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Project Physics Text 6, The Nucleus. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Protect Physics. Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. BR-5-1038


OEC-5-1C-058 128p.; Authorized Interim Version



brio-$0.65 HC -$6.58

Instructional Materials; *Nuclear Physics; Physics; *Radiation; Radiation Effects; Radioisotopes; *Scientific Concepts; Secondary Grades; *Secondary School Science; *Textbooks Harvard Project Physics


Nuclear physics fundamentals are presented in this sixth unit of the Project Physics text for use by senior high students. Included are discussions of radioactivity, taking into

account Bacquerells discovery, radioactive elements, properties of radiations, radioactive transformations, decay series, and half-lives. Isotopes are analyzed in connection with positive rays, mass spectrographs, notations for nuclides and nuclear reactions, relative abundances, and atomic masses. Nuclear structures and reactions are studied by using proton-electron and proton-neutron hypotheses with a background of discoveries of neutrons, neutrinos as well as artificial transmutation and artificially induced

radioactivity. Information about binding energy, mass-energy balance, nuclear fission and fusion, stellar nuclear reactions, nuclear force and model, and biological and medical application of radioisotopes is, given to conclude the whole text. Historical developments are stressed in the overall explanation. Problems with their answers are provided in two categories: study guide and end of section questions.

Besides illustrations for explanation use, charts of elementary particles and physical constants with conversion factors are also included in this text unit as appendices. The work of Harvard Project Physics has been financially supported by: the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P..Sloan Foundation, the United.States Office of Education, and Harvard UnivE!rsity. (CC)

An Introduction to Physics



The Nucleus


Project Physics Text

6 An Introduction to Physics

The Nucleus

Authorized Interim Version


Distributed by Holt. Rinehart and Winston, Inc. New York Toronto

The Project Physics course was developed througi. the

contributions of many people; the following is a pa. tial list of those contributors. (The affi:ia dons indicated arc those just prior to or during association with the Project.)

Directors of Harvard Project Physics

Gerald Holton, Dept of Physti s, Harvard University F Jam( Rutherford, Capuchino High Si hoot, San Bruno, Calif Flet. her G Watson, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Advisory Committee

E G Begle, Stanford University, Calif. Paul F. Brandivem, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc ,

San irancisco, Calif Robert Brode, University of California, Berkeley Erwin Hiebert, University of Wisconsin, Madison Harry Kelly, North Carolina State College, Raleigh William C. Kelly, National Research Council, Washington, D C Philippe LeCorbeiller, New School for Social Research,

New York, N Y Thomas Miner, Garden City High School, New YorK, N.Y Philip Morrison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge Ernest Nagel, Columbia University, New York, N Y Leonard K Nash, Harvard University 11 Rabi, Columbia University, New York, N Y.

90123 69 9876543


Copyright ?1968, Project Physics Incorporated.

Copyright is claimed until June 1, 1969. After lune 1, 1969 all portions of this work not identified herein a . the subject of previous copyright shall be in the public uomain. The authorized interim version of the Harvard Project Physics course is being distributed at cost by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. by arrangement with Project Physics Incorporated, a non-profit educational organization. All persons making use of any part of these materials are requested to acknowledge the source and the financial support given to Project Physics by the agencies named below, and to include a statement that the publication of such material is not necessarily endorsed by Harvard Project Physics or any of the authors of this work. The work of Harvard Project Physics has been financially supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Alf red P. Sloan Foundation, the United States Office of Education, and Harvard University.

Staff and Consultants

Andrew Ahlgren, Maine Township High School, Park Ridge, Ill. L K Akers, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Tenn. Roger A Albrecht, Osage Community Schools, Iowa David Anderson, Oberlin College, Ohio Gary Anderson, Harvard University Donald Armstrong, American Science Film Association,

Washington, D C. Sam Ascher, Henry Ford High School, Detroit, Mich Ralph Atherton, Talawanda High School, Oxford, Ohio Albert V. Baez, UNESCO, Paris William G Banick, Fulton High School, Atlanta, Ga. Arthur Berke, Nova High School, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Rolland B Bartholomew, Henry M. Gunn High School,

Palo Alto, Calif 0 Theodor Benfey, Eariham College, Richmond, Ind Richard Berendzen, Harvard College Observatory Alfred M. Bork, Reed College, Portland, Ore Alfred Brenner, Harvard University Robert Bridgham, Harvard University Richard Brinckerhoff, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H Donald 3rittain, Nalonal Film Board of Canada, Montreal Joan Bromberg, Harvard University Vinson Bronson,' Jewton South High School, Newton Centre, Mass. Stephen G Brush, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of

California, Livermore Michael Butler, CASA Films Mundiales, S A , Mexico Leon Callihan, St Mark's School of Texas, Dallas Douglas Campbell, Harvard University Dean R Casperson, Harvard University Bobby Chambers, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Tenn Robert Chesley, Thacher School, Ojai, Calif. John Christensen, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Tenn. Dora Clark, W. G. Enloe High School, Raleigh, N.0 David Clarke, Browne and Nichols School, Cambridge, Mass. Robert S. Cohen, Boston University, Mass.

Brother ColumLan Francis, F S C , Mater Christi Diocesan High

School, Long Island City, N Y

Arthur Compton, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N H.

David L Cone, Los Altos High School, Calif

William Cooley, University of Pittsburgh, Pa

Ann Couch, Harvard University

Paul Cowan, Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Tex

Charles Davis, Fairfax County School Board, Fairfax, Va

Michael Dentamaro, Senn High School, Chicago, Ill.

Raymond Dittman, Newton High School, Mass.

Elsa Dorfman, Educational Services Inc , Watertown, Mass

Vadim Drozin, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa

Neil F Dunn, Burlington High School, Mass

R T I:Hickson, University of Oregon, Eugene

Thomas Embry, Nova High School, Fort Lauderdale, Fla

Walter Eppenstein, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.

Herman Epstein, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass

Thomas F. B Ferguson, National Film Board of Canada, Montreal

Thomas von Foerster, Harvard University

Kenneth Ford, University of California, Irvine

Robert Gardner, Harvard University

Fred Geis, Jr., Harvard University

Nicholas J Georges, Staples High School, Westport, Conn

H Richard Gerfin, Simon's Rock, Great Barrington, Mass

Owen Gmgench, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,

Cambridge, Mass

Stanley Goldberg, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio

Leon Gouteveruer, Paul D. Schreiber High School,

Port Washington, N.Y

Aibert Gregory, Harvard University

Julie A. Goetze, Weeks Jr High School, Newton, Mass

Robert D Haas, Clairemont High School, San Diego, Calif

Walter G. Hagenbuch, Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School, Plymouth Meeting, Pa

John Harris, National Physical Laboratory of Israel, Jerusalem

Jay Hauben, Harvard University

Robert K. Henrich, Kennewick High School, Washington

Peter Heller, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass

Banesh Hoffmann, Queens College, Flushing, N.Y.

Elisha R Huggins, Datmouth College, Hanover, N H.

Lloyd Ingraham, Grant High School, Pc rtland, Ore.

John Jared, John Rennie High School, Pointe Claire, Quebec

Harald Jensen, Lake Forest College, III.

John C. Johnson, Worcester Polytechnic Kenneth J. Jones, Harvard University

e, Mass.

LeRoy Kallemeyn, Benson High School, Omaha, Neb.

Irving Kaplan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Benjamin Karp, South Philadelphia High School, Pa

Robert Katz, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kans.

Harry H Kemp, Logan High School, Utah

Ashok Khosla, Harvard University

John Kemeny, National Film Board of Canada, Montreal

Merritt E. Kimball, Capuchino High School, San Bruno, Calif.

Walter D. Knight, University of California, Berkeley

Donald Kreuter, Brooklyn Technical High School, N.Y.

Karol A. Kunysz, Laguna Beach High School, Calif.

Douglas M. Lapp, Harvard University

Leo Lavatelli, University of Illinois, Urbana

Joan Laws, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston

Alfred Leaner, MichiE in State University, East Lansing

Robert B. Glhch, Soli High School, Ohio

James Lind biad, Lowell High School, Whittier, Calif.

Noel C. Little, Bowdoin College. Brunswick, Me.

Arthur L Loeb, Ledgemont Laboratory, Lexington, Mass.

Richard T. Mara Gettysburg College, Pa.

John McClain, University of Beirut, Lebanon

William K. Mehlbach, Wheat Ridge High School, Colo. Pnya N. Mehta, Harvard University

Glen Mervyn, West Vancouver Secondary School, B C , Canada Franklin Miller, Jr , Kenyon College, Gambier. Ohio Jack C Miller, Pomona College, Claremont, Calif Kent D. Miller, Claremont High School, Calif James A Minstrel!, Mercer Island High Schocl, Washington James F Moore, Canton Hi-h School, Mass Robert H Mosteller, Pn Iceton High School, Cincinnati, Ohio William Matson, Jamaica High School, N Y Henry Nelson, Berkeley High School, Calif Joseph D. Novak, Purdue University, L arayette, Ind Thonr Olafsson, Menntaskohnn Ad, Laugarvatni, Iceland Jay Orear, Cornell Un wersilty, ltha.a, N.Y Paul O'Toole, Dorchester High School, Mass. Costas Papaliolios, Harvard University Jacques Parent, National Film Board of Canada, Montreal Eugene A. Platten, San Diego High School, Calif. L. Eugene Poorman, University High School, Bloomington, Ind. Gloria Poulos, Harvard University Herbert Priestley, Knox College, Galesburg, HI. Edward M Purcell, Harvard University Gerald M. Rees, Ann Arbor High School, Mich. James M. Reid, J %V. Sexton High School, Lansing, Mich.

Robert Resnick, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N Y. Paul I. Richards, Technical Operations, Inc., Burlington, Mass John Rigden, Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, Mass. Thomas J. Ritzinger, Rice Lake High School, Wisc. Nickerson Rogers, The Loomis School, Windsor, Conn Sidney Rosen, University of Illinois, Urbana John J. Rosenbaum, Livermore High School, Calif. William Rosenfeld, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Arthur Rothman, State University of New York, Buffalo Daniel Rufolo, Clairemont High School, San Diego, Calif. Bernhard A. Sachs, Brooklyn Technical High School, N.Y. Morton L Schagnn, Denison University, Granville, Ohio

Rudolph Schiller, Valley High School, Las "Vegas, Nev Myron 0. Schneiderwent, Interlochen Arts Academy, Mich. Guenter Schwarz, Florida State University, Tallahassee Sherman D Sheppard, Oak Ridge High School, Tenn. William E. Shortall, Lansdowne High School, Baltimore, Md. Devon Showley, Cypress Junior College, Calif. Wdham Shurcliff, Cambridge Electron Accelerator, Mass. George I Squibb, Harvard University

Sister M Suzanne Kelley, O.S.B., Monte Casino High School, Tulsa, Okla.

Sister Mary Christine Martens, Convent of the Visitation, St Paul, Minn

Sister M. Helen St Paul,O S F., The Cathonc High School of Baltimore, Md.

M Daniel Smith, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind

Sam Standrtng, Santa Fe School, Sante Fe Springs, Calif. Albert B. Stewart, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio Robert T. Sullivan, Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School, N.Y. Loyd S Swenson, University of Houston, Texas Thomas E Thorpe, West High School, Phoenix, Ariz. June Goodfield Toulmin, Nuffield Foundation, London, England Stephen E Tc tl.nin, Nuffield Foundation, London, England Emily H. Van Zee, Harvard University Ann Venable, Arthur D. Little, Inc , Cambridge, Mass W. 0. Viens, Nova High School, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Herbert J. Walberg, Harvard University Eleanor Webster, Wellesley College, Mass. Wayne W Welch, University of Wisconsin, Madison Richard Weller, Harvard University

Arthur Western, Mrtlboume High School, Fla. Haven Whiteside, University of Maryland, College Park R Brady Williamson, Massachu ,etts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge Stephen S Winter, State University of New York, Buffalo


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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