Empires and puzzles hero stats

Empires and puzzles hero stats


Empires and puzzles hero stats

Empires and puzzles hero max stats.

Updated 19 January 2021 Major Revamp Welcome to the definitive compilation of all empires and puzzles heroes. Everything from the latest hero ratings, hero gradings and hero reviews can be found here. This compilation is divided into 4 main sections List of all Empire and Puzzles Hero ? Inclusive of hero grading at rantings.Family bonuses and

related informationSummoning tips and tricks and recommendationsBest heroes of ENP List of all Empires and Puzzles Heroes How to use the E&P Hero List Other information Regarding the Hero List 0 To 10 Score Roughly correlates to a D to A++ Score, with B being 5Calculation Formula: [Titan + Offense + Defense overall + Tournament

average]/4.Significance: The Overall score is more of how versatile a hero is ? meaning how often you will likely use this hero in multiple scenarios. A high overall score does not mean that the hero will be good in all situations, in all attacking teams, or in any position in a defense team. More information and details given to this in the "best hero of

Empires and Puzzles section"If you have other suggestions regarding the formula, please leave them in the comment section with your reasons why ? this will help us to improve this listIf you would like to suggest alternative gradings for a specific hero, please do so in the comment section as well. Empires and Puzzles Legendary hero masterlist

HeroElementFromFamilyClassTitansOffenseD-> TankD->FlankD->WingD->OverallW/T-> RushT->BuffT->BloodyOverall AeronDarkHotm 4/18Monk566524.337625.08 AlfrikeDarkS3SvartalfheimWizard268566.3310575.42 BeraDarkS3VanaheimMonk4767566275.5 Boss WolfDarkCEGrimforestDruid257223.679534.08 ClarissaDarkHotm

5/20Paladin576887.335796.58 DomitiaDarkS1Rogue5755245555.25 Domitia CostumeDarkCSRanger5555555555 FreyaDarkS3VanaheimDruid5525232584.5 GrimbleDarkHotm 12/19Cleric276555.336554.92 Guardian PantherDarkCEGuardiansFighter9855555857 HelDarkHotm 6/17Wizard5985568887

JabberwockDarkCEWonderlandMonk888898.338597.92 KageburadoDarkS2SakuraBarbarian6867876887.08 KhionaDarkHotm 9/18Rogue8776566556.58 KillhareDarkSESpringvaleFighter298998.679897.08 KunchenDarkHotm 2/19Cleric999525.339527.17 Marie-ThereseDarkCEPiratesMonk5552239814.75 Mok-

ArrDarkS2LagoonBarbarian2822228554.5 MyzteroDarkTavern of LegendsRogue2522225553.5 ObakanDarkS1Barbarian5555552554.75 OnyxDarkNinja NinjaRanger882664.675286.42 QuintusDarkS1Sorcerer8555558556 Quintus CostumeDarkCSMonk5252548254 SargassoDarkCEPiratesFighter2555245554 SartanaDarkS1Wizard295897.338896.67

Sartana CostumeDarkCSFighter5855865586.25 SeshatDarkHotm 7/19Ranger895897.338888.08 Thoth-AmunDarkHotm 11/17Sorcerer544454.32454.25 UrsenaDarkS2AtlantisSorcerer8999689898.42 VictorDarkSEMorloviaWizard573554.334655.33 ZulagDarkHotm 10/20Paladin2364246713.42 AnzoghFireHOTM 4/19Wizard4655556524.83

AresFireHOTM 8/17Paladin8752237825.92 AzlarFireS1Barbarian8785569587.08 Azlar CostumeFireCSPaladin6552548265.0 BaldurFireS3MuspelheimRanger765624.338535.67 Black KnightFireCEAvalonBarbarian799857.339898 Cpt KestrelFireCEPiratesRogue5658878586.25 ElenaFireS1Fighter8455248585.75 Elena

CostumeFireCSRogue846223.338465.33 GarnetFireNinja NinjaSorcerer2925236814.75 GefjonFireS3MuspelheimRanger793886.336286.92 GravemakerFireHotm 6/18Barbarian588988.336697.08 GrazulFireHotm 9/19Cleric2955245514.67 Guardian KongFireCEGuardiansBarbarian6655556555.58 Jean-FrancoisFireHotm 2/20Wizard5558565785.67

KhaganFireS1Ranger5452238554.5 Lady LokiFireS3HelheimFighter586745.677966.5 MarjanaFireS1Rogue4855865565.83 MitsukoFireS2SakuraSorcerer4858255555.5 NatalyaFireHotm 1/18Sorcerer5522222243.67 NoorFireHotm 7/20Druid4252236553.58 Puss in BootsFireCEGrimforestRogue6655555555.5 Queen of

heartsFireCEWonderlandPaladin566624.676855.5 Red HoodFireCEGrimforestRanger4555245524.25 ReubenFireHotm 12/20Cleric4655555855.25 SantaFireSEChristmasMonk8885259857.08 TyrFireS3HelheimFighter5858879826.58 VandaFireSEMorloviaSorcerer576735.333855.67 ZimthikaFireHotm 11/18Druid5958876666.75 Bai YeongHolyHotm

9/20Ranger785575.677666.75 DelilahHolyHotm 3/18Fighter587766.677626.17 Drake FongHolyHotm 8/18Monk798998.678888.17 Guardian GazelleHolyCEGuardiansDruid8958258857.25 Guardian OwlHolyCEGuardiansDruid222273.678253.17 GuinevereHolyCEAvalonWizard249525.339524.17 InariHolyS2SakuraRogue8555246555.58

JoonHolyS1Monk895596.336887.67 Joon CostumeHolyCSFighter8855866687.17 JusticeHolyS1Paladin426655.677554.33 LeonidasHolyS1Monk454454.332524.08 MalosiHolyHotm 4/20Barbarian685565.335886.58 MicaHolyNinja NinjaPaladin289826.3351086 MusashiHolyHotm 9/17Rogue666766.336666.08 NeithHolyHotm

11/19Ranger6676567555.92 NornsHolyS3VanaheimSorcerer5552235554.5 OdinHolyS3MidgardPaladin589826.338886.83 OnatelHolyHotm 1/19Wizard586655.678566.25 PoseidonHolyS2AtlantisFighter5955865886.75 RanaHolySESand EmpireMonk275624.337554.75 RanvirHolyHotm 6/19Druid9552232555.25 RocHolySESand

EmpireBarbarian5755246865.67 SifHolyS3MidgardRogue667524.678886.17 Sir RoostleyHolySESpringvalePaladin667524.678565.75 VivicaHolyS1Cleric888756.679827.25 Vivica CostumeHolyCSSorcerer575544.678835.75 White RabbitHolyCEWonderlandCleric886776.678877.58 AegirIceHotm 10/18Paladin6685258845.92 AlasieIceHotm

5/18Ranger685596.335686.67 AliceIceCEWonderlandRogue795596.338687.42 ArielIceS2AtlantisCleric5958568826.5 AthenaIceHotm 7/17Ranger9855246686.92 CobaltIceNinja NinjaWizard8825545286.25 FenrirIceS3NiflheimFighter5755555565.58 FinleyIceCEPiratesRanger895897.335887.83 FridaIceHotm 3/19Paladin8855558877.17

GlendaIceHotm 11/20Wizard476624.678255.7 IsarniaIceS1Wizard8755248656.33 Isarnia CostumeIceCSSorcerer8755249656.42 King ArthurIceCEAvalonPaladin8755555676.5 KrampusIceSEChristmasSorcerer889836.679957.58 MagniIceS1Fighter888566.336877.33 Magni CostumeIceCSDruid885866.336877.33 Master

LepusIceSESpringvaleDruid882896.338597.42 MikiIceHotm 8/19Barbarian9752238856.5 MisandraIceS2LagoonFighter685596.335676.58 PerseuesIceHotm 12/17Paladin4425542554 RaffaeleIceHotm 6/20Monk2855249514.75 RichardIceS1Paladin5755246555.33 Richard CostumeIceCSBarbarian686524.337886.5

RumpelstiltskinIceCEGrimforestSorcerer555565.338625.17 SkadiIceS3JotumheimMonk286555.338575.5 Snow WhiteIceCEGrimforestCleric2655248885 ThorneIceS1Paladin266624.678464.67 VelaIceHotm 1/2020Druid885987.338998 AlberichNatureHotm 10/17Druid596586.339826.67 AtomosNatureS2AtlantisBarbarian477756.339586.17

ElkanenNatureS1Cleric244222.672522.92 Elkanen CostumeNatureCSBarbarian266645.335544.5 EvelynNatureHotm 12/18Ranger885665.678887.42 FrancineNatureSEMorloviaRogue896887.337877.92 FriggNatureS3AlfheimRogue8999998998.67 GregorianNatureHotm 7/18Ranger755565.335555.58 Guardian

ChameleonNatureCEGuardiansWizard2222222552.5 HeimdallNatureS3AsgardPaladin7996679827.33 HorghallNatureS1Druid578666.679666.42 Horghall CostumeNatureCSRanger2564558554.5 JadeNatureNinja NinjaMonk2252235553 KadilenNatureS1Druid5777777676.42 Kadilen CostumeNatureCSSorcerer465665.675765.42

KingstonNatureHotm 10/19Fighter8957978888 Lady LockeNatureCEPiratesSorcerer765755.677766.33 Lady of the LakeNatureCEAvalonSorcerer668656.338535.92 LiannaNatureS1Ranger886686.677787.5 Lianna CostumeNatureCSCleric6855866686.67 MargaretNatureHotm 5/19Rogue866655.675666.33 Morgan Le

FayNatureCEAvalonSorcerer2565766524.33 Mother NorthNatureSEChristmasCleric5955869516.25 RatatoskrNatureS3AlfheimMonk865655.335615.83 TarlakNatureS2LagoonMonk965423.675525.67 TelluriaNatureHotm 3/20Paladin699867.679947.5 The HatterNatureCEWonderlandCleric575655.337665.92 YunanNatureSESand

EmpireFighter2786469565.42 ZelineNatureHotm 2/18Wizard896987.678888.17 Zocc NatureHotm 8/20Rogue454554.676554.75 BertilaNatureHotm 1/21Fighter536776.679234.83 Empires and Puzzles Family Bonus Family NameFromBonus type2 heroes3 heroes4 heroes5 Heroes AtlantisS2+x% Defense5101520 SakuraS2+x% mana generation24712

LagoonS2+x% Attack361015 AlfheimS3All Allies are healed by x% when an Alfheim Hero reaches low health247 AsgardS3All Allies gain x% mana when an Asgard Hero dies101520 HelheimS3Deals x% damage to all enemies when a Helheim Hero dies2550100 JotunheimS3All allies get an Ice Giant Minion with x%hp and y%Attack inherited from the

caster when a Jotunheim Hero dies6 1010 1214 16 MidgardS3All allies get +x% attack for as along as a Midgard Ally has Low health. This effect cannot be dispelled.51015 MuspelheimS3All enemies receive x Burn Damage for as long as a Muspelheim Ally has low health. This effect cannot be dispelled223764 NifheimS3All enemies have -x% accuracy

for as long as a Niflheim hero is at low health. Chance to miss also applies to offensive special skills51015 SvartalfheimS3All enemies receive x Poison damage for as long as a Svartalfheim Ally has low health. This effect cannot be dispelled.223764 VanaheimS3The mana of all enemies is reduced by x% when a Vanaheim Hero dies51015

WinterSE+x%health & +x%attack for minions inherited from their summoner5 105 10 EasterSE+x% attack1020 Sand EmpireSE+x% defense1020 Morlovia SE+x% mana generation512 AvalonCE+x% Critical Chance +x% Healing5 410 615 920 13 GuardianCE+x% defense +x% healing5 410 615 920 13 WonderlandCE+X% mana generation +x%

critical Chance2 54 107 1512 20 GrimforestCE+x% attack +x% defense3 56 1010 1515 20 PiratesCE+x%attack & +x% mana generation3 26 410 715 12 NinjaNinja+x% chance to dodge normal attack and special skills +x% chance to counterattack with y% of damage received5 5/6010 10/90 Hero Summons ? Empires and puzzles Summary Of Hero

Summoning chances S1 SummonCostume SummonElemental SummonSE SummonCE summonS2 SummonS3ToL SummonNinja Summon S1 5*1.52.511. Event 4* Event 5*2.51.511.31.3+0.31.31 Bonus Summon (HOTM etc) 0.1 (myztero)1.3 Hero of the month (HotM) The current HotM is

only available via Summon for one month. Unlike regular 5* heroes, you cannot obtain a HoTM through a training camp at TC20. Troop summons and daily summons are not eligible for a bonus chance at the HotM. If you successfully pull the HotM, you will receive both your actual pull along with the HotM, giving you two heroes instead of one for

that particular pull. In doing a 10-pull, you have 10 opportunities to get the HotM. Season 1 ? Classic heroes Cost: 300 gems Or Epic Hero token (single summon) & 2600 gems (10x summon) Rare: 72%Epic: 26.5%Legendary: 1.5%1.3% Chance of a Bonus HotM Draw Also available from Training camp level 20. All Classic Heroes Fire HeroesIce

HeroesNature HeroesHoly HeroesDark Heroes 3* / RareAzar Hawkmoon Jahangir NashgarGreymane Gunnar Karil Ulmer ValenBelith Berden Brienne Carver Friar Tuck IsshtakBane Dawa Ganju KailaniBalthazaar Tyrum Renfeld Prisca Oberon 4* / EpicColen Kelile Boldtusk Gormke ScarlettKiril Boril Sonya GrimmKashhrek Little John Caedmon

Skittleskull Melendor Wu Kong Chao Hu Tao Li XiuCyprian Tiburtus Rigard Sabina 5* / LegendaryAzlar Marjana Elena KhaganIsarnia Magni Thorne RichardKadilen Elkanen Horghall LiannaVivica Joon Justice LeonidasDomitia Obakan Quintus Sartana Elemental Summon (Fire/Ice/Nature/Holy/Dark): Cost: 300 gems (single summon) & 2600 gems

(10x summon) Rare: 71%Epic: 26.5%Legendary: 2.5% 1.3% Chance of a Bonus HotM Draw Seasonal Event Summon Cost:300 gems or Epic Hero Token (Single Summon) or2600 gems (10x Summon) Rare Classic Hero: 56.8%Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%Legendary Classic Hero: 1.0%Rare Seasonal Hero: 14.2%Epic Seasonal Hero: 5.7%Legendary

Seasonal Hero: 1.5%1.3% Chance of a Bonus HotM Draw Springvale 2020 These special event heroes are all part of the Easter Family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The Easter Family bonus for 2/3/ heroes is: Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare

Squire RabbitChick Jr 4* / Epic Jack O'hareLady Woolerton 5* / Legendary Master LepusSir RoostleyKillhare Sand Empire These special event heroes are all part of the Sand Empire Family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The Sand Empire Family bonus for 2/3/ heroes is: Fire Heroes Ice

Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare HisanArman 4* / Epic Gafar Jabbar 5* / Legendary YunnanRana Roc Roc Review Return to Morlovia These special event heroes are all part of the Morlovia Family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The Morlovia Family bonus for 2/3/

heroes is: Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare Vlad Jack 4* / Epic Valeria Frank 5* / Legendary VandaFrancineVictor Santa's Challenge These special event heroes are all part of the Winter Family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The Winter Family

bonus for 2/3/ heroes is: +5%/10% attack & health for minions inherited from their summoner Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare RudolphFrosty 4* / Epic CarolBuddy 5* / Legendary Santa ClausKrampusMother North Challenge Event Summon Cost:300 gems or 10 Challenge Coins (Single Summon) or2600

gems (10x Summon) Rare Classic Hero: 63.1%Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%Legendary Classic Hero: 1.5%Rare Event Hero: 7.9%Epic Event Hero: 5.7%Legendary Event Hero: 1.0%1.3% Chance of a Bonus HotM Draw Read our guide to Farming for challenge coins Pirates of Corellia These special event heroes are all part of the Pirates of Corellia Family

and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The Pirates of Corellia Family bonus for 2/3/4/5 heroes is: +3%/6%/10%/15% Attack+2%/4%/7%/12% Mana Generation Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare Vodnik 4* / Epic Cabin Boy PetersFirst Mate Boomer 5* /

Legendary Captain KrestrelFinleyLady LockeMarie Th?r?se Riddles of Wonderland These special event heroes are all part of the Wonderland Family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The Wonderland Family bonus for 2/3/4/5 heroes is: +2%/4%/7%/12% mana+5%/10%/15%/20% critical

chance Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare Shrubbear 4* / Epic Captain of DiamondsCheshire Cat 5* / Legendary Queen of HeartsAliceThe HatterWhite RabbitJabberwock Fables of Grimforest The special event heroes are all part of the Grimforest Family and get a bonus when more than one different member

of the family is part of a players team. The Grimforest Family bonus for 2/3/4/5 heroes is: +3%/6%/10%/15% attack+5%/10%/15%/20% defense Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare Pixie 4* / Epic HanselGretel 5* / Legendary Red Hood Puss in BootsRumpelstiltskin Snow WhiteBoss Wolf Guardians of Teltoc The

special event heroes are all part of the Guardians of Teltoc family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The Guardians of Teltoc Family Bonus for 2/3/4/5 Heroes is: +5%/10%/15%/20% defense+4%/6%/9%/13% healing Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare

Guardian Bat 4* / Epic Guardian FalconGuardian Jackal 5* / Legendary Guardian KongGuardian ChameleonGuardian Gazelle Guardian OwlGuardian Panther Knights of Avalon These special event heroes are all part of the Knights of Avalon Family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. The

Knights of Avalon Family bonus for 2/3/4/5 heroes is: +5%/10%/15%/20% Critical chance+4%/6%/9%/13% Healing Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare Bauchan 4* / Epic Sir LancelotMerlin 5* / Legendary Black KnightKing ArthurMorgan Le Fay Lady of the LakeGuinevere Season 2 ? Atlantis rises / Atlantis Hero

Summons Cost:350 gems or 100 Atlantis Coins (Single Summon) or3000 gems (10x Summon) or8400 gems (30x Summon) Rare Classic Hero: 21.8%Epic Classic Hero: 11.9%Legendary Classic Hero: 1.2%Rare Atlantis Hero: 49.2%Epic Atlantis Hero: 14.6%Legendary Atlantis Hero: 1.3%1.3% Chance of a Bonus HotM Draw In addition, each Atlantis

summon contributes to a Bonus Ascension Item Chest. The chest is awarded after 10 Atlantis summons. You can claim a maximum of 9 Ascension Item Chests each summons event. Read our guide on Farming for Atlantis Coins here Fire Heroes Ice Heroes Nature Heroes Holy Heroes Dark Heroes 3* / Rare NamahageGatoMnesseus MuggyMeliaGill-

ra Chochin 4* / Epic Wilbur SumitomoAgwe TritonGadeirus GobblerDanzaburoProteus Ameonna 5* / Legendary MitsukoMisandra ArielTarlak AtomosInari PoseidonUrsena Each Atlantis Rising features 2 Atlantis heroes at 2 Past Hero of the Months (HotM) Atlantis Summon Schedule Past & Future featured heroes and HOTM for Atlantis Summoning

Season 3 Heroes ? Valhalla Hero Summons Cost:350 gems or 100 Valhalla Coins (Single Summon) or3000 gems (10x Summon) or8400 gems (30x Summon) Rare Classic Hero: 19.6%Epic Classic Hero: 11.9%Legendary Classic Hero: 0.9%Rare Valhalla Hero: 51.4%Epic Valhalla Hero: 14.6%Legendary Valhalla Hero: 1.3%Featured Valhalla Hero:

0.3%1.3% Chance of a Bonus HotM Draw In addition, each Valhalla summon contributes to a Bonus Ascension Item Chest. The chest is awarded after 10 Valhalla summons. You can claim a maximum of 9 Ascension Item Chests each summons event. Each Valhalla hero belongs to its own "Realm". Realms empower their members in unique ways. The

more members of the same realm there is in a team, the more powerful the realm effect is. Hero Costume Summon Cost:350 gems or 5 Costume Keys (Single Summon) or3000 gems (10x Summon) Rare Hero Costume: 71%Epic Hero Costume: 26.5Legendary Hero Costume: 1.2%Featured Legendary Hero Costume: 1.3%*Bonus* Hero of the Month:

1.3% In addition, each Costume summon contributes to a Bonus Ascension Item Chest. The chest is awarded after 10 Costume summons. You can claim a maximum of 9 Ascension Item Chests each summons event. The main purpose of the following table is to assist you in deciding whether you should spend resources to level up the original hero and

the hero's costume. Ratings 1 & 2 : Super low priority Rating 3: Medium Priority - Level the costume if you have the spare resources, since these heroes will see some play in some aspects of the game. Rating 4: Level the costumes ASAP if you already have the fully leveled hero. Rating 5: The Costume is good enough to see viable competitive play. A

must to level if you have the costume. Original HeroHero CostumeOriginal hero gradeCostume GradingRecommended to level? (1 to 5, 5 being MUST level) ElenaCaptain of FireBB1: Elena seldom sees play AzlarKing of the LeorsBA+5: The new special Makes Azlar great in Defense and against titans. Given how many green tanks there are, Azlar

would be great in offense as well. BoldtuskCast Iron ChefAB3: For stat bonus only HawkmoonAscendant ChiefAA+4: Great for tournaments AzarSeeker of GodsBC1: Meh - Azar seldom sees play, Costume doesn't make Azar all that great either IsarniaIcewitch of GlaceholmBA3: For stat bonus RichardAxe of JusticeBB3: For stat bonus MagniMonolith

of IceAA+5: Despite reduction in damage %, the defense reduction is awesome, improving Magni in both offense, Defense and against titans. Only downside is that Magni requires fighter Emblems, of which there are many competitors KirilMaster ShredderAA+5: Both versions of Kiril are highly usable, which version you use is dependent on your

team composition. BorilHeavyweight DefenderCC1: Meh. SonyaViking ChampionBA5: Diversity in use. KarilThe HeatedBB3: For stat bonus. (Karil mostly sees play in Challenge Events) GunnarBlacksmithBB4: Diversity in use LiannaNoble GuardianAA+3: For stat bonus HorghallWooden JesterBB1: Horghall seldom sees play ElkanenMoonlit

ConquererBB3: For stat bonus. Elkanen is unimpressive on his own. KadilenPriestess of MoonlightBB3: Is Special Defense better or Dodge better? Its quite debatable. MelendorMighty WizardAB3: For stat bonus SkittleskullCandy WitchCC1: Skittleskull seldom sees play KashrekLizardfolk ElderCC1: Kashrek seldom sees play.. If you have nothing to

better to do.. sure.. CaedmonElven AvengerBA4: Diversity in use. Little John Stealthy BrotherCC1: Little John seldom sees play. The new effect is great, but at slow speed - kinda useless. BrienneShaman of ConcordiaAA5: Diversity in use, for tournaments IsshtakLizardfolk AncestorBA5: Awesome for challenge events and tournament battles.

CarverThe CutthroatBB2: Seldom sees play. Also not good enough for tournaments Friar TuckJovial ExplorerBA+5: Great for Tournaments. (Buff booster and Rush Attack) BelithGrove SpiritBA5: Great for buff booster and rush attack tournaments BerdenAdroit ArcherAA+4: Good for Tournaments VivicaMagician SupremeBA5: Diversity in use, stat

bonus, great VS titans JoonFury of the SunAA3: For stat bonus Li XiuCeremonial AssassinCC2: For stat bonus BaneNoble BrawlerAA3: For stat bonus QiuntusElectro ScientistBB1: Quintus seldom sees play DomitiaSteampunk SniperBA4: Awesome in today's meta (due to the amount of buffs and debuffs) The added poison damage is also quite

significant. SartanaMonstress of DescenthiaAA5: Sartana is already a grade A hero. If you have the costume - even better. It is debatable that the costume is better than original Sartana. A bulk of Sartana's damage actually comes from Damage over time. RigardDapper NobleAA5: Stat bonus, diversity in use, TibertusDuke of RockAA3: For stat bonus

TyrumRoman RemnantBB4: For stat bonus + Diversity in use PriscaResolute OverseerCC1: Meh. BalthazaarUndead MagicianAA4: Balthazaar has always been one of the best Rare heroes. Having additional stats is always good RenfeldUnhinged SurgeonCA+5: A new powerful special skill. More information of Tavern of Legends here Cost:300 gems

or 100 Legend Coins (Single Summon) or2600 gems (10x Summon) or7500 gems (30x Summon) **The current Hero of the Month is not included in the Legends Legend coins These can be received as a reward from Wanted Missions, Titan Battles, Alliance Wars and Challenge Events. Check out our guide to farming wanted missions, Challenge

Events, Alliance War & Titan Battles Empires & Puzzles Hero Summoning Guide/Hack/Cheat We have all heard people state suspicions regarding good or bad streaks in the E&P RNG (random number generator, aka luck). This method of performing summons is based on the Presumed streakiness of RNG in the game. Without that presumption, this

method holds no validity and mathematically makes no sense. It has worked for me on both of my accounts for 10 months now. I shared my thoughts regarding this method with some friends and then publicly when the results appeared to be reproducible. Testing RNG in Hero Summoning

Obviously, the whole idea regarding this method is to not

spend more money than you must in order to get heroes you can use. If you were to pay for summons to test the RNG, you'd end up spending a lot more money, therefore I use the daily tokens provided in game to test whether it is worth using an EHT (Epic Hero Token), ATS (Atlantis token summons), ETS (Event token summons). By using free

summons to test the game RNG, you drastically reduce the money spent before you commit to paying for a 10x Event or Atlantis summons. You also theoretically increase the odds of getting an event hero or HoTM (Hero of the Month.) Remember, this method is based on Presumed streakiness in the RNG of the game. I save Daily tokens and use

them Only for this method. I usually have between 50 and 70 daily summons tokens on either of my accounts at all times. They are really not that difficult to Accumulate. You have to keep in mind that rolls are rolls. This means that when you get an amazing Elemental chest result or Titan chest result, it may be worth trying a free event/Atlantis

summons to see how it turns out. Those results would have to be pretty good to warrant trying a free Event/Atlantis summons. You only get so many of those and want to save them for testing RNG when the time is right. How do I test the RNG for Streakiness? First we have to look at the odds for getting a result that may indicate the RNG is

streaking high. For DST (Daily Summons Tokens), the odds of getting a common troop are listed as 16%. The odds of getting an uncommon troop is listed as 15.7%. The odds of getting a Rare Hero are listed as 3.3% and the odds of getting a Rare troop are listed as 1.7%. Knowing that you now need to decide what you would use to consider the

RNG streaking high. If you use Uncommon troop and above the total percentage for that is: Common troop = 16% Uncommon troop = 15.7%

Rare Hero = 3.3% Rare Troop = 1.7% 15.7+16+3.3+1.7= 36.7% For Atlantis summons that's high enough percentage to state that RNG is streaking high and to try a free Atlantis summons. For Seasonal

Events, I generally use only 2* troop (Uncommon) and above so that's

15.7%+3.3%+1.7%= 20.7% Now let's compare that percentage to the chance of getting an Event or Atlantis hero. The chance of getting an Atlantis hero of any kind is:

3* Atlantis hero = 51.4% 4* Atlantis Hero = 14.6% 5* Featured Atlantis Hero = 1.3% 5* Hero of the

Month = 1.3% 5* Non-Featured Atlantis Hero = 0.3% Total chance of getting 3* and up Atlantis or 5* HoTM = 68.9% You could also set the bar at 4* or above Atlantis hero and that percentage would be 17.5% to get a 4* or above Atlantis Hero. For Events like the Winter/Christmas Seasonal Event, the odds are:

3* Seasonal Hero = 8%


Seasonal Hero = 3.2%

5* Seasonal Hero = 0.6*

5* Legendary Classic hero = 0.9%

5* Hero of the Month = 1.3% For a total of 14% chance of getting any Seasonal Event hero. Legendary Classic Hero or the HoTM.

As you can see the bar is really high for Seasonal events with only an 11.8% chance of getting any Seasonal event

hero and 2.2% chance of either Legendary Classic or Legendary HoTM. This really helps you understand why Santa and Mother North are so difficult to get. I strongly discourage performing any summons other than Event or Atlantis summons. Performing Elemental or Epic hero summons will end up with you receiving a ton of duplicate Legendary

classic heroes many of which will never be advanced. I'd much rather receive a Legendary 5* hero as a consolation prize for missing Event heroes or HoTM instead of spending good money for a Classic hero summons where you have ZERO chance of getting an event or Atlantis hero. You can also receive Legendary Classic heroes just by keeping your

TC 20 stocked up and running. I have been playing for about 2.7 years now and have at least 5 of every classic 5* hero. That being said, you can understand that there is a lot of swearing involved when I get A Classic 5* during an event or Atlantis summons. The Percentages are different for the Regular Monthly events such as Avalon, Guardians

etc. Any 1* or 2* classic hero with the Daily token is a stopper. This means you stop. Yes, its difficult to stop sometimes because we all want the great heroes, but that will only end up costing you more money or wasting your free tokens if you continue. Hero Summoning ? The Process I will use Atlantis summons for the example of how I do this.

Step 1: Use one free Daily token. If that results in a 1* or 2* troop or above, then proceed to step 2. If you receive a 1* or 2* classic hero, then STOP! Step 2: Use a second Daily token. If you receive any 1* or 2* Hero, then STOP! If that results in a 2* troop or above, then proceed to step 3. If it results in a second 1* troop, repeat step 2. Note: Do not

repeat step 2 more than twice (Total of 3 times). If I have not received a 2* troop by that time, I STOP! Step 3: Use a Free Atlantis summons. If you receive ANY Atlantis hero, then proceed to Step 4. If you receive Any S1 3* hero, then STOP! If you Receive a 4* or above S1 hero, luck is neither good nor bad. You can try a second Free Atlantis

summons, especially if it is getting close to the close of the event. Only continue to step 4 if you get an Atlantis hero (any) or a 5* Classic Hero. Anything other than that on the second try, STOP! Step 4: Proceed with a 10x summons. If you get your desired 5* hero (or HotM), then you may stop. If you receive 5 or more Atlantis heroes of any kind mixed

with 1 or more 4* Classic heroes or above, then feel free to repeat step 4. Keep in mind: NEVER exceed two 10x summons. Hero Summoning ? Conclusion As you can see, steps 1 through 3 use only free summons. The only step that costs you anything is step 4. In this way you can really prevent a lot of spending when the RNG is trending low. There

should be no 10x Dawa summons and that is at least some comfort if you miss on your 5* event/Atlantis hero. I generally check RNG about twice a day unless something strange happens like Multiple 4* rolls in Titan Treasure, Mystic vision, Elemental chest, etc. I guess that's basically it in a nutshell. It has worked for me for about 10 months now and

I have actually received multiple HoTM or Event heroes with just the free single summons not having to proceed to the 10x summons. In that time, I've never missed getting the HoTM on both accounts. I started passing it along to friends about 5 months ago to others and then publicly. So, either Get out your tinfoil hat and join the parade or watch

and laugh. It should not work mathematically, but it does for me. I certainly hope that it works for you as well. Credits to Censure for this Hero Summoning Guide Best heroes of Empires & Puzzles (Updated 27- February 2020) Upgrading a hero in Empires & Puzzles is hard work and take a ton of time and costs a load of resources. Wouldn't it be

really frustrating when you go through all that work then realise that the hero was not worth all that effort? The feeling is crap. I know that. I have been there before. So I decided to rank up all heroes here in this guide so you see what heroes you should spend all your hard earned resources and precious time on in Empires and Puzzles. To be honest,

this list should really only be used for reference. For example, the best hero overall might not necessary be the best hero in your raid team, or titan team. Furthermore, you might not make use of the best hero all the time because the best hero might not be appropriate for the situation. Therefore, the best heroes are typically the most VERSATILE

hero. Heroes that be used in a multitude of situations. These heroes give you the most Bang for your materials. Finally, the average chance of pulling a Legendary hero is about 1% and 1.3% for the current HOTM. To get a specific Legendary Hero will cost you quite a bit of money ? the most important thing for most players is to learn how to maximise

the effectiveness of the heroes that you have on hand, and how to raid effectively , attack titans effectively, and set up the best defence team with what you have. *Heroes with available reviews, whether by myself, or others will be linked to the tables. Searching for the best hero by category is now easier than ever with the sorting system provided by

the Hero Master list. As such, when looking for the best heroes, please refer to the table to find the hero that you are looking for. Instead, we will explore what makes a hero good in a specific position. Ideally, this would allow you to have a deeper understanding of team formations, and allow you to form teams with whichever hero you have. Best

Hero for tank Primary Criteria Durability of hero// Chance of activation of specialHigh Defence + HP of TankProbability of activation of special is dependant on the durability of tank.Delay attackersHeal, Defence buffs, attack debuffs, mana generation debuffs and taunts are effective way to allow your flanks and wings more turns to charge up their

special skills.Helps allies kill attackers fasterAttack buffs, Defence debuffs (except elemental debuffs)High damage to speed outputHave a mix, or excels in 1 Secondary Criteria Flank and wing optionsYour available choices for Flank and Wings make a difference to selecting your hero for the tank positionIf there is a lack of damage out put (i.e. 3

healers in the tank + Flank position), then it will be very easy for the attackers, as they can keep sending tiles through the centre with little care for the consequences.A good combination like the GTV (Gravemaker, Telluria, Vela) formation works because ? Telluria heals and buys time for vela+gravemaker to activate. Telluria further delays (via mana

generation reduction) enemy cleanses, allowing gravemaker and vela to maximize their damage over time effect.Team composition synergy ? Viable strategiesOffensive defence ? Kill them before they kill you. Usually comprises of heroes like Ursena and fast strikers in the flanksDefensive traps ? the combination looks like it lacks offensive power, will

win a drawn out battle. A example would be Santa, Telluria, Krampus , Freya combination.Balanced team compositions like the GTV combo.Family Synergies ? eg A team of 5 Atlantis Family HeroesAttacker options.Whether there exists hero or heroes that make it easy to break your defence formation. Best heroes for tank include heroes like Krampus,

Kunchen, Black Knight, Guinevere, Ursena, Mica, Odin, Frigg, Telluria. You will notice that all of these heroes have characteristics that fit the aforementioned criteria. Best Hero for Flank There are two main category of Flanks ? Flanks that Support your Tank, and Flanks that deal damage quickly. Flank heroes that Supports tank Best heroes in this

category are heroes like Black Knight, Krampus, Zeline, Vela. They have buffs / debuffs that help you to kill the attackers faster, or boost your team's durability. Flanks heroes deal lots of Damage Best heroes in this category are heroes like Frigg, Vela, Gravemaker, Odin ? whereby they only have 1 main aim, and that is to deal as much damage as

possible, while the tank buys time for them. Best heroes for Wing Position Typically the Wing position is used as the clean up crew ? whereby the Flanks deal enough damage for the Wings to deal the finishing blow. Almost all sniper type heroes fit into this category (Fast heroes with high Single target damage) The only exception this is Alberich and

Mother North. Best overall 5 star (Legendary) hero award This section is a work in progress. #1 Gravemaker Due to his great strength in both offensive and defensive positions. Best heroes on Defense ? by total use. #2 Alberich Similarly, highly versatile in Offensive and defensive positions and against Titans. Alberich can save you in clutch positions

and is a nightmare to fight against in Wars. #3 Hel What makes Hel so good is her ability to completely stop mana generation for your opponents. Her damage is really secondary. As obvious as it may seem, special skills form the backbone of any team composition, whether in offense or defense. Stopping your opponents from being able to generate

mana is really what wins you the game. #4, #5, #6 Zeline, Seshat, Finley (in no particular order)The lines really start to get blur at these positions ? all these heroes are pretty damn awesome at what they do. The distinction here between them and the top 3 heroes is that these 3 heroes are good overall & excellent in certain situations. But the top 3

heroes are excellent in ALL situations. Ranking heroes below #7 is meaningless to do so. Rankings at this point becomes a matter of extremely variable opinion. Instead take a look at your own existing roster, and see which heroes would add the greatest impact/improvement to your roster and how they would affect your playstyle. You can also refer

to these guides to determine which heroes your roster is lacking to decide which heroes you would like to upgrade first Titan GuideWinning Raids strategy GuideRaid Defence team Set up.

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