Mapping Future Course: State of the Art in Pangasinan Studies

Reclaiming Identity, Mapping the Future: Pangasinan Studies in Theory and Praxis

Erwin S. Fernandez(


The conceptualization of Pangasinan studies as ethnic/area studies under Philippine studies had to be mapped to be able to define its research contours and terrain. Prior to doing that, it is absolutely necessary for Pangasinan scholars to lay down the epistemic foundations of Pangasinan studies. A critical assessment on the past and present production of knowledge, which falls under Pangasinan studies, is pertinent and important in charting the directions of future researches. This paper shall contribute toward understanding the possible epistemic nature and origins of Pangasinan studies as it shall appraise the past and current researches on Pangasinan. By doing so, it shall conclude by defining and prescribing the prospective course to be taken by Pangasinan scholars in the development of Pangasinan studies.


There is a felt need to revitalize the study and appreciation of Pangasinan heritage and culture. Globalization makes the world smaller yet even more complex than what we imagine, a global village in the words of Marshall McLuhan, but it poses serious challenges to marginalized cultures as Westernization or Americanization (others call it McDonaldization) is making its way virtually unopposed. As for Pangasinan culture, the language though alive as reflected in oral and printed literature had been long suffering from neglect and abandonment in the eyes of doomsayers. It is easy for others to dismiss this but there is a grain of truth to it.

The only way to assess the growth and decline, development and underdevelopment of Pangasinan literature is to survey the terrain of Pangasinan studies (hereafter referred to as PnS) as seen in the knowledge production about Pangasinan culture, history, education, linguistics, science and technology. Pangasinan literature here means the entire corpus of writing on any aspect of Pangasinan people, culture and institutions. By assessing the state of the art in PnS, Pangasinan scholars will be able to chart the necessary direction in the promotion of Pangasinan culture in general and for the maturity and diversification of PnS in particular. It is imperative and necessary, however, to define first the epistemological framework, which PnS might anchor on.

Mapping PnS is in no way exhaustive and is deemed as preliminary, which others might take as point of departure for similar studies. The data are gathered from the bibliographic entries in the online catalogues of the National Library of the Philippines (NLP), which is partially covered, University of the Philippines Main Library and the LibraryLink. The latter is an online consortium of 37 libraries in the entire Philippines among a total of 89 participating institutions. Among these institutions are the Ateneo de Manila University, University of Santo Tomas, De la Salle University and Filipinas Heritage Library.

Epistemological bases of PnS

PnS cover any study, research and works that pertain to anything Pangasinan in the various disciplines of the social sciences and pure sciences. It is tentatively one of the many branches in the tree of Philippine studies, which include Cebuano studies, Kapampangan studies, Cordillera studies, West Visayan studies and other ethno-linguistically-defined fields. It is a research domain where one can find a collection of studies about Pangasinan people, institutions and culture. Seen in this way, it is the body of knowledge of the Pangasinenses accumulated since time began.

By this definition, PnS, unrecognized until now as such, did not begin during the advent of Spanish colonialism when Spanish friars studied Pangasinan culture as colonial instrument to propagate religion and as a convenient tool of the colonial state to know their subjects. It had its roots when Pangasinan people commenced recording their beliefs and practices through their songs, legends, myths and proverbs, which are the indispensable materials for the study of Pangasinan folklore, ethnology and anthropology. This information constitutes the collective memory and consciousness of Pangasinenses from the earliest times which are handed down to the present generation.

Like other Austronesian-speaking peoples, early Pangasinenses were basically oral people whose traditions and customs were passed on through the mouth. Nonetheless, they have ancient way of writing similar to the Tagalogs and Kapampangans. Although there are no textual artifacts found at present similar to the Kawi script of Javanese written literature as manifested in the Laguna Copperplate Inscription (LCI), these might have been burned by the Spanish friars or completely lost because they were written in perishable materials like in leaves or bamboos.

It is not certain if colonialism had really stunted the growth of Pangasinan indigenous literature either oral or written. Nonetheless, colonialism paved the way for the Spaniards to study and report on the culture of the Pangasinenses. Hence, the development of PnS from 1565 until 1898 was in the hands of Spanish friars and officials who studied the language and culture of the Pangasinenses for purposes of religious conversion and colonial administration. The University of Santo Tomas (UST) took the forefront in publishing dictionaries, prayer books and other religious materials in Pangasinan from the late nineteenth century or even earlier until the pre-war years.

When the Americans annexed the Philippines, a new set of colonial masters was sent to man the colonial bureaucracy. In contrast to the selective and conservative educational policies of the previous regime, the new colonizers introduced an efficient public education system. Filipinos including Pangasinenses became subjects of inquiry to what will be now known as Philippine Studies. The Pangasinan elite were to send their sons and daughters to these universities such as UP and would learn English. To these schools, they brought their cultural baggage and would utilize them in research under the supervision of American professors. From them would emerge professionals who would later on occupy high places in government.

The germ of the Philippine revolution in the consciousness of the Pangasinan elite was carried on in the so-called cultural revolution and renascence under the very nose of the Americans. In 1901, Lingayen-born Catalino Palisoc published and staged the first zarzuela in Pangasinan, thus kicking off his title as “Father of Pangasinan zarzuela” and the flourishing of Pangasinan zarzuela in the coming years (Legasto 1996). In the next decades, the pioneering works and interests of Pablo Mejia, Maria Magsano and other Pangasinan luminaries constituted the “golden age” of Pangasinan literature (Legasto 1996; Vidal & Nelmida 1996).

Freedom of the press initiated the growth of PnS as Pangasinenses were allowed to own and manage newspapers and magazines. In 1925, Tonung, a weekly in Pangasinan, which means “uprightness” was established and lasted for a decade. Then, another publication was Lioaoa, a Catholic mouthpiece. One of the most known publishers was the Pangasinan Review Press, which issued Silew and later the weekly Pangasinan Courier. These publications became the venue for Pangasinan scholars and readers to publish and read on anything about Pangasinan and other current issues of the day.

Educational progress had been limited and restricted during the course of Spanish rule though foundations were laid for reforms. Parochial schools were established while institutions of higher education were concentrated in Manila. In the case of the Americans, mass education was supported and encouraged throughout the archipelago. Besides the barrio schools and central schools scattered in the different towns, there were a number of intermediate schools in a number of towns such as Lingayen and Asingan. Secondary schools included an agricultural school in San Carlos and a vocational school in Lingayen. In Bayambang, a normal school was built for the training of teachers.

Secular and privately-owned schools were established after the founding of several public educational institutions. One of these schools was the Dagupan Institute in 1925 renamed later as Dagupan Junior Colleges in 1941, then Dagupan Colleges in 1950 and finally in 1968 as University of Pangasinan (UPang) (Cortes 1990).

Another university with pre-war origins is the Pangasinan State University (PSU). It was chartered in 1978 and begun its operation the following year. PSU integrated Asingan School of Arts and Trades (ASAT), Eastern Pangasinan Agricultural College (EPAC) in Sta. Maria, Pangasinan College of Fisheries in Binmaley, Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades (PSAT) in Lingayen, Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) in San Carlos City, Central Luzon Teachers College (CLTC) and Western Pangasinan College of Agriculture (WPCA) into one state university with these institutions becoming its component colleges.

Postwar educational institutions were founded in response to the need of skilled manpower after the devastation of World War II and the shortage of professions faced in recent times. These include the University of Luzon (UL), formerly Luzon Colleges of Commerce and Business Administration (LCCBA) founded in 1948, renamed Luzon Colleges (LC) in 1952; Northwestern Educational Institution (NEI) in 1951 and merged with Lyceum in 1974 as Lyceum-Northwestern (L-N), renamed as Lyceum-Northwestern University (L-NU) in 2001; the Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) recognized as such in 1994; the Urdaneta City University (UCU), formerly Urdaneta Community College (UCC) and City College of Urdaneta (CCU) among others.

These universities are the logical and likely sites in the production of knowledge as well as the repositories of PnS because mainly they cater to students near or within the area. They come from the different towns and barangays of the province notwithstanding those who are not from the place whose materials or data for analysis are gathered from their places of origin. This production of knowledge can be measured in the number of thesis and dissertations and funded projects researched through the years, which can be verified in their respective libraries and archives.

Along with these local universities were the universities in Manila, which broke new ground in the study of Philippine culture and civilization. At UP, in the mid-fifties, an Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), a Magsaysay brainchild, was established with Philippine studies as the main area of investigation. Reorganized as the Asian Center in 1968, it began offering a masters program in Philippine Studies until its reorganization into Philippine Center for Advanced Studies (PCAS) in the seventies and this time offering a doctoral program in Philippine Studies. Meanwhile in 1974, the College of Arts and Sciences initiated a PhD program in Philippine Studies. When it was dissolved to create three separate colleges: College of Science (CS), College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) and College of Arts and Letters (CAL), the latter two went ahead of instituting their own programs in Philippine Studies. Lately, a centralized setup was established to integrate the doctoral program in one office at the Asian Center. Under this tri-college arrangement is one of the overriding general objectives: “to study Filipino civilization and its constituent ethnolinguistic cultures” in which studies about Pangasinan is covered (Sobritchea 2002).

Reconceptualizing PnS

Thus, the epistemic nature of PnS based on its historical underpinnings and development is basically colonial and neocolonial in orientation. Colonial because it catered first to the colonial and imperial needs of the colonizers in the form of dictionaries, census, provincial reports and other colonial documents reporting on the people, culture and activities of the Pangasinenses. It is neocolonial in the sense that until now it has not shed off the vestiges of its past colonial mold. Commercialization of education is rampant in universities with the aim of maximizing profits rather than delivering quality thinking and skills to students. Unknowingly, the thrusts of college education is directed toward the outside rather than the people themselves by strengthening English as medium of instruction ostensibly to make their graduates “globally competitive” at the expense of being the party to the erasure and distortion of their students’ cultural identity. The state of secondary and elementary education in Pangasinan, the same in other provinces, contributes to the neocolonial upbringing of most of the youth and adults. Meanwhile, along with English are the more menacing consequences of another neocolonialism, which shall be discussed in the following section.

On the other hand, inherent in PnS is its anti-colonial and anti-imperialist character since its beginning can be traced to the days when Pangasinenses were free, unfettered by colonialism. It was in this trait, the love of freedom, that Pangasinenses were able to resist colonial and neocolonial impositions; to take cognizance of the value of Pangasinan language and culture amidst Hispanization and Americanization. To this mold belong the leading lights in Pangasinan culture and literature. PnS should project its anti-colonial and anti-imperial sources as a liberating tool for Pangasinenses.

PnS as an area of study demands recognition as such. Until now, Pangasinan scholars and educators have not recognized it as a liberating field of study for the people of Pangasinan. To articulate PnS as liberating tool for Pangasinan people, Pangasinan scholars must first recognize it as both ethnic and area studies with both anti-colonial and colonial origins separate from but mutually linked to Philippine Studies. Ultimately, the objectives of a reconceptualized PnS are the decolonization and liberation of Pangasinenses.

Decolonization has been ongoing and it has never stopped and will never as long as neocolonialism in its various forms and guises continues to threaten cultural originality and diversity. The marginalization of Pangasinan culture and language along with other Philippine cultures is a reality that one must be aware of. By reconceptualizing and reframing PnS as tool of liberation, we can get out from this tragic prison of marginalization and invisibility.

Rizal anticipates Frantz Fanon in the latter’s analysis of colonialism, decolonization and alienation as can be read in Black Skin, White Masks (1967) and The Wretched of the Earth (1968). In his El Filibusterismo, Rizal in the words of Simoun was chiding and condemning Basilio and his classmates’ call for the teaching of Spanish, which needs a critical rereading on our part to understand its import:

Spanish [read: English or Filipino/Tagalog] will never be the national language because the people will never speak it. That tongue cannot express their ideas and their emotions. Each people has its own way of speaking just as it has its own way of feeling. What will you do with Spanish [read: English or Filipino/Tagalog], the few of you who will get to speak it? You will only kill your individual personality and subject your thoughts to other minds. Instead of making yourself free, you will make yourselves truly slaves…as long as a people keeps its own language, it keeps a pledge of liberty, just as a man is free as long as he can think for himself. Language is a people’s way of thinking.

Rizal is saying that to abandon one’s language in favor of another is tantamount to new colonialism, to neocolonialism with the agents themselves advocating their own alienation and slavery. Quibuyen (1999) is right that Rizal’s nationalist project is the recovery and revitalization of the people’s heritage and by people here, I suspect, means the various ethnolinguistic groups in the country not just Tagalog.

Rizal therefore anticipates again Renato Constantino (1966) who in 1957 was critical on the use of the English language as medium of instruction and in a more expanded articulation on the subject in The Mis-education of the Filipino examined the nexus between English language in education and the neocolonial mindsets of Filipinos.

But as early as the twenties or thirties, a Pangasinan poet has issued an ominous warning in the use of English, and consequently of using another tongue, as a patent sign of slavery. Lamberto Mejia Guzman in his “Sakey a Tepet” [A Query] (2006: 14) wrote: “Say wikan iletneg na sankailin Oley ya papablien tayo tan labay tin dilien ag nikuan ya tanda na aliguas na bahley noag ingen sikatoy tanda na inkaaripen [The language that the foreign power cherishes, which we care and which we want to nurture cannot be said to be an indication of the nation’s progress but it is even the hallmark of slavery].

In the academe, particularly at UP, indigenization of theories on Philippine realities and conditions as opposed to Western methods and thinking is seen as a correct and sure path to decolonization and liberation of Filipinos from neocolonial frameworks and paradigms. It started with nationalist historians reacting to and rectifying the gross errors in the interpretation of Philippine history. Teodoro Agoncillo (1970) argues that Philippine history should be interpreted using the Filipino perspective. In the field of psychology, Virgilio Enriquez theorizes on the development of an indigenous psychology called Sikolohiyang Pilipino (SP) in contradistinction to Western-oriented psychology. Prospero Covar (1998: 27) embraces the gains from history and psychology to define Pilipinolohiya, different from Philippine Studies, as “systematic study of Filipino psyche, Philippine culture and Philippine society.” Meanwhile, Zeus Salazar (1991) puts forward Pantayong Pananaw (PP) as the totality in unity and diversity of practices and customs of a cultural whole expressed in a language geared towards the formation of discourse of a civilization, meaning of Filipinos.

Reclaiming Pangasinan Identity

The avowed goal of SP, Pilipinolohiya and PP as perspectives is the reclaiming of Filipinos of their identity erased and distorted by colonialism and neocolonialism. By reclaiming their lost identity, they will be able to chart their future on their own not through the lens of foreign, usually Western perspectives. Drawing from their own experiences as a people, Filipinos will be able to formulate original thoughts and ideas, not imported and copycat theoretical models from the West, about Philippine problems. PnS owes from them that it should be a vehicle and strategy toward reclaiming Pangasinan identity.

But these ways of looking at things is hindered by one serious theoretical flaw. Although they do identify the existence of the multilingual and multiethnic configurations of what we call the Filipino nation, they do not consider the language problem primarily the imposition of Tagalog as an important factor in the marginalization of cultures outside the grammar of power. Salazar looks at Filipino/Tagalog as the language of a shared discourse among ethnolinguistic communities in the creation of a national culture not dictated by those in power politically and culturally (Mendoza 2001). The same is true for Covar’s Pilipinolohiya and Enriquez’s Sikolohiyang Pilipino, which use Filipino/Tagalog as the medium of analysis. Consequently, Filipino/Tagalog is the lens of examining the experiences of the Filipino, which should not be limited to Tagalog experiences.

So what Rizal has feared as the rise of new tyranny is not only political but also cultural. Filipinization or what the proponent of Ilokano and Amianan Studies (IAS) Aurelio Agcaoili (2007) terms as Tagalogization, instead of purportedly uniting the country, is contributory to the ‘othering’ of other cultures by elevating Filipino/Tagalog as the language of the national culture. By imposing Filipino/Tagalog as the national language, as medium in communication, education and local government, these theories on nationhood and national identity are unwittingly abetting the linguistic, hence cultural, genocide of the more than a hundred languages and cultures in the Philippines including Pangasinan.

We have been othered by the mainstreaming of an allegedly national culture that is no other than the Tagalog culture, which takes us to Edward Said’s Orientalism (2003) with an added twist, that of Filipino/Tagalog making non-Tagalogs the object of investigation, of domination and of oppression. In effect, this neo-orientalism among the supposedly Orients, us, is a classic case of domination and control by one of them over other cultures.

We have been seeing ourselves in the eyes of the Other. We have been accepting hook, line and sinker that Filipino/Tagalog can express our aspirations and longings as a people. We, especially the intellectuals, have been complicit to this kind of wholesale betrayal of our identity and culture. Agcaoili (2007) captures the sinister consequences of Tagalogization to all Filipinos except Tagalogs and our complicity with its imposition: “…this culture of silence we have adopted in the face of this unwanted onslaught of the Tagalogization of anything belonging to the nation, of the mind of the peoples of all the ethno-linguistic groups, of the Tagalogization of consciousness, of the Tagalogization of all the apparatuses of culture, the media, the economic and political life of the peoples.” He points the blame to our leaders, a culpability that should be shared by the intellectuals, in the “lobotomization of the minds of our people, such that, in the end, the standard of national life became either an Anglicized-Englishicized one or a Tagalogized one.”

This should make us pause and rethink the bases of reclaiming our identity as Pangasinenses. Our struggle as a people within the Philippine nation-state is two-fold: the resistance to foreign, American, Western neocolonialism through the English language and the opposition to Filipino/Tagalog domination and oppression. Thus, PnS as the reclaiming of our identity should deal with our experiences as a people and our comprehension of the world around us using our own perspectives and thinkings expressed in our own language. PnS in this sense is larger than PnS as ethnic and area studies that is both multidisciplinal and interdisciplinal.

Hence, PnS can be independent from Philippine Studies to a certain extent because it is not confined to studying Pangasinan per se. It could mean studying and looking at other cultures such as American, English, European, Asian, Japanese, Malaysian, the whole spectrum of human experience, as they would also look at us, not as objects of analysis under Philippine Studies but as having a distinct culture and identity. In other words, why not have a Pangasinan Studies in Britain in the same way that we can have a British Studies in Pangasinan? PnS in this frame of thinking does not constitute of one worldview, the Pangasinan welstanchauung because that would be equivalent to reductionism and essentialism. PnS consists of and encompasses a multiplicity of disciplines, contesting perspectives, schools of thoughts and points of view originating from within but not discounting the outside of its totality.

Regarding this last point, PnS as ethnic and area studies includes studies in the ethnicity and culture of other peoples who have migrated to Pangasinan like the Ilokanos. It would be relevant and provocative to define the limits and meanings of Pangasinan identity not just on linguistic basis. Pangasinan as an ethnic identifier usually connotes a person who speaks Pangasinan or someone who shares the culture. By expanding its meaning to include people who had lived and resided in the place, PnS shall be able accommodate other cultures and peoples to its area of research. When we speak of Pangasinan literature in English, we can therefore cite F. Sionil Jose although Ilocanos can cite him under Ilokano literature in English, too. We can also speak of Pangasinan literature in Iloco and therefore make the trailblazer Juan S. P. Hidalgo Jr. our very own. In short, Pangasinanness should not be limited to ethnicity but must also include geographic considerations as a result of migrations. Corollary to this, PnS, beyond the limiting confines of ethnic or area studies, aims to understand the diaspora of Pangasinan people outside the province and outside the country as the reality of globalization today as in the past impinges on Pangasinan identity and culture.

PnS Mapped

As said earlier, PnS as ethnic/area studies is both multidisciplinal and interdisciplinal covering history, anthropology and other social sciences and the pure sciences such as biology, geology, mathematics. At present, there is no PnS as described here although there are studies done that can be said to be precursors to it or falls under its domain. Except a center for Pangasinan studies as stipulated in a memorandum of agreement between various cultural groups and a university, its existence is subject to doubt, there are no theoretical explorations on PnS as ethnic and area studies and its larger connotation.

There are nonetheless significant bodies of knowledge produced about Pangasinan by Pangasinenses themselves and other scholars. These bodies of knowledge form part of the bulk of what constitutes PnS. There are various disciplines that may fall under its purview ranging from Pangasinan agriculture to Pangasinan urban planning, from A to Z so to speak. Attached here is an appendix containing Pangasinan bibliography alphabetically arranged in 31 disciplines. Over the past fifty years or so, studies on Pangasinan had accumulated and will continue to accumulate in the next fifty years. It is in this context that PnS should enter the picture to guide future researches as to their relevance and significance in the life of Pangasinan people.

This survey of knowledge that PnS can anchor on is based on the collections of Manila-based universities, which had a good online database unlike local universities in the region. The problem is somewhat mitigated by looking at the online catalogue of the NLP because all educational institutions had to submit a copy of each thesis and dissertation to them. Since the survey had covered only a small part of the NLP’s online database, this survey does not provide complete and accurate depiction but can give hints and clues on the status of knowledge production about Pangasinan.

Out of the 313 entries taken from the online catalogues of UP Main Library, NLP and LibraryLink, 300 (95.85%) are said to be Philippine publications while 13 (4.15%) are produced outside. From these Philippine publications, 166 (55.33%) are theses and dissertations and the remaining, 134 (44.67%) are other types, i.e. publications of public and private institutions.

Table 1 PnS by major disciplines according to its type of production

| |No. of Theses/Dissertations |Other Types | | |

|Major | | | | |

|Disciplines | | |Total |% |

| |Philippine |Outside |Philippine |Foreign | | |

| |Universities | |Publications |Publications[1] | | |

|Agriculture |8 |1 |14 |1 |

| |Philippine |Outside |Philippine |Foreign | | |

| |Universities | |Publications |Publications[2] | | |

|Anthropology |2 |0 |

|Pangasinan |30 |41.67 |

|Cordillera and Central Luzon |13 |18.06 |

|Manila incl. S. Luzon, Visayas |28 |38.89 |

One can infer that among the disciplines, Pangasinan educational institutions had strength rather than an edge in education compared to anthropology for instance, in which they had no degree programs in that discipline at all. NEI took the lead by producing seven while L-N and San Carlos College had four each, Adelphi College (AC) three, UPang, LC and Luna Colleges (LuC) two each, Palaris Colleges (PC), PSU and Dagupan College (DC) one each. They are however limited in terms of research capability in history, literature, marine science, degrees either Baccalaureate or advanced, that are well-developed programs obtainable and funded at UP and other Manila-based universities.

Table 4 Pns by location of universities as per theses/dissertations produced

|Location of Colleges/Universities |No. of Theses/Dissertations |% |

|Pangasinan |38 |22.89 |

|Cordillera, Central Luzon |15 |9.04 |

|Manila (S.Luzon & Visayas) |112 |67.47 |

Pangasinan colleges and universities constitute only about 23% of theses/dissertations produced or 38 of which 30 are researches in education. On the other hand, UP had 84 theses and dissertations or about 75% of the total number produced in Manila covering agriculture to urban planning, which is understandable since UP is a state-sponsored university. But there is no excuse for Pangasinan universities not to diversify and strengthen their curricula and offer programs that can compete with Manila-based universities. They should offer programs that cater to the interests of students not just for profit concerns because in the end, they are inevitably the loci of PnS. They must be the vanguard in the promotion and development of PnS. By doing so, PnS could break free from the domination of Manila-based universities in terms of knowledge production. By doing so, Pangasinan universities can lure local students to study in their respective campuses instead of going to Manila and may attract Manila-based Pangasinan scholars to teach among their own people.

Table 5 PnS by language

|Languages |Number of Publications |% |

|English |254 |81.15 |

|Spanish |12 |3.83 |

|Filipino/Tagalog |11 |3.51 |

|Pangasinan |32 |10.22 |

|Iloko |3 |0.96 |

|Bolinao |1 |0.32 |

As the table above shows, most of PnS are written in English. The reason obviously points to the language policy in the academe where English is seen as the prestigious medium in discursive practices contributing to the anglicization of the Pangasinan academic mind. Pangasinan follows the list only because those included fall under the area of literature and most are written in the first half of the twentieth century until the sixties. Some are translations from original Spanish texts. Except literary anthologies, once in a while books of poetry and short story, a sole quarterly magazine like the Balon Silew where one can find even English and Tagalog pieces and annual literary contests, Pangasinan literature in Pangasinan language is largely decadent and would sooner or later sing its swan song if stakeholders do not institute revolutionary changes in our educational and public policies.

The tagalogization of Filipinos, by extension to Pangasinenses, is creeping the academe in our own universities and colleges. It is no doubt that it has taken hold of mass media, in television, radio and in education as medium of instruction. Pangasinan scholars, whose base is Manila, however, are slowly becoming infected by this seemingly unassuming syndrome as they are explaining to the Tagalogs, not to us, our history as a people in a number of theses and dissertations. Formerly, Pangasinan scholars had been writing in English but now, some have shifted to Tagalog. In less than two decades, one dissertation on language planning is advocating the use of Tagalog/Filipino in the language policy of a particular Pangasinan university (Navarro 1990)!

Why not Pangasinan as a language policy? Tagalogization would partly explain why the author could not conceptualize a language policy in Pangasinan for her own university. Added to this is the predominance of this kind of thinking at UP where she sat at the feet of Tagalog/Filipino language planning specialists.

Besides literature, majority of works in the field of history are written in English, which is about 80% or 29. Five are in Spanish, one each in Ilocano and Tagalog with the exception of Felipe Quintos who wrote in 1926 a history of the Philippine revolution in Pangasinan. Although Rosario Cortes wrote in English, she opened Pangasinan historiography to other possibilities in treatment and methodologies unexplored by her works. Her three-volume Pangasinan history is a pioneering contribution to Philippine local historiography. Drawing from various sources and approaches from various disciplines, she was able to write a seemingly seamless narrative about Pangasinan history dividing it in three periods: 1572 to 1800; 1801 to 1900 and 1901 to 1986. Nonetheless, historians can still look at fresh ways on how to deepen our understanding of our indigenous culture prior to the coming of the colonizers through the use of folklore, archaeology, ethnography and comparative linguistics. A department of history then in one of Pangasinan universities would play a crucial role in PnS.

Pangasinan linguistics had its beginnings in the landmark work of Fr. Lorenzo Fernandez Cosgaya, the Diccionario Pangasinan-Español (1865) supplemented by the research and emendations of Fr. Pedro Vilanova. Anastasio Macaraeg (1904) wrote his Vocabulario Hispano-Pangasinan. Most of Pangasinan linguistics studies are done in English with 29 works (76.31%) while only one is written, perhaps translated into, Pangasinan by a foreigner.

It is high time that Pangasinan universities should establish a department of Pangasinan linguistics covering not only Pangasinan but other languages as well. Ronald Himes (1998) had convincingly argued that Pangasinan belonged to the Southern Cordilleran group of Philippine languages which includes Ibaloi, Karaw, Kalanguya (Kallahan) and Ilongot (Bugkalot). Linguistic data supports, according to him, the hypothesis that these groups subsumed under the name Ibaloi during the Spanish colonial period “migrated northward along the Agno River from Pangasinan to Kabayan.” The Pangasinan culture area could extend beyond its present territorial limits to include parts of Benguet, Ifugao, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya and Quirino for comparative studies in linguistics and ethnography.

Likewise, a department of Pangasinan literature must also be established where Pangasinan takes the center rather than being at the margins by understanding first ourselves, then looking at other cultures in relation to us as a people. In short, as Ngugi Thiong’O and his colleagues (1995) had argued in a position paper submitted to a university, departments of English and Filipino should be abolished or better reorganized under a department of Pangasinan literature. As a good metaphor, most of what make up PnS as surveyed here are not produced in the center but rather ironically at the margins, which is Manila. But understanding ourselves as a people encompasses not only this department but the entire university structure; not only the entire curricula and programs of a university but mass media, education and local government, an ambitious enterprise, which is never impossible to achieve.


De-marginalization of Pangasinan identity and culture and the de-centering of mainstream Filipino/Tagalog national culture demand the active participation of Pangasinan intellectuals, cultural activists and political leaders. PnS points to the recovery of our suppressed identity and culture as a people pushed into the periphery of national existence by the linguistic and cultural domination and manipulation in the guise of national culture, national language and national identity. The sooner we recognize the inherent defects of our national language policy and the sooner we correct our apathy towards these fundamental roots of our being as a people the sooner we can heal our souls as a people.

Pangasinan culture and civilization as reflected in our language is our patrimony. We need to save and defend it from the unwanted and forced encroachments of other cultures. Only when we are able to define our civilization can we Pangasinenses are able to stem the tide of Tagalogization and Anglicization. Such is the aim of PnS. PnS, however, is never closed to other cultures. PnS recognizes the heterogeneous, multicultural and multilingual facets of Pangasinan society.

The struggle toward liberation is not restricted to Pangasinan people. It also calls for other ethnic cultures in the Philippines to rebel against the dominant, the center and the national be it culture, language or structure of studies.


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Agoncillo, Teodoro A. & Milagros C. Guerrero. 1970. The History of the Filipino

People. Quezon City: Malaya Books.

Constantino, Renato. 1966. The Filipinos in the Philippines and other Essays. Quezon

City: Malaya Books.

Cortes, Rosario M. 1990. Pangasinan 1901-1986: A Political, Socioeconomic and

Cultural History. QC: New Day Publishers.

Covar, Prospero. 1998. Larangan: Seminal Essays on Philippine Culture. Manila: National Commission for Culture and the Arts.

Fanon, Frantz. 1967. Black Skin, White Masks. Translated by Constance Farrington. New

York: Grove Press.

___________.1968. The Wretched of the Earth. Translated by Constance Farrington.

New York: Grove Press.

Guzman, Lamberto M. 2006. “Sakey a Tepet.” In “The Jovellanos Compilation” by

Pascual Sagoy Mejia. Balon Silew 6 (2): 13-14.

Himes, Ronald S. “The Southern Cordilleran Group of Philippine Languages.” Oceanic

Linguistics 37 (1) (June 1998): 120-177.

Legasto, Prescilina P. 1996. “Introduksiyon.” Sarswelang Pangasinan. QC:

Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Lyceum-Northwestern University. “Lyceum-Northwestern University in a Capsule.”

Available from ; Internet; accessed 25

October 2007.

“Memorandum of Agreement [Establishing a Center for Pangasinan studies].” Available

from ;

Internet; accessed 26 October 2007.

Mendoza, S. Lily L. 2001. “Nuancing the Discourse on Anti-Essentialism: A Critical

Genealogy of Philippine Experiments in National Identity Formation.” Between

Law and Culture: Relocating Legal Studies. Edited by David Theo Goldberg,

Michael Musheno, and Lisa C. Bower. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota


Navarro, Preciosa C. 1990. Pagpaplanong pangwika at ang program sa wikang pambansa

para sa Pangasinan State University. Ph.D. diss., UP.

Ngugi, wa Thiong’O. 1995. On the Abolition of the English Department. In The Post-

Colonial Studies Reader, ed. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen

Tiffin, 438-442. London: Routledge

Pangasinan State University. “Pangasinan State University History.” Available from


Internet; accessed 25 October 2007.

Quibuyen, Floro C. 1999. A Nation Aborted: Rizal, American Hegemony and Philippine

Nationalism. QC: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Rizal, Jose. 2004. El Filibusterismo. Translated by Leon Maria Guerrero. Guerrero


Said, Edward W. 2003. Orientalism. London: Penguin Books.

Salazar, Zeus. 1991. “Ang Pantayong Pananaw Bilang Diskursong Pangkabihasnan” in

Pilipinolohiya: Kasaysayan, Pilosopiya at Pananaliksik. Edited by Violeta V.

Bautista and Rogelia Pe-Pua. Manila: Kalikasan Press.

Sobritchea, Carolyn I. 2002. “Reflections on the Development of Philippine Studies in

the Philippines: The U.P. Asian Center Experience” Asian Studies 38 (1): 99-107.

University of Luzon. 2005. “The University of Luzon: Where Skills and Values Meet for

Bright Tomorrows.” Available from ; Internet;

accessed 25 October 2007.

University of Pangasinan. 2007. “A Brief History of the University of Pangasinan.”

Available from ; Internet; accessed 25

October 2007.

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation. 2006. “University.” Available from

; Internet; accessed 25 October 2007.


Pangasinan Bibliography

Arranged alphabetically by Subjects


Agbisit, Elpidio J. & Marlyn Necesito. Burley tobacco production and marketing in Tarlac and Pangasinan, Cy 1981-1982. Los Banos, Laguna, University of the Philippines, 1982.

Agricultural marketing in Pangasinan. Quezon City: Philippine Statistical Association through a grant from the United States Agency for International Development, 1994.

Aldaba, December D.J.L. and Ma. Rosalia M. Perena. “Detrimental effects of mine tailings pollution on crop production in Pangasinan farm lands.” BS thesis, UP, 1989. (see also Economics)

Barlow, C. et al. Evaluating technology for new farming systems: case studies from Philippine rice farms. Los Baños, Laguna: International Rice Research Institute, 1983.

Baum, Gerhard A. Tobuan/Sual, a socio-economic study: Philippines. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, 1976.

Cassava socio-economic and marketing study, Part V: Pangasinan and La Union. Quezon City: Special Studies Division, National Food and Agriculture Council, Dept. of Agriculture, 1978.

Cruz, Ma. Concepcion J. Water management for communal irrigation: a Philippine case study. Laguna: College of Development Economics and Management University of the Philippines at Los Baños, 1983.

___________________. “Social and institutional factors in differential access to canal irrigation : a study of a Philippine communal system.” [Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983] Ann Arbor, MI.: UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1991.

Cuchapin, Erlinda D. “Determinants of agricultural productivity of selected rice farmers in Pozorrubio, Pangasinan.” D.Ed. diss., Pangasinan State University (Urdaneta), 1993.

Gotico, Virgilio V. Production and marketing of legumes in Pangasinan 1979. Quezon City: Information Section Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1979.

Labios, Romeo at al. Corn production and management in paddy fields: cases in Camiling, Tarlac and Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Los Baños: Farming Systems and Soil Resources Institute University of the Philippines, 1998.

Lizarondo, Maura. Marketing operations of sustenance fishermen in Pangasinan. Quezon City: Information Section Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1979.

_______________. The market process in the Pangasinan fishpond industry. Quezon City: Information Section Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1980.

Momen, Mohammad A. “Economics of cropping systems in Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines.” MS thesis, UP LB, 1979.

Ocampo, Ma. Angeles P. “Impact of open access coastal fishery on municipal fishermen.” MA thesis, UP, 1989.

Onia, Cipriano V. Land reform in Tayug. n.p.

Paderes, Aurora S. “Attitudes, problems and role performance of the PCC field technicians in the cotton production program of Pangasinan.” MS thesis, UP LB, 1979.

Paudyal, Kamal R. “The economics of rice establishment methods in rainfed lowland areas in Pangasinan, Philippines.” Ph.D. diss., UP LB, 1996. (see also Economics)

Proceedings of the Consultative Meeting on the Salt Industry in Pangasinan, Bulacan & Occidental Mindoro 29 April 1994, Holiday Inn, Manila Philippines. Manila: The Department, 1994.

Recel, Modesto R. Soil fertility and fertilizers: province of Pangasinan. Dagupan City: Bureau of Soils Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1973.

Untalan, Roly B. “The negative externalities of fishpens and fishcages in Pangasinan.” MA thesis, University of Asia and the Pacific, 2000.

Vera Cruz, W.C. Mango marketing, Pangasinan. Quezon City: Special Studies Division Dept. of Agriculture, 1979.

Yadao, Amante Ilar. “Parasite and predator populations in insecticide-treated corn field.” MS thesis, UP LB, 1979.


Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Versuch einer ethnographie der Philippinen. Justus Perthes, Gotha, 1882.

Florendo, Maria Nela B. “Luac peasants concept of a good life and its implications to planned change.” MA thesis, UP, 1984.

Rodriguez, Suzanna F. “The Barangen fishing concession in Bolinao: an ethnographic study of a customary marine tenure system.” MA thesis, UP, 1997.

Sawyer, Frederic H. The Inhabitants of the Philippines. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1900.


De Ocampo. Roberto S. Plio-pleistocene geology of Bolinao, Pangasinan and vicinities. Manila: National Museum, 1983.

Legaspi, Antonio M. Bolinao: a 14th-15th century burial site. Manila : The National Museum, 1974.


Heritage: Philippine architecture; region I. n.p.: UAP, 1997.

Business Administration

Castillo, Leocio S. “The feasibility of establishing a fifty hectare peanut plantation in Bautista, Pangasinan.” M.B.M. thesis, Asian Institute of Management, 1970.

Community Development

Bautista, Herbert C. M. “Perceptions on the levels of implementation of the Coastal Resource Management Program and their implications to food security: a perceptual study of Bolinao, Pangasinan and Puerto Princesa, 2000.” MA thesis, National Defense College of the Philippines, 2000.

Moreno, Honorata A. “Financing community development projects (fy 1957-1961): case studies of Pangasinan and Abra and selected national public and private organizations.” MA thesis, UP, 1970.

Nicolas, Jose Santiago. “Income of farm households in a small Philippine municipality: implications for community development.” M.C.D. thesis, UP, 1977.

University of the Philippines, College of Social Work and Community Development in cooperation with U.P. Marine Science Institute, Elmer M. Ferrer, Project leader; Participatory Action Research for Community-Based Coastal Resources Management (PAR C-B CRM) Project. Tagaporo: the island dwellers: coastal resource profile of barangay Dewey, Bolinao, Pangasinan. Quezon City: CSWCD, 1994.


Basobas, Mamerta C. “A study of Pangasinan folk dances.” M. Ed. thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, Dagupan City, n.d.

Friese, Jovita. Philippine folkdances from Pangasinan. New York: Vantage Press, 1980.

Sison, Jovita A. “Some unpublished Pangasinan folk dances with their musical scores and costumes.” M. Ed. thesis. Philippine Womens University, 1965.


Concepcion, Mercedes B. Current fertility levels and extent of family planning practices in Laguna, Nueva Ecija and Pangasinan. Manila: University of the Philippines System Population Institute, 1976.

Feranil, Alan B. “Correlates of contraceptive use and breastfeeding practice.” MA thesis, UP, 1982

____________. Fertility perceptions and intentions of husbands and wives. Singapore. SEAPRAP, 1980.


Ecological profile of Pangasinan. Quezon City: NEPC, 1980.


Aldaba, December D.J.L. and Ma. Rosalia M. Perena. “Detrimental effects of mine tailings pollution on crop production in Pangasinan farm lands.” BS thesis, UP, 1989. (see also Agriculture)

Ancheta, Victor J. “The economic implications of cadastral sketching.” In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Certificate in Development Economics, University of the Philippines, Quezon City 1977.

Comprehensive development plan of Mangaldan, Pangasinan. Mangaldan, Pangasinan: The Staff, 1975.

Department of Trade and Industry - Pangasinan Provincial Office, in cooperation with Provincial Government of Pangasinan. Ventures in Pangasinan: an investment brochure. Lingayen: The Department, 1989.

Economic report on the province of Pangasinan. Manila: The Office, 1967.

Hagey, Rebecca S. “Healing entrepreneurship in the Philippines.” [PhD. diss., Case Western Reserve University, 1997] Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Dissertation Services, 1997.

Pangasinan completes economic projects with U. S. Food for Peace assistance and self-help. Manila: n.p., 1968.

Pangasinan integrated area development project: socio-economic profile. Quezon City: NACIAD, 1986.

Paudyal, Kamal R. “The economics of rice establishment methods in rainfed lowland areas in Pangasinan, Philippines.” Ph.D. diss., UP LB, 1996. (see also Agriculture)

Rabanilla, Samuel L. Fieldwork report: economic potential survey of the Province of Pangasinan. Quezon City: Institute of Small Scale Industries University of the Philippines, 1970.


Abriam, Rosita E. “The problems of teaching Home Economics in ten selected private high schools in the province of Pangasinan.” M. Ed. thesis, Centro Escolar University, 1967.

Afante, Luz V. “Analysis of occupational interests of fourth year high school students in four selected high schools of Pangasinan and Dagupan City, 1965-1966.” MA thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, 1967.

Alejo, Emilia A. “The status of college teaching in selected private teacher-training institutions in the province of Pangasinan, 1967-1968.” MA thesis, Luzon Colleges, 1968.

Alimboyao, Portugal G. “The participation of teachers-scouters of Sual, Pangasinan in school and community development.” M. Ed. thesis, Lyceum-Northwestern (Dagupan City), 1978.

Allado, Cesar A. “The unemployed college graduates in Tayug and Rosales,Pangasinan: a profile” M.A. thesis, Central Luzon Teachers College (Bayambang, Pangasinan), 1977.

Alonzo, Adriano H. “Approaches in the community schools of Urdaneta: their implications to administrators.” M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1971.

An evaluation report of the Philippines-UNESCO National Community Training School Center, Bayambang, Pangasinan, Philippines. Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1957.

Aquino, Florencio D. “Factors affecting teacher competence in the effective implementation of the 1974 bilingual education policy in Bayambang District I, Division of Pangasinan I: an update.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Palaris Colleges (San Carlos City, Pangasinan), 1992.

Aquino, Gaudencio V. “An analysis of the contents and use of B. P. S. Form 178 by elementary school supervisors in the Division of Pangasinan.” M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1965.

Asuncion, Erlinda C. “Implementation of the Bayan Muna Bago Ang Sarili program in selected public high schools in Western Pangasinan.” M.A. thesis, Adelphi College (Lingayen, Pangasinan),1992.

Axibal, Teofina Lopez. “The predictive value for academic success of the basic mathematical courses in the University of Pangasinan.” MA thesis, University of Pangasinan, 1973.

Baterina, Eliseo T. “Prominent characteristics of secondary school principals of nineteen public high schools in Pangasinan.” MA thesis, National University, 1961.

Baun, Alice Ilalo S. “Quality indicators of college faculty members in three institutions of higher learning in the city of Dagupan.” M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1973.

_______________. “The sociocultural milieu of the barrio school: a case study.” Ph.D. diss., Centro Escolar University, 1976.

Beltran, Jesus G. “Teacher’s readiness to undertake adult and community education in relation to their professional preparation in San Jacinto, Pangasinan.” M.A. thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, 1971.

Bolado, Rufino G. “Trends in the performance ratings of public elementary classroom teachers of Umingan Pangasinan in relation to some personal and professional factors.” M.A. thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, 1971.

Bonrostro, Teresita D. “Problems met by teachers of Communication Arts (Pilipino) in Urdaneta district I, Urdaneta, Pangasinan.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Lyceum-Northwestern (Dagupan City), 1981.

Braganza, Purita R.A. “The relationship of some educational and personal qualifications to performance of guidance counselors in the public elementary schools of Pangasinan.” MA thesis, Philippine Women’s University, 1972.

Bugarin, Remberto F. “A profile of the elementary school administrators of the division of City schools, San Carlos City (Pangasinan) School year 1981-1982.” M.A.Ed. thesis, San Carlos College (San Carlos City, Pangasinan), 1982.

Cabanela, Rosabel A. “The competencies of classroom teachers as guidance counselors in the districts of Binalonan I and II Pangasinan division II 1996-1997.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Baguio Central University, 1997.

Caronongan, Arturo M. “A normative survey of the instruction in health and science in the public elementary schools of Pangasinan.” MA thesis, UP, 1960.

Casambre, Alphonse. “A proposed coursebook on the teaching of scientific English to Filipino first year student in the Catholic secondary schools in Pangasinan.” MA thesis, De la Salle University, 1978.

Castro, Eladio G. “P. T. A. contributions to the public schools in Pangasinan.” MA thesis, Dagupan College, 1960.

Cayabyab, Alfredo G. A survey of religious instruction in the public schools of Pangasinan and Dagupan City. M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1959.

Ceralde, Nemesio. “A survey of the educational resources of the City of Dagupan.” M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1954.

Cerdan, Cesar A. “A study of the validity and reliability of the general mathematics test of the 1968-1969 national examination as taken by second year students of the Philippine-UNESCO National Community Training Center in Bayambang, Pangasinan.” MA thesis, UP, 1971.

Consolacion, Primitiva G. “Physical education program: its basic of selecting activities in the public elementary school of Urdaneta, district IV, Pangasinan, 1973-1974.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Lyceum of Baguio, 1974.

Cruz, Rufo P. “The difficulties in problem solving of Grade IV pupils in arithmetic in the Division of Pangasinan, 1961-62.” MA thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, 1963.

Dacono, Ma. Fe C.S. “A study of the problems encountered by grade VI teachers in the teaching of Elementary Science in selected public elementary schools in Western Pangasinan 1970-1971.” M.A. thesis, Silliman University, 1972.

De Guzman, Felipe L. “Towards a structural analysis of colleges and universities in the Philippines: the Pangasinan Normal School.” Ed. D. thesis, Columbia University, 1967.

Delos Reyes, Rufo R. “An evaluation study of drop-outs in the District of San Quintin.” MA thesis, Luna Colleges (Tayug, Pangasinan), 1972.

Dingle, Adelina M. “Society and education: the case of Unzad, a Pangasinan village.” Ed.D. diss., Centro Escolar University, 1972.

Donato, Josefina C. “Personal-demographic, socio-economic and academic correlatives of values of college seniors in Pangasinan State University.” Ed.D. diss., UP, 1980.

Evangelista, Belen R. “A study of the attitudes of high school students toward certain acts of behavior in the classroom.” MA thesis, Luzon Colleges, 1970.

Fernandez, Loreta F. “The teacher-pupil ratio in the elementary schools of the Division of Pangasinan 1963-1969.” Northwestern Educational Institution, 1970.

Fernandez, Mercedes V. “Techniques and Materials for Teaching Philippine Community Life as Practiced in Pangasinan Provincial High School.” MA thesis, National University, 1958.

Frias, Rowena G. “Medicinal plants used by the students and parents in the public secondary school of Basista, Pangasinan.” M.A.Ed. thesis, San Carlos College (San Carlos City, Pangasinan), 1995.

Gajardo, Ricardo F. “The scholastic performance of sophomore students in the barrio high schools in Binalonan, Pangasinan.” MA thesis, Lyceum of Baguio, 1973.

Honrado, Cresencia B. “The Unemployed college graduates in the municipalities of Bayambang and Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan: a profile.” MAEd thesis, Central Luzon Teachers College (Bayambang, Pangasinan), 1977.

Jimenez, Lorenzo F. “The causes of poor academic achievement of pupils in the intermediate grades: district I, Manaoag, Pangasinan school year 1979-1980.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Baguio Central University, 1981.

Jimenez, Priscilla L. “Revitalizing the professional laboratory experiences for the Bachelor of Elementary Education students at the Pangasinan State University, College of Education: a proposal.” Ed.D. diss., Centro Escolar University, 1987.

Jovellano, Ascencion R. “Competencies of classroom teachers as guidance counselors in the public elementary schools of Urdaneta IV, Pangasinan II, 1973-1974.” MAEd thesis, Lyceum of Baguio, 1974.

Lavarias, Gonzalo A. “The community resources of Lingayen which can be utilized in social studies instruction in the Pangasinan Provincial High School.” M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1967.

Lopez, Marlito R. “Technology and Home Economics III at the Pangasinan National High School, Lingayen, Pangasinan, 1995-1996.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Baguio Central University, 1996.

Mabalot, Emerita. “The Responsibilities of elementary school heads in Pozorrubio, Pangasinan.” M.A.Ed. thesis, University of Baguio, 1983.

Macaranas, Gregoria S. “An analysis of the errors in the English written compositions of the college freshmen of the University of Pangasinan during the first semester, 1967-1968.” MA thesis, University of Pangasinan, 1970.

Maiquez, Corazon C. “An evaluation of Luzon Colleges HRM-Curriculum: a soft system approach.” MFSA thesis, UP, 1999.

Mamaril, Caridad M. “Job-related concerns of the public elementary school teachers of Anda, Pangasinan: its implications to teaching.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Adelphi College (Lingayen, Pangasinan), 1998.

Maminta, Rosario E. A survey of Sta. Rosa, a rural barrio and its school. M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1952.

Mendoza, Cleofe D. “The unemployed college graduates in San Carlos City, Pangasinan: a profile, 1977.” M.Ed. thesis, Central Luzon Teachers College (Bayambang, Pangasinan), 1977.

Mendoza, Ireneo B. “Cultural milieu in a rural school: a case study.” Ph.D. diss., CEU, n.d.

Meneses, Moises F. “Out-of-school youths and unemployed adults perceptions of and reactions towards non-formal education in Lingayen during the school year 1981-1982.” MA thesis, Pangasinan State University (Lingayen, Pangasinan), 1983.

Meru, Herculano M. “Family and community life in Nangalisan, Infanta, Pangasinan: its implication to education (a case study).” Ph.D. diss., CEU Graduate School, n.d.

Mil, Severo P. “Follow-up study on the barrio high school graduates in San Carlos City (Pangasinan).” M.A.Ed. thesis, National University, 1975.

Moreno, Onofre Z. “A study of the problems met by the elementary agriculture teachers in teaching vegetable gardening to grade V pupils in Calasiao, Pangasinan.” M.A. thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, 1979.

Navarro, Faustino S. “An analysis of the industrial arts teaching in selected public school districts in Eastern Pangasinan.” M.A. thesis, Luna Colleges (Tayug, Pangasinan), 1985.

Ocsan, Elena C. “Pinalatuntunang kagamitan sa panimulang pagbasa sa Pilipino para sa mga estudyanteng Pangasinan.” M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1975.

Oliver, Milagros L. “A study of the community high schools of Villasis and Urdaneta as they affect community life.” MA thesis, Union College (Laguna), 1968.

Osias, Camilo O. Babasaey ombaley: onan aralen. Inpatalos ed wikay Pangasinan di H. Cañiza tan Antonio Ramos. Maynila: J. Fajardo, n.d. (see also Translation)

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Pham, Doanh. “The contributions of the community schools of Urdaneta to rural development and its implication for teacher education in the Republic of Vietnam.” M.Ed. thesis, UP, 1971.

Porte, Jesusa S. “Attitude and aspirations, extent and causes of dropouts: their implications to school administration in the district of Aguilar, Pangasinan.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Tarlac College of Agriculture (Camiling, Tarlac), 1993.

Ragudo, Rosario C. “Implementation of applied nutrition program in the public elementary schools of Villasis, Pangasinan.” M.A.Ed. thesis, Lyceum-Northwestern (Dagupan City), 1983.

Raposas, Benita R. “The views of teachers on the art education program in the public elementary schools of Villasis, Pangasinan.” MA thesis, Lyceum of Baguio 1973.

Ramos, Josefina d.V. “Development of desirable attitudes in work education among grade six pupils in the division of San Carlos City (Pangasinan) and their implications to the guidance activities.” MA thesis, n.p., 1979.

Sagala, Josephta. “A comparative study of the teaching of character education in a public secondary school in Pangasinan.” MA thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, 1972.

Salazar, Nicanor M. “Appraisal of the school health program in Urdaneta District I, Division of Pangasinan.” M. Ed. thesis, UP, 1969.

Salibad, Placido Boquing. “The problems of personnel administration in the public elementary schools in the Division of Pangasinan as viewed by school administrators and classroom teachers.” MA thesis, University of Baguio, 1972.

Salvado, Perla C. “Professional assistance extended to the teachers of San Carlos City (Pangasinan) in the improvement of their welfare.” M.A.Ed. thesis, San Carlos College (Pangasinan), 1994.

Santiago, Lilibeth S. “The Relevance of scouting in character formation among public elementary girl scouts in Lingayen, Pangasinan.” M.A. thesis, Adelphi College (Lingayen, Pangasinan), 1994.

Sicat, Brigido D. “The difficulties of the public secondary school teachers in the teaching of modern mathematics III in the Division of Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Pangasinan, and Tarlac in 1970-1971.” MA thesis, Republic Central Colleges (Angeles City), 1972.

Sison, Benjamin O. “Administrative and supervisory problems of public elementary school heads in districts I and II of Urdaneta, division of Pangasinan, 1976-1977.” M.Ed. thesis, Baguio Central University, 1977.

Sy, Antonio F. Jr. “Educational leadership role as perceived by public elementary school administrators and teachers of San Carlos City District III, Pangasinan.” M.A.Ed. thesis, San Carlos College (Pangasinan), 1982.

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Library Science

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Schachter, Paul. A Contrastive analysis of English and Pangasinan. Los Angeles, Calif., University of California, 1959.

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Tungol, Mario. Modern English-Filipino Pangasinan Dictionary. Manila: Merriam and Webster, 1993.

Verzosa, Paul Rodriguez. The psychology of Filipino proverbs (including Ilokano, Bikol, Ilongo, Moro, Pampango, Pangasinan, Sambal, Tagalog, Sugbuanon, Samarnon, Aklan, French, Spanish, Latin, Malay, Amoy, and Mandarin). Manila: Cooperative Service, 1950.

Viray, Felizberto B. “The sounds and sound/symbols of the Pangasinan language.” The Archive, a collection of papers pertaining to Philippine linguistics. Paper no. 5, 1927. In H. H. Bartlett collection of ethnographic-historical and linguistic materials on the Philippines and the East Indies, 1760-1957.

Vocabulary of words in most general use: English-Ilocano-Pangasinan-Tagalog-Spanish. Calasiao, Pangasinan: Parayno Press, 1960.


Acosta, Marcelo. Ginmalet. In microform. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Library, 1977.

Ani 6(1) (24 Dec 1992) [Contains “Akis” by Ronnie R. Redilla, 128-129; “Duaran patanir” by Rosa Maria Magno Icagasi, 122-123; “Duksa'y kapalaran onaan ya biang” by Maria C. Magsano, 16-21; “Pilak a intilak nen Juan Villamil” by Rachel Nelmida Sapigao, 22-25; “Say biang na Dagupan ed awaray Pangasinan” by Restituto C. Basa, 34-38; “Si mabinta tan si mandiyalteng” by Linda R. Andaya, 86-89, “Tagleey na puso II” by Leonarda C. Baltazar, 118-119]

An Anthology of Pangasinan literature. Compiled by Ester Daroy. Manila: Research Center, De La Salle University, 1986.

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Ave Maria novenas na sancabalinguitan a rosad paraisoy Dios salanti sancasantosan a Maria del Rosario: Nilactipan so inquipayaoad na nuestra señora ed Manaoag. Manila: Tip. Pontificia del Col. de Sto. Tomas, 1920.

Catiponay cabalicsan na masantos a Rosario say inpañguialaguey ed rosarion naynay pian oncanan bantay nen Maria saray indulgenciasto. Manila: Imp. del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1897.

Cuesta, Cardinal Garcia. Catecismo a nipaacar ed protestantismo. Inpatalos balet ed salitay Pangasinan, pinasimbalo tan inarumay amayamay iran bangat, ya sancacanaan ira natan ya amtaen diad Filipinas, nen Salvador Millan. Manila: Imp. del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1902. (see also Translation and Religion)

Gonzales, Rosemarie V. “A Critical Study of Eight Moro-Moro Plays of Pangasinan with an Analysis and Translation of Principe Reynaldo ken Prinsesa Floresenda.” MA thesis, Centro Escolar University, 1978.

Guiang, Rodolfo V. Philippine Medical Superstitions Told in Parables. Lingayen, Pangasinan: Gumawid Press, 1960.

Ico, Lydia M. “A critical analysis of the Pangasinan cancionan: a folk debate in song.” Ph.D. diss., UP, 1981.

Legasto, Priscelina Patajo. “Pablo Mejia: a study of the Pangasinan zarzuela.” MA thesis, UP, 1976.

Libro del pueblo, o, Bangat iran nipaacad ed saray sampoloran ganggay Dios tan saray sacramentos. Guinaoay S. Alfonso de Ligorio et inalis balet ed salitay Pangasinan na P. Fr. Salvado Millan. 3rd ed. Manila: Impr. de Sto. Tomas, 1939. (see also Religion and Translation)

Magno, Iluminada M. “A critical study of the zarzuelas in Pangasinan of Catalino Palisoc.” MA thesis, UP, 1954.

Magno, Rosa Maria. Urduja beleaguered: and other essays on Pangasinan language, literature and culture. Manila: Kalikasan Press, 1991.

Magsano, Maria C. Coleccion Hombres e ideas. Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1950.

______________.Duksay kapalaran. Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1959.

______________. Duksay kapalaran: nankaduan libro. Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1959.

______________. Bales na kalamangan tan antikey a biografia nen Senadora Geronima T. Pecson ya tini-tuloway "siopa may Senadora Imay." Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1952.

______________. Colegiala Dolores: novela ed nankaduan tomo. Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1950.

_______________.Samban agnabenegan; sakey a kombilay. Pangasinan Review, 1954.

_______________. My sacred oath: a novel. First published in Silew Magazine under the title Samban Agnabenegan. Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1960.

Maikling kuwentong Kapampangan at Pangasinan. Binigyan ng introduksiyon at isinalin nina Maria Crisanta S. Nelmida at Lourdes H. Vidal. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1996. (see also Translation)

Malonzo, Teresita G. Taru'man nin Bolinao. [Mga katutubong kuwento sa Bolinao/ Folktale stories in Bolinao] / ninsurat tan dininep ra ni Teresita G. Malonzo, Neri S. Zamora; inistorya ra ni Bedencio Caasi et al.; hinusto ra ni Emerita C. Caasi et al. Manila: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1983.

Maung a balita para sayan panaon tayo: pati saray libron deutero canonico Pangasinan. Manila. Philippine Bible Society, 1983.

Millan, P. Salvador. Novena ni Nuestra Señora Manaoag patrona ti Pangasinan. Manila: UST Press, 1946. (see also Religion)

Nelmida, Ma. Crisanta Samson. “Ang pagkabuo ng larawan ng babae sa ilang piling nobela ni Maria Magsano: isang alternatibong pagbabasa.” MA thesis, UP, 1991.

Nelmida, Perla S. “Pangasinan folk literature.” Ph.D. diss., UP, 1982.

Novena al Divino Tesoro en dialecto Pangasinan, sicatoy pamfiestay Sr. Tesoro, 5 de Septiembre. Manila: Tip. Pont. del Col. de Sto. Tomas, 1921.

Novenarioy sancamagloriaan a patriarca señor San Jose, esposoy reinad cataoenan Maria sancasantosan. Manila: Imprenta del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1904. (see also Religion)

Palafox, Filemon et al. Philippine drama: twelve plays in six Philippine languages. Introduced, edited and translated by Wilhelmina Q. Ramas. Quezon City: NSTA-Assisted UPS Integrated Research Program 'A' University of the Philippines, 1987.

Passio domini nostri Iesu christen. Translated into Pangasinan by Antonio Gonzales.s.l: n.p., 1849. (see also Translation)

Rizal, Jose. Agmoak didiwiten. Noli me tangere. Impatalus ed Pangasinan nen Lourdes Bengson Ungson. Ibale: Komision na Saray Bayani na Lapag a Bansa, 1963. (see also Translation)

Rizal, Jose. Say isusungpad uley; tungtong ya Filipino. Filibusterismo; novela filipina. Impatalus ed Pangasinan nen Lourdes Bengson Ungson. Ibale: Komision na Saray Bayani na Lapag a Bansa, 1963. (see also Translation)

Sarswelang Pangasinan. Binigyang introduksiyon ni Prescilina Legasto at isinalin sa nina Maria Crisanta S. Nelmida at Erlinda S. Andaya. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1996.

Say Balon Sipan, o dino, El Nuevo Testamento nen Catawan Tayon Manangilaban a si Jesu-Cristo. Manila: Sociedad Biblica Britanica y Extrangera, 1908. (see also Religion)

Tokotomi, Kenjiro. Nami-ko (Tuatuwan impanbilay). Patalus ed salitay pangasinan nen M.C. Magsano. Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1951. (see also Translation)

Vidal, Francisco. Novenas nen San Vicente Ferrer, tan say inpanbilay to. Inalis ed salitay Pangasinan nen Benito Sanchez Fraga. Manila: Tip. Pontificia del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1923. (see also Religion and Translation)

Villafania, Santiago B. Balikas na Caboloan. Manila: National Commission for Culture and the Arts and the Author, 2005.

Marine Science

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Aragones, Naniel V. “Taxonomy, distribution and relative abundance of juvenile siganids and aspects of the padas fishery in Bolinao, Pangasinan.” MS thesis, UP, 1987.

Bacaltos, Della Grace G. “Nutrient behavior, primary production, and infauna in a river system with inputs from fishpond effluents.” Ph.D. diss., UP, 2000.

Balgos, Miriam C. “Age and growth of the squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana Lesson, 1830 in Bolinao, Pangasinan by statolith observation and length frequency analysis.” MS thesis, UP, 1990.

Bangi, Helen Grace P. “The effect of adult nutrition on somatic and gonadal growth egg quality, and larval development of the sea urchin Tripneustes Gratilla Linnaeus 1758 (Echinodermata:Echinoidea).” MS thesis, UP, 2001.

Belda, Carmelita A. “Growth rates, allometry, and growth trends, in relation to some ecological factors of Tridacna gigas (Bivalvia : Tridacnidae) in Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines.” MS thesis, UP, 1989.

De Guzman, Asuncion B. “Community structure of macrobenthic invertebrates on exploited reef flats of Santiago Island, Bolinao, Pangasinan.” MS thesis, UP, 1990.

De Venecia, Mary Bernadette B. “The regenerative capacities and growth responses of Gelidiella acerosa (Forsskal) Feldman et Hamel branch cuttings to light and nitrates (rhodophyta: gelidiales).” MS thesis, UP, 1992.

Espinosa, Joselita T. S. “Aspects of the feeding biology of juveniles of the white-spotted spinefoot, Siganus fuscescens (Pisces: Siganidae).” MS thesis, UP, 1991.

Halun, Sitti Zayda B. “Experimental evaluation of the effects of siltation-derived changes in sediment conditions on the seagrass Cymodocea rotundata.” MS thesis, UP, 2001.

Lacap, Cristina Day A. “Sexual reproductive capacities of the seagrasses Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle and Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenberg) Ascherson in Cape Bolinao, N.W. Philippines: the effects of siltation.” MS thesis, UP, 2002.

Lluisma, Arturo O. “Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and photon flux density on growth, photosynthesis, and proximate constituents in branch cultures of Kappaphycus Alvarezii (Doty) Doty.” MS thesis, UP, 1992.

Montebon, Augustus Rex F. “Metabolic responses of Porites cylindrica (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) to water motion.” MS thesis, UP, 1993.

Nacorda, Hildie Maria E. “Macroinfaunal community structure and benthic metabolism of a shallow reef flat in Bolinao, Pangasinan (Northwestern Philippines).” MS thesis, UP, 1996.

Nañola, Cleto L. “Distribution patterns of nocturnal seagrass fishes on the reef flat of Santiago Island, Bolinao, Philippines.” MS thesis, UP, 1995.

Ortiz, Ariel T. “Growth and reproductive state of intertidal and subtidal Sargassum (Sargassaceae Phaeophyta) populations in Bolinao, Pangasinan.” MS thesis, UP, 2000.

Pamintuan, Irene S. “Successional trends of artificial reef communities in Bolinao, Northwestern Pangasinan.” MS thesis, UP, 1994.

Pablico, Grace L. T.. “Seasonality in photosynthesis, alginate yield and viscosity of five sargassum species from Bolinao, Pangasinan.” MS thesis, UP, 1997.

Palomar, Nadia E. “The population characteristics and behavior of the burrowing shrimp Alpheus macellarius as influenced by sediment conditions and seagrass.” MS thesis, UP, 2002.

Rañola, Maria Catalina G. “Temporal patterns of emergence of zooplankton in a Philippine seagrass bed.” MS thesis, UP. 1995.

Roa, Marie Josephine T. “Morphometry of Tridacna maxima and growth responses of T. Maxima and its dinoflagellate symbiont Symbiodinium sp. to different rearing conditions.” MS thesis, UP, 1989.

Sabater, Marlowe G. “Effects of induced mineral accretion on growth, survival and corallite properties of coral transplants.” MS thesis, UP, 2001.

Salmo, Severino G. “Responses of Rhizophora Mucronata (Lamarck) seedlings to spilled oil.” MS thesis, UP, 2002.

San Diego, Maria Lourdes C. “Measurements of physical variables and nutrient concentrations at Tambac Bay.” MS thesis, UP, 1985.

Tiquio, Ma. Gregoria Joanne P. “Responses of the generative propagules of enhalus acoroides (l. f.) royle to siltation and aquaculture-derived nutrient enrichment.” MS thesis, UP, 1999.

Vallejo, Benjamin M. “Preliminary investigations on the effects of grazing and stocking density of hybrid mollies Poecilla (Pisces: Poeciliidae) on the growth of juvenile giant clams Tridacna gigas (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae).” MS thesis, UP, 1993.

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Yap, Maria Helena T. “Studies on the growth, regeneration and transplantation of Acropora pulchra (Brook) (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) at Santiago Island, Bolinao, Pangasinan.” MS thesis, UP, 1981.


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Political Science

Salazar, Lorraine Carlos. The Agbayanis of Pangasinan. MA thesis, UP, 1996.

Public Administration

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Nutrition, food, environment (NFE) and medicare program, Binmaley, Pangasinan. Manila: Local Government Academy, 1999.

Prestosa, Roberto D. “Problems of the barangay service point officers of San Fabian, Pangasinan in the performance of their family planning tasks and functions: an analysis.” M.P.A. thesis, Luzon Colleges (Dagupan City), 1980.


Ave Maria novenas na sancabalinguitan a rosad paraisoy Dios salanti sancasantosan a Maria del Rosario: Nilactipan so inquipayaoad na nuestra señora ed Manaoag. Manila: Tip. Pontificia del Col. de Sto. Tomas, 1920. (see also Literature)

Libro del pueblo, o, Bangat iran nipaacad ed saray sampoloran ganggay Dios tan saray sacramentos. Guinaoay S. Alfonso de Ligorio et inalis balet ed salitay Pangasinan na P. Fr. Salvado Millan. 3rd ed. Manila: Impr. de Sto. Tomas, 1939. (see also Literature and Translation)

Cuesta, Cardinal Garcia. Catecismo a nipaacar ed protestantismo. Inpatalos balet ed salitay Pangasinan, pinasimbalo tan inarumay amayamay iran bangat, ya sancacanaan ira natan ya amtaen diad Filipinas, na Salvador Millan. Manila: Imp. del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1902. (see also Literature and Translation)

Millan, P. Salvador. Novena ni Nuestra Señora Manaoag patrona ti Pangasinan. Manila: UST Press, 1946. (see also Literature)

Novenarioy sancamagloriaan a patriarca señor San Jose, esposoy reinad cataoenan Maria sancasantosan. Manila: Imprenta del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1904. (see also Literature)

Say Balon Sipan, o dino, El Nuevo Testamento nen Catawan Tayon Manangilaban a si Jesu-Cristo. Manila: Sociedad Biblica Britanica y Extrangera, 1908. (see also Literature and Translation)

Vidal, Francisco. Novenas nen San Vicente Ferrer, tan say inpanbilay to. Inalis ed salitay Pangasinan na Benito Sanchez Fraga. Manila: Tip. Pontificia del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1923. (see also Literature and Translation)


Anderson, James N. “Kinship and property in a Pangasinan barrio.” Ph.D. diss., UCLA, 1964.

Andico, Fe A. “A comparative study of the roles and status of women in subsistence and commercial fishing households in a community in Pangasinan.” Ph.D. diss., UP, 1995.

Bernardino, Benedicto P. “A case study of the socio-economic problems of a sitio in Pangasinan and its implication to the country.” MA thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, 1955.

Cespedes, Carol Marie H. “Away from the land: the evolution of a middle class in a Pangasinan town.” Ph.D. diss., Claremont University College, 1971.


Elemos, Conchita R. “Ecotourism as a strategy for environmental security: a proposed ecotourism approach for Hundred Islands National Park.’ M.N.S.A. thesis, National Defense College of the Philippines, 2000.

The Probe Team. The other side of Pangasinan. 18 min. Quezon City: Probe Productions, 1995. Videocassette.


Cuesta, Cardinal Garcia. Catecismo a nipaacar ed protestantismo. Inpatalos balet ed salitay Pangasinan, pinasimbalo tan inarumay amayamay iran bangat, ya sancacanaan ira natan ya amtaen diad Filipinas, nen Salvador Millan. Manila: Imp. del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1902. (see also Literature and Religion)

Katonungay panamili (Ley electoral) Inkorit ed Pangasinan nen Buenaventura Ferrer. Manila: Oriental Commercial, 1928. (see also Law)

Libro del pueblo, o, Bangat iran nipaacad ed saray sampoloran ganggay Dios tan saray sacramentos. Guinaoay S. Alfonso de Ligorio et inalis balet ed salitay Pangasinan na P. Fr. Salvado Millan. 3rd ed. Manila: Impr. de Sto. Tomas, 1939. (see also Literature and Religion)

Maikling kuwentong Kapampangan at Pangasinan. Binigyan ng introduksiyon at isinalin nina Maria Crisanta S. Nelmida at Lourdes H. Vidal. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1996. (see also Literature)

Osias, Camilo O. Babasaey ombaley: onan aralen. Inpatalos ed wikay Pangasinan di H. Cañiza tan Antonio Ramos. Maynila: J. Fajardo, n.d. (see also Education)

Pangasinan language publication. Contains say konstitusyon na Republika na Pilipinas. n.p., 1973.

Passio domini nostri Iesu christen. Translated into Pangasinan by Antonio Gonzales. n.p., 1849. (see also Literature)

Rizal, Jose. Agmoak didiwiten. Noli me tangere. Impatalus ed Pangasinan nen Lourdes Bengson Ungson. Ibale: Komision na Saray Bayani na Lapag a Bansa, 1963. (see also Literature)

Rizal, Jose. Say isusungpad uley; tungtong ya Filipino. Filibusterismo; novela filipina. Impatalus ed Pangasinan nen Lourdes Bengson Ungson. Ibale: Komision na Saray Bayani na Lapag a Bansa, 1963. (see also Literature)

Say Balon Sipan, o dino, El Nuevo Testamento nen Catawan Tayon Manangilaban a si Jesu-Cristo. Manila: Sociedad Biblica Britanica y Extrangera, 1908. (see also Literature and Religion)

Tokotomi, Kenjiro. Nami-ko (Tuatuwan impanbilay). Patalus ed salitay pangasinan nen M.C. Magsano. Dagupan City: Pangasinan Review Press, 1951. (see also Literature)

Vidal, Francisco. Novenas nen San Vicente Ferrer, tan say inpanbilay to. Inalis ed salitay Pangasinan nen Benito Sanchez Fraga. Manila: Tip. Pontificia del Colegio de Sto. Tomas, 1923. (see also Literature and Religion)

Transportation / Communication

Balle, J. Estracto de la memoria del cable telegrafico submarino de Co. Bolinao (Filipinas) a Hong-Kong. n.p., 1880.

Congregaciones Marianas. El ferro-carril de Manila a Dagupan: con un plano. Manila: Estab. Tipog. dela Oceania Española, 1887.

Urban Planning

Espero, Victorino P. “An analysis of the proposed land uses in the growth centers of Pangasinan.” Ph.D. diss., UP, 1980.


( The author is formerly affiliated with the UP Department of History and Department of Filipino and Philippine Literature. At present, he is an independent scholar, freelance editor and writer. He writes a column for a Dagupan weekly. He can be reached at win1tree@.

[1] Includes theses/dissertations.

[2] Includes theses/dissertations.


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