Workforce Investment Field Instruction (WIFI) No - Maryland

Workforce Investment Field Instruction (WIFI) No. 04-09, Change 1

DATE: January 20, 2010

TO: Maryland Workforce Investment Grant Recipients

Labor Exchange Administrators

SUBJECT: PELL Grants and the Payment of Unemployment Benefits to Individuals in Approved Training

REFERENCES: Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No.21-08

(TEGL) No.21-08, Change #1

Code of Maryland Regulations (, Determinations of Eligibility for Unemployment Insurance, Approved Training

Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law Section 8-903

BACKGROUND: In WIFI 4-09 we indicated that WIA staff in consultation with DLLR staff must complete the Job Search waiver for the PELL Grant recipient which was included as an attachment. Customers are prohibited from completing this form and only authorized staff can complete this function.


BE TAKEN: Since this form is used by the Division of Unemployment Insurance to exempt the customer from seeking employment while attending an approved school, we must ensure the integrity of our unemployment insurance system. Therefore, we are removing the Job Search waiver from the public site and placing it on your website under INSIDE DLLR. Your user name and password is required to access this site. The form will be located under the heading “Forms & Policies”

CONTACT: Valerie Myers, Manager, One-Stop Services

410 767-2825


DATE: Immediately

Andrew Moser

Assistant Secretary

Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning



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ANTHONY G. BROWN, Lt. Governor


Andrew Moser, Assistant Secretary

Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning


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