PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Members,This last Wednesday about 30 FWC members accepted my invitation to meet at the Clubhouse and discuss future fundraising activities and ways in which we can improve our Club. We first broke into three smaller groups and reviewed the suggestions made on the recent Member Survey then brainstormed additional ideas for fundraising and worthwhile changes to Club procedures. Then the three groups got together and had a lively discussion. The outcomes were really positive. We decided that the Luncheon/Fashion Show/Tricky Tray/Ad Book/Raffle/and 50/50 was too labor intensive for the foreseeable future and that this year, at least, we would only hold an October luncheon with a performer but keep the Raffle. Kathy Owens and Jane Sorensen volunteered to get the Raffle started by getting the needed licenses, and ordering tickets and 18 of the members present signed up to sell chances at the various venues. However, we agreed that we need to limit the shifts to a couple of hours maximum. Lee Van Nest is checking on possible places to hold the luncheon and various possibilities of entertainment were offered. Suggested entertainers are being checked out in the next few days and hopefully both the place and the program will be finalized by the time we all meet in April.The Lunch and Game Parties are popular and financially successful, so we will possibly have two per year. The Victorian Tea was also a favorite and will be continued. The aim is to have smaller events than the traditional Luncheon/Fashion Show with all it’s trappings that is so much work and requires so many people to be involved. But in so doing we will obviously have to accept a smaller amount for charitable donations. Members, these days, have many more activities than in the past and so don’t have the time or the energy to devote to fundraising with the Club. We also have to accept the reality that many of the members who were very active in the past are ageing or have additional family responsibilities.One of the main issues was that of recruitment and retention. As a Club we must improve our attractiveness to women interested in becoming involved in a service club. We agreed that we need to promote the Club more successfully and be more inclusive to new members so that they feel comfortable and accepted. Teaming up with a new member when volunteer or regular club activities are needed and developing written procedures or guides would make sure that the new member didn’t feel left out. As a benefit to everyone, a “white board” will be purchased so that needed items or actions can be listed as a sign-up. Examples of this might be Needed: a mop and bucket, Needed: someone to take the month’s donations to the Food Pantry. In this way, members hopefully will get more involved in the day to day club administration without feeling overwhelmed.At the end of the session it was suggested by several people that we should have this type of open discussion at least once a year. It provided a good opportunity to constructively criticize, make suggestions, and build relationships. Sincerely, Jennifer Dowd, PresidentAPRIL MEETINGWednesday, April 12th at 12 noon at the FWC Clubhouse, 43 Park Avenue, Flemington, NJ.HISTORY OF ENGLISH TEA TIMESusan Peterson, Proprietor of Teaberry's Tea Room in Flemington, who will discuss "The History of English Tea Time."? Susan has been a long-time supporter of our club and we look forward to having her at our meeting.?Please Note:? Susan will be arriving at 2:00 pm so we will conduct our business meeting and begin refreshments before her arrival.? We appreciate Susan's taking time off from work to come to our meeting.VOTE: Slate of Officers for 2017-2018The only two positions on the Board?with terms to?be filled are (1) Trustee-at-Large and Recording Secretary.? The Candidates for these positions are: Veronica Hoinowski- Trustee-at-Large,?and Lee Van Nest- Recording Secretary.?NOTE: Since the FWC Bylaws did not allow for a member to?succeed themselves in the same Board position?for more than one?term in succession-- with the exception of Treasurer-- the Board of Directors have voted to?amend the ByLaws to allow for an incumbent to succeed themselves for one additional term if no other member is available to fill the position.? We are pleased that Lee has agreed to again serve as Recording Secretary.DISCUSSION: Proposed Budget FOR 2017-2018 which was emailed or mailed to all members in March.?The vote on the Proposed Budget will take place at our May 17th Spring Luncheon and Annual Meeting at Beaver Brook Country Club.? Marie StempleMONTHLY COLLECTION The collection for April will be for the Hunterdon County Youth Services. Please bring in personal toiletry articles for the young male residents (deodorant, hair products, soap, body wash, and combs). In addition, THANK YOU for the tremendous number of supplies which were donated in March for use in our Clubhouse.? These donations are a great help in defraying the cost of purchasing these supplies for the kitchen and bathrooms which are needed for the upkeep and maintenance of the Clubhouse. BOOKCLUB NEWSDue to the snow storm we will have a “double-header” at our next meeting. The FWC Book Club will meet at 1pm on Wednesday, April 26th?at Jennifer Dowd’s home. The House Girl by Tara Conklin and A Man Called Ove by Frederik Bachman will be the book for discussion. Diane Dzurenko and Lee Van Nest will be the Moderators. All members are welcome to attend. Please call or email Jennifer at 609-466-2663 to let her know you are attending.Jennifer DowdCHANGE COLLECTION -190592710Don’t forget your change! So far this year we have collected $221.00. Please continue your generosity in APRIL. ?All proceeds go into the Clubhouse maintenance fund. Diane Snyder SUNSHINEIf you know of any members that need encouragement or cheering up, please let me know. Marilyn Dvoor & Kay Wienk - sympathy?Valerie Stephen - get well?Mary Morrison - thinking of youBetty Davy19050-2037Save Soda and Soup Can Pull-tabsApril is our last meeting in the Clubhouse so please bring any soda and soup can tabs to this meeting. They are combined with other clubs collections. Proceeds go to Ronald McDonald House in New Brunswick. Someone’s trash is someone else’s treasure. Sarah MillerLYONS VETERAN’S HOSPITALOn March 22nd, Diane Dzurenko and Lee Van Nest visited the Women’s Trauma Center at Lyon’s Veteran’s Hospital. Currently there are ten women in this unit and we gave them each a “Goody Bag” with Canteen Coupons, Dunkin Donut Gift Cards and other toiletries. Jersey Mike’s Sub Shoppe donated the subs for us to bring to the lunch. Please patronizes Jersey Mike’s and say a “thank you” to Jill Stiffler, Owner/Manager for their generous contribution. Diane and I consider it a privilege to represent the Flemington Woman’s Club and to do this small luncheon for these courageous young women veterans. 190502157 The Scholarship Luncheon & Game Party Due to the storm on March 14th, we had to change the Scholarship Game Party to May 22nd. Because of this change, our head count was down. We still had 62 people attend. The food as usual was outstanding and everyone playing quite a number of different games had a rousing good time. We are pleased to report that the total monies collected were $1,700.00 which made this the highest amount to date. We beat last year’s total by a mere $13.00. We wish to thank all members that donated, baked, made sandwiches, purchased door prizes, helped with set up and clean up. We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you! Kudos to all and a very special Thank You to ShopRite of Flemington for the generous donation of trays of sandwiches. Please stop by the customer service desk and make sure you thank them for their generosity to our fundraiser effort. All proceeds go to the Woman’s Club Scholarship fund. The scholarship will be awarded to a Hunterdon Central student at the Spring Luncheon in May.Lee Van NestCOMMUNITY EVENTSSKIT is an adult theater group which performs Broadway musicals. On May 7th, the group will be performing HAIRSPRAY. Check out to learn details and to purchase your ticket. Your senior ticket will not only get you a seat at the performance but also a free brunch.AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR PERIOD CLOTHINGThe?Hunterdon County Cultural and Heritage Commission?and the?Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area?will present a one-day conference, “The Art of Period Dress,” beginning at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 21, at the?Historic Hunterdon Courthouse?at 75 Main St. in Flemington.The program will feature presentations on men’s and women’s Revolutionary War Era clothing, followed by afternoon of hands-on workshops.?“The Art of Period Dress” conference is the first of two planned programs on the topic, with the follow up to be scheduled for the fall.?For registration information, visit?donations.product/heritage-partner-spring-conference-registration.Nancy Dominiani-117475135890HOSPITALITY April’s HospitalityHostesses: Gerda Bodnar & Doris RisavyTea: Marilyn Murray, Kathy Verse & Chris KinnamonDecorations: Nancy Dominiani & Anita BushThank you for serving! Joanne Martin & Marie Stemple-12763542545MEMBERSHIPPlease make a special effort to make all our new members feel welcomed at our meetings. A Warm Welcome to our newest members! Tiina Ruubus, June Linz and Francis HenryIf you haven’t sent your dues in to our Treasurer, Marian Stirling, please get them in as soon as you can. Dues must be paid by April 15th to be included on our membership list. Please call Jennifer Dowd if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks.Verna Stothoff & Veronica Hoinowski ACTIVITIES44450107950Lunch BunchLunch Bunch for March was on Tuesday, March 7th at 12 Noon at Mannion’s Irish Pub in Somerville. We all enjoyed some great Irish food. Our next lunch will be on April 6th at Brunellos Trattoria, 300 Old Croton Rd., Flemington, NJ. If anyone else would like to join us who is not on the current list, please give me a call. (Lee Van Nest, 236-9603). BuncoApril 20th, at 1:30pmGood news!? We have decided that since we are not playing Bunco for prizes, it can be opened up to any friends of members.? So if you have a friend (or two) that would like to play, please give Marian Stirling or Lee Van Nest a call.March Bunco was canceled due to the snow storm and the change of date for the Game e join us for a lot of laughing while we play this very simple game.?Call Marian Stirling for information. 788-1297. ANNUAL SPRING LUNCHEONDATE CHANGEThis year, due to the annual State Convention being held May 8th through the 10th, we have changed our Spring Luncheon date to Wednesday, May 17th. It will still be held at Beaver Brook Country Club, starting at Noon. Invitations will be mailed with menu choice.Spring Luncheon ~ Guests Welcome!Beaver Brook Country Club, Route 31 Country Club Drive, Clinton, NJ Reservations to Diane Dzurenko (908-237-0479) by May 10th.Guests: 2017 Scholarship RecipientAnnual Meeting with Installation of Officers and Induction of New Members.Vote on Annual Budget and Presentation of Awards. Cost: $32.00 HMC TREEApril 22nd : Cancer RibbonsJoanne Martin, Lynn Burtis and Philomena GoldThank you to all who have participated and have done such a beautiful job this year!Sue Spano-114300135890State and College District News COLLEGE DISTRICT SPRING CONFERENCE/ACHIEVEMENT DAYLocation: Somerville Elks Lodge, 375 Union Avenue, Bridgewater?Thursday, April 27Registration 9:30am Call to Order: 10 AMCost. $39.00Please let Marie Stemple know ASAP so she can make reservations. NJSFWC 123rd ANNUAL CONVENTIONThe NJSFWC 123rd Annual Convention will be held Monday May 8th to Wednesday May 10th at the Golden Nugget Casino in Atlantic City, NJ.? The theme this year is "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”! It’s a worthwhile and FUN experience! Please let Marie Stemple know if you are interested in going. IRISH JIGOLOS ENTERTAIN FWC MEMBERS AT MARCH 8th MEETINGThe FWC Clubhouse was filled with the sounds of Irish music?at our?March 8th meeting in celebration of St. Patrick's Day.? The Irish Jigolos--Barry Wiseman and Art Banker--are an acoustic group from New Hope, PA specializing in traditional Irish music including ballads, drinking songs, rebel songs as well as more modern Irish music.? They performed a variety of Irish songs? and, between them, played the guitar, mandolin, banjo and tin whistle.? They also provided insights into the various types of Irish music and the background of each song.??The Irish Jigolos were very well received by those in attendance.Later in the week, I received an email from Barry thanking our club for?our hospitality and also complimenting us for all we do to support those in the community. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONPHONE APP CALLS YOUR SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE FOR YOUCalling your Senator or U.S. Representative is now easier because there's an app for that.The new app called Stance is aimed at changing how constituents interact with their Congressional representative. The user records a message for their Senator or Representative on the app and the app delivers the recording at night---when the phone lines are freed up.If the lines are busy, Stance will keep calling back until your message is successfully delivered.Click here for more information: DominianiMARCH MEETING ~ Irish JigolosSCHOLARSHIP AND GAME PARTYLyons Veterans Hospital-Gift Bags and Lunch-2017 Officers, Board of Trustees and Committee ChairsPresident: Jennifer DowdVice President: Marie Stemple Recording Secretary: Lee Van NestCorresponding Sec: Juanna NastasiTreasurer: Marian StirlingFine Arts: Sue SpanoCivics: Ellen RambergTrustees-At-Large: Nancy Dominiani & Diane SnyderHistorian: Florence FitzgeraldHouse Reservations/Maintenance: Kim TillyMembership: Verna Stothoff & Veronica HoinowskiHospitality: Joanne Martin & Marie StempleCommunications: Diane Dzurenko & Jennifer StevensonSunshine: Betty DavyPrograms: Marie StempleActivities: Lee Van NestYearbook: Jennifer DowdPlease contact DianeDzurenko@ 908-237-0479 with any information you would like to have in The Club Crier. ................

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