November 7, 2017

LOCATION: 500 North Calvert Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Third Floor Conference Room


IN ATTENDANCE: Arthur E. Flach

James E. Marshall, Jr.

Macon M. Ware, III

Mary Campbell


Leslie Mostow

Edward J. Helmstetter, Jr.

DLLR OFFICIALS/STAFF: Dennis L. Gring, Executive Director

Shanai Jordan, Assistant Executive Director

Linda Rhew, Administrative Officer

Matthew Lawrence, Counsel

Janet Morgan

Norbert Fenwick, CE Consultant

Michelle Roberts, Administrative Specialist III

Mason Land, Investigator


Sandy Steinwedel, MSATP

Tom Bray, MSATP

The November 7, 2017, meeting of the Maryland Board of Public Accountancy was called to order at 9:02 AM by Chairman of the Board, Arthur E. Flach.

Upon a motion (I) by Mr. Marshall, and seconded by Ms. Campbell, the minutes of the October 3, 2017 meeting were approved without corrections.

Chairman’s Report

Chairman Flach welcomed Mr. Macon M. Ware, III, an Industry Member, as the newest member of the Board.

Chairman Flach led discussion on New CPA Swearing-In Ceremony being held on November 16, 2017, CE Audit failure rates continuing to be on the rise and the need to look at possibly re-vamping the CE reporting methods in Maryland to adopt UAA model rules.

Upon a motion (II) by Mr. Marshall, and seconded by Mr. Ware, the Board unanimously approved the Chairman’s Report.

Executive Director’s Report

Mr. Gring led a discussion on the NASBA Annual meeting in NY which he and Chairman Flach attended, as well as CPA examination release dates, scores and licensing stats. He also discussed Continuing Education Board regulatory changes, applications and controls.

Upon a motion (III) by Ms. Campbell, and seconded by Mr. Marshall, the Board unanimously approved the Executive Director’s Report.

Exam Appeals

Nothing to Report

Education Report

Mr. Flach presented the Education Report. There were four (4) Transfer of Grades applications approved. There were zero (0) Transfer of Grades denials.

Upon a motion (IV) by Mr. Marshall, and seconded by Mr. Ware, the Board unanimously approved the Education Report.

Experience Report

Ms. Campbell presented the Experience Report. There were twenty-five (25) reciprocal applications approved, zero (0) reciprocal application denials, and forty-two (42) Maryland candidate license application approvals. There were zero (0) Maryland candidate application denials.

Upon a motion (V) by Mr. Marshall and seconded by Mr. Ware, the Board unanimously approved the Experience Report.

Amended Experience Report - There were three (3) administrative closures.

Firm Permit Report

Mr. Ware presented the Firm Permit Report. There were five (5) firm permit applications approved, one (1) Minnesota Firm and one (1) Colorado Firm, one (1) New York Firm and one (1) Maine Firm, two (2) firm applications closed; one (1) as incomplete and one (1) was withdrawn.

Upon a motion (VI) by, Mr. Marshall, and seconded by Ms. Campbell, the Board unanimously approved the Firm Permit Report.

Peer Review Oversight Committee Report

Chairman Flach led a discussion on the NASBA Peer Review Presentation at the NASBA Annual meeting in NY.

Upon a motion (VII) by, Mr. Ware, and seconded by Ms. Campbell, the Board unanimously approved the Peer Review Oversight Committee Report.

New Business

No New Business

Old Business

Executive Director Gring led a discussion on continuing education UAA model rules; technical, non-technical requirements.

Upon a motion (VIII) by, Mr. Marshall, and seconded by Mr. Ware, the Board unanimously approved that Mr. Gring, research how to implement the UAA model rule requirements for the Maryland Board.


No Correspondence

Executive Session

Upon a motion (IX), by Mr. Marshall, and seconded by Ms. Campbell, the Board went into Executive Session in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, 500 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 at 10:25 AM. The purpose of this session was to consult with counsel. This session is permitted to be closed pursuant to Section 3-305(b)(7) of the General Provisions Article, Maryland Annotated Code. It returned to the regular business meeting at 10:45 AM upon a motion (X), by Mr. Ware, and seconded by Mr. Marshall.

Complaint Committee Report

Mr. Marshall presented the Complaint Committee Report. Mr. Marshall reported that the Board received two (2) new complaints--both consumer and zero (0) complaints closed.

Upon a motion (XI) by Mr. Ware and seconded by Ms. Campbell, the Board approved the Complaint Committee Report.

Upon a motion (XII) by Ms. Campbell, and seconded by Mr. Marshall, the Board adjourned at 10:48 AM.

NEXT MEETING December 5, 2017, 500 North Calvert Street, Third Floor, 9:00 AM

_____ With corrections ____ Without corrections

_______________________________________ ____________________

Chairman Date


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