Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Plaintiff / Petitioner

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court

Probate and Family Court Department

Docket No.


Defendant / Petitioner

INSTRUCTIONS: If your income equals or exceeds $75,000.00, you must complete the LONG FORM financial statement, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. All questions on both sides of this form must be answered in full or word "none" inserted. If additional space is needed for any answer, an attached sheet may be filed in addition to, but not in lieu of, the answer. Information contained herein is confidential and only available to the parties and persons authorized under Probate and Family Court Department Supplemental Rule 401.

1. Your Name

Social Security Number

Address Age

(street and no.)

Telephone No.

(city or town)



No. children living with you



Employer's Address Employer's Telephone Number

(street and no.)

(city or town)



Health Insurance Coverage

Health Insurance Provider

Certificate Number

2. Gross Weekly Income from All Sources

a). Base pay from salary, wages


b). Self Employment Income (attach a completed Schedule A)


c). Income from overtime-commissions-tips-bonuses-part-time job


d). Dividends - interest


e). Income from trust or annuities


f). Pensions and retirement funds


g). Social Security


h). Disability, unemployment insurance or worker's compensation


i). Public Assistance (welfare, A.F.D.C. payments)


j). Rental from Income Property (attach a completed Schedule B)


k). All other sources (include child support, alimony)


l). Total Gross Weekly Income (a through k)


3. Itemize Deductions from Gross Income

a). Federal income tax deductions




b). State income tax deductions




c). F.I.C.A./Medicare


d). Medical Insurance


e). Union Dues


f). Total Deductions (a through e)


4. Adjusted Net Weekly Income

2. l) minus 3. f)


5. Other Deductions from Salary

a). Credit Union (Loan Repayment or Savings)


b). Savings


c). Retirement


d). Other-Specify


e). Total Deductions (a through d)


6. Net Weekly Income

4. minus 5. e)


7. Gross Yearly Income from Prior Year


(attach copy of all W-2 and 1099 forms for prior year)

CJ-D 301S (11/97)

TurboLaw (800) 518-8726 - c.g.f.

8. Weekly Expenses (Do Not Duplicate Weekly Expenses - Strike Inapplicable Words)

a). Rent - Mortgage (PIT)

l). Life Insurance

b). Homeowner's / Tenant Insurance

m). Medical Insurance

c). Maintenance and Repair

n). Uninsured Medicals

d). Heat (Type)

o). Incidentals and Toiletries

e). Electricity and/or Gas

p). Motor Vehicle Expenses

f). Telephone

q). Motor Vehicle Loan Payment

g). Water / Sewer

r). Child Care

h). Food

s). Other (attach additional schedule if necessary)

i). House Supplies

j). Laundry and Cleaning

k). Clothing

Total ADDITIONAL Weekly Expenses

Total Weekly Expenses (a through s) $

9. Counsel Fees

a). Retainer amount(s) paid to your attorney(s)

b). Legal fees incurred, to date, against retainer(s)

c). Anticipated range of total legal expense to prosecute action




10. Assets (Attach additional schedule for additional real estate and other assets, if necessary)

a). Real Estate



Fair Market Value $

- Mortgage(s) $

Total ADDITIONAL real estate assets from schedule , if any

= Equity $ $

b). IRA, Keough, Pension, Profit Sharing, Other Retirement Plans List Financial Institution or Plan Names and Account Numbers

Total ADDITIONAL IRA, pension plans, etc., from schedule , if any

c). Tax Deferred Annuity Plan(s) Total ADDITIONAL tax deferred annuities from schedule , if any

d). Life Insurance: Present Cash Value e). Savings & Checking Accounts, Money Market Accounts, & CDs which are held individually, jointly, in the name of

another person for your benefit, or held by you for the benefit of your minor child(ren). List Financial Institution Names and Account Numbers

Total ADDITIONAL financial accounts from schedule , if any

f). Motor Vehicles

Fair Market Value $

- Motor Vehicle Loan $

Fair Market Value $

- Motor Vehicle Loan $

Total ADDITIONAL motor vehicles from schedule , if any

g). Other (such as - stocks, bonds, collections)

= Equity $ = Equity $


Total ADDITIONAL other assets from schedule , if any

11. Liabilities (DO NOT list weekly expenses but DO list all liabilities)


Nature of Debt




d). Total ADDITIONAL other liabilities from schedule , if any

e). Total Amount Due and Total Weekly Payment

12. Number of Years you have paid into Social Security

h). Total Assets (a through g) $

Date of Origin

Amount Due Weekly Payment


I certify under the penalties of perjury that my income and expenses, assets, and liabilities as stated herein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have carefully read this financial statement and I certify the information is true and complete.




I, the undersigned attorney, am admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts -- am admitted pro hoc vice for the purposes of this case -- and am an officer of the court. As the attorney for the party on whose behalf this Financial Statement is submitted, I hereby state to the court that I have no knowledge that any of the information contained herein is false.

Attorney's Signature



Tel. No.

B.B.O. #



8. Weekly Expenses (continued)

ITEM / DESCRIPTION a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. I. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y.

Docket No.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $



PSC (800) 518-8726 - c.g.f.

ADDITIONAL ASSETS - SHORT FORM (Part 10., continued)


Docket No.

10. Assets (continued) a). Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

- Mortgage(s) $ - Mortgage(s) $

= Equity $ = Equity $

Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

- Mortgage(s) $ - Mortgage(s) $

= Equity $ = Equity $

b). IRA, Keough, Pension, Profit Sharing, Other Retirement Plans (continued) List Financial Institution or Plan Names and Account Numbers $ $ $ $ $

c). Tax Deferred Annuity Plan(s) (continued) $ $

e). Savings & Checking Accounts, Money Market Accounts, & CDs, etc. (continued) List Financial Institution Names and Account Numbers $ $ $ $ $

f). Motor Vehicles (continued) Fair Market Value $ Fair Market Value $ Fair Market Value $ Fair Market Value $

- Motor Vehicle Loan $ - Motor Vehicle Loan $ - Motor Vehicle Loan $ - Motor Vehicle Loan $

= Equity $ = Equity $ = Equity $ = Equity $

g). Other (such as - stocks, bonds, collections) (continued) $ $ $ $ $


PSC (800) 518-8726 - c.g.f.

ADDITIONAL ASSETS - SHORT FORM (Part 10., continued)


Docket No.

10. Assets (continued) a). Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

- Mortgage(s) $ - Mortgage(s) $

= Equity $ = Equity $

Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

Real Estate Location Title Fair Market Value $

- Mortgage(s) $ - Mortgage(s) $

= Equity $ = Equity $

b). IRA, Keough, Pension, Profit Sharing, Other Retirement Plans (continued) List Financial Institution or Plan Names and Account Numbers $ $ $ $ $

c). Tax Deferred Annuity Plan(s) (continued) $ $

e). Savings & Checking Accounts, Money Market Accounts, & CDs, etc. (continued) List Financial Institution Names and Account Numbers $ $ $ $ $

f). Motor Vehicles (continued) Fair Market Value $ Fair Market Value $ Fair Market Value $ Fair Market Value $

- Motor Vehicle Loan $ - Motor Vehicle Loan $ - Motor Vehicle Loan $ - Motor Vehicle Loan $

= Equity $ = Equity $ = Equity $ = Equity $

g). Other (such as - stocks, bonds, collections) (continued) $ $ $ $ $


PSC (800) 518-8726 - c.g.f.


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