Planet Facts Hunt – answer key

Planet Facts Hunt – answer key

|Planet Descriptions |Name of Planet |

|The coldest planet |Pluto |

|The smallest planet | |

|It sometimes changes orbits with Neptune. | |

|Perfect for people |Earth |

|Has oceans and land | |

|Atmosphere is just right for kids | |

|Has a large, red spot thought to be a hurricane |Jupiter |

|Is an outer planet | |

|Is so large that all the other planets could fit inside it | |

|Rotates on its side |Uranus |

|Has a blue-green color | |

|Has 11 known rings | |

|Has ice caps on its poles |Mars |

|Iron in its soil gives it a red color | |

|Its moons are Phobos and Deimos | |

|Named after the messenger of the gods |Mercury |

|Can be seen from Earth early in the morning or late in the evening | |

|Only the planet Pluto is smaller | |

|This planet is very much like Uranus. |Neptune |

|It has two thick and two thin rings that surround it. | |

|One of its moons is named Triton. | |

|Closest planet to Earth |Venus |

|Rotates in the opposite direction from the other planets | |

|Covered with clouds | |

|Large gas planet |Saturn |

|Surrounded by over 1000 rings made of ice and dust | |

|Has at least 30 moons | |


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