Cool and Classic

Cool and Classic

17 MTEF Kids Enjoy a Special Field Trip to College Tourney

Seventeen grade school participants from MTEF's TEAM program were

treated to a special day at the 36th Annual

Milwaukee Tennis Classic Sept. 17.

Decked out in official MTC T-shirts, the

youngsters, along with chaperones Diana

Miramontes and Sara Kemp, arrived at the

Town Club in Fox Point in mid-morning.

After scampering off the bus that

brought them from MTEF headquarters at

Mary Fran Cahill

Sherman Park, the youngsters gathered on The Paddle House at the Town Club served as "headquarters" for the 17 TEAM participants

the deck of the club's Paddle House for a and their chaperones who attended the 36th Annual Milwaukee Tennis Classic on Sept. 17.

briefing on the day's schedule with event Then it was back to the Paddle House field trip should be made an annual event.

co-chairs ? MTEF board members Angela for a lunch, generously donated by Cousin's He noted the positive attitude of the kids

Colbert and Joanne Williams ? and and a Subs. As the kids munched on their sand- and their high school and college mentors

welcome from Jonathan Schwerin, a mem- wiches, chips and cookies, three Marquette and the general feeling that in addition to an

ber of the men's tennis team at host school University High School players ? Damon opportunity to view tennis being played at

Marquette University. Before heading out Niquet, Connor Muth and Chas Muth ? a high level, the visit had academic and

spoke to them about high character dimension ? not to mention that it

school tennis, stressing the im- was a lot of fun for all involved.

portance of balancing athletics In addition, Mulcahy noted that an in-

and academics. Eager to know creasing number of teenage TEAM partici-

more, the youngsters had mul- pants now are trying out for and playing on

tiple questions for the trio.

their high school teams and it was likely

After lunch, four members some of these youngsters would follow their

of the MU men's team ? Dan example.

Mamalat, Logon Collins, Mulcahy also thanked Colbert and

Thibault Troude and Otavio Williams for their willingness to take on the

Perim ? met with the group, responsibilities of the first TEAM visit to

signing the backs of their T- the Milwaukee Tennis Classic.

shirts and offering insights and

words of encouragement. Ma-

Angela Colbert malat, especially, could iden-

A highlight of the field trip was the on-air interviews Ken tify with the MTEF contingent

Thomas of conducted with each of the children.







product of a similar program at

to the courts to watch the tournament action, the Arthur Ashe Tennis Center in Philadel-

the children also were given a short lesson phia, PA.

on tennis etiquette.

Then it was back to see more tennis ?

The lesson was not wasted as the young- this time between Ball State and Northwest-

sters quickly became engrossed in watching ern on the men's side and Marquette and

matches between competitors from several Kansas State on the women's.

of the seven universities involved in the Perhaps the most thrilling moments of

tournament. Northwestern and Wisconsin the day occurred shortly before the group's

were featured on the men's side; Marquette return to Sherman Park when each of the 17

and South Carolina on the women's.

youngsters participated in a one-on-one in-

Moving in groups from court to court, terview with Ken Thomas that was broad-

the kids took it all in ? some, perhaps, cast worldwide as part of dreaming of a day when they would switch 's coverage of the MTC. roles and compete in the tournament as col- After the TEAM kids departed, MTC

Mary Fran Cahill

Lunches donated by Cousin's Subs were a big hit with the young visitors to the Milwaukee

legiate players.

President Chas Mulcahy observed that this Tennis Classic. Seen here is Billy Her.

The Match, Fall 2011 13


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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