May 10, 2005 - Lovefraud

Donna Andersen

Donna Andersen is author of , a website and blog that teaches people how to recognize and recover from sociopaths. She is also author of Red Flags of Love Fraud—10 signs you’re dating a sociopath, and the accompanying Red Flags of Love Fraud Workbook.

Donna learned about sociopaths the hard way—by marrying one. James Alwyn Montgomery, originally of Sydney, Australia, met her and quickly proposed in 1996. In two and a half years, Montgomery defrauded her of $227,000, cheated with at least six different women, fathered a child with one of them, and then, 10 days after Andersen left him, married the mother of the child. It was the second time he committed bigamy. She tells the whole outrageous story in her first book, Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan.

This man had no conscience, no empathy and lied prolifically—which Donna learned, far too late, were the cardinal signs of a sociopath. Suspecting that other people were as unfamiliar with sociopaths as she once was, in 2005, Donna launched to educate the public about this destructive personality disorder. It’s working.

now averages as many as 2,000 visits every day, and readers often say the website is the best source on the Internet about relationships with sociopaths. Donna has collected more than 3,300 cases of people targeted by sociopaths. Some readers share their experiences on the Lovefraud blog, which has evolved into a healing community of survivors. In fact, Donna receives many emails from people who thank Lovefraud for saving their lives.

Donna now works to educate young people about social predators, speaking to college and high school students on Love Fraud and How to Avoid It. Her objective is to teach students the Red Flags of Love Fraud, so they can escape destructive relationships before too much damage is done.

Donna was the original editor of Atlantic City Magazine from 1978 to 1982. She founded a boutique advertising agency, Donna Andersen Copywriting, in 1983. Her portfolio includes multimedia scriptwriting, freelance magazine articles, newsletters, print ads, brochures, direct mail, press releases, radio commercials, website content, e-mail campaigns and white papers.

Donna graduated summa cum laude from the Syracuse in 1978 with degrees in magazine journalism and psychology. While at college she co-founded a student magazine and worked at the student newspaper, the Daily Orange. She also took up crew, and is still a competitive rower.

Donna lives with her new husband, Terry Kelly, in Atlantic City, New Jersey.


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