We are very thankful this year to have ourdaughter back because of you - God Bless!I am? grateful to you for being responsible?in the reuniting of my daughter and grandchildren.? Thank you!?Hi Josh,I am writing to let you know how much your webinars and book have helped me. I was able to follow almost all of your suggestions.I made amends, worked on changing my attitude and the way I spoke of the estrangement in our family. I had felt unjustly blamed, andthat the estrangement was largely a result of divorce and undermining by the sociopath (now deceased) I had married.You were right all along!Thanks so very much,Dr. Coleman: ?I thought you would want to hear a good ending to our story.?I?sent that e-mail to our daughter the 1st week in August. ?She responded last Friday exactly 2 months after receiving it. ?I am still in shock and incredibly happy. She was surprised that we felt the way that was conveyed in the message.I can still hardly believe that we have re-connnected.I cannot thank you enough for putting us on the right track.Thank you for your generosity in sharing your expertise in last night's webinar. It was fantastic!??Joshua, I really found the seminar to be powerful and helpful.? Finally, it seems, I may begin to understand this bewildering situation.? ?Your advice is well thought out and has helped me a lot.?Until I took your seminar series, my life was worthless to me. I owe you and my nurse acquaintance, from Bible Study, who encouraged me to purchase your Webinar series, much appreciation. The Webinars ?have helped me refocus my obsession about the estrangement into a new beginning.My son and I are reconciled and talking about everything once more, including touching on what happened during our estrangement. (I never thought we'd be able to discuss that together!)? This result is entirely thanks to your guidance, your webinars that I attended, and the insights you gave me.? I can't say there wasn't a great deal of pain and anguish, or that this was easy; sometimes it didn't feel at all like a relationship.? But I held on to your words and assurances, meditated on your account of why an adult child would follow this path, and kept on doing the homework (sometimes I needed a refresher course so I listened to your webinars again).? I could not have gained the insight I needed without your webinars.Thank you so much for all you are doing, thank you for being there through your webinars, for all of us flung far and wide.Sincerely and with the deepest gratitude,I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the webinar tonight. My husband and I were both listening to you, and found everything you said as important to how we feel, and how we projected ourselves, and our family miscommunications. It made us aware of our feelings of guilt, loss, and sadness, and gave us hope that there is a possibility of reconciliationI have learned so much from your webinars & my only regret is that I did not have the information that you have provided?when our sons estranged themselves from us five years ago. I continue to see how complex this problem is, but no matter the causative factors, parents experience the same range of emotions. I truly believe that parents unknowingly add fuel to the fire by their lack of knowledge. It is a slippery slope where a few?"wrong" words can have disatrous outcomes. Please continue this excellent work. Knowledge is empowerment!Really appreciated the learning you imparted to us on last night's seminar. I have a great amount of gratitude for you and your seminars since they have been a positive tool for growth toward a healed life without my two estranged daughters.Once again, thank you from the very bottom of my heart.? It surprises me that the four psychologists we have seen over the years have never been able to help us.? You did far more than anyone.? I am deeply grateful.Gonna cut to the chase-you have literally been a lifeline for me with your teleseminars. I am one of those crazy people that always has questions, I need to know WHY! You have fantastic insight, one reason is because YOU have been there! And I love your mellow, casual yet extremely knowledgeable persona, you put me at ease, feel safe. I will HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to any of my contacts from various forums, you truly are a healer and that Is about the highest compliment one can receive in my eyes, what is a more noble occupation than to give comfort and solace to people who are distraught and devastated to the core, the life and dreams they had for their future which of course if you are a parent, include regular contact with your children and someday, adore and spoil . Thank you for your wisdom and solace. Thank you again for all you are doing. ?The seminars are tremendous encouragement to me.I just want to let you know this...the original article in AARP months back and then your seminars changed my life and I'm more grateful than you know. I was able to take advantage of your generous offer on the sems but I'm unable to attend this time. Nevertheless, I want you to know, I want you to know. You are doing what we are here to do in our lifetimes.? ................

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