George Mason University

GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY – COLLEGE OF SCIENCEB.S. DEGREE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE2015-2016 CATALOG EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (27)3ENGH 100 or 1013COMM 100 or 1013Literature requirement*3Fine Arts requirement*3HIST 100 or 1253Social & Behavioral Science requirement*3Global Understanding requirement*3CDS 130 (Information technology requirement)3ENGH 302 (C or better required)*See current approved course listing in catalog – Mason CoreMAJOR REQUIREMENTS: CORE CLASSES (38-39)4BIOL 214 - Introduction to Biostatistics4EVPP 210 - Environmental Biology: Molecules and CellCHEM 211 (co-req.)4EVPP 301 - Environmental Science: Biological Diversity and Ecosystems4EVPP 302 - Environmental Science: Biomes and Human Dimensions3EVPP 305 - Environmental Microbiology Essentials1EVPP 306 - Environmental Microbiology Essentials Laboratory 3EVPP 337 - Environmental Policy Making in Developing Countries3EVPP 361 - Introduction to Environmental Policy 3EVPP 377 - Applied Ecology 3EVPP 430 - Fundamentals of Environmental Geographic Information Systems One of the following three courses:3EVPP 336 - Human Dimensions of the Environment 3EVPP 338 - Economics of Environmental Policy 3EVPP 362 - Intermediate Environmental Policy One of the following four courses (all but EVPP 378 fulfills the Synthesis req):3EVPP 335 - People, Plants, and Culture 4EVPP 378 - RS: Ecological Sustainability 4EVPP 480 - Sustainability in Action 3CONS 490 - RS: Integrated Conservation Strategies CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY, AND MATH REQUIREMENTS (19-20)4CHEM 211 - General Chemistry I4CHEM 212 - General Chemistry II4GEOL 102 - Introduction to Geology IIChoose 2 from the following:Math Placement Test determines entry for these courses.3MATH 111 - Linear Mathematical Modeling4MATH 113 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I 4MATH 114 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus IIGENERAL ELECTIVESMINIMUM CREDITS TO GRADUATE: 120; UPPER DIVISION CREDITS (300+ level): minimum 45 at GMUMINIMUM GPA, OVERALL: 2.00, MAJOR: 2.00, MAJOR SUPPORTING: 2.00CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENTSCONCENTRATION: CONSERVATION (CNSV) (21)Mentor: Dr. Chris ParsonsStudents must take 24 credits from the following:3EVPP 318 - Conservation Biology (Spring only)BIOL 308 or 3104EVPP 378 - Ecological Sustainability BIOL 3081-3EVPP 395 - Undergraduate Research in Envir. Science and Policy45 credits; 2 upper level sci. lab courses1-4EVPP 396 - Directed Topic in Environmental Science and Policy45 credits3EVPP 419 - Marine Mammal Bio. and Conservation( Spring only)60 credits; GEOL 3091EVPP 420 - Marine Mammal Bio. and Conservation Field CourseEVPP 4193EVPP 421 - Marine Conservation (Fall only)GEOL 309; general education3EVPP 427 - Disease Ecology and Conservation60 credits; BIOL 213 or EVPP 305 and 306, and BIOL 3081-4EVPP 440 - Field Environmental ScienceBIOL 3080-4EVPP 490 - Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy60 credits1-3EVPP 494 - Internship60 credits3BIOL 310 – BiodiversityBIOL 213 with C or better0-4BIOL 435- Selected Topics in Biology1-3CONS 498 - Internship 1-3CONS 499 - Independent Study/Research3GGS 303 - Conservation of Resources and Environment (Fall only)30 credits; general education3GGS 307 - Sustainable Development60 credits; GGS 122 and 3026NCLC 311 - Mysteries of Migration: Consequences for Conservation3PRLS 300 - People with Nature(Fall only)3PRLS 402 - Human Behavior in Natural Environments (Spring only)60 credits; PRLS 210 and 300The following courses are only offered through the Smithsonian-Mason Semester (see catalog for requirements)3CONS 320 - Conservation in Practice3CONS 401 - Conservation Theory4CONS 402 - Applied Conservation3CONS 403 - Ecology and Conservation Theory4CONS 404 - Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity3CONS 410 - Human Dimensions in Conservation3CONS 411 - Science Communication for Conservation3CONS 420 - Human-Wildlife Conflict3CONS 490 - Integrated Conservation Strategies3CONS 491 - Comprehensive Conservation Planning1-3CONS 497 - Special Topics in ConservationCONCENTRATION: ECOLOGICAL SCIENCE (ECSI) (24)Mentor: Dr. Changwoo AhnStudents must take 24 credits from the following:3EVPP 309 - Introduction to Oceanography (Fall only)See catalog, incl EVPP 110 or EVPP 2104EVPP 350 - Freshwater Ecosystems (Fall only)CHEM 211 and 212, and EVPP 110 or BIOL 3084EVPP 355 - Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem Restoration CHEM 211, BIOL 308, PHYS 243 3EVPP 378 - Ecological Sustainability BIOL 3081-3EVPP 395 - Undergraduate Research in Envir. Science and Policy45 credits; 2 upper level sci. lab courses1-4EVPP 396 - Directed Topic in Environmental Science and Policy45 credits3EVPP 408 - Mushrooms, Molds and SocietyEVPP 110/111 or BIOL 2133EVPP 427 - Disease Ecology and Conservation60 credits; BIOL 213 or EVPP 305/306, and BIOL 3080-4EVPP 440 - Field Environmental ScienceBIOL 308 or 3103EVPP 449 - Marine Ecology (Spring only)BIOL 308 0-4EVPP 490 - Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy60 credits1-3EVPP 494 - Internship60 credits3BIOL 310 – BiodiversityBIOL 213 with C or better4BIOL 345 - Plant Ecology (Fall only)BIOL 308 or 3100-4BIOL 435 - Selected Topics in Biology3BIOL 459 - Fungi and Ecosystems (Fall only)BIOL 3083GEOL 305 - Environmental Geology (Fall only)GEOL 101 and GEOL 309 or GGS 3093GEOL 306 - Soil Science (Spring only)GEOL 101 and CHEM 2113GGS 307 - Sustainable Development60 credits; GGS 112 and 302CONCENTRATION: MARINE, ESTUARINE, AND FRESHWATER ECOLOGY (MEFC) (21)Mentor: Dr. Esther Peters Required courses:3EVPP 309 - Introduction to Oceanography (Fall only)See catalog, incl EVPP 110 or EVPP 2104EVPP 350 - Freshwater Ecosystems (Fall only)CHEM 211/212 and EVPP 110/111 or BIOL 3083EVPP 421 - Marine Conservation (Fall only)60 credits; GEOL 309 3EVPP 449 - Marine Ecology(Spring only)BIOL 308And at least 8 credits from the following:3EVPP 318 - Conservation Biology (Spring only)BIOL 308 or 3 104EVPP 363 - Coastal Morphology and Processes (Spring only)GEOL 3093EVPP 380 - Wetlands of the World BIOL 308 or 310, or EVPP 110/1111-3EVPP 395 - Undergraduate Research in Envir. Science and Policy45 credits; 2 upper level sci. lab courses1-4EVPP 396 - Directed Topic in Environmental Science and Policy45 credits3EVPP 419 - Marine Mammal Biol. and Conservation (Spring only)60 credits; GEOL 309 or BIOL 4491EVPP 420 - Marine Mammal Biol. and Conservation Field Trip EVPP 4193EVPP 427 - Disease Ecology and Conservation60 credits; BIOL 213 or EVPP 305/306, and BIOL 3080-4EVPP 440 - Field Environmental ScienceBIOL 308 or 3100-4EVPP 490 - Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy60 credits1-3EVPP 494 - Internship60 credits4BIOL 331 - Invertebrate ZoologyBIOL 308 or 3103BIOL 480 - The Diversity of FishesGEOL 309, BIOL 310 and EVPP 3503GEOL 364 - Marine Geology GEOL 101, 102, 302, and CHEM 2113GEOL 458 - Chemical Oceanography CHEM 211, 212, and CHEM 321 or GEOL 3023GGS 307 - Sustainable Development60 credits; GGS 122 and 3023CLIM 412 - Physical Oceanography MATH 113 or 115, and PHYS 160 or 2434NCLC 318 - Exploring Virginia’s WatershedsHIST 120 or 121 or 122, and EVPP 110, or GGS 102 or GEOL 109 or NCLC 120CONCENTRATION: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (EVHL) (21)Mentor: Dr. Bob JonasRequired courses:3EVPP 427 - Disease Ecology and Conservation60 credits; BIOL 213 or EVPP 305/306, and BIOL 3083EVPP 445 - Principles of Environmental Toxicology60 credits; EVPP 110/111, and CHEM 211/212And 15 credits from the following:1-3EVPP 395 - Undergraduate Research in Envir. Science and Policy45 credits; 2 upper level sci.lab courses1-4EVPP 396 - Directed Topic in Environmental Science and Policy45 credits3EVPP 409 - Medical MycologyEVPP 110 and 111 or BIOL 2130-4EVPP 440 - Field Environmental ScienceBIOL 308 or 3100-4EVPP 490 - Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy60 credits1-3EVPP 494 - Internship60 credits3EVPP 515 - Molecular Environmental Biology I (Fall only)Intro biology and genetics course3BIOL 402 - Applied and Industrial MicrobiologyBIOL 213 and EVPP 305/306 and CHEM 211/2123BIOL 305 – Biology of Microorganisms BIOL 213 with C or better1BIOL 306 – Biology of Microorganisms Lab3BIOL 402 – Applied and Industrial MicrobiologyBIOL 213, 305, 306; CHEM 211, 2123BIOL 404 - Medical Microbiology EVPP 305 and 3064BIOL 465 - HistologyBIOL 308 or 3101-3CHEM 505 - Hazardous Materials Waste Management CHEM 3133CEIE 555 - Principles of Environmental Engineering 3GCH 205 - Global Health (Global understanding requirement)3GCH 360 - Health and EnvironmentBIOL 2143GCH 560 - Environmental Health3GGS 302 - Global Environmental Hazards3GGS 304 - Populations Dimensions of Global Change (Fall only)30 credits; general education3GGS 307 - Sustainable Development60 credits; GGS 112 and 3023GGS 319 - Air PollutionCLIM 111 or GGS 1213GGS 322 - Issues in Global ChangeGGS 121 or 122CONCENTRATION: HUMAN AND ECOSYSTEM RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE (HERC) (21)Mentor: Dr. Susan CrateRequired courses:3EVPP 336 Human Dimensions of the Environment (Fall only)One of EVPP 110, EVPP 111, GEOL 101, SOCI 101, or ANTH 114And 18 credits from the following:3EVPP 309 - Introduction to Oceanography (Fall only)See catalog, incl EVPP 110 or EVPP 2104EVPP 355 - Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem RestorationCHEM 211, BIOL 308, PHYS 243 4EVPP 378 - Ecological Sustainability BIOL 3081-3EVPP 395 - Undergraduate Research in Envir. Science and Policy45 credits; 2 upper level sci. lab courses1-4EVPP 396 - Directed Topic in Environmental Science and Policy45 credits3EVPP 427 - Disease Ecology and Conservation60 credits; BIOL 213 or EVPP 305/306, and BIOL 3083EVPP 432 – Energy Policy60 credits and EVPP 3613EVPP 436 - The Human Dimensions of Global Climate Change (Fall only) 60 credits; EVPP 336 and CLIM 1010-4EVPP 440 - Field Environmental ScienceBIOL 308 or 3100-4EVPP 490 - Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy60 credits1-3EVPP 494 - Internship60 credits3CLIM?101 - Global Warming: Weather, Climate, and Society (Fall only)31CLIM 111 - Intro to Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science (Spring only)CLIM 112 - Intro to Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science Lab (Spring)3CLIM 312 - Physical Climatology30 credits; GGS 121, MATH 113, PHYS 243/2443CLIM 314 Severe and Extreme Weather (Spring only)MATH 113, CLIM/PHYS 111 and 112 or EOS 121 or GGS 1213CLIM 319 - Air PollutionCLIM 111 or GGS 1213CLIM 412 - Physical OceanographyMATH 113 or 115, and PHYS 160 or 2434GGS 121 Dynamic Atmosphere and Hydrosphere (Fall only)3GGS 302 - Global Environmental Hazards30 credits3GGS 304 - Populations Dimensions of Global Change (Fall only)30 credits; general education3GGS 307 - Sustainable Development60 credits; GGS 112 and 3023GGS 309 - Meteorology and Climate (Spring only)GGS 102 or 1213GGS 321 - Biogeography: Space, Time and Life (Spring only)GGS 1223GGS 322 - Issues in Global ChangeGGS 121 and 1223GGS 353 - Observations of the Earth and its Climate (Spring only) GGS 121and 1223GGS 354 - Data Analysis and Global Change Detection Techniques (Spring only) CDS 130 and BIOL 2143GGS 456 - Introduction to Atmospheric RadiationGGS 353 and309 and a course in physics ................

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