DDS Southeast Region - Nemasket Group



April, May, June



“Spring came suddenly, bursting upon the world as a child bursts into a room, with a laugh and a shout and hands full of flowers”.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

There is something special about Springtime. Perhaps it is the fact that it does seem to burst into our world like the crocuses that burst from the ground, or the buds on the trees that seem to appear out of nowhere on the branches. Or perhaps, because we have more sunlight to enjoy, or perhaps it is the joy of witnessing the blooming of the trees and flowers. Or maybe the anticipation of the Summer with sunny days, vacations, cook outs, and sitting with family and friends around the firepit. Spring is a time that we see things that we may have planted last year, that are coming to fruition.

As we prepared the Spring Calendar, we listed all of the Learning Opportunities that are available for the months of April, May, and June. Each time we present a training, it is like planting seeds of knowledge. Our desire is that those seeds germinate and grow and that the information that has been diseminated will effect the lives of the people that we support.

I would like to mention a couple of the brand new trainings that we are offering. One is the training that is being offered for the very first time is “ The Complaint Process” this will be presented by the SouthEast Investigation Unit and Disabled Persons Protection Commission. This training will include administrative reviews, DPPC’s and the Investigative process. Another training that we will be offering is “ Conversations That Matter” presented by Alberto Barreto. This training will review emotional intelligence and conflict management – acquiring the capacity to understand, articulate, manage, and apply the power of our emotions as we interact with different cultures. I am confident that both of these trainings, as well as the other trainings in the calendar, will serve to enhance the skills that many of you all ready possess. Enjoy Spring!

Dianne Rodrigues

Director of Learning and Staff Development

Southeast Regional Training Committees

• Regional Training Council

• Brockton/South Costal Training Committee

• Fall River Training Committee

• New Bedford Training Committee

• Plymouth Planning Council

• Cape & Islands Training Committee

• Taunton/Attleboro Training Committee

• Regional Leadership Series Committee

• Southeast Residential Training Committee/Diversity Committee

• Wrentham Training Committee

• Regional Diversity/Inclusion Committee

• Wrentham Diversity Committee

• Orientation/Training Committee


Registration: unless otherwise indicated, email: Raquel Pereira at

Please provide the following information:

How to Register:

▪ Name/names of staff you wish to register

▪ Name of class

▪ Date of class

▪ Contact information including:

• Name of contact person

• Name of agency

• Phone number of contact person

• Email of contact person

• Any necessary accommodations

For CPR/First Aid Classes at Wrentham: refer to calendar for contact person.


Cancelation (day) of training occurs when the Governor declares a STATE OF EMERGENCY.

For cancellation of Regional Trainings please check the DDS Learning Site @

For cancellation of classes held at Wrentham Developmental Center, please call (508) 384-1654.


April, May, June


Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) 30

Adult Asperger/Autism 28

American Heart Association First Aid, CPR 13

Assisted Tech/Adaptive Equipment 44

Awareness and Action Training Opportunity 32

Basic Fire Safety Training 13

Borderline Personality Disorder (PBD) 30

Bristol Community College 35

C.A.S.T. 26

Calendars (April – June) 8, 9, 10

Complaint Process 31

Conversations that Matter 36

Creating Sensory Spaces 29

Direct Support Certificate Program 35

Directions 45, 46, 47

Disability Law Center 41

Family Support Centers 37, 38, 39

Friends Matter 22

How to Reach Us 7

Kennedy Donovan Center Pathways Series 24, 25

Many Faces of Dementia 20

Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong 33

May Professional Development 12

Medication Administration (MAP) & SE Nursing Supports 15


Office for Human Rights 11

Relationships & Sexuality 27

Resources 34

Respiratory Update 23

Save the Date Page 40

Selection & The Lessons of History 42

Servant Leadership, the Basis of Our Work 19

Social Media Safety Training 21

Sudden Cardiac Arrest 43

Supervising a Culturally Diverse Workforce 16

SRV and PASSING 17, 18

The Process of Problem Solving 19

Words Are Important 19

DDS Orientation for all new Southeast Region staff is offered quarterly, this quarter is scheduled for May 9th through May 20, 2016. All new DDS employees are required to attend. Topics include:

• Welcome and Introduction to State Services

• History of Department of Developmental Services

• Basic Human Rights (prerequisite for Human Rights Systems/Advocates)

• Understanding the People We Support

• Confidentiality is a Right to Privacy (HIPAA)

• Diversity (full day)

• Diversity (half day – additional requirement for managers)

• Sexual Harassment Prevention

• Workplace Communication

• Team Building

• Understanding Valued Roles

• Understanding the importance of Relationships and Friendships

• Introduction to Positive Behavioral Supports

• Confidentiality

In addition to the DDS Orientation classroom training, ALL NEW EMPLOYEES must ALSO take the Mandatory EOHHS Administrative Training found on-line at These required trainings include: Human Service Worker Safety, Workplace Violence, Domestic Violence, Conflict of Interest, Parts 1 and 2, Sexual Harassment, Confidentiality, Disability Awareness.

Additional topics for SRS (and direct support) include: Coaching the Van Driver, Medical Documentation, Sensitivity Training, Personal Care Needs, and Dysphasia, Adaptive Equipments Safety and Maintenance, Lifting, Introduction to Sign Language, and Water Safety….

Additional learning opportunities are available at website.

When registering for any of our trainings, please make us aware of any reasonable accommodations that you may need. Please provide a two week notice.

Please register with:





Department of Developmental Services

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, Ma 02346

General Office Number: 508-866-5000

Learning and Development Team

Dianne Rodrigues, Director

Phone: 508-866-8879

Raquel Pereira, Admin

Phone: 508-866-8874

Maureen O’Rourke-King, Trainer

Phone: 508-866-8863

508-732-5725 (Plymouth)

Wrentham Developmental Center

131 Emerald Street

Wrentham, MA 02093

Tony Marano, Trainer

Phone: 508 384-1654

Southeastern Residential Services (SRS)

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, Ma 02346

General Office Number: 508-910-3000

Laura O’Connell, Director of Orientation

Phone: 508-910-3013

|APRIL 2016 |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | |1 |

|4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |

|Social Media Safety Training | |Respiratory Update | | |

|4:00pm – 6:00pm |C.P.R. – Health Care Provider |10am -11:30am, Wrentham | | |

| |7pm – 11pm |Bruce Dyl 508-384-5556 | | |

| |Louanne Washburn 508-384-6805 | | | |

|11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |

|Basic Fire Safety | |Friends Matter |Supervising a Culturally Diverse Workforce |The Many Faces of Dementia |

|9:30am-1:30pm |Health Care Provider |10:00AM to 1:00PM |Middleboro large conference |1:00 pm – 2:00 pm |

|Middleboro |8am – 12pm (WDC) |Massasoit Conference Center |10:00 am – 2:00 pm |Worcester |

| |Kathy Stoffel 508-384-5538 | |Lorraine Woodson | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

|Patriots Day |Words Are Important |Dr. Moosvi 1:00pm–1:30 pm Borderline | | |

|[pic] |9:30am – 12:00 pm |Personalities | | |

| |Middleboro (Ed Sutka) |Middleboro | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Respiratory Update | | |

| | |10am -11:30am, Wrentham | | |

| | |Bruce Dyl 508-384-5556 | | |

|25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

|ABI Presentation | |Community Autism Resources (CAR) – IPad | | |

|10:00 am -11:30 am | |Basics – CLASS IS FULL | | |

|Middleboro | |10am – 12:30pm, Middleboro | | |

|MAY 2016 |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

| |CPR – Heart Saver |NVMAB 10-2 – Carver Library | | |

| |7pm – 11pm (Wrentham) | | | |

| |Louanne Washburn 508-384-6805 |Human Rights Advocacy for All | | |

| | |10am-2:30 pm - Middleboro | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Overview of Autism & Creating Thoughtful | | |

| | |Support Strategies | | |

| | |9:00 am – 3:00mpm | | |

| | |Register Amy Cornell 508-999-4436 | | |

| | | | | |

|9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |

|History of DDS |Respiratory Update |NVMAB 10-2 – Carver Library | | |

|1:30- 3:00 |10:00am -11:30am, Wrentham | | | |

|Middleboro - Bob Hebda |Bruce Dyl 508-384-5556 | | | |

| | |Understanding People | | |

| | |1:00pm – 5:00p | | |

| | |Middleboro – Pauline MacLellan | | |

|16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |

|Sudden Cardiac Arrest |A Life Like Any Other |NVMAB 10-2 – Carver Library | |Basic Fire Safety |

|10:30 am – 1:30 pm |12:45pm – 3:45pm | | |9:30 – 1:30 |

|Middleboro Public Library |Middleboro – George McCauley & John Shimkus |Relationships/Friendships | |Middleboro |

| | |9:00am – 11:00 am | | |

| |BCC Application Deadline |Middleboro – Jim Ross | | |

| |(see flyer) | | | |

| | |First Aid | | |

| | |8am – 12pm (Wrentham) | | |

| | |Kathy Stoffel – 508-384-5538 | | |

|23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |

| |Respiratory Update |Community Autism Resources (CAR) – | | |

| |10am -11:30am, Wrentham |Understanding & Using Visual Systems w/ | | |

| |Bruce Dyl 508-384-5556 |Individuals w/ASD – CLASS IS FULL | | |

| | |10am – 12:30pm, Middleboro | | |

| |Complaint Process | | | |

| |10:00 am – 12:00 pm |NVMAB 10-2 – Carver Library | | |

| |Middleboro | | | |

|30 |31 | | | |

|[pic] |The Process of Problem Solving | | | |

| |9:30 am – 12:00 pm | | | |

| |Middleboro (Ed Sutka) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |BCC – Classes Begin (see flyer) | | | |

|JUNE 2016 |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | |Supervising a Culturally Diverse | |

| | |NVMAB 10-2 - Carver Library |Workforce | |

| | | |Middleboro large conference | |

| | | |10:00 am – 2:00 pm | |

| | | |Lorraine Woodson | |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

| |CPR – First Aid |NVMAB 10-2 – Carver Library |Respiratory Update | |

| |7pm – 11pm - WDC | |10am -11:30am, Wrentham | |

| |Louanne Washburn 508-384-6805 | |Bruce Dyl 508-384-5556 | |

|13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |

| |Basic Fire Safety |NVMAB 10-2 – Carver Library |Heart Saver CPR |Selection and the Lessons of History -9-12|

| |9:30 – 1:30PM | |8am – 12pm - WDC |Middleboro (Jack Yates) |

| |Middleboro | |Kathy Stoffel 508-384-5538 | |

| |[pic] Plymouth Art Show | | | |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |

|Servant Leadership, The Basis of Our |AssistedTeh/Adaptive Equipment 10-12 |Conversations that Matter |Respiratory Update | |

|Work |Middleboro – J. Petersen |10:00 am – 1:00 pm |10am -11:30am, Wrentham | |

|9:30 am – 12:00 pm | |Middleboro |Bruce Dyl 508-384-5556 | |

|Middleboro (Ed Sutka) |Choice Is Yours – info to follow | | | |

| | |Creating Sensory Spaces | | |

| | |10:30 am – 12:30 pm | | |

| | |Carver Public Library | | |

|27 |28 |29 |30 | |

| | | | | |


In affirming, promoting and protecting the human rights of individuals with intellectual disabilities, the Office for Human Rights offers: networking, training (staff, self-advocates, committees, advocates, etc.), consultation and/or direct advocacy in complex or difficult situations and, information on any Human Rights questions.

In the Southeast Region, to access the Office for Human Rights, please contact Nate Hoover,

Human Rights Specialist, 508-866-8916 or e-mail:

All classes are offered at:

DDS Southeast Regional Office 151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B, Middleboro, MA

Human Rights Advocacy for All Training

• May 4, 2016 – 10:00 am – 2:30 pm

(This is the approved curriculum for staff to be certified as Human Rights Officers/Advocates)

Human Rights Networking Discussions

These sessions are an opportunity for Human Rights Coordinators and Human Rights Committee members to meet their peers within the region and share information, strategize around how to teach Human Rights to individuals and staff in your programs, discuss case situations where rights are in question, along with challenging treatment dilemmas. Please bring cases to discuss. This is a confidential session.

Department of Developmental Services

Cape Cod Training Council Presents:

May Professional Development

The Election Process

with Nate Hoover, DDS Human Rights Specialist, Southeast Region

Wednesday, May 18th from 10am - 12pm

Voting is human rights advocacy in action!

By voting, we express our opinions and make our voices heard.  When we vote in a political election, we choose candidates who have some of the same beliefs that we do and can help us to get our wants needs met.  By voting we express our opinions about the rules that govern our society.  Voting shows that we care about the community around us, and about our country as a whole.

This training will teach self-advocates and their supporters about the voting process, including how to register, find one’s polling place, and suggestions for researching candidates. There will also be a forum for folks to discuss barriers to voting.

Register at:

Location of Training

EOHHS Building

181 North Street

Hyannis, MA 02601

DDS Conference Room C



The purpose of the Heart saver First Aid Course is to teach rescuers the knowledge and psychomotor skills they need to recognize emergencies at the worksite and give first aid. The First Aid section is approximately three hours and the CPR component is a separate three-hour class. The certificate is renewable every two years Cost $25.00. ($20.00, book & $5.00 for card) Participants must bring cash or check made out to WDC.


The Heart saver CPR program is designed to teach CPR and relief of foreign body airway obstruction to all lay rescuers, such as school children, family members of people at high risk for sudden cardiac death. It is specifically designed for lay rescuers who are required to obtain a course completion card, a credential documenting completion of a CPR course. All rescuers are trained in CPR and relief of FBOA. This program teaches CPR and relief of foreign body airway obstruction for adult victims or infant and children victims in approximately 3 hours and for adult, infant and children victims. The course includes learning opportunities, including a videotape presentation of the chain of survival and warning signs of cardiovascular emergencies. You will learn to use an automated external defibrillator AED. Instructor-led discussion to reinforce the signs of heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke and choking. Videotaped skills

demonstration and practice, instructor-led practice scenarios, and peer-practice sessions. Participants must bring cash or check made out to WDC. Cost $38.00. ($20.00, book, $10.00, mask & $8.00 for card)


The BLS for Healthcare Provider course is designed to teach the skills of CPR for victims of all ages (including ventilation with a barrier device, a bag mask device, use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) and relief of foreign body airway obstruction. It is intended for participants who work in a Healthcare setting and those who are required to take a Healthcare Provider course for their employment. A course completion card is issued for all participants in a BLS for Healthcare Providers course whom successfully complete the written examination and skill demonstration. Participants must bring cash or check made out to WDC. Cost $38.00. ($20.00, book, $10.00, mask & $8.00 for card)



The primary purpose of fire safety training is to give staff an orientation to the actions they can take to prevent as well as respond to a fire in a home. The training emphasizes prevention, preparedness and response. Through lecture, slide and video format, trainers sensitize staff to the serious consequences of a fire and the importance of developing an effective evacuation plan and practicing the evacuation procedures so that everyone is aware of what to do in a fire emergency. It will provide participants with basic information about the causes and types of fires, as well as fire prevention, hazard identification, smoke and smoke detectors, and evacuation procedures. Prevention, preparedness, types of fire extinguishment, and response are the key elements of this training.

This curriculum is the DDS approved Fire Safety Training

To receive a certificate, individuals must attend the entire training. Participants will be responsible for ensuring their agency receives a copy of their certificate.

No one will be admitted to Basic Fire Safety Training after the first fifteen minutes so please be on time.

Presented by: Al Murrant

Date: April 11th; May 20th; June 14th

Time: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm

Place: Regional Office

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, MA


*See calendar for dates offered for above courses and registration contact.




Presented by: Brian Donahue & Kyle Grace

This course is designed to help refresh the skills that you learned in the full course and is required to maintain certification. Prior NVMAB certification is a prerequisite. We will also update you on changes in NVMAB, regulation and policy that may have occurred.

Participation and attendance is required at BOTH sessions. All who are interested are encouraged to attend regardless of their physical limitations. Please wear loose and comfortable clothing.


Dates: May 4, May 11

Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm (FOR BOTH SESSIONS)

Place: Carver Public Library

2 Meadowbrook Way

Carver, MA 02330




Presented by: Brian Donahue & Kyle Grace

This course is designed to teach how to prevent and minimize crisis situations where a person’s behavior has the potential to cause serious injury to themselves or others. Interventions are taught progressively from the least intrusive (verbal interventions, deflecting, blocking, escorts, etc.) to the most intrusive (Physical Restraint).

Participation and attendance is required at ALL sessions. All who are interested are encouraged to attend regardless of their physical limitations. Please wear loose and comfortable clothing.

The first class also fulfills the requirement for staff to be certified as Restraint Monitors/"Specially Trained Staff"


Dates: May 18, May 25, June 1, June 8, June 15

Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm (FOR ALL SESSIONS)

Place: Carver Public Library

2 Meadowbrook Way

Carver, MA 02330


Medication Administration



As of July 1, 2011 D & S Diversified Technologies has been awarded the contract to conduct testing for the certification of staff to administer medications. Providers and MAP trainers will be able to access testing statistics and specific performance issues via an internet portal. Results of computer based testing will be available within 24-48 hours. The company may be reached by calling 1-877-851-2355. If calling, please ask to speak to a member of the Massachusetts team; as they provide services to other states. Their fax number is 419-422-7395. Web address is . Please refer to the information within your agency for any questions and clarification you many have concerning this new process or contact one of the nurses listed to the right.


Training for RNs working for service providers to become instructors in the Medication Administration Program will be provided on a regularly scheduled basis.

The dates for this year are January 20th, March 16th, May 24th, July 20th, September 15th, and November 17th. The classes will be held at 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA.

Please contact Susan Canuel, RN at (508) 866-8812 with any questions and/or to register.

Medication Administration

For initial certification training, medication, and recertification review please call the nurse-trainer in your area to receive dates of scheduled classes or to schedule agency specific training.

Southeast Region Area Office Nursing Support

Regional MAP Coordinator

Susan Canuel, RN (508) 866-8812

DDS South Coastal Area Office

Nancy Noble, RN (781) 337-1312

Irene Loria, NP (781)356-8850

DDS Brockton Area Office Donna Gray, RN (774)-296-6341

Janet Roxborough, NP (774)-296-6402

DDS Cape Cod Area Office

Dominique (Niki) Rencurrel, RN

Dominique.Rencurrel@MassMail.State.MA.US (508) 771-2595

Eileen Hawe, BSN, MS, MSN, ARNP-C

Eileen.Hawe@MassMail.State.MA.US (508) 790-6109

DDS Fall River Area Office

Sherri Schoorens, RN (508) 730-1308

Liz King, NP (508)730-1307

DDS New Bedford Area Office

Kate Smith (508) 992-1327

DDS Taunton/Attleboro Area Office

Donna Stone, RN (508) 824-0614

DDS Plymouth Area Office

Siobhan Manning (508) 732-5710


Jessica Stad (508)-866-8895

Supervising a Culturally Diverse Workforce

Presented by: Lorraine F. Woodson, Director

Office of Diversity /Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights

Department of Developmental Services

Executive Office of Health and Human Service


Thursday, April 14, 2016 - 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Thursday, June 2, 2016 – 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

DDS, SE Regional Large Conference Room

151Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, MA


Workshop Announcement

SRV Study Visit Using PASSING: Understanding the Service Recipient’s Perspective

Monday May 16 (starting at noon) through Friday May 20 (ending at 1 pm), 2016 at the Unitarian Memorial Church, 102 Green Street, Fairhaven, Massachusetts

sponsored by

• The SRV Implementation Project

• The Massachusetts Alliance for Personal Action

workshop description

The PASSING workshop builds upon the Introduction to SRV course by providing a hands-on experience with an actual human service program. This workshop emphasizes the impact of services on the lives of their recipients. Workshop participants are invited to see services “through the eyes” of its recipients. This is an opportunity to work with the ideas of Social Role Valorization (SRV) to craft a vision of excellent service. 

The work of this course is done in teams. Many teams will include family members, support workers, administrators & others. Each team will go either to a residential or a “day” service, to spend time with service recipients & conduct interviews with staff & administrators. The event involves extensive personal reflection & analysis, group conciliation, & thought-provoking discussion. A past workshop participant said “when I go back to work, I won't be the same.”


Persons attending PASSING must have first attended a 3 or 4 day SRV workshop. To create a focused & reflective atmosphere, this workshop is designed as an intensive experience. 

Monday will run from 12 to 6 pm. Tuesday will run roughly from 7:30 am to 6 pm; Wednesday & Thursday will run roughly from 8:30 am to 6 pm. Friday will go from 8:30am to 1 pm. 

tuition plus lunches, rental of manual & handouts

Cost of tuition, manual rental, workshop materials & lunches is $625. Payment can be made via credit card or check. (For DDS only, payment can also be made via electronic transfer.)

a. For a credit card invoice, please email register@. 

b. To pay by check, please make checks payable to Shriver Clinical Services (federal id # 04 317 5325).

to register for the May 2016 passing workshop:

a) Either register online at


b) send name, address, phone number & email address (with check if applicable) to

Workshop Registrar


74 Elm Street, Worcester, MA 01609


Important note about the scheduling of this workshop

This workshop requires a minimum number of participants, and will be rescheduled for a later date if there is an insufficient number of registered participants. Please plan accordingly.

for more information, contact: Workshop Registrar at register@ OR at 508 752 3670

The Massachusetts Alliance for Personal Action is pleased to announce a four-day workshop:

A Revised Conceptualization of Social Role Valorization,

Including 10 Related Themes:

A High-Order Concept for Addressing the Plight of Socially

Devalued People, & For Structuring Human Services (Part I)

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 19th through Friday April 22, 2016 (8:30 am to 5:30 pm)

Location: Nemasket Group, 56 Bridge Street, Fairhaven, MA

Presenter: Jo Massarelli & Associates of The SRV Implementation Project

Description of the workshop:

This is part one of a two-part course. (For more on part two, visit or email info@). This workshop provides an introduction to Social Role Valorization (SRV), using the ten core themes, developed by Dr. W. Wolfensberger, considered one of the most influential thinkers in the field of human services worldwide. Wolfensberger's work helped lay the foundation for many current human service trends, including integration, safeguarding of rights, & the deinstitutionalization movement.

SRV is a systematic & universally applicable concept for structuring human services, anchored in the empiricism of psychology, sociology, & broad human experience. SRV posits a close relationship between the socially perceived value of the roles that people hold, & whether people in those roles will be accorded opportunities & other good things of life. Bad things tend to get done to people who are seen in devalued roles, & good things tend to be afforded to people in positively valued roles.

Topics to be explored include: the universality of social devaluation; the defining power of roles in people's lives; strategies for pursuing socially valued roles, or at least less devalued roles, for devalued people, with an aim toward improving their life conditions; enhancement of people's social images; & enhancement of people's competencies. The workshop offers a critical SRV-based look at many contemporary human service practices.

Format of the workshop:

The workshop is specifically oriented to leadership development. The language used, as well as the physical & intellectual demands of the workshop, are structured accordingly. It is taught in lecture format, with use of overheads & slides. Time is built into the schedule for audience discussion & questions. The schedule is 8:30 to 5:30 each day, with coffee & check-in beginning at 8:00 am each day.

Who the workshop is intended for: 

Service recipients, members of their family (including parents, sisters & brothers, & adult children), advocates, citizens, & paid or unpaid service workers, planners & managers who are interested in the lives of people who are disenfranchised from society because of intellectual or physical impairment, mental disorder, poverty, homelessness, autism, age (elders), or learning impairment (children & adults). The workshop is taught at a college-level, with long hours & hard work. The information presented is complex in its entirety, requiring a systematic exposition of multiple ideas.


The tuition is $500 which includes handouts & lunches. 

For employees of the Southeast Region of DDS:

• tuition is waived

• a fee of $100 will be charged for handouts, coffee breaks & lunches


Lunch will be provided on-site.

Registration and payment:

Payment can be made via check or credit card. For DDS only, payment can also be made via electronic transfer. Please contact the registrar register@ for more information.• Register online at • Or send your name, address, phone number & email address, plus tuition check made out to Shriver Clinical Services (federal id # 04 317 5325), to: Workshop registrar; 74 Elm Street; Worcester, MA 01609. Email register@. 

Words Are Important

The purpose of this training is to provide education and support in regard to improving our ability to communicate in a positive and effective manner by becoming more sensitive to the implications of how we use words. We’ll also be looking at how the way that we use words reflects our fundamental beliefs about the people we support and how we might go about reassessing situations when our words are not leading to a beneficial result.

Facilitators: Ed Sutka, DDS Quality Enhancement Specialist &

Maria Campbell, Clinical Director, Community Systems, Inc.

Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm; Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

Place: DDS Regional Office, 151 Campanelli Drive, Middleboro, MA

The Process of Problem Solving

Over time, our service delivery system has become increasingly complex and challenging to navigate. This training will explore both typical problem solving options used in our field, including relying on policies and procedures, as well as a several alternative approaches. A number of scenarios will be presented for discussion that encompass various ways to go about problem solving, particularly knowing how to use an understanding of context and motivation as the basis for raising questions that can help lead to person-centered solutions.

Facilitator: Edward Sutka, DDS Quality Enhancement Specialist

Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm, Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Place: DDS Regional Office, 151 Campanelli Drive, Middleboro, MA

Servant Leadership, the Basis of Our Work

This training will begin with an examination of some of the historical factors, including the American eugenics movement, which influenced how our service delivery system evolved. The main emphasis of the remainder of this training will be an exploration of the “servant leadership” approach to providing supports and its potential to re-envision the role of staff in terms of serving people in the manner and spirit in which they wish to be supported.

Facilitator: Edward Sutka, DDS Quality Enhancement Specialist

Time: 9:30 am - 12:00pm; Monday, June 20, 2016

Place: DDS Regional Office, 151 Campanelli Drive, Middleboro

For All sessions:

Registration is through: *Please be sure to include the name of attendees, agency name and contact

The Many Faces of Dementia


Dr. John Toomey, Statewide Medical Consultant

Friday, April 15, 2016 - 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Department of Developmental Services

Shrewsbury Conference Room

324 Clark Street, Front

Worcester, MA 01606


1 CEU offered







Included is

1. Safety settings for your phone and computer

2. Using Social Media: including new apps like whisper, snapchat and burn

3. Ways to use the internet and social media during an emergency.

4. The dangers of meeting people on the internet, taking and posting naked pictures of yourself, and “sexting”.



Free of Cost

Date: Monday April 4, 2016

Time: 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Place: ARC of Greater Plymouth..* new address

52 Armstrong Rd.

Plymouth, MA 02360

Limited Seating:

To register please call Denise Kelliher at 508-732-5722 by March 26, 2017.Please note total number of individuals that will be coming including support staff.


BAMSI and Growthways, Inc. & The Brockton/South Coastal Training Council invites you to attend:

Friends Matter!

Let’s talk about the Importance of Friendship ~ specifically, crafting unpaid relationships with the individuals we support

Presented by Jim Ross & the very talented

Plymouth Community Theatre Improv Group

April 13, 2016 10:00AM to 1:00PM Massasoit Conference Center 770 Crescent St, Brockton, MA 02302

Registration is required by April 4, 2016


Registration is through: *Please be sure to include the name of attendees, agency name and contact


This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of current respiratory therapy modalities. Both routine therapy and emergency respiratory care will be discussed and demonstrated including suctioning, oxygen therapy, respiratory medications, emergency resuscitation, chest physiotherapy, metered dose inhalers, aero chambers, etc. There is no fee for this class. Class is limited to nurses.

Presented by: Bruce Dyl, C.R.T.T.

Place: Wrenthan Developmental Center Medical Center Emergency Room

131 Emerald Street Wrentham, MA

Dates & Time:

April 6th 10:00 am to 11:30 am

April 20th 10:00 am to 11:30 am

• May 10th 10:00 am to 11:30 am

May 24th 10:00 am to 11:30 am

June 9th 10:00 am to 11:30 am

June 23rd 10:00 am to 11:30 am




Cape Cod Community Services


Training for Parents and Professionals of Children with Developmental Concerns


Tuesday, April 26, 2016 HOW TO GET WHAT YOU NEED – Effective Communication with presenter Nancy Willetts, Director of Mediation and Training- Communications Professor at Cape Cod Community College and with Cape Mediation

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 CAREGIVER BALANCING – Finding Your Way to A Healthier Life

with presenters Donna Macleod Prior, BA, Director of DD Individualized Support Services Alternatives in Whitinsville, MA and Sukie Bansal-Roberts, BA, PGCE in Further Adult Education, Staff Developer at Alternatives.

LOCATION: West Barnstable Community Building

2377 Meetinghouse Way Rte. 149

W. Barnstable, MA.

TIME: 5:00-7:00PM

COST: FREE - Limited childcare and light supper provided.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Contact Juliane Dillon, KDC Outreach Coordinator at 774-352-1325 or email jdillon@

Kennedy-Donovan Center Cape Cod Community Services


With Nancy Willett - Cape Mediation &

Professor of Communication

Cape Cod Community College Checking out PERCEPTION!



REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Contact Juliane Dillon – KDC Outreach Coordinator 774-352-1325 or jdillon@. Limited childcare and light supper provided with pre-registration.

[pic][pic][pic] T.G.I [pic] C.A.S.T



You’re invited to join the C.A.S.T. group!

Check us out! SELF ADVOCACY means SPEAKING UP for yourself ABOUT your RIGHTS! And taking personal responsibility for your life! Alternating locations first Tuesday of each month.

Hyannis LIFE PROGRAM 550 Lincoln Rd Extension Tuesday, January 5, 2016 4:00-5:30

NEW YEAR’S PARTY !!! RSVP required. Also, March 1st, May 3rd

T.G.I. (Toward Greater Independence) Program 585 Main Street Centerville Library Tuesdays, April 5, June 7th

FOR INFORMATION AND RSVP contact Juliane, KDC Outreach Coordinator and Advocate Advisor, at 774-352-1326 or email jdillon@


Adult Asperger/Autism:

Profiles, Challenges, Strategies and Resources

Clients with Autism without ID are new to DDS. This presentation includes a general overview and more detailed insights into Asperger Syndrome and related autism profiles. Familiarity with the Autism Spectrum may not be enough to understand and assist those with ASD who have average to above average intelligence. Cognitive competence often implies an ability to function at a high level more generally and, therefore, those with strong cognitive skills may not appear to need help in the very many ways that they often require support. An understanding of the subtle yet pervasive implications of ASD will lead to greater understanding of clients and greater competence in providing appropriate help, particularly in areas of employment, relationships and in identifying relevant resources.

DATE: May 4, 2016

TIME: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

1-hour break for lunch (lunch not provided)

LOCATION: Southworth Public Library

732 Dartmouth Street

South Dartmouth, MA 02748

Phone: 508-999-0726

Michelle Alkon is the Director of Adult Family Services at the Asperger/Autism Network. She works with adults with AS and related conditions and their families on a variety of issues including understanding how their disability might impact their lives as they approach challenges with relationships, work and independent living. She is a frequent speaker at conferences for parents and professionals focusing on AS in adults and has contributed to publications including the Autism Consortium's guide, Transitioning Teens with Autisms Spectrum Disorders and the anthology, Voices of Autism. Michelle has a master's degree in public health from Harvard University, where she learned a lot. She is also the parent of two young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, from whom she learned even more.

To register for this event please contact

Amy Cornell at The Nemasket Group



Space is limited….register early!!

Sponsored by the New Bedford Area Training Committee

Creating Sensory Spaces

Large, Small & Portable

(repeat training from August 2015)

Please join the MCB/DDS Partnership Project in


Maureen Coyle, MA, COMS

Shriver Clinical Services & Carroll Center for the Blind

Wednesday June 22, 2016

10:30 -12:30


Carver Public Library

2 Meadowbrook Way, Carver, MA

Spend the morning with Maureen as you learn about:

● Some new ways to create sensory spaces, and portable sensory bags to bring with you…learn some new resources

● The standards are the Light Box, florescent paper, scented markers, colorful activities, and such...but...

● How about painting with florescent paint inside a black box, or creating a Trailing Rope between the swing and a butterfly bush or an herb garden in the back yard...

● Join us and think outside the box!

To register: email Raquel at

We look forward to seeing you!!!

In collaboration with

Department of Mental Health,

the following training is being offered:


Presented by: Dr. Moosvi

April 20, 2016

1:00PM-2:30 PM

Southeast Regional Office,

Large Conference Room,

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B


Please register with:

DDS Southeast ABI team have coordinated a panel discussion to learn more about

*Acquired Brain Injury*


The team will present an overview along with individuals that receive support for a question and answer panel.

Please join us on:

Monday, April 25, 2016

10:00 am – 11:30 am

Southeast Regional Office

Large Conference Room

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, Ma

Please register with:


People with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable populations. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts safeguards these individuals in many ways, one of which is a partnership between the DDS and the DPPC. This training will describe the complaint review and resolution process when there are suspicions of abuse or neglect of people served by the Department.


Susan Love, Abuse Prevention & Outreach Coordinator DPPC

Tom MacDonald, Senior Investigator DDS Southeast Region

Jennifer Chaves, Program Monitor, DDS Fall River Area Office

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Southeast Regional Office

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, MA


Register with:

Awareness & Action


This FREE training, taught by persons with disabilities and others,

is designed to educate persons with disabilities and others about recognizing, reporting and responding to abuse.


If you are interested in having an

Awareness & Action Training at your

organization, please contact:

Anne Monti at

Phone: 1-617-727-6465 x234

The training is three hours long, intended for everyone

and limited for up to 20 people.


M.A.S.S. would like to work with providers, DMR staff, family organizations, self-advocacy groups, and community

groups to offer training on the following topics:

← Self Determination and Choice

← Self Advocacy- What It Is? How to Start a Local Group? Leadership!

← New Staff Orientation

← How to Be an Effective Board Member

← Design a training with you to meet your needs

M.A.S.S. is a statewide self-advocacy organization started and operated by individuals with cognitive or

developmental disabilities. We work with local self-advocacy groups across the Commonwealth. We know that

our voice is stronger when we work with people who have the same beliefs and values as we do.

Our Mission: To empower self advocates through education so we make choices that improve and enrich our lives.

Some of our most recent work has been:

← Self Advocacy Leadership Series with MDDC taught by self advocates and their advisors

← Tools for Tomorrow Project with ARCMASS, Families Organizing for Change, and MDDC to help people achieve their hopes and dreams. Access Living of Chicago to teach self advocates about housing options

← The Bridges Project with DMR, Central Mass Self Advocacy Workteam, and Worcester ARC to support people moving out of nursing homes

← Active participants on the federally funded Real Choices Project

We can be reached at:

Phone: 1 866 IAM-ABLE (1 866 426-2253)

Email: mass1998@

Address: PO Box 6025

N. Plymouth, MA 02362


“Nothing about us without us.”




Lead author: Julie Moran, DO

Sponsoring Organization: National Down Syndrome Society

“Adults with Down syndrome, along with their families and caregivers, need accurate information and education about what to anticipate as a part of growing older, so they can set the stage for successful aging.”

To receive a free copy of the guidebook go to: - in the search box type in aging and down syndrome- available online and in print- available in English and Spanish


David Pitonyak

“ In my view, most people served by the human service industry are profoundly lonely. :loneliness is the central reason why so many are unhappy and distraught….Their suffering results from isolation…Loneliness is the only real disability…wake up to the people right next to you…help the person to make a contribution to the broader community…”

To receive a of this booklet go to: – click on articles/publications- available in English and Spanish



Getting Ready For An Emergency

Emergencies like floods, storms or pandemic flu can happen to lots of people at once.

Be prepared so you know what to do!

Would your group like a free emergency preparedness training?

Self-advocate Nate Trull trains consumers and support staff about getting ready for emergencies. He has trained over 100 people in Massachusetts.

He can train your group in two ways:

(1) a two part training where each part takes about an hour and a half on two different days; or

(2) a one-time training that takes about two hours. There is no cost for the training, but your group will need to provide a room, a screen or wall for a PowerPoint® presentation, a power point projector, and an audience. People who come to the workshop will get presentation handouts, a folder of information, and consumers will receive small items to start their own supply kits.

For More Info Contact: Nate Trull at nate.trull@



Earn a

Developmental Disabilities

Certificate of Achievement

Classes begin on Tuesday, May 31, 2016. Application deadline is May17

Take classes on Tuesday and/or Thursday afternoons and begin to learn more about people with intellectual disabilities. Topics covered include: defining developmental disabilities, prevalence of various conditions and theoretical perspectives and causes.

Direct support workers who are employed at a state agency or an agency under contract with DDS, have a GED or high school diploma, and have the support of their employer are eligible to apply.

The entire program is based on the National Community Support Skill Standards, a set of skills and competencies used by outstanding direct support staff in their work. This program is affordable because of the financial support from DDS and its partnership with the community colleges.

Cost: $50 registration fee/course/books

Often paid by your employer

Date: Classes begin Tuesday, May 31,2016

Class times: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2:00 PM - 4:40 PM

Fall River Campus/ Bristol Community College

Courses: College Writing

General Psychology

Introduction to Social Welfare

Developmental Disabilities

Special Topics

Supervision & Leadership

Field Experience/Internship & Seminar

For Additional Information Contact: Paul F.Correia, Bristol Community College, 508 678-2811, extension 3765 or


“Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Management”


Presented by: Alberto Barreto

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Southeast Regional Office

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, MA

Emotional Intelligence and conflict management—acquiring the capacity to feel, understand, articulate, manage and apply the power of emotions to interactions across lines of difference. The ability to understand and integrate emotions with cognitions

▪ The ability to manage such emotions

▪ The ability to appropriately control and regulate emotions

▪ The ability to recognize, understand and empathize with the emotions of others

Please register with:

Family Support Centers

Family Support Centers across the state, funded by the Department of

Developmental Services (DDS), provide information, assistance, and a

variety of supportive services to families with children and adults with

intellectual and developmental disabilities who are living at home.

These services include:

o Providing information and assistance in obtaining a wide array of services including but not limited to:

o Social and recreational opportunities

o Support groups for parents, siblings and family members

o Resources in the community

o Public benefits

o Hosting trainings or providing information on topics such as:

o Guardianship/Trusts

o Planning for the Future

o Social Skills

o Human Relationships

o Specific disabilities and/or conditions

o Offering opportunities for families to meet through networking and

organized social and community activities

Families who are eligible for services from DDS are encouraged to contact one

of the Family Support Centers near them. The Family Support Centers in the

Southeast Region are included here. A directory with the contact information

for all Statewide Centers is available on the DDS web-site at dds.



Funded by the Department of Developmental Services


Brockton Area

Brockton Area Arc

1250 West Chestnut Street, Brockton, MA 02301

(508) 583-8030, x224

Kathy Kerwin - kkerwin@

Cape Cod and the Islands Area

Kennedy-Donovan Center

32 Commercial Street, South Yarmouth, MA 02664

(508) 385-6019

Dan Sprout - dsprout@ - Laura Griswold - lgriswold@

Martha’s Vineyard Community Services

111 Edgartown Road, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

(508) 693-7900

Kathi Hackett, x249 - KHackett@

Sharon Clauss-Zanger - Sclauss-zanger@

Fall River Area

People Inc.

FACE Center (Family Advocacy and Community Education Center)

4 South Main Street, Fall River, MA 02721

(508) 672-5671

Marilyn Grubb - mgrubb@peopleinc-

Jason Medeiros (774) 488-5321 Jmedeiros@peopleinc-

New Bedford Area


Family Connections Center, Nemasket

56 Bridge Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719

(508) 999-4436

Sandra Kinney - sandykinneyfc@

Emily Nisenbaum - tngemily@

Plymouth Area

The Arc of Greater Plymouth

10 Cordage Park Circle, Suite 208, Plymouth, MA 02360

(508) 732-9292

Malissa Kenney - malissak@

Kristine Scigliano -kristines@

Kelly Newcomb - kellyn@

South Coastal Area

Advocates, Inc.

South Coastal Family Support Center

1189 R North Main Street, Randolph, MA 02368

(781) 767-3048

Alicia Cannon - acannon@

Fatima Baptista - fbaptista@

South Shore Support Services

317 Libbey Industrial Parkway- Unit B300, P.O. Box 890126, Weymouth, MA 02189

(781) 331-7878

Mary Burt, x13

Renee McCorkle, x19 - rmccorkle@

Taunton/Attleboro Area

The Arc of Bristol County

146 Pleasant Street, Attleboro MA 02703 Mailing address: 141 Park Street

(508) 226-1445 x 3118

Beth Bogus - bbogus@

Tri-Area (Brockton, Plymouth, South Coastal)


155 Webster Street- Unit D, Hanover, MA 02339

(781) 878-4074

Mary Ann Mills-Lassiter - Mmills-lassiter@

Sharon Craig - scraig@ - familysupportcenter@



Plymouth Art Show

Art Work will be displayed

June 1 - 14, 2016

Plymouth Guild of the Arts

North Street

Plymouth, MA

[pic] The Choice Is Yours

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

9:00 am – 2:00 pm

La Salette Shrine

947 Park Street

Attleboro, MA

March 8, 2017

Please join us for the 12th annual

“Focus” on Vision Impairment and Blindness Conference

Meeting the Needs of Individuals with Intellectual Disability & Vision Loss

At the Four Points By Sheraton – Norwood, MA

Registration brochure available in December 2016 in the

“Training Resources & Events” section of dds/visionloss


A private, non-profit public interest law firm

Disability Law Center provides legal advocacy on disability

issues that promote the rights of people with disabilities to

participate fully and equally in the social and economic life of


Our office is accessible and is open

Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.

DLC can make arrangements for sign language and

foreign language interpreters or other accommodations

that you may need.

For More Information

1-800-872-9992 voice

1-800-381-0577 TTY

“Selection” and the Lessons of History

One little-known and often misunderstood episode of the Holocaust was the systematic mass murder of people with physical or mental impairments, in which physicians designed and led a program which killed over 300,000 Germans from 1939 through 1945. This lecture will describe the so-called “euthanasia” program and will place it in historical perspective by analyzing its antecedents, its sponsorship, its justifications, the opposition to it, how it helped lead to the subsequent mass murder of the Jews, and especially its lessons for the current debates over the medical ethics of life and death as they involve people with impairments. The German episode will be

compared with American eugenics ideas and practices, both past and present.

Jack Yates, the presenter for this class, works in staff development for People, Incorporated, in Fall River, and has worked in services for people with mental impairments for over forty years. For several years Jack taught a graduate course at the Harvard Divinity School entitled “The Inclusive Community.”


Presented by: Jack Yates

Date: Friday, June 17, 2016

Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Place: Southeast Regional Office

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B, Room 100

Middleboro, Ma

Register with:

[pic]Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association (SCAA)

Robert Schriever, Co-Founder (SCAA) and survivor will present an overview of cardiac issues, identifying symptoms and how to respond to and use of AED technology to save lives!

Training is open to all ~ individuals, direct support, office staff, families, community members

May 16, 2016


Middleboro Public Library 102 N. Main Street Middleboro, MA


Did you know,

…every single day nearly 1,000 individuals die from sudden cardiac arrest in the United States?

…most deaths caused by sudden cardiac arrest could be prevented?

AssistedTech/Adaptive Equipment

[pic] [pic]

Why assistive technology is important

Paraphrasing the legal definition, assistive technologies, or “AT”, are tools (and associated supporting services) which help an individual work around the functional limitations imposed by a disability.  AT for learning disabilities and learning differences includes not only computers and high-tech devices, but also innovative uses of everyday technology like voice recorders, cameras, and smart phones, and even low tech items like day planners, highlighters, and sticky notes.

Assistive technology can be a great equalizer, helping to level the academic playing field.  The right technology tools can reduce the impact of learning barriers, leverage a student's strengths, or provide an alternative means to accomplish a task.  And AT can provide greater self-confidence -- an "I can" attitude -- and thus improve self esteem and social life.

With the right supporting services, AT users can benefit from the full potential of their assistive technology, and perhaps achieve their own full potential as a result.

Shelley Haven ATP, RET

Presentedy: Jennifer Petersen

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, MA

Register with:



DDS Brockton Area Office

60 Main Street, 3rd floor

Brockton, MA 02301


Take Rte 24 to Rte 123 (Brockton) Exit 17. Follow Rte 123 (Belmont St.) to Main Street. Take a left on Main Street. Go through three set of lights. Brockton Office is on your right after the 3rd set of lights(Center Street). Across the street from Neighborhood Health Center.

Please note that this office is Fragrance Free

DDS Cape Cod & Islands Area Office

181 North Street, Hyannis, MA 02601

(508) 771-2595

From West & Central Mass.

Turnpike to exit 11Route I 495 South - Route 495S becomes Rte 25. Cross Bourne Bridge and

travel 3/4 around rotary. Following Route 6 toward Hyannis/Sandwich. Approximately 5 miles down the road, turn at traffic light, continue to follow Route 6 EAST (Mid- Cape Highway) to Hyannis

Take Exit 6 Take RIGHT at end of ramp, which is Route 132, Hyannis. Go 1.5 miles and take

slight right onto Bearses Way. Continue for 1.8 miles and go half way around the round-about onto Bearses Way which becomes High School Rd. EXT. Turn right onto North Street at the lights.

DDS is located on the left @ 181 North Street next to McDonalds.

DDS Fall River Area Office

1 Father DeValles Blvd 3rd floor

Fall River, MA 02723

(508) 730-1209

From North of Fall River take Route 24 South to I-195 West. From I-195 West take Exit 8A –

Rt. 24 South. Then take Exit 2 – Eastern Ave./Brayton Ave. Turn right at end of ramp onto

Brayton Ave. Follow Brayton Ave. to the second set of traffic lights (there will be a strip mall

with a Dunkin’ Donuts and Subway shop on the left side of Brayton Ave.). Turn Left onto Father DeValles Blvd. and follow to the end. Father DeValles Blvd. ends in the parking lot of the two

building complex. The DDS’s office is on the third floor of the West building (the 4-floor structure – look for DDS sign at the entrance).

DDS New Bedford Area Office

908 Purchase Street

New Bedford, MA 02740

(508) 992-1848

From 93 South to 24 South to exit 12 (140 South) to exit 2E (195 East) to exit 15 (Route 18 South –

Downtown). Follow to first set of lights. At lights take a right onto Elm Street. Follow Elm Street up

hill (Elm Street parking garage on right). Our building is the next one after the garage (Times Square

Building). Park in the garage or at a meter. If you enter the building from the back (parking lot entrance)

go to the right through brick archway and take the elevator to the third floor. If you enter by the front

entrance (near NB Jukebox nightclub) go straight past the club and take the elevator to the third floor.

The conference room is located on the second floor.

DDS Plymouth Area Office

40 Industrial Park Road, Suite 1

Plymouth, MA 02360

(508) 732-5700

From Route 3 North or South

Take exit 7 on to Route 44 West. Take the Cherry Street/North Plymouth Exit. Turn right at the

end of the off ramp on to Commerce Way. Take left at second set of lights. Follow to stop sign

and take a left. Follow RMV sign

*DDS Southeast Regional Office

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, MA 02346

(508) 866-5000

Southeastern Residential Services

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B

Middleboro, MA 02346

(508) 910-3000

From Plymouth/Carver Rte 44W Taunton, to rotary, take 1st right onto Rte 18, follow Rte 18, take a right onto Campanelli Drive (office is across from the entrance to the Christmas Tree Shops distribution center -same parking lot as Eastern Bank)

From Raynham/Taunton Area Follow Rte 44E, to rotary, take 4th right onto Rte 18 follow Rte 18, take a right onto Campanelli Drive (office is across from the entrance to the Christmas Tree Shops distribution center -same parking lot as Eastern Bank)

South Shore EHS Center -DDS

South Coastal Office

220R Forbes Road

Braintree, Ma 02184


FROM THE SOUTH (Plymouth/ Cape):

Take Rte. 3 North towards Boston. Keep left to take I-93 S via Exit 20A toward I-95 Canton

Take Exit 6 for Rte. 37 Granite St. Bear right at the end of the exit ramp on to Granite St.

At the second light, turn right onto Forbes Road. 220R Forbes Road is about half a mile down

Forbes Road and is behind the 4 story office building #220

220R Forbes Road is a one story building with the main entrance at the rear of the building


Merge onto I—93 N via EXIT 21A toward Boston. Take Exit 6 for Rte. 37 toward

W. Quincy/Braintree. Bear right at the end of the exit ramp onto Rte. 37/Granite St.

At first light, turn right onto Forbes Road. 220R Forbes Road is about half a mile down

Forbes Road and is behind the 4 story office building #220

220R Forbes Road is a one story building with the main entrance at the rear of the building

DDS Taunton/Attleboro Area Office

21 Spring Street,

Taunton, MA 02780

(508) 824-0614

From Route 24: Get off exit 12 – Route 140 west to Taunton. Go approximately 2.8 miles to

traffic light (Spring Street). Take a left. DDS is in the red brick building on the left, on the far side.

Wrentham Developmental Center

Emerald Street Wrentham, MA 02093

(508) 384-1600

From Cape Cod

Take Route 25/495 North. Take Route 1A (Plainville/Wrentham - Exit 15). Bear right off of

exit. Follow Route 1A into Wrentham center. Go straight through traffic light for approx. 1 mile.

Take a left onto North Street at blinking yellow light. Take third left (Finch road). Cottage 9 is

the first yellow building on the left. Please park in appropriate parking lots.


A special interactive workshop presentation for parents and professionals of individuals with developmental concerns.


WHEN: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 5:00PM-7:00PM

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„0hègMWHERE: West Barnstable Community Building 2377 Meetinghouse Way, Rte. 14 West Barnstable, MA. 02668



Verbal Abuse

Financial Abuse

Physical Abuse

Sexual Abuse


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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