Table of Contents

 Table of Contents

From the Director ...............................................................................................................3 OPR Staff and Students .....................................................................................................4 Center for Research on Child Wellbeing ........................................................................20 Center for Migration and Development...........................................................................25 The Eviction Lab...............................................................................................................30 OPR Library ......................................................................................................................33 OPR Seminars ..................................................................................................................36 OPR Research ..................................................................................................................38 Biosocial Interactions..........................................................................................................38 Children, Youth, and Families.............................................................................................42 Data/Methods .....................................................................................................................45 Education and Stratification ................................................................................................51 Health and Wellbeing .........................................................................................................61 Migration and Development................................................................................................78 2017 Highlights .................................................................................................................86 2017 Publications .............................................................................................................88 Training in Demography at Princeton ...........................................................................105 Ph.D. Program..................................................................................................................105 Departmental Degree in Specialization in Population .......................................................106 Joint-Degree Program ......................................................................................................106 Certificate in Demography ................................................................................................106 Training Resources ..........................................................................................................106 Courses ............................................................................................................................107

The OPR Annual report is published annually by the Office of Population Research, Princeton University, Wallace Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544.

Copyright ? 2018 Office of Population Research.


From the Director

Douglas S. Massey, Director

During 2017, the Office of Population Research celebrated its 82nd year as a population research center. During this year, five staff members were honored for their years of service, including Wayne Appleton for 25 years, Regina Leidy and Kristen Matlofsky for 15 years, and Kate Jaeger and Kelly Cleland for 10 years.

Three doctoral students completed their dissertations in 2017 and moved on to begin their professional careers. Angelina Grigoryeva and Ayesha Mahmud both accepted positions as David E. Bell Postdoctoral Fellows at Harvard's Center for Population and Development Studies, and Zitsi Mirakhur joined the Research Alliance for New York City Schools as a Research Associate.

Postdoctoral fellow Jackelyn Hwang joined Stanford's faculty as an Assistant Professor of Sociology.

There were also additions to OPR's faculty during 2017. Leah Boustan joined the faculty as Professor of Economics while Kathy Edin joined as Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs and Tim Nelson as Lecturer in Public Affairs. In the course of the year, Sir Angus Deaton and Anne Case transitioned to emeritus status, but not before Angus was awarded the Colonel James Tod Award from the Mewar Charitable Foundation of Udaipur, India for his contributions to the understanding of that region, and Anne Case was elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for her contributions to economic science.

Congratulations are also owed to Betsy Levy Paluck for her receipt of a MacArthur Foundation "Genius Award" and to Noreen Goldman for her election as Vice President of the Population Association of America. Among other faculty honors, Janet Currie received an honorary Doctorate from the University of Zurich for her work in health economics while Marta Tienda was named Chair of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Board of Trustees.

Faculty members were not the only ones receiving honors, however. Juliette Hackett was awarded the Charles F. Westoff Prize in Demography for her senior thesis entitled "Paths to Polarization: The Development of Abortion Views in Two Generations of Elite American College Students." Louis Donnelly was Poster Session Winner at the 2017 PAA Meeting for his presentation on "The Protective Effects of Housing Assistance Programs on Eviction" while Cheng Cheng won for her poster, "Women's Education and Household DecisionMaking from a Multi-Generational Perspective."

Finally, a more dubious distinction befell yours truly when I made a cameo appearance on the TV show "Adam Ruins Everything" to explain to viewers why building a wall along the Mexico-U.S. border was a bad idea. It's sad to say that after all my Op-Ed pieces in the New York Times and other respected newspapers, this was by far my most successful instance of public outreach. At last count the segment had 8.3 million downloads on YouTube and another 1.2 million on the truTV channel. Such are the times we live in.

Douglas Massey, Director

The same honor was also bestowed upon OPR Faculty Associate Dalton Conley for his contributions to sociology and the study of biosocial interactions.

Office of Population Research Princeton University

OPR Staff and Students

Director Douglas S. Massey

Director of Graduate Studies Al?cia Adser?

Faculty Associates Al?cia Adser?, Research Scholar and Lecturer in Economics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; Director of Graduate Studies, the Office of Population Research; Faculty Associate, the Office of Population Research; Research Associate, Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing; Co-Director, Princeton Global Network on Child Migration. Ph.D., Economics, Boston University, 1996. Interests: economic demography; development; and international political economy.

Some of her recent work focuses on how differences in local labor market institutions and economic conditions are related to fertility and household formation decisions in the OECD (and Latin America). In addition, she is interested in an array of migration topics (i.e. immigrant fertility; the relevance of language, political conditions and welfare provisions among the determinants of migration flows; the wellbeing of child migrants; differential labor market performance of migrants across European countries).

Adser? has received fellowships from the University of Chicago- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, among others. Her work has been published in the American Economic Review P&P, Journal of Population Economics, Population Studies, Journal of Law Economics and Organization, and International Organization among others.

January ? December 2017

Jeanne Altmann, Eugene Higgins Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Emeritus; Senior Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Faculty Associate, the Office of Population Research and Princeton Environmental Institute. Ph.D., Behavioral Sciences, University of Chicago, 1979. Interests: non-experimental research design and analysis; ecology and evolution of family relationships and of behavioral development; primate demography and life histories; parent-offspring relationships; infancy and the ontogeny of behavior and social relationships; conservation education; and behavioral aspects of conservation.

Elizabeth Armstrong, Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; Director, Certificate in Health and Health Policy Program; Faculty Associate, the Office of Population Research, Center for Health and Wellbeing, the Program in the History of Science, Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies, University Center for Human Values, and Center for Research on Child Wellbeing. She was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar in Health Policy Research, University of Michigan, 1998-2000. Ph.D., Sociology and Demography, University of Pennsylvania, 1998. M.P.A. Princeton University, 1993. Interests: public health; history and sociology of medicine; sociology of reproduction; population and health; gender; and biomedical ethics.

Armstrong currently serves on the Lamaze International Certification Council Governing Body; the Editorial Board of the Journal of Health Politics and Policy and Law; CIMS US Birth Practices Advisory Council; and Expert Committee Member, Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, Committee on the Status of the Fetus.

Office of Population Research


OPR Staff and Students

January ? December 2017

Jo?o Biehl, Susan Dod Brown Professor of Anthropology and Faculty Associate, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; Co-Director, Program in Global Health and Health Policy; Faculty Associate, the Office of Population Research, Center for Health and Wellbeing, Center for the Study of Religion, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures, Princeton Institute of International and Regional Studies, Princeton Environmental Institute, Program in Latin American Studies, the Program in Law and Public Affairs, and the University Center for Human Values. Ph.D., Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1999. Ph.D., Religion, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, 1996. Interests: medical anthropology; social studies of science and technology; global health; religion and society; subjectivity; ethnography; and critical theory (with a regional focus on Latin America and Brazil).

Biehl is an Editorial Board Member, Common Knowledge, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Revista de Antropologia, Revista de Antropologia Social dos Alunos do PPGAS-UFSCar, Brazil, Cultural Anthropology, and Oikos Publishing House. He is a reviewer for: American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist; Common Knowledge; Current Anthropology; Cultural Anthropology; Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry; Global Public Health; Globalization and Health; Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Medical Anthropology Quarterly; Political and Legal Anthropology; Social Science and Medicine; The Lancet; and Zygon.

Anne Case, Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Emeritus; Director, Research Program in Development Studies; Faculty Associate, the Office of Population Research and the Center for Health

and Wellbeing; Faculty Affiliate, KahnemanTreisman Center for Behavioral Science and Public Policy. Ph.D., Economics, Princeton University, 1988. Interests: microeconomic foundations of development; health economics; public finance; and labor economics.

Case was awarded the Kenneth J. Arrow Prize in Health Economics from the International Health Economics Association, for her work on the links between economic status and health status in childhood, and the Cozzarelli Prize from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences for her research on midlife morbidity and mortality. Case and Sir Angus Deaton, were named as Members of the POLITICO Magazine's 2016 POLITICO 50 list of thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2016 for using big data to tell us what's wrong with white people.

Case currently serves on the Advisory Council for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD); the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science; the Committee on National Statistics; iHEA Kenneth J. Arrow Award Committee; Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER); Fellow of the Econometric Society; Affiliate of the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town; Visiting Scientist, Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, University of KwaZuluNatal; Elected Member of the American Philosophical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Dalton Conley, Henry Putnam University Professor in Sociology; Faculty Associate, the Office of Population Research and the Center for Health and Wellbeing; Faculty Affiliate, Kahneman-Treisman Center for Behavioral Science and Public Policy. Ph.D., Sociology, Columbia University, 1996. Ph.D., Biology

Office of Population Research



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