Masters Degree in School Library Media Portfolio Requirements

Masters Degree and Certification Program in School Library Media Portfolio: Standards Correlation and My Artifacts

Letitia Green

MEDT 7487

|ALA/AASL Standards |CoE Conceptual Framework |Examples of Courses and Assignments |Artifacts I have Included in My |

| | | |Electronic Portfolio |

|1. School library media candidates encourage reading and lifelong learning by stimulating interests and fostering competencies in the effective use of ideas and information. They apply a variety of strategies to |

|ensure access to resources and information in a variety of formats to all members of the learning community. Candidates promote efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior as part of the school library media |

|program and its services. |

|1.1Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior |8. Knowledgeable – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 7461 Instructional Design |MEDT6464 Reference Sources and |

|Candidates model strategies to locate, evaluate and use |demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal |*Student Instruction Project |Services: Pathfinder Project |

|information for specific purposes. Candidates identify |arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas,|*Instructional Design Paper | |

|and address student interests and motivations. |and specific knowledge in professional education for | | |

|Candidates interact with the learning community to |the implementation of transformational systemic |MEDT 6464 Reference Sources and Services | |

|access, communicate and interpret intellectual content. |change. |*Pathfinder | |

|Candidates adhere to and communicate legal and ethical |9. Proactive – Candidates should be able to advocate | | |

|policies. |for the removal of barriers that impede life long |MEDT 6461 Administration of the School Library Media Center | |

| |learning and hinder transformational systemic change |*Handbook | |

| | |*Newsletter | |

|1.2 Literacy and reading - Candidates are aware of major|3. Life Long Learners – Candidates should seek |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials |MEDT 6465 Media Log |

|trends in reading material for children and youth. |continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, |*Selection Tools | |

|Candidates select materials in multiple formats to |and skills to influence transformational systemic |* Media Log | |

|address the needs and interests of diverse young readers|change. |* Reviews | |

|and learners. Candidates use a variety of strategies to |9. Proactive – Candidates should be able to advocate | | |

|promote leisure reading. They model their personal |for the removal of barriers that impede life long |MEDT 6466 Media Program | |

|enjoyment of reading in order to promote the habits of |learning and hinder transformational systemic change.|*Book talk | |

|creative expressing and lifelong reading. | |*Two Year Plan | |

|1.3 Access to information Candidates support |1. Decision Makers – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6464 Reference Sources and Services | |

|flexible and open access for the library media center |demonstrate knowledge and skills when making |*Pathfinder | |

|and its services. Candidates identify barriers to |decisions that will influence effective | | |

|equitable access to resources and services. Candidates |transformational systemic change. |MEDT 6461 Administration of the School Library Media Center | |

|facilitate access to information in print, nonprint, and|8. Knowledgeable – Candidates should be able to |*Newsletter | |

|electronic formats. Candidates comply with and |demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal |*Policy | |

|communicate the legal and ethical codes of the |arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas,| | |

|profession. |and specific knowledge in professional education for |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials | |

| |the implementation of transformational systemic |*Selection Policy | |

| |change. |*Reconsideration Policy | |

| | | | |

|1.4 Stimulating Learning Environment |4. Adaptive – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6466 Media Program | |

|Candidates demonstrate ways to establish and maintain a |demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning |*Book Talk | |

|positive educational climate in the library media |appropriate to a wide variety of learners for |*Two Year Plan | |

|center. Candidates identify relationships among |effective transformational systemic change. | | |

|facilities, programs, and environment that impact |6. Culturally Sensitive – Candidates should be able |MEDT 6461 Administration of the School Library Media Center | |

|student learning. Candidates plan and organize library |to develop awareness and understanding of individual |*Floor Plan | |

|media centers according to their use by the learning |and group differences and when diagnosing and |*Facilities | |

|community. |prescribing transformational systemic change. | | |

| |7. Empathetic – Candidates should be able to develop | | |

| |the sensitivity for individual, family, and | | |

| |institutional needs that will embrace | | |

| |transformational systemic change. | | |

|2. Teaching and Learning School library media candidates model and promote collaborative planning with classroom teachers in order to teach concepts and skills of information processes integrated with classroom |

|content. They partner with other education professionals to develop and deliver an integrated information skills curriculum. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages the student’s interests, |

|passions, and needs which drive their learning. |

|2.1 Knowledge of learners and learning |4. Adaptive – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 7461 Instructional Design |MEDT 7461 Instructional Design: |

|Candidates design library media instruction that |demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning |*Student Instruction Project |Student Instruction Project |

|assesses learner interests, needs, instructional |appropriate to a wide variety of learners for | | |

|methodologies, and information processes to assure that |effective transformational systemic change. |MEDT 6466 Media Program | |

|each is integral to information skills instruction. |6. Culturally Sensitive – Candidates should be able |*School Wide Program | |

|Candidates support the learning of all students and |to develop awareness and understanding of individual | | |

|other members of the learning community, including those|and group differences and when diagnosing and |MEDT 6487 Practicum | |

|with diverse learning styles, abilities and needs. |prescribing transformational systemic change. |* Documentation of Work with Teachers and Students | |

|Information skills instruction is based on student |7. Empathetic – Candidates should be able to develop | | |

|interests and learning needs and is linked to student |the sensitivity for individual, family, and | | |

|achievement. |institutional needs that will embrace | | |

| |transformational systemic change. | | |

|2.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Candidates|5. Collaborative – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 7461 Instructional Design | |

|work with classroom teachers to co-plan, co-teach, and |develop skills to work effectively with various |*Student Instruction Project | |

|co-assess information skills instruction. The library |stakeholders involved in the educational process that|*In-Service Project | |

|media specialist as teacher of information skills makes |will bring about transformational change. | | |

|use of a variety of instructional strategies and |8. Knowledgeable – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6466 Media Program | |

|assessment tools. Candidates analyze the role of student|demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal |*School Wide Program | |

|interest and motivation in instructional design. Student|arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas,| | |

|learning experiences are created, implemented and |and specific knowledge in professional education for |MEDT 6487 Practicum | |

|evaluated in partnership with teachers and other |the implementation of transformational systemic |* Documentation of Work with Teachers and Students | |

|educators. |change. | | |

| |10. Reflective – Candidates should be able to | | |

| |demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis| | |

| |and prescription for transformational systemic | | |

| |change. | | |

|2.3 Information literacy curriculum |1. Decision Makers – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 7461 Instructional Design |MEDT 6463 Cataloging: DDC |

|Candidates employ strategies to integrate the |demonstrate knowledge and skills when making |*Student Instruction Project |Powerpoint |

|information literacy curriculum with content curriculum.|decisions that will influence effective |*In-Service Modules | |

|Candidates incorporate technology to promote efficient |transformational systemic change. | | |

|and equitable access to information beyond print |8. Knowledgeable – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6467 Technology for Media Services | |

|resources. Candidates assist students to use technology |demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal |*Technology Job Aide | |

|to access, analyze, and present information. |arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas,| | |

| |and specific knowledge in professional education for |MEDT 6463 Cataloging | |

| |the implementation of transformational systemic |*Sears Activities | |

| |change. |*Dewey Activities | |

| | |*DDC PowerPoint | |

| | | | |

|3. Collaboration and Leadership School library media candidates provide leadership and establish connections with the greater library and education community to create school library media |

|programs that focus on students learning and achievement; encourage the personal and professional growth of teachers and other educators, and model the efficient and effective use of information and ideas. |

|3.1 Connection with library community |5. Collaborative – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6463 Cataloging |MEDT 6461 Administration of the |

|Candidates demonstrate the potential for establishing |develop skills to work effectively with various |*Current Topic Research/ Interview |School Library Media Center: |

|connections to other libraries and the larger library |stakeholders involved in the educational process that| |Policy and Procedures Handbook |

|community for resource sharing, networking, and |will bring about transformational change. |MEDT 6466 Media Program | |

|developing common policies and procedures. Candidates |9. Proactive – Candidates should be able to advocate |*Stakeholders | |

|articulate the role of their professional associations |for the removal of barriers that impede life long | | |

|and journals in their own professional growth. |learning and hinder transformational systemic change |MEDT 6461 Administration of the School Library Media Center | |

| | |*Newsletter | |

| | |*Policy and Procedures Handbook | |

|3.2 Instructional partner - Candidates model, share, and|5. Collaborative – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 7461 Instructional Design | |

|promote ethical and legal principles of education and |develop skills to work effectively with various |*In-Service Modules | |

|librarianship. Candidates acknowledge the importance of |stakeholders involved in the educational process that| | |

|participating on school and district committees and in |will bring about transformational change. |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials | |

|faculty staff development opportunities. |8. Knowledgeable – Candidates should be able to |*Selection Policy – Reconsideration and Non-book | |

| |demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal | | |

| |arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas,| | |

| |and specific knowledge in professional education for | | |

| |the implementation of transformational systemic | | |

| |change. | | |

|3.3 Educational leader Candidates are able to |2. Leaders – Candidates should be able to demonstrate|MEDT 6467 Technology for Media Services |MEDT 6467 Technology for Media |

|articulate the relationship of the library media program|effective leadership skills to initiate and |*Position Paper on Filtering |Services: |

|with current educational trends and important issues. |facilitate transformational systemic change. | |Position Paper on Filtering |

|Candidates recognize the role of other educational |3. Life Long Learners – Candidates should seek |MEDT 6463 Cataloging | |

|professionals and professional associations. Candidates |continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, |*Technical Services Handbook | |

|translate for the school the ways in which the library |and skills to influence transformational systemic | | |

|program can enhance school improvement efforts. |change. |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials | |

|Candidates utilize information found in professional | |*Reviews | |

|journals to improve library practices. | | | |

| | |MEDT 6461 Administration of the School Library Media Center | |

| | |*Policy and Procedures Handbook | |

| | |*Newsletter | |

|4. Program Administration School library media candidates administer the library media program in order to support the mission of the school, and according to the principles of best practice in|

|library science and program administration. |

|4.1 Managing information resources: Selecting, |1. Decision Makers – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6463 Technical Services |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials: |

|Organizing, Using Candidates select, analyze, and |demonstrate knowledge and skills when making |*Sears Activities | |

|evaluate print, nonprint and electronic resources using |decisions that will influence effective |*Dewey Activities |Selection Tool Evaluation |

|professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to |transformational systemic change. |*MARC Activities | |

|develop a quality collection designed to meet diverse |4. Adaptive – Candidates should be able to | | |

|curricular and personal needs. Candidates organize the |demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning |MEDT 6467 Technology for Media Services | |

|library media facility and its collections – print, |appropriate to a wide variety of learners for |*Qwik Start Guide | |

|nonprint and electronic – according to standard accepted|effective transformational systemic change. |*MARC Database Clean Up Activity | |

|practice. Candidates support intellectual freedom and | |*Technology Information Presentations | |

|privacy of users. Candidates plan for efficient use of | |*Filtering Debate | |

|resources and technology to meet diverse user needs. | |*Network Diagram | |

| | | | |

| | |MEDT 6463 Cataloging | |

| | |*DDC PowerPoint | |

| | |*Sears Activities | |

| | |*Dewey Activities | |

| | |*CIP Activities | |

| | | | |

| | |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials | |

| | |*Selection Tool Evaluation | |

| | |*Media Reviews | |

| | |*Media Log | |

|4.2 Managing program resources: Human, financial, |1. Decision Makers – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6463 Technical Services | |

|physical Candidates develop and |demonstrate knowledge and skills when making |*Technical Services Handbook | |

|evaluate policies and procedures that support the |decisions that will influence effective | | |

|mission of the school and address specific needs of the |transformational systemic change. |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials | |

|library media program, such as collection development |4. Adaptive – Candidates should be able to |*Selection Policy – Reconsideration and Non-book | |

|and maintenance, challenged materials and acceptable use|demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning |*Materials Order | |

|policies. Candidates apply accepted management |appropriate to a wide variety of learners for | | |

|principles and practices that relate to personnel, |effective transformational systemic change. |MEDT 6461 Administration of the School Library Media Center | |

|financial and operational issues. Candidates plan | |*Facilities | |

|adequate space for individuals, small groups and whole | |*Policy and Procedures handbook | |

|classes. | |*Budget | |

| | |*Issues Debate | |

| | | | |

| | |MEDT 6467 Technology for Media Services | |

| | |* Network Diagram | |

|4.3 Comprehensive and collaborative strategic planning |5. Collaborative – Candidates should be able to |MEDT 6463 Cataloging | |

|and assessment Candidates collaborate with|develop skills to work effectively with various |*Current Topic Research/ Interview | |

|teachers and administrators to develop a library media |stakeholders involved in the educational process that| | |

|program plan that aligns resources, services and |will bring about transformational change. |MEDT 6465 Selection of Materials | |

|information literacy standards with the school’s goals |9. Proactive – Candidates should be able to advocate |*Selection Policies | |

|and objectives. Candidates use data for decision-making |for the removal of barriers that impede life long | | |

| |learning and hinder transformational systemic change |MEDT 7461 Instructional Design | |

| |10. Reflective- Candidates should be able to |*Student Instruction Project | |

| |demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis| | |

| |and prescription for transformational systemic | | |

| |change. | | |


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