Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 29 Aug. 2022

嚜燎estored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 29 Aug. 2022

Compiled Mon. 29 Aug. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret,

Journalist, Author: 求Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her

twenty two multiple personalities.′

This Week:



We?re At Defcon 1!!!

#Juan O Savin

Global Food Shortages

Threats of Nuclear War

Toxins Confirmed in Vax

Extremists Set to Attack Power Grid

2020 Election Overturned by Sat. 2 Sept. or Evidence to be Destroyed

Globalist Order Canadian Freedom Trucker Mass Arrests this week

Vatican Hide Assets After Admitting Genocide of Over 500,000 Missing Native Children

Globalist-owned New York Times Calls to Indict President Trump

A criminal organization is trying to indict the 19th President on espionage charges in an illegal

and fictitious legal system owned and operated under a foreign owned corporation known as the

Crown Corporation.

※We are going to Show You a New World. Those Who are Blind will soon see the Light. A

Beautiful Brave New World Lies Ahead. We take this Journey Together. One Step at a Time.

Every Lie Will be Revealed. It was Over before it Started. Those who Know, Those who

Believe, Pack Your Bags. We*re Going Back Home.§



※We?re Coming Home§

#El Donaldo Trumpo on Telegram Sun. Evening 28 Aug. 2022

Battle Hymn of the Republic

"Battle Hymn of the Republic" w/ the Mormon Tabernacle Choir LIVE from West Point | West

Point Band - YouTube

Judy Note:













※We?re At Defcon 1§ #Juan O Savin Juan O' Savin: "We're At DEFCON 1"!! (Video) |

Alternative | Before It's News ()

Financial Crisis Hits the Vatican After Pope Admits Child Genocide in Canadian

Catholic Residential Schools where over 500,000 native children went missing.

End of the Private Banking System: Most Prominent News Story in History - Shocking

truths are revealed /The End of Private Central Banking /Existing Debt Zero and Void

The Globalist-owned New York Times has called on Attorney General Merrick

Garland to indict and prosecute President Trump for alleged crimes surrounding 2020

Election and Jan. 6 Attack on US Capitol.

Glenn Beck took to the chalkboard to break down the timeline of the events that lead up

to the Mar-a-Lago raid and revealed that there were a whole lot of 求convenient′

coincidences that all revolved around one thing: Trump&s attempt to declassify materials

related to the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Watch the video clip from this

week's episode of "Glenn TV" below or find the full episode here.

Global Food Shortages

Millions Of CIA Militarized Immigrants In The US!

Toxins Confirmed In Vax!

Extremists Plans To Attack Power Grid!

Taiwan, Nuclear War Heating Up

Dems Still Cheating in Elections

Calls for Military Tribunals.

A. Calendar of Events:









August: Mike Lindel (My Pillow guy) a personal confidant of President Trump and

owner of , says terrible things are going to happen in August. Only three

people know about what is about to happen. Pray for President Trump.

Mon. 29 Aug: Moscow Exchange to ban use of dollars as collateral.

September will be a month of upheaval 每 a month when all the dirty things of this

government will be exposed. The current president is disgusting to people not only in the

United States but all over the world. In a few days we will send something that will

destroy and expose these Cabbalists. Information will be only among the people who

want good for this country, and not the manipulators. Make sure you attract this to more

people! #Donald J. Trump Live on Telegram.

Thurs. 1 Sept: Mass Arrests of Canadian Freedom Truckers, Blackout set to happen.

On Sat. 3 Sept, the Deadline to overturn the 2020 Election, or all Ballots will be


Tues. 6 Sept. 6:00 pm EST: 'Q' Has Been Quiet, but QAnon lives and was going live.

求To be in the shadows was the only choice I had. They wanted to destroy me. They want

to destroy what they cannot control. I am ready to come out from the shadows. Now is

the time! Due to technical difficulties the Live Stream was cancelled and rescheduled for

Tues. 6 Sept. 18:00 pm EST.

October has been promised to be a month of hosting major Events that would likely

negate November Elections in the US.

9 Nov. 2022 (9/11) Military Tribunals, Arrests Revelations.

B. Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: There were only a handful of Military Intelligence people informed of when

Liquidity release would actually occur, and they weren&t talking. The date would be decided by

the Quantum Computer and based on safety issues. Any other dates given were pure speculation.




It was my personal opinion that notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) for

exchange and redemption appointments would take place AFTER a big Event where

Mainstream Media Satellites were taken down, the Emergency Broadcast System came

into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System and nations around the world went into

Martial Law.

A High Up Source felt that the GCR / RV could occur any time between now and mid

Oct. unless a Trump arrest caused a delay through November. The "hold up" was more

military logistics and underground tunnel resistance 每 that was in the process of being

aggressively finished.

Tues. 16 Aug. Coach Jerry: "Be encouraged dear community, our time will come. If we

could figure out the precise timing, then the evil opposition could also figure it out. And I

have a sneaking suspicion that the Worldwide Alliance has designed this entire "movie"

such that no one, outside the good military, is quite able to figure it out."




We will have about 10 days to exchange or redeem our currencies and bonds (Zim) for

the special rates. #White Hat Intel

Fri. 26 Aug. MarkZ: ※Today our markets went into a freefall after Powell&s

conversation at Jackson Hole, WY (Each year the Cabal meets at the very secure

Rockefeller Ranch in Teton National Park to discuss progress of the New World Order).

The economy is basically wrecked. The GDP is flat. Inflation is rearing its ugly head.

This is setting up nicely for a need to reset our currency. I am guessing within a week

after the reset we will transition into a flat tax. How long it will take for prices to adjust

may be a different story.′

The Banks will be undergoing a transition. Cash will not be readily available for a period

of a few days. This will start as soon as we begin the announcement period probably 12

hours after everyone wakes up. The change is global, not just in America with its fifty

States. Every country on every continent will undergo a form of change. That is an

enormous proposition, and one that has required this time to prepare and set in motion.

C. 2020 Election Fraud:






The New York Times Has Called on the US AG to Indict President Trump: A

criminal organization is trying to indict the 19th President on espionage charges in an

illegal and fictitious legal system owned and operated under a foreign owned corporation

known as the Crown Corporation.

According to intel found on Hunter Biden?s Laptop and admittance by Facebook&s

Mark Zuckerberg, both him and the FBI helped to rig the 2020 Election.

On Sat. 3 Sept, the Deadline to overturn the 2020 Election, all Ballots will be


How They Federalized our Elections Without Our Consent:

Pennsylvania: Mark Zuckerberg, who has been banning Trump Supporters off his

platform since 2015 and who is a radical left winger paid for the "Rental space, ballot

scanning machines and Staff" for the 2020 Election. This alone should render it null and

void. One of the places they used Zuckerbergs money to hire staff, purchase drop boxes

and buy new Ballot Scanning tech was in Chester County PA, which was Key in winning

the State.

D. Mass Arrests of Canadian Freedom Truckers, Blackout to happen by Thurs. 1 Sept:



Justin Trudeau?s brother accused him of taking marching orders from globalist Elites,

求He's on the side of Anti-Canadians."

Orders from UN, Davos Group, CIA and world Elites who control the Canadian

government: Full force to be used against the Convoy Freedom Truckers within the next

six days (from Fri. 26 Aug. 2022). Orders have been given for Mass Arrests and a total

Media and cell phone Blackout, with no live broadcasting.


Hundreds of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Public order riot cops (to be bussed in),

OPS (Ontario Public Service/enforcement), OPP Police, Durham Police and Toronto

Police all working together under authoritarian rules are planning for Mass Arrests of the


E. Wars and Rumors of Wars:







Ukraine Attacks Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, Again:

Ukraine?s Zelensky Warns of Radiation Disaster:

Russia Produces Evidence of US Chemical Warfare, Hillary Clinton, Uranium One.

Belarus President Announces ※We Have Nuclear Weapons§:

US Sends Warships to Taiwan: US sends first warships through Taiwan Strait since

Pelosi's visit

Putin mobilizes 1.3 million soldiers as Russia declares War on NATO, FBI Election


F. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run

out of the Vatican:




Australia's house of horror: Guards at a 'monster' youth detention facility wouldn't give

a child his medication until he 'performed sexual acts':

All world government agencies at the highest level were involved in human & child

trafficking 〞 used for many reasons including blackmail, like Epstein. The

incriminating digital content is then weaponized against anyone standing in their way.

Implanting child porn is a tactic that has been used for decades. Timothy Holmseth have

been active reporting these unimaginable crimes. CIA, FBI, IRS, CPS are all being

exposed. The most harsh Truth and Hidden Secrets were coming out.

Madyson Marquette, an ex-porn star & sex-trafficked survivor, have been talking

about her military tribunal testimonies at DC for over a year now. I know many do

not believe her, but her energy feels very authentic to me. She&s dropped some highprofile names, including big church pastors. A year later, all the pieces are starting to add

up 〞 just like Jesse Czebotar. Many matrix churches are vampires 〞 sucking money &

life from people. Special Report With Madyson Marquette On Tribunals & Arrests!!!'


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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