 in the world. Since its introduction in 1960, it has consistently represented one of America's best rimfire values. It has a 19 Micro-Groove? rifled barrel, cross bolt safety, manual bolt hold-open and a patented automatic last-shot bolt hold-open. The tubular magazine can accommodate up to 14 Long Rifle bullets. America's favorite autoloading 22 rifle also comes in weatherproof stainless steel with a walnut-finished laminated hardwood stock. The adjustable semi-sea buckthorn rear view is complemented by a front view driveway with high visibility pole and cutaway Wide-ScanTM hood. Manufacturer: Marlin Firearms, Model: Model 60 SB Action: Autoloading Semi-Automatic Caliber: .22LR Finish: Stainless Steel Stock: Monte Carlo Walnut Finished Laminated Hardwood; full gun grip; Sturdy Mar-Shield? finish Sights: Adjustable semi-buckhorn foldable back, front view driveway with high visibility post and cutaway Wide-ScanTM hood. Receiver grooved for scope mount Trigger: Single Stage Barrel Length: 19 Total length: 37.5 Weight: 5.5 lbs. Capacity: 14-shot tubular magazine Twist: 1:16 RH Rifle Grooves: 16 w / Micro-Groove? rifling UPC: 026495076405 MSRP: $220.00 The Review Marlin's Model 60, also known as the Marlin Glenfield Model 60, is a .22LR semi-automatic rifle with a tubular magazine that was first introduced in 1960. Having been in continuous production ever since and made more than 11 million, Marlin claims the Model 60 is the most popular .22LR semi-automatic rifle in the world. I don't know how accurate that claim is, but I do believe it's a fine entry-level weapon. First thoughts In this review, I will focus on the Model 60 SB, one of the available stainless steel models and the one I was able to try out. Features The action design is a self-loading, straight recoil control, with ejection on the right. The receiver top has a serrated, non-dazzling finish. The receiver is kept in stock by front and rear machine screws through the forearm and trigger guard respectively (later models add a wooden screw behind the trigger guard to strengthen the wrist of the stock). The receiver is grooved for a scope mount. For use without a visor, the barrel is equipped with an adjustable open rear view and a driveway front view. The charging handle is used to load the first round out of the warehouse and can be retracted and pressed as a manual bolt hold-open function. Current models have an automatic last-shot bolt hold-open device with an external lever on the front of the trigger guard to loosen the bolt. Earliest Model 60s had no bolt first the manual, then in the mid-1980s the automatic last shot hold-open function was added. The Model 60 also has an easily accessible cross bolt safety above the tractor. In the event of disassembly, the tractor protection with tractor and safety remains in the Marlin uses their own Micro-Groove in the Model 60. The rotation speed is 1:16 inches, right hand. Micro-Groove rifling uses 16 small lands and grooves instead of 4, 6 or 8 deeper grooves used in most rifles. This increases the accuracy of the rifle by reducing distortion of fired bullets traveling along the barrel. Although the Model 60 is one of the least expensive .22 semi-automatic rifles sold, it needs the reputation of one of the most accurate rifles out of the box, without modifications. Remington Thunderbolts w/Iron Sights @ 25yds While many .22 semi-automatic rifles are designed to function with .22 Short, .22 Long and .22 Long Rifle mixed together, the Model 60 is specifically optimized for the .22LR cartridge only. Functional testing A day on the range with my son and Marlin's Model 60 was both impressive and enjoyable. The rifle performed as well as I expected. It was very accurate and cycled ammunition from many different manufacturers with only a few minor problems that I attribute to the ammunition and not to the rifle. One thing to note... The red hi-vis front view usually disappeared on my target. It was very difficult to see the front view near the middle of my goals, so I chose to see zero just outside the center. The red face contrasted well and became a thousand times more visible against the black background. Winchester 333 .22LR w / Iron Sights @ 25yds Final Thoughts The Model 60 is an enjoyable rifle to shoot. It is very suitable for hunting small game and pest control, as well as cheap target practice and entry-level competitive shooting. The relatively large ammunition capacity is more than sufficient for casual plinking. The lightweight construction of the Model 60 and its ease of use combined with the low price make it a firearm that is very suitable for both new and young enthusiasts. While the Model 60 may not be as popular as the Ruger Model 10/22, you can still find them anywhere on the shelves. I think the popularity of Ruger's 10/22 has a lot to do with the sheer number of aftermarket parts and accessories available. I suspect more than any other gun or rifle made today. However, you can still find quite a few parts and accessories to personalize your Model 60 in most ways you want. Everything from aftermarket stocks and landmarks to trigger assemblies is easy to find on the internet. So if you're looking for a quality small caliber long pistol at an affordable price, the Model 60 is definitely a rifle worth considering, regardless of whether you're a seasoned sniper or just learning to use a semi-automatic rifle. About Marlin Firearms Marlin Firearms Co, formerly of North Haven, Connecticut, is a High power, center fire, lever action, bolt-action, and .22 caliber rimfire rifles. In the past, the company made shotguns, derringers and revolvers. Marlin owned the firearm manufacturer H & R Firearms. In 2007, Remington Arms, part of the Freedom Group Group Marlin Firearms. Remington currently manufactures Marlin brand firearms at its Kentucky and New York manufacturing facilities. The extra durability of stainless steel in combination with a traditional laminated broth with walnut. Specifications/Features: 22 Long Rifle Only14-shot tubular magazine with patented closure systemAutoloading; side ejection; manual and automatic last-shot bolt handle open; cross bolt safety; stainless steel barrelMonte Carlo walnut finished hardwood stock; full gun grip; tough Mar-Shield finishAutoloading; side ejection; manual and automatic last-shot bolt handle open; receiver top has serrated, non-dazzling finish; cross-bolt safetyBlack fiberglass filled plastic stock with turntables; Full pistol grip and cast control 19 barrel with Micro-Groove? rifling (16 grooves) 1:16 rotation speed Customizable semi-buckhorn folding behind view, disaster for vision with high-visibility post and cutaway Wide-Scan hood. Receiver grooved for scope mount.37 1/2 long13 1/4 Length of pull5 1/2 lbs. Approximate Weight Tags: Marlin, 60SB, Stainless Steel, 22LR, 19 Barrel, Semi Auto, Rimfire Rifle, Rimfire, Firearms Subscribe SPRINGFIELD XD .40 S&W GLOCK 26 9MM PARA SAVAGE 110 .30-06 SPR WINCHESTER 1500 12 GA S&W SD9VE 9MM PARA GLOCK 19 9MM PARA TAURUS 85 .38 SPL NORINCO SKS 7.62X39 H& R PARDNER .410 S&M W SD9VE 9MM PARA COLT MFG. MKIV .45 ACP NAA 22LRHG .22 LANGE R PSA PA15 .223 WYLDE H&R 622 .22 LONG R KEL-TEC SUB2000 .40 S& W HI-POINT C9 9MM PARA RUGER 10/22 .22 LONG R S&W 59 9MM PARA ATI M1911 .45 ACP MOSSBERG 88 12 GA Popularity : 178 ( 4) 4)

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