Farmington, CT

February 14, 2005

The following were in attendance:

Tim Brennan, Tony Carvalho, Joe Conte, Andrea Duffy, David Engel, Joe Fillipetti, Andy George, Marc Glass, Dave Gold, Art Hennig, Steve Kassoy, Milan Keser, Tom Mattera, Bill Oehler, Chafik Rebai, Tom Skarbek, Eric Voide, Kathy Zolad, Al McWhirter, Jim Lennox, Sue Schultz

The following were absent:

Steve Henderson, Lisa Schanzer, Todd Stigliano, Steve Woolbert.

Kathy Zolad called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.


The minutes of January 2005 were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Dave distributed the year to date budget and the report on the CJSA interest bearing accounts.

Audience Communication:


Committee Reports:

Premier: The spring premier league scheduling meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 1 at the Farmington Marriott. The girls meeting is from 6pm to 7pm and the boys meeting is from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Sue Schultz stated that 200 teams registered as premier teams this spring an increase over last spring.

Registration: The registration numbers for the districts were distributed. Bill Oehler stated that in March he was meeting with the club presidents and club registrars from the southwest district to help them with the registration process. The southeast district is in the process of creating registration software for their clubs. Joe Zizik is leading this endeavor.

Indoor Tournament: The playing rules, information, and registration forms for the State Indoor Tournament were distributed. Milan stated that the tournament will be held on March 19 and 20. Three venues were secured for the tournament, the Coast Guard Academy, Eastern Connecticut State University, and Bridgeport University. The age groups will be assigned later.

Tournaments: The Rocky Hill-CFC Columbus Day Tournament request for sanctioning was approved pending receipt of additional paperwork.

Cup Entry: The Cup entry form and Cup rules were distributed. The entry deadline except for U-18 and U-19 is April 8, 2005. The forms and rules will be placed on the CJSA website. Kathy also announced that the fee for State Cup will be $110.00 up $10.00 which is a Region 1 fee.

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Minutes of February 2005

Risk Management: Jim Boccuzzi distributed a handout with each district’s percentage of compliance with the risk management program and a list of clubs that have submitted Adult Disclosure Forms and how many. Jim is requesting a copy of the Registration disc from Bill Oehler to cross reference the names on the disc with those who have submitted forms. Jim states that if compliance does not occur he will regretfully have to devise other methods such as “NO DISCLOSURE/NO PASS and NO DISCLOSURE/NO RECERT”. Or something along those lines.

District Reports:

Southcentral: All fine, March 8 is the spring scheduling meeting.

Northeast: All fine, will be commencing playoffs for the district indoor league.

Southwest: Working on registration issues.

Southeast: All fine.

Northcentral: All fine.

Central: All fine.

Northwest: All fine.

Director of Coaching Report:

Jim Lennox announced that he would like to use March and April to travel to all of the districts to review and go over small sided soccer. Jim is asking that each District Vice President contact him to set up a date for him to visit the district. Jim distributed two coaching manuals dealing with U-6/U-8 and U-10/U-12 players. Jim also distributed the ODP coaching list with the licenses that each coach has acquired. Jim also stated that the video library will be adding 15 to 20 new videos on coaching.

Marc Glass announced that we are negotiating with the Soccer Learning Systems to produce a video on coaching specifically for Connecticut. A how to run a practice video. They would produce ! and #2 video for the beginning coach. They will come to Connecticut to produce the video.

Presidents Report:

Kathy stated that Marc Glass and Steve Woolbert were switching positions. Marc will be the new vice president and Steve the new district representative. Kathy stated that the 22-person roster proposal is back on the agenda for U-17 and above, however only 18 players may play in any given game. This proposal will be voted on at the Salt Lake City Convention. After discussing the proposal the consensus of the board was that they favored the rule change.

Kathy stated that a small-sided U-12 premier cup will be proposed at the Salt Lake City Convention. After discussing the proposal and input from Jim Lennox the consensus of the board was that they were against the proposal.

Kathy would like to create an Assistant State Registrars position. The position would not be a Board position and would deal with IT issues. Kathy would like to see Joe Zizik named to the position.

Motion to create an Assistant State Registrars position and name Joe Zizik to the position was made by Tom Skarbek, seconded by Joe Conte. Motion passed unanimously.

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Minutes of February 2005

Kathy stated that CJSA has not yet signed their contract with Adidas. She stated that other vendors have approached CJSA for sponsorship. Discussion.

Unfinished Business:

Online E-Travel: Sue Schultz stated that the online E-Travel was used within a half hour of being up on the website. Some revisions of the front page are being done to make it even easier to use.

Middletown Complex: The Middletown Soccer Complex was discussed at length.

Motion that if the CJSA Board of Directors approves to dispose of 50% or more of its assets sit must go back to its membership for a 2/3 approval was made by David Engel, seconded by Joe Conte. The motion was defeated with 9 votes against, 4 votes in favor, and two abstentions.

After further discussion Kathy stated that she will call a special meeting of the CJSA Board of Directors within the next two weeks to vote on the Middletown Complex proposal. This will give the District VPs an opportunity to go back to their districts and discuss the proposal prior to voting.

New Business:

Action Items:

|The Premier Board of Governors is presenting the following action items to the CJSA Board of Directors for approval. |

|The Premier Board of Governors has proposed the following for Premier Tryouts: |

|The Premier tryout window for all U12 and younger teams will open the Monday following the Connecticut Cup Finals. |

|The Premier tryout window for all U13 and older teams will open the day after the Regional Finals. |

|Motion to approve the new tryout windows was made by Steve Kassoy, seconded by Joe Conte. Motion passed unanimously. |

|At the request of various clubs the following action items are being presented to the CJSA Board of Directors for approval. |

|Leagues – Section 2 |

|Existing: |

|201-6 District Classic Leagues – Team Eligibility. No team may participate in any district classic league unless the team meets |

|the residency requirements of CJSA for participation in Connecticut Cup. |

|Page 4 |

|Minutes of February 2005 |

|Change to: |

|201-6 District Classic Leagues – Team Eligibility. All teams participating in district league play must meet requirements for |

|participation in that league. |

|Policies – Section 1 |

|Definitions |

|Existing: |

|27) District Leagues are those leagues sponsored or administered by the governing board(s) of the districts, and such |

|intra-district inter-club leagues as are recognized and approved by the governing board of a district. (All teams participating |

|in district leagues must be in good standing with CJSA and meet the residency requirements set for participation in the |

|Connecticut Cup). |

|Change to: |

|27) District Leagues are those leagues sponsored or administered by the governing board(s) of the districts, and such |

|intra-district inter-club leagues as are recognized and approved by the governing board of a district |

Motion to approve the above changes was made by Marc Glass, seconded by Chafik Rebai. After a vote of 6 yes, 6 no, and 1 abstention the motion was tabled.

New Club Affiliation: The Norwalk Community Soccer Club presented paperwork requesting affiliation with CJSA.

Motion to approve affiliation for the Norwalk Community Soccer Club was made by Eric Voide, seconded by Marc Glass. Motion passed unanimously.

US Soccer AGM – Orlando, FL: Proposals for the AGM will be sent out to all Board members.

For the Good of Soccer:

Steve Kassoy would like to recognize Easton Milton of the MLK Soccer Club for his achievements in soccer, Milton was also recognized by Ray Reid the soccer coach at UCONN.

Marc Glass believes that who ever nominates a person for an award at the AGM should also present that award to the recipient.

Dave Engel would like to see the Board schedule specific topics for each meeting. Kathy stated that a schedule was being developed; in April Risk Management will be the topic.

Respectfully Submitted

Tom Mattera

CJSA Secretary


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