Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

Curriculum Vitae

(as of 10 March 2011)

|No. |CONTENTS |Page |

|I | |NGO WORK |2 |

| |A |Current NGO Involvement |2 |

| |B |Past NGO & Political Involvement |4 |

| |C |Incarceration and Prohibition |5 |

| | | | |


| |A |Academic Positions |5 |

| |B |Teaching Experience |5 |

| |C |Post Graduate Supervision & Examination |6 |

| |D |Participation in a Regional Research Programme |6 |

| | | | |

|III | |THESES |6 |

| | | | |


| |A |Books | |

| | |1 |English |6 |

| | |2 |Malay |7 |

| | | | | |

| |B |Monographs / Booklets |7 |

| | | | |

| |C |Articles (English) |8 |

| | |1 |Local Publications |8 |

| | |2 |Foreign Publications |29 |

| | | | | |

| |D | Articles (Malay) | |

| | |1 |Local Publications |42 |

| | |2 |Foreign Publications |46 |

| | |3 |Books Translated into Malay |46 |

| | | | | |

| |E |Articles (Other Languages) |46 |

| | | | | |

| |F |Cassette Tapes |47 |

| | | | | |

| |G |Participation in Regional & International Conferences |47 |

| | | | |

| |H |Memorial / Public Lectures |73 |

| |I |Academic and Community Service Awards |74 |

| | | | |

| |J |Media Interviews and Writings |74 |

| | | | |

| |K |Participation in Talks and Forums |74 |

Curriculum Vitae

As at 10 March 2011

Name : Chandra Muzaffar

Year of Birth : 10 March 1947

Nationality : Malaysian

Qualifications : B.S.Sc. (Hons) (University of Singapore) 1970

M.S.Sc. (Universiti Sains Malaysia) 1974

Ph.D. (University of Singapore) 1977

Discipline : Political Science

Present Academic Position : Noordin Sopiee Professor of Global Studies

Centre for Policy Research and International Studies

(CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia

Present Public Position : President, International Movement for a Just World


Marital Status : Married

Spouse’s Name : Mariam Hashim

Family : Samirah - 35 years

Anisa - 31 years


A) Current NGO Involvement

1) Member, International Academic Advisory Council of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the LDCs (2011)

2) Member of Advisory Panel, Centre For Civilization Dialogue, University Malaya (2011)

3) Member, The Global Advisory Council on Global Climate Change, Human Security and Democracy. (2010 to-date)

4) Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Yayasan 1’Malaysia. (2009 to-date)

5) Member, Advisory Board, South-South Program, Asian Political and International Studies Association. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (APISA) (2008 to-date)

6) Member, Islamic Consultative Council , Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia. (MPI)

(2008 to-date)

7) Director, International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies, Malaysia. (IAIS)

(2008 to-date)

8) Member, Advisory Council, Centre for General Studies, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. (2007 to-date)

9) Member, Governing Council of the International Institute for Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations, Geneva. (IIDCC) (2006 to-date)

10) Member, Advisory Committee of Peace for Life, Quezon City, Philippines (PfL)

(2005 to-date)

11) Member, Board of Directors, Institut Integriti Malaysia (IIM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

(2004 to-date)

12) Co-chair of the Board of Directors of Citizens for Global Democracy Foundation, USA

(CGDF) (2004 to-date)

13) Member, International Centre for Islam and Pluralism (ICIP), Jakarta, Indonesia

2003. -date)

14) Member, Dialogues: Islamic World-US-the West, New York, USA (2002 to-date)

15) Member, World Editorial and International Law, Massachusetts, USA (WEIL)

(2002 to-date)

16) Advisor, Museum of World Religions, Taiwan (MWR) (2002 to-date)

17) Editorial Board Member, Interreligious Insight, London, UK (2002 to-date)

18) Member, Board of Trustees, Association for the Advancement of Religion and Secular Humanism, Mumbai, India (CSSS) (2001 to-date)

19) Member, Charter 99 Democratic Accountability Index Independent Panel, London, UK (2001 to-date)

20) Member, Board of Advisors, Edden International University of London, London, UK

(2001 to-date)

21) Member, International Council, Asia Society, New York, USA (2000 to-date)

22) Member, Toda International Advisory Council, Hawaii, USA (2000 to-date)

23) Member, International Inter Faith Peace Council, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

(1998 to-date)

24) Member, Board of Advisors, Religion and Human Rights series, Emory University, USA (1998 to-date)

25) International Advisory Board of Global Encounters, University of Notre Dame, USA (1998 to-date)

26) Member, Board of Directors, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination & Racism (IMADR) Tokyo, Japan (1995 to-date)

27) Member, Editorial Board, Clarity Press, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (1995 to-date)

28) Member, Council, Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), Bangkok, Thailand

(1992 to-date)

B) Past NGO & Political Involvement

1) Adviser, Penang State Youth Council (1971 – 1974)

2) Adviser, Restaurant & Hotel Workers Union (1973 – 1975)

3) Secretary, Academic & Administration Staff Association, Universiti Sains Malaysia (1974 – 1977)

4) Founder-President, Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) (1977 - 1991)

5) Member, Inter-religious Harmony Committee in the Prime Minister’s Department (1980)

6) Member, Regional Advisory Board SOJOURN Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore (1984 - 1987)

7) Executive Committee Member, Asian Human Rights Commission (1985 - 1991)

8) Member, International Advisory Panel, World Organization Against Torture (Geneva), (1985 - 1992)

9) Member, Legal Profession Act Disciplinary Rules Review Committee under the late Tun Hussein Onn (1985 - 1986)

10) Member of the International Evaluation Panel of the International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Sri Lanka (1987)

11) Member, National Economic Consultative Council (1989 - 1990)

12) Member, People’s Tribunal on Industrial Hazards & Human Rights, Bangkok (1991)

13) Member, Tribunal on East Timur & Burma, People’s Plan 21 Century, Bangkok (1992)

14) Fellow, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) (1992 - 1993)

15) Consultant, UN Conference on Human Rights, Vienna (1993)

16) Member, International Tribunal on the G7, Tokyo (1993)

17) Member, International Advisory Board, Cambridge University - Asia-Pacific Studies Series, Canberra, Australia (1994)

18) Member, Editorial Board, Jurnal IKD, Institute of Policy Research, Malaysia (1995)

19) Member, Committee on Multilateral Trade Issues, under the Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia (1996)

20) Member, International Advisory Panel, Periodica Islamica (1996)

21) Member, Advisory Panel, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) (1996)

22) Member, National Information Technology Council, Malaysia (1998 - 2000)

23) Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Islamic Understanding, Malaysia (IKIM) (1998 - 2000)

24) Member, The Council of the Asia-Australia Institute (1998 - 2003)

25) Member, Steering Committee of the Commission on Development of the World Conference on Religion & Peace (WRCP) (1999)

26) Deputy President, Parti Keadilan National (KeADILan) (National Justice Party) (1999 – 2001)

27) Member, Internet World Court on Israel’s War of Extermination Against Palestine, Tunisia (2002)

28) Member, Jury of Conscience, World Tribunal on Iraq (Final Session), Istanbul (2005) Charter for Compassion.

29) Member, Council of Conscience, Charter for Compassion. Geneva (2008)

30) Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR), Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia. (2008-2010)

C) Incarceration and Prohibition

1) Detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA), without trial, by the Malaysian government from 27 October to 18 December 1987, as the State sought to curb political dissent.

2) Prohibited by the Singapore government from entering Singapore from October 1987 to October 2003, for championing the cause of ISA detainees in the Republic.


A) Academic Positions

1) Assistant Lecturer, School of Social Sciences,

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) (1970 - 1974)

2) Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, USM (1974 - 1983)

3) Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, USM (1992 - 1997)

4) Professor-cum-Director, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, Universiti Malaya

(1997 - 1999)

B) Teaching Experience

Taught undergraduate courses in Introduction to Political Science, Malaysian Politics, Southeast Asian Politics, Third World Ideologies, Asian Political Thought and Islamic Political Thought at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) from 1970 - 1983.

Resigned from USM in 1983 and, as a full-time volunteer, helped to build up ALIRAN, but returned to USM in 1992 as a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research. Taught Third World Ideologies to undergraduates and Methodology and the Philosophy of the Social Sciences to post-graduate students.

Resigned from USM in early 1997 to join University Malaya in Kuala Lumpur as Professor-cum-Director of the Centre for Civilization Dialogue. Taught two Master courses, ‘Civilizational Issues’ and ‘Civilizational Interaction’, and two undergraduate courses, ‘Civilizational Dialogue’ and ‘Human Rights and International Politics’.

In February 1999, the University refused to renew employment contract for political reasons.

C) Post Graduate Supervision & Examination

Supervised Master and PhD students in areas such as religion and social change, politics and development, human rights and international politics, ethnic relations and civilization dialogue.

Examined Master and PhD theses produced by candidates from local and foreign universities on the above themes.

D) Participation in a Regional Research Programme

Member of the Asian Perspective Project (Malaysian Sector) on ‘Transnationalization, the State & People’ organized by the United Nations University, Tokyo (1983 - 1986).


1) Protection of the Malay Community: A Study of UMNO’s position & opposition attitudes (M.S.Sc. thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 1974)

2) Some Dominant Concepts & Dissenting Ideas on Malay Rule & Malay Society from the Malacca to the Colonial & Merdeka Periods (Ph.D. thesis, University of Singapore, 1977)


A) Books

1) English

1) Protector? A study of leader-led relationship in Malay society (Penang, Aliran, 1979)

2) Universalism of Islam (Penang, Aliran 1979) (editor)

3) Five Controversies (together with Khoo Yoke Kuan) (Penang, Aliran, 1983)

4) Freedom in Fetters (Penang, Aliran, 1986). Second print (1988)

5) Islamic Resurgence in Malaysia (Petaling Jaya, Fajar Bakti, 1987) Second print (1987). Third print (1987)

6) The NEP, Development & Alternative Consciousness (Penang, Aliran, 1989)

7) Challenges & Choices in Malaysian Politics & Society (Penang, Aliran, 1989)

8) Human Rights & the New World Order (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1993) Second print (1994)

9) Dominance of the West over the Rest (Malaysia, JUST, 1996) (editor)

10) Human Wrongs (Malaysia, JUST, 1996) (editor)

11) Globalisation: the Perspectives and Experiences of the Religious Traditions of Asia Pacific (editor) (together with Joseph Camilleri) (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), 1998)

12) Alternative Politics For Asia: A Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue (together with Sulak Sivaraksa) (Kuala Lumpur, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), 1999)

13) Rights, Religion and Reform - Enhancing Human Dignity through Spiritual and Moral Transformation (London, Routledge Curzon, 2002)

14) Azmi Khalid Human Rights Advocate (editor) (Kuala Lumpur, Bakti Ehsanmurni, 2002)

15) Subverting Greed - Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy (editor) (together with Paul Knitter) (USA, Orbis Books, 2002) Seventh Print (2007)

16) Muslims, Dialogue, Terror (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), 2003)

17) Global Ethic or Global Hegemony? (London, ASEAN Academic Press Ltd, 2005)

18) Hegemony, Justice; Peace. (Shah Alam, Arah Publications, 2008)

19) Religion & Governance (editor) (Shah Alam, Arah Publications, 2009)

20) A Plea for Empathy The Quest for Malaysian Unity (Malaysia, Zubedy Ideahouse Sdn Bhd, 2010)

21) Religion Seeking Justice and Peace (editor) (Malaysia, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2010).

22) Muslims Today: Changes Within; Challenges Without (Islamabad, Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue, International Islamic University, 2010)

23) Exploring Religion in Our Time (Malaysia, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2011).

2) Malay

1) Islam Yang Tulen (Editor) (Penang, Aliran, 1979)

2) Keadilan Sosial (editor) (together with Azizan Bahari) (Kuala Lumpur, Institut Kajian Dasar (IKD) 1996)

3) Politik Penguasaan Dunia & Isu yang Selainnya (Shah Alam, Arah Publications 2007)

B) Monographs/Booklets

1) Aliran Basic Beliefs (Penang, Aliran, December 1977)

2) Aliran Dasar-Dasar Asas (Penang, Aliran, 1978)

3) Aliran Basic Principles (Penang, Aliran, 1984)

4) The Politics of Control & Dominance: Subjugating Iraq & Libya (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Strategic & International Studies, 1992)

5) Human Rights in Asia: The Struggle for Human Dignity (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1993)

6) Let Bosnia Live (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1994)

7) Malaysian Politics: The Emerging Scenario under Abdullah Badawi (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003).

8) At the Crossroads (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), 2005)

9) Hegemonic Terror: The Conquest of Iraq Siri 8 Monograf Wacana Ilmiah (Petaling Jaya, Institut Perkembangan Minda (INMIND), 2005)

10) Religion in Our Time First Quarterly Seminar Series Report, Noordin Sopiee Chair in Global Studies (Penang, Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia, August 2007).

11) Religion as Protest; Religion in Power. Second Quarterly Seminar Series Report, Noordin Sopiee Chair in Global Studies (Penang, Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia, November 2007).

12) Religion and Identity in a Globalising World. Penang, Third Quarterly Seminar Series Report, Noordin Sopiee Chair in Global Studies (Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Kuala Lumpur, 8 April 2008).

13) The Role of Religion in Overcoming Comtemporary Global Challenges Penang, Quarterly Seminar Series Report No. 4, Noordin Sopiee Chair in Global Studies (Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Friday 17 October 2008).

14) Islam and the Future of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Malaysia, A public lecture delivered on 11 June 2008, at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia – IAIS Occasional Paper Series 1-5

C) Articles (English)

1) Local Publications

1) ‘Democracy & its Challenges', Whither Democracy? An Analysis of the Malaysian Experience, Khoo Yoke Kuan (ed) (Penang, Aliran, 1978)

2) Various articles in The Real Issues: Merdeka University (Penang, Aliran, 1979)

3) 'Value Consensus: An Approach to National Unity' NEGARA (Kuala Lumpur, A Journal of National Unity Board: Prime Minister's Department, April, 1980)

4) 'Inter-religious communication: the five tasks' One God: Many Paths (Penang, Aliran, 1980)

5) 'The Spiritual World-View' One God: Many Paths (Penang, Aliran, 1980)

6) Various essays in Aliran Speaks (Penang, Aliran, 1981)

7) 'The Scourge of Corruption', Corruption (Penang, Aliran, 1981)

8) 'Development Means the Human Being' Aliran Quarterly Vol. II No. 1, 1982

9) 'Inter-religious Perspective on Development' Aliran Quarterly Vol. II No. 1, 1982

10) ‘The Aliran Philosophy: Spiritual Values' Aliran Quarterly Vol.II No. 3, 1982

11) '25 Years of Merdeka' Aliran Quarterly Vol. II No. 3, 1982

12) 'Zionism' Aliran Quarterly Vol. II No. 3, 1982

13) ‘The Aliran Philosophy: God Consciousness' Aliran Quarterly Vol. II No. 4, 1982

14) 'Controlling Religion' Aliran Quarterly Vol. II No. 4, 1982

15) 'Democracy a'la Malaysia' Aliran Quarterly Vol. II No. 4, 1982

16) 'The Societies Act Saga' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 2, 1982

17) 'Your Choice' 1982 General Election pamphlet (Penang, Aliran, 1982)

18) 'Aliran Philosophy: Politics & Administration Part 1' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 1, 1983

19) ‘The Worsening Communal Situation' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 1, 1983

20) 'Aliran Philosophy: Politics & Administration Part 2' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 2, 1983

21) 'Teaching Moral Values in the ASEAN School' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 2, 1983

22) 'Alternative Consciousness' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 3, 1983

23) 'American Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 4, 1983

24) 'Striding into the Future' Aliran Quarterly Vol. III No. 4, 1983

25) ‘The Continuing Crisis' The Constitutional Crisis & Democracy Pamphlet (Penang, Aliran, December, 1983)

26) 'Continuity & Change in Malay Ideas of the Melakan Period' Melaka The Transformation of a Malay Capital (1400-1980) K.S. Sandhu & P.Wheatley (eds) (Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1983)

27) 'Hard Work - the cure-all' The Sun Also Sets: Lessons in Looking East 2nd ed., K.S. Jomo (ed) (Kuala Lumpur, Insan, 1983)

28) ‘Overkill? - In-house Unions for Malaysia' The Sun Also Sets: Lessons in Looking East 2nd ed., K.S. Jomo (ed) (Kuala Lumpur, Insan, 1983)

29) ‘Battle for UMNO' Aliran Monthly February 1984

30) ‘The Media & the Powers-That-Be' Aliran Monthly March 1984

31) ‘Need for a Scientific Base in the Third World' Aliran Monthly March 1984

32) ‘East; West - What's best? Aliran Monthly April 1984

33) ‘Malaysian Identity & the Chinese Community' Aliran Monthly April 1984

34) ‘The Printing Presses & Publication Bill 1984 - Concentration of Power' Aliran Monthly April 1984

35) ‘NEP: Beyond 1990?' Aliran Monthly May 1984

36) ‘Democracy in Malaysia: Greater Control in the Eighties' Aliran Monthly June 1984

37) ‘Religion: Unity or Disunity?' Aliran Monthly June 1984

38) ‘The UMNO Verdict' Aliran Monthly July 1984

39) ‘UMNO - Where Have All The Issues Gone?' Aliran Monthly July 1984

40) ‘Dirty Politics' Aliran Monthly August 1984

41) ‘Service-clubs: Serving Humanity?' Aliran Monthly September 1984

42) ‘Medical Education: Fundamental Changes Needed' Aliran Monthly October 1984

43) ‘Our Future' Aliran Monthly October 1984

44) ‘How the North Exploits the South' Aliran Monthly November 1984

45) ‘The Question of Religion in Nation-building' Contemporary Issues on Malaysian Religions (Kuala Lumpur, Pelanduk Publications, 1984)

46) ‘Has the Communal Situation Worsened Over the Last Decade? Some Preliminary Thoughts' Ethnicity, Class & Development in Malaysia S. Husin Ali (ed) (Kuala Lumpur, Persatuan Sains Sosial Malaysia, 1984)

47) ‘Towards a Malaysian Culture - What Place Ethnic Culture?' Indian Culture & National Culture (Penang, A Picas Publication, 1984)

48) ‘Ethical Values in the School System: An Asean Overview' Key Questions on Malaysian Education (Penang, Consumers Association of Penang, 1984)

49) ‘The Private Sector: It’s Public Image' Aliran Monthly January 1985

50) ‘The Quest for Tomorrow' Aliran Monthly February 1985

51) ‘Elections Very Soon?' Aliran Monthly March 1985

52) ‘Female Attire, Morality & Reform' Aliran Monthly April 1985

53) ‘The Decline of Parliament' Aliran Monthly April/May 1985

54) ‘The Freedom of the Press' Aliran Monthly May/June 1985

55) ‘Looking East - Diminishing Human Rights?' Aliran Monthly May/June 1985

56) ‘Democracy - Last Rites?' Aliran Monthly August/September 1985

57) ‘Economic Development: the Non-communal Approach' Aliran Monthly September/October 1985

58) ‘The Crisis of Credibility' Aliran Monthly October/November 1985

59) ‘Malaysia: The Rich & the Poor' Aliran Monthly November /December 1985

60) ‘The State of Democracy in Malaysia' Dialogue on Democracy (Penang, Aliran, 1985)

61) ‘Mahathir's Rallies' Aliran Monthly February/March 1986

62) ‘The Sabah Election: The Stakes' Aliran Monthly April/May 1986

63) ‘United States & Libya' Aliran Monthly May/June 1986

64) ‘Penang - 1986 & Beyond' Aliran Monthly June/July 1986

65) ‘An Islamic State - The Solution?' Aliran Monthly July/August 1986

66) ‘The Barisan's 2/3 Majority: Why the Opposition Failed' Aliran Monthly August/September 1986

67) ‘Ethnic Polarization: Causes & Challenges' Aliran Monthly September/

October 1986

68) ‘Ethnic Polarization in Parliament?' Aliran Monthly September/ October1986

69) ‘Democracy: The Real Threat' Aliran Monthly October/November 1986

70) ‘Territorial Integration' The Bonding of a Nation (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Strategic & International Studies, 1986)

71) ‘The Controlled Press' Human Rights In Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Democratic Action Party (DAP), 1986)

72) ‘Islamic Resurgence: A Global View' Readings in Malaysian Politics Bruce Gale (editor) (Kuala Lumpur, Pelanduk Publications, 1986)

73) ‘The Economy: A Missed Opportunity' Aliran Monthly December/January 1987

74) ‘UMNO In Sabah: The Implications' Aliran Monthly January/February 1987

75) ‘Scandals… An Elite Disease' Aliran Monthly February/March 1987

76) ‘Whipping: Reflections On The Syariah & The Quran' Aliran Monthly February/March 1987

77) ‘The UMNO Election & the Future' Aliran Monthly April/May 1987

78) ‘UMNO's Dominance' Aliran Monthly April/May 1987

79) ‘Saints & Sinners' Aliran Monthly April/May 1987

80) ‘After the UMNO Election: The Real Challenge Begins' Aliran Monthly May/June 1987

81) 'ISA Arrests in Singapore' Aliran Monthly May/June 1987

82) 'A Fettered Democracy Remains Fettered' Aliran Monthly June/July 1987

83) 'Breaking the Ethnic Trap' Aliran Monthly June/July 1987

84) 'Call for Constitution Review: Reactions' Aliran Monthly August/September 1987

85) 'The Ringgit Dream & the Decline of Morality' Aliran Monthly August/September 1987

86) '30 Years of Merdeka: What It Means To The Rakyat' Aliran Monthly September/October 1987

87) 'Ethnic Time Bomb' Aliran Monthly November/December 1987

88) 'ISA Detentions: The Struggle Goes On' Aliran Monthly November/December 1987

89) 'Dominance Theory Defies Logic & Denies Justice' Malay Dominance? The Abdullah Rubric K. Das (compiled & introduced) (Kuala Lumpur, K. Das Ink, 1987)

90) Various articles in No to Secrecy the campaign against the 1986 amendments to the OSA K.S. Gurmit Singh (ed) (Petaling Jaya, Aliran, SGS, EPSM, DAP MAE & CRC, 1987)

91) 'Women, Religion & the Alternative' Aliran Monthly Vol. 7:12, 1988

92) 'A Challenge to the Basic Character of the Malaysian Constitution' Aliran Monthly January 1988

93) 'Political Parties in Business' Aliran Monthly Vol. 8:2, 1988

94) 'Whitewash: White Paper on the ISA Arrests' Aliran Monthly Vol 8:2, 1988

95) '2M Today: The Muzzled Media' Aliran Monthly Vol. 8:3, 1988

96) 'Destroying Dissent: Lauding Loyalty' Aliran Monthly Vol. 8:4, 1988

97) 'Who Are The Elites?', `Support of the People', `Majority Rule = Democracy' Aliran Monthly Vol. 8:5, 1988

98) 'A Communal Twist' & `The Task Ahead' Aliran Monthly Vol 8:6, 1988

99) 'A Long, Dark Year' Aliran Monthly Vol 8:8, 1988

100) 'UMNO Politics & Malay Unity' Aliran Monthly Vol. 8:8, 1988

101) 'Malaysia & the Question of Apartheid' Aliran Monthly Vol. 8:9, 1988

102) 'Constitution & Society: An Overview' Reflections on the Malaysian Constitution (Penang, Aliran, 1988)

103) 'Living in a Multi-Ethnic Society' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:1, 1989

104) 'What Hope 89?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:1, 1989

105) 'Ampang Jaya: Why the Barisan Won' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:2, 1989

106) 'The NEP & Unity' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:3, 1989

107) 'The Satanic Verses: To Kill or Not To Kill?' Aliran Monthly Vol 9:3, 1989

108) 'The Common Law Controversy: Fuzzy & Murky' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:4, 1989

109) 'Quotas & Percentages - the Solution?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:4, 1989

110) 'An Alternative to the NEP' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:5, 1989

111) 'Breaking the Silence' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:6, 1989

112) 'ISA - to Curb Communal Tensions?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:7, 1989

113) 'Khomeini & Freedom' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:7, 1989

114) `Eroding Malay Support: The BN After Eight By-elections' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:8 1989

115) `Shadow of Doubt Over the Election Commission: Subservient to the Executive?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:9, 1989

116) ‘Assault on the Judiciary' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:11, 1989

117) ‘Confusing Personalities With Issues: Tunku, Razaleigh & Mahathir' Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:11, 1989

118) Several articles in Issues of the Mahathir Years (Penang, Aliran, 1989)

119) Several essays in Nation on Trial (Penang, Aliran, 1989)

120) ‘Denied - the Right to Speak in the National Language: Home Minister Wins Appeals Against Aliran' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:1, 1990

121) ‘Ethics, Ethnicity & Communication' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:1, 1990

122) ‘Shame!' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:1, 1990

123) ‘Why Unity?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:1, 1990

124) ‘Fishy Goings-On: Snap Registration Exercise Soon?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:2, 1990

125) ‘What is Unity?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:2, 1990

126) ‘Freedom Fighter or Fighter Against Freedom?: Mandela & Mahathir' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:3, 1990

127) ‘Quotas & Kangkung Professors' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:3, 1990

128) ‘Can the Opposition Work Together?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:4, 1990

129) ‘An Islamic State - If the Opposition Wins?' Aliran Monthly Vol 10:4, 1990

130) ‘Bumis, Non-Bumis & History' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:5, 1990

131) ‘Ethnic Stereotyping' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:5, 1990

132) ‘A Change in Emphasis' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:6, 1990

133) ‘Non-Bumi Misconceptions' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:6, 1990

134) ‘Towards a Two-Coalition System?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:6, 1990

135) ‘For the Sake of Stability?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:7, 1990

136) ‘Is This Parliamentary Democracy?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:7, 1990

137) ‘The Gulf Crisis' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:8, 1990

138) ‘NECC Farce: Why I Quit' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:9, 1990

139) ‘How the Barisan Retained its Two-Thirds Majority' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:10, 1990

140) ‘Palace & Politics' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:11, 1990

141) ‘America Seeks Hegemony' Aliran Monthly Vol. 10:12, 1990

142) ‘The Muzzled Media' Media Watch The Use & Abuse of the Malaysian Press edited by Kua Kia Soong (Kuala Lumpur, The Resource & Research Centre, Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, 1990)

143) ‘The Gulf War' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 1, 1991

144) ‘Muslims Rally Against Imperialism' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 2, 1991

145) ‘Understanding the Gulf War' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 2, 1991

146) ‘A New Security Structure in West Asia?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 3, 1991

147) ‘Saddam's Blunder Paves Way for US Dominance' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 3, 1991

148) ‘US Vested Interests in the Gulf' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 3, 1991

149) ‘The Kurds: Manipulation & Suppression' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 4, 1991

150) ‘The Eagle Must Leave the West Asian Sky' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11

No.5, 1991

151) ‘Religiosity on the Rampage: Spirituality in Slumber' Aliran Monthly

Vol. 11 No. 5, 1991

152) ‘The National Development Policy' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 6, 1991

153) ‘Human Rights in Asia' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 7, 1991

154) ‘Human Rights & Religion' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 8, 1991

155) ‘Throwing His Weight Around' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 8, 1991

156) ‘Seeking Accountability' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 9, 1991

157) ‘Only Human Beings Can Protect Human Rights' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 10, 1991

158) ‘Politics & the Plan' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 10, 1991

159) ‘UMNO vs the Sultans' Aliran Monthly Vol. 11 No. 11, 1991

160) ‘A Spiritual Vision of the Human Being' The Human Being: Perspectives From Different Spiritual Traditions (Penang, Aliran, 1991)

161) ‘Practice of Justice in a Multi-racial Society' Justice & Faith (Society for Christian Reflection, Federal Territory & Selangor, 1991)

162) ‘View from the South' Third World Resurgence No. 7, 1991 (Penang, Third World Network, 1991)

163) ‘Setting Western Standards for Human Freedom' Third World Resurgence No. 11, 1991 (Penang, Third World Network, 1991)

164) ‘Apartheid is Not Dead!' Third World Resurgence No. 13, 1991 (Penang, Third World Network, 1991)

165) ‘Who Defines Human Rights?' Third World Resurgence No. 16, 1991 (Penang, Third World Network, 1991)

166) Various articles in Whose War? What Peace? Reflections on the Gulf Conflict (Penang, Aliran, Gerak Damai dan Forum, 1991)

167) ‘No Need for Big Brother' Aliran Monthly Vol. 12 No. 1, 1992

168) ‘US Military Presence Vital?' Aliran Monthly Vol. 12 No. 1, 1992

169) ‘Keep the Candle Burning' Aliran Monthly Vol. 12 No. 2, 1992

170) ‘Dishonest Pursuit of Justice' Aliran Monthly 12: 3, 1992

171) `Hudud Central to Islam?' Aliran Monthly 12:6, 1992

172) ‘Bosnia-Herzegovina: Tragedy & the Challenge to the Tragedy' Aliran Monthly 12:8, 1992

173) ‘Challenge to the Conscience of Europe' Aliran Monthly 12:8, 1992

174) ‘Whitewashing Racism' Aliran Monthly 12:9, 1992

175) ‘No Institution or Individual should be above the law' Aliran Monthly 12:12, 1992

176) ‘Significance of Immunity Issue' Aliran Monthly 13:1, 1992

177) ‘UN Reform' JUST Commentary No. 1/November 1992 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1992)

178) ‘Somalia: Why the World has done so little' JUST Commentary No.2/November 1992 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1992)

179) ‘End of Cold War: beginning of new wars?' JUST Commentary No.3/December 1992 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1992)

180) ‘Islam, Muslim Societies & the New World Order' Report (Kuala Lumpur, Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), April 1992

181) ‘Why US Wants Gaddafi Out' Third World Resurgence No. 21, May 1992 (Penang, Third World Network, 1992)

182) ‘UN Reform’ Aliran Monthly 13:1, 1993

183) ‘Implementation of Justice in Politics' Islam & Justice edited by Aidit bin Hj. Ghazali (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Islamic Understanding, Malaysia (IKIM), 1993)

184) ‘Dominant Western Perceptions of Islam & the Muslims - A Muslim Point of View' JUST Commentary No. 4/April 1993 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1993)

185) ‘The Clash of Civilisations or Camouflaging Dominance?' JUST Commentary No. 5/September 1993 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1993)

186) ‘Whither Russia?' JUST Commentary No. 6/November 1993 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1993)

187) ‘Western Global Domination & Human Rights’ Third World Resurgence Issue No. 33, May 1993 (Penang, Third World Network, 1993)

188) ‘Dominant Western Perceptions of Islam & the Muslims’ Third World Resurgence Issue No. 34, June 1993 (Penang, Third World Network, 1993)

189) ‘Clash of Civilisations’ Serves West's Interests' Third World Resurgence Issue No. 39, November 1993 (Penang, Third World Network, 1993)

190) ‘Rights: Getting it Right’ Aliran Monthly 1994:14(12)

191) ‘Tolerance in the Malaysian Political Scene’ Islam & Tolerance edited by Syed Othman Alhabshi & Nik Mustapha Nik Hassan (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), 1994)

192) ‘High Commissioner for Human Rights’ Just Commentary No. 7/January 1994 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1994)

193) ‘Challenges Facing East Asia’ Just Commentary No. 8/February 1994 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1994)

194) Various articles in JUST Viewpoints (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1994)

195) ‘Russia Faces Its Gravest Economic Danger’ Muslimedia Vol. 1, 15 January, 1994 (Petaling Jaya, Muslimedia News & Feature Service, 1994)

196) ‘Accommodation & Acceptance of Non-Muslim Communities Within the Malaysian Political System’ Muslimedia International Number 15, April 16-30, 1994 (Petaling Jaya, Muslimedia News & Feature Service, 1994)

197) `Islamisation of State & Society: Some further critical remarks' Shari'a Law & the Modern Nation-State Editor Norani Othman (Kuala Lumpur, Sisters in Islam, 1994)

198) ‘Reformation of Shari'a or Contesting the Historical Role of the Ulama?' Shari'a Law & the Modern Nation-State Editor Norani Othman (Kuala Lumpur, Sisters in Islam, 1994)

199) ‘How Free & Just Will the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Be?’ Third World Resurgence Issue No. 42/43, February/March 1994 (Penang, Third World Network, 1994)

200) ‘Dominant Western Perceptions of Islam & the Muslims - A Muslim Point of View' Towards a Positive Islamic Worldview: Malaysian & American Perceptions edited by Abdul Monir Yaacob & Ahmad Faiz Abdul Rahman (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Islamic Understanding, Malaysia (IKIM), 1994)

201) ‘Values that Enrich Human Dignity' Viewpoints No. 25, October, November & December 1994 (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Policy Research (IKD), 1994)

202) ‘Human Rights & Hypocrisy in the International Order' in Dominance of the West Over the Rest (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1995)

203) ‘Human Rights in the Asia Pacific Region' JUST Commentary No.17/August 1995 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1995)

204) ‘High Commissioner for Human Rights' Pemikir July - September 1995

205) ‘Money Politics' Aliran Monthly 16(7):1996

206) ‘Without Fear or Favour' Aliran Monthly 16(8):1996

207) ‘Humanity Beyond Borders' Aliran Monthly 16(9):1996

208) 'Asian Values, Democracy & Development' The Edge 19-25 August 1996

209) 'The Relevance of Rizal to Contemporary Southeast Asia' Jose Rizal & the Asian Renaissance M. Rajaretnam (ed) (Kuala Lumpur, Institute for Policy Research (IKD), 1996)

210) 'Europe, Asia & the Question of Human Rights' JUST Commentary No. 23/March 1996 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1996)

211) 'Justice & Judiciary' JUST Commentary No. 31/September 1996 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1996)

212) 'Humanity Beyond Borders' JUST Commentary No. 35/December 1996 (Penang, Just World Trust (JUST), 1996)

213) Europe, Asia & the Question of Human Rights' Viewpoints January-March 1996 (Kuala Lumpur, Institute for Policy Research (IKD), 1996)

214) ‘Corruption: Establishing a Fully Moral and Ethical Society – The Way Forward’ Aliran Monthly 17(5 & 6):1997

215) ‘Cultures Under Attack' ISIS Focus No. 144 / July 1997

216) 'Islam - Confucianism Dialogue: Its Significance for Ethnic Relations in Malaysia' Islam and Confucianism A Civilizational Dialogue. Osman Bakar and Cheng Gek Nai (editors) (Kuala Lumpur, Centre for Civilizational Dialogue, University of Malaya, 1997)

217) 'A Spiritual Vision of the Human Being' JUST Commentary No.1/July 1997 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), 1997)

218) ‘Towards the Creation of a Civil Society: Challenges of the 21st Century’ MSRC Current Affairs Forum Series 5 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Strategic Research Centre, 1997)

219) ‘The Media and the Powers that Be’ SASARAN September 1997 (Kuala Lumpur)

220) ‘Challenges of the 21st Century: Islamic Responses and the Role of the Muslim Artist’ Semurni Bil. 1/97, Jun / Dis 1997 (Shah Alam, Kajian Seni Lukis & Seni Reka, Institiut Teknologi Mara (ITM)

221) 'The Currency Crisis: 10 Spiritual Moral Principles' Commentary No. 10/March 1998 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

222) ‘The Crisis After a Year’ Commentary No. 16/September 1998 (Petaling Jaya, The International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

223) ‘The Anwar Crisis: Political Culture and Democracy’ Commentary No. 17/October 1998 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

224) ‘Anwar Ibrahim and the Crisis in Malaysia’ Commentary No. 18/November 1998 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

225) ‘Cultures Under Attack: Key Issues A Pacific Peace: Issues & Responses Mohamed Jawhar Hassan (editor) (Kuala Lumpur: ISIS Malaysia 1998)

226) ‘The Fear of Change’ Aliran Monthly, March 1999

227) ‘The People’s Verdict’ Commentary No. 24/May 1999 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

228) ‘One Man’s Obsession’ Commentary No 24/May 1999 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

229) ‘Heart to Heart’ Aliran Monthly, August 1999

230) ‘UMNO, PAS and ......’ Commentary No. 32/January 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

231) ‘Undermining Democratic Politics’ Commentary No. 32/January 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

232) ‘A Tribute to Neelan Tiruchelvam -- Comparing Notes: Sri Lanka & Malaysia: the Quest for Inter-ethnic Harmony’ Commentary No. 34/January 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

233) ‘Dialogue and Nation Building in Asia: Issues of Modernization - A Muslim Perspective’ Report on the Conference on Christian-Muslim Dialogue and Nation Building in Asia: Issues of Modernisation, (Malaysia, January 2000)

234) ‘Transforming Malay Political Culture’ Commentary No. 35/April 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

235) ‘Globalisation and Global Equity’ Commentary No. 37/June 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

236) ‘The Anwar Verdict: Its Impact Upon Malaysian Politics’ Commentary No. 39/August 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

237) ‘The Global Rich and the Global Poor: Seeking the Middle Path’ Commentary No. 40/September 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

238) ‘Religion in 21st Century Asia -- The Challenge Without; the Change Within’ Commentary No. 42/November 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

239) ‘Religious Dimensions in the Dialogue Among Civilisations’ Commentary No. 43/December 2000 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

240) ‘The Third Millennium: 10 Paradoxes of our Age’ Commentary Vol.1 No.1/January 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

241) ‘Islam: Obstacles to Equality’ Commentary Vol.1 No. 3/March 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

242) ‘Isa -- for the maintenance of Peace?’ Commentary Vol.1 No. 4/April 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

243) ‘Civilisational Dialogue: Malaysia’s role in the 21st Century’ Commentary Vol.1. No. 4/May 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

244) ‘Social Challenges of Rapid Economic Transformation: The Southeast Asian Experience’, SI Publications, (Institute Sultan Iskandar, Technology University of Malaysia, Johor Baharu, May 2001)

245) ‘Religion: Building Bridges or Erecting Walls?’ Commentary 1(7) 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

246) ‘Contemporary Religious and Ethnic Conflicts and their Impact Upon Civilisational Dialogue’ Commentary Vol.1. No. 8/August 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

247) ‘Durban: Powerful States vs Global Civil Society’ Commentary Vol.1. No. 9/September 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

248) ‘The Tyranny of Terror; the Triumph of Truth’ Commentary Vol.1. No. 9/September 2001 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

249) ‘Stop the War Now!’ Commentary Vol.1. No.10/October 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

250) ‘The September 11 Tragedy: the Adverse Consequences of Military Action’ Commentary Vol.1 No.10/October 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

251) ‘Malaysia and the Fight Against Terrorism’ Commentary Vol 2 No. 1/January 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

252) ‘Global Campaign on the Protection of Places of Worship’ Commentary Vol 2 No.4/April 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

253) ‘Suicide Bombing: Is Another Form of Struggle Possible?’ Commentary Vol. 2 No. 6/June 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

254) ‘Telling The Truth To One’s Own Community’ Commentary Vol. 2 No. 7/July 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

255) ‘A Transition of Power’ Commentary Vol. 2 No. 7/July 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

256) ‘Iraq -- An Attack is Imminent’ Commentary Vol. 2 No. 8/August 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

257) ‘Corporate, Casino, Consumerist Capitalism or 3C Capitalism’ Commentary Vol. 2 No.9/September 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

258) ‘A Resolution - For Aggression’ Commentary Vol. 2 No. 10/October 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

259) ‘Muslims and Buddhists in Asia’ Commentary Vol. 2 No. 11/November 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

260) ‘Indonesia: Assistance not Admonition’ Commentary Vol. 2 No. 11/November 2002 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

261) ‘Iqbal and the Challenge of Reform with the Muslim World’ Intellectual Discourse, 2002 Vol.11, No. 2 (Kuala Lumpur, Research Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia)

262) ‘Revitalising NAM’ Commentary Vol. 3 No. 2/February 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

263) ‘Aggression!’ Commentary Vol. 3 No 3/March 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

264) ‘Iran and the Politics of Regime Change’ Commentary Vol. 3 No. 6/June 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

265) ‘Common Values of the Religions and Faiths in Malaysia’ Towards a Civil Society (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Management 2003)

266) ‘Evangelism and Harmony’ JUST Commentary Vol.3 No.7/July 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

267) ‘Religion & Society in a Global Age’ JUST Commentary Vol.3 No.8/August 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

268) ‘The Golden Rule of Life’ JUST Commentary Vol.3 No.9/September 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

269) ‘A Clash of Civilisations?’ JUST Commentary Vol.3 No.10/October 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

270) ‘Common Values of the Religions and Faiths in Malaysia’ The New Wave Vol.6/03/November 2003 (Petaling Jaya, World Intellectual Network Sdn Bhd)

271) ‘Do the Jews Rule the World by Proxy?’ JUST Commentary Vol.3 No.11/November 2003 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

272) ‘The Pitfalls in PAS’s Islamic State’ The New Wave Vol.1/04/January 2004 (Petaling Jaya, World Intellectual Network Sdn Bhd)

273) ‘Nuclear Terrorism on the Horizon?’ JUST Commentary Vol.4 No.1/January 2004 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

274) ‘It is Occupation – Not Jobs!’ JUST Commentary Vol.4 No.2/February 2004 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

275) ‘Working towards Peace’ JUST Commentary Vol.4 No.3/March 2004 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

276) ‘The Truth is Out’ JUST Commentary Vol.4 No.5/May 2004 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

277) ‘The Media and the Powers-That-Be’ World Press Freedom Day 6 May 2004 (Kuala Lumpur, Asian Institute for Development Communication (Aidcom)

278) ‘The Truth about Torture’ JUST Commentary Vol.4 No.6/June 2004 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

279) ‘The Bush Victory’ JUST Commentary Vol.4 No.11/November 2004 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

280) ‘The Empowerment of the ASEAN Citizen’ Towards Building an ASEAN Community (Selangor, Centre for ASEAN Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 2004)

281) ‘The Media, Islam and the West’ Asia Media Summit 2004, Dialogue, Understanding and Tolerance (Kuala Lumpur, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development)

282) ‘The Tsunami Tragedy: Divine Fury or Human Folly?’ JUST Commentary Vol.5 No.1/January 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

283) ‘The Iraqi Elections: The Triumph of Democracy?’ JUST Commentary Vol.5 No.2/February 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

284) ‘An Action Plan for Peace’ JUST Commentary Vol.5 No.4/April 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

285) ‘Tsunami: What it Means for Humanity’ The New Wave Vol.1/05/April 2005 (Petaling Jaya, World Intellectual Network Sdn Bhd)

286) ‘Bandung: 50 Years After’ JUST Commentary Vol.5 No.5/May 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

287) ‘Civil Society: The Struggle for a Just Peace in Palestine’ JUST Commentary Vol.5 No.5/May 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

288) ‘World Peace’ Berita Centennial June 2005 (Malaysia, Rotary International District 3300)

289) ‘Global Campaign for a Democratic UN’ JUST Commentary Vol. 5 No. 6/June 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

290) ‘The Price of Opulence’ JUST Commentary Vol. 5 No. 6/June 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

291) ‘Civil Society in the Muslim World’ The Ummah at the Crossroads: The Role of the OIC (2005, Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Knowledge Advancement (InKA) and Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Malaysia (IDFR)

292) ‘The Barbaric and The Civilized’ JUST Commentary Vol. 5 No. 7/July 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

293) ‘Media and Religion’ JUST Commentary Vol. 5 No. 7/July 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

294) ‘The UN and Global Democracy’ JUST Commentary Vol. 5 No. 8/August 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

295) ‘The UN: Sick at Sixty’ JUST Commentary Vol. 5 No. 11/November 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

296) ‘The Role of Religion in Anti-Corruption Strategies’ Workshop on the Role of Religion in Anti-Corruption Strategies (Kuala Lumpur, Transparency International Malaysia and Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2005)

297) ‘Working Towards Peace: A Political Perspective’ Promoting Culture of Peace (Kuala Lumpur, Cahayasuara Communications Centre/Signis Asia, 2005)

298) ‘Towards an Arab-Asia Media Dialogue’ Asia Media Summit 2005 Promoting Peace and Prosperity in a Globalised World (Kuala Lumpur, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, 2005)

299) ‘The Asia-Africa Summit: Challenges and Prospects in the Era of

Globalization” The Forum, Vol.2, No.2, May – August 2005

(International Islamic University Malaysia).

300) ‘Iran: The Israeli Factor’ JUST Commentary Vol. 5 No. 12/December 2005 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

301) ‘The Rejuvenation of Knowledge in the Islamic World: A Shared Vision’ World Islamic Economic Forum: Partnerships for Growth and Development (Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute 2005)

302) ‘Christian-Muslim Solidarity Against Empire’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.1/January 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

303) ‘The Truth about the Tragedy in Timur Leste’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.2/February 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

304) ‘The Holocaust in Perspective’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.2/February 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

305) ‘Latin America Rejects Neo-Liberal Capitalism’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.2/February 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

306) ‘The Caliphate Threat?’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.2/February 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

307) ‘Cartoons: What is the real issue?’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.3/March 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

308) ‘Islam, the Principles of Democracy and Pluralism’ Eye Asia April 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad)

309) ‘The Truth About the Tragedy in Timur Leste’ Eye Asia May 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad)

310) ‘Iran: No to Sanctions; No to War’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.5/May 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

311) ‘Punishing the Palestinians’ Eye Asia June 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad)

312) ‘Intercontinental Media Dialogue’ Eye Asia July 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad)

313) ‘Pluralism and Islamic Civilization’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.7/July 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

314) ‘Buddhists and Muslims in Southeast Asia: A Continuing Dialogue’ Eye Asia August 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad).

315) ‘The OIC: Deeds – Not Just Words’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.8/August 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

316) ‘A Rogue State goes on a Rampage’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.8/August 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

317) ‘Human Dignity’ Eye Asia September 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad)

318) ‘Eliminate War… Before War Eliminate Us’ Eye Asia October 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad)

319) ‘The Truth about the Sword’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.10/October 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

320) ‘Promoting an Arab-Asia Media Dialogue’ Eye Asia November 2006 (Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad)

321) “9-11: 5 Year After”. Eye Asia December 2006, (Sin Chew Media Corp Bhd.

322) ‘Sunni-Shiite Violence’ JUST Commentary Vol.6 No.12/December 2006 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

323) “Transforming rights: Five challenges for the Asia Pacific” Malaysian Journal on Human Rights, Vol.1, 2007 (Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

324) Foreword Terrorism Democracy The West and the Muslim World. Edited by Abdul Rashid Moten and Noraini M. Noor. (Thomson Learning, Kuala Lumpur. 2007)

325) “Dreaming of a Just World”, Malaysian Business (Berita Publishing Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. 2007)

326) “The Role of Media in Promoting Cultural Diversity”, Edited by Sucharita Eashwar and Maya Eashwar (Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, 2007)

327) ‘Kindness to Animal: An Islamic Virtue’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.2/February 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

328) “The Truth about the Sword”. Eye Asia February 2007, (Sin Chew Media Corp. Bhd.)

329) ‘The Mecca Agreement’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.3/March 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

330) “Somalia: The US Intervenes Again”. Eye Asia March 2007, (Sin Chew Media Corp. Bhd.)

331) “The School of First Choice”. Eye Asia April 2007, (Sin Chew Media Corp. Bhd.)

332) “What is to be done” Off the Edge, May 2007 (The Edge Communication Sdn. Bhd.)

333) ‘Alternatives to Empire’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.5/May 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

334) ‘From Fiqh to Qur’an: Resolving Apostasy’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.6/June 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

335) “Inside Fidel’s Cuba.” Off the Edge, Issue 30, June 2007 (The Edge Communication Sdn. Bhd.)

336) ‘New Strategy in the Conquest of the Middle East’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.7/July 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

337) ‘Arab-Asia Media Dialogue’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.8/August 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

338) ’50 Years of Merdeka’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.9/September 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

339) ‘The Korean Hostage Crisis’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.9/September 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

340) ‘What Hope Myanmar’ JUST Commentary Vol.7 No.10/October 2007 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

341) “Kindness to Animals: An Islamic Virtue”, Catholic Asian News, October 2007 (Catholic Research Centre, Kuala Lumpur).

342) ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ Perdana Discourse Series 8, Perdana Leadership Foundation,Panel Discussants’ Points of View, 2007, Kuala Lumpur

343) “Pluralism and Islamic Civilisation” Dharma Vol.42 No.3&4, 2008 (Pure Life Society, 2008).

344) ‘Indian Malaysians: Ethnic Cleansing?’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.1/January 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

345) ‘Whither Dialogue?’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.1/January 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

346) ‘Article 9 and the Militarized World – What Can We Do?’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.2/February 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

347) “Who Sets the Global Agenda?” Broadcaster Volume 7 No.1 (Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, Kuala Lumpur. March 2008)

348) ‘The 2008 Malaysian Election: The BN Debacle’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.4/April 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

349) ‘Closing the Ethnic Gap’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.6/June 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST))

350) ‘The Dollar’s Reign Coming to an End?’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.7/July 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

351) “The Intellectual in an Age of Crises” NCWO Quarterly Vol.7, Issue3 (National Council of Women’s Organizations, July-September 2008)

352) ‘A Paradigm Shift’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.8/August 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

353) “The Dollar’s Reign Coming to an End?” Eye Asia August, 2008. (Media Communications Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya 2008)

354) ‘Government, Opposition and Back Door Politics in Malaysia’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.9/September 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

355) “The Crises of Our Time and the Need for a Paradigm Shift” Eye Asia September, 2008. (Sin Chew Media Corp. Bhd.)

356) ‘Challenging Casino Capitalism’ JUST Commentary Vol.8 No.11/November 2008 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

357) “The Politics of the Straits of Malacca” Eye Asia November 2008 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2008)

358) “Challenging Casino Capitalism” Eye Asia December 2008 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2008)

359) ‘Obama and the Malaysian Situation’ Eye Asia January 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

360) ‘The Gaza Massacre in Perspective’ Eye Asia February 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

361) ‘The Tussle for Power in Perak’ Eye Asia March 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

362) ‘The Global Economic Crisis: Is the G20 Plan the Answer? Eye Asia May 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

363) ‘The Plight of the Tamils of Sri Lankas’ Eye Asia June 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

364) ‘Political Polarization’ Eye Asia July 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

365) ‘Iran: A Question of Accountability Eye Asia August 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

366) ‘1Malaysia: The Way Ahead’ Eye Asia September 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

367) ‘lMalaysia and Citizenship’ Eye Asia October 2009 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2009)

368) ‘The Gaza Massacre in Perspective’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 1/Jan 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

369) ‘The Media and the Deportation of Richard Falk’ JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 1/Jan 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

370) ‘Establishing An Asian Monetary Fund’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 1/Jan 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

371) ‘Return Guantanamo to The People of Cuba’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 2/Feb 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

372) ‘Sue Israel for Genocide’ , JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 2/Feb 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

373) Reducing Politicking; Focusing Upon The Economic Crisis’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 3/Mac 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

374) ‘A Tussle for Power In Perak’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 3/Mac 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

375) ‘The Global Economic Crisis: Is The G20 plan The Answer?’ JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 4/Apr 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).


376) ‘Restoring Inter-Religious Harmony’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 5/May 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

377) ‘The Plight Of The Tamil Sri Lanka’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 5/May 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

378) ‘Obama and The Quest for A Nuclear Weapons Free World’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 5/May 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

379) ‘Israel, Racism and Zionism’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 5/May 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

380) Political, Polarization’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 6/June 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

381) ‘Transforming A Nation: The Bolivarian Revolution In Venezuela’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 6/June 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

382) ‘Iran: A Question of Accountability’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 7/July 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

383) ‘Iran: Respect Dissent; Stop The Violence’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 7/July 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

384) ‘Uighur Discontent’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 8/Aug 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

385) ‘The Marwa Murder and Islamophobia’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 8/Aug 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

386) ‘1Malaysia: The Way Ahead’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 8/Aug 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

387) ‘Iraq: Control Over Oil & Escalating Violence’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 9/Sept 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

388) ‘New Media: Changing the World Order’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 9/Sept 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

389) ‘A Call to Obama: Free The Cuban Five!’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 10/Oct 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

390) ‘The United States And The East Asia Community’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 11/Nov 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

391) ‘Arresting Dr Asri: An Act Of Injustice’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 11/Nov 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

392) ‘Climate Change – A Call to Copenhagen’, JUST Commentary Vol 9, No 12/Dec 2009 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

393) ‘Climate Change: A Call to Copenhagen’ Eye Asia January 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya)

394) ‘Palestine: A Turning Point?’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 1/Jan 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

395) Palestine: A Turning-Point? Eye Asia February 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya)

396) ‘A National Consultative Council For Religious Harmony’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 2/Feb 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

397) ‘Global Campaigns Against Israel Gathering Momentum’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 3/Mac 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

398) ‘Oil and Sovereignty: Clarification Appreciated’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 4/April 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

399) ‘Condemn Bomb Blasts in Russia!’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 4/April 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

400) ‘Allegations About Israeli Infiltration-A Thorough Probe’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/May 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

401) Nuclear Terrorism and Nuclear Weapons: The Role of Religion’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/May 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

402) ‘Malay or Malaysian?’ Eye Asia May 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya)

403) ‘Nuclear Terrorism and Nuclear Weapons’ Eye Asia June 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya)

404) ‘The Flotilla Tragedy: A Turning Point?’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 6/June 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

405) ‘Israel-Massacre at Sea’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 6/June 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

406) ‘NPT 2010: A Step Forward” JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 6/June 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

407) ‘Nuclear Energy: The Brazil-Turkey-Iran Initiative’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 6/June 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

408) ‘The Media: Universalizing Justice’ Eye Asia July 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya)

409) ‘Today’s Child; Tomorrow’s World’ Part I Eye Asia August 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya).

410) ‘Power Play in East Asia’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 8/August 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

411) ‘The Media & The Dignity of Children’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 8/August 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

412) ‘Will Media Connect with Religion in a World in Conflict and Crisis?’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 9/September 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

413) ‘Today’s Child; Tomorrow’s World’ Part II Eye Asia September 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya).

414) ASEAN: Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility’ Nuclear Terrorism and Nuclear Weapons: The Role of Religion’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/October 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

415) “Leaking the Truth´ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/November 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

416) ‘The US-Saudi Military Deal and Global Expenditure’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/November 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

417) ‘ASEAN: Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility’ Eye Asia November 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya).

418) ‘The US-Saudi Military Deal and Global Military Expenditure’ Eye Asia December 2010 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya).

419) ‘The Korean Crisis: A Call for the Establishment of an Independent Panel’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/December 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

420) ‘Aung San Suu Kyi is Free’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/December 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)).

421) ‘Iraq-Massacre in a Cathederal’ JUST Commentary Vol 10, No 5/December 2010 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

422) ‘The First Martyr of the New Year’ JUST Commentary Vol 11, No 1/January 2011 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

423) ‘Shi’ites: A Security Threat? JUST Commentary Vol 11, No 1/January 2011 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

424) ‘History and Ethnic Sentiments’ Eye Asia January 2011 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya)

425) ‘The Egyptian Revolution: The Triumph of Human Dignity’ JUST Commentary Vol 11, No 2/February 2011 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

426) ‘The Egyptian Revolution and the Arab Uprising: Some Further Reflections’ JUST Commentary Vol 11, No.2/February 2011 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

427) ‘Rising Food Prices and The Importance of Fundamental Change’ JUST Commentary Vol 11, No 2/February 2011 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

428) ‘Murdering Scientists’ JUST Commentary Vol 11, No 2/February 2011 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

429) ‘Rising Food Prices and the Importance of Fundamental Change’ Eye Asia March 2011 (Media Communication Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya)

430) ‘Quit Gaddafi Quit!’ JUST Commentary Vol 11, No 3/March 2011 (Petaling Jaya, International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

ii) Foreign Publications

1) ‘Coalition Politics' Commentary (Singapore, University of Singapore Society,January-March 1973)

2) ‘The 1974 General Election in Malaysia: A Post-mortem' Occasional Paper No. 25 (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1974)

3) ‘Trends in Ethnic Relations' Trends in Malaysia II Yong Mun Cheong (ed.) (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1974)

4) ‘Values in the Malaysian School System' New Directions Vol. 3 No. 1 (Singapore, March 1976)

5) ‘Malaysia: The National Front on Trial' Southeast Asian Affairs 1978 (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1978)

6) ‘Malaysia: Nation-building & Communication' Dynamics of Nation-building with Particular Reference to the Role of Communication (Bangkok, UNESCO, 1980)

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10) ‘Freedom of Association: the Malaysian Situation' Access to Justice: The Struggle for Human Rights In Southeast Asia Harry M. Scoble & Laurie Wiseberg (eds.) (London, Internet & Zed Press, 1984)

11) ‘Islamization in Malaysia' Afkar, Inquiry September 1984 (London, 1984)

12) ‘A Call for Clean Politics in UMNO' The 5th Column Far Eastern Economic Review 9 July, 1984 (Hong Kong, 1984)

13) ‘Southeast Asia: Dynamics of Political Change' Marga Quarterly Journal Vol. 7 No. 4, 1984 (Sri Lanka, Marga Institute, 1984)

14) ‘The State & Transnationalization in Malaysia' New Asian Visions (Diliman, Philippines, Third World Studies Center, University of the Philippines, July-October 1984)

15) ‘The Spiritual Base for Alternatives' Afkar Inquiry (London, December, 1985)

16) ‘Islam in Malaysia: Resurgence & Response' Islamic Perspectives (Bombay, Institute of Islamic Studies, 1985)

17) ‘Islam in Malaysia: Resurgence & Response' New Asian Visions Vol. 2 No. 1, 1985 (Diliman, Philippines, Centre for Third World Studies, University of the Philippines, 1985)

18) ‘Islam in Malaysia: Resurgence & Response' Religion & Asian Politics An Islamic Perspective (Hong Kong, Christian Conference of Asia, 1985)

19) ‘Changing Lifestyles Today For Tomorrow: the Spiritual Basis' Consumers, Transnational Corporations & Development Ted Wheelwright (editor) (Australia, University of Sydney, 1986)

20) ‘Islamic Resurgence: A Global View' (with illustrations from Southeast Asia) Islam & Society in Southeast Asia Taufik Abdullah & Sharon Siddique (editors) (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1986)

21) ‘Malaysia, Bumiputraism & Islam' Readings on Islam in Southeast Asia Ahmad Ibrahim, Sharon Siddique & Yasmin Hussain (editors) (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1986)

22) ‘Malaysia: Islamic Resurgence & the Question of Development' SOJOURN Social Issues in Southeast Asia Vol. 1 No. 1, February 1986 (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1986)

23) Review of Eight Lives & At Home in India' Third World Review Special issue on Ethnic Relations (London, 1987)

24) ‘The Concept of Equality in Islamic Thought' Equality & the Religious Traditions of Asia R. Siriwardena (ed) A Publication of the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (London, Frances Pinter, 1987)

25) ‘Equality & the Spiritual Traditions: An Overview' Equality & the Religious Traditions of Asia R Siriwardena (ed) A Publication of the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (London, Frances Pinter, 1987)

26) ‘Dissent Loosens Mahathir's Grip' South July 1987 (London, 1987)

27) ‘Social Activism & Spiritual Alternatives' Liberation, Religion & Culture: Asia-Pacific Perspectives (Bangkok, Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD), 1989)

28) ‘Ethnicity, Ethnic Conflict & Human Rights in Malaysia' Asian Perspectives on Human Rights Claude E. Welch Jr. & Virginia A. Leary (editors) (San Francisco, Oxford, Westview Press, Boulder, 1990)

29) ‘Indian Muslim Perspectives' The Thatched Patio Jan/Feb 1990 (Colombo, Sri Lanka, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 1990)

30) ‘The Gulf War - Muslim Reactions' AMPO Japan-Asia Quarterly Review Vol. 22 No. 4, 1991 (Tokyo, Pacific Asia Resource Centre (PARC), 1991)

31) ‘Castles in the Sky' AMPO Japan-Asia Quarterly Review Vol. 23 No. 2 (Tokyo, Pacific Asia Resource Centre (PARC), 1991)

32) ‘Religious Conflict in Asia' in Ethnic, Social & Religious Conflict: The Rights of Minorities An Occasional Paper (London, The Minority Rights Group, May 1991)

33) ‘Ideological Patterns of Japanese Dominance' Images of Asia D.R.Nagaraj (Editor) (Bangkok, Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD), 1991)

34) ‘A Spiritual Vision' The New Dawn October-November 1991 (Melbourne, Australian People's Conference, 1991)

35) ‘Muslim Outrage at Double Standard' Third World War (Hong Kong, Christian Conference of Asia, International Affairs, 1991)

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37) ‘Religious Conflict in Asia' Ang Makatao An Interdisciplinary journal for students & practitioners of the Social Sciences Vol. XI No. 1, 1992 (Manila, Asian Social Institute, 1992)

38) ‘Malaysia, Islam & the New World Order' Copenhagen Discussion Papers (Denmark, Center for East & Southeast Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen, October 1992)

39) ‘Islam: The Fundamentalist Fallacy' Far Eastern Economic Review 23 April, 1992 (Hong Kong, 1992)

40) ‘The Challenge to Intervene: A new role for the UN?' New Dawn Vol. 2 No. 5, May 1992 (Australia, New Dawn, 1992)

41) ‘The Spiritual Worldview' New Dawn Vol. 2 No. 5, May 1992 (Australia, New Dawn, 1992)

42) ‘Subtle Racism' ASA News Special Issue, June 1993 (Hong Kong, Asian Students Association, 1993)

43) ‘Western Global Domination & Human Rights' Asian Human Rights Commission Volume 5, October 1993 (Hong Kong, Asian Human Rights Commission, 1993)

44) ‘Rethinking the Concept of Human Rights' Impact Vol. 28 No. 2-3 (Manila, February-March 1993)

45) ‘End of Cold War - Beginning of New Wars' Impact Vol. 28 No. 12 (Manila, December 1993)

46) ‘Political Marginalisation in Malaysia' Indian Communities in Southeast Asia K.S. Sandhu & A. Mani (eds.) (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) & Rimes Academic Press, 1993)

47) ‘Cultural Diversity: Reflections on the Malaysian Experience' Multicultural Citizens: The Philosophy & Politics of Identity (Australia, The Centre for Independent Studies, University of New South Wales, 1993)

48) ‘Dominant Western Perceptions of Islam & the Muslims' New Dawn Number 21, September-October 1993 (Australia, New Dawn, 1993)

49) ‘Accountability, the Battle Cry' The People vs Global Capital. (Tokyo, Report of the International People's Tribunal to Judge the G-7, July 1993)

50) ‘G-7: Conflicts Within & Without' The People vs Global Capital (Tokyo, Report of the International People's Tribunal to Judge the G-7, July 1993)

51) ‘Global Domination' Seeds of Peace Vol. 9 No. 3, September-December 1993 (Thailand, International Network of Engaged Buddhists, 1993)

52) ‘Development, Democracy & the Destiny of the South' Terra Viva (Vienna, June 1993)

53) ‘Dominant Western Perceptions of Islam & the Muslims' The Thatched Patio Vol. 6 No. 3 (Sri Lanka, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, May/June 1993)

54) ‘Rethinking the Concept of Human Rights' IDOC Internazionale (Rome, 1993/4)

55) ‘Asian Economies in the New World Order: Third Cycle of Global Capitalism' Ang Makatao Vol XIII No. 1, January - June 1994 (Philippines, Asian Social Institute, 1994)

56) ‘The Clash of Civilisations or Camouflaging Dominance' Asian Studies Review Vol 18 No. 1, July 1994

57) ‘Clash of Civilisations' or Camouflaging Dominance?' Christian Worker Fourth Quarter, 1994 (Sri Lanka, Christian Workers Fellowship, 1994)

58) ‘Religious Conflict in Asia' Human Rights Perspectives & Challenges Editor K.P. Saksena (New Delhi, Institute for World Congress on Human Rights & Lancer Book, 1994)

59) ‘Clash of Civilisations' Humanscape April 1994 (Bombay, 1994)

60) ‘Challenges Facing East Asia' Impact Vol. 29 No. 4 (Manila, April 1994)

61) ‘Clash of Civilisations' Serves West's Interests' Impact Vol. 29 No. 4 (Manila, April 1994)

62) ‘Rights & Responsibilities' New Dawn No. 26, (Australia, New Dawn, August-September 1994)

63) ‘The West's Hidden Agenda' World Press Review February 1994 (New York, 1994)

64) ‘Human Rights, the State & the Secular Challenge' AMPO Vol. 26 No. 3 (Tokyo, Pacific Asia Resource Centre (PARC), 1995)

65) ‘From Human Rights to Human Dignity' Bulletin of Concerned Scholars Vol. 27 No. 4 (Colorado, October-December 1995)

66) ‘Who Benefits: Capitalism, Rights & Development' China Rights Forum Spring 1995 (New York, Human Rights in China, 1995)

67) ‘Human Rights: Western Standards versus Eastern Values' Communique No. 31-32 (Hong Kong, ARENA, September-December 1995)

68) ‘Human Rights in the Pacific Region: An Evaluation' Impact Vol. 30 No. 11 (Manila, November 1995)

69) ‘Clinton Veto Abets Israeli Violations' Impact International Vol. 25 No.6 (London, June 1995)

70) ‘Between the Dole & Duty' Impact International Vol. 25 No. 11 (London, November 1995)

71) ‘Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region' New Dawn No. 33 (Australia, New Dawn, November-December 1995)

72) ‘Achievements Made by Asia-Pacific Countries in their Efforts to Improve the Human Rights Situation' Report Symposium on Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region, July 20-21, 1995 (Tokyo, United Nations University & Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1995)

73) ‘A Conversation with Dr. Chandra Muzaffar' Q-News No. 192-193 (London, Q-News International, 1-14 December 1995)

74) ‘Alternative Politics for Asia’ Alternatives to Consumerism A paper presented in A Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue between Sulak and Chandra Muzaffar (Penang, 11-13 October 1996)

75) ‘Accommodation & Acceptance of Non-Muslim Communities within the Malaysian Political System: The Role of Islam' The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences Vol.13 No. 1, Spring 1996 (The Association of Muslim Social Scientists & The International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1996)

76) ‘Human Rights, Development & Religion' AMPO: Japan-Asia Quarterly Review Vol. 27 No. 2 (Tokyo, Pacific Asia Resource Centre) PARC), 1996)

77) ‘The Asian Values Debate' The Asia-Pacific Magazine (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1996)

78) ‘Europe, Asia & the Question of Human Rights' Australian Islamic Review Vol. 1 Issue 20 (Australia, 23 October-6 November 1996)

79) ‘The Motives Behind the US Military Strike in Iraq' Australian IslamicReview Vol. 1 Issue 20 (Australia, 23 October-6 November 1996)

80) ‘Judiciary & Justice' Australian Islamic Review Vol. 1 Issue 21 (Australia, 7-21 November, 1996)

81) ‘UMNO & Money Politics' Australian Islamic Review Vol. 1 Issue 21 (Australia, 7-21 November 1996)

82) ‘Women & the Syariah Court' Australian Islamic Review Vol. 1 Issue22 (Australia, 22 November-5 December 1996)

83) ‘Death of a Servant of Justice' Australian Islamic Review Vol. 1 Issue 23 (Australia, 6-20 December 1996)

84) Preface in Francis A Boyle The Bosnian People Charge GENOCIDE (Massachusetts, Aletheia Press, 1996)

85) ‘Israel's Security Requires Justice for Palestine' Catholic New Times Vol.20 No. 9 (Toronto, April 28, 1996)

86) ‘Human Rights: The Case for an Integrated Approach' Commonwealth Currents Vol. 3, 1996

87) ‘Money Politics' Disarming Times Vol. 21 No. 5, December 1996 (Melbourne, Pax Christi, 1996)

88) ‘Europe, Asia & the Question of Human Rights' Impact Vol. 31 No. 10 (Manila, October 1996)

89) ‘Erskine Childers: A Servant of Justice' Impact International Vol. 26 No. 10 (London, October 1996)

90) ‘Erskine Childers, A Servant of Justice' The Muslim News No. 90, 25 October 1996

91) ‘A New Threat to the South' The Muslim World Vol. 34 No. 27, 28 December 1996

92) ‘Human Rights in Asia Pacific’ Nation & the World Vol. 3 No. 104, February 1, 1996 (New Delhi, 1996)

93) ‘An Asian Perspective on Human Rights, Sovereignty and Migration,’ New Zealand Asia Policy Consultation: Human Rights, Sovereignty and Migration (University of Auckland, New Zealand Asia Institute, Resource Paper No. 6, June 1996)

94) ‘The Welfare State: A View from the South' Reconceptualising the Welfare State (The Danish Centre for Human Rights, Copenhagen, 1996)

95) ‘Islam & Confucianism' RIG 4 Religions in Dialogue, Vol. 4, Changes of Values & Religious Revolutions (Institute for Interreligious Studies, Nachrodt, Germany, 1996)

96) ‘Islam, Human Rights & East Asia' Sasang Quarterly Winter, 1996 (Institute of Social Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 1996)

97) ‘Iqbal and the Challenge of Reform Within the Muslim World' Al-Nahdah Vol. 17 Nos. 1-2, January-June 1997

98) ‘The Taliban’s Bigotry’ Defenders’ Newsletter No. 3, March-April 1997 (Tehran, Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, 1997)

99) ‘The Message of the International Movement for a Just World’ Defenders’Newsletter No. 8-9, September / October 1997 (Tehran, Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, 1997)

100) ‘The Currency Crisis: Ten Spiritual-Moral Principles’ Defenders’ Newsletter No. 10, November 1997 (Tehran, Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, 1997)

101) ‘Humanity Beyond Borders’ Disarming Times Vol. 22 No. 1, February1997 (Melbourne, Pax Christi, 1997)

102) ‘Actors in an Ethical Society’ The Edge June 2, 1997

103) ‘A New Threat to the South’ Impact Vol. 32 No. 3, March 1997

(Manila, 1997)

104) ‘Institutionalisation of Greed: Ten Moral Commandments About Money’ Impact International December 1997 (London, 1997)

105) ‘Religious Traditions and Universality’ Info on Human Development Vol. 23 Nos. 11-12, November-December 1997

106) 'Malaysia: The Shariah Law & Court' Muslim India Vol. No. XV No. 171, March 1997

107) ‘The Muslim Media in Europe’ The Muslim News 26 September 1997

108) ‘Humanity Beyond Borders: Discussing East Timor’ The Other Side Vol. 17 No. 1 (New Delhi, February 1997)

109) ‘Taliban’s Bigotry and the Power Game in Afghanistan’ The Other Side No. 2, (New Delhi, March 1997)

110) ‘Zaire: Time to Act’ The Other Side Vol. 17 No. 3 (New Delhi, April 1997)

111) ‘Anwar and Future Challenges’ The Other Side Vol. 17 No. 4 (New Delhi, May 1997)

112) ‘A Spiritual Vision of the Human Being’ The Other Side Vol. 17 No. 7 (New Delhi, August 1997)

113) ‘'The Asian Renaissance. By Anwar Ibrahim' Book review. Pacific Affairs Vol. 70 No. 2, Summer 1997 (Canada, 1997)

114) ‘Globalization: Response of Religion’ Partners Vol. 2 No. 2, December1997 (Bangkok, Federation of Bishops’ Conferences, 1997)

115) ‘A Spiritual Vision of the Human Being’ Radiance Viewsweekly Vol. 32 No. 38 (New Delhi, 14-20 September 1997)

116) ‘A Spiritual Vision of the Human Being – II’ Radiance Viewsweekly Vol. 32 No. 39 (New Delhi, 21-27 September 1997)

117) ‘A Spiritual Vision of the Human Being – III’ Radiance Viewsweekly Vol. 32 No. 40 (New Delhi, 28 September - 4 October 1997)

118) ‘The Ban on Landmines' Impact Vol. 33 No. 1 (Manila, January 1998)

119) ‘Money, Market and Monetarism: When the Magic Turns into a Con Trick’ Impact International January 1998 (London, 1998)

120) Spiritual Vision of Life, Encounter, Pg 160-187, (New Delhi, January/February 1998)

121) ‘The Currency Crisis: Ten Spiritual-Moral Principles’ Impact Vol. 33 No. 2 (Manila, February 1998)

122) ‘Globalisation & Global Equity’ in Religious & Poverty Seminar Report of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, (New York, March 1998)

123) ‘Globalization - The Perceptions, Experiences and Responses of the Religious Traditions and Cultural Communities in the Asia-Pacific Region' Info on Human Development Vol. 24 Nos. 1-4, (January-April 1998)

124) Currency Speculation Behind Asian Crisis, Encounter, (New Delhi, May/June 1998)

125) ASEAN, the Wider Region and the World: the Social Agenda, ASEAN Towards 2020 Strategic Goals and Future Directions, Stephen Leong (editor) ISIS Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, 1998)

126) Currency Speculation: A Global Virus, Impact Magazine, 1998, Vol.33 no. 3 (Manila, 1998)

127) Beyond the Anwar crisis: Good governance and basic rights, Impact International, Vol. 28 No. 11 (London, 1998)

128) The Anwar Episode: An Analysis Indonesia & the Malay World Vol. 26 no. 76 (School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, Britain, 1998)

129) Universalism in Islam Liberal Islam sourcebook ed. Charles Kurzman, Oxford University Press (New York & Oxford, 1998)

130) ‘Globalisation - The perceptions, experiences and responses of the religious traditions and cultural communities in the Asia Pacific Region’, Vol. 1 Issue No. 3, Butterfly Futures, (Bangalore, September 1998)

131) ‘The Anwar Episode - An Analysis’, Dateline, The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand Magazine, Fourth Quarter (Bangkok, 1998)

132) ‘Cultures Under Attack: Key Issues A Pacific Peace: Issues and Responses Mohamed Jawhar Hassan (editor) (Kuala Lumpur: ISIS Malaysia 1998)

133) ‘From Human Rights to Human Dignity’, Debating Human Rights in the US and Asia Peter Van Ness (editor) Routledge, (London & New York, 1999)

134) ‘Mahathir Clampdown’ Asian Wall Street Journal, (17 January 1999)

135) ‘What is the Right to Equality before the Law’ Chapter One Islam and Equality Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (New York, February 1999)

136) ‘The Anwar Episode: An Analysis’ Vol 34 No. 2, Impact Magazine, (Manila, February 1999)

137) ‘Power Struggle in Malaysia - The Anwar Crisis’, ISIM Newsletter 2, (Leiden, The Netherlands, March 1999)

138) ‘The Impact of 1997 on the Process of Regionalism in East Asia: Opening Keynote Address’, The 1998 Asia Leaders’ Forum, No. 1, April 1999 The Asia-Australia Papers (Melbourne, April 1999)

139) ‘One Man’s Obsession’ Time, 26 April 1999

140) ‘A Travesty of Justice’ Vol. 34 No. 5 Impact (Manila, May 1999)

141) ‘The Continuing Malaysian Crisis’, Vol. 34 No. 5 Impact Magazine, (Manila, June-July 1999)

142) ‘The People’s Verdict’, Christian Worker, 3rd Quarter (Sri Lanka, December 1999)

143) ‘Towards Human Dignity’ and ‘Islam & Human Rights’; Kenpo Kenkyu, (Japan, No. 31, 1999)

144) ‘What Can We Learn From Each Other?’ Papers and Reports from an International Seminar on Social Justice, Democracy and Alternative Politics: An Asian - European Dialogue, (Thailand, May 2000)

145) ‘The Anwar Verdict: Its Impact Upon Malaysian Politics’ Vol. 35, No. 11-12 Impact Magazine, (Manila, November-December 2000)

146) ‘The Global Rich and the Global Poor: Seeking the Middle Path’ Vol. 35 No. 11-12 Impact Magazine, (Manila, November-December 2000)

147) ‘Islam: Justice and Politics’ Religion and Politics in Asia Today Augustine Thottakara (Editor) Dharmaram Publications (Bangalore, India 2001)

148) ‘Religion in 21st Century Asia - The Challenge of Moneytheism’ Disarming Times, Vol 26, No. 1, February/March 2001 (Melbourne, Pax Christi, Australia, 2001)

149) ‘Malaysia’s role in the 21st Century’ The Muslim World, (Pakistan, August 2001)

150) ‘An old clash or a new divide?’ , 25 September 2001

151) ‘Dominance and Civilisational Dialogue’ Interfaith Conference on the Culture of Peace, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2000 (Dhaka, Bangladesh, Asian Muslim Action Network, 2001)

152) ‘Politics, Religious Resurgence and Conflicts in Asia’ Interfaith Conference on the Culture of Peace, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2000 (Dhaka, Bangladesh, Asian Muslim Action Network, 2001)

153) ‘AMAN: The Challenge Ahead’ Interfaith Conference on the Culture of Peace November 2000, edited by Mucha-Shim Arquiza & M. Abdus Sabur (Dhaka, Bangladesh, Asian Muslim Action Network, 2001)

154) ‘Dominance and Civilizational Dialogue’ Interfaith Conference on the Culture of Peace November 2000, edited by Mucha-Shim Arquiza & M. Abdus Sabur (Dhaka, Bangladesh, Asian Muslim Action Network, 2001)

155) ‘Malaysia’s Foreign Policy’ Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy Colin Barlow (Editor) (Cheltenham, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2001)

156) ‘Non-government Organizations (NGOs) as a Vehicle of Social Change' Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy Colin Barlow (Editor) (Cheltenham, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2001)

157) ‘How has the Practice of Islam Changed or Influence on Islam Changed over the last 20, 30 Years in Malaysia? Frontline September 2001 (New Delhi, Frontline)

158) ‘Tyranny of Terror: The Triumph of Truth’ Impact International Vo. 31 No. 10 (London, October 2001)

159) ‘Decent People Reject Terrorism and U.S. Bombing at the Same Time’ International Herald Tribune, 5 November 2001

160) ‘The Tyranny of Terror; The Triumph of Truth’ Christian Worker, (Sri Lanka, December 2001)

161) ‘A Visitor’s Impressions of the American People’s Response to the Carnage’ Vol. 5 Connect, Winter 2001, (Tokyo, 2001)

162) ‘Islamophobia after September 11’ Vol 5 Connect, Winter 2001 (Tokyo 2001)

163) ‘Islam and Shared Universal Values in a Globalizing World’, Development Policy Forum of the German Foundation for International Development (DSE) (Berlin, March 2002)

164) ‘Islam and the Legitimate Boundaries of Action when Struggling for Justice’ Living Ethics, St. James Ethics Centre (SJEC) (Australia, Issue 47, Autumn 2002)

165) ‘Muslims Must Correct West’s Incorrect Image of Islam’, Inter Press Service (July 2002)

166) ‘What the Muslim World Needs More Than Ever Is a Culture of Dignity’, New Voices of Islam, Farish A. Noor (Editor), (Leiden, The Netherlands, ISIM Publications, 2002)

167) ‘Multi-Civilisational Asia: The Promise and the Peril’, Vol. 8 No. 1 Encounters (Leicester, United Kingdom, Islamic Foundation, March 2002)

168) ‘Know Thy Enemy, Know Thyself: September 11 and Beyond’, No. 59-60, Communique (Hong Kong, September 2001 - June 2002)

169) ‘Morality in Public Life: The Challenge before Religion’ Vol 19 No. 3 American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Summer 2002

170) ‘The Morality and Legality of a War Against Iraq’ Disarming Times, Journal of Pax Christi Australia (Melbourne, August/September 2002)

171) ‘Exploring the Politics of Chandra Muzaffar’ No. 21 - Summer 2002/3 La Trobe Forum, The Magazine of the La Trobe Politics Society Inc., and the La Trobe History Society (Melbourne, Summer 2002)

172) ‘Forging an Alternative Civilization’ The Quest for Sanity (Middlesex, United Kingdom, The Muslim Council of Britain, September 2002)

173) ‘A Resolution for Aggression’ Inter Press Service, October 2002.

174) ‘The Permai Action Plan’, Vol. 38. No.2, Impact (Manila, February 2003)

175) ‘Multi-Civilisational Asia: The Promise and the Peril’, Dialogue among Civilizations, the proceedings of the conference on ‘Dialogue of Civilizations’ held in Tokyo and Kyoto, 31 July - 3 August 2001, (Paris, UNESCO, 2003)

176) ‘Multi-Ethnic Southeast Asia: Challenges and Choices’ and ‘China and Asia: Getting to know and understand one another’, Towards Peace in Multi-Ethnic Asia (Clarence J. Dias @ M. Abdus Sabur (editors) (Bangkok , Asian Resource Foundation (ARF), 2003).

177) ‘Religion & Society in a Global Age’ International Interfaith Centre Newsletter No. 19, Spring 2004 (Oxford, UK, International Interfaith Centre, 2004)

178) ‘Malaysians Hope for Reform’ April 8, 2004 Far Eastern Economic Review


179) ‘Islam and the Legitimate Boundaries of Action in the Struggle for Justice’ Friday Notes (London, Presstop June 2004)

180) ‘Can Transnational People Power Work’ New Visions for Peace (Bangkok Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), 2004)

181) ‘A Unipolar World: The Politics of Resistance and Transformation’ New Visions for Peace (Bangkok, Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), 2004)

182) ‘Islamaphobia and the War on Terror’ Connect Vol. 8 Issue 4 (Tokyo, 2004)

183) ‘The Quest for Justice and Respect – In the Midst of Global Hegemony’ Journal of the Tertiary Campus Ministry Association Vol 2. No. 1 2004 (Curtin University of Technology, Australia)

184) ‘Asian Perceptions of The West’ Special Symposium: “Dialogue between

Asia and Europe”, Rethinking International History from Asian Perspectives, 16 – 19 September 2004, CHIR (Commission of History of International Relations), Tokyo Conference 2004

185) ‘Religious Minorities and Dignity’ Defining Dignity (Delhi,India, World Dignity Forum and Heinrich Boll Foundation, January 2005)

186) ‘Renewed Faith’ Interact Spring 2005 (London, Catholic Institute for International Relations)

187) ‘The Tsunami Tragedy: Divine Fury or Human Folly’ Disarming Times Vol.30 No. 1 Feb - March 2005 (Australia, Pax Christi)

188) ‘Civil Society: The Struggle for a Just Peace in Palestine’ AMANA Vol.1 Issue 1 May 2005 (Bangkok, The Asian Muslim Action News Agency (AMANA))

189) ‘The Tsunami Tragedy: Divine Fury or Human Folly?’ Fellowship Vol. 71, No. 5-6 May/June 2005 (New York USA, Fellowship of Reconciliation)

190) ‘Sowing Seeds of Peace in the Era of Empire: Christians in Solidarity with Muslims’ First People’s Forum on Peace for Life 29 November – 4 December 2004 (Davao City, Philippines, June 2005)

191) ‘The Barbaric and the Civilized’ Islamic Voice (Bangalore, August 2005)

192) ‘Iraq, New Imperialism and Islamaphobia’ Connect Vol. 9 Issue 4 (Tokyo,

September 2005).

193) ‘Religious Conflict in Asia: Probing the Causes, Seeking Solutions’ Bridge

or Barrier Gerrie ter Haar and James J. Busuttil (editors) (Leiden, Brill 2005)

194) Interview in The Asian Future Dialogues for Change Vol 2. Pracha

Hutanuwatr and Ramu Manivannan (editors) (London, Zed Books Ltd,


195) ‘Transforming Faith’ Interact Autumn 2005 (London, Catholic Institute for

International Relations (CIIR)), November 2005)

196) ‘Perspectives’ Listening Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue 2002-2004, Chief Editor:

Bhikkhuni Liao Yi, Co-Editor: Maria R Habito. (Taiwan, The Museum of World Religions Development Foundation, 2005)

197) ‘Global Hegemony and Religion’ Understanding Peace and Conflict Transformation in Asia: Religious Perspective and Approaches (Bangkok, Asian Resource Foundation and Asian Muslim Action Network, 2005)

198) “Inter-faith Dialogue in Asia: Discovering the Shared Core”. International Movement of Catholic Students Asia Pacific 2005-2006

199) ‘Challenges To The Global Community In The 21st Century’ Info on Human Development January – March 2006, Vol. 32, Nos.1-3. (Manila, Philippines, Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference.)

200) Interview in “The Human Rights Council is a Council of Sinners…” Asia Views, Vol.1 no.1 May – June 2006 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

201) ‘A Rogue State Goes on A Rampage’ Disarming Times, Journal for Pax Christi Australia, August – October 2006.

202) ‘Global Empire or Universal Civilization?” Seeds of Peace, Vol.22 No.3, Sept-Dec 2549 (2006)

203) ‘Consequences of Islamic Resurgence in Malaysia’ Islam, Religion and Progress – critical perspective, Azhar Ibrahim Alwee @ Muhammed Imran Mohamed Taib, et al. (Singapore, The Reading Group, 2006).

204) Reform and Resistance in the Quest for Peace, Aman Assembly 2006, Religion & Society in a Global Age.

205) “Quo Vadis The Dialogue of Civilizations?” Politics of Empire and the Culture of Dialogue: Intellectual and Organizational Signposts for the Future (Melbourne, Australia, Center for Dialogue, LaTrobe University, 2006.)

206) “The Current Crisis in the Middle East and the Challenge to World Peace” Connect Vol. 11(2): June 2007.

207) “The relationship between Southeast Asia and the United States: A contemporary analysis”. Social Research, 72(4) Winter 2006.

208) “Alternatives to Empire” , 27 April 2007.

209) “Global Empire and the Quest for Global Justice” in Malay Studies Lectures 2005-2006. p49-70. Edited by Ungku Maimunah Mohd Tahir. (New Zealand, The Chair of Malay Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, 2007)

210) “Interfaith for the Future” in A Global Guide to Interfaith – Reflections from around the world by Sandy & Jael Bharat (O Books, 2007).

211) ”Containing China: A Flawed Agenda” in Asia-Pacific Geopolitics – Hegemony vs Human Security. Edited by J A Camilleri et al. (UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007)

212) “Resisting hegemony; raising dignity” Asking, we walk the south as new political imaginary. Edited by Corinne Kumar. (Bangalore, India. Streelekha Publications, 2007)

213) “Hegemony, Terrorism, and War – Is Democracy the Antidote?”, Widener Law Review. XIII(2), 2007. (Delaware, Wilmington, Widener University School of Law, 2007)

214) “Resisting Hegemony; Raising Dignity” Peace and Conflict Transformation in the Age of Hegemony and Extremism (Asian Resource Foundation and Asian Muslim Action Network, 2007)

215) “The Article 9 and Militarized World” Report Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution (Panel Discussion II-4 Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 and Peace in Asia, Dec. 2007)

216) ‘Multi-civilizational Asia – The Promise and Peril” Globalization & Civilization – Are They Forces in Conflict? Editors Ali A. Mazrui, Patrick M. Dikirr, Shalahudin Kafrawi. (New York, Global Scholarly Publications, 2008).

217) ‘Don’t Look West’ Amana Vol.2 Issue 3. (The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), Thailand, The Amana Media Initiative, 2008)

218) The Dollar’s Reign of Terror () 3 August 2008

219) Dollar’s Reign Coming to an End?” Seeds of Peace, Vol..24 No.3 Sept.-Dec.2008, (Thai Inter-Religious Commission for Development (TICD), Spirit in Education Movement (SEM) & International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB), 2008).

220) “The Global War on Terror – and the Prawn behind the Stone” The “Global War on Terror” and the Question of World Order Edited by Hans Kochler (Vienna, International Progress Organization, 2008)

221) ‘Discussant’s Remarks’ ASEAN Integrity Dialogue 2008: International & Regional Cooperation on Strengthening Identity & Reinforcing Trust, (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Integrity, 2008).

222) ‘Dialogue Among Civilizations after 9/11’ 2008 Global Forum on Civilization and Peace, (Korea, The Academy of Korean Studies, 2008.)

223) ‘Quo Vadis The Dialogue of Civilizations? September 11 and Muslim West Relations’ Civilizational Dialogue and World Order edited by Michalis S Michael and Fabio Petito, (Basingstroke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.)

224) ‘‘The Long Journey to the Just: My Life, My Struggle’ Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Volume 12, Number 1, March 2011 (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group)

D) Articles (Malay)

i) Local Publications

1) ‘Keluar Dari Jawatan Tinggi’ Dewan Masyarakat Januari 1976 (Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 1976)

2) ‘Generasi Baru dan Politik Masa Depan’ Dewan Budaya September 1979 (Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 1979)

3) ‘Apa Erti Pembangunan?’ Diskusi September 1979 (Kuala Lumpur, Diskusi, 1979)

4) ‘Haluan Perhubungan Etnik di Malaysia’ Integrasi Politik Syed Ahmad Hussein & Y. Mansoor Marican (Penyunting) (Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 1979)

5) ‘Al-Quran: Nilai dan Peraturan’ Dewan Budaya Februari & Mac 1980 (Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 1980)

6) ‘Rasuah’ Panji Masyarakat Disember 1980 (Kuala Lumpur, 1980)

7) ‘Merosotnya Kebebasan’ Nadi Insan Oktober 1981 (Kuala Lumpur, Nadi Insan, 1981)

8) ‘Masa Depan Pekerja’ Nadi Insan Jun 1982 (Kuala Lumpur, Nadi Insan, 1982)

9) ‘Batasan dan Dorongan’ Panji Masyarakat (Kuala Lumpur, Ogos/Sept. 1982)

10) ‘Antara Setia dan Durhaka’ Panji Masyarakat Jilid VII (Kuala Lumpur, November/Disember 1982)

11) ‘Kebebasan Akademik’ Ilmu Masyarakat April-Jun 1983 (Terbitan Persatuan Sains Sosial Malaysia, 1983)

12) ‘Konsep Kesatuan Dalaman Tidak boleh dipindahkan ke Malaysia’ Nadi Insan Ogos 1983 (Kuala Lumpur, 1983)

13) ‘Demokrasi ala Malaysia’ Panji Masyarakat (Kuala Lumpur, Jun/Februari 1983)

14) ‘Penswastaan’ Aliran Monthly Januari, 1984

15) ‘Seni dan Islam’ Dewan Budaya 1984 (Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 1984)

16) ‘Pertambahan 70 juta penduduk dan perindustrian’ Aliran Monthly Februari, 1985

17) ‘Pembangunan dan Islam’ Aliran Monthly Jun/Julai/Ogos, 1985

18) ‘Islam Sebagai Teras Pembangunan’ Dewan Budaya Mei 1985 (Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 1985)

19) ‘Sistem Kerajaan Malaysia’ Masyarakat Malaysia edisi II Zuraina Majid (Penyunting) (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 1985)

20) ‘Fungsi Parlimen Merosot’ Pembina Generasi Mei/Jun 1985 (Kuala Lumpur, Nurin Enterprise, 1985)

21) `Pelajar-Pelajar dan Perjuangan Islam’ Aliran Monthly Mei/Jun 1986

22) `Skandal BMF - Satu Pengajaran’ Aliran Monthly Julai/Ogos 1986

23) ‘Peranan Wanita Dalam Pendidikan Manusia Malaysia Baru’ Aliran Monthly November/Disember 1986

24) Various essays in Cabaran-Cabaran Semasa (Penang, Aliran, 1986)

25) Various essays in Pandangan Aliran (Penang, Aliran, 1986)

26) ‘Bekerja Rajin: Mengatasi Segala Masaalah?’ Dasar-Dasar Ekonomi Mahathir Jomo (editor) (Kuala Lumpur, Insan, 1986)

27) ‘Pengswastaan: Untuk Siapa?’ Dasar-Dasar Ekonomi Mahathir Jomo (editor) (Kuala Lumpur, Insan, 1986)

28) ‘Pergerakan Belia: Satu Penilaian’' Pembina Generasi Januari/Februari 1986 (Kuala Lumpur, Nurin Enterprise, 1986)

29) ‘Hukuman Sebat: Renungan Terhadap Syariah dan Al-Quran’ Aliran Monthly Jun/Julai/Ogos 1987

30) ‘Apakah Perlu Bertanding Dalam Pilihanraya’ Aliran Monthly September/Oktober 1987

31) ‘Kehakiman Yang Bebas: Suatu Konsep Barat?’ Aliran Monthly Oktober/November 1987

32) ‘Antara Demokrasi dan Keselamatan Negara’ Aliran Monthly November/Disember 1987/Januari 1988

33) ‘Politik Malaysia Menjelang Tahun 2000 - Antara Harapan dan Kenyataan’ Aliran Monthly Januari-Februari 1988

34) ‘Kerajaan Yang Kuat Atau Pemerintahan Yang Adil?’ Aliran Monthly Vol. 8:9, 1988

35) ‘Setia’ Aliran Monthly Vol. 9:1, 1989

36) Several articles in ISA dan Keselamatan Negara (Penang, Aliran, 1989)

37) ‘Intelektual dan Intelligenstsia: Suatu Analisa Sosial’ Laporan Kolokium anjuran Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Persatuan Sains Sosial, (Kuala Lumpur, Februari 1990)

38) ‘Mimpi Wang Ringgit’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:1, 1991

39) ‘Perang Teluk: Reaksi masyarakat Islam’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:3, 1991

40) ‘Bumiputera, Bukan Bumiputera dan Sejarah’ Majalah Aliran

Jil. 1:5, 1991

41) ‘Demokrasi - Pemerintahan majoriti?’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:5, 1991

42) ‘Antara Kebebasan dan Keganasan’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:6, 1991

43) ‘Dosa OIC’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:8, 1991

44) ‘Keselamatan ASEAN: Campurtangan Kuasa Asing Harus Dihindari’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:8, 1991

45) ‘Antara Undang-Undang dan Keadilan’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:9, 1991

46) ‘Pengikhtirafan Dokumen-Dokumen Antarabangsa’ Majalah Aliran Jil.1:9, 1991

47) ‘Perjuangan Islam Mestilah Progresif’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 1:11, 1991

48) ‘Taat Setia Politik: Suatu Kesinambungan Feudal’ Majalah Aliran Jil.1:11, 1991

49) ‘Kurd: Manipulasi dan Penindasan’ Dewan Masyarakat (Kuala Lumpur, Jun 1991)

50) ‘Kurd, Mangsa Mainan Barat’ Dewan Masyarakat (Kuala Lumpur, Julai 1991)

51) ‘Apartheid Masih Hidup’ Dewan Masyarakat (Kuala Lumpur, Oktober, 1991)

52) ‘Keselamatan Serantau dan Konsep ZOPFAN’ Dunia Islam (Kuala Lumpur, Julai 1991)

53) ‘Menggarap Perjuangan PAS’ Dunia Islam (Kuala Lumpur, Ogos 1991)

54) ‘Ancaman Rasuah’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 2:1, 1992

55) ‘Hanya Manusia Boleh Melindungi Hak Asasi Manusia’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 2:1, 1992

56) ‘Kita Tidak Perlu Perlindungan AS’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 2:1, 1992

57) ‘Pemerintah dan Raja-Raja’ Majalah Aliran Jil. 2:1, 1992

58) ‘Zionisme itu Perkauman’ Dewan Budaya April 1992 (Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 1992)

59) ‘Anak-anak Palestin Semakin Terancam’ Dunia Islam Mac 1992 (Kuala Lumpur, 1992)

60) ‘Politik Perkauman dan Integrasi Nasional’ Politik Malaysia Dekad 1990an Hairany Naffis (editor) (Jabatan Sains Politik, Fakulti Sains Kemasyarakatan & Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1992)

61) ‘Perspektif Agama/Socio Budaya’ Monograph Forum Etika & Alam Sekitar, 22 October, 1993 (Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Alam Sekitar, Kuala Lumpur, 1993)

62) ‘Pertelingkahan Tamadun atau Penyamaran Penguasaan?’ Dewan Budaya Februari 1994 (Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1994)

63) ‘Fanatik dan Bahaya di Sebaliknya’ Al Islam June 1995 (Kuala Lumpur, Utusan Melayu, 1995)

64) 'Islam dan Konfucianisme: Dalam Hubungan Etnik' Negarawan Oktober-November, 1995 (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Strategic & International Studies (ISIS) 1995)

65) 'Niat Buruk AS Terhadap Iran' Massa Bil. 20 Thn. 1, 27 Januari, 1996

66) 'Hubungan Realistik Antara Kaum di Malaysia' Muhibah Bil. 5/96

67) 'Keadilan Sosial: Suatu Penilaian' Pemikir Julai - September 1996 (Kuala Lumpur, Utusan Melayu, 1996)

68) ‘Keadilan Sosial di Malaysia Praktikal’ Backbench Oktober 1997

69) ‘Pembinaan Masyarakat Madani: Model Malaysia’ Masyarakat Madani: Satu Tinjauan Awal (Kuala Lumpur, Institut Strategi Pembangunan Malaysia (MINDS), 1998)

70) ‘Pengenalan Ilmu Ketamadunan’ Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia (Kuala Lumpur, Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2001)

71) ‘Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia: Cabaran Kontemporari dan Masa Depan’ Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia (Kuala Lumpur, Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2001)

72) “Isu Palestin dan Perjuangan Keamanan Sejagat” Majalah Kefahaman Islam VISI, Bil. 67, Julai 2006

73) ‘Mewujudkan Sebuah Masyarakat Berintegriti’ Editor: Anis Yusal Yusoff, Mohd Rais Ramli, Zubayry Abady Sofian. Integriti Politik di Malaysia: Ke arah kefahaman yang lebih sempurna. (Institut Integriti Malaysia (IIM) 2007)

ii) Foreign Publications

1) `Wabah Korupsi' Korupsi (Jakarta, Lembaga Studi Pembangunan, 1984)

2) `Al-Quran: Nilai dan Peraturan' Pesantren No. 3/Vol. IV, 1987 (Jakarta, P3M, 1987)

3) 'Islam Dalam 'Tata Dunia Baru'' UMMAT No. 1 Thn. 1, 10 Julai 1995 (Jakarta, UMMAT, 1995)

4) ‘Wawancara Eksklusif’, Hikmahbudhi, Edisi 306, 2002 (Jakarta, 2002)

5) ‘Jaringan Terorism di Indonesia’ Tempo Edisi 12-10 Oktober 2003 (Indoneisa, Tempo Majalah Berita Mingguan)

6) ‘Menilai Dr Mahathir Mohamad’ Tempo No. 36 Edisi 3-9 November 2003 (Indonesia, Tempo Majalah Berita Mingguan)

7) Menggabungkan Kekuatan-kekuatan ‘Civil Society’ Asia dan Pasifik: Solusi Damai bagi Konflik Isreal-Palestina – Al-Huda Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Islam Vol VI, Nombor 16, 2008

iii) Books Translated into Malay

1) Lima Persoalan (together with Khoo Yoke Kuan) (Penang, Aliran, 1987)

2) Kebangkitan Semula Islam translated by Adibah Amin (Petaling Jaya, Fajar Bakti, 1988)

3) Pelindung? Hubungan Antara Pemerintah dan Rakyat Dalam Masyarakat Melayu (Penang, Aliran, 1992)

4) Hak Asasi Manusia Dalam Tata Dunia Baru (Bandung, Indonesia, MIZAN, 1995)

5) ‘Muslim, Dialog dan Teror’ (Jakarta, Profetik, PT Ekuator Publika 2004)

E) Articles (Other Languages)

1) ‘Nords dominans over SOR - kritikk av den radende' Mennesker & rettingheter v/1992 (Oslo, Nordisk Tidsskrift om Menneskerettigheter, 1992) (Norwegian)

2) ‘Entwicklung versus Democratie: Gibt es einen Dritten Weg?' Sudistasien Informationen Nummer 1 Jahrgang 10, Marz 1994 (Bochum, Germany, Southeast Asian Information Centre, 1994) (German)

3) ‘Toutes Les Religions En Appellent A La Justice’ foi et developpement, Juin 2003 (Paris, Centre L.-J Lebret) (French)

4) ‘Al-Awulamatu Waddin: Nazaratu Wata’amulatu’ (In Arabic) Jurnal Yadim Bilangan Kelima Disember 2003 (Kuala Lumpur, Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia) (Arabic)

5) ‘Una vision de futuro: reflexiones de Chandra Muzaffar’ El Sudeste Asiatico Juan Ignacio Piovani / Sebastian Baglioni (editors) (Primera edicion, abril de 2004, Argentina, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero) (Spanish)

6) L’Hegemonisme, Obstacle Majeur Au Dialogue Entre Civilisations’ (in French) foi et developpement, November 2004 (Paris, Centre L.-J.Lebret)


7) ‘Isla e direitos humanos’ (in Portugese) Direitos Humanos (Rio de Janeiro, Sao, Paulo, Renovar 2004) (Portuguese)

8) Insan Haklari, Demokrasi ve Sivil Toplum (Monograph) May 2006. (Turkish)

Various other articles have also been translated into Thai, Khmer, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Tamil, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, German and the Scandinavian languages and published in different journals.

The above list of publications does not include articles that have appeared in Malaysian dailies or in newspapers in other countries.


1) Proses Islamisasi (Penang, Aliran 1983)

2) Kemelesetan Ekonomi: Sebab-sebab dan Kesan-kesan (Penang, Aliran, 1983)

3) At the Crossroads: 25 Years of Merdeka (Penang, Aliran, 1984)

4) National Culture: Aliran's Approach (Penang, Aliran, 1984)

5) Justice Before Cooperation (Penang, Aliran, 1984)

6) Development - For Whom? (Penang, Aliran, 1985)

7) Deeds Betray Words (Penang, Aliran, 1985)

8) Challenges Facing Asia (Penang, Aliran, 1985)

9) Pertahankanlah Demokrasi (Penang, Aliran, 1985)

10) Malaysia Dipersimpangan Jalan (Penang, Aliran, 1985)

11) An Islamic State Or Secular State? (Penang, Aliran, 1988)

12) The Real Threat (Penang, Aliran, 1988)

13) Oppose OSA (The Official Secrets Act) (Penang, Aliran, 1988)

14) Bahayanya Akta Rahsia Rasmi (Penang, Aliran, 1988)

15) Budaya Nasional (Penang, Aliran, 1988)

16) Who's Destroying the Rukunegara? (Penang, Aliran, 1989)

17) Krisis Demokrasi (Penang, Aliran, 1989)


1) ‘Trends in Malaysia II' Seminar Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1974

2) ‘Issues in Development' Conference UNICEF Bangkok, 1975

3) ‘Nation-building & Communication' UNESCO Seminar Kuala Lumpur, 1979

4) Lectures to students & academics in New Delhi, Cairo, London, NewYork, Seattle & Vancouver in the course of Sabbatical Leave from Universiti Sains Malaysia in early 1980

5) ‘Ethics & Development' Seminar Marga Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1980

6) ‘Asia in the Global Context: Towards the Year 2000' Symposium Asia Society, New York, 1981

7) ‘Access to Justice' Workshop Human Rights Internet & the Law Faculty, University of Philippines Tagaytay, Philippines, 1982

8) ‘Religion & Modernization in Singapore' Workshop Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1982

9) ‘The 1982 Malaysian General Election' Seminar Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, May 1982

10) ‘Themes for the Eighties in Southeast Asia' Conference International Quaker Service Program Bangkok 22nd - 25th October 1982

11) ‘Theories of Equality in the Different Religious & Cultural Traditions of Asia' Workshop International Centre of Ethnic Studies, UNESCO & United Nations, University of Kandy, Sri Lanka, December, 1983

12) ‘Reflections on Development in Southeast Asia' Rockefeller Awardees Workshop Chiangmai, Thailand, 28 - 30 January, 1984

13) ‘Religion & Development in Southeast Asia' Conference International Quaker Service Program, Manila, October, 1984

14) ‘Islam & Politics' Consultation Christian Conference of Asia, Hong Kong, November, 1984

15) ‘Changing Lifestyles Today for Tomorrow' 11th Congress International Organization of Consumers Unions (IOCU) Bangkok, December, 1984

16) ‘The Political Economy of ASEAN' Seminar Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, December, 1984

17) ‘Reflections on Development' Conference Rockefeller Centre for Study & Research, Bellagio, Lake Como, Italy, September 1985

18) Lecture tour of Switzerland, Holland & Britain mainly to talk to public interest groups, students & academics, September 1985

19) Seventh Asian Studies Conference Auckland, New Zealand, 15 - 19 May, 1987

20) Seminars at several Australian & New Zealand Universities, May 1987

21) ‘Security Regulations in Southeast Asia' Workshop, Asian Human Rights Commission, Kuala Lumpur, 5 - 8 October 1987

22) ‘Human Rights in South & Southeast Asia' Symposium State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, 25 - 27 May, 1988

23) Talk on ‘Malaysian Politics’ at Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), London, 10 June 1988

24) ‘The Anti-Apartheid Struggle & The Asia-Oceania Region' Workshop, Japanese Anti-Apartheid Committee, Tokyo, 25 - 31 August, 1988

25) ‘Spirituality & Social Action' Consultation, Thai Inter-Religious Commission on Development, Bangkok, 18 - 25 September, 1988

26) ‘Liberation, Religion & Culture' Workshop, Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD), Bangkok, 20 - 25 September, 1988

27) Human Rights Conference for the Asia & Pacific Region. Amnesty International, Hong Kong, 27 - 29 November, 1988

28) Tenth Anniversary Celebrations of Human Rights Watch, Los Angeles, New York & Washington, 30 November - 10 December 1988

29) ‘Constitutionalism in Asia' Symposium American Council of Learned Societies, Chiangmai, 22 - 28 February, 1989

30) ‘Ethnic Conflict & the UN System' Conference Harvard University & the International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Oxford, 28 - 31 March, 1989

31) ‘Aotearoa/New Zealand & human Rights in the Pacific & Asia Regions: A Policy Conference', organised by New Zealand House of Representatives, Wellington, 26 - 28 May, 1989

32) International Human Rights Retreat for Human Rights Activists, Human Rights Internet & the Human Rights Program, the Harvard Law School, Crete, Greece, 5 - 10 June, 1989

33) `Geo-politics in the Asia-Pacific Region' Seminar, Christian Federation (WSCF) Seoul, South Korea, August, 1989

34) ‘Will the Future be Ours?' Symposium, People's Plan 21 - Alliance of Hope, Tokyo, August, 1989

35) ‘International Consultation on Sri Lanka' International solidarity groups from various parts of the world, Thailand, 11 - 8 May, 1990

36) ‘Media & Human Rights' Conference Academy for Development & Freedom & the United Nations, Sintra, Portugal, 22 - 26 May, 1990

37) Talk on ‘Will the Barisan Nasional Retain its Two-Thirds Majority' at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), London, 30 May, 1990

38) Seminar on ‘Human Rights Under Attack from Development', organised by IMADR & Buraku Liberation League, Osaka, 22 - 28 June 1990

39) Speaking tour of Melbourne, Sydney & Canberra on contemporary human rights issues, organized by Amnesty International, Australia, 5 - 12 October, 1990

40) ‘Trends in Religious Fundamentalism in Asia Today' Seminar on religious fundamentalism, Asia Task Force, Chiangmai, Thailand, 6 - 7 November, 1990

41) The Third World Congress on Human Rights, New Delhi, 10 - 15 December, 1990

42) Workshop on `Inter-faith Communication & Social Action' Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD) 3 - 5 June, 1991

43) Keynote Speaker at Amnesty International's 30th International Council Meeting, Yokohama, Japan, 28 August - 2 September, 1991

44) Panelist at the People's Forum organized by Thai & International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Bangkok, 11 - 14 October, 1991

45) Discussant at Experts' Group Meeting on the `Human Freedom Index' United Nations Development Programme, New York, 15 - 22 November, 1991

46) Seminar on Multi-Culturalism, Centre for Independent Studies, Canberra, 29 November - 1 December, 1991

47) Lecture on ‘The New World Order - a Response from Religion' organized by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Melbourne, 3 December, 1991

48) Keynote address on ‘Ethno-religious Conflict in Asia' Asian SocialInstitute, Manila, 9 - 15 February, 1992

49) ‘Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region' Seminar Buraku Liberation League, Osaka, Japan, 27 - 29 April, 1992

50) ‘New Role for the UN: The Challenge to Intervene?' Seminar Life & Peace Institute Sigtuna, Sweden, 24 - 26 May, 1992

51) ‘Re-thinking Human Rights: A Non-Western Perspective' Lecture Institute of Human Rights Oslo, Norway, 27 May 1992

52) ‘Islam & the New World Order' Lecture Centre for East & Southeast Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 May 1992

53) ‘Human Rights Under Attack from Development' Conference Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Centre, Osaka, Japan, 22 - 27 June, 1992

54) ‘Peace & Human Rights' Forum People's Plan 21 Century, Bangkok, Thailand, 2 - 5 December, 1992

55) ‘Politics of Identity' Lecture Asian Culture, Forum on Development (ACFOD) Bangkok, Thailand, 11 December, 1992

56) ‘The Role of Religion in Development' Workshop Battambang, Cambodia, 2 - 10 January, 1993

57) Preparatory Meeting, Asia Region, World Conference on Human Rights, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 March, 1993

58) Conference on 'Islam & Justice', Institute of Islamic Understanding, Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur, 3 - 4 June, 1993

59) World Conference on Human Rights, United Nations, Vienna, Austria, 14 June, 1993

60) People's Tribunal on G7, Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC), Tokyo, Japan, 3 July, 1993

61) Seminar on 'Islam & Its Worldview: An American Perception', Institute of Islamic Understanding, Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur, 19 - 20 August, 1993

62) Popular Arab & Islamic Conference, Khartoum, Sudan, 2 December, 1993

63) South East Asia Conference, South East Information Centre, Bochum, Germany, 11 - 13 February, 1994

64) 'Islam and Human Rights' Talk, Protestant Theological Seminary, Wuppertal, Germany, 14 February, 1994

65) Conference on 'Islam & Tolerance', Institute of Islamic Understanding, Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur, 23 March, 1994

66) Multiculturalism in Global Perspective: The Malaysian Story Lecture, East West Centre for Cultural Studies, Honolulu, 14 April, 1994

67) ‘Local Identity in the Global Community: Creating Peace in the 21st Century' Symposium East-West Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, 15 April, 1994

68) 'World Religions View Consumerism' Forum, Institute of Pacific and Asian Studies, University of Hawaii, Honolulu,15 April,1994

69) 'Human Rights: Varying Interpretations' Lecture, University of Denver, Colorado, 17 April, 1994

70) 'Islam and the Global System' Lecture, Department of Religion, Temple University, Philadelphia, 19 April, 1994

71) 'Asia Leaders' Forum, The Asia-Australia Institute, Jimbaran Bay, Bali, 14-15 September, 1994

72) International Conference on 'Rethinking Human Rights', Just World Trust (JUST), Kuala Lumpur, 6 - 7 December, 1994

73) International Conference on 'Development, Ethics & the Environment', Institute for Policy Research (IKD), Kuala Lumpur, 13 - 15 January, 1995

74) International Conference on 'Islam & Confucianism', University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 12 - 14 March, 1995

75) Conference on 'Islam & Society in Southeast Asia', LIPI, IAIN & AMINEF, Jakarta, Indonesia, 29 - 31 May, 1995

76) Human Rights Seminar, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan) & United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, 19 - 21 July, 1995

77) 'Action Agenda' Consultation, International Development Research Centre, Montreal, Quebec, 16 - 20 August, 1995

78) 'Islam & the New World Order' Lecture, Masjid Taqwa, Brooklyn, New York, 20 August, 1995

79) 'A Clash of Civilisations?' Lecture, Islamic Society of Britain, London, 24 September, 1995

80) 'A JUST Response to the Global Challenge' Talk, Just World Trust, United Kingdom Chapter, London, 25 September 1995

81) 'East Asia: A Paradigm Shift or Another phase in global capitalism?', Seminar School of Oriental & African Studies, London University, 26 September, 1995

82) 'Human Rights: A Conflict of Concepts?', Talk Averroes Forum & Liberty for the Muslim World, London, 26 September, 1995

83) 'Reconceptualising the Welfare State', Conference The Danish Centre for Human Rights, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28 - 30 September, 1995

84) International Conference & Exhibition on 'Dr. Jose Rizal & the Asian Renaissance', Institut Kajian Dasar, Kuala Lumpur, 2 - 3 October, 1995

85) International Workshop on 'Images of Islam: Terrorising the Truth', Just World Trust (JUST), Penang, 7-9 October, 1995

86) 'EU Policy: A Perspective from Asia'. Public Hearing of the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, 20 - 21 November, 1995

87) 'Asian Values, Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights' Lecture, European Institute for South and Southeast Asian Studies, Brussels, 21 November, 1995

88) 'Ethics in Leadership' Conference, The St. James Ethics Centre (Melbourne), Penang, 3 - 7 January, 1996

89) 'The New Asia Forum 1996: How Asian Enterprise is Transforming the Global Economy', Institute of Strategic & International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia & Transforma Conferences, Kuala Lumpur, 11 - 12 January, 1996

90) 'Europe-Asia Forum: On Culture, Values & Technology Towards a Stronger Mutual Understanding', The European Commission, Venice, 18 - 19 January, 1996

91) The First Asia-Europe NGO Conference 'Beyond Geopolitics & Geoeconomics: Towards a New Relationship Between Asia & Europe', Asia-Europe NGO Conference, Bangkok, 27 - 29 February, 1996

92) International Workshop on 'Islam in Southeast Asia', Universiti Malaya & Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., Petaling Jaya, 5 - 6 March, 1996

93) International Workshop on 'Cultural Sources for Human Rights in East Asia', Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs, Bangkok, 24 - 27 March, 1996

94) International Conference on 'Islam & Change: Towards Global Renewal of the Ummah', Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), Kuala Lumpur, 7 - 9 June, 1996

95) New Zealand-Asia Policy Consultation on 'Human Rights, Sovereignty & Migration', New Zealand Asia Institute, Auckland, 14 - 16 June 1996

96) Series of Lectures as special guest of Asia 2000 Foundation, New Zealand to universities & the general public in Wellington & Christchurch, New Zealand, 17 - 21 June 1996

97) Muslim-Chinese Dialogue on 'Challenges of the Contemporary World', Sin Chew Jit Poh, Star & Utusan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 4 August 1996

98) Second International Conference on 'Islam, Japan & the West: Conflict or Peaceful Coexistence', University of Malaya & the Asia Centre, Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, 2 - 4 September 1996

99) International Symposium on the Islamic World and Global Cooperation, IKIM & Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Kuala Lumpur, 25 - 27 April 1997

100) International Symposium on Muhammad Iqbal, IKD, Kuala Lumpur, 4 - 6 June 1997

101) 11th Asia Pacific Roundtable, ISIS, Kuala Lumpur, 5 - 8 June, 1997

102) D-8 Conference, YIMDER Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, 7 June 1997

103) Regional Conference on Globalisation: The Perceptions, Experiences and Responses of the Religious Traditions and Cultural Communities in the Asia Pacific Region, The International Movement for a Just World and Pax Christi, Australia, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 4 - 6 July 1997

104) 2nd ASEAN Congress, ISIS, Kuala Lumpur, 23 July 1997

105) 50th Anniversary Commemorative Conference, Bar Council, Kuala Lumpur, 15 - 16 August 1997

106) Conference on 'Global Conversations', World Futures Studies Federation XV World Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 28 September - 3 October 1997

107) Conference on Rights and Development, Roskilde University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8 - 10 October 1997

108) Conference on 'Power Sharing - Islam II', Liberty for the Muslim World, London, 10 - 11 October 1997

109) Conference on Islam and the Rule of Law, Lawyers for Human Rights (New York), Beaconsfield, United Kingdom, 12 - 14 October, 1997

110) Malaysia-Australia Conference, ANU, Canberra, Australia, 19 - 21 November, 1997

111) Series of lectures as guest of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Canberra, Australia & Hobart, Australia, 22 - 25 November, 1997

112) Seminar on 'Spirituality and Consumerism in Asia', Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, 2 - 5 December, 1997

113) Conference on 'Human Duties and Responsibilities in the New Millennium’, City of Valencia & UNESCO, Valencia, Spain, 28 - 30 January, 1998

114) Workshop on 'Values and Governance in Asia', International Movement for a Just World and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Melaka, Malaysia, 23 - 25 February, 1998

115) Conference on 'Religion, Development and the Elimination of Poverty’, World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Tokyo, 8 - 11 March 1998

116) Regional Conference on The Social Challenges of Rapid Economic Transformation, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia, 14 March 1998

117) International Seminar on ‘Islam and Europe’, IKIM, Kuala Lumpur, 24 - 25 March 1998

118) Lecture on ‘Islamic Movements in Southeast Asia’, University of California, Los Angeles, 14 April 1998

119) Lecture on ‘Resources for Peace Within Islam’, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 18 April 1998

120) Lecture on ‘The International Movement for a Just World as a Moral Force in Global Politics’, Islamic Foundation, Chicago, 19 April 1998

121) Lecture on ‘The Financial Crisis in East Asia, University of Illinois, USA, 20 April 1998

122) Lecture on ‘Religion in the 21st Century’, Board of Trustees, World Parliament of Religions, Chicago, USA, 21 April 1998

123) Lecture on ‘Values and Governance’, UNDP and the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP), New York, 23 April 1998

124) Seminar on Major Issues in the Region’, Asia-Australia Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vietnam, Hanoi, 27 April 1998

125) Regional Conference on ‘Political Variations in Economic Development: The Consequences of Rapid Development, Harvard Project for Asia & International Relations, Kuala Lumpur, 28 May 1998

126) Conference on ‘Global Partnership for Peace in the next Millennium’, Ministry of National Unity and Social Development and UNESCO, Genting Highlands, 27 August 1998

127) Seminar on Asian Youth Renaissance: Council for ASEAN Youth Cooperation, International Islamic University, Malaysia, 29 August 1998

128) Conference on ‘Islam and the Global Economy’, Ditchley Park, Oxford, England, 25 - 27 September 1998

129) Video Teleconferencing on ‘Virtual Commonwealth – Governance in an Internetworked World’, Kuala Lumpur, 29 September 1998

130) Workshop on ‘Development and the Crisis to Sustainable Development and the Crisis to Sustainable Livelihood’ organised by the Asia-Pacific People’s Assembly, Kuala Lumpur, 11 November 1998

131) Seminar on ‘Human Rights in Asia’ organised by Japan-Malaysia Association, Tokyo, 19 November 1998

132) Meeting of the IMADR Board of Directors and General Assembly, Tokyo, 20 - 22 November 1998

133) Forum on ‘Globalisation and Discrimination’ organised by IMADR,Tokyo, 22 November 1998

134) Regional Conference on ‘Asian Values on Trial: Miracle and Failures’ organised by the Malaysian Academic Movement (MOVE), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28 - 29 November 1998

135) ‘The Dialogue of Civilisations’ organised by the Cultural Docummentation Institute, Tehran, Iran, 13 - 14 December, 1998

136) Lecture on ‘The Political Consequences of the East Asia Economic Crisis, organised by the Institute of Political and International Studies, Tehran, Iran, 16 December, 1998

137) Lecture on ‘The Role of Asia in Civilisational Dialogue’ organised by the Centre for Post-Graduate Studies, University of Tehran, Iran, 16 December, 1998

138) Lecture on ‘The Meaning of Islam in a Modern World’ at the Church Conference of the German Speaking Protestant Pastors in South East Asia, Penang, Malaysia, 4 January, 1999

139) Forum on ‘Globalisation: Its Socio-cultural, Political, Legal & Economic Aspects’, at the International Conference for Students Leaders, organised by the International Islamic University, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30 January, 1999

140) Consultation on ‘Communication Towards the Search for Common Values’, organised by the World Association for Christian Communication Asia Region, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 March, 1999

141) Consultation on ‘Human Rights Movements in Asia’, Geneva, 23 April 1999

142) Conference on ‘1999 Parliament Assembly’ organised by the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions’ Cape Town, South Africa, 1 - 8 December 1999

143) Regional Seminar on ‘Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Modernisation in Asia’, jointly organised by JUST and the Asian Journey, Kuala Lumpur, 15 January 2000

144) Regional Workshop on ‘Building Knowledge Societies’ organised by the National Information Technology Council (NITC) and MIMOS, Kuala Lumpur, 26 January 2000

145) Conference to commemorate Neelan Tiruchelvam, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 30 January - 1 February 2000

146) HUGG 2000 Conference -- Dialogue among Civilisations: A New Peace Agenda for a New Millennium, Okinawa, Japan, 11 - 13 February 2000

147) Consultation on ’Reflections on the state of the Ummah: present problems, possible solutions’ at the invitation of the Saudi Arabia Government, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 13 - 23 March 2000

148) Meeting of the Council of the Asia-Australia Institute, University of New South Wales, Beijing (China), 23 - 24 April, 2000

149) Forum of Asian Leaders, organised by the Asia-Institute, University of New South Wales (Australia) and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, Beijing (China), Beijing 24 - 25 April, 2000

150) Symposium on ‘Social Justice, Democracy and Alternative Politics: An Asian-European Dialogue’, jointly organised by the Spirit in Education Movement (Thailand) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Ayuthaya, Thailand, 5 - 8 May, 2000

151) Lecture on ‘Emerging Trends in Malaysian Politics’, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Madras University, Chennai, India, 29 June, 2000

152) Seminar on Religious Traditions & Political Trends in Asia Today: An Appraisal in View of the Third Millennium’, organised by the Journal of Dharma, Bangalore, India, 30 June - 3 July, 2000

153) Lecture on “Forgiveness & Reconciliation: Global challenges; local initiatives”, UN Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, Waldorf Astoria, New York, USA, 30 August, 2000

154) Talk on “Inter-religious Collaboration for a Peaceful and Just World”, East West University, Chicago, USA, organised by the Council for the Parliament of the World’s Religion, Chicago, USA, 3 September, 2000

155) Talk on “The Human Rights Crisis in Malaysia” organised by the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York, USA, 4 September 2000

156) Talk on ‘Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia’, Georgetown University, USA, 6 September 2000

157) Talk on ‘Religious Resurgence in Asia: A Critical Analysis’, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Boston, USA, 7 September 2000

158) Talk on ‘International Movement for a Just World (JUST) and Current Affairs in Malaysia’, the Boston Research Center for the 21st Century, Boston, USA, 8 September 2000

159) Talk on ‘Towards a just world: the perils and the promise’, Brandeis University, Boston, USA, 8 September 2000

160) Talk on ‘Forging Unity in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Challenges & Choices’, Carnegie Council, New York, USA, 11 September 2000

161) Lecture on ‘Sexuality, Politics & Liberation Movements’, DukeUniversity, Durham, USA, 13 September 2000

162) Discussion on Muslim Networking, Duke University, Durham, USA, 14 September 2000

163) Lecture on ‘The Nature of Freedom’, Duke University, Durham, USA, 15 September 2000

164) Franklin Seminars, Duke University, Durham, USA, 15 September 2000

165) Peace Council Meeting, Kentucky, USA, 19 - 21- September 2000.

166) Talk to the Clergy of Gethsemani, Gethsemani, Kentucky, 21 September, 2000

167) Peace Council Convention, Cincinnati-Ohio, USA, 22 - 25 September, 2000

168) Talk on ‘Malaysia: the Current Situation’ organised by the Catholic Social Justice Council and Christian Centre for Social Action, Perth, Australia, 16 October, 2000

169) Lecture on ‘Islam and the West’, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 16 October, 2000

170) Lecture on ‘Human Rights and Global Justice’, Notre Dame University, Western Australia, 17 October, 2000

171) Lecture on ‘Civil Society & Citizenship in Asia’, Asia-Institute, NSW, Sydney, Australia, 17 October, 2000

172) Lecture on ‘Multi-Religious Dialogue: A Way of Peacemaking - An Asian Perspective’ University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 18 October, 2000

173) Talk on ‘JUST: Creating Awareness of Global Injustice’, Auburn Mosque, Auburn, Sydney, Australia, 18 October, 2000

174) Lecture on ‘Religion & Politics in the Twentieth Century’, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 19 October, 2000

175) Lecture on ‘Islam & the West’ University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 20 October, 2000

176) Speech at the launching of Ian Fry’s book -- “Trouble in the Triangle’, Melbourne, Australia, 20 October, 2000

177) Talk on “Forging Unity in Multi-ethnic Societies”, St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Melbourne, Australia, 22 October, 2000

178) Conference on “Religion and Culture in Asia Pacific: Violence or Healing?”, Melbourne, 22 - 25 October, 2000

179) Talk on “Human Rights and Politics in Malaysia”, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 26 October, 2000.

180) Lecture on “Religion and Politics in Asia”, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, 2 November, 2000

181) Talk on “The Challenge Ahead” Aman Council Meeting, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2 November, 2000

182) Talk on “Faith-based States -- An Evaluation”, Aman Conference,3 November, 2000

183) “Power and Dialogue -- Asymmetries in the Global Inter-Cultural Dialogue”, Berlin, Germany, 17 November, 2000

184) Conference on “Islam in Indonesia: Intellectualization & Social Transformation”, Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 November, 2000

185) Talk on ‘The Politics of Change in Southeast Asia’, School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS), London, 20 March, 2001

186) Talk on ‘Politics, Democracy & Human Rights in Malaysia’, Amnesty

187) International & Catholic Institute of International Relations (CIIR), London, 22 March, 2001

188) Meeting on ‘International Democracy and Global Governance’, Venice, 22 - 26 March, 2001

189) NGO consultation on the UN’s Racism Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 27 - 29 April 2001

190) Conference on ‘Religion, Violence and Visions for Peace’, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, The Netherlands, 10 - 11 May 2001

191) Keynote address on ‘Understanding Islamic Resurgence in Southeast Asia’ at the dialogue organised by the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18 July 2001

192) Nuclear Disarmament Meeting to draft manifesto entitled ‘A Call for a Human Dialogue’, Global Dialogue Initiative, Kandersteg, Switzerland, 23 - 30 July, 2001

193) International Conference on ‘The Dialogue of Civilisations’, United Nations University (UNU), Kyoto, Japan, 1 - 3 August 2001

194) Chaired the Plenary Session on ‘Secularism, Desecularization and Religious Consciousness’, 30th Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS), University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 26 October 2001

195) Talk on ‘Muslim Youth: Rights and Responsibilities’, Dearborn Mosque, Michigan, USA, 27 October 2001

196) Talk on ‘The Role of the Peace Council and the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)’, Association of Muslim Social Scientists’, Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 28 October 2001

197) Talk on ‘Working Together for Peace, Justice and Security’ Presybyterian Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 29 October, 2001

198) Lecture on ‘Beyond Terror: Building Bridges between Islam and the West’ University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 30 October, 2001

199) Introductory Remarks on ‘Convergence and Divergence: US-Muslim Relations’, at the opening session, International Conference on ‘The US and the Islamic World’, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford, Britain, 9 November, 2001

200) Speech on ‘The United States and the Islamic World: the Global Economic Agenda’, Plenary IV Conference on ‘United States and the Islamic World’, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford, Britain, 10 November 2001

201) Seminar on ‘Jewish-Muslim Relations’, Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), London, Britain, 11 November 2001

202) Talk on ‘Islam and Judaism: A Need for Dialogue’, Markfield Institute of Higher Education, Leicester, Britain, 12 November 2001

203) Convocation address on ‘A Clash of Civilisations: Myth or Reality?’, Graduation Ceremony of the Markfield Institute of Higher Education, Leicester, Britain, 14 November 2001

204) Talk on ‘Bush and Osama: the Politics of Dominance and Despair in the 21st Century’, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, Britain, 15 November 2001

205) Lecture on ‘Human Rights - Global Concept or Construction of Western Modernity’, conference on ‘Religion and Human Rights’, House of the Cultures of the World, Berlin, Germany, 7 - 9 December 2001

206) International Symposium on ‘Civil Society, Rule of Law, and the Dialogue of Civilisations: the Case of the Muslim World’, Development and Peace Foundation, Berlin, Germany, 14 - 15 December 2001

207) Conference on ‘Terrorism and Human Rights’, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Cairo, Egypt, 27 - 28 January 2002

208) International Policy Dialogue ‘Development Cultures -- Cultures of Development’, Development Policy Forum of the German Foundation for International Development (DSE), Berlin, Germany, 4 - 5 March 2002.

209) Conference on ‘Is Globalisation a Dialogue Among Civilisations?’, SUNY, Binghamton, USA, 12 - 13 April 2002

210) Talk on ‘Civilisations in Dialogue’, SUNY, Binghamton, USA, 13 April 2002

211) Talk on ‘Muslims and Global Politics: A Southeast Asian Perspective’, University of California (Berkeley), 15 April 2002

212) Talk on ‘Muslims and Global Politics: A Southeast Asian Perspective’, University of California (Los Angeles), 18 April 2002

213) Talk on ‘Human Rights in Southeast Asia’, University of California (Los Angeles, 19 April 2002

214) Talk on ‘Muslim-Jewish Movement on Justice and Compassion After September 11’, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Baylor, Texas, USA, 24 April 2002

215) Talk on ‘On Being Muslim’, University of Baylor, Texas, USA, 24 April 2002

216) Talk on ‘The Holocaust and Beyond: An Islamic Perspective’, JM Dawson Institute of Church State Studies, University of Baylor, Texas, 25 April 2002

217) Talk on ‘Islam and State’, University of Baylor, Texas, USA, 25 April 2002

218) Talk on ‘Jihad and the Islamic World’, University of Baylor, Texas, USA, 25 April 2002

219) Rountable discussion on ‘War and Peace, Despair and Hope: Repositioning Asia Intellectuals After 9-11’, ARENA, Hong Kong, 8 - 9 May 2002

220) Forum on ‘Muslim-Buddhist Dialogue for a New Asia’, International Movement For a Just World (JUST) and Museum of World Religions Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11 May 2002

221) Keynote Address on ‘Global Political Power and Militarisation’, Asian Partnership for Human Development (APHD) regional conference, Penang, Malaysia, 18 - 19 May 2002

222) Roundtable conference on ‘Islam and the West: A New Cold War?’, ISIS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5 June 2002

223) International Workshop on ‘Multi-Ethnic Asia: Peace, Cooperation and Sustainable Development’, Asian Resource Foundation and Yunnan University, Kunming, China, 12 - 16 June 2002

224) Talk on ‘Images of Islam in the present time and the real essence of Islam for Peace’, Asian Inter-faith Peace Forum, Asian Resource Foundation, Bangkok, 18 June 2002

225) Talk on ‘Iqbal and the Challenge of Reform Within the Muslim World’, International Seminar on Iqbal and His Universal Vision, International Islamic University, Malaysia, 3 July 2002

226) Talk on ‘The Muslim World and Globalisation’, Kuala Lumpur International Forum on Islam (KALIF 2002), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 - 20 July 2002

227) Talk on ‘Youth’s Social Engagement and Spirituality for Future Cooperation in the Region’, IMFO-Millennium Forum, Jakarta, Indonesia, 29 July 2002

228) Millennium Inter-faith Dialogue, Museum of World Religions, Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 July 2002

229) Lecture on ‘Islam, Terrorism and the West’, La Trobe Politics Society Annual Lecture, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 5 September 2002

230) Lecture on ‘One Year After September 11: A Clash of Civilisations or the Politics of Hegemony?’ 2002 Australian Universities International Alumni Convention, Melbourne, Australia, 6 September 2002

231) Lecture on ‘Islam and Non-Violence’ in Germany, Katholische Akademie Hamburg & Katholische Akademie Berlin, -- Hamburg (10 September 2002), Berlin (11 September 2002), Germany

232) Talk on ‘Islamic State’, Head of Churches Regional Conference, Genting Highlands, Malaysia, 21 October 2002

233) Talk on ‘Reconcialiatory Models of Communication in Asia: the Human Rights Perspective and Struggle for Justice’, AR-WACC Seminar and Assembly, Petaling Jaya, 13 November 2002

234) Talk on ‘US Ambitions in Southeast & East Asia’, Asia Social Forum (ASF), Peace and Security Conference, Asian Peace Alliance (APA), Hyderabad, India, 3 January 2003

235) Talk on ‘Ethics as a basis for Governance’, Asia Social Forum (ASF), International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, Hyderabad, India, 3 January 2003

236) Talk on ‘Religious Fundamentalism in Asia’, Asia Social Forum (ASF), (Heinrich Boll Foundation) Hyderabad, India, 5 January 2003

237) Talk on ‘Human Rights and Self-Determination’, Asia Social Forum (ASF), (International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICM)), Hyderabad, India, 6 January 2003

238) Talk on ‘Shared Values in a Borderless World’, Centre for Human Interaction, Peace and Solidarity (CHIPS), Hyderabad, India, 7 January 2003

239) Talk on ‘Nation States and the War on Terror’, Centre for Developmental Studies Collective (CIEDS), Bangalore, India, 9 January 2003

240) Talk on ‘Global Hegemony vs Global Terrorism’, Cochi, Kerala, India, 11 January 2003

241) Talk on ‘Issues in Iraq’, International Peace Conference in Kuala Lumpur, 16 February 2003

242) 31st Williamburg Conference, Asia Society, Bangkok, Thailand, 28 February - 2 March 2003

243) Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue Conference on ‘Global Ethic and Good Governance’ in UNESCO, Paris, France, 5 – 7 May 2003

244) International Peace Conference on ‘Iraq and the Global Peace Movement: What Next?’ in Jakarta, Indonesia, 19 – 21 May 2003

245) 17th Asia Pacific Roundtable ‘Can Transnational People Power Work?’ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1 – 4 June 2003

246) Seventh Annual Meeting of the Peace Council in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 16 – 20 Jun 2003

247) Quaker International Affairs Consultation on ‘Peace in a Time of Global War: Options for Southeast Asia’ in Bangkok, Thailand, 24 – 26 June 2003.

248) Talk on ‘The Role Played by Islamic NGOs in Fostering Co-operation with Peace Advocates around the World to Defend Humankind from Invasion’, World Conference of Islamic Scholars in Putrajaya, Malaysia, 10 – 12 July 2003

249) Talk on ‘Religion and Globalization’ at International and Interfaith Academic Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 27 July – 2 August 2, 2003

250) Talk on ‘Can Transnational People Power Work?’ and ‘Islam in Southeast Asia: Identities and Challenges’ at the 17th Asia Pacific Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur, 6 – 9 August 2003

251) Panelist in ‘Wrap-up Panel: The Quest for Peace: The Way Forward’ in the World Peace Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9 – 10 August 2003

252) Talk on ‘Current International Trends’ in Lahore, Pakistan on 18 August 2003

253) Talk on ‘The New Empire Builders, War on Terror, and Muslim Responses’, Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan on 19 August 2003

254) Talk on ‘War on Terrorism: The Southeast Asian Experience’ at Islamabad, Pakistan on 20 August 2003

255) International Peace Meeting on ‘War and Peace: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue’ in Aachen, Germany, 7 – 9 September 2003

256) Islamic World Media Conference on ‘Intifadhah of Palestine’ in Beirut, Lebanon, 17 – 19 September 2003

257) Talk on ‘Cultural Diversity – Cultural Hegemony?’, ‘Seeking a Just World’ and ‘The American Empire: Globalisation War and Religion” at Greenfield Community College, Massachusetts on 22 September 2003

258) Talk on ‘Muslim Responses to the American Empire’ at Harvard University, USA ON 23 September 2003

259) Talk on ‘Religion & Society in a Global Age’ in MIT, USA on 24 September 2003

260) Talk on ‘Islam & the West’ at Tufts University, 24 September 2003

261) Lecture on ‘A Unipolar World: The Politics of Resistance and Transformation’ in Drew University, New Jersey, USA on 26 September 2003

262) Workshop on ‘The New Global Empire: The Muslim quest for an Alternative’ in Drew University, New Jersey, USA on 26 & 27 September 2003

263) Talk on ‘An Islamic Perspective on the Dialogue of Civilisations’ at Union Theological Seminary, New York, USA on 29 September 2003

264) International Interfaith Peace Forum and AMAN Assembly 2003 in Bangkok, 9 – 14 December 2003

265) International Conference on ‘The Islamic World: Challenges and Opportunities’ in Tehran, Iran organized by IPIS, Tehran, Iran, 22 – 23 December 2003

266) Talk on ‘Minorities & Dignity’ at World Social Forum in Mumbai, India, 16 – 21 January 2004

267) Talk on ‘Global Hegemony’ at World Social Forum in Mumbai, India, 16 – 21 January 2004

268) Workshop on ‘Global Democracy’ at World Social Forum in Mumbai, India, 16 – 21 January 2004

269) Talk on ‘Islam as Rahmatul Alamin’ at International Conference of Islamic Scholars in Jakarta, Indonesia, 23 – 26 February 2004

270) Talk on ‘Religion and Politics in Southeast Asia’ organised by International Center for Islam & Pluralism (ICIP), Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 February 2004

271) Lecture on ‘Shaping a Global Ethic: the Role of Islam and the Muslim Community’ in Lecture Series at Emory University, USA, 2 March 2004

272) Talk on "A Dialogue of Civilisations" at the Asia Media Summit 2004 organised by Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) in Kuala Lumpur on 19 April 2004

273) Talk on "The Media, Islam and the West" at the Asia Media Summit 2004 organised by Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) in Kuala Lumpur in Kuala Lumpur on 20 April 2004

274) Conference on ‘Towards a Dialogue of Civilizations : Building Trust and Understanding Between Muslim, Christian and Judaic Worlds” organised by Initiatives of Change, Washington DC at Fez, Morocco on 30 April – 3 May 2004

275) Talk on Iraq organised by the Council of Foreign Relations, Tokyo, Japan on 11 June 2004

276) Talk on ‘Islamophobia and the War on Terror’ organised by The International Movement Against all Forms of discrimination & Racism (IMADR) and Pacific Asia Research Center (PARC), Japan on 14 June 2004

277) Talk on ‘Is a Clash of Civilisations Inevitable?’ at Sophia University, Tokyo on 15 June 2004

278) Lectures on Globalisation at the United Nations University, Tokyo from 14 – 17 June, 2004

279) Talk on ‘Muslims in Multi Religious Societies’ organised by Darul Arqam in Singapore on 21 June 2004

280) Discussion with Inter-Religious Organisations and Community Leaders in Singapore on ‘Public Education on Religion and Inter-Faith Initiatives’ organised by Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore on 22 June 2004

281) Lecture on ‘Encounters between Religions and Civilisations ; Insights and Lessons’ organised by Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore on 22 June 2004

282) Discussion with policy-makers and decision-makers on ‘Public Management and Public Education on Cross-Cultural Issues’ organised by Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore in Singapore on 23 June 2004

283) Talk on ‘Perspectives on Social Justice & Development in Muslim Societies’ and meeting with Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS), Singapore on 23 June 2004

283) Lecture on ‘Justice & Respect’ at ‘Dreaming Landscapes : Spiritualities and

Justice in Learning Communities Conference’ organized by Curtin University of Technology, in Brisbane, Australia, 1 – 7 July 2004

285) Moderator in ‘Internal Conflict in Muslim Societies’ at International Conference on Muslims and Islam in the 21st Century: Image and Reality in Kuala Lumpur jointly organized by the Department of Psychology and International Islamic Institute of Muslim Unity, International Islamic University Malaysia on 4 August 2004

286) Talk on ‘Religion in Asia in the 21st Century: The Challenge Without, the Change Within’ at the 31st International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) Conference on Social Progress and Social Justice in Kuala Lumpur organized by International Council on Social Welfare on 17 August 2004

287) Talk on ‘Hegemony and Civilisational Interaction’ at ‘Dialogue of Civilizations, Cultures and Religions in Europe and Asia’ at the ASEM-5 People’s Forum in Hanoi, Vietnam organized by the International Organizing Committee from 6 – 9 September 2004

288) Lecture on ‘Asian Perceptions of the West’ at a Symposium on ‘Inter-Civilisational Dialogue : Rethinking International History from Asian Perspectives’ at Hosei University, Tokyo organized by Tokyo Conference of Historians of International Relations (CHIR) on 19 September 2004

289) Talk on ‘Working towards Peace: a Political Perspective’ at Asian Seminar on ‘Promoting a Culture of Peace’ in Kuala Lumpur organized by Signis Malaysia on 5 October 2004

290) Lecture at a conference on ‘Their America: The U.S. in the Eyes of the Rest of the World’ in New York organised by New School University, USA from 18 – 19 October 2004

291) Participated in the ‘First International Consultation of Muslim Scholars on State and Society in the Modern World’ in Islamabad organised by the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan from 19 – 21 November 2004

292) Talk on ‘The Ummah Today: The Change Within, the Challenge Without’ organised by Organisation for Research & Education (ORE) at Islamabad, Pakistan on 22 November 2004

293) Talk on ‘Transforming Muslim Societies in the 21st Century: The Role of Civil Society’ organised by ORE at Lahore, Pakistan on 23 November 2004

294) Talk on ‘Inter-Faith Dialogue: The Muslim Response’ organised by ORE at Karachi, Pakistan on 24 November 2004

295) Keynote address at a conference ‘Sowing Seeds of Peace in the Era of Empire: Christians in Solidarity with Muslims’, at Davao City organised by First People’s Forum on Peace for Life, Philippines on 30 November 2004

296) Participated in the Preparatory Meeting for Conference on ‘Who Speaks for Islam? Who Speaks for the West?’ organized by the World Policy Institute, New School University, USA in Amman, Jordan on 6 – 7 December 2004

297) Talks on ‘Intellectual Crisis in Muslim Societies’, ‘Islam and Shared Universal Values’, ‘Religious Values in a Plural Society’. ‘Transforming Religion’ and ‘Valued-Centered Approach to Islam’ in Singapore organized by The Muslim Converts’Association of Singapore (Darul Arqam Singapore), Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore (MUIS) and The Centre for Contemporary Islamic Studies (CCIS) in Singapore from 14 – 17 December 2004

298) Keynote address on ‘World Peace with a Rotary Perspective’ at the 70th R.I. District 3300 Centennial Conference organized by the Rotary International at Putrajaya on 8 January 2005

299) Guest Speaker on Peace Boat’s 48th Global Voyage organized by Peace Boat. Joined from Shanghai to Singapore, from 7 – 14 February 2005

300) Lecture on Peace Studies at School of Peace Studies in Hadyai, Thailand organized by Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) on 23 and 24 February 2005

301) Talk on ‘Creating an ASEAN Community – Key Issues in Community Building’ at the Second ASEAN Leadership Forum on ‘ASEAN on the Move: Building on Success’ jointly organized by ASEAN Secretariat and Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) in Kuala Lumpur on 17 March 2005

302) Talk on Demystifying ‘Clash of Civilisations’ at an International Conference on Dialogue of Civilizations and the Construction of Peace in Kuala Lumpur organized by the University of Malaya on 26 March 2005

303) Welcome Remarks at the Global Civil Society International Conference for ‘Peace in Palestine’ in Putrajaya organized by Malaysians for Peace from 28 – 30 March 2005

304) Meeting at UNESCO on ‘The Dialogue of Civilisations’, in Paris with all Permanent Delegates and observers to UNESCO and distinguished invitees on 5 April 2005. President Muhammad Khatami of Iran chaired the meeting

305) Talk on ‘Media And Religion’ at the Second Asia Media Summit 2005 and participated in the ‘Arab-Asia Media Dialogue’ in Kuala Lumpur organised by the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) from 9 - 11 May 2005.

306) Participated in a forum via Video Conference Link on ‘Citizens as Agents of Change’ organized by the Malaysian Forum at Stanford, UK on 22 May 2005.

307) Lectures on ‘The Clash of Civilisations: Myth and Mystification’, ‘Civilisational Interaction: The Real Issues and Towards Civilisational Concord and Cooperation’ at United Nations University, Japan from 13 – 15 June 2005

308) Talk on ‘Rejoicing in Multicultural Diversity: South & South East Asia’s Experience’ in Kuala Lumpur organized by Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) in Kuala Lumpur on 20 June 2005

309) Member of the Jury of Conscience in the World Tribunal on Iraq in Istanbul organized by the WTI Istanbul Coordination Office from 24 – 26 June 2005

310) Lecture on ‘Containing China: A Flawed Agenda’ at Workshop on ‘Searching for Peace & Equitability in the Post 9.11 World: Exploring Alternatives for Japan and Australia’ organized by Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan, in from 12 – 15 September 2005

311) Talk on ‘Rejuvenating Knowledge in the Islamic World’ at the Inaugural World Islamic Economic Forum in Petaling Jaya organized by Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI), Ministry of Foreign Affairs – OIC, Islamic Chamber of Commerce & Industry & Islamic Centre for Development of Trade on 1 October 2005

312) Talk on ‘Inter-faith Dialogue in Asia : Discovering the Shared Core’ at the Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR) AGM in London on 7 October 2005

313) Panelist in Seminar on ‘Building Civil Society Solidarities in India and the South’ organized by the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) in New Delhi, India from 22 - 23 October 2005

314) Panelist in Public Forum on Palestine organized by Indo Arab Fraternity in India on 23 October 2005

315) Video Speech on ‘Priorities of our Era’ to the Students Islamic Organisation of India for their AGM on 24 October 2005

316) Panelist in Forum on Palestine at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India on 25 October 2005

317) Talk on ‘Challenges Facing Humanity in the 21st Century’ at Hamdard University, India on 25 October 2005

318) Panelist in Forum on Palestine at Jamia Millia Islamia on 26 October 2005

319) Talk on ‘Dialogue Across Borders: Cooperation Amidst Crises’ at the 2nd International Malaysia-Thailand Conference on Southeast Asian Studies in UKM organized by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia on 29 November 2005

320) Panelist in Public Forum on ‘The Global Ethic Declaration and the Importance of Teaching Common Values – A Muslim Perspective’ in Kuala Lumpur organised by Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAF) and the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre (MRSC) on 6 December 2005

321) Talk on ‘Human Dignity’ at the ASEAN Civil Society Conference 2005 in UiTM organized by the University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam on 7 December 2005.

322) Moderator in ‘War Crimes – Crimes Against Peace, Crimes Against Humanity’ in the Perdana Global Peace Forum ‘Peace Dividends, War Profits’ in Kuala Lumpur organized by Perdana Leadership Foundation from 15 – 17 December 2005

323) Talk on ‘Challenges to the Global Community in the 21st Century’ at the Asian Colloquium on Harmony through Reconciliation organized by the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference Office for Human Development in Pattaya, Thailand from 16-21 January 2006.

324) Panelist in session on “The World Media: Building Bridges of Understanding or Creating Divisions?” at the Second Annual Al Jazeera Forum “Enabling Voices: Media, Democracy and Reform” held in Doha, Qatar from 31 January – 2 February 2006.

325) Moderator in panel discussion on ‘The Impact of Globalization on the

Muslim World’ at the Conference on “Who Speaks for Islam? Who Speaks for the West?” organized by Dialogues-Islamic World-US-The West, USA and the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) in Kuala Lumpur on 10-11 February 2006.

326) Lecture on ‘Global and National Contextual Analyses and Challenges for

Movements and Activists’ at the Peace Studies Course held in Chiangmai, Thailand from 23 – 25 February 2006.

327) Lecture on ‘Asian Peace Issues and Strategies’ at the Peace Studies

Course held in Chiangmai, Thailand from 23 – 25 February 2006.

328) Lecture on ‘The Islamic State Issue in Malaysia: Perceptions and Realities’

at the Seminar on Progressive Islam and the State in Contemporary Muslim Societies organized by the National University of Singapore and the Institute of Defence and Strategic Sudies (IDSS) in Singapore from 7-8 March 2006.

329) Talk on ‘What is Initiatives of Change’s Role in Helping Shift Thinking and

Living’ in the Global Consultation of Initiatives of Change organized by the International Council of Initiatives of Change in Genting Permai Resort, Pahang on 9 March 2006.

330) Lecture on ‘The Impact of a Democratic Global System upon Terrorism and

War’ at the symposium on “Envisioning a More Democratic Global System” at the Widener University School of Law, Delaware, USA on 8 April 2006.

331) Participant at Roundtable Discussion on ‘Problems of the Muslim World’ at

the Wisemen meeting, organised by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Turkey and Prince Hassan Talal at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 3-4 May 2006.

332) Talk on ‘Global Ethic or Global Hegemony?’ at a workshop to launch the

Turkish edition of Global Ethic or Global Hegemony? held at Sabinci University, Istanbul, Turkey on 5 May 2006.

333) Talk on ‘Human Rights, Democracy and Civil Society’ at the Altinizade

Center, Istanbul on 6 May 2006.

334) Talk on ‘Human Rights in Islam and Western Thought’ to Mazlumder,

Istanbul, Turkey on 7 May 2006.

335) Talk on ‘Understanding and Reporting Religion’ at a regional workshop

organised by AIBD in Kuala Lumpur on 28 May 2006.

336) Talk on ‘Intercontinental Media Dialogue’ at the Third Asia Media Summit

2006 organised by AIBD in Kuala Lumpur on 31 May 2006.

337) Lecture on ‘The Current Crisis in the Middle East and the Challenge to

World Peace’ organised by IMADR, Tokyo on 7 June 2006.

338) Lectures on ‘Globalisation and International Development’ at United Nations

University, Tokyo 7-9 June 2006.

339) Talk on ‘Buddhist-Muslim Relations in South East Asia – Exploring Critical

Issues and Principles’ at the Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue in Bangkok, Thailand on 26 June 2006.

340) Keynote address ‘Globalization and Cultural Diversity’ at the Korean

National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU)/ United Nations University (UNU) global seminar in Jeju Island, South Korea on 18 July 2006.

341) Talk on ‘Global Politics and the Muslim World Today’ at the Sungkonghoe

University, Seoul, South Korea on 20 July 2006.

342) Talk on ‘Europe and the Ummah: Understanding One Another’ at the Asia-

Pacific and Europe Media Dialogue, Paris on 13 September 2006.

343) Talk on ‘9-11 and Civilizational Dialogue’ at the Center Lebret, Paris on 13

September 2006.

344) Talk on ‘Christians and Muslims Working Together for the Future’ at the

Fourth Pax Christi Asia Pacific Consultation held in Pattaya, Thailand on 25 September 2006.

345) Talk on ‘Reform and Resistance in the Quest for Peace’ at the AMAN

Assembly and International Interfaith Peace Forum held in Jakarta on 16 November 2006.

346) Talk on ‘Globalization and Human Rights’ at Dignity Training session

organized by Dignity International held at Hotel Shah, Petaling Jaya on 7 December 2006.

347) Talk on ‘Quo Vadis Dialogue of Civilizations?’ at the workshop on The

Dialogue of Civilizations: Intellectual and Organizational Signposts for the Future held in Melbourne, Australia on 12 December 2006.

348) Talk on ‘International Politics and the Ummah’ to Islamic Council of Victoria,

Australia on 14 December 2006.

349) Talk on ‘International Efforts at Salvaging the Peace Process’ at the UN

Meeting on Palestine for Asian region held at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur on 16 December 2006.

350) Talk on ‘Joining forces – Asian and Pacific civil society and worldwide

initiatives to support a peaceful solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” at the United Nations Forum of Civil Society in Support of the Palestinian People held in Kuala Lumpur on 17 December 2006.

351) Keynote Speech on “Religious extremism in Southeast Asia” at the

Regional Outlook Forum (ISEAS) Singapore on 4 January 2007.

352) Talk on “Asia, oil and hegemony” at the IX International Conference

of Economists on Globalization and Development Problems, Havana, Cuba on 8 February 2007.

353) Presentation on “Common religious values in strengthening ethics and

fighting corruption” at the World Ethics and Transparency Forum, Kuala

Lumpur on 12 February 2007.

354) Talk on “The Media: Distorting the Truth; Responding to the Challenge”

at the International conference for Arabic and Islamic information to support the Palestinian people at Damascus, Syria on 2 May 2007.

355) Talk on “Islam and the West Dialogue: What achievements? What new

effective measures?” at the 21st Asia Pacific Roundtable organized by ISIS, KL on 6 June 2007.

356) Talk on “Super Terror and the Politics of 9-11” at the Seminar cum

Exhibition organized by the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) in Petaling Jaya on 8 September 2007.

357) Keynote address on “It’s not a Clash between Christian and Islamic Civilizations” at the Asia-Pacific and Europe Media Dialogue, Bonn, Germany on 4 September 2007.

358) Talk on ‘Muslims the US & the World Order’ at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong on 18 September 2007.

359) Talk on ‘Muslims, the West, Obstacles & Opportunities’ at the CLSA Investors Forum 2007 in Hong Kong on 19 September 2007.

360) Lecture on “Social Justice and Islam in SE Asia” at a seminar organized by the Southeast Asia Faculty and students, University of Washington on 29 October 2007.

361) Talk on “Politics of Identity in Asia” at a seminar for graduate students in Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Washington on 31 October 2007.

362) Lecture on “Islamic ideals and Muslim realities in the context of the 21st century” at the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Seattle on 1 November 2007.

363) Talk on “Article 9 and the Militarized World – What can we do?” at the Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, 30 November 2007, Tokyo.

364) Talk on “Politics, Media and Agenda Setting” at the World Electronic Media Forum III organized by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Broadcasting Development (AIBD) at KLCC in December 2007.

365) Talk on “The Global War on Terror – and the Prawn behind the Stone” at the International Roundtable Meeting themed “The Global War on Terror” and its implications for Muslim-Western Relations organized by the International Progress Organization (IPO) with the cooperation of the Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) at USM, Penang from 13-14 December 2007.

366) Talk on “Averting War: Reviewing Trends, Exploring Strategies” at the Peace and Security Round-table Exchange and Strategy Meeting organized by Asia-Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) in Port Dickson from 11-12 January 2008.

367) Talk on “Global justice: A Muslim Perspective” series of 7 lectures at the

Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA from 15-18 January 2008.

368) Talk on “The Iranian Revolution – Its Significance to Humanity” at the invitation of the Iranian Embassy on the anniversary of the commemoration of their Revolution at the Flamingo Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 10 February 2008.

369) Talk on “A World without War and Violence” at the Rotary International District Intercity Meeting in Holiday Villa Subang on 23 February


370) Talk on “Inter-cultural Dialogue on Human Rights” at the UN Human Rights

Council, Geneva on 18 March 2008.

371) Talk on “Global Power Structures and Their Impact upon the Human Family” at the AMAN Peace Studies, Bangkok on 20 March 2008.

372) Talk on “How Religious Communities can work together for Global Justice and Peace” at the AMAN Peace Studies, Bangkok on 20 March 2008.

373) Talk on “Dialogue among civilizations after 9/11” at the Global Forum on Civilization and Peace organized by the Academy of Korean Studies, Korea from 27-29 May 2008.

374) Talk on “Islamic discourse on Peace for Life: Interfaith Conversations” at the Seminar on Life and Peace sponsored by the National Federation f Korean YMCA and Asia Pacific Graduate School on 31 May 2008.

375) Talk on “Globalization and International Cooperation” at the United Nations University, Tokyo from 1-5 June 2008.

376) Talk on “Islam and the future of inter-ethnic relations” organized by the International Islamic Institute of Advanced Studies and ISIS, in Kuala Lumpur on 11 June 2008.

377) Talk on “Towards a universal spiritual-moral vision of global justice and peace” at the USM International Conference on Religion in the Quest for Global Justice and Peace, Kuala Lumpur on 26 July 2008.

378) Delivered the Keynote speech at the AIBD/Government of Switzerland Regional Workshop on Culture, Conflict, Communication held in Kuala Lumpur from 3-5 November 2008.

379) Talk on “The Fifth Element” at the IYEP2 held in Kuala Selangor on 20

November 2008.

380) Talk on Gaza Crisis and International Responses at the International Islamic University (IIU) on 9 January 2009.

381) Talk on Kezaliman Zionis in Melaka organized by the Melaka State Government on 13 January 2009.

382) Delivered a Talk “The Palestinian Tragedy and its Significance in the Struggle for a Just World” at the ‘Save the Palestinians’ Campaign by COMPLETE at the Bangsar Sports Complex, K.L. on 18 January 2009.

383) Delivered a Talk on A Human Dilemma on Kashmir Solidarity Day in Kuala Lumpur on 5 February 2009.

384) Delivered a Talk on ‘Internal Transformation and External Challenges in a Globalizing World’ at the Association of Young Muslims’ Singapore on 7 February 2009.

385) Talk on ‘The Gaza Crisis: Its Nature & Significance for World Peace & the Future of Global Governance, ISTAC, KL on 11 February 2009.

386) Delivered a Talk on ‘Religion in the Transnational World 2030’ at the Global Futures Workshop in New Delhi on 13 February 2009.

387) Brainstorming Meeting on ‘Israel & Palestinian Dialogue’ organized by the Alliance of Civilizations in Lisbon on 18 February 2009.

388) Participated in the Council of Sages Meeting to draft a charter for the Charter for Compassion in Geneva from 23-26 February 2009.

389) Talk on ‘Contemporary International Issues: Human Rights in Diplomacy’ at IDFR, Kuala Lumpur on 4 March 2009.

390) Talk on the Global Economic Crisis: Its Impact Upon the Malaysia Worker at Universidad Tridistrial, Bogota, Colombia on 18 March 2009.

391) Talk on ‘Empire of Destruction: Military Adventurism, Occupation, War & Weapons of War’ at the Peace for Life 2nd People’s Forum in Bogota Colombia on 21 March 2009.

392) Talk on ‘The Role of the Global South in Overcoming Global Hegemony’ at the Institute de Altos Estudies Diplomaticos (Institute of Diplomacy) Caracas, Venezuela on 26 March 2009.

393) Was a Panelist on Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson’s talk on Building a Culture of Peace and Development in a Globalised World’ – IDFR on 20 April 2009.

394) Moderated Talk by Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson on Building a Culture of Peace and Development in a Globalised World’ – IDFR on 22 April 2009.

395) Spoke on New Media: Changing The World Order, at the Asia Media Summit 2009, Macau, People’s Republic of China, 25-27 May 2009.

396) Delivered the Keynote at the International Seminar on Religion, Politics and Globalization-Implications for Thailand and Asia, Bangkok, 25-26 June 2009.

397) Talk on ‘Globalisation & Its Impact Upon International Diplomacy’ Orientation Course for Heads of Mission at IDFR on 30 June 2009.

398) Talk on ‘Cabaran Ilmu Sains Sosial Dalam Era Globalisasi’ at Sekolah Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu on 20 July 2009.

399) Talk on ‘Role of Civil Society in International Diplomacy’ at IDFR, Kuala Lumpur on 5 August 2009

400) Talk on ‘Muslim Minorities: To Be or Not To Be’ at Harvard Divinity School, Islam in the West Project, Cambridge, on 30 September 2009.

401) Talk on Islam in the West Project, Islam & Politics in Malaysia, Harvard Divinity School, Asia Centre, Cambridge, on 2 October 2009.

402) Delivered a Talk on ‘A Just World for Animals’ at the Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya Dog Forum in conjunction with World Animal Day 2009 at Dewan Ilmu, Perpustakan, Petaling Jaya on 11 October 2009

403) Talk on Diplomacy and the Role of Civil Society at IDFR, Kuala Lumpur on 28 October 2009.

404) Talk at Inauguration of Malaysia-Venezuela Solidarity Group at the Embassy of Venezuela in Kuala Lumpur on 29 October 2009.

405) Talk on ‘Cultural Diversity & Social Dialogue’ at the Asian Pacific Europe Media Summit at the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam on 10 November 2009.

406) Gave the Concluding Remarks at the Launch of the Charter for Compassion in Malaysia at PJ Hilton on 12 November 2009.

407) Talk on Ethics and the Global Economic Crisis – Pointers for the Future at

the JUST International Youth Engagement Programme 3 at IIM, Kuala Lumpur on 26 November 2009.

408) Talk on ‘Building Peace in the Pursuit of Justice: A Buddhist-Muslim

Dialogue’ at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia on 4 December 2009.

409) Talk on ‘New Directions in Asian Religions & Ecology on the Ground (SE Asia) at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia on 4 December 2009.

410) Talk on ‘Charter for Compassion’ at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia on 4 December 2009.

411) Talk on ‘Towards a Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the World’s Religions’ at the Parliament of the World’s Religion in Melbourne, Australia on 6 December 2009.

412) Talk on ‘Alternatives To Empire: Another World is Possible’ at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia on 7 December 2009.

413) Talk on “Islam & the West: Creating an Accord of Civilizations’ at the

Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia on 8 December 2009.

414) Gave an Inaugural Lecture at the ISM State Conference ‘Youth for

Excellence and Revolution’ Trichur, Kerala, India- 1 January 2010.

415) Spoke on ‘Youth and the Challenge of Justice & Peace’. ISM, Trichur,

Kerala, India, 2 January 2010.

416) Spoke at Closing Session, Muslim Youth: Pointers to the Future, ISM,

Trichur, Kerala, India – 3 January 2010.

417) Talk on ‘The Role of ASEAN Youth in Creating an ASEAN Community’ at the

ASEAN Logics Conference 2010, International Islamic University Malaysia,

KL – 2 February 2010

418) Talk on ‘Global Civil Society Movements for Peace and Justice’ at the AMAN School of Peace Studies 2010-School of Peace Studies & Conflict

Transformation in Nong Chok, Bangkok- 28 February 2010.

419) Lecture on Charter of Compassion at Tools for Change KL 2010 Initiatives

for Change, Petaling Jaya on 5 March 2010.

420) Spoke on ‘Perspective from Islam’ at the Workshop on ‘Religions and the Human Future’ at the World Future Council Round Table Expert Hearing in

Berlin Germany on 8 March 2010.

421) Gave talk on ‘Common Good-Past, Present and Future’ at the Malaysia

Social Research Institute (MSRI) Seminar at KGPA, KL on 18 March 2010.

422) Gave the Keynote address at the AIBD/Government of Switzerland

Regional Seminar on Media and Good Governance in Asia-Pacific, KL on 22 March 2010.

423) Gave one of the Keynote Addresses and a regular address at the Asia

Media Summit 2010 in Beijing, China – 25-26 May 2010.

424) Delivered one of the Keynote Speeches at the World Summit on Media for

Children & Youth in Karlstad, Sweden – 15-18 June 2010

425) Gave talks at the Buddhist Muslim Dialogue at Leh, Ladakh, India – 28-30

June 2010.

426) Talk on ‘Fasting not Feasting: Embodying the Spirit of Ramadhan’

organised by IMASE, University of Malaya - 24 August 2010.

427) Gave the Keynote Address on ‘Peace and Rapproachement or Violence

and Conflict?’ organized by UKM & UNESCO, Kuala Lumpur – 21 September 2010.

428) Spoke at ASEAN Human Rights Council (AHRC) Meeting on ‘Asean:

Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility’ – Kuala Lumpur, 22 September 2010.

429) International Consultation on Faith, Shared Wisdom and International Law

in KL from 3-7 October 2010.

430) Spoke at the Kashmir Black Day event organized by Global Peace Mission

Malaysia, KL on 27 October 2010.

431) Spoke on ‘The End of the Sensate Global Culture: The Beginning of a

Spiritual-Moral Global Culture’ at the JUST IYEP 4, Malacca – 30 November 2010.

432) Attended the launch of his latest book ‘Muslim Today: Changes Within,

Challenges Without’ in Islamabad on 8 December 2010 and gave public lectures at International Islamic University, Institute of Strategic Studies & Kuch Khas in Islamabad and at the Press Club, Peshawar and the National Institute of Public Administration, Peshawar, Pakistan 5-10 December 2010.

433) Spoke at the International Disabled Day Forum organized by MBPJ,

Petaling Jaya – 29 December 2010.

434) Spoke at the AMAN International Conference on ‘Multi-Culturalism and

Global Peace’, Pattani, Thailand 25-29 January 2011.

435) Spoke at the Conference on Global Movement for Justice, Peace and

Dignity in Istanbul, jointly organized by ISIS, JUST and Civilization Studies Center (MEDAM), Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey - 23 February 2011.


1) The Alan Missen Memorial Lecture, ‘The Human Rights Situation in Asia Today’, Amnesty International Australia, Canberra, Australia 11 October 1990

2) Senden Memorial Lecture, ‘The Spiritual & Intellectual Basis of a Just World Order’, Asian Social Institute (ASI), Manila, Philippines, 27 September 1993

3) Penman Memorial Lecture, ‘Religions & Human Dignity: Rights & Responsibilities’, World Conference on Religion & Peace, WCRP, Melbourne, Australia, 29 July - 1 August 1994

4) Weigand Foundation Distinguished Visitor Lecture on ‘The Global Rich and the Global Poor: Seeking the Middle Path’, Duke University, Durham, USA, 13 September 2000

5) The Ismail al-Faruqi Memorial Lecture, ‘Morality in Public Life: the Challenge before Religion’, 30th Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS), University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan, 26 - 28 October 2001

6) Annual Public Lecture on ‘The Age of Empire – and the Quest for Global Justice’ at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang on 2 September 2005

Malay Studies-Saad Annual Lecture on ‘A Malaysian Plea for Global Justice’ at the Malay Studies-Saad Annual Lecture 2005 in the New Zealand organized by the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand on 10 November 2005

7) Public Lecture on ‘Emergent Asia: Whither Religion?’ at University of Harvard organized jointly by the Harvard-Yenching Institute, The Center for the Study of World Religions and The Pluralism Project on 4 April 2006.

8) The 12th Annual Sem Pringpuangkaew Public Lecture ‘Global Empire or Universal Civilization?”, Bangkok on 25 June 2006.

9) Walker-Ames Public Lecture on “Religion and Politics in Post 9-11 South-east Asia” at the University of Washington, US on 30 October 2007.

10) RUMI Memorial Lecture “Remembering Rumi on the 50th Year of Merdeka” organized by Malaysian National Archives, Kuala Lumpur on 24 November 2007.

11) Gandhi Memorial Lecture organized by the India High Commission and the Gandhi Memorial Trust, Kuala Lumpur on 3 December 2007.

12) Earl Lecture 1: “Global Hegemony and the Erosion of Universal Spiritual and Moral Values” at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA on 22 January 2008.

13) Earl Lecture 2: “Struggling for Global Justice: Is Religion an Obstacle?” at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA on 23 January 2008.

14) Noordin Sopiee Chair in Global Studies Inaugural Lecture: “A Light that Illuminates …” at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 26 February 2008.

15) Keynote Address on ‘A Spiritual Moral Response to an Empire in Crisis’ at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica de la Fuerza Armada, Caracas, Venezuela on 25 March 2009.

16) Lecture ‘A World in Crisis: The Relevance of Spiritual-Moral Principles’ at the Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School, USA on 1 October 2009.


1) Rockefeller Social Science Fellowship in Development Studies for Southeast Asia (1984-1985)

2) Monitor, Human Rights Watch (1988)

3) The Harry J. Benda Prize for distinguished scholarship on Southeast Asia awarded by the Association of Asian Studies, North America, (1989)

4) The Wiegand Distinguished Visitor Fellowship awarded by Duke University, USA (2000)

5) Presidential Citation from Xavier University, United States in recognition of scholarship and leadership in the area of human rights (2000)

6) Distinguished Visitor, University of Berkeley and University of California, Los Angeles (2002)

7) Diploma con La insignia correspondiente a ciudadan, Honarary Professorship conferred by the Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica de la Fuerza Armada, Caracas, Venezuela, 23 March 2009

8) The Latin American Federation of Women jointly with The Social Movement G12, Caracas, Venezuela designated Dr Chandra Muzaffar & Puan Mariam Mohd Hashim as Honorary Members on 27 March 2009.

9) Juliet Hollister Award ‘Interfaith Visionary’ New York based Temple of Understanding, USA (December 2010).

10) Fellow of World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), headquartered in the USA (2010).


Has given a number of interviews and participated in a number of discussions over Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM), TV3, NTV7 and Astro Awani apart from Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Iranian News Agency (IRNA), NHK (Japan), Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Radio Netherlands, Radio France, Radio Germany (Asian Service), PBS (USA) and BBC (UK). Writes in local and foreign newspapers on social and political issues.


Participates in talks, forums and seminars at home and abroad on a variety of themes especially those related to global politics, civilization dialogue, religion and human rights.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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