MINUTES OF THE GRADUATE COMMITTEECALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO5200 N. Barton Ave, M/S ML 34Fresno, California 93740-8014Office of the Academic SenateExt. 8-2743February 2, 2016Members Present:M. Wilson (Chair), J. Marshall, P. Trueblood, T. Skeen, D. Vera, R. Raeisi, A. Nambiar, S. Tracz, M. LopezMembers Absent: Guests:Dean Saul Jimenez-Sandoval, Associate Dean Honora Chapman, Professor Tony Mowrer, Professor Donald HenriquesThe meeting was called to order by Chair Wilson at 2:04 p.m. in Thomas #117.Minutes.MSC to approve the minutes of January 26, 2016.Agenda.MSC to approve the munications and Announcements.Dean Marshall reminded members that the next Graduate Coordinators meeting will be a breakfast meeting on February 4. Malisa Lee, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services, will be present to discuss enrollment at the graduate level. The last Coordinators meeting for the Spring semester is scheduled for April 6, 3:00-5:00. Dr. Jenelle Gilbert, coordinator of the Kinesiology program, will share her recruitment expertise at that meeting.Dean Marshall announced the Graduate Student Leadership Institute will be February 20 and 21 as part of the Graduate Student Appreciation Week.Professor Trueblood announced that the DPT open house will be Friday February 5, 5:30 p.m. at the Physical Therapy Intercollegiate Athletics BuildingDiscussion of the Music M.A.There are two music options: Performance and Education. The programs average 30 students; recently all are enrolled in the Performance Option. No staffing needs were identified as there is a new hire for music education and Dr. Mowrer will be returning to the classroom. Quality of faculty and graduate students is high, according to the department and the Site Team Report. Graduate Committee MeetingFebruary 2, 2016Page 2The UGC inquired about their SOAP. Currently there seems to be no graduate student assessment. Professor Mowrer stated that beginning in the Fall 2015 semester, the department began using part of the ETS exam as a “starting point” for assessment. He said there will be a considerate revamping of the program. Professor Raeisi asked about the number of international students; there are few. The Committee discussed the possibility of a Master in Music as opposed to the M.A. in Music as noted in the Site Team Report. Professor Mowrer stated that first the B.A. program would have to be changed. Dean Marshall asked about establishing an alumni board for fundraising and possible recruitment. The music faculty and Dean Jimenez-Sandoval agreed that it would be a good idea. Professor Skeen asked about the graduate writing requirement (GWR is satisfied through Music 220), as well the distribution of funds from event ticket sales. Professor Mowrer stated that approximately 20-25% of ticket sales go to concert hall maintenance, and the rest to the ensemble, staffing, scholarships, and outside venues. The University Graduate Committee recommended the following: creation of a complete and fully implemented SOAP including assessment instruments, curricular objectives tied to data and revising learning outcomes for both the Performance and Education options. The department is encouraged in their plans to revamp the Education option; this option should be monitored to ascertain if it becomes viable or should be terminated.5.MSC: Recommendation to Approve Music as a Program of Quality and Promise6.MSC: To adjourn at 2:47 p.m.The next scheduled meeting of the Graduate Committee is Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in Thomas 117.Graduate Committee MeetingFebruary 2, 2016Page 3Agenda: 1.Approval of the Minutes of 2/2/16.2.Approval of the Agenda.munications and Announcements 4.Program Review for M.A. in English and M.F.A in Creative Writing ................

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