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Excerpt from Stoughton Patch Article (accessed 10/31/2011)

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By Mark Snyder Email the author September 8, 2011


Boston Magazine annually lists the top public school systems in the State. Of the 350 public school districts in Massachusetts, last year we ranked 104th.

This year, the Stoughton Public Schools have climbed to number 80, putting Stoughton among the top 25% of public school districts in the State.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Marguerite Rizzi remarked that, "This number puts us well above average, while we still operate with a far smaller than average per pupil expenditure, and have a diverse population with a variety of needs. I think we can be quite proud; while we are aiming for the top 25!"


3:43pm on Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are you sure this list is for all of Massachusetts? I think it is only the 135 districts listed.


4:26pm on Thursday, September 8, 2011

I think you or Dr. Rizzi may have gotten the math wrong on that one.

Jeffrey Pickette

4:37pm on Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hi John and Jim, I will follow up with the Superintendent, and keep you posted. Either way it's encouraging to improve 24 spots, but obviously a pool of 350 districts vs 135 makes a difference. This was information sent to us from the Stoughton Public Schools.


5:05pm on Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm pretty sure that they only include the 135 districts listed-- only those in the eastern part of the state. I'm glad the schools are improving. But, to be #80 out of 135 is not what I would consider very good. This is the link to the rankings, if anyone is interested in:


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