Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

One Waterfowl Way

Memphis, TN 38120

(901) 758-3825 [main number]

(901) 758-3850 [fax]

Legal Department Contacts

Jim Flood

General Counsel

(901) 758-3712

Janet Westmoreland


(901) 758-3717

Lesley Whitmire


(901) 758-3964


The policies of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. are established from time to time by the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee. Policy revisions are recommended to the Board by the Executive Committee. All active Officers, Directors, Trustees and volunteer leaders of the organization must be thoroughly familiar with these policies so that we present a consistent viewpoint to the general membership, governmental agencies, allied conservation groups, and the public.


A Mission 5

B. Public Statements 5

C. Budgetary Policy 5

D. Communications with Ducks Unlimited Canada and Ducks Unlimited de Mexico 6

E. Conflict of Interest 6

F. Organizational Code of Conduct for Directors, Staff and Volunteers 7

G. Conduct at Ducks Unlimited Events 10

H. Wetlands and Waterfowl Violation Policy 10

I. Confidential Information 11

J. Real Estate 11

K. Marsh Grants 11

L. Marsh Proposals 12

M. The Ducks Unlimited Magazine 12

N. The Puddler Magazine 12

O. Art and Artists 13

P. Staff Policies and Benefits 13

Q. The Ducks Unlimited Publications List and Video Library 13



1. The Handling of Ducks Unlimited Funds 18

2. Event Reporting (10/30) 18

3. Contractual Limitations 18

4. Guidelines at Events Regarding Notification of Payment Deductibility 19

5. Substantiation 19

6. Sale of Liquor 20

7. Insurance 21

8. Wild Game at Ducks Unlimited Events 21

9. Sale of Items for Fund-Raising 22

10. Trademark/Logo 22

11. Key Sponsor Program 25

12. Sporting Firearms Use 25

13. DU Website 27


1. Organizational Guidelines for State Committees 28

2. Financial Policies for State Committees 29

3. Operating Rebate 29


1. Organizing Ducks Unlimited Local Chapters 33

2. How To Organize a Ducks Unlimited Event 36


A. Membership Programs 37

B. Automatic Membership Payment Program 41

C. Ducks Unlimited Corporations for Conservation 41

D. Ducks Unlimited Tangible Gifts Program 42

E. Feather Society 43

F. Teal Awards 43

G. Palette and Chisel Awards 44

H. Donor Project Program 44

I. Marsh Donor Program 45



Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.

Only those activities which contribute directly toward that end shall be undertaken by Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

It shall be the policy of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. to strive to see that all funds sent to Ducks Unlimited Canada and Ducks Unlimited de Mexico are judiciously expended to most efficiently fulfill the purposes, goals and objectives of Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

Cooperative efforts with other conservation organizations shall be confined to those programs which directly aid Ducks Unlimited's programs.

Research activities which do not contribute directly toward accomplishment of that purpose shall be left to other organizations.

The members of Ducks Unlimited who are also members of other conservation organizations, which may have a wider scope of activities, may use this information as individuals, but in doing so they shall not speak nor act as representatives of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. unless specifically authorized to do so by the President.




Ducks Unlimited strives to maintain the optimum efficiency in operations, endeavoring to maximize conservation expenditures through contributions to Ducks Unlimited Canada, Ducks Unlimited de Mexico, and U.S. Habitat programs. Ducks Unlimited's goal is to spend at least 80% of all funds raised to fulfill our waterfowl conservation mission in North America.


ALL requests for information, inspection tours, dedication trips, reports and other materials and services involving Ducks Unlimited Canada and/or Ducks Unlimited de Mexico shall be channeled through, and coordinated by, the National Headquarters of Ducks Unlimited.


A Ducks Unlimited Director, Officer, Member of a Board of Directors’ Committee and a State Chairman owes a Duty of Loyalty to Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Such persons shall at all times exercise their powers in the interest of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. and not in their own interest or in the interest of others.

A conflict of interest may exist when the interests or concerns of any such person or such person's immediate family, or any party, group or organization to which such person has allegiance may compete or may be seen as competing with the interests or concerns of this organization or when there may be the use or appearance of use of a person’s official position within Ducks Unlimited in a way that might result in personal gain. Any possible or potential conflict of interest shall be disclosed by the person with the potential conflict of interest to the Board of Directors or the Committee on which they serve.

When any such conflict of interest is relevant to a matter requiring action by the Board of Directors, or any Committee on which the person serves, the interested person shall call it to the attention of the Board of Directors or the Committee, and such person shall not vote on the matter. Moreover, once the potential conflict of interest is declared, the person having a conflict shall retire from the room in which the Board or Committee is meeting and shall not participate in the deliberation or decision regarding the matter under consideration. However, that person shall provide the Board or Committee with any and all relevant information.

The Minutes of the meeting of the Board or Committee shall reflect that the conflict of interest was disclosed and that the interested person was not present during the discussion or vote and did not vote. When there is a doubt as to whether a conflict of interest exists, the matter shall be resolved by a vote of the Board of Directors or the relevant Committee, excluding the person concerning whose situation the doubt has arisen.

A copy of this Conflict of Interest Policy shall be furnished to each Ducks Unlimited Director, Officer, Member of a Board of Directors Committee, Member of a Board of Directors Ancillary Committee and State Chairman who is presently serving this organization, or who may hereafter assume such positions when they assume such a position. This policy shall be reviewed annually for the information and guidance of such persons. Any new persons assuming such positions shall be advised of the policy upon undertaking the duties of such position.

Each Ducks Unlimited Director, Officer, Member of a Board of Directors Committee and State Chairman shall annually acknowledge in writing that they have been advised of this Conflict of Interest Policy and will comply with its provisions.



The Board of Directors defines the ethical values and desired behaviors within the organization through an Organizational Code of Conduct and Ducks Unlimited Policies. The Organizational Code of Conduct and Ducks Unlimited Policies provide insight and guidance to the expectations of Directors, Staff and Volunteers with regards to respect, integrity, confidentiality of organization information, accountability of actions, human rights, conservation issues, and the desired public image of Ducks Unlimited.

The Board of Directors influences ethical values and desired behaviors through the Organizational Code of Conduct, Ducks Unlimited Policies and the actions, behaviors and decisions of the Board of Directors as a whole and of its individual Directors. It is essential that Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers actions are consistent with stated values and are in the best interest of the organization. All Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers are required to read, understand and comply with this Organizational Code of Conduct.

Implementing an Organizational Code of Conduct is only effective when proper communication is made to those responsible for following that Code. Conducting training sessions or presentations on the Organizational Code of Conduct and other related issues would reinforce the organization’s values.

DU’s Vision and Values that tie into the Organizational Code of Conduct


• To maintain a high level of service and integrity in our relationships with supporters.

• To foster a culture that promotes learning in order to continually enhance the effectiveness of Ducks Unlimited programs and to constantly improve the way we conduct all aspects of our business.

• To ensure that our conservation programs are guided by sound science and based on the best available information.

• To be an innovative, credible and cost-effective organization, which generates financial, political and moral support from its members, the general public, the private business sector, other charitable organizations and governments.

• To deliver habitat programs that are landscape oriented and sensitive to regional waterfowl needs. To address emerging conservation issues affecting waterfowl habitat.


• Ducks Unlimited uses financial and other resources entrusted to us in an efficient and effective manner with full accountability.

• Ducks Unlimited functions with fairness, integrity, sensitivity and commitment to a high level of service which is vital in our dealing with our supporters and in all our business relationships.

• Ducks Unlimited believes private landholders are vital to our mission; we recognize their contributions and the need to respect their individual interests and unique concerns in the implementation of our conservation programs.

• Ducks Unlimited supports waterfowl hunting, when conducted in an ethical and sustainable manner, as a legitimate and acceptable use of a renewable resource.

Ducks Unlimited’s Organizational Code of Conduct mandates:

Policies and Procedures

Knowledge of and compliance with Ducks Unlimited’s Policies is essential to obtain our vision and maintain our stated values.


• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers treat each other with respect and dignity regardless of role or individual differences.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers maintain a safe and fair work environment.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers value our people in all capacities and their personal commitment to delivering quality services.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers encourage cooperation, learning and growth in all those who work with us.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers strive to understand and respond to the needs of those inside and outside of Ducks Unlimited.

Honesty and Integrity

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers are always fair and honest in our dealings even when others would not know of our actions.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers will not condone the breaches of conduct of others, which involve Ducks Unlimited.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers believe honesty includes not engaging in coercive or misleading practices or falsifying or wrongfully withholding information.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers do not place ourselves in situations in which our private interests could conflict directly or indirectly with our obligations to Ducks Unlimited as provided by Ducks Unlimited’s Conflict of Interest Policies.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers do not accept benefits from others such as gifts or entertainment of such a value that the situation could be seen as creating an obligation as provided by Ducks Unlimited’s Conflict of Interest Policies.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers do not act in ways, which may cause others to question their loyalty to Ducks Unlimited.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers insist upon honesty and integrity, not only with one another, but also with all stakeholders.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers provide truth in advertising.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers shall be truthful in all promotions and publish only accurate information about Ducks Unlimited operations.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers use Ducks Unlimited property responsibly and in the best interests of the organization and its reputation.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers do not use Ducks Unlimited funds to provide benefits such as inappropriate gifts or entertainment for others or ourselves as provided by Ducks Unlimited’s Conflict of Interest Policies.

Confidentiality and Discretion

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers exercise confidentiality and discretion in the use of information proprietary to Ducks Unlimited.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers avoid any conflict of interest, which may interfere with the best interests of Ducks Unlimited as provided by Ducks Unlimited’s Conflict of Interest Policies.

Laws and Regulations

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers respect the laws, customs and business practices of our country as well as other countries in which we operate, but do not compromise the principles embodied in this code.

• In interpreting the law, Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers adopt a course, which preserves integrity.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers will deal with parties with whom we contract in an intelligent and cooperative manner in accordance with contractual relations, written or implied.


• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers are responsible for our actions and accountable for their consequences.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers take personal responsibility for all issues over which we have control and the manner in which these are achieved.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers conduct ourselves at all times in a manner which will reflect well upon Ducks Unlimited as well as the conservation and charitable sectors.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers conduct business to maintain good will within the conservation sector, and to maintain and increase the good will and confidence of Volunteers, members and the general public.


• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers value and promote diversity at Ducks Unlimited with our Board Directors, Staff, Volunteers, members and the general public.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers will foster a non-discriminatory work and business environment to promote a climate of harmony and inclusiveness.

• Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers are responsible for ensuring their behavior is in adherence with Ducks Unlimited’s non-discrimination policy. All Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers are responsible for ensuring their behavior adheres to the policy when representing Ducks Unlimited.

When in Doubt: Self Test

The self-testing questions outlined below will help Board Directors, Staff and Volunteers identify whether or not an issue is in compliance with the Ducks Unlimited’s Organizational Code of Conduct. If you are still in doubt of any issue, you are encouraged to discuss the situation with either your supervisor/manager, or Ducks Unlimited’s General Counsel.

1. Would the action appear to be correct in the eyes of the Board of Directors, Staff, Volunteers, members and the general public? For example, how would it look in a newspaper article?

2. Is it consistent with Ducks Unlimited’s values?

3. Do you feel good about your answers?

4. Would you want to be treated the same way by those affected by the action?


All functions of Ducks Unlimited, whether of a voluntary nature or otherwise, including all fund-raising and other events conducted by Local Chapters, shall be conducted in such a way so as to uphold the integrity, high standards and traditions of Ducks Unlimited. All events and functions of Ducks Unlimited shall be conducted in good taste and in accordance with generally recognized and accepted standards of the community and shall contain nothing to unreasonably offend participants or guests. Any alleged violation of this policy, upon being reported by employees or members of Ducks Unlimited or participants or guests at such function, shall be immediately reviewed by Ducks Unlimited. Upon a finding of a violation of this policy, the individual, group and/or committee responsible thereof shall be appropriately censured, including a review of his or its official status with Ducks Unlimited.


It is the policy of the corporation that all Directors, Officers, State Trustees and National Delegates, Trustee Emeriti, Honorary Trustees, volunteer Committee Chairmen or volunteer Committee members shall comply with all waterfowl, waterfowl habitat, game, fish, hunting and fishing statutes, regulations and ordinances.

Any Director, Officer, State Trustee and National Delegate, Trustee Emeriti, Honorary Trustee, volunteer Committee Chairman or volunteer Committee member of the corporation who is found guilty of or pleads guilty or no contest to a violation of any statute, regulation or ordinance which exists pertaining to waterfowl, waterfowl habitat, game, fish, hunting or fishing shall be in violation of this policy and shall have their official status with the corporation immediately reviewed by the Personnel Policy Committee. If the Personnel Policy Committee determines that disciplinary action is appropriate, it shall determine the disciplinary action, which may include the removal of that person from their volunteer position, that should be taken for such violation and implement such disciplinary action. Any action to discipline a Director, Officer, State Trustee and National Delegate, Trustee Emeriti, Honorary Trustee, volunteer Committee Chairman or volunteer Committee member shall be by a positive vote of at least four (4) of the members of the Personnel Policy Committee.


It is the responsibility of each Director, Trustee, National Officer, State Officer, Area Chairman, Committee and Chapter member, and volunteer who receives Ducks Unlimited membership lists and/or mailing labels, this Operating Manual and other information concerning the names, address and telephone number of Ducks Unlimited members, volunteers and employees to treat such material and the information contained therein as confidential and proprietary information of Ducks Unlimited, maintain its confidentiality and use it only for bona fide Ducks Unlimited activities. Under no circumstances may such lists, mailing labels and information be made public, sold, or given or provided to any organization, company or person for any purpose without the express written permission of the President of Ducks Unlimited.


Purchasing Policy

Ducks Unlimited will acquire easement or title to real estate only when such an acquisition fulfills a Ducks Unlimited need. The Ducks Unlimited Land Review Committee headed by the Group Manager for Conservation Programs shall conduct the initial review of acceptability of all potential acquisitions. Upon their approval for acquisition and the concurrence of the Executive Vice President, potential acquisitions shall be reviewed by Conservation Programs and Finance Committees as appropriate. Acquisition shall proceed on approval of the Board of Directors of Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

Gifts of Real Estate

Ducks Unlimited will accept gifts of real estate, including conservation easements, only when such a gift assists in the fulfillment of the Ducks Unlimited mission. Gifts of real estate are accepted to produce income through resale (trade lands) or to fulfill specific conservation objectives of Ducks Unlimited. As a rule, gifts of real estate for resale will be accepted only after a buyer has been identified and committed to the property. The Ducks Unlimited Land Review Committee headed by the Group Manager for Conservation Programs shall conduct the initial review of acceptability for all potential gifts. Upon approval of the Executive Vice President, gifts of real estate up to a value of $250,000 may be accepted with permission granted from the President without full Board of Directors action. Gifts of real estate with value over $250,000 will be accepted only after Board of Director approval as recommended by the Conservation Programs and Finance Committees, as appropriate. Gifts of conservation easements may be accepted to fulfill conservation priorities in areas designated by the Board of Directors, with permission granted from the President, without full Board of Directors action. All costs associated with Ducks Unlimited's acceptance of real estate gifts will be paid by the donor unless exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise.


The amount of money made available to each state to fund MARSH projects is equal to 7.5% of the state’s net qualifying contributions plus any unused Operating Rebate from the previous year. The MARSH grant will, therefore, fluctuate as Ducks Unlimited’s income fluctuates in each state. Net qualifying contributions are the sum of Event Proceeds and Unrestricted Life Sponsors. MARSH is one of many income sources used to fund the conservation program.


MARSH project proposals are prepared by regional conservation staff in cooperation with the participating partner agencies. These proposals include the pertinent information regarding location (including geographic coordinates and a plat book or topographic map of the project area), legal description, ownership, management objectives, description of work, projected costs, and any supplementary support information pertinent to the project.

Projects that benefit other wildlife species, threatened or endangered species, unique habitats or ecosystems, or having high public visibility or interpretive values in addition to providing substantial waterfowl values will receive priority. These values should be identified in the project proposal. Ducks Unlimited believes that demonstrating how projects help to achieve multiple conservation goals is critical to the success of our program and that of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. For further information on MARSH proposals, contact the nearest regional office or the office of the Chief Biologist.


The Ducks Unlimited magazine is published six times each year by Ducks Unlimited, Inc. The publication covers all aspects of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. as well as other material of interest and concern and is circulated to over 610,000 subscribers.

It is mailed to all active members of the organization as a portion of their membership, to officers and staff members of federal, state, and private agencies, and selected news media.

The editorial policy of the magazine is directed by the Executive Vice President, in accordance with established policy of the Board of Directors and Presidential approval.

The Ducks Unlimited magazine carries commercial advertising published in accordance with accepted and approved standards of the publishing industry. Rate cards are available upon request.


The Puddler magazine is published four times a year by Ducks Unlimited, Inc. It is mailed to Junior Greenwing members (under 12 years old).

Puddler magazine is designed to nurture scientific understanding as well as respect and affection for North America's varied wetland habitat and the wildlife it supports. Features regularly cover waterfowl, natural history, wetlands ecology and wildlife biology. Children are encouraged to explore the natural world around them.

The editorial policy of the magazine is directed by the Executive Vice President, in accordance with established policy of the Board of Directors and Presidential approval.


Two commonly asked questions are, "How does an artist submit subjects for consideration in the Ducks Unlimited magazine?" and "How does an artist receive consideration for Artist of the Year nomination?"

The Ducks Unlimited Magazine will consider any artwork depicting waterfowl or waterfowling. The artist should not send any original material. Satisfactory reproduction in the magazine can be achieved from good color transparencies (4 x 5 or larger). The greater the number of transparencies that can be submitted and kept on file, the greater the chances are that a particular piece of artwork will fit the magazine's editorial needs. If a piece of artwork is used in the Ducks Unlimited magazine, a credit line is included and all inquiries regarding the artwork are forwarded directly to the artist. Submissions should be sent to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief, Ducks Unlimited magazine, One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, Tennessee 38120.

Qualifications for consideration of an artist as the annual "International Artist of the Year" have been formulated by the Event Merchandise Committee. These qualifications are:

1. Must be nationally recognized as an outstanding waterfowl artist.

2. Must have made significant contributions to Ducks Unlimited's national programs or to

other recognized worthy conservation efforts.

Additional details on the Ducks Unlimited "International Artist of the Year" program and National Art Program are available by writing the Field Operations Department at National Headquarters.


The Ducks Unlimited staff operates within the framework of operational policy guidelines formulated by the Personnel Policy Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Ducks Unlimited, Inc. provides its staff employees with employee benefits, formulated by the Personnel Policy Committee and approved by the Board. Additional information regarding these policies and benefits is available from National Headquarters.

The administration of these employee policies and benefits are the direct responsibility of the Executive Vice President, in accordance with the directive and recommendations of the Personnel Policy Committee, the President and the Board.


Publications List

The following Publications List includes recurring Ducks Unlimited, Inc. publications, videos and other materials that may be ordered by volunteers and field staff. Please contact the appropriate regional office or department at National Headquarters to order. There is a charge for some items as noted on the list.

Video Library

National Headquarters maintains a library of videos available to Ducks Unlimited members, chapters and other community organizations. These videos are available on VHS. Titles currently available are listed under the Video Library section of the Publications List. Please contact your regional director at least two weeks before your event to arrange to purchase a copy. To receive credit for the cost of the video, please return it immediately following your event, and the charge will be reversed. By doing this, DU can provide videos to others and keep production costs to a minimum. VHS tapes cost $12 plus shipping unless otherwise noted on the list.







Funds collected by Local Chapters are to be forwarded to National Headquarters without delay accompanied by the necessary records. Local Chapters are urged to request checks or bank credit cards whenever possible; they are easy to handle and provide a record for income tax purposes.

a. Under NO circumstances are member contributions and event proceeds to be deposited in any State account - all contributions must be forwarded immediately to National Headquarters pursuant to the Event Reporting Policy listed below.

b. Under NO circumstances are Ducks Unlimited employees allowed to handle money at events or to be a signatory on any Ducks Unlimited Committee or Chapter bank account.

c. It is important that all funds be secured by volunteer efforts. A concerted effort must be made to keep expenses to a minimum. Ducks Unlimited is extremely proud of its record and intends to maintain it in order that the major part of all contributions will be available for our conservation work.

d. Under no circumstances shall any monies received in the name of Ducks Unlimited be used to defray any personal costs incurred during the performance of any volunteer duties.



Events which net/net a minimum of $2,500 and increase their Regular Adult Membership by a minimum of fifteen (15) net members or increase their net/net proceeds by five percent (5%) (under $20,000 events) or $1,000 ($20,000 or more events) will qualify for inclusion in the Growth Incentive program. Sponsor and Greenwing events can only qualify via the five percent (5%) or $1,000 increase.


A State Committee or Local Chapter shall have authority to enter into only such contracts, obligations or agreements as are necessary for and directly related to the holding and promotion of usual, customary and reasonable fund-raising events. No State Committee or Local Chapter shall have express or implied authority to enter into any other contract, obligation or agreement and may not do so without the express written consent of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. No volunteer is authorized to borrow funds in the name of a State Committee, Local Chapter or Ducks Unlimited.


Increased interest by Congress and the Internal Revenue Service concerning fund-raising practices of charitable organizations has prompted the Commissioner of the IRS to request that an effort be made to notify and inform attendees of fund-raising events as to the tax deductibility of various payments made at the events. The following is an example:

a. Clearly state on the dinner ticket the value of the dinner received and the "tax deductible" portion which represents a contribution made for an individual's membership within Ducks Unlimited.

For example:

Ducks Unlimited Membership $25.00 (tax deductible charitable contribution*)

Dinner 20.00

Total Cost $45.00

*Contributions to Ducks Unlimited (a 501 (c) (3) organization) may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor.

An example of an event ticket is included at the end of this section.

b. Do not describe either explicitly or implicitly the entire payment as deductible.

c. Amounts paid for raffle tickets are not deductible charitable contributions. Care must be taken not to imply otherwise on the raffle ticket or in the advertising of a raffle.

d. For auctions, clearly state in the event program that only the amount paid in excess of the fair market value of an item purchased can be properly deducted as a contribution. The purchaser of each item should receive a receipt depicting the fair market value. See the Substantiation Policy below.


Ducks Unlimited State Committees and Local Chapters must comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service to document charitable contributions by our contributors:

a. Tickets to Ducks Unlimited events must disclose the portion of the ticket price that is deductible as a charitable contribution. See Guidelines At Events Regarding Notification of Payment Deductibility above for guidance.

b. The "fair market value" of merchandise purchased at all auctions must be disclosed on contemporaneously received auction receipts. Requisite language regarding deductibility and disclosure of fair market value is preprinted in the auction receipt books supplied to State Committees and Local Chapters. Auction receipt books are available and should be used for all events. Please destroy all old receipt books that do not have this required language.

See Auction Bid Ticket at the end of this section.

c. Fair market value for Ducks Unlimited Event merchandise is the cost to the State Committee or Local Chapter; fair market value for merchandise contributed to the event is the State Committee's or Local Chapter’s best estimate of what it would cost to purchase the item in the community.

d. Written acknowledgments of contributions for underwriting is a mandatory standard procedure for State Committees and Local Chapters. The law mandates the acknowledgment.

( $250 or more to underwrite the cost of an event. State Committees and Local Chapters must acknowledge with a receipt cash contributions of $250 or more that underwrite events.

( State Committees and Local Chapters must provide written acknowledgments for

merchandise contributed to events. These acknowledgments must describe the merchandise, but valuation of the items is the responsibility of the donor. The value of merchandise contributed does not qualify for membership credit.

e. Membership cash contributions to Ducks Unlimited of $250 or more also require

contemporaneous written acknowledgments. This will be handled at National Headquarters for all contributions written on the dinner lists and submitted to National Headquarters.

f. The law provides for penalties up to $5,000 for each instance of noncompliance.


Any State Committee or Local Chapter function will avoid specific involvement with the sale or dispensing of liquor to the guests. If the cash bar system is used, the hotel or restaurant which is the site of the function is the one who must dispense the sale of the liquor and must handle all proceeds in connection with its purchase, and Committee and Chapter personnel should remain clear of any involvement or control, including the sale of drink tickets.

At those events where third-party sale and/or dispensing is impossible or not available, the cost of alcoholic beverages should be included as part of the overall price of attending the event and should not be sold on an individual drink basis. The Committee or Chapter must comply with applicable State and local laws concerning the use and distribution of alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic beverages shall not be served to persons under the legal drinking age or persons under the influence of alcohol.

It is important that Committees and Chapters use caution, care and common sense when dealing with alcoholic beverages at their event.


Ducks Unlimited has on a national level property and liability insurance coverage to insure bona fide Ducks Unlimited events.

Below is a summary of Ducks Unlimited’s insurance coverage. This is a general outline. A detailed description of Ducks Unlimited's coverage is contained in the master insurance policies at National Headquarters.

a. GENERAL LIABILITY: Ducks Unlimited has general liability insurance for all

Ducks Unlimited sponsored and authorized functions. This coverage insures Ducks Unlimited members, serving as volunteers, trustees, directors or officers at a Ducks Unlimited sponsored and authorized event, for liability they incur for personal injury and property damage which arises from their work in a voluntary capacity for Ducks Unlimited. Ducks Unlimited's liability insurance does not insure liability incurred by persons who are not members of Ducks Unlimited.

b. HOST LIQUOR LIABILITY: Host Liquor Liability Coverage is included in our

general liability coverage. It covers liability of the insured or his indemnity arising out of the giving or serving of alcoholic beverages at functions incidental to the named insured's business, provided the named insured is not engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, selling, serving or furnishing of alcoholic beverages.

c. PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE: Ducks Unlimited has personal property coverage for fine arts, guns and other Event Merchandise items. This coverage will also cover items which have been insured directly by Ducks Unlimited after having been cataloged by our Development Department. For fine arts and Event Merchandise items, other than guns, the coverage has a $2,500 deductible per occurrence. For guns the coverage has a $2,500 deductible per occurrence. This coverage, subject to the respective deductible, will also insure items donated or purchased by a committee, from sources other than National Event Merchandise, so long as it can be demonstrated that their ownership has been transferred to Ducks Unlimited.

d. COVERAGE EXCLUSION: Ducks Unlimited's insurance does not cover any event

which is for the benefit of the participants only and has no connection with a Ducks Unlimited activity or Ducks Unlimited fund-raising.

Important Notes:

( Our insurance is comprehensive enough so that under normal circumstances no

additional insurance should be necessary.

( If a certificate of insurance is needed, call the Legal Department at National

Headquarters and you will receive an insurance certificate.

For further questions on our coverage or insurance matters in connection with Ducks Unlimited activities, see your Regional Director or call the General Counsel at National Headquarters.


If any wild game is served at a Ducks Unlimited event, it must be a gift of a legal possession limit by person or persons who have taken said game within the framework of Federal and State regulations. Particular attention should be given to avoiding any reference to wild game being served at an event where tickets are sold. If the game is to be served, it must be exclusive of any charge and no tickets, flyers, or information pieces should reflect the sale of any such wild game.

If the sale of art works that might consist of a taxidermy item is undertaken at a Ducks Unlimited event, proper documentation that said animal was pen-raised and reduced to the category of domestic animal, within the meaning of Federal and State regulations, must be present and such sale must be conducted in compliance with applicable Federal and State regulations.


All proposed fund-raising programs involving the sale of any items by a State Committee outside of its State's event system or by a Local Chapter at other than its event(s) shall be submitted by the State Committee or Local Chapter making the proposal to National Headquarters, through the State Chairman, for recommendation by the Event Merchandise Committee for approval by the Executive Officer and President. No State Committee or Local Chapter is authorized to sell any item bearing the name Ducks Unlimited or in the name of Ducks Unlimited, or as a function of Ducks Unlimited, without specific approval of the President. For additional information, see the Trademark/Logo Policy below. No State Committee or Local Chapter may use any funds contributed for utilization in Ducks Unlimited's conservation program for the underwriting of any special program.


Trademarks are very valuable assets of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. By exclusively identifying our services and products, Ducks Unlimited's trademarks symbolize the quality and excellence of Ducks Unlimited and serve to help maintain and enhance our reputation. Because of the importance of our trademarks the following policy has been adopted regarding the use of the Ducks Unlimited trademarks.

a. Definitions - As used in this Policy the following words shall have the following meanings:

Ducks Unlimited Trademark(s) - Those trademarks of Ducks Unlimited listed in Exhibit A of this policy and/or in Ducks Unlimited's Corporate Identity Manual, all derivative forms of such trademarks, any trademark representing Ducks Unlimited and all confusingly similar trademarks.

Promotional Items - Tickets, press releases, advertisements, stationery and programs distributed by a State or Regional Committee or a Local Chapter to promote a fund-raising event.

Event Merchandise - Raffle items, auction items, items for sale and give away items

used at Ducks Unlimited fund-raising events.

b. Ownership of Trademarks - All Ducks Unlimited Trademarks are owned exclusively by Ducks Unlimited, Inc. No person, committee, chapter, company or corporation is authorized to use or permit another party to use a Ducks Unlimited trademark or confusingly similar trademark without the express written license from Ducks Unlimited's National Office.

c. License

State/Regional Committees - Ducks Unlimited hereby grants to Ducks Unlimited State

and Regional Committees a nonexclusive license to use the Ducks Unlimited Trademarks as provided in this Section:

( The Ducks Unlimited Trademarks may only be used on Promotional Items

and Event Merchandise used to promote or used at a State Committee,

Regional Committee or Local Chapter fund-raising event in the Committee's

state or a state in the Regional Committee's region;

( The Ducks Unlimited Trademarks may only be used in the formats listed in Exhibit A of this policy or in Ducks Unlimited's Corporate Identity Manual, except that the State's or Region's name may be placed in close juxtaposition to a Ducks Unlimited Trademark. The Ducks Unlimited Word Trademarks "DUCKS UNLIMITED", "DU", "TEAM DU" and “GREENWING” may be used in different type style formats;

( A State or Regional Committee may instruct a vendor to place the Ducks

Unlimited Trademarks on items the Committee is purchasing for fund-

raising events held within the respective Committee's state or region; and,

( No other use of Ducks Unlimited Trademarks by the State or Regional

Committee is authorized by this license.

Local Chapter - Ducks Unlimited hereby grants to Ducks Unlimited Local Chapters a

nonexclusive license to use the Ducks Unlimited Trademarks as provided in this Section:

( The Ducks Unlimited Trademarks may only be used on Promotional Items and Event Merchandise which are used to promote, or used at the Local Chapter's fund-raising events;

( The Ducks Unlimited Trademarks may only be used in the formats listed in Exhibit A of this policy or in Ducks Unlimited's Corporate Identity Manual, except that the Local Chapter's name may be placed in close juxtaposition to a Ducks Unlimited Trademark. The Ducks Unlimited Word Trademarks "DUCKS UNLIMITED", "DU", "TEAM DU" and “GREENWING” may be used in different type style formats;

( A Local Chapter may instruct a vendor to place the Ducks Unlimited Trademarks on items the Chapter is purchasing for its fund-raising events; and,

( No other use of the Ducks Unlimited Trademarks by the Local Chapter is authorized by this license.

d. Sale Other Than At Fund Raising Events - No use of any Ducks Unlimited Trademark on any item proposed for sale by the State or Regional Committee or Local Chapter, other than at fund-raising events as permitted in Section (C) of this Policy, may be made by the State or Regional Committee or Local Chapter.

e. Third Party Use - Except to instruct a Vendor to place the Ducks Unlimited Trademarks on items the Committee or Chapter is purchasing for its own fund-raising events, no State or Regional Committee or Local Chapter shall directly or indirectly authorize a third party to use any of the Ducks Unlimited Trademarks.








(This will include the actual trademark symbol)




Ducks Unlimited Word Trademarks may be used with Ducks Unlimited Symbol Trademarks.


In order to become a Key Sponsor, one must commit to five years of giving at the Bronze, Silver or Gold Sponsor levels. Key Sponsors will receive a “Key Sponsor” decal and a one-time “Key Sponsor” pin when they pledge their commitment. These items are in addition to the Ducks Unlimited Sponsor membership card, Sponsor pin, and subscription to Ducks Unlimited Magazine.


The following is the procedure for the handling and use of sporting firearms for fundraising purposes at Ducks Unlimited events:

STEP 1 ( The local Federal Firearms License dealer (“FFL Dealer”), or his authorized representative *, takes the firearms to the event.

STEP 2 – The firearms are displayed, auctioned, and/or raffled at the event site.

STEP 3 ( After the event, the firearms are returned directly to the FFL Dealer’s place of business. The Ducks Unlimited buyers/winners must go to that FFL Dealer’s place of business to complete a Form 4473 and have a NICS (or state) background check completed. Upon successful completion of those two requirements, and any state mandated waiting period, the firearm(s) will be delivered to the buyer(s)/winner(s) at the FFL Dealer’s place of business. **

* An authorized representative can be someone other than an employee of the FFL Dealer. Said authorized representative can be anyone so designated by the FFL Dealer (including a Ducks Unlimited volunteer or staff member.) That authorized representative will be responsible for ensuring the security of the firearms while they are in his possession, as well as the prompt return of the firearms to the FFL Dealer’s place of business after the Ducks Unlimited event.

** In lieu of the standard Step 3 procedure, the FFL Dealer, or an assigned employee of the FFL Dealer, may attend the Ducks Unlimited event and have all Forms 4473 completed and all NICS (or state) background check calls made at the event site. Upon successful completion of those two requirements, the firearm(s) can be delivered to said buyer(s)/winner(s) at the event site.

In addition to this basic firearms handling procedure, the following additional critical issues must be addressed, and procedures adhered to:

Firearms not auctioned or raffled at an event (e.g., a dinner gun that didn’t meet the reserve), must be returned to the State Committee’s or Local Chapter’s local FFL Dealer for: (a) retention by that FFL Dealer until the Regional Director identifies another event or FFL Dealer to direct the firearms to. (At that time, the original FFL Dealer must ship the firearm to the second FFL Dealer at that other event’s locale); or (b) the immediate return of said firearm to Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters. All reasonable shipping expenses related to these processes will be the responsibility of Ducks Unlimited.

All fees for NICS or state background checks and/or transfers must be paid by the respective buyer(s)/winner(s) of Ducks Unlimited event firearms. Those fees cannot be paid using Ducks Unlimited funds.

Local FFL Dealers play an increasingly important role in ensuring the continuing and uninterrupted use of sporting firearms at Ducks Unlimited events. Each Ducks Unlimited State Committee and Local Chapter, in cooperation with its Regional Director, must determine the best process for developing an effective and reliable working relationship with its local FFL Dealer.

If a firearm buyer/winner does not pass the NICS or state background check, the firearm cannot be given to him/her under any circumstances, nor can that rejected applicant be permitted to transfer ownership of the firearm to another individual of his/her choosing! The firearm must remain the property of Ducks Unlimited until an alternative disposition is determined. A compensatory award to the original rejected applicant may be made. In the case of an auction sale, the rejected applicant can be refunded no more than his/her prepaid bid price for the firearm. If a raffle winner, the rejected applicant may be refunded no more than the Ducks Unlimited cost of the firearm in question, or half of the raffle proceeds, whichever is less. It will be the responsibility of the State Committee or Local Chapter, in cooperation with its Regional Director, to decide if a compensatory award lower than these standards is justified, and to implement that decision accordingly. If a lesser amount is to be awarded, that possibility needs to be disclosed in advance. Suggested disclaimer language is as follows: “If you present the winning ticket, but fail to pass the state or federal background check necessary to take possession of the firearm being offered as a prize in this raffle, Ducks Unlimited’s remuneration to you will be limited to (list award amount).”

Per BATF regulations, a person may acquire, through auction or raffle, a rifle or shotgun (but not a handgun) in a state in which he does not reside, but only under the following circumstances. One, he must make the acquisition of the firearm in person. Two, he must make the acquisition at the FFL Dealer’s business premises. Three, the acquisition must comply with all State laws applicable in the state of the acquisition and the state where the purchaser resides. Thus, if the buyer/winner of a Ducks Unlimited event firearm is a nonresident of the state in which the event is held, and is able to personally pick up his/her Ducks Unlimited firearm from the State Committee’s or Local Chapter’s FFL Dealer, he/she can do so legally. However, if he/she cannot, for whatever reason, pick up that firearm personally at the FFL Dealer’s premises, it will be necessary for the Ducks Unlimited State Committee’s or Local Chapter’s local FFL Dealer to ship the firearm to a FFL Dealer of the nonresident buyer/winner’s choice in his state of residence. The final transfer of the firearm will then be legally completed in that other state. All additional shipping and transfer costs associated with this interstate transaction shall be the responsibility of the nonresident buyer/winner.

All Ducks Unlimited firearm transactions must absolutely adhere to all governing state and local laws, as well as to all Federal/BATF regulations.

All Ducks Unlimited State Committees and Local Chapters shall follow these policies. Where alternatives are permitted, as presented in this policy statement, Ducks Unlimited State Committees and Local Chapters may exercise them at their discretion. Where direction is given, adherence by all Ducks Unlimited staff and volunteers is absolutely necessary.

Any questions about these procedures should be directed to Gary Schmidt at National Headquarters, at (901) 758-3919.


The World Wide Web address for the Ducks Unlimited, Inc. national web site is . The site provides news and information of interest to DU members and the general public. The site is updated weekly, offering information on:

• Local fundraising events

• Membership information and renewal

• Conservation

• DU Publications

• Latest News

• Waterfowl Education

The Ducks Unlimited, Inc. On-line Community

Housed under the Your State section of is the Ducks Unlimited On-line Community. This is a free service offered by Ducks Unlimited, Inc. which enables our State Committees to operate and manage a web site for their state organization. The State Chairman shall designate a volunteer state webmaster to work in conjunction with the Ducks Unlimited, Inc. webmaster in order to maintain their state site.

To view or download guidelines for developing state sites, please refer to the Your State section of under the Guidelines for The Ducks Unlimited On-line Community.

The Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Official Web Sites

To effectively manage our brand on the Internet, DU National is asking that all official state web sites of Ducks Unlimited be housed within this community.

Establishing ourselves within an organized community will enable us to develop structured, localized, DU-wide Internet programs in the future - aiding chapters, the event system and our members. Therefore, we are asking that the organization consolidate on line.

Elements of your state site that benefit your state and chapter level organization can be maintained separately from the DU Community. However, primary information such as events, newsletters, and contact information, needs to be published only on your community state site.

For further information on policy and procedure, please contact the Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Webmaster at 901-758-3825.



STATE CHAIRMAN - Develops and promotes the activities of Ducks Unlimited within the state, in accordance with established corporate policy and guidelines. Appointed by the President on recommendation of the Senior Vice President - Flyway and Regional Vice President. (For further duties, see the State Chairman description under the Board, Committee and Staff Organization and Responsibilities Section of this Operating Manual.)

STATE CHAIRMAN ELECT - Assists the State Chairman during the second year of the State Chairman's term. Acts for State Chairman in the State Chairman's absence. Elected by the State Committee for a one year term during the second year of a State Chairman's term.

TREASURER - Receives funds and maintains a record of all funds received and/or disbursed. Forwards all net proceeds and credit card receipts from State Committee Events to National Headquarters. Maintains liaison with State Chairman. Sees that all financial obligations are fulfilled in an orderly and timely fashion. Elected or appointed by the State Chairman with the approval of the Regional Vice President and State Committee or State Council for a two-year term. (For further duties, see the State Treasurer description under the Board, Committee and Staff Organization and Responsibilities Section of this Operating Manual.)

STATE COUNCIL - Consists of State Committee Officers, Past State Chairmen, Past State Officers, Past Trustees and National Delegates and other volunteer leaders who have rendered important services to Ducks Unlimited. The State Council is to provide valuable counsel and advice to the State Committee in matters relating to policies, procedures, organization and fund-raising campaigns. (For further duties, see the State Council description under the Board, Committee and Staff Organization and Responsibilities Section of this Operating Manual.)

STATE COMMITTEE - The State Committee is to provide the forward line of representation of Ducks Unlimited to members and the public. (For membership and further duties, see the State Committee description under the Board, Committee and Staff Organization and Responsibilities Section of this Operating Manual.)

ANCILLARY COMMITTEES - Ancillary committees shall be designated by the State Chairman, with the approval of the State Council and shall serve at their pleasure. The State Chairman shall designate the chairman of each committee.


A State Committee may only open one bank account in a depository approved by the State Committee upon recommendation by the State Treasurer. The "State Account" will be established to receive the Operating Rebate from National Headquarters. See Operating Rebate policy below. Disbursements are to be made by the State Treasurer upon direction from the State Committee and in compliance with the Operating Rebate Policy. Checks drawn on the account and other withdrawals from the account, shall require the signature of at least two State Committee members, one of which shall be either the State Chairman or the State Treasurer. A State Committee shall complete the Ducks Unlimited Bank Record Authorization Form which grants representatives of Ducks Unlimited authorization to inquire and receive copies of bank records relating to the State Committee account and the Ducks Unlimited Bank Account Policy Acknowledgment Form. Examples of such forms are included at the end of this section.



Each State Chairman is authorized to make application in writing, to National Headquarters through the Regional Vice President, to be reimbursed for approved State Committee expenditures. Application for the Operating Rebate must be made in writing by the State Chairman prior to February 28 of the year following the fiscal year for which the application is being made and must be approved by the Regional Vice President.

The Regional Vice President has the authority, obligation and the responsibility to supervise the administration of the Operating Rebate program for the states within his region, and to approve, under the following guidelines, the utilization of Operating Rebate by those State Committees. At the end of the fiscal year, any Operating Rebate not requested from National Headquarters will be transferred to the respective State’s MARSH program for use in accordance with prescribed guidelines of the program.


Computation of Operating Rebate

As soon as possible after the beginning of each fiscal year, National Headquarters shall provide to each State Chairman and Regional Vice President a report detailing how much money is available to the State Committee as the State's Operating Rebate. The maximum amount which shall be made available for the year shall be equal to two percent (2%) of the total funds raised by each state through events, non-event memberships, and unrestricted life sponsors, less expenses of printouts and labels, postage for dues notices and miscellaneous supplies from National Headquarters.

Event Proceeds $ XXX,XXX

Unrestricted Life Sponsors XX,XXX


X 2%



Printouts and labels X,XXX

Miscellaneous materials X,XXX


Requests for Operating Rebate

( A request for the Operating Rebate shall be initiated by the State Chairman in writing. Any such request shall include a full and complete accounting of the use of all Operating Rebate for the prior fiscal year, including beginning and ending balances and a complete listing, in check number sequence, of all disbursements.

( All requests for Operating Rebate funds shall include a detailed budget showing anticipated expenditures for the current fiscal year in the categories described in Section (C) below.

( All requests for Operating Rebates require the written approval of the Regional Vice

President prior to processing by National Headquarters. The Regional Vice President must

also approve the financial report and budget accompanying the request.

Operating Rebate Accounting

( National Headquarters will provide a standardized reporting format to each state for both accounting and budgetary reporting regarding the Operating Rebate.

( The State Chairman, in conjunction with the State Treasurer, shall retain all necessary

documents and materials pertaining to State Operating Rebate as required to properly maintain records of such funds including records of deposits, canceled checks, paid invoices and the like, for a period of five years after their creation.

( The State Chairman and State Treasurer will be required to sign a statement to the effect that

they have read and understand this policy prior to Operating Rebates being disbursed to the state.

( A State Committee shall maintain only one bank account.

Audit Procedures

All accounting records and supporting documents as well as budgetary requests of a State Committee are subject to internal or independent audit by Ducks Unlimited. Such audits shall be performed where funds have been expended in violation of these policies and may be performed at any time on a random or requested basis. A request for an audit should be made in writing to the Internal Auditor, by a senior level officer of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. The State Chairman and Treasurer are responsible for the proper administration, disbursement and accounting for the Operating Rebate in their state and shall comply with all audit requests in a timely manner.



Operating Rebates may be used for the following purposes:

( Local Chapter start-up funds

a. New Local Chapters shall be entitled to cash advances of no more than four hundred dollars ($400.00) in start-up funds.

b. New Local Chapters events, whether general membership dinners or events, golf

tournaments, clay target shoots, or Sponsor events, are entitled to these start-up funds.

( Printing of stationery and envelopes

a. Operating Rebate may be used for stationery needs of state and local officers as approved by the State Chairman. Line art or photo ready art for this purpose shall be provided by National Headquarters.

b. The cost of stationery supplied by National Headquarters will be charged to the Operating Rebate.

( Postage

a. Reasonable postage for state approved programs.

b. The State Chairman's postage, in a reasonable amount, shall be deemed proper.

( Telephone

a. Long distance charges for the State Chairman's telephone use, in a reasonable amount, are allowed.

b. Base telephone charges are not includible and shall not be reimbursable.

( State Newsletters

Reasonable charges for state newsletters are payable from the Operating Rebate. State

Committees are encouraged to sell advertisements and request corporate or individual

underwriting to pay costs for such newsletters.

( State Conventions

a. Incidental costs of state conventions may be paid from the Operating Rebate. Incidental costs do not include general convention costs, which are covered by delegate fees or registration charges or are covered by corporate or individual underwriting.

b. Costs of state officer or delegate entertainment, meals, lodging, or travel expenses shall not be paid from Operating Rebate or other Ducks Unlimited funds.

( Auction, Merchandising and Promotional Items

Operating Rebate may be used to fund event merchandise items approved by the State

Committee to the extent not underwritten or not recovered from funds actually generated

by such items. All such items must be handled through the Operating Rebate.


Operating Rebates may be used for the following purposes only with the written approval of the Regional Vice President:

( Regional and Flyway Meetings

a. All incidental costs of regional and flyway meetings shall be apportioned to the states

attending and may be paid from the Operating Rebate. Personal expenses, such as

meals, lodging, entertainment, travel costs, etc. are not reimbursable from Operating

Rebate or other Ducks Unlimited funds.

b. For flyway council meetings, only the state's share of any Ducks Unlimited hosted

reception shall be payable from Operating Rebate. The proceeds from registration fees required of delegates, underwriting donations and other donations shall be deducted

from costs in arriving at amounts to be paid from the Operating Rebate.

( Plaques, Pins and Awards

States wishing to recognize extraordinary effort on the part of a volunteer shall request approval for such an expenditure. National Headquarters makes awards available for

conservation service and distinguished service awards for retiring Committee and Chapter chairmen. Costs should be kept to a minimum befitting the occasion.

( Reasonable Secretarial Services

a. Reasonable secretarial services may be permitted a State Chairman.

b. In the case of large states having larger detailed state budgets and accounting

requirements, the State Treasurer may be permitted such services as well, but only on

written approval of both the State Chairman and the Regional Vice President.

( Approved Event Merchandise

In states having an approved state event merchandise program, the Operating Rebate

may be used to fund start-up costs associated with such an item(s).

( Refunds and Other Miscellaneous Costs

Refunds to Local Chapters of up to $500.00 for event expenses incurred within Ducks

Unlimited policy and properly supported and other generally non-refundable or

reimbursable costs incurred within Ducks Unlimited policy and properly supported may

be permitted when the Regional Vice President deems such to be absolutely necessary.

Written approval must be obtained prior to disbursement of any funds for this purpose.

The State Chairman shall request such refund approval in writing with adequate



The Operating Rebate shall not be used for the following purposes:

( Local Chapter Events

Other than use of Operating Rebate for start-up purposes, no Operating Rebate shall be

used to underwrite or otherwise support any committee or chapter event. All Ducks

Unlimited events are considered to be fund-raising events and are to be self-supporting.

( Meeting Expenses

The expenses of any state officer attending a national or state convention, a flyway council meeting, a state chairman's meeting or any other local, state, regional, flyway or national meeting shall not be reimbursable from Operating Rebate. Such expenses shall include, but not be limited to, travel expenses of any kind, meals, hotel or other accommodations, delegate expense or registration fees, entertainment expenses or any other expenses associated with attending such meetings.

( Personal Expenses of Volunteer Workers, Officers or Delegates

Operating Rebate shall not be used to defray the personal expenses of any volunteer

worker, Ducks Unlimited officer or Ducks Unlimited delegate in any manner, except as

above defined and permitted. Personal expenses shall include, but not be limited to,

secretarial expenses, postage or mail expenses, telephone expenses, travel expenses,

meals, entertainment expenses, hotel or other accommodation expenses, expenses due

to time expended on volunteer functions, or any other expense not specifically approved by this policy statement.

( State Office Employees

Operating Rebate shall not be used to compensate a person as an employee. State

Committees are to be operated strictly through volunteer efforts.


( Referral to National Finance Committee

Where funds have been expended in violation of these policies, if deemed necessary, the matter may be referred to the National Finance Committee. The National Finance Committee may, at its discretion, refer a matter to outside auditors of Ducks Unlimited or to legal counsel for appropriate action.

( Withholding of Operating Rebate

Where the Operating Rebate has been expended in violation of policy, Operating

Rebate for the ensuing fiscal year may be withheld from the amount due the state in the

amount of such improper expenditure.

( Other Actions

If, in the opinion of the National Finance Committee, other measures are deemed

necessary, such matter shall be referred to the Executive Committee or Board of Directors for appropriate action.




All Ducks Unlimited Local Chapters must be organized and operated within the Policies and By-Laws of Ducks Unlimited, Inc.


A Local Chapter shall consist of volunteer members of Ducks Unlimited, organized within a specific geographic area who are actively involved in raising funds to assist in fulfilling the mission of Ducks Unlimited. To remain in active status, a Local Chapter must hold at least one membership fund-raising event per year.


A Local Chapter shall have as its primary purpose the generation of funds to be used by Ducks Unlimited for developing, preserving, restoring and maintaining waterfowl habitat on the North American continent, and educating the general public concerning wetlands and waterfowl management. In so doing, each Local Chapter shall strive to develop an interest in the objectives and goals of Ducks Unlimited at the local level and provide a means, for those interested, for communicating within the organization.


In addition to its general purpose, a Local Chapter shall have the following responsibilities:

a. Recruit members for Ducks Unlimited.

b. Participate in the development and conduct of fund-raising events.

c. Offer suggestions and recommendations to the State Committee for the improvement and growth of Ducks Unlimited.

d. Comply with all operational policies of Ducks Unlimited including those set forth in the Operating Manual of Ducks Unlimited and By-Laws of Ducks Unlimited, Inc.


In addition to any other officers designated or elected by a Local Chapter, each Local Chapter shall have at least the following two officers:

Area Chairman

An Area Chairman who shall be elected or appointed by the Local Chapter and approved by the State Chairman for a recommended two year term. His basic function shall be to develop and promote the activities of Ducks Unlimited in a specific local area in accordance with established Ducks Unlimited policies and guidelines. (For further duties, see the Area Chairman description under the Board, Committee and Staff Organization and Responsibilities Section of this Operating Manual.)


A Treasurer who shall be elected by the Local Chapter. The Treasurer's basic function shall be to receive, maintain and account for all funds received by the Local Chapter and to pay all reasonable expenses thereof. In so doing, he shall comply with these guidelines and regulations, as well as all operational policies of Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

THE POSITIONS AND DUTIES OF THE AREA CHAIRMAN AND TREASURER MUST REMAIN SEPARATE, AND SHALL NEVER BE HELD BY THE SAME PERSON AT THE SAME TIME. During the election process of the Treasurer, the personal and professional relationships between the Area Chairman and Treasurer should be evaluated by the Chapter to ascertain the ability of each individual to independently perform their duties. Ducks Unlimited, Inc. shall have the right to disapprove of any person designated, appointed or elected as an officer of a Chapter, including the Area Chairman and Treasurer. If Ducks Unlimited, Inc. exercises its right to disapprove of any such officer, the Chapter shall elect or appoint another person to serve in such capacity.


Meetings of a Local Chapter shall be held from time to time as called by the Area Chairman. Costs of such meetings are the personal responsibility of the participants and no Ducks Unlimited funds may be used to underwrite the cost or reimburse the participants for their expenses.

For purposes hereof, fund-raising events shall include: (a) only those events as are otherwise detailed in this Operating Manual; (b) those events which have been traditionally and generally utilized by chapters of Ducks Unlimited in conjunction with its fund-raising efforts; or (c) such other events as may be approved from time to time by Ducks Unlimited. All fund-raising events conducted by a Local Chapter shall be in accordance with generally accepted community morals and standards and shall be conducted in such a way so as not to reflect adversely upon the reputation of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. or the Local Chapter.


A Local Chapter, although organized to assist Ducks Unlimited, Inc., shall not speak or act as a representative of Ducks Unlimited, unless specifically authorized to do so by the President. All fund-raising activities shall be conducted for the sole benefit of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. and the Local Chapter shall be solely responsible for the conduct and content thereof.


In addition to all other Policies of Ducks Unlimited with regard to the handling of funds and fund-raising events, a Local Chapter shall comply with the following:

a. The expenditure of any funds by a Local Chapter shall only be in accordance with the policies of Ducks Unlimited. Funds received by a Local Chapter shall be used to defray only those reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the promotion and presentation of fund-raising events, and for no other purpose, including personal costs incurred during performance of volunteer duties. All funds raised by or for Ducks Unlimited and contributions made to Ducks Unlimited are the sole property of Ducks Unlimited and may not be used for the personal benefit of any member of Ducks Unlimited or any other individual or organization.

b. Only one checking account, interest bearing if possible, shall be established in the name of the Local Chapter. Such account shall be used as a temporary depository of funds received by the Local Chapter and for the payment of all allowable expenses of the Local Chapter. Checks drawn on the account, and other withdrawals from the account, shall require the signature of at least two Local Chapter members, one of which shall be either the Area Chairman or the Treasurer. Each Local Chapter shall complete the Ducks Unlimited Bank Record Authorization Form which grants representatives of Ducks Unlimited authorization to inquire and receive copies of bank records relating to the Local Chapter account and the Ducks Unlimited Bank Account Policy Acknowledgment Form. Examples of such forms are included at the end of this section.

c. The Area Chairman and Treasurer shall personally supervise the receipt and accounting of all funds received at fund-raising events.

d. Only those forms approved and issued by Ducks Unlimited, Inc. shall be used in

conjunction with the receipt and accounting of funds received by a Local Chapter. The Membership lists and the major portion of the proceeds of an event are to be received at Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters within ten (10) days following the Event. The Financial Report and the remainder of the proceeds are to be received at National Headquarters no more than thirty (30) days following the event. Copies of all financial reports shall be provided to the State Chairman and Regional Director. This financial report (blue sheet) is also included as part of the Ducks Unlimited Event Tracking (DUET) computer system.

e. The Local Chapter may retain up to three percent (3%) of the net proceeds of its largest fund-raising event, or $200, whichever is greater. However, if state policy is more restrictive, state policy shall apply. Such funds shall be maintained in the Local Chapter's checking account.

f. All financial reports or copies thereof, including bank statements, canceled checks, paid invoices and other such documents, shall be retained by the Local Chapter for a minimum period of five (5) years from the date of the event they are related to. Such documents shall be made available to the State Chairman or the duly authorized representative of the President of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. upon request, for inspection and copying.

g. The Area Chairman, Treasurer and all members of the Local Chapter shall cooperate with Ducks Unlimited in any internal audit or review of Local Chapter fund-raising activities conducted for or on behalf of Ducks Unlimited. A Local Chapter may be selected for audit on a random or requested basis. A request for an audit should be made in writing to the Internal Auditor, by the State Chairman or other senior level officer.

h. Should the Local Chapter cease to exist for any reason, any cash or other assets shall be immediately disbursed to Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Headquarters.


In addition to annual membership events, the following activities are successfully employed to raise funds for Ducks Unlimited:

SPONSOR/PATRON EVENTS - Usually held in conjunction with a luncheon or dinner sponsored by one or more leading individuals. Invitations are sent to persons whose financial position would permit them to contribute a minimum of $250 per year.

MAJOR DONOR EVENTS - a fund-raising event where ticket prices are at least $10,000 and traditional fund-raising activities such as auctions, silent auctions and raffles are not undertaken at the event.

TRIBUTE DINNERS - a fund-raising event honoring an individual for that person's commitment to conservation and Ducks Unlimited where ticket prices are less than $10,000 and additional fund-raising activities are undertaken at the event.



The explicit purpose of holding a Ducks Unlimited event is to raise money for conservation efforts through membership and other fund-raising tactics. Our events may not be held in conjunction with or for the purpose of fund-raising for any other organization or person. Almost 36% of Ducks Unlimited's annual income and membership comes from these dinners/events. An active Event Committee of a Local Chapter is the key to a successful Ducks Unlimited dinner/event.

A Banquet Guide listing procedures to hold a Ducks Unlimited event is available from Ducks Unlimited Regional Directors and National Headquarters.


A packet is provided to each Area Chairman prior to a Local Chapter's event. This packet will contain the forms and detailed instructions for the Chapter's use in making required reports for the event.


Events which net/net a minimum of $2,500 and increase their Regular Adult Membership by a minimum of fifteen (15) net members or increase their net/net proceeds by five percent (5%) (under $20,000 events) or $1,000 ($20,000 or more events) will qualify for inclusion in the Growth Incentive program. Sponsor and Greenwing events can only qualify via the five percent (5%) or $1,000 increase.



Ducks Unlimited contributors are classified in the following categories:



JUNIOR GREENWING A contributor under the age of 12, who contributes $10 or more annually, is eligible for a Junior Greenwing membership and will receive the Puddler magazine, a Greenwing membership card and a Greenwing membership decal. When the Junior Greenwing reaches the age of 12, he or she will be eligible as a Senior Greenwing.

SENIOR GREENWING A contributor between the ages of 12 and 18, who contributes $10 or more annually, is eligible for the Senior Greenwing membership and will receive the Ducks Unlimited magazine, a Greenwing membership card and a Greenwing membership decal. When the Senior Greenwing reaches their 18th birthday, he or she is eligible for full Ducks Unlimited membership and is no longer eligible for a Greenwing membership.

LEGACY GREENWING A contributor under the age of 18 who makes a one-time, single payment contribution of $200 is eligible for a Legacy Greenwing membership if this intention is noted on the application or the dinner list. A Legacy Greenwing receives (based upon their age and until they turn 18) all of the benefits accorded a Junior and a Senior Greenwing plus a specially-designed lapel pin. After turning 18, the Legacy Greenwing will receive an adult DU membership until he/she turns 21 years of age.

All Greenwing membership applications, including those on dinner lists, must include the member's date of birth.



A person contributing $25 but less than $250 is classified as a "Regular Member." A Regular Member receives a year's subscription to the Ducks Unlimited magazine, a membership card, and a window decal.


A person who makes annual donations of $250 but less than $5000 is classified as a Sponsor. Each new Sponsor receives a personalized certificate designed for framing, plus listing in the Annual Report. A bronze lapel pin, changing in design each year is presented to contributors of $250 to $499. A silver-plated lapel pin, changing in design each year, is presented to contributors of $500 to $999. A gold-plated lapel pin is presented to contributors of $1,000 to $4,999. These items are in addition to the Ducks Unlimited Sponsor membership card, a subscription to Ducks Unlimited magazine, and a Sponsor decal.


With your Major Sponsor pledge or upgrade, you are making a leadership commitment to help ensure our continent’s wetland and waterfowl habitat for future generations. In addition to receiving the DU magazine, all Major Sponsors are recognized with a handsome lapel pin/pendant and decal signifying their Major Sponsor level, a listing in DU’s Annual Report and an engraved plaque upon completion of their pledge.


A $10,000 pledge or contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

Pledge Payment Options:

• Commitment payable within a 4-year period – gifts may be designated to a specific


• Commitment payable within a 7-year period – gifts are unrestricted and may not be

designated to a specific project


A Life Sponsor commitment to Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Ducks Unlimited Canada, and Ducks Unlimited de Mexico. Ducks Unlimited, Inc. will administer gifts for both Ducks Unlimited Canada and Ducks Unlimited de Mexico, but each country provides its own symbols of recognition. Gifts are made according to the following schedule:

Ducks Unlimited, Inc. …………... $10,000 U.S.

Ducks Unlimited Canada ………….. $10,000 CDN within a 4-year period (paid in U.S. dollars according to current exchange rates)

Ducks Unlimited de Mexico ……… $2,000 U.S. within a 1-year period


A $20,000 pledge or contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

Pledge Payment Options

• Original Diamond Life Sponsor commitment payable within a 4 or 7-year period.

• Upgrade to Diamond Life Sponsor commitment payable within a 4-year or 7 year period.

(Only pledges payable within a 4 year period may be designated to a specific project.)


A $30,000 pledge or contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

Pledge Payment Options:

• Original Sponsor in Perpetuity commitment payable within a 4 or-7-year period.

• Upgrade to Sponsor in Perpetuity commitment payable within a 4-year or 7 year period.

(Only pledges payable within a 4 year period may be designated to a specific project.)


A $40,000 pledge or contribution of cash, securities or approved tangible gifts.

Pledge Payment Options:

• Original Diamond Sponsor in Perpetuity commitment payable within a 4 or-7-year period.

• Upgrade to Diamond Sponsor in Perpetuity commitment payable within a 4-year or 7 year period.

(Only pledges payable within a 4 year period may be designated to a specific project.)


A $50,000 pledge or contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

Pledge Payment Options:

• Original Heritage commitment payable within a 10 year period.

• Upgrade to Heritage Sponsor commitment payable within a 4-year or 7 year period.

(Only pledges payable within a 4 year period may be designated to a specific project.)


A $75,000 pledge or contribution of cash, securities or approved tangible gifts.

Pledge Payment Options:

• Original Diamond Heritage commitment payable within a 10 year period.

• Upgrade to Diamond Heritage commitment payable within a 10-year period.


A $100,000 pledge or lifetime contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

• Donors accumulating $100,000 in contributions without a pledge are automatically recognized as Benefactors.

• Includes a permanent listing on the Benefactor’s Roll of Honor at National Headquarters

A Benefactor Roll of Honor pledge is payable within a 10 year period.


A $250,000 pledge or lifetime contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

• Donors accumulating $250,000 in contributions without a pledge are automatically recognized as Legacy Sponsors

• Includes a permanent listing on the Legacy Sponsor Plaque at National Headquarters.

A Legacy pledge is payable within a 10 year period.


A $500,000 pledge or lifetime contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

• Donors accumulating $500,000 in contributions without a pledge are automatically recognized as Gold Legacy Sponsors.

• Includes a permanent listing on the Gold Legacy Sponsor Plaque at National Headquarters.

A Gold Legacy Sponsor pledge is payable within a 10 year period.


A $750,000 pledge or lifetime contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

• Donors accumulating $750,000 in contributions without a pledge are automatically recognized as Platinum Legacy Sponsors

• Includes a permanent listing on the Platinum Legacy Sponsor Plaque at National Headquarters.

A Platinum Legacy Sponsor pledge is payable within a 10 year period.


A $1,000,000 pledge or lifetime contribution of cash, securities, or approved tangible gifts.

• Donors accumulating $1,000,000 in contributions without a pledge are automatically recognized as Platinum Legacy Sponsors.

• Includes a permanent listing on the Diamond Legacy plaque at National Headquarters.

A Diamond Legacy Sponsor pledge is payable within a 10 year period.


In addition to one time payments and pledge payments, payments for membership at Sponsor and higher membership levels may be made using automatic debits from the member’s bank account or credit card. Monthly Funds Transfer and Debit Enrollment Forms are included in the Banquet Kit for this purpose. Additional Monthly Funds Transfer and Debit Enrollment Forms may be requested from your Regional Director. An example of this form is included at this end of this section.


Ducks Unlimited Corporations for Conservation is an initiative by Ducks Unlimited to build long-term positive relationships with the business community. Corporations for Conservation allows companies to focus their involvement with Ducks Unlimited at local, statewide, and national levels.


To be a member of Corporations for Conservation, gifts are made to Ducks Unlimited at a minimum annual level of $500. Gifts can take the following forms:

• Unrestricted cash gifts

• Specific project underwriting (restricted gifts, print underwriting, etc.)

• Event underwriting

• Gifts-in-kind (consistent with Ducks Unlimited’s tangible gifts policy)


Members of Corporations for Conservation are recognized for their level of participation and receive the following benefits:

• All Corporations for Conservation will receive a parchment certificate and listing in the Ducks Unlimited Annual Report.

Ducks Unlimited Corporations for Conservation is an initiative by Ducks Unlimited to build long-term positive relationships with the business community. Corporations for Conservation allows companies to focus their involvement with Ducks Unlimited at local, statewide, and national levels.


The Tangible Gifts Program is designed for Major Sponsors who wish to contribute gifts of original artwork or fine guns to Ducks Unlimited to receive membership credit.* To receive proper credit, the following must occur:

1. The Regional Director, a member of the Development Staff, or donor should communicate the donor's interest in making a tangible gift to the Manager of Major Gift Support in the Development Department at National Headquarters.

2. The donor is asked to send the Development Department a letter of intent with an item description, appraisal and picture of the item. The documentation is submitted to the Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters Tangible Gifts Committee to establish a FAIR MARKET VALUE of the item(s) submitted for consideration. That process may require reappraisal of the item(s) in question.

3. The FAIR MARKET VALUE is determined only for those items to be sold through the event system and is based on the market value of the item(s) at an event. THE FAIR MARKET VALUE MAY VARY FROM THE APPRAISAL AND IS THE DOLLAR AMOUNT USED TO ESTABLISH MEMBERSHIP CREDIT.

4. If the item is approved and the donor accepts the fair market value, the National Director of Field Operations will contact the appropriate staff member or donor to coordinate the gift disposition arrangements. THE FAIR MARKET VALUE IS THE RESERVE BID ON THE ITEM.

5. Whether the gift is shipped to National Headquarters or remains with the appropriate staff member, the FAIR MARKET VALUE is inventoried to the appropriate staff member until such time as the item is sold or transferred for sale.

6. The Development Stewardship Administrator will credit the donor's records and acknowledge the gift.

7. If the appropriate staff member is interested in reserving a tangible gift item for an event, an inventory list may be requested and items ordered through the Field Operations Department.

8. Item sales at events must be recorded by the appropriate staff member or volunteer and immediately forwarded to the National Director of Field Operations for recording in our system.

*ALL TANGIBLE GIFTS ACCEPTED FOR MEMBERSHIP CREDIT MUST BE COORDINATED THROUGH DUCKS UNLIMITED HEADQUARTERS. Ducks Unlimited does not accept tangible gift items for membership credit toward specific conservation projects or any other restricted use.


Feather Society membership is open to concerned individuals who wish to support Ducks Unlimited through their estate or financial plans. Among the ways to include DU in one’s plans are bequests by will or trusts, life insurance and annuities, land gifts, IRAs, pension/profit plans, certain personal property and some collectables.

Feather Society members receive a bronze (pledge) pin upon making their commitment. After returning the Gift Planning Department’s documentation forms that detail the gift, Feather Society members receive a distinctive lapel pin identifying them as a member of Ducks Unlimited’s Feather Society. Feather Society members are also recognized in the Annual Report.

Ducks Unlimited recognizes Feather Society members by their commitment at the following levels:

Silver - up to $99,999 Platinum - $500,000 to $999,999

Gold - $100,000 - $249,999 Diamond - $1,000,000 +

Emerald - $250,000 to $499,999


Teal Awards are presented to individuals, corporations, and organizations that make contributions of goods, services, merchandise and/or cash to Ducks Unlimited's regional or national fund-raising programs for purposes other than Ducks Unlimited's conservation programs (i.e., administrative functions, symposia, etc.).

Award Contribution

Silver Teal $ 25,000 or more

Golden Teal $100,000 or more

Emerald Teal $250,000 or more

Platinum Teal $500,000 or more

Diamond Teal $1,000,000 or more


1. A Nominee must have contributed on a regional basis (two-state minimum).

2. Two letters of nomination must be submitted to the Development Department - one from a high-ranking Ducks Unlimited volunteer and one from the nominee stating his contribution history. Contributions may be cumulative.

3. The nominee will be submitted for approval to the Development Committee.

All approved Teal Awards will be published in the Annual Report.

The Development Department will coordinate with the State Chairman or Regional Director to present the award.


The Palette and Chisel Award is designed to recognize an artist for his generous artistic contribution to Ducks Unlimited.

Award Contribution

Bronze $100,000 or more

Silver $250,000 or more

Gold $500,000 or more


1. Two letters of nomination must be submitted to the Development Department - one from a high-ranking Ducks Unlimited volunteer and one from the artist detailing his contribution history.

2. The nominees will be submitted for approval to the Development Committee. The Development Department will coordinate with the State Chairman or Regional Director to present the award.


The Ducks Unlimited Donor Project program was initiated with the primary goal of generating NEW FUNDS through the sponsorship of specific Canadian and U.S. habitat projects by individuals, foundations, business firms and other organizations.

Following are points of current policy concerning donor projects:

1. Minimum cost of a project has been established at $10,000.

2. The use of donor projects is exclusively for Major Sponsors (Life Sponsors and above). No committees or events should be used to underwrite donor projects unless it is accomplished through the means of a Major Sponsor's contributions. No event proceeds or membership income may be used to underwrite donor projects except special events authorized by the Executive Vice President.

3. Completion of payment of projects is requested within four years or less.

4. Projects of $50,000 or more qualify for a plaque erected on a cairn on the project, a presentation brochure and, upon request, full dedication ceremonies by the sponsoring individual or organization (upon completion of payment).

5. Projects of less than $50,000 qualify for a plaque erected on the project (on the

structure or pedestal) and a presentation brochure to the sponsoring individual or group.

6. Donor funds must be received by National Headquarters in the form of cash and/or marketable securities.

It is essential that written identification of the source and intended project accompany the funds. Donations should be sent to the Development Department.

Donor funds can be accepted for a completed project, an approved project, or for general use in a particular Conservation Programs initiative with no specific project identified. Certain minimum biological, engineering, and cost-effective standards must be upheld. If a project would not normally be approved for the expenditure of funds because it does not meet these standards, it will not be approved as a Donor project. Funds received prior to project/program approval will be held in escrow until such time as approval is received. If such project/program is not approved, the donor will have the option to have the donation returned or to select another project. For further information on this program, contact the Conservation Programs Biologist in your region.


The MARSH Donor Program was set up to allow donors to target funds into projects built or acquired as part of the MARSH program. Through the MARSH donor program, Ducks Unlimited receives contributions from individuals, corporations, foundations and other organizations interested in supporting Ducks Unlimited's habitat programs on a more localized basis. MARSH provides the opportunity to allow involvement of Ducks Unlimited supporters in these conservation efforts, generating improved ownership and enthusiasm for Ducks Unlimited's conservation efforts. Donations received from these sources are used to help fund specific projects in a state as designated by the donor provided the following criteria are met.

In order to support a MARSH donor project, funds received must be from other sources than Ducks Unlimited fund-raising events or membership fees for categories below Life Sponsor. Donor funds must be received by National Headquarters in the form of cash and/or marketable securities. It is essential that written identification of the source and intended project accompany the funds. Donations should be sent to the Development Department.

Donor funds can be accepted for a completed MARSH project, an approved MARSH project, or for general use in a particular state with no specific project identified. Whether a MARSH, or MARSH Donor Project, certain minimum biological, engineering, and cost-effective standards must be upheld. If a project would not normally be approved for the expenditure of MARSH funds because it does not meet these standards, it will not be approved as a MARSH Donor project. Contributions for these projects will be credited to the state MARSH account as they are received at National Headquarters. Funds received prior to project approval will be held in escrow until such time as approval is received. If such project is not approved, the donor will have the option to have the donation returned or to select another project. For further information on this program, contact a Ducks Unlimited Regional Office or National Headquarters and refer to the MARSH Manual.





2004 Edition


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