CHAPTER WISE MCQs OF CLASS IV EVSChapter 1: Going to SchoolQ1) Bridges are built over:-RiverRailway linesCanalsAllQ2) Where do you see ‘jugads’:-GujaratRajasthanUPMPQ3) Name the transport by which you can cross a river.BoatDongaFerryAllQ4) Where are the camel carts used:-DesertGreen landForestAllQ5) Which is the longest bridge in India:-Howrah BridgeMahatama Gandhi SetuSea link bridgeAllChapter 2: Ear to EarQ1) Name an animal whose ears are like a fan.RabbitTigerElephantGiraffeQ2) Name an animal whose ears cannot be seen.CatDogSnakeRabbitQ3) Which of the animals have no hair on their body?FrogCatDearAllQ4) Which animal lays eggs?RatCatLizardFoxQ5) Which of the following animals give birth to babies?HenSnakeLizardBatChapter 3: A day with NanduQ1) Who is the leader of elephant herd?Oldest maleOldest femaleYoung femaleYoung maleQ2) Male elephants live in the herd till the age of:-10 years15 years12years20 yearsQ3) What are the external teeth of the elephant is called?TuskMolarPre MolarsAllQ4) What is the approximate weight of adult elephant?200kg400kg300 kg500 kgQ5) How much food an adult elephant can eat in a day?100kg200kg300kg400kgChapter 4: The story of AmritaQ1) What is the name of Amrita’s village?KhejadliKhediSonpurMulundQ2) Which state do the Bishnoi belong toKeralaTamil naduRajasthanUttarakahadQ3) What did Amirta do when the soldiers were cutting the trees?She hugged the treesShe fought with soldiersShe ran awayNone of theseQ4) What do trees give us?FoodOxygenWoodAllQ5) Which trees are found in the desert?CactusKhejadliPalmAllChapter: 5 Anita and the HoneybeesQ1) In which month does the Litchee trees bloom?JanuaryFebruaryMarchDecemberQ2) What is the name of a bee’s house?HiveBurrowDenKennelQ3) When do honey bees lay their eggs?Dec to JanOct to DecMar to MayFeb to JulyQ5) Name the bees found in a bee hive?Male beeQueen beeWorker beeAllChapter 6: Omana’s JourneyQ1) Which of the following is Land Transport?Metro RailDongaHelicopterBoatQ2) In which state Valsad, Gandhidham and Ahmedabad situated?GujaratMaharashtraKeralaUPQ3) In Which state the town Kozhikode situated?KeralaGujaratUPMPQ5) Who checks the ticket during a train journey?Ticket checkerCoolieClerkAllChapter 7 : From the WindowQ1) Where is the Madgoan station situated?GoaMumbaiGuajaratKeralaQ2) What is the capital of Goa?PanajiMumbaiChennaiBhopalQ3) How many bridges are there between Goa and Kerala?1000200030004000Q4) Which one is correctly matched:-Gujarati – GoaMarathi – MaharashtraKannad – KeralaMalayalam – KarnatakaChapter 8 : Reaching to Grandmother’s HouseQ1) Which food items are eaten in south India?IdliDosaVadaAllChapter 9 : Changing FamiliesQ1) Which of the following festival are celebrated in School?IndependenceRepublic dayGandhi jayantiAllChapter 10: Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu TuQ1) Which of the following sports does Karnam Malleshwari play?Weight lifterBoxingHockeyShooterQ2) How many players are there in Kabaadi team?78910Chapter 11: The Valley of FlowersQ1) In which state valley of flower situated?UttarakhandBiharCochinMumbaiQ2) To which state Madhubani painting belongs to?BiharCochinMumbaiUttarakhandQ3) What is our National Flower?SunflowerMarigoldLotusZineaChapter 13: A River TaleQ1) What is the main source of water on the earthLakeRiverRainPondQ2) Which is the longest river of India?GangaYamunaGodavariNarmadaQ3) How is our river getting dirty?By throwing garbageBy throwing chemicals waste of factoriesBathing of animalsAllChapter 14 : Basvas FarmQ1) What is Illige used for?Used to cut the dried leavesCut the treesCut the fruitsAllChapter 15 : From the Market to HomeQ1) Farmer works in a :-fieldgardenstablenoneChapter16: A busy MonthQ1) Name the bird which lays its eggs in other birds nest.KoelPigeonEagleParrotQ2) Which one is the flesh eating bird?EagleHawkKiteAllQ3) Which bird makes hole in the tree trunk?Wood peckerParrotCopper smithEagleChapter18:Too much water and Too little waterQ1) From which water salt is made?Sea waterRiver water’Lake waterNoneQ2) Which is a water borne diseases?CholeraTyphoidMalariaNoneQ3) Which of the following is soluble in water?SandSugarOilChalkChapter19: Abdul in the gardenQ1) Which trees are found in desert?CactusPalmOakAllQ2) Which of the following are living things?TreesAnimalsBirdsAllQ3) Which tree has Arial roots?NeemOrangeMangoBanyanChapter20: Eating togetherQ1) Which one is a harvest festival?Makar SankrantiBihuOnamAllQ2) What is required for making Bela Ghar?BambooGrassNoneBothChapter21:Food and funQ1) What is the name of Prasad in Gurudwara?Sweet PrasadSheeraLadooKadhah PradsadQ2) What is the common feast of Gurudwara called?LangarArdaasPrasadAllChapter23: PochampalliQ1) Andhra Pradesh is famous for which clothes:-PashminaKolapuriPochampalliBandaniQ2) How many needles does a loom have?123ManyChapter24:Home and AbroadQ1) Mountain made of sand are called?Great mountainSmall mountainSandunesGrey mountainQ2) What is the currency of Abu DhabiDinarDollarRupeeReyalChapter25: Spicy RiddlesQ1) Which spice is used when the tooth aches?JeeraCloveSaunfPepperQ2) Which spice is used for healing the wounds?JeeraCloveSaunfTurmericQ3) Which spices are grown in kerala?CardamomBlack pepperClovesAllChapter 26 : Defence Officer WahidaQ1) Who was first women to sail on a naval ship and to command a full parade?a) Wahida Prismb) Santosh Yadavc) Karnam Malleshwarid) Sania MirzaQ2) ____________ is glass which reflects seven colours?PrismGlass SpectacleMirrorChapter 27: Chuskit Goes to SchoolQ1) Person who cannot walk is called?DumbBlindLameDeafQuiz QuestionsCHAPTER WISE QUIZ OF CLASS IV EVSChapter 1: Going to SchoolQ1) What do you mean by a trolley?Q2) What is ‘Vallam’?Q3) What is ‘Jugad’?Q4) Why do we need bridges?Q5) Name any one desert animal.Chapter 2: Ear to EarQ1) Name any one extinct animal.Q2) Why do animals need ears?Q3) Name any two animals that lay eggs.Q4) Name any two animals that have hair on their body.Q5) Name the animal that gives birth to the baby animals.Chapter 3: A day with NanduQ1) Name any two animals which live in a herd.Q2) What games do baby elephants plays?Q3) Who is the leader of the elephant herd?Q4) What is the group of sheep called?Chapter 4: The story of AmritaQ1) Where is Khejadli village situated?Q2) Name the tribe who dedicated himself for protecting the plants and animals.Q3) What is ‘Chipko Aandolan’?Chapter 5: Anita and the HoneybeesQ1) When do The Honey lays their Eggs?Q2) What did queen bee do?Q3) What is the group of Ant called?Q4) Where do honey bee live?Chapter 6: Omana’s JourneyQ1) How can we recognize the ticket checker?Chapter7: From the WindowQ1) What do you call your mother’s mother? Q2) Why there is smoke and more noise at the level crossings?Chapter 8: Reaching to Grandmother’s HouseQ1) What is a Ferry?Q2) Name any two means of air transport.Q3) What is the difference between the ship and boat?Q4) What type of transport is a train?Q5) Name any three state of India where metro trains are running.Chapter 9: Changing FamiliesQ1) Name any two festivals which you celebrate with your family and relatives.Chapter 10: Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu TuQ1) How many players are there in kabaddi team?Q2) Who is Karnam Malleshwari?Q3) Name any four outdoor games.Q4) Who is called magician of hockey game?Chapter 11 :The Valley of FlowersQ1) Where is the valley of flowers located?Q2) What is Madhubani?Q3) Name any four flowering plants.Q4) Which flower are used as food?Q5) Name any three uses of flowers.Chapter 12: Changing timeQ1) State the different types of houses.Q2) Who makes things out of wood?Chapter 13 : A River TaleQ1) What is the colour of river when it start form the mountains?Q2) Name any two causes which make the water dirty?Q3) Name the three methods to purify the water.Q4) Name any two uses of water.Q5) Name any two things which dissolves in water.Chapter14: Basva’s FarmQ1) What is ‘illige’ use for?Q2) What is ‘Khunti’ used for?Q3) What is ‘Kurige’ used for?Q4) Why should weeds be removed?Chapter 15: From the Market to HomeQ1) In which season the vegetable dry very quickly?Chapter16: A busy MonthQ1) Where does koel lay its eggs?Q2) Why do birds make nests?Q3) Which bird make its nest in tree trunk?Q4) What type of teeth does a cow have?Q5) Name the bird which stitches the leaves to make its nest?Chapter18:Too much water and Too little waterQ1) What should be done if we are suffering from diarrhea and vomiting?Q2) Name any three sources of water?Chapter19: Abdul in the gardenQ1) Which tree has hanging roots?Q2) In which country is Desert oak tree found?Q3) Name any five festivals related with moon?Q4) Name any desert plant?Chapter20: Eating togetherQ1) Where is Bihu Celebrated?Q2) Which things are used to make Bhela Ghar?Q3) What is Undhiya?Q4) What is Chewa rice?Q5) Who ordered to start Mid-Day Meal Scheme in all states of India?Chapter21:Food and funQ1) What is Langar?Q2) Where do the Sikh go for ardaas?Q3) What are the three things used for making Kadhah Prasad?Q4) Name five utensil s used for cooking food. Chapter23: PochampalliQ1) In Which state are the ‘Pochampali Sarees’ made?Q2) Where is Mukhtapur situated?Chapter24:Home and AbroadQ1) Name the currency of Abu-Dhabi?Q2) Which kind of Clothes do people of Abu-Dhabi wear?Q3) How many languages are there on ten rupees note?Chapter25: Spicy RiddlesQ1) Which spice brings water in your eyes and nose?Q2) Name the spice used for healing wounds?Q3) Which spice is used when the tooth aches?Q4) What is the shape of Black pepper?Q5) Which spice looks like a nail?Chapter 26 : Defence Officer WahidaQ1) Who is the first Indian Officer to command a Naval ship’s crew?Q2) What is Prism?Q3) Name the Forces of India?Chapter 27: Chuskit Goes to SchoolQ1) How does a person with polio in move about?SURVEY AND MAP READINGCLASS: IV SURVEY AND MAP READINGCHAPTER: 1GOING TO SCHOOLMAP READING: 1 TOPIC: finding out different states on map of India.PLAN OF ACTION:Locate the following states on map of India.ASSAM, HIMACHAL PRADESH, RAJASTHAN, KERALA, GUJURAT, UTTARANCHAL.The teacher will ask the following questions through WORKSHEET.Q) Name the state where Ladakh is situated.Q) Where can you find the camel cart?Q) Which of the following state shares its border with China?Q) Which state is called as the spice garden of India?EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME:The children will able to locate the states of India and they will get additional information about those states.SURVEY:2TOPIC: Survey of different animals in their locality.GROUP SIZE: 6 TO 8 CHILDRENPLAN OF ACTION:GR. 1: Observe animals around you and find out animals whose ears we can see.GR. 2: Observe animals around you that have hair on their skin.Gr. 3: Observe animals around you whose body is covered with feathers.GR. 4: Observe animals around you and find out whose ears can be seen.After collecting the information they will compile them on a table prepare a final report..Animals whose---SL.No.Ears can be seenEars cannot be seenHas hair on skinHas feathers on skin1234EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME: The children will learn about the physical structure of the animals.SURVEY: 3INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIESCHAPTER: 5 ANITA AND HONEY BEESTOPIC: MY OWN EXPENDITURE PLAN OF ACTION:The children will make a note of the expenditure they do for study throughout the year. They will be given the following table to fill.Sl. NoThingsMoney spent1Fee2Travel to school.3Text books4Note books5Stationery6Uniform7School bag8Lunch box9Shoes10othersTotal EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME:The children will get an idea of expenditure they make in a year. They will come to know about the reason why some children do not go to school. This topic will correlated with mathematics.SURVEY: 4INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITYTOPIC: OBSERVATION OF AN INSECTPLAN OF ACTION:Sprinkle some sugar on the floor and see what happens after some time. You will find some ants. Now observe them and prepare the report.SL.NOQuestionsAnswers 1How long did it take for the ants to come?2How did the ants move?3What did the ants do with the sugar?4Where do they go from there?5How were the ants?6How many legs does an ant have?7Do ants ever come near you? When? After their observation they will prepare the final report.EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME:The children will learn about animals that live in groups. They will also learn about the ants and their behavior.CHAPTER: 6, 7, 8OMANA’S JOURNEYMAP READING: 5TOPIC: Finding out of different states from north to south.PLAN OF ACTION:Locate the different states that fall from north to south starting from JAMMU & KASHMIR to KANYAKUMARI on the map of India. The children will answer the following questions observing the map of India.Q1) which is the northern most state of India:Q2) which state is in the middle of our country?Q3) Name the neighbouring states of Kerala?Q4) Name the neighbouring states of JAMMU & KASHMIR?EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME:The children will be able to locate the states of India and they will learn about the different directions and will be able to read the map properly.SURVEY: 6 TOPIC: OBSERVATION OF RAILWAY STATION.PLAN OF ACTION:The children are instructed to visit nearby railway station with their elders and collect the following information.What all you can see in the railway station?What is a booking counter?Who is the station manager and what does he do?Who books tickets for you?What is the job of the RPF?Who carries your luggage? Whether the platform was clean or not? If not why?What is the need of computer in a railway station?How many platforms are there in the station?Why are there so many crowds in the station? After their observation they will prepare the final report.EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME:The children will get information about railway station and they will learn about the duties of different people who work in the railway station.Chapter -11 The valley of flowersMAP READINGLocate Uttranchal, Bihar, Kerala and Maharashtra on the map of India.Plan of action:What is Uttranchal famous for?What is Bihar famous for?Why Uttranchal is called the valley of flowers?What is special about Madhubani paintings?ELO : Children will learn about the specialties of the different states of India.Children will learn about Madhubani paintings and the colours and materials used to make Madhubani paintings.SURVEY:GROUP – 8 4-5 children in each groupChildren will conduct a survey and find out about the flowers that grow on the following as mentioned in the table Flowers names of flowersThat grow on treesThat grow on bushesThat grow as creepersThat grow in waterThat bloom only at nightThat bloom in the day and close at nightThat bloom all round the yearThat bloom all round the yearPlants that never have flowersELO:Children will be aware of different kinds of flowers.They will learn about the habitat of different flowers.They will also learn that there are certain flowers that bloom all-round the year and certain flowers bloom only during certain months. They will learn that there are certain plants that never bear flowers.SURVEY:Uses of flowers.Individual activity.Children will find out the various uses of from their locality and .Plan of action:Name two or three flowers for each groupThings that flowers give us NamescoloursPerfumeMedicinesFlowers that are eatenFlowers used for decorationFlowers used for religious purposes.ELO: Children will learn about different uses of flowers.Chapter 12 CHANGING TIMESSURVEY : Children will conduct a survey by interviewing people of different sections of society in their locality. And find out the kind of houses they live in ex – kuchha house, pucca house , multistoried buildings and low rise buildings.PLAN OF ACTION: What kind of house do you stay in?How many rooms you have in your house?Do you have a separate room for studying, sleeping and cooking? Do you have a toilet and proper water arrangement, inside your house?Do you find kuchha houses in your locality?Do you have multistoried buildings in your locality?Find out about people who are involved in the construction of a house.ELO:They will learn about different kinds of houses.They will learn about the different materials used in construction of different types of house.They will learn about the people from different occupations engaged in construction of a house. CHAPTER: 15FROM MARKET TO HOMESURVEY: 7TOPIC: AN INTERVIEW WITH A VEGETABLE SELLER.GROUP SIZE: 6 to 7 children.PLAN OF ACTION:The group of students will visit a vegetable seller. They will interview him and collect the information.The following questions will be asked to the vegetable seller to get the information.What is his/her name?How many members is there in his/her family?How many children is there in his/her family?What are the names of their children? How old are they?Whether they are going to school or not? If not why?Who all help in the work of selling vegetable?For how many hours do they work in a day?They will ask some questions about a particular vegetable.QuestionsVegetable:1Vegetable:2Vegetable:3Name of the Vegetable:Price of the Vegetable:Where does it come from?In which months does this Vegetable usually come?Colour of the Vegetable:After collecting the information from the vegetable seller they will compile it and prepare the final report.EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME:The children will get the knowledge of the livelihood of a vegetable seller. They will get an idea of different types of vegetables and their price. They will know about seasonal fruits and vegetables.CHAPTER: 18TOO MUCH WATER, TOO LITTLE WATERSURVEY: 8TOPIC: WATER SURVEY IN SCHOOL.Group size: 3 groupsPLAN OF ACTION: GR.1: Will find out the arrangements of drinking water in the school.GR. 2: Will find out the arrangements of toilets in the school.GR.3: will find out about illness affecting children in the school.Group :1Observe and note.Where does the water in your school come from?Is there water in all the taps?Is there any tap which is leaking?Is the water pure enough?Is the place around the taps cleaned regularly?Group :2Observe and note.How many toilets are there in your school?Are there separate toilets for boys and girls?Are the toilets kept clean?Is water available all the time in the toilets?Do all the children put water in the toilet after and before using it?Group :3Observe and note. Talk with the children in your school and fill in the table given the last few months how many children in the school have suffered from any of these. Write the names of the children in the correct column.SL.NODiarrheaVomitingLoose motionstomachache12345EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME: The children will acquaint themselves with the arrangements of drinking water and toilets in the school. They will know about the common diseases and their causes. They will know the importance of cleanliness in the school, home, surroundings, etc.Group -8 Charts, Models and ArtefactsRohini Sharma Kv I.N.S Hamla Malad , MumbaiSatveer Singh Kv No. 1 Bikaner, JaipurBhavesh Kv Viramgam , AhmedabadSanjit Kumar Kv Muzzafarpur, 1st Shift, Patna Sharad Sahu Kv Durg, RaipurClass - 4S.NoName Of The LessonChart / Model/ ArtefactsMaterials ELO1Going To SchoolModel of bamboo bridgeBamboo poles, ropesTo know the type of bridges used in heavy rainfall areasChart of famous bridges of IndiaCollection of pictures of bridgesKnowledge of famous bridges of our country2Ear To EarChart containing pictures of animals having earsPictures of animals with small and big ears to be pasted on chartTo understand the hearing capacity of different animalsChart /collage of dinosaurMatchsticks for outline of animals, waste paper and glueTo have an idea about an extinct animal: dinosaur3A Day With NanduChart of animals living in groupsCollecting pictures of animals living in groups and pasting itImportance of living in a groupCollage of elephantCollage of elephant made of waste paper, paste on a chartBest out of waste4The Story Of AmritaChart of desert plants and treesPictures of plants like ‘khejadi’ , cactus , date palm to be pasted on chartInformation of desert plants5Anita And The Honey BeesChart with pictures of honeybees , wasps and antsDrawing pictures of honeybees , wasps and ants and pasting on chartKnowledge of insects living together6Omana’s JourneyChart of railway station sceneDrawing scene of railway station Idea about how a railway station looks?Chart showing tickets of train, bus and aeroplaneCollect and paste tickets of train, bus and aeroplaneInformation about PNR number, ticket number and fare7Changing FamiliesChart of weddingPictures of different kinds of wedding in India: Hindu, Muslim,Sikh,ChristianKnows about traditional weddings8Hu Tu TuChart of modern and traditional sportsCollection of pictures of indoor and outdoor games both modern and traditional sportsLearns about team spirit and rules of” Hu Tu Tu”9 The Valley Of FlowersCharts of different flowersCollecting of pictures of flowers and pasting themKnows about different kinds of flowersMaking colourful paper flowersColoured paper , fevistick , sticks and scissorsSkill in flower making10Changing TimesCharts of Indian freedom fighters and occupationCollection of pictures of freedom fighters and different kinds of occupationLove for country and dignity of labour11A River’s TaleChart of purification of water Pictures of different methods of purifying water and pasting on chartTo learn about clean drinking water12Basva’s FarmChart of farming implementsCollecting pictures of various implements used in farmingCan identify the implements by looking at them13 From Market To HomeCollage of fruits and vegetableChart paper , waste paper and glueTo be able to identify vegetables and fruits that stay for long14A Busy MonthCharts of common Indian birdsPictures of birds collected and pastedTo identify different birds and their nestsModel of nests of birdsCollecting grass , sticks , leaves to make different nests15Nandita In MumbaiModel of different type of housesCardboard, chart paper , sticks , straw and glueTo differentiate between building and slums, city and village life16Too Much Water, Too Little WaterChart/collage of newspaper clippings of scarcity of waterCollect and paste newspaper clippings of scarcity of water and paste themTo know that life is not possible without water, So save it.17Abdul In The GardenCharts with edible plant partsCollecting pictures of stem and root that can be eaten and pasting on chartTo know about plant parts that are edible18Eating TogetherChart showing LangarPictures of langar in Gurudwaras and pasting themTo learn to share without discrimination 19The World In My HomeCharts showing pictures of TV in drawing roomClippings of TV in rooms at homeTo adjust with members of family and outside family20PochampalliModel of loomTo purchase and keep in activity roomTo know how cloth is weaved21Home And AbroadCharts with currenciesIndian and foreign currencies to be collected and pastedTo identify different currencies22Spicy RiddlesChart on spicesCollection of different spices from mother’s kitchen and putting in small plastic packetsTo be able to identify and know use of spices23Defence Officer “Wahida”Charts with pictures of Navy, Army and Airforce uniformsCollect pictures of uniform worn by Navy, Army and Airforce men and paste themTo know that in defence there are 3 wings Navy, Army and Airforce24Chuskit Goes To School Chart with symbol of disabled Collecting pictures and drawing the symbol of disability and pasting itTo sensitize children towards differently abled students.Group No:-5Group Projects and Role playPrepared by:-Smt Rekha AgrawalSmt Sandhya SharmaSmt Punam SinghMr Anil RahangdaleMr Ganawa BalwantClass-IV EVSCh:-1 Going to SchoolGroup project (Topic:- Means of transport)Prepare a list of means of transport.Collect information about means of transport used in Rajasthan, Ladakh, Gujarat, UttrakhandList out the materials to prepare Bamboo Bridge, Cement Bridge & wooden bridge.List bridges found in their locality and other famous bridges in India.Role Play:-Enact how children prepare to go to school (packing their bags, keeping their books according to timetable, keeping their lunch box etc.)By wearing a costume of states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Ladakh, Uttrakhand and communicate in that regional language.ELO:-They will know about different means of transport, Bridges and culture of other states.Ch:-2 Ear to EarGroup project:-They will collect pictures of different animals from internet and other sources and write a few sentences about their qualities.Q1:- Name the animals whose ears we cannot see.Q2:- Name the animals whose ears we can see.Q3:- Give the name of animals that have horns.Q4:- Name the animals having hairs on their skin.Q5:- Name the animals that lay eggs.Paste the animals belonging to each group on a chart paper and display in the class.Role Play:-Wearing the mask of different animals and enacting like them.With the help of dupatta children pretend to be a bird and show action of flying.ELO:- Awareness about environment (Birds/animals) and love and care towards themCh:-3 The Story of AmritaGroup project:-They will collect information about the states of Rajasthan (which trees are grown there and in spite of less water how they grow?)Prepare a note on Bishnoi society and their lifeQ1:-Why should we not cut trees?Q2:-How trees are helpful to us?Q3:-What all things we get from trees?Q4:-What is the capital of Rajasthan? Role Play:-One student will enact like a tree and other will try to cut itStudent will perform a skit on save treesELO:-Love and care towards Plants and Trees.Ch:-6 Omana’s JourneyGroup project:-Student will prepare a list of railway stations between Mumbai and Delhi. ( between any other stations as per the location)They will collect old railway tickets and mention the place from where to where the journey took place. (Observe and answer the questions based on the information available on the ticket)Write the information mentioned on the tickets (PNR no, Date of journey, Time of departure etc.)Q1:- From where we can book railway tickets?Q2:-Why is it necessary to purchase tickets?Q3:-How many people can travel in one train?Q4:-On what do the trains run? (Air, Road, Railway track)Role Play:-Enacting like a T.T in the classEnacting like a potter Enacting like a railway announcerEnacting like a sweeper, Tea seller, GuardELO:- know about many states and their capitals., Dignity of labour, respect for all types of jobs.Ch:-9 Changing FamiliesGroup project:-Write about your own family (Name of the family members, Occupation, head of the family etc.).Write about your neighbor’s family (Their name, Number of members ,occupation)Q1:-Who is the head of your family?Q2:-Who earns money for your family?Q3:-How many cousins’ brothers and sister you have?Q4:-On what occasion all the relatives meet and get together?Role Play:-Enact like grandparents Enact like Mother and Father and the work they do ELO:- Love and care for family and members and learn the importance of living together.Ch:-11 Valley of FlowersGroup project:-Collect information about Madhubani art and describe the process of making Madhubani paintings.In a group of 4-5 students will draw Madhubani paintings after referring to internet. Students will mention material required for Madhubani paintings, they will also mention the objects drawn in the paintings.Identify flowers in your neighborhood which can be used for making colors. Students will bring different flowers like Marigold, Rose, hibiscus, Gulmohar etc. crush them in a bowl and with the help of colours draw different shapes or pictures.Divide the class in 7 groups each group will bring flowers with specific colour told by the teacher according to colours of rainbow. They will dry these flowers for a week and on a chart paper teacher will guide them to make a shape of a rainbow and they will paste the dried flowers according to colours of rainbow i.e. VIBGYORRole Play:-Students will make mask of flowers with full size chart paper a child will wear the mask and enact like a flower. Sing a poem along with the class e.g. ringa ringa roses……….ELO:-They will know uses and importance of flowers.Love and care towards Plant kingdom.Ch:-16 A busy MonthGroup project:-Topic:-Birds around us:-With the help of computer teacher, students will collect pictures of birds from the internet based on the questions given and prepare a PPTQ1:-Name the birds you have seen.Q2:-Where do they lay eggs?Q3:-What material is used to build a nest?Q4:-What do they use their claws for?Q5:-How do they use their beaks?Role Play:-Wear mask of any bird if possible sing a poem related to that bird. Enact as a bird show its beak, feathers with actionQ1:-How they use their beak?Q2:-How they use their claws?Q3:-Create sound of a bird and ask the class to imitate the sound in groupsELO:-Know about birds and their habitat. Physical features of the birdsLIST OF TLMsGROUP-3 (Mrs. Molly, Mrs. K. Bindu, Mr. Sunil kumar, Mr. Minesh kumar, Mr. Ashutosh panda)Class IVS.NLESSONTLMMETHOD OF USING THE TLM IN CLASS ROOMOBJECTIVESMADE/PURCHASED1.Going to schoolBamboo sticks, rope, ice cream sticks, bricks.1) Divide the class into four groups2) Distribute Gr-1 – Bamboo sticksGr -2 – Ice cream sticksGr-3- RopeGr-4- BricksQstn:a) Bridges are built over ____ , _____ & _______b) Tell the names of bridges which you have crossed?How bridges are used to cross different terrainsMade2.Ear to earCut outs of ears and heads of giraffe, elephant, buffalo, deer, rabbit, dog1) Divide the class into six groups2) Distribute set of ears and head cut outs to each group Qstn:a) What is the function of ear?b) How do birds hear?To identify animals with external ears.Made/ Brought3.Omana’s journeyCut outs of coolie, guard, ticket checker, station master, railway police1) Divide the class into four groups2) Distribute cut outs of helpers with their names in the flash cards given. Qstn: a) Who checks our tickets in the train?b) Luggage is carried by ___To learn about people who help us in the railway station.Made4.The valley of flowersFlowers like marigold, rose, jasmine, aster1) Divide the class into four groups2) Distribute flowers to each group to make rangoli.3) Ask the students to keep the flowers between news paper for one week and make greeting cards for special occasion like grand parents day, teacher’s day.Identify and record different flowers.To develop aesthetic sense and respect for elders. Made5.A river’s taleGlasses with water, sugar, salt, haldi, flour, dal, cooking soda, lemon juice, soap water, oil.Ask the students to mix each thing with water.Qstn:a) Name the things which dissolve/ do not dissolve.b) Things which change the colour of water. To identify things which are soluble/ insoluble in water.Brought6.Basva’s farm1) Cut outs of implements like kurige, kunti, illege, khurpi2) flash cards of their names with their works3) Cut outs of steps of growing crops like onion, wheat, bajra, paddy, maize1) Make five sets of flash cards and cut outs and distribute it to children dividing them into five groups.Name the implements used in their locality.Draw the picture of implements used in their locality.2) Make five sets of process of farming and distribute to each group and ask them to mark them in correct order. 1) To know about different implements used by the farmers in their locality.2) To identify the steps of farming. MadeBrought7.Busy month1) Flash cards of feet of duck, swan, geese, eagle, vulture, kite, stork, crane, flamingo, parrot, crow, hen.2) Flash cards of beak of eagle, humming bird, parrot, sparrow, crow. 1) Distribute four sets of flash cards of feet into four different groups and ask them to write the name of the birds to which the feet belongs, on the reverse of the card.2) Make five sets of flash cards of beaks of birds and distribute it into five different groups and ask them to write their names according to their food habits.1) To learn the bird feet for different needs like swimming, holding, catching prey. 2) To learn about bird beaks- nut cracking, tearing flesh etc.MadeMade8.Abdul in the gardenTLM for assessment activity1) Types of roots on flash cards- Tap root, fibrous root, edible root, hanging root. 2) Vegetables like turnip, carrot, radish, beet root, ginger, potato, garlic, onion etc.1) After teaching a lesson divide the class into four different groups and distribute flash cards and ask them to identify the type of roots.2) Divide the class into four different groups and give one root and one stem to each group and ask them to identify, classify and record.Observation, identification and classification of roots.To identify edible root and stemBroughtBrought9.Home and abroadCurrencies of different countries like India, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand.After teaching a lesson ask them to bring fake currencies of different countries.Qtsn:a) Whose picture can you see on the notes?b) Name the bank written on the note?c) Tell the different languages written on the Indian note.To know about currencies of different countries.Brought10.Spicy riddleSamples of spices like chilly, turmeric, pepper, cumin, clove, cardamom, aniseed, cinnamon.1) Divide into five different groups and distribute the set of spices to each group. Identify a smell, taste and touch.2) Blindfold and ask them to identify the spices by feeling and tasting.To observe, identify, classify and record the names of the spices.BroughtONLINE RESOURCES FOR CLASS IVChapter-1Going to SchoolS.N.Web addressRemark1. types of cement bridge2. bridge3. of transportChapter-2Ear to EarS.N.Web addressRemark1.’s ears2. kinds of earsChapter-3A Day with NanduS.N.Web addressRemark1. elephant’s herdChapter-4The Story of AmritaS.N.Web addressRemark1. KHEJADI tree2. of RajasthanChapter-5Anita and the HoneybeesS.N.Web addressRemark1. Keeping2. of BiharChapter-6 +7+8Omana’s Journey/From the Window/Reaching Grandmother’s HouseS.N.Web addressRemark1. of Railway stn2. Ticket3. Time TableChapter-9Changing FamiliesS.N.Web addressRemark1. Family structureChapter-10Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu TuS.N.Web addressRemark1. karnam Malleshwari2. WomenChapter – 11The Valley of FlowersS.N.Web addressRemark1. Painting3. of IndiaChapter-12Changing TimesNot availableChapter-13A River’s TaleS.N.Web addressRemark1. of riverChapter-14Basva’s FarmS.N.Web addressRemark1. onionChapter-15From Market to HomeS.N.Web addressRemark1. seller2. vegetables in transportChapter-16A Busy MonthS.N.Web addressRemark1. cycle of a bird2. types of birdsChapter-17Nandita in MumbaiS.N.Web addressRemark1. Mumbai-traffic 2. of mumbaiChapter-18Too Much Water, Too Little WaterS.N.Web addressRemark1. of water2. caused by polluted waterChapter-19Abdul in the GardenS.N.Web addressRemark1. of the plant2. 3. cycle of a flowerChapter-20, 21Eating Together/ Food and FunS.N.Web addressRemark1. Dance2. LangarChapter-22The World in My HomeS.N.Web addressRemark1. match2. of USAChapter-23PochampalliS.N.Web addressRemark1. of weaving pochampalli sarees2. lungi3. Pradesh in map of IndiaChapter-24Home and AbroadS.N.Web addressRemark1. to Kerala2. to Abu Dhabi UAE3. Raha Beach4. HQChapter-25Spicy RiddlesS.N.Web addressRemark1. of spices found in India2. of SpicesChapter-26Defence Officer: WahidaS.N.Web addressRemark1. day prade2. by Indian Navy3. NavyChapter-27Chuskit Goes to SchoolS.N.Web addressRemark1. with Disability2. visit to ladakh3. in map of IndiaREADING WITH A PURPOSENOTE MAKINGCLASS-4LESSON-1 GOING TO SCHOOLSome children cross the river to go to school. The river is wide and deep. A strong rope is tied across the river. The sides of the rope are tied tightly with strong trees or rocks. There is a trolley made of wood attached with the rope. Four or five children can sit in the trolley. A pulley helps the trolley to move across the rope. This way the children reach the other side of the river in short time.TROLLEYUse Cross riverMade of Wood RopesCapacity 4 or 5 childrenMoves by A pulleyTime to reach shortL-3 A DAY WITH NANDUElephants live in groups called herds. A herd has only females and baby elephants. The oldest female is the leader of the herd. A herd may have ten to twelve female elephants and young ones. Male elephants live in the herd till they are 14 or 15 years old. An adult elephant can eat more than 100 kg leaves and twigs in one day. Elephants do not rest very much. They sleep only two to four hours in a day. Elephants love to play with mud and water. The mud keeps their skin cool. There big ears work as fans. They flap these to keep them cool.ELEPHANTGroup HerdMembers of herd 10-12 Females & young onesMale elephants in herd Till the age of 14-15 yrsFood intake/day 100kg leaves or twigsSleep/day 2-4 hrsMud and water Loves to play Keep them coolBig ears Fans Keep them coolL-4 STORY OF AMRITAThe ‘Khejadi’ tree is found mainly in desert areas. It can grow without much water. Its bark is used for making medicines. People cook and eat its fruits. Its wood is such that it will not be affected by insects. Animals in this area eat leaves of the khejadi tree. Children like to play in its shade.KHEJADI TREEFound Desert areaGrow Without much waterUses Bark- medicine Fruits- cook & eat Leaves – eaten by animals Shade for playingWood Not affected by insectsL-5 ANITA AND THE HONEY BEESA bee hive has one queen bee that lays eggs. There are a few males in the hive. Most of the bees in the hive are worker bees. They work whole day. They make the hive and also look after the baby bees. They fly around flowers in search of nectar. When one bee finds flowers with nectar, it does a special kind of dance by which the other bees can know where the nectar is. The male bees have no special role as worker.HONEY BEESHouse BeehiveMembers –work Queen bee- lays eggs Worker bees-make hive Look after baby bees Find & collect nectar Male bees- no special functionSpecial dance Finds flowers with nectarL-11 THE VALLEY OF FLOWERSMadhubani paintings is a very old form of folk art. It is named after a district in Bihar Called Madhubani. During festivals and happy occasions the walls of the houses and their courtyards are painted with such pictures. These paintings are made out of paste of powered rice in which colour has been mixed. The colours used in Madhubani paintings are special too. To make them indigo, turmeric, colours from flowers and trees are used. The paintings show human beings, animals, trees, flowers, birds ,fish and many other animalsMADHUBANI PAINTINGSArt Folk artNamed after Madhubani district in BiharMade during Happy occasions FestivalsMade of Powdered rice Colours- indigo Turmeric Flowers& treesShow Humanbeings Animals Trees Flowers Birds FishL-19 ABDUL IN THE GARDENDesert oak is a tree found in Australia. It grows almost as tall as classroom wall. It has a very few leaves. Its root go deep down the length of about 30 such trees laid down in a line end to end, one after another .That is how long the roots of this tree can be. These roots go deep into the ground till they reach water. This water is stored in the tree trunk. Local people know about this. When there is no water in the desert, the local people use to put a thin pipe into the trunk of the tree to drink this water.THE DESERT OAKFound AustraliaLeaves Very fewTall As classroom wallRoots Very deep- till reach waterTrunk Stores water-people drink When no waterDemonstration / Demonstrative ExperimentClass – IV INDEX:1. Pochampalli2. Abdul in the garden3. Too much water too little water4. Reaching Grandmother’s House5. Changing TimesD. E. (01)LESSON:- POCHAMPALLIDEMONSTRATIVE EXPERIMENT: Block PrintingObjective : To demonstrate block printing using wooden blocks and vegetable dye.Required materials : wooden blocks with different designs, cloth piece , vegetable coloursMethod: The cloth is fixed to a flat surface. Using wooden blocks and vegetable colours block prints are made on the cloth. Each child makes a block print on the cloth. The printed cloth is allowed to dry and then used. Expected learning Outcomes: Children will learn and understands various patterns and designs. D. E. (02)LESSON:- Abdul in the gardenDEMONSTRATIVE EXPERIMENT: How does root get water ?Objective : To learn how roots absorb water.Required materials : fleshy roots , colour water , transparent jarExperiment : Transparent jar is filled with coloured water and the plant is kept in it in such a way that the root is immersed in water.Children will observe two days.Recording the observation: Children will record and write what they observed. Observation : They will find the coloured root.Expected learning Outcomes: Children will learn that plants get water through roots. D. E. (03)LESSON:- Too much water too little waterDEMONSTRATION : ORS preparationObjective : To learn how ORS is prepared.Required materials : one glass boiled cooled water , one teaspoon of sugar, one pinch of saltDemonstration and hands on activity : Teacher demonstrates how ORS is prepared. He will mix one teaspoon sugar and a pinch of salt in one glass of boiled and cooled water. After observation children will prepare ORS.Recording the observation: Children will record and write what they observed. Expected learning Outcomes: Children will learn how to prepare ORS.ORS can be given to diarrhoea and vomiting patients.D. E. (04)LESSON:- Reaching Grandmother’s HouseDEMONSTRATIVE EXPERIMENT: sinking or floatingObjective : To learn why boats float on water.Required materials : Toy Boats made by iron, iron nails , trough with water.Experiment : Teacher will show the experiment. He will put toy iron boat in water trough and nail. He will asked the children for observations. Recording the observationThey will observe that iron boat will float and iron nail will sink. Now teacher will explain why boat floats and nail sinks.Expected learning Outcomes: Children will learn that why iron boat floats and nail sinks. Iron boats displace more water than its weight but iron nails displace less water than its weight. D. E. (05)LESSON:- Changing TimesDEMONSTRATIVE EXPERIMENT: Building a wallObjective : To learn about stability and instability of wall.Required materials : cement, bricks , sand, water, tools etc.Demonstration : Mason will show the children how a wall is built. He will explain the way placing of bricks, how cementing is done, ratio of cement water and sand. Recording the observation: Children will record the observations and interaction with mason on worksheet given by the teacher. Expected learning Outcomes: Children will learn about construction materials and their proper ratio.They will learn how bricks are placed to build a stable PETENCYWISE OPEN ENDED QUESTION BANK ( Identification and Discovery of Facts)Class 4Chap.1.Going to school IDHow do you go to school?What things do you see while going to school? DFHow many people can cross the bamboo bridge at one time?Write few lines about camel cart. Chap.- 2. Ear to ear IDDo you have any pet? Write is its name?How do you take care of your pet?DFWrite names of some animals whose ears cannot be seen?Draw a picture of an animal and write few lines on it.Chap.-3.A day with Nandu IDWho takes decision in your family?Have you seen any animal riding on another animal? Write its name. DFHave you ever taken a ride on elephant? When and where? Chap.-4.The story of AmritaIDDo the flowers remain on the tree throughout the year?In which month do the leaves fall? DFWhy do people hunt animals?Suggest any two ways to save trees? Chap.-5.Anita and the honey bees IDDo you know someone who wanted to study? But could not do so?Have you seen any insect near flowers? Write its name. DFWhat kinds of eatables attract ants?What are the different colours of honey that you have seen? Chap.-6. Omana’s Journey IDHave you ever travelled in a train? When? To which place did you travel by train?What food would you like to take with you when you travel? DFHow will you recognize the ticket checker?What are some of the things that are sold at Railway station?Chap.-7. From the window IDHave you ever crossed a bridge? Where?Which languages do you speak at home? DFWhy was so much smoke and noise from vehicles at the level crossing?What did you see when you travelled to your home town? Make a list. Chap.-8. Reaching Grandmother House IDWhich ride did you enjoy the most?DFWrite all the information written on a railway ticket?What things would you like to take for a journey?Chap.-9.Changing familiesIDHow many numbers are there in your family?What kind of special food is cooked at your home? DFWhat kind of dances and songs are performed at wedding?Write few lines about small family. Chap.-10. HuTu,Tu, Hu Tu Tu IDWhich game do you like most?When do you go play games? DFWhy do you play games?Write any three indoor and outdoor games. Chap.-11. The valley of flower IDWhich flowers bloom all the year round?Write the name of such flowers which are need to make scent? DFWhat differences do you find between a flower and a bud?Why do people buy flowers? Chap.-12. Changing times IDWhat material is used for making house? Write the names of various type of house? DFWhy do we need a house?What is the price of followings in your area---One bag a cement ……………….. One brick ……………………………. One truck of sand ……………….. Chap.-13. A River’s Tale IDName the river which you have seen?What kinds of trees and plants grow around rivers? DFWhat happens when there is a flood?How is drinking water cleaned in your house? Chap.-14. Basva’s Farm IDAre there any fields near your house? If yes, what is grown in the field?If no, why there is no field near your house? DFIn the lesson ‘Basva’s Farm’ why Basva was not able to attend school for some days?Name a crop and write how it is grown? Chap.-15. From market to home IDHow do you go to the Market?What things would you like to buy from market? DFWrite the names of children who help in the selling vegetables?Write the names of any three vegetables which do not have seeds? Chap.-16. A busy month IDFind out and write how old your grandfather and grandmother are.Name a bird and write what its nest is made of? DFMake a list of birds whose nests you have seen?Why do the birds make their nest? Chap.-17. Nandita in Mumbai IDName the tallest building that you have seen. DFWhy did Nandita have to bring her mother from the village to Mumbai?Write any two ways to “ Save water “. Chap.-18. Too much water, Too little water IDWhere does the water come from in your house?Have you ever played in water? When and where? DFHow can unclean or dirty water harm our body?In what ways do you clean water? Chap.-19. Abdul in the garden IDWhat do you feel, do all plants need water?Which of the plants around you need regular watering? DFWhat will happen, if nobody gives water to plants?Which are the oldest trees in your Area? Find out and make a list of them. Chap.-20. Eating together IDOn what occasions do you eat together with your friends?Who are the people you invite for your party? DFWhich are the festivals you celebrate with other families?Which Festival do you like most? Why? Chap.-21. Food and fun ID Name your favorite food?What kind of food item can you prepare? DF In what ways boarding school different from other schools?Would you like to go to a boarding school? Why? Chap.-22. The world in my house IDDo you know anybody who thinks like Akshay’s grand mother?Do you agree with Akshay’s Grand mother? Why? DFIf you were in Ritu’s place, what would you do? Chap.-23.PochampalliID 1. What kinds of jobs people do in your neighborhood ? 2. What do you want to become? DFWrite the steps of weaving clothes? Write a short note on “a craft in danger”.Chap.-24.HOME AND ABROADIDWhat else is written on each coin other than its value? Write about a friend or relative living in another country?DFWhy do you think many trees cannot grow in desert areas?Write name of some languages and their states? Chap.-25 .SPICY RIDELS ID What kind of spices do you use at home in cooking? Find out what is put into food to make it taste sour? DF Why do we use spices in food? What spices would you like to use for making potato chat? Chap .26 Defence Officer Wahida I D Name two organizations /departments, where the employees wear Army D FWould you like to join defence services?If yes, why?If no, why?What would you like to do for the country? Chap.-27. Chuskit goes to school IDWhat are the things that you enjoy doing in the school?Who all help you in the school? DF What kind of things would you like to learn in your school?ClassFile( Double click on the icon to open the file)IV\sObservation Questions ................

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