Wilderness Trip DevotionsCompiled by Chritsine V Hides God, Who are You? God, who am I? -Francis of AssisiDay 1:Word of the Day: EXPECTATIONBible Passage: Exodus 3:13-15Response:Why did you decide to come on this trip? Write down as many words that describe you as you can in 1 minute.Write down as many words to describe God as you can in 1 minute.Think of an image of God that is meaningful to you. It might be helpful to start by finishing this sentence: God is like…..Poem: Mary Oliver- Leaves and Blossoms along the WayDay 2:Word of the Day: WONDERBible Passage: Psalm 148Response:When it is dark, shine your light into the water for a few minutes. Does the water become cloudy? Imagine the microscopic organisms that are drawn to the light. Now, look up at the stars in the sky. Consider how many galaxies there are in the vast, vast universe. Write several lines to add to Psalm 148. “Praise the Lord…. Do the same…”When did you experience God today?Poem: Miracles by Carrie Newcomer.Day 3:Word of the Day: PeaceBible Passage: John 14:25-28Response:When did you feel at peace today?What is the peace of Christ?What worries or cares do you have?When do you feel at peace when you are at home? What brings you joy? What makes you despair? – Poem: The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell BerryDay 4:Word of the Day: Gratitude, Bible Passage: Exodus 17: 1-7 Response:When have you found something good from an unexpected place? Tell it in story form.Create a skit to show a time when you were grouchy on this journey.When did you feel gratitude today?Poem: Carrie Newcomer- Cups of LightDay 5:Word of the Day: MeaningBible Passage: Matthew 4:1-10Response:What things bring you joy? Why does it bring you joy?What do you wish you had more time to do? What temptations keep you from doing the things you are inspired to do?Poem: Late Fragment by Raymond CarverDay 6:Word of the Day: Journey Bible Passage: Joshua 4:10-24Response:How many journey stories can you think of from the Bible?This journey is nearly over- what has been the most meaningful part of this trip?Create a stone cairn to mark this journey.Poem: Wild Geese- Mary OliverDay 7:Word of the Day: PracticeResponse:Besides paddling, what things have you practiced this week? Stillness? Being unplugged? Praying? Mindfulness? Listening? Showing gratitude? Seeking joy? Which of these practices would be helpful to continue at home? What spiritual practices can I bring home with me. Which words do you want to hold on to as reminders to live differently in real life? PEACE- WONDER- GRATITUDE-MEANING- EXPECTATION - JOURNEY Write as many words to describe God as you can in 1 minute. Write as many words to describe yourself as you can in 1 minute.How have these lists changed? Why are these words important to you?What other images of God have you discovered? God is like….Poem: Mary Oliver- When I am among the Trees ................

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