I. Intellectual Influence

A. Classical

1. Marx

a. early: philosophical: critical

b. late: political economy: structural

c. middle: socio-historical: historical

2. Weber

a. politics

b. interactive model

c. historical/comparative method

B. Other influences

1. economic determinism

2. Lenin/Stalin/Trotsky

3. Hegel superego

4. Freud: ego


II. Socio-historical Context

A. Marx’s death to Russian Revolution: 1883-1917

B. Russian Revolution to Hitler’s Germany: 1917-1932

C. Hitler-WW II: 1932-1945

D. Cold War: 1945-1989

E. Post Cold War?

III. Perspective: Radical

IV. Model(s)

A. Dialectical model of economy, culture, politics

B. Interactive (?) Functional (?): inter-institutional relations


Economic Determinism Neo-Hegelian

exploiting class culture

conflict consciousness

exploited class experience

Critical Theory Structural Theory

interest republicanism

conflict conflict

knowledge capitalism

Historical Theory World Systems Theory

class circumstance core nations

conflict conflict

class consciousness peripheral nations

Last Shot at Neo-Marxists

I. All begin with internal contradictions of capitalism

II. They focus on different parts of Marx in order to

A. explain “failure” of the Marxist theory of revolution

1. class consciousness

2. economic crises of capitalism

3. class struggle and political crisis

B. explain complexity of modern capitalism

III. Three theories

A. critical

1. class consciousness

2. cultural industry

3. potential for liberation

B. Structural

1. stages of capitalism: monopoly, postmodern

2. strategies for crisis management: Fordism, etc.

3. complexity of modern class relations

4. role of the state

C. Historical

1. class relations as dynamic process

2. local history

3. world systems


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