Chapter 1 Quick Review - Department of Physics

TA: Tomoyuki Nakayama January 11th – January 12th, 2010

PHY 2048: Physics 1 with Calculus, Spring 2010

Review: Chapter 1.1-2.5

The purpose of this review is to refresh your memory. Physics is a cumulative subject, so make it sure you understand basic concepts and typical problem solving techniques in previous chapters before moving on to a new chapter.


A . Conversion of Units

1. Three base quantities and their SI units:

2. Find the conversion factor that converts mph to m/s.

B. Displacement & Velocity

1. In a velocity-time graph, displacement is represented by:

2. A jogger runs around a 400 m circular track in 100s. Find the average velocity and average speed.

3. If the position of a particle is given by x = 15t-5t3, where x is in meters and t is in sec. What is the position of the particle when it momentarily stops?

C. 1D Motion w/ Constant Velocity

1. A cyclist takes a trip, traveling on a straight road at a constant speed 200 m/min, except for a 20 min rest stop. If the average velocity is 150 m/min, how much time is spent on the trip and how far the cyclist travel?

TA: Tomoyuki Nakayama January 11th - January 12th, 2010

PHY 2048: Physics 1 with Calculus, Spring 2010

Practice Exam Problems (Chapter 1.1-2.5)

Working on this problem set is optional, but it is strongly recommended. It is highly likely that some of these problems will appear in the exams. Do it on a weekly basis. Cramming is tiring and sometimes it ends up in a disaster.


1. A light circular cylinder with a radius of 2.3 cm and a height of 1.4 m has a volume of: (Conversion of Units) a. 0.20 m3 b. 0.14 m3 c. 9.3×10-3 m3 d. 2.3×10-3 m3 c. 7.4 ×10-4 m3

2. Suppose A = BnCm, where A has dimensions LT, B has dimensions L2T-1, and C has dimensions LT2. Then the exponents n and m have the values: (Dimensional Analysis) a. 2/3; 1/3 b. 2; 3 c. 4/5; -1/5 d. 1/5; 3/5 e. 1/2; 1/2

3. Two girders are made of the same material. Girder A is twice as long as girder B and has a cross-sectional area that is twice as great. The ratio of the mass density of girder A to the mass density of girder B is: (Density) a. 4. b. 2 c. 1 d. 1/2 e. 1/4

4. 3.2 × 2.7= ? (Significant Digits) a. 9 b. 8 c. 8.6 d. 8.64 e. 8.640

5. A particle moves along the x-axis from xi to xf. Of the following values of the initial and final coordinates, which results in the displacement with the largest magnitude? (Displacement) a. xi = 4 m, xf = 6 m b. xi = -4 m, xf = -8 m c. xi = -4 m, xf = 2 m d. xi = 4 m, xf = -2 m e. xi = -4 m, xf = 4 m

6. The coordinate of a particle in meters is given by x(t) = 16t – 3.0t3, where t is in seconds. The particle is momentarily at rest at t =: (Instantaneous Velocity) a. 0.75 s b. 1.3 s c. 5.3 s d. 7.3 s e 9.3 s

7. The velocity of an object is given as a function of time by v = 4t -3t2, where v is in m/s and t is in seconds. Its average velocity over the interval from t = 0 to t = 2s: (Average Velocity) a. is 0 b. is -2 m/s c. is 2 m/s d. is -4 m/s e. cannot be calculated unless the initial position is given

8. Which of the following five coordinate versus time graphs represents the motion of an object whose speed is increasing? (Graphical Interpretation)

Answers: 1-d 2-d 3-c 4-c 5-e 6-b 7-a 8-A


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