An Invitation to Sociology

An Invitation to Sociology

1. Define perspective, Sociology, Sociological Perspective, Social Structure, and Sociological Imagination.

2. T/F Sociologists will look at a man or woman.

3. What is the #1 thing that sociologists look for?

4. What did E. Durkheim bring to sociology?

5. In what way do people conform and Why?

Name __________________

6. What are the benefits of social imagination?

7. Who, Why, and When did sociology start?

8. Give 3 Facts about A. Comte.

9. Give 3 facts about H. Martineau.

10. What was H. Spencer’s contribution to sociology?

11. What 3 things did K. Marx believe?

12. What 2 contributions did E. Durkheim give to sociology?

13. Why is M. Weber considered to have the “single most important influence on the development of sociology”?

14. What 3 things should be known about J. Addams?

15. Give 2 facts about W.E.B. DuBois.

16. What is the theoretical perspective?

17. What is functionalism?

18. What 2 ideas does functionalism have on social change?

19. List and describe the 3 functions.

20. Functionalism & Values?

21. What is the conflict perspective?

22. What is the main view of the role of conflict and constraint?

23. What gender has benefited from conflict? How?

24. Who created symbolic interactionism?

25. Define symbol & symbolic interactionism.

26. What are the 3 assumptions of symbolic interactionism?

27.What is dramaturgy?


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