Town of Upton, Massachusetts - Northbridge, Massachusetts

Council on Aging Information

COA Name: Northbridge Council on Aging

Address: 20 Highland Street, Whitinsville, MA

Contact name: Kelly Bol, Director

Contact phone and email: 508-234-2002 kbol@

Number of employees on-site: 5

Phase Three for the Senior Center Effective September 14, 2020

All non-essential services and programs will be prohibited during this initial phase. Essential services can be scheduled by appointment only. One to one meetings for essential services may take place within the Senior Center or safely outside of the Senior Center during the following hours:

Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm

Friday 10am-12pm

Social Distancing for Northbridge Senior Center

• A “No Congregation” policy is in effect for all persons, including employees, clients, and volunteers strictly adhering to the following guidelines

• Signage posted for 6-ft distancing instructions

• Signage posted to state face coverings or masks are required.

• Signage to enforce physical contact of any kind is not permitted; this includes hugging, shaking hands, etc.

• Place directional arrows to establish the flow of traffic using tape markings on floors, signs, barriers, etc.

• Common areas will remain open for clear passage

• Signage placed in high traffic areas including all entries stating people must stay at least six feet (two arm’s length) apart from others

• Plexiglass installed in reception and other face-to-face interaction areas with no more than two individuals will be allowed in a contained office area.

• When scheduling appointments for service providers such as such as SHINE counselors, legal consultants and podiatrists allow for sufficient time in between appointments to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Hygiene Protocols

• The Northbridge Senior Center has adequate hand washing facilities and will supply alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol available to employees, clients and volunteers

• Signage posted to wash hands frequently with warm water and soap with providing adequate supplies to do so

• Hand sanitizing stations and hand sanitizer dispensers using alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol are available throughout the Senior Center

• Signage posted with reminders of respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene.

Staffing & Operations

• Continue to postpone use of volunteers within the Northbridge Senior Center

• Training for COA staff regarding the social distancing and hygiene protocols:

• Provide staff and volunteers with established guidelines.

• Every employee will be required to view the training presentation located at the

following link for returning safely to the

workplace with completion of a certification at the beginning of each work day

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

• Wash hands frequently with warm water and soap.

• Stay at least six feet apart

• Physical contact of any kind is not permitted. This includes, hugging, shaking hands, etc.

• Require masks to be worn except for the reasons specified in the Governor’s order

• Educate on proper donning and doffing of PPE, for masks and gloves.

• If you are not wearing your mask for any reason, cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then dispose of the tissue in the trash and immediately wash your hands.

• Adjust your building hours and/or maximum capacity for programs and services in order to meet the required mandatory safety standards.

• Schedule staff and activities to limit the number of people in the center at one time. Stagger shifts or alternate work days.

• Employees who are displaying COVID-19-like symptoms do not report to work

• Anyone who develops symptoms while on the job/at the facility should keep their mask/face covering on, notify their supervisor or upper management, and leave the facility.

• If employees become ill with respiratory symptoms while at work, they should be sent home as soon as possible.

• Those with symptoms of respiratory illness should stay home. After recovering from illness, employees should only return to work consistent with the guidelines established by your local BOH.

• Anyone who does not follow protocols may be asked to leave the facility.

Cleaning & Disinfecting

• Maintain specific cleaning protocols:

• Plexiglass should be cleaned and sanitized regularly according to the cleaning schedule.

• Ensure all employees are being mindful of their workspace and practicing proper cleanliness and hygiene.

• Provide informative training and instructions on how to effectively disinfect the facility.

• Follow guidelines for how to clean hard surfaces (such as door handles, seat belt buckles, etc.) and soft or porous surfaces (such as fabric seats, etc.). Use products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 and suitable for porous surfaces.

• Create a cleaning schedule, including disinfecting of common surfaces and ‘high touch’ areas.

• Use stylus, disposable cotton swabs or cleanable screen cover for logging in with ‘MySeniorCenter’ or other software; or consider having staff sign participants in.

• Follow guidelines for cleaning hard surfaces (such as tables, desks, etc.) and soft or porous surfaces (such as fabric chairs, etc.). Use products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 and suitable for porous surfaces.

• Clean and safely space chairs and tables before and after use.

• Ensure that when an active employee, volunteer or visitor is diagnosed with COVID-19, cleaning and disinfecting is performed.

• If someone who is sick enters the facility, follow the disinfecting protocols from the CDC.

• The Northbridge Board of Health (NBOH) shall immediately be notified of any positive COVID-19 cases so that contact tracing can be accomplished in a timely manner. The Senior Center Director or assigned staff shall assist the NBOH with contact tracing when necessary.[pic]



20 Highland Street

Whitinsville, MA 01588

Phone: 508.234.2002

Fax: 508.234.0804




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