Financing Weight lossI recently opted to learn about a weight loss program that involved supplementations and a diet plan, and felt that I could dissect it a bit to further understand the product at hand! It has people dropping weight like crazy, so I felt it was a step I could take to learn just a bit more about the fad world of diet programs!This post is not going to specifically discuss the name of the program, because I’m simply not about cutting down ‘state of the art weight loss’ programs, but more so about learning why programs are success to many (for a short while anyhow!);This program is well layer out to someone who wants a quick, tell me how approach to getting skinny. It offers a chart that breaks down nutrition supplement, with nutrition guide all together as one! I took the time to learn about each of the supplements, and here is what I found!The day begins with a fruit blend that is essentially filled with ‘extracts of super reds’. The super reds claim to offer energy, health and vitality, and are especially important or the cardiac and circulatory system! The blend is also created with three essential antioxidants: glutamic acid: which is essential for ammonia disposal (AKA WASTE: ammonia- liverureaurine): (HIGH urea can lead to fatigue and confusion, therefore the antioxidant boosts the function of the renal system to dump! The blend is paired with a very low calorie protein supplement that essentially is worth a comparable 1 ww point, for those that know about weight watchers. I have discovered many great proteins out there, and as you are aware there are many theories that relate to the kind in which consumers offer. Some prefer soy base, some whey, some vegetative, all offering essentially protein, in variable amounts, with variable calories related to flavoring and other notions to increase the components that make up the caloric value. Finally the initial meal of protein shake is paired with a ‘nutrition supplement, that ‘when broken down, is essential a mixture of super greens, and a probiotic. (Vitamin A,C,D,E, thiamin, ribo, niacin, b’s, calcium, mg, zinc, selenium, green tea, ginseng root, and so forth to make up the mvt. Next, we are given the second meal that is started with a nourishing blend of ‘fiber supplement: plant based soluble fiber); Followed by a meal of protein, and green vegetables: again, a weight watcher equivalent to 0 points. (Lean proteins are 0 points and greens are also 0 points). This morning nourishment is then followed with another supplement, that is basically caffeine, and green tea extract, cayenne, and some filler extracts, that some studies support the idea that the caffeine etc can boost metabolism, to increase burn;Lunch is now a meal replacement, using again the protein powder, but the powder is again, the low calorie supplement, which would equivalent to 10grams protein, and 50 calories. Just to put it in perspective, ww smoothie mix was 120 cal, and vi shape 90 cal, but an average protein powder is anywhere from 90-200 calorie’s). this protein meal replacement is then followed with a green tea extract, found in a product known as Matcha’. ( I had some sitting in my cupboard, and it was found at winners, tastes awful, with amazing benefit: lol); green tea is loaded with antioxidants and other added health claims), and is listed in many ‘dietary supplement ingredients for weight loss. The late afternoon, is again, a Protein and vegetable meal, which again, is comparable to a 0 point ww meal! Finally, the last meal of the day, is a lean smoothie: as discussed above, Followed by warm water, and a supplement that works to offer colon cleansing (Senna leaf and psyllium powders, with other natural cleanse ingredients: clove, aloe vera, garlic, ginger, dandelion root etc.Essentially: breaking it down a bit further demonstrated that:Days 1 and 2, 4, 6,8 totaled: 3 ww pointsDay3: eight weight watcher points (added afternoon snack of ? cup of almonds or sunflower nut\Day 5 and 7: 8 points: which comes from the allowance of 1 serving of grain with afternoon meal.In summary, for someone taking part in weight watchers, who consumed an average of 23 points per day would total 161 points a week, and in comparison, using this “fad Nutrition program” the total weekly breakdown of the above diet with supplement would be very low calorie intake, at 36 ww points. The significant caloric deficit then can be hypothesized to be the significant factor for rapid weight loss.This was the first time I took some time to read about supplements, and found it rather interesting to break into the components of high cost diet programs out there. (500/monthly)Most of us want someone to do the hard parts for us, and that is why many people find it easier to commit to eating restricted “cause IM on a program”. The problem is that this reduced calorie is significantly risky, for sustainability. Eventually the money will run out, eventually, we lose determination, and drive, and eventually we fall away from commercially prepared weight loss regimens. By breaking down this program, I hope it demonstrates the true nature of ‘these fad diets’. The no brainer loss, lies in the significant low calorie/low carb intake consumed day after day. The supplements help to nourish, and boost the bodies function, but I personally believe they are not the true reason for weight loss. Make 2019 the year you commit to healthy lifestyle. If you want to add antioxidants, and supplements to support your lifestyle, then do so, using more cost effective strategies. Reduce your daily carbohydrate intake, if you are over consuming, SHIFT your food choices, and allow yourself the opportunity to explore healthy food alternatives (lentils, lean proteins, and healthy soluble fibers! The bottom line, is a healthy lifestyle can be achieved, one meal, one choice at a time. Give yourself the freedom to explore, find balance, and reduce the burden of financing your weight goals. Add some exercise to put money back into your energy bank, and reap the benefits exercise can offer: weight loss, but more, a dose of energy, stress reduction, body toning, and time alone to self-meditate and compensate worry away!I hope this post has empowered personal insight, wisdom to research, and opportunity to find a program that can be as effective, with less cost, and less deficit. You are a beautiful creature, with potential to win at any challenge you face! The path that gives you direction is always a perfect place to begin, but the path that fulfills your wisdom should be the next path you follow! Forever shift, forever grow, forever change to the path you didn’t’ already know! You will achieve, once you find the strength to believe! I believe supplements can definitely enhance our cell structure, and allow our cells to recover, and I also believe that the addition of supplements allow us excuse to guzzle water, to also add benefit, to our system! Happy training friends, 2019! ................

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