Amaranth Washington

Washington Amaranthian DispatchNovember 1, 2020FROM THE DESK OF THE GRAND ROYAL MATRONAs I sit here, contemplating what to write for the November issue of the Amaranthian Dispatch, I thought it would be appropriate to take stock of life and its trials and tribulations and count my/our blessings. There are many things to be thankful for beginning with God granted us another day to live. Many of our friends and acquaintances have been adversely affected by this current pandemic. Many have not. Those affected have been treated by the absolute best medical professionals in the world, right here in the United States. We have the best research facilities and scientific minds working on treating / curing this pandemic. Good will come out of this trial and already has with the development of therapeutic medications and treatment modalities. And, I dare say because of the social distancing and mask wearing, our annual Flu season might, just might, be lessened / shortened. If you take the Flu shot, please do so. We can all continue to pray for deliverance from this pandemic and panic.I received word that the Grandmaster is looking into easing some restrictions in line with the Governor’s policies. It would not be the same if we were able to reopen Amaranth Courts and not be able to have our Masons attend, as they are still restricted from attending our Masonic gatherings.As we hopefully move towards reopening our Courts, Lodges, Chapters, etc. be mindful that there are guidelines in place within our Supreme Constitution and Washington Grand Court Bylaws to follow when resuming meetings. With the help of Jurisprudence, we have a list to these measures pertaining to Court meetings to review. Thank you to HL Ginny and her committee for the assistance.Supreme Constitution: Subordinate Court meetings are covered from page 86 to 89. These are the specific paragraphs that deal with regular meetingsPage 87 Paragraph G deals with opening a Court meeting.Page 87 Paragraph L deals with special meetings.Page 113 Section 1 Paragraph A of the General Instructions deals withwhere a meeting can be held.Grand Court By-Laws?Page 40 Section 24 Paragraphs A and B deals with stated or special meetingsI hope any of you who wanted to submit Grand Court Bylaws changes got your paperwork to HL Kathy. The due date is/was November 1st when a physical copy must be in the Grand Secretary, HL Kathy’s possession.We are keeping in touch with our Grand Court Session hotel. Since they are in Yakima County, they cannot promise anything until this lockdown is lifted but we are in their books for the 3rd weekend of March, per the usual schedule. We have been told that the room rate will not change but that the food prices will probably, out of necessity, have to be raised. We have been assured they will make a sincere effort to give us the best deal possible. Please remember all are invited to attend our monthly “Group” zoom meetings on the second Saturday of each month at 10 AM. HL Camille posts the sign in information in each newsletter. Keep in touch with one another. Count your BLESSINGS and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. From the desk of the Grand Royal PatronHonored Ladies and Sir Knights, I hope this finds all of you well.? Here we are entering November.? A month filled with some important dates. Of course the first Tuesday of November being Election Day. Setting aside any political ideology specifically we must remember it is the civic duty of every citizen who can vote to vote.? As Amaranth members and citizens of this great country it is important to remember to be an example to our? family and friends, that we participate in our constitutional right and privilege to vote to select our leaders. We know that in many parts of the world, citizens of other nations struggling under dictatorships, fight for the right to determine the leadership and direction of their governments.?Also on November 11th, we will celebrate our nation's veterans. These brave men and women of all races and skin colors came together to serve the country they pledged allegiance to in all branches of our armed services.? We should always remember and honor their sacrifices and that of their families.?Of course on November 26 (which just happens to be my birthday) we will celebrate Thanksgiving, a day we reflect on the things we have to give thanks for in our lives. I for one am thankful for all of my friends I have gathered while a member of Amaranth. Oh and to gather around the table (as best we can this year) and become as stuffed as the turkey we serve.Finally I would like to remind each of you that we remain dedicated to keeping Amaranth a viable and healthy body of like-minded people working to improve ourselves with the light of benevolence and kindness.? Please everyone, I ask that you make the effort to reach out to your fellow Amaranth members and ask after their welfare.?We as a Grand court and subordinate courts are experiencing a low point in our normal financial support we might receive through fundraising.? I am saying that each of us has committed to not only paying our yearly dues but to support programs such as scholarships, diabetes research, benevolent fund, and youth groups. So, I am asking all members to send a little extra each month to your court secretaries.? Think about what you would have spent on our monthly dinners and fund raisers. I could give you?a gift or trinket if you would like for this, but is that really necessary to get us to?remember our commitments to the worthy causes we have agreed to support?? There are some fundraising efforts currently available such as the greeting cards which you can read about in this newsletter.I would like to leave you with some words of Thanksgiving.“If you are really thankful what do you do? You share.” –W, Clement Stone“Thanksgiving meals take 18 hours to prepare. They are consumed in 15 minutes.? Halftime lasts 15 minutes. This is not a coincidence.”—Erma Bombeck.“We must take time to thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”—John F. KennedyAnd finally“May your stuffing be tastyMay your turkey be plumpMay your potatoes and gravy???? Have nary a lump.May your yams be deliciousAnd your pies take the prize,And may your Thanksgiving dinner???? Stay off your thighs!!”—Anon.?In Amaranth love Bill (still) GRP Happy fall to everyone -?I don't know about you but I feel like someone has come and taken my Legos away.? ? I hope that everyone is doing well and that your families are doing well.I have had several conversations with SRM Dorothy Kippee.? She recommended that we start trying to get our calendar ready.? ?Just in case we are allowed to come back to court meetings.? Wouldn't that be so nice??? I would like to have the opportunities of meetings.? I know that a lot of people are missing the interactions as well.? If you could give me a proposed date for your installation and an official meeting, I would like to sketch up a calendar with Gary.I know that I am not good about calling or having Zoom meetings but I do think about you all often.? I hope that you are doing well.I also still have tickets for the quilt that HL Joy Peters graciously donated.? We also still have glass ornaments for sale.GRM Donna has t-shirts for sale.Happy Halloween everyone!HL Heather HughesHonored Ladies and Sir Knights I bring you greetings from theWest.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? October 27, 2020?WOW the year 2020 is quickly coming to an end and with only a couple of months left to go.?But not just any two months but my favorite two months of the year. November because it is a time to reflect on what we are most grateful for, like family, friends and work. With COVID-19 becoming a part of our daily lives this past year, I am also thankful for not getting sick (fingers crossed) and of course the birth of my Grandson which I shared with you all last month, and yes he is also doing fine. I am thankful for our Leadership in HL Donna and SK Bill for hanging in there during these hard times and having to make the tough decisions. I am thankful for HL Heather Hughes for selecting me as her Grand Royal Patron elect, even though we have not had our chance to move on from the West to the East. I am thankful for HL Jenny Harsin-Reed for taking the time to set up our conference calls on ZOOM. I am thankful to all the Amaranth members who joined us last month for the group meeting on ZOOM. I am grateful to my Amaranth family who continues to love and support us all. I am grateful that next month is December which brings with it all the joys of Christmas and lots of good food. Until next month Be Safe, Stay Healthy and carry a song of joy in your heart.SK Gary Lewis GAP November 14th--------Is National American Teddy Bear Day!National Family Pj’s Day Happy Fall Washington AmaranthIt occurred to me the other day that I will not be warm again until next summer.? I grew up at the beach and we vacationed in the desert.? I took it for granted.? I miss it very much.? As I sit in my house wondering what life is going to look like I find myself worried about you all.? I hope that you are all healthy, happy and safe.? I look forward to a time when we can all meet again.? Please join us for the on-line Group Meeting on November 14th.?Amaranth LoveHL Katey LanningGrand ConductressGrand Court of WashingtonOrder of the Amaranth Greetings from the Office of the Grand Secretary,This has been a slow month for me. I wrote to all the secretaries, asking if who was able and interested in doing a monthly group hat in either Facebook or Zoom. Of our 20 Courts in WA – 4 of the secretaries responded with one indicating she would be able to attend Zoom but not Facebook. I will be setting a time in November to gather and sending an email with an invite to all the secretaries. If you have a question you want your Secretary to ask or get more info on- please let him or her know and we can discuss it at the meeting. On a related note, pre-covid when we broke into our groups at Line Officers each month, the secretaries met with the treasurers and Trustees. If you are a Treasurer or Trustee and want to attend the Zoom let me know and I will send you the invite as well.Have a fun Halloween and a Family Filled Thanksgiving!Kathy Thisted, Grand Secretary of Washington ZOOM MEETINGJoin Zoom Meeting November 14, 2020 10:00 am ID: 302 566 2056Passcode: 183720Thanks giving dinners take 18 hours to prepare.They are consumed in 12 minutes.Half-times take 12 minutes.This is not a coincidence. ---Erma BombeckA Little Bit about ZoomRichmond Court has been meeting monthly using Zoom, a free video conference program, and we’ve found it to be a useful way to stay in touch with members from the convenience of our homes.Zoom is available for PCs, Macs, Android an iPhone.? Zoom must be downloaded at? Google Play or the App Store.? Though it is also possible to phone into a Zoom meeting, it works best when you use a laptop or smartphone with built-in microphones and cameras.Visit the website or your app store and sign in to create a free account. Once Zoom has been downloaded and installed on your device, you may either host a meeting or join a meeting hosted by someone else.? Free accounts enable you to have unlimited 1:1 meetings and 40-minute long meetings with three or more participants.The host of a meeting must send out email invitations.? These emails will contain a link to the meeting along with a password.? The recipient of the email can just click on a link to join the meeting without typing in the information.Remember that you can mute the microphone and/or camera to take a break.? Zoom tends to only allow one participant at a time and cause some confusion to listeners.? Your host may ask you to mute your microphone and “wave” if you’d like to speak.?? Options for “waving” or muting can be found at the bottom of your screen.Richmond Court has had several games during Zoom meetings.? Add some spice to your Zoom meeting to help encourage quieter members to participate and bring as much of the fellowship of the courtroom to the meeting.Though nothing will replace in-person meetings, several of our courts – including Grand Court – have found Zoom to an invaluable tool.See you on the Internet!Dan HansonRoyal PatronRichmond CourtArticles for December’s newsletter need to be to me by-November 25, 2020.Alki Court #21Invites You ToOn the Go LuauSaturday, November 7, 2020Order, pick up and go$20 per order (prepaid, deadline Nov 3)Pick up points 5-to 6 PM West Seattle, Shoreline, Puyallup and Montlake Terrace Menu: Kalua Pork, Sweet potato, Hawaiian vegetable curry (V), Jasmine rice, Tropical coleslaw, Hawaiian roll, Pineapple cake/toppingOrder form: click on link below Sue Gibbs 206-650-5491 alkicourt21@\s\s#!Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year! Amaranth Love, (Your name)#2Best Wishes for aVery Merry Christmas andA Happy New Year!Amaranth Love, (Your Name)#3Best wishes For a wonderful holidayAnd a very happy new year.Amaranth Love, (your name)#4Good tidings to you anda happy Christmas for today and all the Christmases to come.Amaranth Love, (your name) #5Peace, and Joy To you this Christmas season! Amaranth Love, (your name) #6 Sure, Christmas is for kids, But luckily the holiday spirit makes kids of us all.(your name)#7Bringing best wishes to you this holiday season.Amaranth love, (your name)#8 May your holidays be merry and bright.Amaranth Love,(your name)#9The (name) FamilyWishes you the Happiestof Holidays#10Thinking of you With lots of Love At Christmas(name)#11 May Santa bring you Everything you wished for.Merry ChristmasAmaranth Love,(your name)#12Hope this season finds you all wrapped up in Happy(your name)#13Jolly Holly-days to you and yours!Amaranth Love, (your name)#14Let Your Light ShineBright This HolidaySeason.(your name)#15 Hope, Joy, Love and Gladness-Let all these be yourguide this holiday seasonAmaranth love, (your name)#16Peace and LoveTo warm your heart this Holiday seasonAmaranth Love, (your name)Dates to rememberZoom Group Meeting November 14th, 10:00 am.Card fundraiser for Diabetes Research Benefit November 20th.Newsletters letter Articles November 25th. Veterans Day November 11th.Thanksgiving November 26th. ................

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