Applied Statistics


STA501: Methodologies in Applied Statistics

Thursdays 6:00-9:00 PM

Dr. Peng

Note that this course is a review of statistical concepts. It is strictly optional for Applied Statistics students.

It will not count towards degree requirements for the MS or Certificate degrees.

STA506: Mathematical Statistics II

Required for MS degree

Dr. Gallop

Prerequisites: STA504 or STA505

Section 01: Mondays 4:25-7:10

Section 02: Mondays 7:15-10:00

STA512: Principles of Experimental Analysis

Required for MS degree and Certificate Degree

Dr. McClintock

Prerequisite: STA511

Section 80 Tuesdays 5:45-9:30

Section 81 Thursdays 5:45-9:30

STA514: Modern Experimental Design and Sampling Methods

Required for MS and Certificate degrees

Dr. Crossett

Prerequisite: STA511 and STA512

Section 01: Mondays 4:25-7:10

Section 02: Mondays 7:15-10:00

STA532: Survival Analysis

Elective course for MS degree

Dr. Rieger

Prerequisite: STA511 and STA512

Tuesdays 5:45-8:30

STA541: Categorical Data Analysis II

Elective course for MS degree

Dr. Gallop

Prerequisite: STA511, STA512, STA507

Wednesdays 5:45-8:30


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