CLE19-005 CLE19-346 registration info 19-005 12.0 TOTAL ...

CLE19-005 CLE19-346

registration info

Name Phone City Email Member No. / Supreme Court No.




2019 ohio elder law institute

(includes electronic materials only)

Membership VP+ Membership 2018 Member*












ohio special needs and elder law planning

(includes electronic materials only)

Membership VP+ Membership 2018 Member* Non-Member











both programs

(includes electronic materials only)









*An OSBA member with dues paid through 12/31/2018 who has not yet renewed for 2019.

group discount: Three or more registrants from the same office receive $25 off per registrant. Registrations must be submitted at the same time to be eligible.

WEBCAST REGISTRATION: Online registration only. Visit webcasts to register. Ohio Special Needs & Elder Law Planning Seminar only. Webcast not available for Ohio Elder Law Institute.




BOOK: $50

BOOK: $75

BOOK + VIDEO: $100

form of payment

Enclosed is a check for: $

(Video available for 19-346 supplemental program only.)

Make check payable to: Ohio State Bar Association

Credit Card:



American Express


Card Number:



2019 Ohio Elder Law Institute

DATES AND LOCATION: MARCH 14 & 15, 2019 MARCH 14: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM MARCH 15: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Columbus Marriott Northwest 5606 Blazer Parkway, Dublin, OH 43017

Ohio Special Needs and Elder Law Planning

DATE AND LOCATION: MARCH 13, 2019 (PM PROGRAM): 12:30 - 5:00 PM Columbus Ohio State Bar Association, 1700 Lake Shore Dr., 43204 Webcast

P.O. BOX 16562 COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-6562

Return Service Requested

19-005 | MAR 14 & 15 | 12.0 TOTAL CLE HOURS 19-346 | MAR 13 | 4.25 TOTAL CLE HOURS


2019 Ohio Elder Law Institute


Ohio Special Needs and Elder

Law Planning

2019 Ohio Elder Law Institute

March 14 & 15, 2019 COLUMBUS MARRIOTT NORTHWEST 5608 Blazer Parkway, Dublin, OH 43017 12.0 total CLE hours, including 12.0 Elder Law and Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law Specialization 2.0 hours Professional Conduct


Ohio Special Needs and Elder Law Planning Seminar (PM Program)

March 13, 2019

OHIO STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 1700 Lake Shore Dr., Columbus, OH 43204 Webcast

New this year! Attend this 2019 Ohio Elder Law Institute supplemental seminar to be held at the OSBA in Columbus the afternoon of March 13, prior to the March 14 and 15 Ohio Elder Law Institute. See registration panel for reduced pricing to attend the 2019 Ohio Elder Law Institute and the supplemental Ohio Special Needs and Elder Law Planning Seminar.

4.25 total CLE hours

4.25 Elder Law and Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law Specialization

CALL TO REGISTER: (800) 232-7124


2019 Ohio Elder Law Institute

course planners Program Planning Chair: Lindsay C. Jones, Esq.; Schraff Thomas Law LLC; Willoughby Hills Planning Committee: David S. Banas, Esq.; Hickman & Lowder Co., L.P.A.; Cleveland Michael T. Bryan, Esq.; Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky Co., LPA; Zanesville Kim Cullman Estess, Esq.; O'Diam & Stecker Law Group, Inc.; Dayton Gregory S. French, Esq.; Law Office of Gregory S. French; Cincinnati James L. Koewler, Esq.; The Koewler Law Firm; Richfield Dawn E. McFadden, Esq.; McFadden Bushnell LLC; Cleveland Allison M. McMeechan, Esq.; Reminger Co., LPA; Cleveland Laurie G. Steiner, Esq.; Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd.; Mayfield Heights Allan P. Sweet, Esq.; Sweet Legal Group, LLC; Akron

hotel accommodations: Columbus Marriott Northwest 5605 Blazer Parkway, Dublin, Ohio 43017 614-791-1000 | $129/night Room block expires 2/20/2019

program agenda Day 1: March 14, 2019


Registration/Continental Breakfast


Special Needs Trust Administration: Beyond the Basics

Proper drafting of a special needs trust is only half the battle. Incorrectly administering a special needs trust may have a devastating effect on a beneficiary, resulting in the loss of public benefits. This program will focus on the 2019 updates relative to the administration of special needs trusts, including both the POMS and Ohio law. Further, the program will identify common issues relative to administration of a special needs trust, and explain how those issues may be prevented.

Allison M. McMeechan, Esq.; Reminger Co., LPA; Cleveland


VA Pension Benefit Rules Have Changed! Now, What Do I Do? Effective October 18th, 2018, the Department of Veterans Affairs implemented major changes to their rules ? including a three-year lookback period and new net worth requirements. This topic will help you understand all of the relevant changes and how you can use the new rules to your advantage.

Michael T. Bryan, Esq.; Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky Co., LPA; Zanesville

10:30 10:45


2019 Medicaid Administrative Appeals and Case Law Update Maggie L. Sutton, Esq.; Taps & Sutton, LLC; Columbus

11:45 12:45

Lunch ? Sponsored by NAELA

A Way Forward: Collectively Responding to Financial Elder Abuse (Professional Conduct) Elder financial abuse is an under-recognized problem with devastating and even life-threatening consequences. Every day, headlines throughout the U.S. paint a bleak picture of older vulnerable adults who have been exploited, often by people they trust the most. Financial elder abuse can occur anywhere--in the home, in nursing homes, or other institutions. It affects seniors across all socio-economic groups, cultures, and races.

Sylvia M. Pla-Raith; Director, Elder Justice Initiative, Ohio Attorney General's Office; Columbus


Buyer Beware! Avoiding a Bad Outcome by Choosing the Right Service

Skilled nursing facility? Assisted living facility? Home health agency? Understanding what level of care is provided, and how that matches the needs of the senior, is important in avoiding those outcomes that result in lawsuits for injury or death.

Nancy C. Iler, RN, JD; Nancy C. Iler Law Firm LLC; Cleveland

Register for this course: CLE19-005 & CLE19-346

2:45 3:00

Break ? Sponsored by Krause Financial Services

Preparing for State Hearings, Administrative Appeals, and Beyond How to prepare and navigate State hearings, administrative appeals, and the Courts for a Medicaid denial, termination, or reduction of benefits. Ashley Shannon Burke, Esq.; OSBA Certified Specialist in Elder Law; Burke & Pecquet LLC; Cincinnati

Janet E. Pecquet, Esq.; Burke & Pecquet LLC; Cincinnati


Day One Concludes

Social reception immediately follows (4:15 ? 5:15)

Day 2: March 15, 2019


Continental Breakfast


Long-Term Care Planning with Tax Qualified Accounts Clients' tax-qualified resources (such as IRA, 401k, and 403b accounts) can add tax costs to the already high financial losses resulting from the need for long-term care. This presentation will discuss strategies that might reduce the tax losses.

David S. Banas, Esq.; Hickman & Lowder Co., L.P.A.; Cleveland

James L. Koewler, Esq.; The Koewler Law Firm Inc.; Richfield


Medicaid Estate Recovery: Polishing Your Crystal Ball How to roll with the MER punches! Lindsay C. Jones, Esq.; Schraff Thomas Law LLC; Willoughby Hills John R. Harrison, Esq.; Hickman & Lowder Co., L.P.A.; Cleveland

10:30 10:45


Medicaid Asset Protection Planning: Limited Liability Companies versus Irrevocable Trust Agreements, and Fixing Medicaid-Category-Four Trusts Laurie Steiner will discuss the pros and cons of using LLCs or Irrevocable Trusts in Medicaid planning, and when and why to use each vehicle. Allan Sweet will then focus specifically on Medicaid-Category-Four Trusts, discussing how a trustee can use the Ohio Trust Code to modify an irrevocable trust to resolve eligibility issues for a Medicaid-recipient beneficiary. Fortunately, even trusts with HEMS standards can be fixed to keep the beneficiary receiving benefits.

Laurie G. Steiner, Esq.; OSBA Certified Specialist in Elder Law; Solomon Steiner & Peck, Ltd.; Mayfield Heights

Allan P. Sweet, Esq.; Sweet Legal Group, LLC; Akron

11:45 12:45

Lunch (provided)

Practical Answers to Ethical Questions Arising in Elder Abuse Cases (Professional Conduct) Participants will work through ethical questions concerning client identification, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, client capacity, communication, advocacy, and document drafting present in a case study involving parents and their children that raises alleged abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation and the parents' possible need for help, care, and protective action.

Gregory S. French, Esq., CELA; OSBA Certified Specialist in Elder Law; Law Offices of Gregory S. French; Cincinnati


The Modern Family: Estate Planning in the Face of Changing Family Dynamics Brittany O'Diam Horseman, Esq.; O'Diam & Stecker Law Group, Inc.; Dayton

Timothy J. Gallagher, Esq.; Reminger Co., LPA; Cleveland

2:45 3:00


Appeals to Court under R.C. 5105 35: A State Perspective What to expect from the State when you appeal from an Administrative Appeal Decision. Rebecca L. Thomas, Esq.; Ohio Attorney General's Office; Columbus


Institute Concludes

Register for this course: (800) 232-7124


Code: 0319

Ohio Special Needs and Elder Law Planning

This Ohio Special Needs and Elder Law Planning program will provide in-depth information on how to navigate developmental disability waivers, special needs planning, and Social Security claiming strategies. You may attend the afternoon program in person at the OSBA, or you may view the program as a webcast. You may opt to attend the afternoon program only; the 2019 Ohio Elder Law Institute only; or if you register to attend both programs, you may attend this supplemental program for the reduced rate of $50. To take advantage of the discount, you may mail your registration, or register by contacting Member Services at 800-232-7124.

program agenda

March 13, 2019 12:00 Registration


Navigating the DODD Waiting Room: The Ball is in Your Court! Ohio's developmental disabilities support system supports more than individuals--it supports communities. This topic offers practical tips for proactively navigating the DD Waiver waiting list.

John R. Harrison, Esq.; Hickman & Lowder Co., L.P.A.; Cleveland


Community Living: When Knowing the Law is Not Enough Community living is complicated for people with special needs. This program will help you build on your base knowledge of publicly funded programs to understand the challenges people face and the complex array of often unseen programs intended to enhance the lives of people with disabilities.

Marla Root; Root Consulting LLC; Lewis Center

Blaine P. Brockman, Esq.; Hickman & Lowder Co., L.P.A.; Dublin

2:30 2:45


Tools for Your Special Needs Toolbox: STABLE Accounts, Special Needs Trusts, and Pooled Trusts This session will provide helpful information for practitioners new and experienced in special needs planning. Doug Jackson will present on STABLE Accounts and Amanda Buzo will present on special needs trusts, including pooled trusts and current areas of concern. Dawn McFadden will then moderate a panel discussion of client situations and how these tools may (or may not) be used to help the client. The speakers will reserve time for questions.

Amanda Buzo, Esq.; Community Fund Management Foundation; Middleburg Heights Doug Jackson; Deputy Director, STABLE Accounts, Office of the Ohio Treasurer of State; Dayton Moderator: Dawn E. McFadden, Esq.; McFadden Bushnell LLC; Cleveland


Social Security Claiming Strategies

An in-depth discussion of Social Security strategies that includes the following topics: Social Security facts; Social Security vocabulary; overall claiming strategy; Social Security absolutes; qualifying for Social Security benefits; types of benefits; factors to consider in designing a claiming strategy; full retirement age; delayed retirement credits; claim early vs later; annual earnings limitations; worker benefits; deemed filing; spousal benefits; divorced spousal benefits; children's benefits; family maximum; survivor benefits; benefits before age 62; restricted application; voluntary suspension of benefits; retroactive benefits; windfall elimination provision; government pension offset; do over rule; taxability of benefits; and IRMMA.

Thomas Hager, CPA, CGMA, NSSA; Apple Growth Partners; Cleveland


Program Concludes

HOW TO REGISTER Online: yourosba. Phone: (800) 232-7124 | (614) 487-8585

Mail To: Ohio State Bar Association P.O. Box 16562 Columbus, OH 43216-6562

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by 5 p.m. the business day prior to the program will

be refunded less a $25 processing fee.



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