Glossary and Acronyms - Eastern Health

Neami National Blackburn Project (Updated for EMHSCA May 2017)Glossary and Acronyms2017-Neami National-Whitehorse Community Health Service-Eastern Health – Koonung Continuing Care Services-Eastern Health - Alcohol and Drug ServicesThe Aim of this document is to classify the terms and the acronyms used widely within the Neami Blackburn, Koonung Mental Health Centre, Whitehorse Community Health Service and Eastern Health Drug and Alcohol Service. The purpose of this document is; To explain any terminology which may or may not be familiar to the readerEasily accessible booklet for new and current staff with adequate information of Acronyms and Glossary from the above mentioned organisations.To improve time management.To avoid confusion and thereby improving quality of service provided to the consumers and organisations.To be used as a working document and terms be added as necessary.Aalia Mohamed Irfan Khan Student - 17816131Occupational TherapyLa Trobe University.Neami National – AcronymsAOD Alcohol and Other DrugsAIMhiIntegrated Mental Health Initiative ASSISTAlcohol Smoking Substance Involvement Screening ToolASISTApplied Suicide Intervention Skills TrainingBASIS 32Behavioural and Symptom Identification ScaleBHEPS Box Hill Early Psychosis Service CALD Culturally and Linguistically DiverseCATT Crisis Assessment and Treatment TeamCCT Continuing Care TeamCCU Community Care UnitCHL Community Housing LimitedCRMCollaborative Recovery ModelCRSW Community Rehabilitation & Support WorkerDDxDual DiagnosisD2DL Day to Day LivingDSPDisability Support PensionEDVOS Eastern Domestic Violence Outreach ServiceHBOS Home Based Outreach ServiceHASI The Housing and Accommodation Support InitiativeHACC Home and Community CareMIFMental Illness FellowshipPHaMS Personal Helpers and Mentors ProgramPDProfessional DevelopmentMHCSSMental Health Community Support ServiceRRSP Recovery and Resource Services ProgramSRSSupported Residential ServiceTHMTransitional Housing ManagersVMIACVictoria Mental Illness Awareness CouncilNYCHNational Youth Coalition for HousingNeami National- Others general acronymsACTAcceptance and Commitment TherapyADLActivities of Daily Living (can be: Personal/ PADL’s or Domestic /DADL’s or Community /CADL’sAMPSAssessment of Motor & Process Skills (O/T Ax tool)ANMFAustralian Nursing & Midwives FederationAMHSArea Mental Health ServiceARAFEMIAssociation of Relatives and Friends of the Emotionally & Mentally IllARCAustralian Research CouncilATORAt Time Of ReportBISTBehavioural Intervention Support TeamBPDBorderline Personality DisorderBPADBipolar Affective DisorderCAMHSChild /Adolescent Mental Health Services (no longer used/ refer CYMHS)CBTCognitive Behaviour TherapyCMHCCommunity Mental Health ClinicCYMHSChild Youth Mental Health ServiceCOSChange of ShiftCRAMClinical Risk Assessment and ManagementCRCCUCanterbury Road Community Care UnitCROPThe Community Recreation Outreach Project (A Boroondara Council initiative)CMCase ManagerCMTCase Management TeamCTOCommunity Treatment OrderDACSADomestic And Community Skills Assessment (OT Ax Tool)DBTDialectical Behaviour TherapyDHHSDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDSHDeliberate Self HarmDSPDisability Pension SupportDSSDisability Support Scheme/ Department of Social SecurityEACHEastern Access Community Health ECTElectro Convulsive TherapyEEGElectro EncephalographECGElectrocardiograph ECHOEchocardiogramEDASEastern Drug and Alcohol ServicesEDMEarly Discharge Management ETOHAlcoholFAPMIFamilies and parents with mental illnessFTDFormal Thought DisorderFOCFocus of CareHACSUHospital and Community Services UnionHONOSHealth of the Nation Outcomes ScalesHxHistoryIECHSInner East Community Health ServiceIPUIn Patient Unit (Upton House, IPU1, IPU2)IPRSSIndividual Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Support ServiceIRPIndividual Recovery Plan (replaces ISP “Individual Service Plan”)IVOIntervention OrderKK mealsKatrina’s Kitchen Meal (used CRCCU only)LSP 16Life Skills ProfileMSEMental Status ExaminationMACNIMultiple and Complex Needs InitiativeMAICDMember of the Australian Institute of Company DirectorsMBCTMindfulness Based Cognitive TherapyMHCAMental Health Council of AustraliaMHAPDMental Health Accommodation Pathway at DischargeMHTMental Health TribunalMIFMental Illness FellowshipMSTSMobile Support and Treatment ServicesMxMedication ManagementNDISNational Disability Insurance SchemeNGONon-Government OrganisationOCAIRSOccupational Circumstances Assessment Interview Rating ScaleOH&SOccupational Health and SafetyOOAOut of AreaOOHOffice of HousingOTOccupational TherapyPARCSPrevention and Recovery Centre ServicePDPersonality Disorder (usually referred to as BPD)PHAMSPersonal Helpers & Mentor ProgramPBSPharmaceutical benefit SchemePJCPeter James Centre (Eastern Health’s Aged Care Facility)PRN(pro re nata/Latin) “As needed”/ pertaining to medication (usually)PTSDPost-Traumatic Stress DisorderPIRPartners in RecoveryRDNSRoyal District Nursing ServiceRCTORevoked Community Treatment OrderRIBRest in BedRxTreatmentSADSchizo-Affective DisorderSECUSecure Extended Care Unit (@ Austin Hosp.)SRSSupported Residential ServiceSxSymptomsTHCTetrahydrocannabiol/ Chemical term for Marijuana (& derivative)TORTime of Return a.k.a. Time of ReportTxTreatmentUDSUrine Drug ScreenVATMIVictorian Aid to the Mentally IllVCATVictorian Civil Administrative TribunalWRAPWellness Recovery Action Plan YAMHSYoung Adult Mental Health ServiceWhitehorse Community Health Service- Acronyms BoMWCHS Board of ManagementCAG(s)WCHS Community Advisory Groups(s)CEOWCHS Chief Executive OfficerCHOPER Community Health Outreach Program Eastern Region (WCHS program)CoW City of WhitehorseCPNClinical Placement NetworkCQIContinuous Quality ImprovementCSM WCHS Corporate Services Manager (now called General Manager Corporate Services)EMREastern Metro RegionEMR DISC Eastern Metro Region Diabetes Initiatives Steering Committee (formally EMR DSIG –group)EMROHN Eastern Metro Region Oral Health NetworkFASA Funding and Service AgreementFO WCHS Finance OfficerFYIFor Your Information (WCHS staff newsletter)GDCD Goal Directed Care PlanningGLC Good Life Club (WCHS program)GLGWCHS Good Life GymGMCS/SS WCHS General Manager Corporate Services/ Support ServicesGMHD WCHS General Manager Health DevelopmentGMPHCWCHS General Manager Primary Health CareGMSDWCHS General Manager Service Development (formally SPM)HATWCHS Health Access TeamHDM WCHS Health Development Manager (now called General Manager Health DevelopmentHPWG WCHS Health Promoting Workplace GroupHRHuman ResourcesHRO WCHS Human Resources OfficerICC Integrated Care CoordinatorICRIntegrated Care ResponseICTInformation Communications TechnologyIDEASIntegrated Diabetes Education & Assessment ServicesIECPInner East Primary Care PartnershipIHPIntegrated Health ProgramIHPPWCHS Integrated Health Promotion PlanITOWCHS Information Technology OfficerMen’s ShedWCHS Men’s Health programMMCMen Making Change ProgramMTWCHS Management Team (formal executive forum & procedure –approval body)NSPWCHS Needle Syringe ProgramOHSOccupational Health and Safety OSWCHS Operational System (re WCHS procedures)OTOccupational TherapyPAIDProblem Area in Diabetes (standardized assessment tool)PDsWCHS Position Descriptions (staff) PHCMWCHS Primary Health Care ManagerPHCRPrimary Health Care ReviewPHEPublic Housing EstatePHMWCHS Primary Health ManagerPROVPublic Records Office VictoriaQAPQuality Awards Partners (distributor of QAP- Health Legal compliance software)QMWCHS Quality ManagerQCWCHS Quality CoordinatorRMADResidents Making a Difference (WCHS program)SalpacWCHS Salary packaging contractorSDSWCHS Service Delivery System (re WCHS procedures)SPOTSpeech and Occupational TherapistWCHSWhitehorse Community Health ServiceWGLCWCHS Good life Club (WCHS Program)WHETWCHS Eco Action Team (non-current)WoogleWCHS’s intranetWhitehorse Community Health Service- Other general acronymsAAQHCAustralian Association Quality Health CareACHSMAustralian College of Health Service ManagementAHRIAustralian Human Resources InstituteANEXAustralian Needle & Syringe AssociationAODAlcohol and Other DrugsASICAustralian Securities & Investments CommissionATSIAboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderASMActive Service ModelBHIBox Hill InstituteCALD Culturally and Linguistically DiverseCATT Crisis Assessment and Treatment TeamDH or DoHVictorian Department of HealthDHSVictorian Department of Human ServicesDHSVDental Health Services VictoriaDOHACommonwealth Department of Health and AgeingDPCDVictorian Department of Planning and Community DevelopmentEDEmergency DepartmentEFTEquivalent (effective) Full time (staff)EICDEarly Intervention in Chronic DiseaseFOIFreedom of InformationFVFamily ViolenceGPGeneral PractitionerHACC Commonwealth Home and Community CareHARP Hospital Admission Risk ProgramHMSHealth Management SystemHPHealth PromotionINIInitial Needs IdentificationITInformation TechnologyLGALocal Government AreaMEGPNMelbourne East General Practice NetworkMOU(s)Memorandum of UnderstandingNADRASCAA disability services OrganisationQ&RQuality and Risk (committee)RDNSRoyal district Nursing ServiceR&ARisk and Audit (sub-committee)RMRisk managementSCService CoordinationSCTTService Coordination Tool Templates (Victorian Government standardized set of tools available in print and embedded into the TrakCare system)SEIFASocio-economic Indexes for AreasSPMStrategic Projects ManagerTitaniumVictorian Government standard client database system for storing and accessing oral health recordsTrakcareVictorian Government standard client management system for storing and accessing information and records (non-Oral Health)UR (number)Unique Record numberVAADAVictorian Alcohol and Drug AssociationVAGOVictorian Auditor General OfficeVHAVictorian Health Care AssociationVHIAVictorian Hospitals Industry AssociationVHIMSVictorian Health Incident Management SystemVMIAVictorian Managed Insurance AuthorityWHOWorld Health OrganisationWWCCWorking with Children CheckEastern Mental Health ServicesMSTS/T Mobile Support and Treatment Service/TeamCATTCrisis Assessment and Treatment TeamCCTContinuing Care Team (Clinics)CYMHSChild & Youth Mental Health ServiceECRUEastern Clinical Research Unit ECTElectro Convulsive TreatmentFaPMIFamilies Where a Parent has a Mental Illness MHCCMental Health Complaints CommissionerMSTSMobile Support and Treatment ServiceOTOccupational TherapyTTOTemporary Treatment OrderVMIACVictorian Mental Illness Awareness CouncilBITBrief Intervention TeamPAPUPsychiatric Assessment & Planning UnitCCUCommunity Care UnitPJCPeter James CentreACATAged Care Assessment TeamPARC Prevention and Recovery CentreAIPUAdolescent In-Patient UnitEPTEarly Psychosis TeamTurning Point Eastern Treatment Service (TPETS) AAAlcoholics AnonymousABIAcquired Brain InjuryACTAcceptance and Commitment TherapyADCA Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia ADFAustralian Drug FoundationAODAlcohol and Other DrugsARCAction for Recovery BPDBorderline Personality Disorder CALDSUMHRCulturally and Linguistically Diverse Substance Use and Mental Health ResourceCATT Crisis Assessment and Treatment TeamCBTCognitive Behavioural TherapyCCOCommunity Corrections OfficerCDMChronic disease managementCPRCardiopulmonary ResuscitationDACASDrug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory ServiceDOHDepartment of HealthEDASEastern Drug and Alcohol ServiceFDHFamily Drug Help IECHSInner East Community Health ServiceLSDLysergic acid diethylamideMAPMedia Awareness Project MDMA3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamineMIMotivational InterviewingMSEMental State Examination NIDSNational Illicit Drug Strategy NSPNeedle Syringe ProgramsSHARCSelf Help Addiction Resource CentreYSASYouth Substance Abuse Service ................

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