Zaragoza Logistics Center


ZLOG Class of 2021

MIT- Zaragoza Dual Degree Scholarships 

Applicant’s full name:      

Address:       City:      

Region:       Postal code:      

Country:       Telephone:      


GMAT/GRE score:      

IELTS/TOEFL score:      

Cumulative grade point average (GPA):      

Last salary; monthly or yearly (Please specify in EURO):      

For information about ZLOG student scholarships, please visit:

Please note that a completed copy of this form and the following documents must be returned to the ZLC Financial Aid Office ( before May 31 2020.

The maximum email size limit for both sending and receiving emails is 10Mb; please split large email attachments into smaller files and send them in separate emails if needed).

Required documents:

1. Application Form

2. Income Statement

3. Copy of Passport

4. Résumé

5. Acceptance Letter

How did you hear about our scholarship program? Search engines (e.g. Google), social media, website, word of mouth (e.g. referrals), fairs, others… please specify.


1. Please describe in 200 words or less your current economical situation (please include your assured financial resources indicated in Euros).


2. Explain in 800 words or less the reasons why you should be awarded with the scholarship (interests and aptitudes that could fit in a logistics and SCM career, long term career plans within this field, obstacles overcome, expected contribution to the Program as alumni, extracurricular activities (NGO, clubs, sports...) or any other information you think may be of interest.


3. Please list any scholarships and/or awards you have applied for (granted or not).


In submitting this application, I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Falsification of information may result in cancelation of a scholarship in its original terms. I also certify that I have read the instructions and requirements outlined in the applicable scholarship guidelines and that I will adhere to them and provide all information related to grade reports, transcripts, etc.

Applicant’s Signature Date      

Please return this form to:

Zaragoza Logistics Center · Financial Aid Office

E-mail: · Phone: (+34) 976 070 148

In compliance with article 5 of the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection, the FUNDACION ZARAGOZA LOGISTICS CENTER informs you that your personal data have been included in this institution’s students’ file.  The purpose of the data processing is to manage your participation in the educational programme: registration, enrolment, scholarship program, development, assessment, control of the use of the resources and facilities, billing of such use, etc; to be able to send you information about other programmes, courses, events, Congresses that you may be interested in, via multi-address mails, newsletters or other notifications,  as well as to include you in the existing job pool at the end of such Programme, for which you will be requested to send an updated CV at the appropriate time.

This information will be received by both the FUNDACION ZARAGOZA LOGISTICS CENTER and the UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA, as the programme you are going to study belongs to this university.

We also inform you that your data (contact data, photo, curricular data, etc.) may be published on the website, always in connection with the Programme you have participated in and for which your express consent will be requested at the time.

The above data will be used to prepare the SCM Alumni Directory, which is sent to all the participants of both programmes and to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SCM Program at MIT • 77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-367 • Cambridge MA 02139, in order for students who have studied such programmes to be able to keep in contact with each other.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting the party responsible for the file: FUNDACION ZARAGOZA LOGISTICS CENTER Avenida Ranillas, 5 · Edificio A bajo 50018 Zaragoza · Spain

If you do not wish to receive information, please send an e-mail with the Subject “Unsubscribe” to


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