ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - Thursday, January 10, 1867

CORRESPONDENCE. Pleasant Grove, Ind., January 2, 1867. Editors Chronicle: Dear Sirs: The inhabitants of our quiet little place were thrown into excitement this morning about 9 oclock by the alarm of fire... the large Tavern Stand and Store Room of Messrs. D. W. SHEAFFER & BRO. were in flames.... In a remarkable short time the Tavern stand of Mr. T. M. SHEAFFER, the private dwelling of Mr. D. W. SHEAFFER, and their Store room, together with the Harness Shop of Mr. PATTY, which is connected with the same building, were entirely cleared of their contents. The Drug Store of Dr. J. LJNDERWOOD was also in the same building, and the Dr. resided in the second story of the same ... Four ladies carried out the large rose-wood Piano belonging to Mrs. D. W. SHEAFFER.... Respectfully Yours, P. S. TROUTMAN.

MARRIED. On New Year's eve, at the residence of Dr. A. CASE, in Henry Township, by Rev. P. S. STEVENS, Mr. M. M. DUKES and Miss MOLLIE E. CASE, both of Gilead, Miami County, Ind.

On the 30th, ult., at the residence of Mr. C. CORNELIUS, by C. Cornelius, J.P., FRANK M. REID and Miss CLARA REED. All of this County.

RUNAWAY. On Last Saturday, HORACE MACKEY'S team became frightened, and despite the efforts of him to stop them ran away, smashing a buggy and breaking the wagon to which they were attached; one of the horses is severely injured....

M. E. MITE SOCIETY. The next meeting will be at the residence of Mrs. A. K. PLANK.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by W. L. KOONS four miles West of Rochester on the 6th day of Dec., 1866 .... appraised by HENRY SPOHN and ANDREW CROMER... E. KIRTLAND, J.P. V. GOULD, Clk.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by ( ------- ) living in Wayne Township ... appraised by L. C. GRANT and HIRAM McCUMBER. J. A. CARR, J.P. V. GOULD, Clk.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by JUDSON BENNETT, living in Union Tp., 2-1/2 miles North of Pleasant Grove ... appraised by HANSON H. BENNETT and E. V. HUDKINS. H. P. BENNETT, J.P. V . GOULD, Clk.

(Non-Resident's Notice) CHARLES B. SMITH vs MARY ANN SMITH, Petition for Divorce ... VERNON GOULD, Clerk. Rochester, Jan. 2d, 1867.

LOST! LOST!,. The undersigned will liberally reward any person giving information to him, at Argos, Ind., or to LEVI MERCER, at his Store in Rochester, concerning a dark chestnut sorrel mare. Six years old last Spring .... left while I was preaching at Sand Hill School House in Fulton County, on the evening of the 30th of December 1866. Rev. LAWN.

ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - Thursday, January 17, 1867

M. E. MITE SOCIETY. The next meeting will be at the House of Dr. GOULD on Main Street ...

PERSONAL. Mr. M. L. ENYART partner of K. G. SHRYOCK was admitted to practice law at the present session of the Common Pleas Court. Mr. Enyart is a young man.

PERSONAL. We are pleased to notice the arrival in town of Messers. J. F. VAN DUZER and J. SUTHERLAND, both contractors on the Rail Road from this place to Plymouth. Mr. Sutherland reports everything flourishing in Winamac, where he has just finished a contract for the construction of a wagon bridge across the Tippecanoe river at that point ....

I.R. & C. R.R. We are informed by a prominent citizen of this place, that letters have been received from the owners and parties connected with the purchase of the road, stating that the difficulties have concluded and that they will be here prior to the meeting of our next term of Court to adjust all claims and push forward the work... We hope the above is correct and if the old company cannot finish the road that the new one can, and drive it forward to completion immediately....

(Estray Notice) Taken up by JESSE BUMGARDNER in Richland Tp on the 24th day of December, 1866 ... appraised by ISAAC BOWER and AARON BALL... JOHN SNOW, J.P. V. GOULD, Cllk.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by GEORGE WEACHTER, Jr. in Henry Tp... appraised by ISAAC PONTIOUS and BENJAMIN CARPENTER. DANIEL WHITTENBERGER, J.P. V. GOULD, Cllk, Jan. Sth 1867.

ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - Thursday, January 24, 1867

REMOVAL. Mr. MILLER, our worthy townsman and gunsmith, has moved his shop from the CHAMBERLAIN BUILDING to the first room South of the Post Office, on Main Street ....

DIED. January 11th (14th?) 1867, at her residence in Richland Township, Fulton county, Ind., Mrs. LUCINDA M.,, wife of JAMES BABCOCK, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HICKMAN of this place....

TREASURY ROBBED. Last night the Treasurer's Office in this County was broken open and robbed, the burglars relieving our County of about $2000 besides other valuable papers and monies deposited in it. No trace of the burglars have yet been learned. The safe was evidently robbed by some old safe robber who understood his business. He had stolen two sledge hammers and two cold chisels with which he made an entrance. Fulton county has been very unfortunate; the Treasury was robbed in 1863.

MARRIED. On Tuesday evening at 8 oclock p.m., Jan. 22nd 1867, at the residence of YOUNG RALSTIN, the bride's father, by Rev. A. V. HOUSE, Mr. JAMES M. BEEBER to Miss SALLIE M. RALSTIN, all of this county...

CONDOLENCE. Hall of Taylor Lodge No. 36 I.O.G.T., Rochester, Ind., January 18, 1866... our beloved sister, LUCINDA BABCOCK....

ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - Thursday, January 31, 1867

HACK LINE. Mr. WM. KILLEN carries passengers through from here to Peru for $1.50. He is making the fastest time of any hack running and has good accommodations....

A CARD. Mr. and Mrs. STANLEY returns thanks to the citizens of Rochester, for the kindness manifested toward them on the day of the fire.

WINTER.... The long continued snow has been very favorable to Lumbermen getting logs to the mill: a larger business is being done now than at any previous season. Messrs. COUGILL & BEARSS, Lumber dealers here are doing a large business in buying and shipping....

FIRE. On last Friday about noon, our citizens were alarmed by the cry of fire, the first time in this year. It was discovered in the Bakery belonging to Mr. STANLEY, when too late, notwithstanding the most strenuous efforts of our fire company and citizens to save the building was totally destroyed. The fire originated from wood placed near the stove for the purpose of drying ... loss was partially relieved by a donation from the citizens present ... received and fully appreciated by him, as we understand that in the destruction of the building he loses all means of support.

JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. ... C. W. COCHRAN of this place. He has secured the services of D. A. HAUK, an experienced workman ... fine engraver...

EDGETOOLS. Axes, Mattocks, Mill Picks, Drawing Knives, Chisels, Pump Augurs, Fishgigs, Butcher-knives, &c. I have just erected two large Grind-stones, which are driven by horsepower, one of which weighs upwards of 1500 pounds, so bring along your old thick dull axes, mattocks and have them repaired, If more convenient than to come to the shop, leave ... at Mercer & Shepherd's Hardware Store in Rochester ... After the first of March next my celebrated Grubbing Mattock will be kept for sale at the following places: Rochester, Akron, Gilead, Perrysburg, and at the shop 7 miles south-east of Rochester... W. A. HORTON, Millark, Ind. Jan. 21, 1867.

(Administratrix Sale) ELIZABETH KALER, Adm'rx of the Estate of HENRY KALER deceased will sell real estate (described). Jan. 28, 1867.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by HUGII VANMETER in Rochester Tp appraised by E. GILLETT and H. GREY... before me, January 21, 1867. E. KIRTLAND, J.P.

ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - February 7, 1867

DIED. - On the 5th inst., at her residence in Rochester, Mrs. H. C. PADDOCK. Aged 6S years. Funeral services at the M.E. Church at 1 oclock p.m. to-day, by Rev. J. S. DONALDSON.

-On the 30th ult., at Fulton, in this county, Mrs. CATHARINE BUCK, wife of ALEXANDER BUCK, Aged - - - -.

PERSONAL. We are pleased to notice the arrival of our former townsman Capt. JOHN W. ELAM, late partner in the firm of STRADLEY & ELAM. The Captain resides in Valparaiso for the present ... We are sorry to learn that John intends taking up a permanent residence there.

REMOVAL. Messrs BRUETTE & COLLINS would respectfully inform their customers that they have removed their Barber shop to the large and spacious room in the MAMMOTH BUILDING, over Lyon & Kendrick's Dry Goods Store ....

I.O.G.T. On last Friday evening wss the time for Installation of Officers. The following ... : J. R. LEVAW, HATTIE OSGOOD, L. M. SPOTTS, LYDIA PEARSON, GEORGE W. LYON, D. A. EWING,


MARRIAGE LICENSES granted by the Clerk of Fulton Co., during the month of January 1867.

John ELDER and Elizabeth HIGHT, Davis MOORE and Sarah KILLMER, Joseph N. DRAKE and Mary J. CARTER, J. H. BALL and Jennie SLAYBAUGH, Robert PRICE and Elizabeth JOHNSON, Geo. W. CUMMINS and Nancy C. CLARK, James H. HAY and Mollie E. DAVIS, Geo. W. BALL and Mariah JOHNSON, A. T. BITTERS and Sarah J. St.CLAIR, James W. BEEBER and Sarah M. RALSTIN, John FULKINSON and Amanda COOPER, Tho. C. MOORE and Julia A. ALLSPACK, George D. MALONE and Susan LYNCH.

APOLOGY. We are called upon to apologize to our patrons for inserting an Advertisement in our paper for one LOUIS FEDER, and will promise never to do so again after the expiration of the present contract. When we first inserted his Advertisement, we thought him to be a fair and honest dealer, and as we do not disregard honor and work for money alone, we refuse ever after to ask our patrons to deal with a man whom we know to be dishonest, who is so low as to insult ladies, by meddling in an officious manner, who come into his store, and uses every means in his power to cheat, lie, deceive, and swindle honest people out of their hard earnings. We know that he cannot be trusted and so soon as his contract expires we will lift his advertisement out, for we do not propose to decieve the people in anyway when we can prevent it.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by WM. HEFFLEY in Rochester Tp on the 2d day of January, 1867 ... appraised by ROBERT DUNLAP and WILLIAM KIRKENDALL. E. KIRTLAND, J.P. V.GOULD, Cllk.

J. R. PARMELEE Attorney at Law, Office over HENDERSON'S DRUG STORE, Rochester, Ind.

ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - Thursday, February 14, 1867

DRY GOODS. A large stock at I. W. HOLEMANS new store opposite the M.E. Church ....

NEW GOODS. The people are reminded that everything in the Drug, Medicine, and Grocery line can be had at PLANK & DAWSON'S DRUG STORE, in the MAMMOTH BUILDING.

GRAND FESTIVAL. The Akron Brass Band will have a Grand Festival, for their benefit, on Saturday Evening, February 23d 1867....

COMMUNICATION. Logansport, Ind. Feb. 9th, 1867. Publishers Rochester Chronicle: Gents: I take this method of informing you and through you, the citizens of your county, that while in your place last week I was treated most courteously by WILLIAM CULVER, the proprietor of the NATIONAL HOTEL..... TRAVELER.

ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - Thursday, February 21, 1867

HIGH WATER. The BRIDGE across the Tippecanoe River two and a half miles North of this place has been swept away by the freshet. We learn further that the bridges over all the small streams are either broken down or swept away, and that travel has been almost stopped.

CHANGE. Mr. B. F. (Frank) BROWN has purchased the Millinery and Furnishing Establishment, one door South of the Central Hotel, of Mrs. S. C. TURNER and will continue the business at the same place...

PERSONAL. We received a call from Rev. J. SCHLOSSER, of Pleasant Grove, yesterday. Mr. Schlosser speaks very encouragingly of things in general at that place, and says that its people are in the midst of a rail road excitement... we think with the proper effort on their part, they might secure a station on this great central thoroughfare, at that place.

ARRIVAL. We received a call from our young friend and former townsman, W. F. TRUSLOW. Mr. T. hails from Bourbon ... where he has been for the past three months....

THE HONEST MTLLER... if there be one miller more honest than others, that one is WILLIAM WALLACE ....

GRAND EXHIBITION. On yesterday we were called on by a committee of Ladies, consisting of Miss MARIAH CAFFYN, Miss MOLLIE ELAM and Miss LIBBIE WALLACE, when the following was handed us with a request for its publication.

The students of Rochester High School will give a grand scholastic Exhibition at the Court House, on Saturday evening, March 2d 1867. The Band will be present to enliven the occasion with music. Admission free....

ROCHESTER CHRONICLE - Thursday, March 7, 1867

CORRESPONDENCE. Near Kewanna, Ind. Feb. 23d, 1867. Editors Chronicle, Dear Sirs: It may not be uninteresting to your readers to know that, notwithstanding the general "drag" in business especially with stock dealers, our enterprising townsmen, Messrs. TONER & JACKSON, have bought a large amount of corn... Mr. JOSEPH BIBLER has just returned from Huntington County, where he has bought about 50 head of hogs... also Mr. STEBBS and Mr. M. J. BARNETT are each buying hogs to feed... Yours truly, P. S. T.

MARRIED. On the 14th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. SPARKS, Lieut. J. A. BARNETT to Miss NANCY A. HARVEY, all of Union Township, Fulton County, Ind.

(Notice of Administration) LEVI MYERS appointed Administrator of the Estate of LEVI MYERS. Feb. 26, 1867.

REMOVAL. The Rochester POST OFFICE, CHESTER CHAMBERLAIN Postmaster, has been removed from the WALLACE BLOCK to the now building just erected by ANGERMAN and fitted up for that purpose, north of A. C. Hickman's Dry Goods Store.


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