BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program Frequently Asked ... - CyberGrants

BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Brief description These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) describe the operational process for the BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program (MGP).They describe the purpose of the MGP, how the program works, who can benefit, along with the terms and conditions and eligibility requirements for matching. The FAQs aim to give real and practical examples of questions regarding the Program to aid employees and site coordinators in thoroughly understanding the MGP.

GLD Compliance The Matched Giving Program must be implemented in accordance with the BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program Internal Procedure (Group Corporate Affairs) as required by Community GLD.008. GLD.056 Anti-corruption Audience Employees Matched Giving Program Asset Coordinators Asset Presidents / Group Function Leaders Group Corporate Affairs External Service Provider ? CyberGrants

Key contact

Jennifer Dawson, Manager Communities, Group Corporate Affairs Email: matchedgiving@

Version: 2.0 1 January2014 Revalidation date: 1 January 2015 BHP Billiton Group Corporate Affairs MGP Frequently Asked Questions

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BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. Program Overview................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Description .......................................................................................................... 3 1.2. Purpose ............................................................................................................... 3 1.3. Eligibility .............................................................................................................. 3

2. Community contributions ....................................................................................................... 3

2.1. Volunteering ........................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1. Volunteering for Sporting Clubs.....................................................................................5

2.2. Cash Donations ................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Employee Events ................................................................................................ 5

3. Matched Funding Limits ......................................................................................................... 6

3.1. Maximum amount for matching ........................................................................... 6 3.2. Minimum amounts for matching .......................................................................... 6 3.3. Timing of contributions ........................................................................................ 7

4. Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 7

4.1. Group Corporate Affairs ...................................................................................... 7 4.2. Asset Site Coordinators....................................................................................... 7 4.3. Operation Managers, Asset Presidents and Group Function Leaders ............... 8 4.4. Service Provider .................................................................................................. 8 4.5. Employees........................................................................................................... 8

5. Organisations .......................................................................................................................... 9

5.1. Eligible recipient organisations............................................................................ 9 5.2. Exclusions ........................................................................................................... 10 5.3. Designations........................................................................................................ 10 5.4. Decisions on eligibility ......................................................................................... 11

6. Application Process ................................................................................................................ 11

6.1. Online .................................................................................................................. 12 6.2. Paper ................................................................................................................... 12 6.3. Processing Time.................................................................................................. 12

7. Communication ....................................................................................................................... 13

7.1. Correspondence .................................................................................................. 13

8. Contact Details ........................................................................................................................ 14

Version: 2.0 1 January2014 Revalidation date: 1 January 2015 BHP Billiton Group Corporate Affairs MGP Frequently Asked Questions

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BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Program Overview

1.1. Description

Q: What is the Matched Giving Program?

A: The Matched Giving Program (MGP) commenced as a pilot program in 2002, at specific sites in three countries: Australia, South Africa and United Kingdom. This gave BHP Billiton the opportunity to develop the program and understand the issues associated with it. The MGP is now open to all BHP Billiton managed sites. Through the Matched Giving Program BHP Billiton increases employees' community contributions by "matching" contributions made to not-for-profit and community organisations its employees support. This means the Company will give the eligible not-for-profit organisation as amount equivalent to the money employees donate, or gain through employee only fundraising activities, or a donation in recognition of the volunteer work they do for eligible not-for-profit organisations.

1.2. Purpose

Q: What is the purpose of the Matched Giving Program?

A: This program supports employee community involvement by providing additional resources (the Company's matching donation) to those non-profit organisations supported by BHP Billiton employees. Through the MGP, BHP Billiton employees have a say in where the Company's contributions are directed.

1.3. Eligibility

Q: Who is eligible to participate in the Matched Giving Program?

A: All full and part time employees of BHP Billiton and any of its designated affiliates or wholly owned subsidiaries are eligible to participate in the Program. Where there is any doubt, all decisions on the eligibility of participants are entirely at the discretion of BHP Billiton. Contractors and family members of BHP Billiton employees are not eligible to participate.

2. Community contributions

There are two kinds of contributions matched as part of the Program: volunteering and donations. This also includes payroll giving and employee-only fundraising events.

2.1. Volunteering

Volunteering covers employee activity in support of an eligible non-profit organisation. Q: I used to apply once a year to match my volunteer hours and put in an application for a total number of hours. Can I still do this? Volunteering time must be signed off by an office-bearer of the organisation in the case of paper applications (but you cannot sign your own application). If you are using the online system CyberGrants will contact the non-profit organisation to confirm your volunteering claim. If you apply once a year you may include the hours from that financial year.

Version: 2.0 1 January2014 Revalidation date: 1 January 2015 BHP Billiton Group Corporate Affairs MGP Frequently Asked Questions

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BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Employees must also provide dates and hours of their volunteering on the online or paper application. Applications that do not contain this information will be deemed incomplete and returned to the employee before they can be processed.

Q: I took a week off work and volunteered at an orphanage in Africa. Can I claim all my hours?

A: The number of volunteer hours an employee can claim per month is capped at 40 hours. This is an average of approximately 10 hours per week and will be calculated by calendar month. The 40 hour maximum volunteering hours may be undertaken with one or a number of organisations.

The Health GLD (GLD.011) outlines the Company requirements for fatigue management and this cap on volunteer hours is in line with an assessment of the risk of fatigue on employees.

Q: I volunteered for an hour at my son's school. Can I claim for this?

The minimum number of hours an employee can claim for is two so in this case you cannot claim for your one hour, however if you plan to volunteer again at your son's school you can add your accumulated time and put in an application when you reach two hours.

Matching claims for volunteer hours must be made in whole hours, not part thereof i.e. if the total time volunteering was 4.5 hours the claim should be made for 4 hours.

It is not possible to pool volunteering time to reach the minimum, with several employees combining their efforts into one claim. Volunteering is an individual contribution, and the minimum level of two hours for one individual applies.

For team efforts each person must apply separately for a minimum of two hours volunteering. The MGP is to match individual volunteering efforts, although this can be done as part of a team.

Q: I am the President of a local community organisation and also a BHP Billiton employee. Who signs off on my volunteer hours?

A: If the BHP Billiton employee claiming volunteer hours is the Organisation's President then someone else from the organisation needs to sign off on the volunteering ? it can't be the same person, even though the President is the most senior person at the organisation.

Q: I attended my daughter's school camp as a volunteer. How many hours per day can I claim?

Attending school camps as a volunteer is capped at 12 hours per day (with a maximum of 40 hours per month).

Q: I am a foster parent. How many hours per day can I claim?

If an employee is a foster parent the daily cap for this volunteering activity is 8 hours per day and the match can only be made to an eligible non-profit organisation, not to a government department. You can only apply for matching hours you actively foster the child ? you cannot claim if your spouse is supervising the child while you are at work.

This also applies to fostering pets.

Q. We have an employee who has been granted 12 months leave without pay during which time he intends to fund raise for a cause. Can he apply for matched giving if the fund-raising/volunteering/donations occur during leave without pay?

A: Yes, employees can apply for matching of volunteering they have done on annual leave including parental and unpaid leave but claims while on sick leave, study leave or while an employee is suspended are not permitted.

Q: I give blood twice a year at the Red Cross blood bank ? can I claim this as volunteering?

A: Time spent donating blood can be claimed as volunteering time. This will be matched with the same hourly rate as general volunteering time. Each trip to give blood will be matched at the equivalent of one hour volunteering time. This means that you need to have given blood twice during any 12 month period in order to be eligible.

Q: Can I claim for volunteer hours for attending meetings at my not-for-profit organisation?

A: Volunteer hours can only be claimed for meeting attendance where:

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BHP Billiton Matched Giving Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

- An employee has an active role at the meeting e.g. holds an official position - Where it is a requirement of fulfilling the volunteer role to attend organisational meetings e.g. to arrange

volunteer working arrangements such as rosters and training sessions

2.1.1. Volunteering for Sporting Clubs

Q: Can I volunteer for a junior sports club and get a match? A: Volunteering activity for junior sports activities will only be matched where volunteers are actively involved in the game or activity in the `field of play' ? the coach and the referee (unpaid) or a first aid or ambulance officer attending the game. It excludes other activities such as pitch/green preparation, managing the team, timekeeping, scoring and administration, and travel time to matches. Volunteering for senior (adult) sports clubs (i.e. sports clubs for adults) is not eligible. Q: My rugby club caters for both seniors and juniors. What can I do to ensure our junior program qualifies for matching? A: If the word "junior" doesn't appear in the name of the sporting organisation or in their mission statement, the employee will be sent a designation request asking them to specify that the activity is for junior sports. A lot of the documentation that the sporting clubs submit as part of the due diligence process doesn't specify junior sport so we need this designation to allow employees to give to these organisations. The organisation will also sign off to say that the volunteering work was done with a junior sports team and that the funds will be applied to junior sports. Q: I do the accounts at my local junior sports club and occasionally coach the kids. Does this count as volunteering?

A: Your coaching activity qualifies but doing the accounts does not.

2.2. Cash Donations

Q: I sponsor a child on a monthly basis via credit card. Will this be eligible for a matching donation? A: Yes the application is likely to qualify if it is through an eligible not-for-profit organisation. You can apply each month, or once a year, when you receive the tax deductible receipt from the organisation. The matching only applies to donations in the current financial year.

Q: I make an annual contribution to the school building fund as part of my child's tuition ? can this be matched?

A: To be eligible, personal donations must be freely given, and not as part of a membership, or access to facilities or for some return benefit. For example, a compulsory contribution to the school building fund of an employee's child's school, or a donation as part of the membership fee or of a sports club is not eligible.

Q: I recently donated $100 of my own money to a charity. How much will be matched?

A: With the introduction for double matching from 1 August 2013 the company will now match your personal contribution with $200.

2.3. Employee Events

Q: Can I match funds raised from family and friends? A: Only donations made personally by the employee will be eligible for matching. Funds supplied by a third party for this purpose are not eligible. Misrepresentation will be considered fraud resulting in disciplinary action and potential termination. A detailed list of all MGP applications is sent to each Asset president/GM or Head of Function for their review on a quarterly basis to ensure that all contributions are reasonable.

Version: 2.0 1 January2014 Revalidation date: 1 January 2015 BHP Billiton Group Corporate Affairs MGP Frequently Asked Questions

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