Parish Lay Leadership


Finance Council Chairs….Kimberly Schoolcraft, Matthew Barnes

Parish Pastoral Council Chair..………………Kathleen Harrington

Rel Ed Advisory Committee ...Melissa Moriarty, Suzanne Harlow

Parish Safety Advisory Committee………………………..Fr. Dan

RCIA …………….Ray Breton, Rosemary Thresher, Don Mercure

Bible Study………………………………………..........Sue Fratini

Adult Education………………………..Mary Federici, Bob Stack


Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey

Parish Outreach……….…….Mary Federici, Andrea Cook-Hewitt

Pat Mack, Karen Scahill

St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan

Men’s Ministry Group………………………......................Fr. Dan

Youth Ministry (JPII Crew)……………….………Lisa Laferriere


Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill

Schoenstatt Movement .……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki

Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..…………Chris Muldrew

Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor

Knights of Columbus……………………………………Ken Malo


Altar Server Scheduling……………………..……… Cindy Monti

Altar Server Training……………………………….Jim O’Connor

Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni

Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini

Eucharistic Ministers/Readers, Scheduling ......……Beth Modlish

Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………..........Mary Federici

Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz

Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci

Sacristans.…………………..……..Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa,

Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill

Soup Kitchen……………… …..... Marcia Daly, Sandy O’Connor

Take & Eat Ministry……..…………………………Cheryl Wood

Wedding Coordinator………………………….…..Donna Whelan

Wedding Team……...…Kathy Harrington, Gina Broderick,

Christina Straney, Tina Broderick

Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754


The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9am-2pm; Friday 9am-noon. The office is closed on civil holidays.


We warmly welcome new members to join our parish. Please fill out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the collection basket. Registration and active participation is necessary for Religious Education and letters of eligibility for godparents and sponsors, as well as Catholic School Parish Subsidy.


The Sacrament is celebrated monthly. Please call the Office to arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, active parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly.


The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a priest or deacon, at least 6 months in advance. Be sure to contact the church BEFORE committing to date or venue with a deposit.


The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners.


The Sacrament with Confession is celebrated each Saturday after the 8:00 am Mass, and from 3:15-3:45 pm, as well as by appointment.


The Chaplet is prayed as a group on Saturday afternoons at 3:45 in the Chapel.


The Novena is prayed every Saturday morning at the 8:00AM Mass in the Chapel.


If anyone has a hospital stay, have a family member call the parish and indicate whether the parishioner would like to have a visit.


Hearing Assisted Devices are located near the American Flag at the back of the church.


Low-Gluten Hosts are available at Communion time in the Chapel


For prayers call Pauline – 862-3885 or Diane 568-9754.

Saturday February 1

4:00 PM +Edwin Anusiewicz

requested by wife Helen

Sunday February 2

7:00 AM +William & +Teresa Bianchini

requested by Steven & Louise Bianchini

8:30 AM +Yvette Pignatare

requested by Andy Pignatare

11:00 AM +Edward & +Marlene Fondakowski

requested by Family

Monday February 3

7:00 AM +Peter Chlastawa & +Peter John Chlastawa

requested by Therese Trottier

Tuesday February 4

5:30 PM +Nancy Garen

requested by Bette Ptaszek

Wednesday February 5

7:00 AM +William O’Neill

requested by Kharmen & Carlo Saruca

Thursday February 6 and Friday February 7

7:00 AM Communion Services

Saturday February 8

8:00 AM +Nellie Bonnevie

requested by her Daughter


3:15-3:45 PM CONFESSIONS (Chapel)


4:00 PM +Caron Family

requested by Ursula Tuohey

Sunday February 9

7:00 AM +Kimberly Larivee

requested by Paul & Louise Stevens

8:30 AM +Stephen & +Margaret Golas

requested by Kristine Wailgum

11:00 AM +Duane Cousins

requested by the Moriarty Family


Some of you from time to time, have asked me if there are specific things that we need, that some of you might wish to help us purchase for the parish. So I wanted to post here a more immediate “Wish List” of Needed Items for the Parish. The software for our Windows Computer Program (Windows 7) which operates all our financial information as well as our Parish Census info on our Office Computers, will not be “supported” after January. Meaning that if information is ever lost, it cannot be retrieved and there is no tech support to help us. The new Operating Program that our computers need to be compatible with is Windows 10. Therefore I have been advised that we need 4 new computers – one for Sue our Parish Secretary, for Deacon Paul, for Religious Ed, and a computer dedicated to our heating and cooling system. Total cost will be about $3,600 or about $900 per computer. Just recently such a “gift–in-kind” came from the daughter of our Parishioner – Joyce Holt - who died in 2017. She came to town and met with me and wanted to make a gift to the parish in her mom’s memory. Her mom was a teacher, and so she wanted to give something that could be used in our Religious Education Programs. We have needed a new Projector and Laptop for some time now, and when I suggested those items, Joyce’s daughter felt that would be the perfect gift! So I thank Mrs. Gloria Holt-Harman for her kind gift of $2,000 for the purchase of a Projector and Lap Top for our Parish Center! I continue to be grateful for all such gifts, which help us to continue to maintain our parish and its activities, amidst ever rising costs of utilities and other expenses. So if anyone can help with our “Wish List” above, please be in touch with me – THANK YOU!!!

I wanted to share a part of the January 1st letter of our Grand Knight – Ken Malo to the Members of Westfield Knights of Columbus Council #100:

Greetings Brother Knights,

Happy New Year! As I sit here composing this letter I realize that half of our fraternal year is behind

us and it was a busy half. Here are a few of our accomplishments.

• We celebrated the 125th Anniversary of Council 100’s creation.

• Bishop Rozanski celebrated Mass and joined us for our Communion Breakfast.

• The Appreciation Dinner to thank our priests for being the Good Shepherds they are to their parishes.

• Our Tootsie Roll Campaign was a great success thanks to all the members who collected at Wal-Mart and at all the parishes after Masses. A special thank you to Mike Rowbotham who chaired the drive.

• The effort that I think this organization hit a homerun with was the Coats for Kids. We were able to provide coats for 72 kids who were most needy. I heard many stories about the children we helped that did not have coats or had coats that were too small. I have received thank you notes from the four schools that had the greatest need. I want to thank Don Wielgus who covered the delivery and helped with getting the story in the Westfield paper.

• I also want to thank Catholic Communications for covering Council 100 this year. Steve Kiltonic is putting the finishing touches on a story about Council 100.

My friends, I am a Fourth Degree Member of the Knights of Columbus, and I am very proud of the work that our Westfiield Council #100 has done so far this year in celebrating their 125th Anniversary of their Founding! Our Council is alive and well and active – and looking for new members! If you would like information on becoming involved with the Knights, please contact Ken Malo at 527-6946.

Speaking of the Knights of Columbus, I am very happy to announce that one of the Speakers for our upcoming Parish Lenten Speaker Series is Navy Seal and Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient – Edward Byers, Jr., who received the Medal from the President of the United States in 2016 for his heroic acts, saving a hostage held in Afghanistan. Edward Byers is a strong and faithful Catholic, and a proud Knight of Columbus! I was thrilled when we were able to confirm him as a Speaker for our Series this year which will focus on the Eucharist! I will be asking our Knights of Columbus Council to partner with several other groups, in to helping to “financially sponsor” the visit of this National Hero to Westfield and our parish. I think it would be a great thing for our Knights of Columbus to do, as a final aspect of celebrating their 125th Anniversary this year! I thank our parishioner – Ken Malo and my Brother Knights for their spirit of support to me, to our parish, and to all the Westfield Parishes!



In loving memory of


requested by Michael & Mary Zyra

Special thanks to Richard & Linda Smigielski

for sponsoring the Rosary Ministry

for the month of February!



Bethlehem House, Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Easthampton which offers free pregnancy resources for women/families in crisis. Services at Bethlehem House include a 24 hr. crisis hotline, counseling and referrals for free confidential pregnancy testing, and assistance in obtaining prenatal care, financial/legal aid, job training, emergency food, maternity and baby supplies, childbirth educational assistance, adoption information and abstinence and STD education.

The Parish “Poor Box” is located on the wall near the glass doors at the back of the church. THANK YOU for supporting local agencies serving those in need!


If you will need a 2019 contribution statement for tax purposes, please contact the parish office to request a statement – 562-3450 or olbsoffice@. The statements will not be sent out automatically this year.


Our parish Take & Eat program continues to be a wonderful ministry, and gratefully appreciated by the homebound in Westfield who receive a monthly Sunday meal. One of the rewarding ‘jobs’ is being the delivery person – they are so happy to see you! We currently have openings for delivery people on the 4th Sunday of every other month. This involves picking up the cooked meals at approximately 11AM, making the stops, and finishing shortly after noontime. Please call Cheryl Wood at 219-6124 if you are interested!

Keep up with Parish events – join Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish on Facebook!



Alberta Fournier, Ethel Anne “Mickie” Farr, Andrea Cook-Hewitt, Newton Thompson, David Stawasz, Jose & Daisy Montalvo, Anne Kelley, John Freniere, Kathy Masciotra, Wanda Folini, Fr. Hector Vega, Colleen Cekovsky, Norman Smith, Sandy Fucci, Ellaine Cicierchia, Angela Bovat, Tony Phaneuf, Matthew


Please remember in your prayers our parishioners Laura and Nataly who have begun the RCIA process.

May God bless them!


Adoration for the month of February will be held on Thursday February 6 from after the 7am service until 8pm. The month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family.

Prayer for My Family

Loving God, I offer You thanks for the gift of my family. Help us to work together for peace and harmony in our family and relationships. Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, give us the grace to accept each other’s faults and weaknesses. Protect us from harsh words and hurt feelings. Lead us to encourage one another’s strengths and abilities. Guide us to mutual understanding and support. May we always forgive each other’s failings and rejoice in one another’s successes. Watch over and protect my family, Dear Lord. Bless us with good health and happiness. Give us hearts full of love, patience and kindness for one another, now and always. Amen.

Pope Francis intention for February is that we pray that the cries of our migrant brothers and sisters, victims of criminal trafficking, may be heard and considered.


Our men’s group - That Man is You! – meets on Saturday mornings from 7:45-9:30am. All men are welcome! For information contact Deacon Andrew: 297-5000 or deaconandrewhogan.olbs@.


We are planning to hold a class for new altar servers. Anyone entering grade 3 or older may attend the class to become an Altar Server. Please contact the parish office for more information or to sign up for the class.


Fuel and Snow Removal Envelopes are available near the bulletins. Thank you for helping with this expense!




Family Link on Website: olbs

then look for “olbsfamilies” link

Flocknote: to join our Parish texting system,

please contact Lisa Laferriere at 413-562-3450

Friday February 7th 6pm Youth Night

Friday February 14th Family Valentine

Dinner (info to follow)


Our Annual Parish Men’s Retreat at Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Harford CT will be held on March 13-15. The retreat begins with a buffet dinner from 6-7:30pm on Friday and concludes Sunday with 10:45am Mass followed by a hot brunch at noon. Registration forms are available in the Gathering Space near the weekly bulletins. For more information visit , or call Paul Lussier 413-529-2326 or Bob Stack (413) 533-6008.


Please considering attending our Annual Women’s Retreat, being held this year at Our Lady of Calvary in Farmington CT on March 27-29th. This is a small, homey environment; since we’ve last attended there, they have made several upgrades… most particularly, added individual heating controls in every guest room. We have a number of women already registering to go! The suggested cost is $275. You can register online, or through Mary at the Parish Office. Please let us know as soon as you can, if you would like to attend. Thank you!


Snow Camp’s 2020 is happening Friday February 28th to Sunday March 1st. Call Nick Morganelli at 949-0165 or Lisa Laferriere for more information.


is available at the parish office for $10!




First Reading: Isaiah 58:7-10

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16

Do you have to push your family

to come to Mass on Sundays?

Are you worried about holding your family together as you juggle work, school, sports, and a thousand other things? Does the world your kids inhabit seem more real and, frankly, more important than what they find in church? Does it matter?

The Catholic Life Conference

Invites you to find the answers you’re looking for on Saturday, March 21st at the MassMutual Center in Springfield with a full day conference with the theme, “Why are YOU Catholic?” Grade schoolers will have activities and fun, teens and parents will hear excellent speakers and have a day that will encourage and enliven what it means to be Catholic. Register today! Go to and bring the whole family. Invest in your family’s faith--and future.

Parish sponsorship of families interested in attending is available!


For news and information on the Catholic Church visit:



Month of December 2019

Regular / Development (gold) $ 54,080.05

Budget requirement per month 55,500.00

December Month (deficit) (1,419.95)

Mortgage collection $ 5,193.40

Mortgage due per month 4,182.00

December Month 1,011.40

The finance council has prepared the parish budget for 2019-2020, and has set the 2020 weekly budget amount at $11,100 – the same as last fiscal year. Many components are involved in the complete statement of income and expenses, and so this requested level of weekly giving, in conjunction with other income the parish receives, allows the parish to meet its obligations.

Thanks to all who regularly support Our Parish!


Grandparents: so many people have become saved, protected, healed, successful and more all because they had a praying grandparent. Let’s pray together with more power. Join us every 1st Tuesday at 11am, the next meeting is February 4, at St. Peter & St. Casimir Church, 22 State Street, Westfield - stay for lunch!


The Knights of Columbus Council #11178 will host a Winter Picnic on Saturday February 8 from 6-7:30pm at Our Lady of the Lake Church, 224 Sheep Pasture Road in Southwick. The menu will be hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, potato salad, baked beans, chips, beverage and dessert. Cost for age 13-adult is $8, age 5-12 is $5 and kids under 5 are free. Max $25 per family. Please come and join us!



Are you carrying a heavy load? There is help in Freedom in Christ. Please join us on Saturday, February 8 at Mary’s House of Prayer, 202 East Main Street, Chicopee for an Unbound: Freedom in Christ Conference. Registrations begin at 8:30am, the program begins at 9am and ends by 5pm. For more information please call Jean at 413-452-0511; email maryshouse@. Registration is available at the door.


On Tuesday February 11 Sacred Heart Parish in Feeding Hills will be hosting the annual Mass of Healing and Anointing. The observance of the World Day of the Sick was instituted in 1992 by St. John Paul II who designated that day – the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes – as a special day in which to pray for those who are sick and suffering in any way. All are invited to join us in this special liturgy at 6PM. The Sacrament of the Sick will be available as well as the opportunity to be prayed over by one of the many priests and deacons that we hope will be there for this event. Following the Mass there will be a reception at the Parish Center. The church is located at 1065 Springfield Street and is accessible for the physically challenged as is the Parish Center.


Our parish has benefitted greatly because of some parishioners from the past, who have remembered the parish in their Wills or Estates. If anyone is considering making a gift to the parish in this way, and you have questions, please call the Parish Office.



The Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield will sponsor an Irish Gala on Sunday February 23 from 1–5PM at the Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Drive, Chicopee. The fundraiser will include music, dancing, raffles, corned beef sandwiches, cash bar and more! Music by the Andy Healy Band with Mary Ward. Irish dancing will be performed. Irish Soda Bread made by Sisters and friends will be sold. Proceeds will benefit the Sisters of St. Joseph. Tickets are $25 per person and are available at the Sisters of St. Joseph Offices, 577 Carew Street, Springfield during regular business hours. Contact Sr. Eleanor Harrington at 536-0853 or EHarrington@ for more information.


Adult Confirmation classes will be offered at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 833 Main Street, Agawam. Classes will be offered on Sunday evenings from 6-8pm on February 23, March 8 & 22, April 5 & 19, May 3. Confirmation will take place at St. Michael's Cathedral in Springfield on May 31. Registration is required by calling 413-786-8105 or emailing SjeAdultConfirmation@.


The St. Vincent de Paul Society has served the people of Westfield for over 30 years. We have helped over 150 households this past year with food and utility assistance, passing out over 2,000 bags of food and household goods. We help the elderly, single moms, and families in need of temporary help due to sickness or job loss. We make no distinction in those served, because in them we see the face of Christ.

We are a small organization of volunteers, and we are asking for your help so that we can continue our mission and to allow you the opportunity to serve your neighbors. Will you join us? We meet at 7 pm on the second Monday of each month at the St. Mary Parish Center at 86 Mechanic Street in Westfield. We hope to see you then. Please call 568-5619 with any questions.


Rachel’s Vineyard is a post-abortive healing ministry. Weekend retreats offer a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. The next weekend retreat to be held in Stockbridge will be March 13-15. To register call 413-452-0661 or 516-457-2838. All calls are confidential. For information visit . [pic][pic][pic]


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