Ethan Frome -

The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, October 9, 2014. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati, and Commissioners William D. Burke, Kenneth L. Laytin, Walter E. Morrison, Jr., Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present were Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.

Approve Minutes of September 4, 2014 regular meeting – Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the minutes subject to the correction of a misspelling. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Dubois & King, Inc.

EA/EIR, land acquisition, Mass DOT CIP update – Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler advised the Commission that the long awaited Comment Letter from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) had been received September 10, 2014. He was pleased that it was only 6 pages long but concerned that a couple of items could be problematic. At a subsequent meeting with the DEP Mr. Adler sought clarification and feedback from DEP to get definitive direction for addressing the conditions of the letter. Mr. Adler advised that the biggest surprise was the determination of a stream. While Mr. Adler feels that the determination is a stretch the cost and time to challenge it would be better spent finding a solution. This was discussed with the Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) and the Mass DOT Aeronautics and they agreed that the airport should move forward. Mr. Adler intends to address all the issues mentioned on the Comment Letter and expects a positive result. Mr. Adler hopes to have the Variance by the end of the year. Manager Maher briefed the Commission that Ken Tavares, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, requested Manager Maher attend a meeting he was facilitating with Will Sterns, owner of Southers Marsh Golf Course. Mr. Sterns is very opposed to the project. The Commission had previously mitigated a buffer along Federal Furnace Road that was acceptable to Southers Marsh Golf Course but they have since taken the position that the project in not necessary. Further, Mr. Sterns wanted the project brought back to a public platform. Chairman Tavares indicated that that was a Commission decision. Manager Maher feels that the Commission went overboard to make it an inclusive process. Commissioner Laytin commented that while he was initially critical of the initial process he was very happy with the open and inclusive process that pursued. The Commission reviewed and discussed the number of public meetings held, from inception until now, that got them to the current permitting process and they total over 80 public meetings. The Commission is satisfied that they demonstrated an open and inclusive process throughout and will continue with the permitting process.

Manager Maher briefed the Commission on the recent Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) meeting at Mass DOT Aeronautics and advised that the airport’s priorities were noted but that the Mass DOT will not commit until they conclude all their meetings with Massachusetts’ airports. They did indicate that they would not fund both the Land Acquisition and the Sign Project and Manager Maher advised the Commission that the Sign Project was a higher priority. The Administration Building is still being proposed by Mass DOT in Phase II which potentially means the design phase could begin the winter of 2015.

Manager Maher advised the Commission that the airport has one Article for the October 18th Town Meeting regarding the technical language change recommended by the Attorney for the Beaton Bog Land purchase.

C3 Aero NexAir sublease – Manager Maher advised the Commission that Attorney Gilmore had reviewed and approved the sublease to NexAir and he recommended that the Commission approve the sublease. Dave Fetherston and Steve Bonvino were in attendance and introduced themselves. Mr. Fetherston gave an overview of his current operation at Mansfield Airport which will remain unchanged and then elaborated on the operation at Plymouth Airport which would consist of longer term projects. Vice Chairman Crociati made a motion to approve the sublease based on the information the Commission received. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Ed Randall, proposed hangar back taxiway- Manager Maher advised the Commission that Mr. Randall is still working on preliminary plans.

Rich Stefani, The Maples LLC, Update building S. Meadow Rd. – Vice Chairman Crociati advised the Commission that Mr. Stefani was having some difficulty getting the process going with the Town of Carver.

Richard Ellis, proposed building, S. Meadow Rd, update – Mr. Dick Carrera advised the Commission that the site plan was complete and that financing was still in process.

FAA obstruction survey, impacts on IFR operations, update - Mrs. Jeannie Phillips, Airport Coordinator, briefed the Commission that the 8 trees causing the obstruction in the approach of runway 24 have been topped. The FAA has been notified and advised that the approach plates where scheduled to be updated on January 8, 2015. The obstructions for runway 33 will be addressed as part of the runway extension project.

Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review – No complaints.

Plymouth Aero Club Airshow, update – Manager Maher delivered 110 notices to the airport neighbors’ mailboxes giving them advance notice of the Airshow and there were no complaints received that day. Commissioner Laytin suggested an email list for event notification be added to the airports website. Mr. Tom Hurley, Aero Club President, briefed the Commission on the success of the event which will benefit the scholarship fund. Additionally, the food bank will benefit from the donations collected that day. Mr. Hurley thanked Mrs. Jeannie Phillips, Aero Club Vice President and Manager Maher for their dedication to the event. He estimated that there were 2000 attendees and approximately 600 cars. Lastly, Mr. Hurley advised that the Aero Club Annual Business meeting would be held at Ernie's Restaurant on October 27th.

Airport Infrastructure update – Manager Maher advised that the sewer plant compliance issues should diminish once the new equipment is installed to automate the process. The plant operator recommended the upgrade which costs about $3,000. Also, electric work is being done on the Town Hangar and end of the year grass cutting is being conducted.

Airport Hangar siting criteria – Attorney Gilmore is reviewing the recommended application process, time table and withdrawal procedures recently added to the document. The Commission would like to review Attorney Gilmores’ recommendations prior to further action.

Other business:

Mass DOT Grant and Grant Assurances approval – Manager Maher recommended that the Commission approve both documents relative to the Environmental Assessment Final Permitting. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the Grant and Grant Assurances. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Robert Yaeger, Civil Air Patrol, requested approval to accept the donation of a 40’ radio tower. Manager Maher requested that the 7460 process with the FAA proceed prior to the Commission taking any action.

Vice Chairman Crociati inquired about the fence line being completed and secure at George Turner’s new hangar. Manager Maher advised that Mr. Turner had indicated that the fence would be complete this month.

Manager Maher recommended that the Commission approve the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing with Chairman Fosdick and Vice Chairman Crociati as authorized signatories for the Commission. Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.


Kenneth E. Fosdick



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